We ave PrePîwed 10 'i anin- Charist nas Goods. Cali early and rmake your selections. Wee lead bot'hi.n price and variety. Speciýîal value in Leather, Plush anad Oak Cases, Ferfumes, Parses, Shaving Mugs, Gold Spectacles. STOTT & JURY, :DRUGGIST & OPTIOJAN. GRAND TRUNK IIAILWAY7. BOWMÂN-VILLE S 2TION,,. GOîNO~ÂST G01NC WEST lOpee.127 'arn xP'rIess, . 6 07 arn Pa3ssonger.... 245 p wPassengzer ....8 39a m Passenger.... 7 07 p i Passeongr....2 29 p m B( 4 7ÂvYi î 24.18 94. Local and Otherwî&se. SrÂTEsMMýý and Ladies Journal for 1894 only $1-15,. Ca11 on F. C. Pethick thebaerwe waI1tin3g anythlng in hi. lihe. Arthur McQuade, xP, for SoUtIb îictoria died a' Omemee Sturdaýy, of Mr.N. N. Cole, of Winnipeg, and formerly of Cobourg, was in town the past wek reuewing acquaintances. Have you paid your subacription "Neyer put off tili to-m~orrow what yen cau do to-day" îs a very good adage te folio'.. Mr. E. H. Fogarty, ex-editor of the Sentiniel-Stair, ,was un Sunday ordained a3 an eider at the first Presbyteriar- cliurch,,Port Hope. The total vote in favor of the plebiscite in these Counties w.. 7040 maie, and 450 femùale; against mae, 2508, female 40. Mlajority for plebiscite 4,882. The trea,îurer's statement for West 'Northumpberiand Agriculturai Society Bhowed receipt8 for the past ye-ar $1459.,17 and expenditures $1271.54. Balanice on M1r. Samuel Burden, representing thE Un7pited Countiom of N orthumberland an Durham, Mr. Gilbert Bedford, represent. ing Seymour, and Judge Dartneil. Whit- by, as referso, met in Cobourg last week in the Conty Clerk's office for the pur- pose of gtting information for the tettie. mient of mater. iu dispute betweeu th( zoun1ties and the township of Seymour. 15 OLDEN TIMES- People overlookeý the tumportance of permanently benoficisl effects and were, satisfied with transieni ation; but nowthat il isgenerallyiinowi that Syrup of Fig., will permanently curi habituai constipation,' weli. informed peo pie3 wil l ot buy other laxatives, whiel Gec bosesto rmeut. Apply te iV[ A Mr., Rich Moe, 1Ms EIa Brookln, were ,caling ounf rienda heoe lasI eceir. Mir. and Airs. Jolin Suaccy are visiting relatives ut Bluevale sud otiser p'aces iu the Wet. The C. P. P, train that was on exhihi tien et theWod' Faim i. ncw on ihe run betwecen To)ronto and Windsor. Ladies wishing their hiait trinîmed or singed should cati on F. 0 Pethicir who liai fiîted np a very neat bambaèr shop op. pesi1te John Lyle'B tnew sce On Sunday moruii-Z R.v. C. Parker assisted by Rov. W.1Joilifa held a conu- bined baptismal, rceýption sud covenýut service lu the Mîdubchurch vhon une poison was bai d sud itteent ad ut. were recei-ved jinto fuli communion. Another reception service is te be h-3ld shortly. Oti Jan. 3, Airs. Win Lynu dieai the jhomestc-ud eideuce, lot 17, ccn. 5. A.sp- hodel, Petembo o Co., Fit the age of 85 years, 1 month. 23 day2, and 'within 48 heurs the husband,aged 95 years and ten unntha, folowed the partuer of bis j ys and sorrows te the land cf rest and hoth were buried in ooe grave. The Canad'an Horticulturisb fer Janu- au-y is full of vhIluable hints for fruit groveers. The Japan pluma ea described anid the f reutispiece is a beautif tl ceiored plate of the Burbank pum. Il also con- tains much information on floricul1ture. This jeurnal la the leading maga n» o the continent on fruit growing, sud la desetvedly very