a TERM8 :-S1,50 PIB Â~~~x. OUR TOWN ANTD OOUNTY FLRST: THB WORLD AJTERWÂRDS. M AE r~~iit t~ISEIS BOWMÂNVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDÂY, JUAY3,84.VOLUME X-L.Num-BEt Stock takirig sale at 0 STYLE, DURABIÎLITY, JOHST &ORDEMANSU os te 'bOC UJUUUII pî1E~ ____ SIMES. 0 TIiOE MARK REGISTERED. WTetake stock about the , waigu1 adaý. ALk yor dcaler fer -~ fijrst of Ivaron.and wigive great-- bargains beforetht#.Eae:oocIiue time in ail kinds of QurelnetiTYLONE weeingin Tr Ail kinds of Furs at- OOST IPRIGE, A lot of DressGoods at about HALF PRICEL Alil Ladies' Ulsters and Jackets,, at about HEAJIF PRICE. Our stock must be reduced ai-d goods will be sold ex-j actly as advertîsed, GOUH, OHNTON& ORYDERMAN, BOJWMANVILLE. Creditors' Notice. Lb 1îhe maUei cf the .Lstate of William lipdr an ate of the town of oîmn aiin the CcZAty cfDro, iie NÏotice ia bereby given pursuant te Chapter IL0 . 0-O 188S7. that ai pecrisons havin' elaims againast the estate cf WI. CRYDERMA-N la-ie of the tcwa cf liowmanvitie. in the oont f D'urham, retired Farmer, decoei wo died on or abu the 8,h day ef Dec.. 1393, ae ouestedl ta delivor or sond by vost pro- vatd on or before the tent.h day of February, 1191, te the uo2derstg -ned Solicitor, avt.emn In wrttng containing fuit partieulars et their --aais an d ofthe nature cf thosecnritestf any) imtd by themn againat the estateo'c the aaid Aýnd notice ia hereby further given that eX4tcr the~ said tenith day of February 1898. ilieý Ecuo f the lasi will and t otmnt cfthe satd doceased wiil preced te dtstribnte Cho a3sos of the satd cetate thereof among thoc parties entitled thereto having regard oniy te Lsnch dýaimsj as they shil have notice cf as a!3ovo- rpcuireid, Und the said executors will n u e liable for the assos or any part thereof seu dlstribtîted, ta aoy pàrson or persona of whese dlaims lie shali wct have received noticea at the timie of isnb distribution. oictrfor F'Necrtcr2' Bowïm1aVlle. Pu-wianvi-le, Jan. , 1, 2-4 -v L' NRYS OLD STAND. Best1 cf PhotoY',s nt lowest Possible pcs. Cail at file Gallery, OPPO"SITE B)ENNETT'S HO-1TEL. AUl work guaranteed. hae on P5000 the latest style ln Cabinet 1hts if not oeil and sec thein. 1a ir turning ou, fine worlr. F . CARLEsS,-. Sohia Ip 01j.sli. 1Ïock1'LsoSfais Sh;loe 1,D17 fo ldretns fIne Bjz-osand Shees i5îe to eatis or sud lteep h -'lv l'hihhie a;u or i antios trom Whutby- Admirable Cor stock bing oitonstvety luto ci- stock raisini' Cc, n wîtl, ~-~t5t o, Mr. D. Taylor and wifc an]. Mr. John biru are improving... . M. John Balm., or la visiting hia sons in Mich., U,S. Mly lititle boy hadl a severe backlng coughý, adcould net sleep at night. 1 tried Illag3%rd'«s PcCtoral alamfo)r lm an ho ras curvd at onc. rs, J. flaokctt, 1Lin woadJ, Ont. Among the visitera: Mr. A. Foillard and wif e, îOnono; the Misses EIrnýes, Biirketen; Mlàv. 