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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Jan 1894, p. 2

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___________________________________ N n Food T Digstion- Wihen yen se6 an Advrtlsement llke thle DON'T BELIEVE IT but if yon require anything în Groceries, Stapla Dry Goode, Patent Medicines, rinwaro, Grden Seeds, etc., Cal at SOLINA STORE where yon will find a fret-elass assortmeet which has been bought fer cash, consequeutiy I amn pre- laied to sel t close price. and not sacti- coquality. Amnerican and Canadian cil alwaYs hi stock. Pleaise give me a oaU and yen wil be welcome whether you buy or not. N. B. Elliott's Relier Flotir kspt. J. T. WILLIAMS sufferIng witb. weakness and emaciaioni, who give llttle xiouirisbnint tu bablos,31hould ake the Cream of Cod-llver 011 and hypophosphites. It will give themn strengtb. and m ake their babies fats Physici ans, the wo)rld over, endorse ItL Don'tho edecu!,ud bï Substtuts: a ~owo, ~fl, U ÂUDuggIiït. &5. a. 5 âà li1,QïkyPemnnJReor, ÂGBDIOULT UJRAL. A Seaeonable Wcîd. About !mlcu-îre. a F A . vo ..Ir uu esvîuferinMm tauaoFhîra --r Thora as-e many leaka lu farming, and i' he easy te find comas of shem. (One cf the rnesi cemmon, s e alas ocee cf s-le nout ahaurd, relaies te daix-yizag. , Net eç-'s-mes- ia thouaud kelciPs auy ac otf the lu- uoeme and xpose nd leue a arin blidily. Nihe lisfter rli s4d fatr e-ddiad hy"orlu. -re c 2 S .RENIl TOpIOS Thr abuteesteel-makiu2g plant in Japan, and the Jaipane" Goverumnent is ionsiderinig tadvîisability of estpblishing r the faci is ften i-inored, it -is nevrtielsstrue tliat a goodl ComplexC2ion1 is animph sibility tiurui depends on good food. 7lhere is nio more coinmon cause of ndgetin tanlad.Letthle b Igt ousekeeper use The New Vegetable Shoteing and substitute for lard, and, ber cheeks, 'with those of lier family, vvill be far more likely to bc- idLike a rose In the snow'" CMOIoENn if dlean, delicatt bealthful and popular. Try it Made onil' by N.I.FAIRBANK S&sCO.s, MON TIL AI.- trtdprlupsitisoen ýUtrue tlut ther But, if ,therc is anysibetWiin thewhel ranlge cdor ar comi1y thaiwi ea ropetitioni,P it l hs And ýýtbis il just tte sieason wheVn it'î eldbe broughtfrsy te thec notLice cf, thosýe wbo are tspteoe- look suiclu detai! . We are nowetein epn 0esao for the productioncth mnajor portion cf the yoar's crop of manus-e,i or aï least for usq production in snob iman- neï that ih can be eavedl and utiiizeld. Mý,1ch o f the summer maous-l produot i3 waaied ilurcuglu being dropped in woods auld lanes, or upon s-oogh pastures, which, by the way, i. oee trong argument in fa- ver of soiling, a maties- that wo will net now digress to follow. But cf this anumer waste we should use ahl the greater effort te save the manure ihat la produced wbile the cattle are honsed. It bas become somewhat the custom to eay that bocause commercial fes-tilizere are se concents-ated aud se easy te bandle and apply, thatith bas made ns neglectful of home rosons-ces for msnuring. This, 1 tbink, is a mistake. The ouîlay for chem- îcal manuros bas become se great that it bas forced many cf us te pause and con- eider- wbether wo had net seebohaper substitute. Aud this bas ledte sncb ssav- ing and ueîng cf animal manures dus-ieg receni years, as was nover before attempt. ()d. Besides whiclu, we are constantly e coding hetier farmers, and god farming means eaving this