popular. .4ampe copies will be sent free on application ,te the editor Mr. L. Woolverto,(rimsby,Ont , who bias the largest fruit farmi in the pro. vincý)et0'Onta rie, Miss Jessie Alexander, Toront'. tel- eted eiecutiriî.t, wili aL)pear lu the Towen Hall on Mondey, Fe-bruary th, under the auspices of the Y. P. S. C. E. c)f St. Panl's church. Dont f ail te heur lier. Mai: The audience was enthesias- tic ai d appreciative. S, many were turned away iucn eqec of the esemi- *bly reom net being elastie that the enter. tairioseut i. ta bo epated (ouiMenday *eveniug Globe: She eunim)-3 au audi- ence te tears, convulse b!er heea-ers wilh leughter,, or tbiil themn witb excitement Fof the grindes t andi noblest paqions.--- Plan et bail opens at Bigý 20 Sabnrday, Jan. 27 ut 10 a.n.ii. Tickhits 25c. aud *35C. United Ceunlies ef Northumnberland and Durhams, comprise fourteen, ural municipaliteis. fivo villages, and with the re-admisaion, of Port Ucpe, two towno, and have a populotion cf 80,000. 1ta Council i. cornposed of forty-niue rnemb- ors ; iit bai four representatives in the Dominion Pariiam unt, and four nernbers ecbo tha sentiment, of their coustituents in the Lemisîstive halls, at Tý,rente, Iu e mental calibre,the mombers of theCouneil 0 wili comý-pare fsvorably wluh sanie of the aeposolyhigerbranches of tbe logis- liiîurez. '[be Counities are a princeiy de- ,t mciwiclvealth aiîd itmperttace. wili tek cne ecndryplace lu compari- Sonwi;h an oher cuuntry 7lu 1Ihe povîZCce '-S11tine! tar. Lsxis 1M isFER -To maüy popewb ahave the tint of scrofala lu their blood, a Tise iagonies cau-ci by the dreedful rurining sorei sud other rnsift station of -thiadiseesie are beyeud description. There k is neooeremedy equal te Hoed'a Sar- Sseparilla for scrofala, saIt rheuîn and -evecy focmof blod dis5eaae. Itis reasen eably sure teae ftaIl who givo il a fait We are doing a big tradb lu NOTE PAPER,PADS, ENVELOPES, etc. Corne in and see our low prices. GRAND CENTRAL. act for a limie,. but uonaîîy injure the 1 SrTTqESMAN, Ladies Journal and eyaten.__________ Premium Book $1.30. La.dies Only Compete. 1 Great .leughtec in overcoats at Mason'. clearing sale. Se he hig, reducions lu Prof. Higginu, the galimanager of prîces lu thaîr uew edvb. the Kickapoo Medicine Co. wlîose entar- Cali et Raines' Carniage Works teosue tainymeats have beau drawing sncb cowd- their noew cutters bof ome prchasing-it ed audiences te the Town Hall every will psy yen bandsomely. night for the pet twe woaku, lu prorid- Maynard the Jeweiior enu slli yen Ing a unique contesl for Ibis Wednesdey watcheg, cdocks sud jeweilery cheaper seuing. Ha offée a pretty French than . uy ene else lu town, Why ? Bean f Chiina Tee Set et 44. plecs-a reel iovely the stock was bought et 60c, on the $ sel-be thle lady who will saw ln Ibree LÂnîIEs-Ask for Heaok's Sot aie Polish places a four-inch quare cordwood stick for fine boots sud shees. Use no othoer the quickeoit. 