'W. A. Tomn, Solina; Mâr. G. Wilhbur, Mt. Vernion; Mr. Jno. S. Brown, P'UbliBhe1r, Paris, gueat of MV. J. J. cibso0n.. . . Speiai meetings are well attenilddund increasing in intere8t... N. Byers has purchased building lots from Mr. Wan. all and Mr. Cee. L. Stovens. Have ne equal as a prompt and poaitsvo cure for sick hcadache, biliouness, con stipttion, pain in the ide and ail liver troubles. Oartor's Little Liver PlI!. Try them). KIRBB Y. Recent isitera : Mr. and Mrs. F. iFleuiry ai Mr, J. L. Power's; Mrs. Walt. er James, Suniderlaud, and Mra. Robin. soni, Port Hlope, at W. Thornton'p; Mr. Walter Riokard and sister, and Misa Mabel Clemience at Mr. W. Clemence's; Miss Ethel Powers at Mr. iF. Flenry's, Bewmanville; Me. John Winters, IRarm- cny, at Mr. Hl. J. Power's; Mrs. J. E. Varcce and sister at- Mr. J. Tyreman's; Misses Carrne Biroli aud Minnie Me- IGinnis, at El. Birch'e, Pontypo ol; Mossa. Spears, Little, Britain, aud Hutchinsimon, Lïasowel, at Mr. NV, 1levett'a; Mrs. Ed- ail Bîllhngs, Port Perry, et Mr, S. M. Billng's. ... Mr. E. Birchi wonu ý15 -pviues at Port iHope Poultvy ohbte...NO tidings yet o1 theoe married man wh,- eloped with an innocent irl fvcm horo . .Miags JennieWan ,S 'h lice AdliiSt. BapistOhrh Luon Oýnt., certifi!es, " 1 have used the remnedy kniown as K. D. C,, au'1 have oudiËtot givo relief when- the stoinarch did netÉ pro- perly digest thl, afood ete A Free Sample cùf the K.DA, wil bo forwarded te no deaïq K. D. c'Co. Ltd.,,- N-G1so ,;N. S.and 127Stt StBostoli Mss. r- 1'uI Pace iaclî 4 -- - etc,, is abUte cen. trai Buain Col-.* * tluquestionably Can~da's Grenteat Cons-. * merdai Sciseols. Cataoaue-s mc P.' - with refreshxnents Tuesday eveni.ng Admissioni 10.. Good pregramatDv ision Thursdaiy eveniing to large audience ... Mate-r J. Penfondé, Ooiirlce, is visiting here.... Ail,ýkelover repoýrted yiel"dinig well in this viinity With a bott]e of Ayer'sChierryPectoril in the hoiise, yen have an effective remeody for ail sudden sttacks of throat and bing troub!e,. An hour's delay m3ay lead to serlous conscquenices. No honsehod should be wthent fths wonderftil nedi- cdne. J80LIXA. Mr. W. Cla-ko visited Cartwright friends recenty... . Mr. Thos. Pascoe, Deputy Reeve, attended the Counties (Jouncil at Cobourg last wreek.... .Clover oeed yields w...... -Patrons received 30 tons sait 1bat week .... Mir. G. O. Black preaches in Advent church next Suidýýy morning a- d eeig. r.Edwa1rdý Pascoe is recovering fro.m iLa eri épo.... Visitors: M si Beaceck, of Blackstock;, Mr. GQOa. Awde, Bowm1%1nville; Mr, M. J.~ ~ ~ ~ 1 Gi1) shw;M . Caineron, Orono; Miss Hastin)ga, Ilmmpton; Mr.1 D. Blair, Taurnton. SO -N, 11a,. -lth, 1894. DEAnBRovlEit ti the Officeqrs and Memnbers of Slira Divi: ion, No. 40, Sono of Tenipranico, desire to exprees to you our moa,-t incere Bynipathiy ini this your very severa bereavemnt. We realize tha, in the dea'h cof cmr Sister, you have Ietýt a kind and ]oving wife, andc your dear children a tender and affection- ate mnother, and we hope thet in your hou- s cf .LHnesa rd sorro w you rntay be upheld blia teDiin omforter. Heý alore can hei our bleeding hearts. la the Dvisian aur Sie ter was ever reidV to do what she could, and although cirQuuti.taoces