animal ps-odut and, ep- plying it toward the growiug cf botter crops. A few yeas-s ago ihere wore mauy sec- tiens wbere stable and haroyard manurs-o were net reccgnized as baving any com- mercial vaine, and alinost any qusntîty could hae btained for the more hauling. Now difficuli te find anycue who is willing te give it away, unlese we go upon soea fthe groat western ranches, wbere they have yet te learu tbat ne soil i. wholly inexhaustible. In all offerts toward making or eaving manure epon tbe farm, it sbould ha remnembes-ed that the- liquid portion cf the animal'.a xes-tiens constîtute the most valuablo portion. This is riclu in nits-egen, one cf the most important and expensive elemenia of plant food. Anothes- roason wby it i. valuable is that in this the nitro- gen ie in form te bo quickly taken up by the plant. Yen do net bave te wsii for its effeot upon the crep until it cann homade soluble, as is the case witb nitregen con. taîned iu solide. Se in saving the manus-e of the stable,9 every effort abo nId be made te ahserb and retamn the liquida. This cau ha very tborougbly done by using absorb- ent. for beddiug. The ordinary ceas-se bedding. sncb as hay, sts-aw or coru-staîks will hardly ha effective eneuglu, and if uaed should ha lu combination wiilu somotbing fluer, such as dry nîuck or loam, or saw- dust. These shculd hae spread daily, and cleaned eut as fast as they become satur- ated. After removing it from the staîl, this maours-eabuld ha Iept coder cover, for if it i. expoeed te tbe weather the ïoluble portion is accu wasbed away by tbe raina, sud the entiro mass loses a largo part cf its fertilizing valua. The liquide aire the fis-st te ho lest hy ibis washîog, and thon the soluble portions cf the solide follow. A covered shed or menus-o pit, into wbictî the manure cau ho tbrown uctil sncb time as it je deairable te baul it te the field, is witbin the s-each of asone, and witl repay its ceai in a siogle sesson. A covered baroeyard is atili'baîter, buù ibis is a ujattes- roquis-îog some outla-y, and eacb muai dleterinloefor imefwbjether the conditions il justify it. R'ut soreaseocf protcution) no eue can afford te go wîhoui. Ibese wbo try it, aud iu the aps-ing baul the wesbed-ouît con- tents cf ibe baroyard te iheir fielde, ofton apply a manure fs-om which tbe fertilizing value bas neas-ly departed, and the chief good of which te the land muet ho fouud je its mechanical action upen the soil. But oeu a adly afford te hethe- with manus-e for ibat alono, ospecially when tbey may bave it wîth se mucb mco-e valuable qualiti6s if ihey wil nly take a lttle trouble. Father'a and Grandfather's Dairying. Mýy grandfather, thonglu a succesaful businese man je soe reapoiýts, waa flot au adepi ai dais-ying, said Ms-s. S. M. Allen ai a recont meeting cf a farmer's institute. ka summer hie cews wore turned jute the road te go where tbey pleased, aud tbey usually traveled fs-cm ibrea te five miles aday. Lt teck ail thoy coulâget te eat te sustain tbis great enusculas- exos-tio, whlle the produc- tion cf milk waa only a secondas-y couaides-. atioo. Iu the win ter they wes-e given the fs-ee use cf the barnyas-d, sud allowed te sleep endos- the sed ai night. Tboy wes-e fed withdamaged and swale bay with ne grain rations exc'spt occaaionally a lutie hnckwhea bs-au, aud ou exts-emelye(ld nigluts an extra "«foddering7, cf buckwhoat etraw. If hi. cewe bad aoyý drink ibey' bcd te go nearly eue-quartas- cf