'Tho coutea-, wll take and yon will be selisfled with the esult. place on tisa platform ln u fnl'iew et the For sale hy Ai. Treleven, D. Daris, Jue.t atidienoce.' e wenl to se >e ibis coulest McMnmtry, and, T. G. Magon. Menu1 as wte expeet sReveral Bowrnnriil ladies factnred by A. J. Hook, Bowmanviile, td'tnier. '[home is conaidereble excita- FJSFas ua aigbuh mneDe ovr ilin twu. argely and the weather s0 mild, the stock must ha sold. I bave conumenced If you wat thq hat Frewing machine giving 10 per cent discounut te ail cash made, coul on Rickard. customors, se corne aiong and bring your .AUl kinda et Furs selliug off ut coul price triends with yen. '[ha stock is large sud1 at Conch, Jehneton & Orvderman's. 1 A-One.,Ai. MÂXYER, '[he Furrier. Sable, Persien Lamb, Bearer, Beltie Now whle the beys and girls are etj Sesi, Nutria aud Oppoaaum Furusou'fl homo for Xmaaýý why net have a toamiiy ' ing off 'aI actuel cost at Conclu, Jehnston group takee et Tait & Cos Studio. '[hu'y & rydermaan's. make excellent work and guaranrea Any euic.h bougis et MAiuor'à eut froi. satisfactiotn. Do't Btey away hecausei Se ew advt. thea sun lunet shining. t ni -kes Pe dit- Nou heter noe heoer honmyfereuco. Offie heurs 9 e in. bi 5 p. m. stock et gro,_ceies, fruits, spices, etc. Veypet icture tramnes for sale. W, H. Oshomneî. '[ha third page cf the Tuoronto Daiiy Anyoo wshig a05ngotil Acl isla uted for "Want",acdrartisoment by chiig a Air. Dncatcr' su pu ijf yen want a situation, a mochaulo, a chyesling eue et.heuoacyhith tiinandbabsbusiness, machinory, Iodging, if yen have $12.Ars. Doueaorfat or fonnd anytling. If yen wonlte lind out where auy eue is, adyetie lu Jue. J. Masoi.s hoiugazaried and fiTrno al alan edts pretty assortusont t en emhroiderod dratseetsoaise taiard a t tsa andhmsicîu isdkcie a per, '[hoIecllangEzoistwocenatsa word (JIl andhv e a leokett1 ham Ieni inurtion, or ton cents a word for loge for sle cop Now i. yunr chaýncerntCaaa boys te et colegeceurse fuor ltl 'Ye enie ipa. W money. Apply eu, M.2, Jamecs. pretty tius. 1mw Iorely." Theso% Aniy pprson vlkwssat e îs n eu iuu inilar rome1-rka weýre artîcileoetfur for cbc iese]dcalont ohoar o Stîrdy ateooeslet tas 1,. Mlayer, tho pract,'ýîiLa] fiiet', Bwa-the mauy ruai metj1jrs ib sie tsestr Ville.lie i lîgiss "i;temftock ut et J. J. rn, itoe !e h ipuu big rdcins ue<f alresipun tSilVer er Tit & Ce. ae tilt2th o- pacJ j'[b nstCE et Christnazs gou)da in ii are bumuug uibotteSý' p1b3 th tlnolacnii: 7y repC, nlutise pretti-@t tu firnebten9. u n p n.p aohave yoo loc Ibrnghu Petbick's bath ,r làpluthe jplkce te get $750 oncathe plate s Suiiy. - 11ev, J. Cbhie;,lm, B. A, ubaon i. mederator et WiithyPrbtey Teachers wili undiustand that Brils aund Canadien hie ory q7es'inuus witl ho sel fer the Entrance examiiiiaions-. Lerînox C unty Liberails hiave choseni '[hos. Syinglocn, merchut, Np 'esu their candidate for the Ouitaie Legýîsia- uLicense CommiEsiouers: South liOtaieI0 De-, Rie, Jea. Watso)n, Juoe. Tweedite. West Nomhumberlaud(, Jueo. Bovd, T'hos. Lavleas, Dr. McNiehol. West Durba, R. Wvindatt, fi. MdleoJuo.Huhs Now i. your lime toetelcheap PhotIos in the latest stylo. Thiuk cf it ,Cah-inet:s full figure et $.3adMikad'. at $1I10. Pucees novur before beaî-d cf. OKIl ai the gaiecy, opposite Benuett'a Hoel sud ase thse un. lai Ti ce pT tiý hl SE J th ai il I e i I v D 'i Aîis. Dr. Merlan Oliver whe boa hand a I rge and socceaeful experience i luadicel erk in Centrai Ipdia, wiii speek on aissieru life in St. Paul's Schi elroom on Phursday'eveuning et 7.30 o'clock. Public îrdiaiîy invlted. Collection et the door. '[ho Miyer ard Aldermen f,,r 18,1i ere hespirallveuteýrtaiued mt tbe3 flue sidence oet Air. Juuh'u Lyle, C'suIe" eo aheunteons aýujp'r (on Thuraday night e-k. '[h aud was e ttin ne n ioayed anumur of solections, te dde ight cf ail preseenr. Speechies wero made ?y Mayor Loscombe, Rere Prwe, x. lepuby-reove Worth, Deputy-reu,ýve Allen), r. Beith, Air. Ly'e iand tis Princiniai cf ,e Seuths Ward . 