were such that it was im- pcŽAtible for her to be always prosent, yet ni, feel assured khe did net need te corne 'loaDivision rcom teadvocate Temper an 3. We shil iis her ltidimile and words cf checer, but on yen cor, Brother, the blow fells mýost ken l'y. We pray thrat yeLin nl ah able, through pour tears cf ,sorrov,, te look to Him wh-o is tee Wise te err, and toc g0od te be un- S i>'ned on behaif cf Solina. Division, a S;. J. WILLIAMus, W. -J.LMGAD FRANTIC 11TH BOLS And Iteh!ng, ,Wouid SrthUntl B3lood Ran Down Ilis Llimýbs. Fr te Takce te MiIflJ.wholeSstr -ut Cure., met int Relief, Speedy Cure by Uslng Cuticura Remedie, 31y sufferings nu-lit ha-ce bt-en steu-nped if 1 11,Ad enIY W11Ou f -VoIn: CenT14 OÂ raMLnî eightreen yenrs 'l Icnta- e is'feeraud ae, Ud i e -ctd ay 1 e-sc bdthat 1 aC te a-.c n oj craný-, toswhc es bIood poison. '170efce oti aoiel ko"e broce ut hmh, eboo eladc. ne -ncoYkasel,,* k ,aio.teIlatL tine, I was alrmianJa s.co- cratchs un it he lic -.,1tr--ow~o in m kIg. In ti c urivttî >-.LJ,;;, Weud0oine d:riu - -ii ,ieLiwouihave -cthre or flur -~ ~~ýtU -.t-h-- ub iat a i- wam f fe1rced t - - -. d.Every &Ve.a ryitcliL.¶ adL- R,' 1E 01,Va ;'aou ty 1111ii-hw have Ld octFr-rdoLo, u ,nie, g-,;e eýrsfl ier arh- r 2. Thi lat ICe Lieuctt iusung yoev Cc..IeroA, Coriavon- fr1'sut nu iweritiaiwuter. i -o ei as takigyour rnde. hnete themn and te yel, n, dthe g Mt 0cItrfueklai for Layroune alI Mi eIf1 .-WO ODflWARD, CUTICTUA Rnuesosuethe systean by 7x01aisu intcrnai meýdje..iou cf esvery crue. 1 ien inpity anC d ýiacasen cstitliu tn mioat efetiveteit of modem tinieo. Pold ilyrongboi thee orld. Pries, ciureunPA, M "on-te Cure SkIia D isesse, ai dfrai-. priPLV?, isoheaI, odrUgi, cbýped, and mn cakîfcved arm. rrrs &leî * ,APL-bGROVFB. Mr. T. J. Colo i3 cehl-ecting material for putitiu)g atone work under bis b arn.. .Mllr. Frsnk CGibboýns recontly Ik st, bt pi-cketb)o(ok beîweeu here sud toen ... Mr. John Crucmb. jr.,, visiod Pickering friends. . . . Výiitefra: Mi S. A. M. James, Torenýto -Miss Maud HFI kOrillia; NMv. and-its M l-W.R N!aonnng, Tyrone . . Division meteWednesday evtuitng this week...SuulavS-hl, oiii afteron sud srielueouw i -vo uoxt Sunday... Mn. (bo. Peos vsached at Zien on A HIOM E T11-!-n-, 1 ý L a. -Gentlemen,- Twvo years age inîy hîadsuffered lion seero nieto, utwecmltl curced by two boties cf Bordock Bloori Bitter..Icauitruly rcom)"mend ià te al soffeversi freinti diRea'Se. Mes. John Hlurd, 13 Croass St., Turontio. tAbout 160nmombera sud Obrot f th Melthe,-diat church mlet ai tie rtsi- douce of Jh Davey, Eeq., jin 23,and presoetîýd Mis ttie Davey, the efficient c)rpgnisý,wit a purse cf ilrooney and au addrels read by lv. -A. J. S'apleq,.AI - Davey replied, en baiif cf1b1s3dacighter, thanikiug those pe ur thoiýrexrs sion c f good.