a mile te a brook, Tbey went witbout waios- in severa weatbe-. My gs-andfatber kept ths-ae cowsand bad te bey butter for bis fcmily te eai. That waa hie way cf doing the dais-y business.' My fathers' aim was to givo hie cowe plenîy cfgood nouriehiog foods, plenty of pure wates- te drin k, as litile exorcise as Possible compatible witb good healh, and to keep ibem as quiet and ccmfos-tahle as possible ai ail times. In eas-ly semmos- wben tbe grass is Young and sweet, hie cowe are tothered je a field, eaclu wlth a repe about thirty foot long. In thie way aIl the ccws are Ikept quieti. No runiug os- hocking cao hae indnlged in, sud the ccwsecao get ail tbey want te oaî witbout travelling ail oves- h ibepce or th noie o- i a>1rate below cosi. But hai, 9c'Sens o esedtim!eoo cwstatps oil- wn or wrasestKi, are1, br i ngin),g heir wnr not fanmerï who Fi hbard teomake-liv ing tr-y teO woed ont sccb cova? A lIeM blank bock caii hoaogh o tbroe or fous- cents. Designate the c,)ws bhy snme or a numbes- and opposite ti vsdesig- nation have a place, by s-ding thoepageup ccid dowu, for eutering the weigi cf th1e milk oach morning sud eveniugy, with, the date ai the top sud use the page until i -lai full ; thon prepare acoihor. As ecucw is milked in tdru, weigb tlue pail with a sps-iug balance sud make the entry, fis-e deductiug the weigbt cf the paîl. The dais-y record toelas other facta thatL are cf importance. ittoilas the influence cf good os- poor food on the 00w; of the weather ; cf cold or was-m drinks o f eas-ly cut or oves- ripe bay ; cf sexual heat ; of exposure te snow aies-ms sud cold s-aine as coînpas-ed witb warm abelter ; sud cf -protection agaluat fies lu, sud ahade je. stead o-f the fies-ce beat of the pasture lot. Itii l sometbiog lika a thermomete-, s it notos ail the changes ihat influence milk productin. The man ioierested lu bis work,s e ll as lu the resulta cf bis, wos-k, finds ihese facis cf greatintes-est ced tluey spur bim te greator cas-o sud activity. Faim Notas. A rs-st roquisite witb ahi ibe breodiug stock is that it sbould ho kepi heal.tby. Tbis canuot ho doue withoci pleoty cfreg- elas- exorcise. ,De net abet ihomn up for the winier sud food as if for mas-liei . Wben yen select sud mate yeur loieed- ing stock, have s care te' individual excel- lence, as weli as te pedigree. Yen cannot hope te obîsin the mosi wbolly eatiafscutory recult without ibis combiostion of quali. is. A question ibai entes-a largely methe profit cf a crop la vos-y eften the ceai of getiig it te mar-ket. Good roade boilp te- ward a solution cf ibis problein. Se doas the feoding of the cropa te goofi stock, sud ibus marketing tbem upon the boof. A becn animal cf any sos-t enaureljy ho marketed ai s profit. We know some moun wbo always bogie te get s-id cf ibeir sïtck, as they tes-m it, as accu as they see tihe ceai cf feediog hegin te s-mn cp lu the f aIl. As a censequeuce tbey seîl ai s ps-be thai gives ne profit for whaitbey bava already fed, and wheu they diacover ibis ibey it once os-y ibat stock dos net psy. 0f ourse it doos net in ibai way, nos- would auyihiug cIao if wvsnaged le the same manne-. _If yen bave stock, make yeux- propas-stios te feed' ht te a finish, and thon if thora ie any profit yen will get it. Prepare now te have abatte- fruit sud avage- table gardon noxt yeas- than you have oves- bcd before. Tluero is ne 0ne thiug ibat will seo mioluadd te yens- bappinoas, bealilu sud