34rd.y(M . CKeith, Dr, Bnimecembe aed7\11% John NMaynamrd. o.swere sung hby MisGlover aud Air. iHuipany and amml pessan,-t eVenifl4 'as spenit.- 'le new offluýer% et the Pîebyeîr Scie y iii this preisytecre ,elect, (_Let the auual nîotirv' At Port Perry at week ir: Presider.tt. Miss Drîutnuoid, Nv saEil., Vice Premiionts, MVcm. Fraser, Bovriu.anvilie, Aird. E stuuun, Ohv lis McGi!livray, Wisitby; Cîrrespeud- ï,ig secmousry, Miss MeBuld -, Port Perry; R.ecording socreýary, N Mus Bt!n, Oh fwai, Troaurer, Airs, Currie, Por)t -Perry, rwswi'h ceumet:tatthe teieypr3 e.1 with Miss Gordon who bs ho n pres- ient for tan yea,ýrm. Aui addr' ssï reýd by ~Iis Br e hal'c Bowrnainvi le, co- puied by a pores., waes -, .sen ete Mto iss GeriJoa who Lu'ingly rpid A vemy pies. unI tirne veas spint Fi.*iay rvening by Home Circle No. , lei the S. of E. autli. Afier Lesýallatien cuf ,fficers the meeting ws threwu eopen te vhiter, ef wbich there wero a goodly sumber present. A goed progýram iwas rendered. 'Tho chair vss ably filled by M[r. Geo. E. Maynerd. 'Tha litocary prezrem wes wel snstaitied by Aeaa S. W. Mascu, W. Palubonl, W. J. Todg- saux, sud the musical part by the lMiisse hfebel, Etta and Aiaggic '[cit. t{eFresh- mnub we;-e servel te a'i. Persons wâsh- ing a cheap inturance canti d ýo bottýer tben becomew a memtber et Canadien Home Circe A yenniýg laly f ývorabl!y known in Bow- munvuille, Miss Mlaud Mas-en, dýauiitar et i mnet wt pe lraccidenit Wb-iIa leainga acata indow curtoý -I i he3 ,Olt the prick (f a needie n berarme, but Litthe wms theuight cf ilanutdilie th em bho came rery psinfil. '[heucaeu x - inatien disc]oed tise fect tbat the needfle which labad hn s'icking lu the curtain, hsd enteredn the arn. Atfer working for about two heurs Dr. Yeliand suced ed in exbractiug tihe needie ab-ive the alueul- der, 'Tho poiuted steel had worked f rem iuidway betweou the elhow and shoulder where il entered, up above the Bhouidor before it could ho extrected. AIl who are troabled with Constipit- ion will i fnd oatae, sure, and apeedy re- lief In Ayer's PuIls. Unlike momt other cathartics, these pilla streugthen the ste- mach,, liver, sud bowelo, and restecîe the orgens 3te normal and megular action. Oaa thouseud bushels Alsike sud other cdorer seed wented. ,W. H. Os)- borne. A Remarkable Cu-re. Mr. Wmi. Goodman who ha. badL th() cdntract for itreet watering la 'this tojwu for soverai years and who, has b een ter- ribiF crippled with rheurnatierm wa3 lu- dnced to let Prof. B.âiley of the Kicleapoo Medicine Co,, operate on hlm withi the ludian 'Ohsund the reAult bas been'littie shortcf marvelcus. Aeter one thorough troatmout bu threw aide bis cante ard for roveral days bas been wal-king uII,1aid. ed around town apparettly as weIl as ever. He informed us yoaterdaiY hob bas net had a gcod night'a rest f.rrnmany months bofore this treatimeî,,.N ethe pain i. gone and ho sloeps seuidlý!y. This romarkable cure bas gvnihe pub lic confidence lu the merb of tlb Kick- ap(jo remedies tbu.t any amount cf tes3ti- meaidis from uxuknovn porson.s cou!d not [beyý are zeiiing great quantities, of thie m3dicinos and hundreds of teeth lhave beu extracted, country pcople cciu l Lyreat nunuhors te 5usd r3lief. On Mou day over 270 te6h were extràcted, HOW It Wka1 DDon,, Muuîdy evec!