-w ansd eosîeoW. Au ecl let s upperý wa saervedcc' ýd a very' inter- ueing prograus rerde red, Me.r. LI. 1',R1ils preILed! . . . ... IrW. Ccruish tha3 fa grippe. NetCudoMtevdSoot'sEnulsion la Ccd Liver 011 porfected sud id prepared upen thIle principle cf its digestion suid sud assimýIfation lun theh nn ydtein; hience tisiveu wîthout disturbing the stonisch. Mr. Waltor Cobhlodick bias purchased :a haîf acre of stýanding ceder from Mvr. Gee. Sk ..ug .. Mr. F. D. (Aasscoit- hias heen vitin Mr. Joseph Fox.. Mv. Jas. G Iiiilaue cfBowmnauville spert Set- urdayw eek at Mvi. Elles Berys..Mr. Wm.Baiabstirkvllbe, xstdMr. Win. Stýaples rIeconitiy. . . - Mr. Jes Fox'ý is îiic.... . -Mr, pve Stevens, Orono, sud Mvr. John Aflin visiied Oshawa last week -Mra. Johbn Pai 1ker bas reoovoede frein tirecon, t ipaes.. . . . JamsWà sud bride barrii 'cia SIeveisp Heow ro CaN A'),Co-uc-lt la.eueieof the eaeat tlpi n the Éoi o cure acen Dc not use sicida or any canstic prepar- atiora,-d out ut abob ln u er hot. It las ýimply te, apply Putnam's, Pa Inleas Cern Extra,,tor, sud lu three dsa the cernoan bo r,3noved witbcntpa.iïi, sure, sae, piea.Talie only Putuamj's C-ru Extraclor. NEW ilHLI11VLN. Meslr. Walt'ýr 03ke rcei7y visitd haýr daughite,, Mor, T. Oke. . . . Mv., John Clark balgaso'kýtd a bouse from Mr. C. Tr....... Mr .SamuolI Prior la bomoe from British Columbhia, Ho wss, working for R'ob'ert Borla nd , , .Mr, )Va]ter %J, Oke,1 Port Pevry, %isited hi s old home recently. ..MNiss MggieOkaeil' indispesed' Mvr. W. Tap,,ofn, towai, visited Mer. Gee. Frarlk vcceiiy . .. . Mvr. Sm Everson is hauling mt'teriali for bis uiew heuse. .. Mre. (',o. Downey was roent glueat cf Misa8 M. hIMla.. . Master Leslie Hall is 111.. .MisAnnie Berry visited et Mr. Chaules Frank's recenity. . . .Mr. Wm. Curti-, vis ted bis sisjtor Mrs. Wm. Mill'isonSeaorth, who la 1M. .Mrs. Wm. Cave bias la%-ý;vippe, ... Mr. 1R. O. Short is pressing a quýautitv of hay sud drewyiug it to Bewmanile Station. . , . Visitera: Mies E. Clark et 2Mvf. Thes3 Vancamp's Mra. T. Fouud et Pele, T. KnïLht',3. Ocir twl git say the Pain Killer sf1183 the bca, of aqy medacine they keep; dirring the Lard timas jof the pas3t pear or t wo, there storene tee poor te psy their "qluartpr" fer a bettle cf this luidis- pensable fav"-îi1yIy edicine. Be sure get the gonuine. Dar>ixtgton (Jouncil. Tovw, HALL, Hançtor, Jan. 15. Sumnary sd pvo.eedings-Auditor'a re- ýport prvasùrtéid sud edopted, (wiil appear niext week),. 1. b Brown reappoinîed assoessor. Ï etitice, fron J. Peufound, J. Oke anti oth ers fer $500 grant tcsva-rds erection ofprmnn station et Darling- ton labid ever, . Meetings for nomination c f townsbip ;officcers Fob. 101h ai 2 p in. Orders paissAdf, r service-s as r Etarmun, officers &sud 'ot u of rie: E. Preut, IF. W, Bp arni, ÇPoace,, F. Rogers, \W. E Coutic, R ~5sco$8 acb; Jas. Cryder- J.Potr.esae feo $2.40; F.I Roerm, S. J. Wlinadtr,$ î 8ûcb; S. Page, sbeepfi amaages, $'10; T. J. T. Colo, clamage te h orae, h n luresd, $5; sud inidigentts $40. Nexi, reguliar meeting Veb. 24. Sîecial meeting Feb. 3 CATAuIT L TuEHEInl ndouhtedly of disasWcfhohiod, P«nd as such onily r-liablo lln porifi ýr cenu efIcct a pecrfct aud pormanaGi cure. HElod'ssar'saparillaý s the beat Ibl- od puifier, suid ifbas cured nanyver ~9vre ase of atarh.Cat- stria effeill-sleade te censuinîption. Tlke flood', mra bilahafore his te lite. Hoo0d aPi,;d not purge, pain or grip, WEAK, PAINFUL KIDNEYS Baokache, norvous anC muscolar pains, and n-es3coee-i--i vel toi-ad lis eue minetu - 'r.'i-'~in P~.'ter. effieientflhe n ib tae in te bsl dth o a'trrIl Urged Oounîty Agrcuitural Eoiety. The oficersof the W'e't Durham Ag ricetua Scety for 1894 are Presidet-as. Parr, B!ackatock,. Fira Vic-Prst.-eo.Gray, Clarke, ~ecnidVic-Prst.T.Baker,Sobina. uos-.Porter. t D ive c t o v a -D r i n o n - e a R rBeith, M.P., S. A)liin, J.,efo ,A. IIE Clouions; Clark e--Mca2sra. JOhn D !ava-y, eA, Tamrbîp, W. C, Blac0kburn;Cat jwvight-Thesiï. Wti!e; Bowmnanvil!e-W. R. R. Catwksrî. BAditor-esr.Jon MMnty Heonorary Directcrs- -Bo)wnialviIle- Mes3a. Ccrp. A. Hebbs, W. P. P. ewer, J. J. Masenýî; Cak-Msr Normian AMIn, A. stalhior, j-s,.bouter, John 1Jackson; Dairliùuton-Messre, W. Wervy, Dr. J. C. MitchLiI, Levi kuuv W. E. Pellard; CrwihtMar.T. Whit- field, Anson Taior, Rebt. Taplor- Noew. THE DAIRY. A PRxcvî n ADrss bv M1u. J. F1AMrO~, eu. 2 The iamptor desere muh prise for bringing- a prac. ticel cdairymean to address the1 cfermera ci thîis icality ainuually ou this important subjoc. On IMon day a geed1ly niumber of faruiers endJ others essembled in the Town Hall te listen to a very able sud profitable address given by Mr. J. WV. Steinihoif 'tj Sîratford, one of the dairy delegation cof the O.utarie Agriculture! College, ivhc had been addressing Fermers' Instituto meetings in EÀsterui Ontaio. The Pres- ident cf the Company, Irwin L. Bnowni, Esqj., occupied the chair. Thie speaker first nefevned te tLhehligh position Canedihan okeese teck iin the markets cf the world the past year. Makers dio net takce ai the cred1it for thef position ccupied by Canada et thic, Vorldt's Fatin, cf attaiuning 95/' cf the atwards given, for ifËthe milk hadlnt been cf g(od quelity n ceeemalk'er CoUid make good c1eeseý. lRefcrred lte) Mr. Dumu' suceosa in Scotlud in teatching the Scotch te makLUel che, snd statedI that 'lie U. 'S. ias fast arter us te risa aiif ne eolius l u r proild po>si- tionm Cheese mek1Lliug would Inot advance- ini the futu're as u11the 1past b o-.fitf1;1y cf produut or lu adv'an1ce cf price for the artice(. It m1ust hbc obtainled by etu botter prodluet if samie tiine. This iaust ho remlediod by fineseloction cf(ows ho didnetpuf y part;ie lr bod, test for selection. Two peii;to te o ciccd iiu choice f 'a cow first the guatity, thon the qjuality. Ifo gave instanceu cf oflo cow ming ýi191; lbs (f butter lu March ,.and l April, auid instaneed tecews tbat eue wvas worth $75 wo the otheýr was worth cnly $5 the difference being lui the profit leu ,after cest of 1produce was deducted. Thé second point was that cf broeding which iv-as much ui.sunderstood, as the first class pedigree animais, were, m iostly bred for beef %hi,ç;t the afun of the dairyînau a hould b) tefilkingquai- *tios cf the lino f roin hich heparnt c Zh anlimal were bred. The tlîird waýs that cf