ps-osper-iy. Iu planning sud planting, it gîves place te eves-ything tbai yenibjik cocld posaibly ho made, use cf on tho home table. One wbo bas had a gardon thai waa reats-icted te a limited range cf the couimoner vegetables, cao bsrdly s-eslize bow mucl mes-e valuable it hecomies wben yoe add cales-y sud caulifiower sudspas- gue, strawberries sud cnrs-anis sud goco-e- borries. If yen are luaving a gardon, bave eue that jes agardoFn in Oans-Ceair'. itfle moere apoîegy fer oena. The est crcp will ho about tie fiýS-a te bave eus- attention vwhen tbe new seaser comas as-eund. Mauy caref ni exponimienita bave shown ibati h is noet ecealry te plocgb the land for ibis crop iff it je te fol- low cos-o, A tbos-ougb worieing cf tibe soit wiîb ilue dialihas-sow puti h hocondition for briuging thevos-y besi recuits_. K ibis jn mnd uil aowiug tue, sud it may aid yen lu keepug abs-osai of thbe seascu with yens- work, te botte- advanitsgo than yen have lu the pesi, when yen pleugbied for botb eas and ces-n. %Ve de neot beieve lu sligbting the propas-ation cf the sïou for any cs-op, but wbere labos- cen ho nved it la the part cf wisdom te do it. IRBLAND'S BOY DtJKE. 'The Vouthfui laier ta Leister WUhiBears a Maeikey osnI111% Crest. By the deailu of the duke of Leh;iist or, wbe lied beau politicatly sud socially cof but litile importance sud '-as lutile beaýrd cf lu Eogland. hies utile sou, the imarquis cof Kil- des-e, wluo was 6 years otd !hast Mas-ch, suc- ceeda te the titlesud te the ostatesc, whicb as-e,»,prth $250,000 a yas. Tlacaeny litilo feliow, wbe loks as& if hae wonild h be erd of in the wos-ld, witb or without meney, la ecw the youngeat duike lu tbe United Kiugdon. Hua long miucllrity wili he beneficial te s-be ostaies, wbich as-o in the counnues cf Mesth sud KilLtre, in Irelaud. The youug feliow wili baveaa bs-hlliîsn fortune w-heu ho is cof cge if tbe asiates hast selong. Carton, tbe dukae ci Leinster' îIaity seat,ila alargo ced imposîcg honise Wbich cons-aies soeagood picturas sud c aibe libres-y. The gardoens are vos-y ps-eîty, sud the picinresqne park ha famone forsorne cf the finesi oid treî'a in Irelaud sud a beauti- fui avenne. Kikea, the dowes- bouse cf the 'Fi-z geald famîly, is alec a vos-y nice place, wi tbi a de- ligbtful demesne. Tue lata duke'. moibes- wss long a proi'înent sud bs-hueant figure in sùcioty, but she sud lues- lunbaud boîb died conparatively yeuug. Sho was eue- of tbe dauglutere cf the second duke cf Stberland in thqt cntylo ataiSaluai, iu Izuinal Prov-ince, is sidte produiic oeec f the beetL quahitysd the constructi on of ether wosk i ou i hîolyhaprofitableý. Thle Pank cz f Leulsnd note is neto' 0?ie sanme tluicess ae5Il ths-ongb. The pape-7 e tijker libtebf t baud corner te enableit te) take boite- and ebasper impression cf the vignette there, sud is aise, couaides-sbly thicke- in the des-k slusdows cf the conter lette-s andi cedet the fignures ai the onde. Ceune-feit notasses-e iuvarichly cf oua iluickinase, A New Zeaiaed newspsper telles aetory wis-h reference te the racont law gs-enting female suffrage ihore. At s performance ho the Opera flouse, Wellington, sone ladies seated in thie stalle baf ou vos-y large bat-Q. A veice fs-cm the pi was becs-f te excîsim, 'lNow yon'vo get the franchise yen cuglut te taie yods- bats off 1" 'Ibis suggestion wae greetefi witu soasaof laughton. It i.s -emas-ked fs-cm Chicago iluat the grosa criîninality cf net romoviog the