ýiuga-Ub3 oMR 1b the Town Hall. IF,.r ye-ir h h. ea sufferer froim hnas, ut ra difficu'ty gftiu g 1ut wih IA crutc.I,ý AMr. Jdrirn-u,,b"" -S priysripe",j laid onl a tabe .anajonigre Prc;f i.'vt ~ ot eldu hia isa u n a de 3nbo ,,tîl c t ÙD tepaintwui ryot ri Aflo 'l eight btixc il were ap1-1 d FIýtherrns a ee uev h an F. G'a r ret C. Kent ) C 1-lowns W. . Japhn, hitby, Cowbe),ýy J. Sand,Cow W. Shaw," N. _McLaiuglini, baby W, S. AicKewiu, colored doda J. A1. James, Arnerican Deutist N. B. J amos, Stanley lu Africa C. Maynard, Page J. Sinclair, Negre Gent F. Couch, Snow Shees. G. Trewiu, Negre) couple F. Nertheote, F. Fleury, Saulor J. Rico, Cheveliers dle W. T. Allen ,f Charlamanun Coiored yeuug people teaýhîig the girls te skate-Maie, G. Awde(, M. Cryd- emman; Female,F. Jouess, AI. Hutchison. OsnÂAw A DARKTOE BANI). Messrs Adamus, W. Luke, W.'Dowliuoe, E~. E. Regers,MilerT. Morris,T.,Bowne. Ceaor.ED DDuS. H. McMurtry, B. AicMurtry, il. Brins- teombe, W. Kerr, A. Walbidýge, 'I. Galbraith. NECItO LACRO,3 CU 1ýa. A. E. Young, Manager; C. McClung, F. A Burden. J. Elemue, N. Jennings, S. Morrison, F. Oihorue, T, Knigbt, C. Keith, H. Weekes. KNîIGrSTS0F THE ROAD. E. Crozier, F. C. Pethicir, E. Parka, C. Jeffery, O. Mayer, F. Morris, W. Jewell, G-. Fleming, W. Downey. We weicomo hsck again !Vt. Ozicar Scott and famiîy fern Dakota. Oldt Timo Caniedian Sebools us an un- terestýing article ouI inside pge. M r, j ý. W. Se;nhoff's address at Ramnpton cii11 1Menday wili appear rext week- flor,.Eisard B'ake veil aedmua maps 1 eting in M iia .,xt Mniday nugist on Home Rulo. Alla Brland has reLarned from West- ern Oikuarie veheri the bas be-n viaiting s4ace rata * i-iiig frein the Word'. Fair lu n10Ve jucal iffic,3rs Alici îe ? the supper snd me-eting 15G. Air. A. H1. Blsckeby cf ît Grand P.dtriarLch of the Granîd Enceusipinenrt , f Otripuuid Albert i uupno;No2 au officaK i riit MOnda-yuLight. We cengratulate our worthy townani Mr. Chsas. '[od, ou bis e'erýion aI the lutt wectin, te the honarable position of Chtirnuo f thb, Bo îrd cif Education for the teven. f-t ie asfer rnany yeara taken an actlv.. hi, reat in our pchocîs and weI de'seuvas thue pretex usent. The exampe e aute Bowmecviile Metuh odista fý r liberalty i% apparently belpftil te ether churches. On Sunday Rer. T. W. Jolliffe asked bis congre galion lu Campbtliford te place $150 ou tbecoi- tien plateex, au advance (if $12 cni lasI year. Teeýy ,uesponded hy giring $200.54 Wal doue, Camnpbehlford' Don't uls eiî the Wi,od Sawiug Race 1b t er Le,%-',;-f. r ia French China tel. set W, ineoeriay7 e. un1 aI the Kucka- -Poo sýh ýw 'flueBKau,,e-il g CQeaUt qaturda1ýy ere:juuin f r evhihepriz.o, D 'tfaul te senL'l ti À csiiren te the noonPunc eudJui1,Doan od bis Banijo, newbi8-.1e.,et, 1uda boa ai lon't miss seaing t- a venu lerfulcures mode rightly whuu nuer patienits are pro- socted fur trcat-,t. TO RP'SIST TIfE A TTA GR? -of the germa of Consumplion, Serofula, Gnip, Malaria, and many other diseases-means ligbt or dia for a.1l of ns. These germs tare every. wh1er'e in the air we breathe, The odds are in faror of the garnis, if orliver is inactiLýve and ourblood impure. \Vh1al is ueedod Most is tin inerease u 17r mu-ihting ,strength. To do this successfnlly younened to put on lteaft/uy flesh, rouse the liver te, vigorous action, so it w.il1 throw off these germm, and purify the blood soi flhat tisere will bc no "«weal spot," niom soi! for germu-grow,ýthl. XVe Cdaim for Dbr. Pierc'olen idedical D)isaeeveiry, that it dosal Lbis ina -ay peeu1iar to itself. Il is the developmenit cf geremLi.