feedîng iich w ývas very muoh Ine- glected-. Gra.jss %vas net auý"flcieu1t feeding for a profitable keeping cf cows Ho gave pcints c f a eodcewý, and iniistuid catts, ont greeni, as a gocd summer feed fer soiiing cuattie. No acreage will gi-e as mcitcli profit fer feu sund witer feeding as Cern. Oows hoidbe t' e-ated te milake them îniik ton meonthas, but shouh d begin with the heifers. Roferriug te theLbof ter îuaking line, the speaker theuglit we coold not coin- pote lu Great Bnitatin's mar-kets with1).the Irish sud Danish akers, bot believed if the quality cf env butter was botter env ewu maniket weuld, ho sufficient for our produet. As chîieesemaking ou the co- oporatîvo fine was the great factor iu the qjuality cf our cheýese, so the co-eperative p)rinýciplea shonldboadopted toadivânce the quality of the butter. Thon, la ne nisk ingeing mnore iargely into dairyîng. Cheete sud bote i hd njaltalned thèlir pi ces the pi8t seasen, ýwhilst the pnice cf nearly every ether farmn produot hedd- pneciated te a very liwdgre Daiiryiug is building up tho quahity cIf the laud; those parts c f the o, ountry lu which daLiry- îng was largelyy ontered inte are the meat presperous et presenit. The regulair vo- tomns durn- the season from delirying was more benieficiai te the fermer than what people ceiled the lump sun obtaiued for grain. He advised fermens who keep five cows creover teo btain, a Pmali Bah- cck tester'te assist them îlu solecLion sud gyaveý instances cf its use being attended with auccess. lu auswelr te Mr. Burrows' question of what dsac could milk ho dvawu with safety to botter factcry, hoe stated that it ,was drawn 10 miles lu semne places. Ho strengly ad wvocated the silo and advisod feedciuig a good balanced ration, otherwise tho cow's digestion is ruiued hy eatîug tee largely cf coarse indig.estihie food lu order te obtain the uecessary elemeuts for its s5ubsistence. Cern te bc good fer silage sheuld ho such as would matore bèfore frost. Botter cannet hocinade with pro- fit lu any factory et less than 4 cents per lb. Unaless a cow was run dewn lu con- dition the quantity of miik could ho rais- ed hy impreved feediug but net the quel- ity7. lu testing the quality cf milk ho said the qoantity cf drean was net the standard cf the aneont cf butter fat, as tion. Oid systern cf tostîng wa8 very un- fair, but the Bahcock tester nover lied. The first tester was intreduced by Hon. Thrs Ballantyne. Two yoars age thero wes but eue, tester 11.ed lu the Joînoî iuw- eue haif the beaj.t factenies use it. It improves the quehaity cf niik by naking KNOWIEDGB Bngz ccmfnrt and improvemenb and tends to persoal eîjomnb en lii usc. The I.