ex- hihits cf fereigo nations fs-oi the nanufsc- tus-o-' Building was mado apparent by the laie destrucction. Alibougu twe, menthe bave elapsofi net more iban bal£îf fs-e for- aigu oxhihitsbcd beenrsenoved. Ail cf s-e donestie exhibiiore had gotton away, for there wos-e noecustoms regulaticus te b;other tbem. But the foeignare were noise for tunae. Tbey bave complained bitte-i about the delcys in the Worid'e Fai-Cus- ton flouse, bei, it did o- geed. In Japsu ibey don't believe lu a fis-e de- pertinent. The wails cf ihei- bouses are of bemboo, the partitions oh paper. Tbey bus-n like the scenery of s thes ire. An American resident soe years ago impes-ted a baud engine, sud ia succesa "«astoîaisbed the natives," But when hae preposed thai the authos-ities sbonld croate s modes-n fis-e dopas-met, they refusefi ou the gs-ound that if eucb machines sbould bo brouglut hn- te use they would deprive the ces-pontessof th? work îluey thon baf in rebuilding or s-e- psit4ng the combnstible bouses. Dr. McEachrsn, Dominion Votes-luesy Inspecte-, bas res-uruefi te Monts-al, afie- speudinq six weeks amongai tbe s-coches cf theortessh-wesi. Be stetea that hafound the catîle ou tbe s-anches ln bette- condi- tion ibis year ibsa au y previcus season. The wintas- se fer this soaonbcd been vas-y favorable. Wleho eleft Macleod ne suow bcd f allen, sud the caithe were eut grszing. The s-anches wes-e iu botte- financiai condithon than oves- lu the hictory of tbe Nos-th-wesi cattie trade. Les-go sales bcd heen mcdo witu satisfsctcry s-e- suitesud the caithe ehipped te the English mar-kets. The fis-o losses cf s-be United States the' pasi yees- have been frighiful. Thei- amount la înet far fs-cm $200,000,000, os- neas-ly double the amenni reached ibrea yeas ago, wben ihey wes-e thon aimoat un- ps-ecedonted. If ibis destruction goos on, s-be thîne muai coma when fis-o insus-suce companhe whlilu*1es ho bcse cea- beuirupi- cy that ibey cao code-tas-oemore huai. nass os- they will ha obligafi te chas-go aucb exorbitant preminne thai s-le proerty te ho iusus-od will net boa- k. Th.o bases wiIl aither est op the profits, os- producis cif ail kiede pus-chasefiwill lucrease lu prîca. Shculd ti iime saruive, s-bore can ho but eue remady, sud ibat is to buildfi frepreof structur-es, then proveni the accumulation cf inflammable materiel, sud thon kaep the sinicteet watcb upon tbe building sud the contants. Ail or any cf ibese s-amodias will of course, sdd te tiea expeuse cf business, andi muai cltimately comae oui cf ilue-pookets cf the cousu mirg- public. The pas-ils cf foot hall as playefi new ara shown by the statistice cf the London Lau- cet,wluicb cite% 109 cases in 1892 ihat need- ed hespîtal is-esineni. Elevaen were fatal sud many cihors wora fractures thai will mn1ain the victime for life. The gene is atill s-ougber je the U. S. As semaneue seys : 'Iu ihe old gàme yen kiclief the hall ; in the Rugby gama yen kick a men if yen ose- net kick the bell ; ibte Aines-ban gaine yeni kick the hall if yen cannet kick a man." Lt is elaimefi, tee, that ibese gaines in ne way leterihorate fs-on the echolasehip cf those ougagef inutbemn.-But ce Presldent Schcrmn, cf Ces-oeil sensibly remars- A foo t halt playor muai gîva the largos- pas-i cf hie tima te practiceand preparation. Se aes- ib ese students as-e favoreé hy the facnhiy os- the standard cf scbolarship ha ah- surdly low."