ýtons of medical thossg(ht-it has stood the test of a quarter of an tuyof cures. That is wby the xnekers eau guar- antee il. Lu every trouble caused y torpid liver or impure blood, if the 01D iscovery " feuls t1 benefit or cure, your money is refunded. Tbecre wolnt e auy cas-es of Chr-onie Calarrh if everyonie used Dr. Sage's Rmd.There's k'i0O rear fr u nube case, r e nobhyve.tîe 'ýCrU eG .Hie' iz sal T-et wxt iine Fer tse hst sore u thamaileo tho leppy hoegh et Eaell' Statoney, FncyGoods, Wall Paper, Window Shades, -Pictbure Frames, Go to' BIGC-1 ýO We have ail kinds of Cewing Machine Needies always! in stoc2k:. Subseriptions taken for Mlagazines and Newspapers at Iowest rates, A fuit supply of Daily Papers as on hand. W. T'. ALLEN Templars' At Home. T[he meet enjoyable sud iurerestiog' meceting wbich the Royal Templare have bicd for some timne, w.. that on ui[esdaiy ovenîng, Jeu. 16.'[ ha Council bas à.aýai orgenized inte msdes fe,,r the furnishing et the programm-e, witb Miss McKeowné av d Air. F. H. Joues. as the rsetv leaders. '[o uterd trei.increasin;i rapilanld ibeintres taken by al *preýse1it 7indicaýto, a very pleesant and p rof, itable sa1 ofoc t 'ho Council. '[ho ,,At Brn"given by2Mipss AiKeawn'a side ou the ere ,ý; s i entioned1, w;sa a de-- cidied suceraslil rastéectq, sud erery- euie Wa'13 h veutriredand cenjeyed il much, as sevidleut from tiseprevailing desire te )prolon.--!the meeting atter the usel laime, but eccordýiug te the cistom cf the Council the heur of ten o'clock for clsigis imperatfive. TAKE NOTICE. During ýthe year t0o spce devoted to edvertisiug MINARDS LINIMENT will contain exprestions of no uncertein souud front peopie wbo sp îsk fcom par- sonal exruerienoa as te the mnet. of this hest e o o-.su-hsId R.uaedile8. C. C. RicHmÂuDS &u Ce. CASH FOR POULTRY "teue isderîigtced i. preparad te psy tI'e highýest cash plice for aniy quantity cf Peiî,ry ins dluthe fil)ewiug nanr B 0,11Ï drypicked, avesl an ad haad unicked(, aeud u.1 drawo7j.1 AIse Cash 1paid fer bau, ried ies eggq, butter, and dressed hogs. P. S.-Fowlis te fasi t a ý,st tweu4y- four boums before being killed. KiIi by bleeding well lu the urck; do fno. wring the neck. JAMES MANN, First door eat cf Bennett fiouse, 47-3uu* Bowmanville. Notices of Births, 24 cents;' marriages. 50 cents; Deaths, 50 cents, eaeh Insertion -but FIZEE OF CIIAKGE, when the runeral carda are iprinted at thls Oflice 1BI3RTML. RgsNRY-Near Tyrone. Jan. 15, toA Mr. and Mrs. Samuel J, Henry. a daughter. WooDwAPD- In Orono. Jan. 10, thbe wife of Mr. Enos Woodward, of a son. DIED. O'DELL-At Port Huron, Miok., Ja n. 18, Mr, H. B, F. O'Dell, of Oshawa, aged M~ years. fl OUSES FOR SALE,-Three brick- bJ ouses ou Liberty st. for sale or reut. W.ý !?. R. Cauýker. box 189, Bowmanville. S3f SflOP TO RENT.--That convenient shop recently occupied by H. Buaner, shcernaker- King st. Appiy te .lOS. TEFEERY, Bo n anvlie.. 2-3w fl OUSE TO RENT.