îî,who ive bot- t e r t i a n o t o r s u e n y l i e o e , i h ka3 cexpeliditLure, b;y mo(re pvcmptly idapting tIs e wend' beat producbta t fdli needacf physical being Wilh attoat Mh ne0teath cfdthe purelqi laxatfive principlea cmb11raced lu ti Le nomedy, Syvup of Fig. hta excellnwof c de te fspres"sng lu cmefIma moga ccpaou d plea- eut te the taste, the rereing sudtruiy benefictialpoeniscf a perfect la- ative; effctually ceuigthe systean dlispeiiig old, oadchansd feverai sud porîuanentiy cning constipation. It has givenci satisfactio'n te millions and met aitil Élhe approval of thle medical professio,hccoms. it aýctaý on the Kici- nleya, Liver sud Bo -awithout w k ening thel auid itl; a perfctly freu frolu, (J - - igs or senie iy aal rrig- gist an 5e. ottles, b)ut it is mu- factured by the Cailforia Fig Syrup CO. 011Yulysoe name la priuted ou every sud being Weil iifornedl, yo wlln a-uceuany estit utefofea. il10e fOw suit sud Mlaseul's Cicihlnig The mieeting closed iha oeo thauka te Mn. Steinhifl-for Ibis intrutiv a d v e ry bl d d r eu cs, -K. I>CPstouje sdrglt ieh-v. M.u. EDîTO!ý,--In Ti-is , STA'TESMAN Of Jan. 17 I notice son 1 erarfs reaýpecting what would hoa e n iefirt teyour Agricill- tural Aýsaoiato . N u-,, S r, 1 h ad thej pleasure cf %viditiig yuur ,f tir at Buwman. ville last y3-04,-,sud 1n i m Coft as, I wasý Eomewh i.,isappintd. iipressioni is that 0eU cfthe esse)nîtai pointiord1- er te acc. mpllish uecas is Io appoint 100d Men as iretrmon wbo wiIl mnake an tfYort for thi beneflt cf the Association, andl for the wo'fitre cf ex- hilbitors, men who wîll try and 8eoure al the memibera they îe3aîbIy cax A i addiltio-n to tho emib4,ra' li8t, me-ans an inre~in tr asury. Seoodily, seýcurej empssent au d1imnpar ia.' judges,men Who WAI award premliuisl judieiously and without fea!r. Il w ofteii wý fiad a defio.» ency righit herc, individuals acting as jUdges Who ecînaotdiscrimiýnate be',ween a perfec-, and au impe-fect articlb, end Who flo)t unfrequently aot ias judes on their cwn articles, )uonl, othr han)- One of ycur crr'ene t ,ggests cnîngdan hepo'îltry hlI, 1. M ex- perie1ie hue ttughit nic bthut t>dd tii bettr than diuiiei-hingth lis,; it 'brirngs mnore en1tricsý and is e>a',f"tactiun te v1isite"ra n nI 1inJamn ro1,gly ln favor cf aonieof01th( e !inL t FPrEýýd medalthe principazl faire aitenI tc, tiis point. Jncleeed yoil wilI fini- the annuel report cf the E. R York AgýriciIlturle1 Sot ietycf which 1 arn a meombaýr. Weo hold -ur f-.jr nt Markham village. A foi y.~s guwe had aoie e-Ity>s show, now v o ea o a threo daya' fairfinci 1 rnighit s:yvcoe f Etho beat fairs th.ii aide cf the Twonnto Induatriul. Wo annnally havc txhibitors from Bewnanville, Oshý awa, WVhitby, Kirby and çthor eiatern points. G-'e. ROBINS, Malvera, Ont. Sorofuila, whe therhiere litarperacquýired, in thoroughlY cexpolled freon the 1býood by lIood'a Sareapari111la, the great blood pur;, fier. L~E DU C t L 1 ENStS Tho Ontarie LCeajsoAc givýe3 uhrt te any municipal council te reduce the tomnber of liquor licenses ini tha t muni- cipa>ity down te two,lf it desires te do se. A bylaw te'that effectmnty ho adopted and go in force any yoar if pssed before tha ]et dey cf Malrch. Novi that the eolectera- of se mnany tcwnships have given nuch sweeping muajorities for theý abolition of' the whole business itwod be walI fo, the. ooun2-ib te adopt moere restric i îg by- Iaws. 1 1, am- > 1 1 1 ý