- If the other atudente do net atudy any moee ian the foot hall players have tino for, thora cannot ho mclisiudy- iog doeo. Ihis as dnittbd, heweves-, that cthletics as-o tckiug the place cf hazing aud ciher unmanly diversions lu cellege sud train mou te ho ceuragos, hardy sud lu- trepid. ____________ A Wood Whieh 1Jei Nlot Bhrink. The quclity of elsinking lu dry sas- sud swoliîng endos-thinhfluence cf noisturi), la se intimeiely connected with eus- idoas of &Il kinds cf wood ibat it is vas-y diffloult te accepi euddeely the ides et a timbe- thatie unaffectefi by wator, as fer as dimensions as-o conces-ned, aithar wluen caos-bing or evaporstieg i, says the " 'lu- diau Textile Jons-nal." Sucb, beweves-, is the casa wiib s description cf timber known Leading Commercial Sebool REORGANIZED. MANAGEMENT FACULTY INIE QIM EQUIPMEKT Las-gest sud most coinpleie- laciliem, F IVE GREAT DEPARIMENTS, BUSINESS ENGLISE SHORTEIAND TELEGTRAPH1Y SPEOIA.L PENMAIIiP Teachers are eminent specialie t.. N OTI CE There is only oe Toronto Business and Shorthi O lg NOTICE -is located on corner of Yongae and Shutar Streets. Qides i eý tabljshied business coleage pnrmises ini Toronto. Patrons and graduates ail over the world. Students aiEisted tepositione. Write for prospectus adohrifrain Satisfaction guaranteed, A'd'DUSON WARRINER, Picpl 3 SHUTER STREET. WilU be pleased once la Quantity, twice lu EQuaty and three tinies in Price who inspect the uuiequalled assertment of Sti*ppers, Rubbers, Trunks, Valises, &c., At our Storeg WBEAVIER BLOCK,-M Bowmnanville BIOGESI STORE, BIOGESI VARJETY., BIG&GESTYVALUE. Everybody Invited to ciill andi see our miew fuwa The Condor of the Andes.- 1 feathers as trophies of the hardest battie Up ameng the cold white peaks cf thej he had ever fouglit. He thought tit lhe Andes, higher than human foot bas bad the îhad lef t the bird mortaily hurt. Thieother dariug to tread, la sometimos seenadarkI minera went in search cf tbe body, but in- speck slowly ciroling in the clear air. The stead, found the bird alive and eireet, fLap- speck gradually descends, and we set~ pings its winga for fight. it is thýe largest bird of the air, the-ono If the coudor does not reacli an iultimely-I Its flight is swif ter than the eagle's. Noth- end by violence, it is,1 accordiîng to alil a- ting but the distance could have made the counits, very long lived. The Indians of condor of the Andes seema small. and slow the Andes believe that it live3 for a hon. on the wing. Swiftly des2ending, cruel, dred years The condorà' homes seom juet hungry, ho fastens bis oye upon some luck- auited for birds se ugly and foere. They rless lamb or kid, Rarely if is able te os- buîld ne nest, but the fomale selects somoc )cape; successf ni rosistance is impossible. J bollow in the barren rock thLt ïshall be large L The corder cannet carry off ita prey in is enough to shelter her froni tthe st'reig talons like the eaglo, for it bas net the winds while sI-e is hatchiug er eggs. eagle's power cf grasp, and the sharpneos Hflre, in the midst cf desolation, thieuglyr cf its claws is in tinte worn off on the bard littie condors begin their cries for food, rocks which are hie home; se, standing up- and after they are six weeks old begin t, - on the struggling animal with ene foot, the tempting te use their wiu gs. The porýen1te rcondor kîlla the poor thing viitb bis power. show the only good trait they paio sa i rful beak and bis ether foot. iheir care for the young, ceedingad train- Like