-A seri-detached brick bouse on Church artreet lstely, occupied byCalot, Crawford. Terrns moder'sîe. Apply tu A. J:. or T. BiNGdAMu. Bow. mauv vilee,43-tf. BULL yOR SALÉ. -Thoro'- bred Im. 1n portel Bull, fL'ulderwood; color red-qood worker, sure getter. and stands emou~No. animai l Canada. Ternis to suit the trnes P. DYER, Columbup, 3 -3S Ç'[00eK WANTED.-Mr. W. R.P- Zjaweri. inthe mnarket to buy sto re or fât l3eef, Milch Cows, young and fat Calves,Pis Lambs andPoultry. Âddress W. R, R. CAIV ItER, boýx 189, Dowmanville, or et bis residlenc;e lot 9, cru.l1north of Caledonin Milis. 3-tt F ARM TO RENT.-For a Lerm of vears. that most destrable home, j mls. vorth of Newcastle known as the Munro Hlomestead. Fail piowiug ail done; immediate pssson. For further particulars apply te CuesWright. 1Esq., Barrister, Newcastle, Ont. 2- 1w 1_11R TO RENT for a term ot years. .Tatdepsirable farrn, being the South -,0 acres of lot Number 16. lu the third Con. ait tise Townsi p of Darlington. the property o! Mr. E . G. l3rk 0f, Uampbellford. Puit particulars 1can- btýoblà d b1Y apviyig te B. BURKtE SMS Barseetc,-,, nauville. 36f Godoeigfor rtght m-an, on salary or cern uxisicu Whie o pat une.We are tie-, ouly grovvers of bath Canadinu au ad Auxican stocýk, N'urseies at Riýdgeviile. Ot., aud RccbeterN Y. isrweicome ýDat F-round2 ýýý(Sunays 7 cpto.)Be QuljCk ad wrte for fil, information W wntyo _w BROWVýN BUtOS, CO,, Toronito, Ont. (ThJaI ouse it a Eiaboc. Co.,Paid Capîtal ALL OUR SHEET MUCSICI 1Redud tO 5 cents; ).y mail 6, cents. CLta,. 10OsUe frea.MRVN UiC OUtýE,1 IDETROIT, MICHý'ï-t M EMBER 0F COLLEGE 0F PYIIN and Surgeons, Ontario. Offiýce, CgS. First deor weet of Ontario Bank; Res-idenice, Church SC.-Sth dooreasr ot MethodIist Ch'ýu-~ Bowmanville. FOI' YOU TOC)_' 17 ;i_ïCT W IIEN FOR'or, m lan can bave yo,-ur EYES per- fEctfully 1tt - y T" N. RIO'KARD, wVatzh iako, Jeweler, Something for th'le LADIES. Mrs. DANCASTER wllsell i he entir&, stock of WINTE R GOODS at and belowý cost. Feit ilats aM 1 have also alreasotctoe Wings and L'irds whIidhi will >-,I for hiaif Iliec ost prceA',il'brim-. maed ogoods 1-01datget euto for the reaide of the , aon flats dyedd re-.shapýed in tho latest styles. Ag-ent fi Robinison Corset Co., which neyer fautto gv ~if tieni. A cal licî'Ut(dL)2,No -tro1 àT Vive E w.; iMOn 1-t Ci.ssa 55 centq per 4100) - - d 5 1 1 19 T e r , 4 e r ýrd . 90 r 100) Most of West Durham'spoinn arnr are insured lit. R. J. DOYLE, E q, JESS TULL EW manager, Prealdent, Oweouud, po()wn:anv,ýlie WSiII cal on receipt oet poil card., Agent fer VWest Dcrhnaml, AW. FOLE , ox 14, oft15acwres or 146 acres sýitu'ated Plu the township ef East Whitby 1.1 con, lots 15 and 16 on thoBase n, about 1 mlesfrom ç) 3a.. wa station, 2 mil1es from Whitby and 6c'roda from tlse shoihos . Lrge oony buildings. mnaitbstu 5x3 ft, pienity of fruit. soi11 day loam. aitogllether Ooelo the beat grain farm5d on the Lake Shore. zNo hîliaortueAbout 10) acres o! wood. 775 acre)s in pas3tutreaud fresi% seededî. Termis easy, Jiirst polgdole, For furthor particiuar apply ta A1. xl Osba, 3. 7-tf,ý AGRAND criICEte ake trous $15 to $25 per week i. sePiig aur Har1dy' Caniadien Grown Nurery Steexz. Iih te ou2tfit frce. Speolel iinstr uc!jtio tebagursý. Write tliLs woek fori- m aE O Iuîai Narseryrnan., Toronto. Ont, 2S Our o(der mada Iat ,wueekfor iuew s, - Children Cry for P~tcher's Câstor~a~ IÉ?îeýeýeýture ea !dWmys val 1 and. K D. (3, )ýlil cure clironi M conatipation.