many other greedy creatuires, the iug them te fly, so that Îin a fV-rmnitha- condor, aitor bis dinner, becemes incapable thoy are able te hunt for themaivos aLf' of flightand it is only thon that ha cen ha the grinm fashion cf their eider.. aprahdwiih safety; but even new tbe b hunter must ho cautions aud sts-ong. A -hiliauminer, who was celebrated for lus MitgatedOiomtne great physical streugtb, once theuglut that Bob Leyworth wae pain g attention te a witbout weapons ho could capture a condor rich widow. whsch seemed unusualiy atupid after its ,,Madame," ho udias o effed ber Ea hoavy meal. bouquet, "yen are gecting more and more The poor man put forth ah bhis poeoss, heautiful oves-y day." and the engagement was long and despor- "Yen exaggerato, my dear aiir." E>,cJaiim. tare, tili ai last the per miner waa glad te ed tbe lady, vos-y uci fttcer< oscape witb bis life. Exhausted, tom aud "Weil, thon, let ui say elb 'ry efda, bleeding, hue maeagad te carry off eà few said Bob, Syrup. Rk nthe tug-healing vrtuer 0ofihe PMn jcornbined with the soot ing depcorant propesties of ther pectoral herbsansd barks. a PERFEGT CURE FOiq COUGHS AND OOLDS Hoaredee , m,rnchitis, Sos-e Throat, Cro,_e an i H T, BRONCHIAL and LUII' DISEASES. Obtnate coeghs which resist the r reinedîe yld prouptiy te ibis IPl"asaiit4iily eysup. ýRI 5 215c» AN'Dsoc. P5R BOTTLEO i SOLM My Att OIJOCIS. Castorla Is Dr. Samuel Pitéber's prescription for Infan.ts, and Children. It contains neither Oplim, Morpbine ný or other INarcotie substance. It Io a harmless substitute for Paregorie, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Qil. It îs Pleasaut. Its gùarantee is thirty years' useo by Ifflions ofitMothers. Castorla destroys Worms and aliays feverishness. Castoria prevents, vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colle. Ca&toria relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatuîency. Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomaeh and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Case torla is the Children's Panacea-tho 1othier's Friend. Castoria., Oeeatos-la n u excelleont modicine f or' dil- &eu. moihera haVe ropeaiedly toid me cf ts geod effeci upon their cblidren." Da. G. C. OsucOn, Loweli, Mass. Calestes-Se le the bos-semedy for childs-en cf which 1 arn acqueinied. 1 hope the dayiSe ot fas- s-istant 'msheu mothers 'mslit consaider-the rosI interst cf luein chibdreu, nnd use Castes-m in- stean cf thevasiouaquack noats-umswmhich as-o desis-oyiug ihels- ioved eues, by forcing opiumu, morphine, sooihing sys-up sud othes- bus-sfui agents 4dowmvi hous tas, ihes-eby seaucm thoa te promnatura graves.", LDu. J. P.,XNs-cnax.cae, conway, As-" Castoria. Cagtôrie a o well adiipted1to chldrens-la 1 secomnmend iS as supos-ior to any pscripion knOEwu te lue." IL. A. Anomnur, M. D., 111 Se. Oxford St., flnooklyn, X. Y. "Our- physicianaSun lue childs-en's depar- ment haxve apokoen highly cf ihois- expos-- once in theis- cuisido practico vwith Castes-je, and alhough wivMITniy ave a11;01ng eus- medicai supplies what la knowu as regelas- products, yei wo ns-o fs-es teconfess alatthe mners-o f Casas-es- lias Won laS te 100L witia f avor lapon i. Us-N I4epr-zLDD5Pi5AT ]Boston, Mesa, ÂZI.MiC. Smm'u, se, Tii C~aturCom-pawy, 77 Murny Str'et, ew Yenoit7.àY FOR SALE BY J. G3B)M '&SY, )WINLE Toronto Business and Shorthand Coltege FÀL~L TERM, SEPT. 4.

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