-rTa7ilTwheu fh 1s lb I. I I liemer il;S immedii ly AREE. STOCUivEat', utCiester- A Sicfeloaithe Great Fere,%t ire or 18u1ai.snew 0 S dN 'q.," was, afiicted wiiblau dwr » ie.eysvr luinfisc îowec part of -- Edwail ,~hest. TII, iteliiig was as ut a ton A CAMI>! tirs aifs ueigirî was laid t io on a spot tire size to die of my handl. Dur- CHAPIER IIIAsATioN.S twancfie !Dgg flue atctisew fi pesiainwouid 110w offen have I biess'd tbc comtng daY, o! conis perspiî ra ops ii 5heu toitîremiftfoig, lent lus fume to plaY ofeu CE N staffdludrpei A.nd esany a gambol folicird 'en thre wirenfi my tace, and t iras groîînd. ir a r u e AncsEligirts o! arf sud feasao! sîrengtir Weun br a agouy fonrment. came W miesulT ifclent And sf111 as eaci rerpeafed pIesurs tired iug lu e ffurt evoli f0 whis. Snccoedtng sports tire mrtirfut baud iuspired. bongir per. They Came -[The Deserted Village. tues ô x eudduly, e a Th -uWard was fairly leuiired at lasb an boumniutre!dy7ortire rat huoftastig rm ilutire ne w life te wiich lire bad lookcd for- wire1 fi tirt infute te ward wirir go mucir hope; surrounded, ton, ed as(G tbiry mnute to by suob pisas et circcmstauces as remely warml' hlai a day, ieaiing as snddenly; but, tor feu ttetire lot-nf tirs uewly arrived Immi- ano severai days affer, 1 was quite proes- grant: and it isno Wonder tiratilider panone traîrd and sons. omefimes lire attacks tireir stimulus, ire soon acquired ekll inluiishue were aImot daily, fuîcuslois imqent. Atter unaecustomed duties. Tiregeniai gooduesa oiuîo about-tour yeara o! this sîîflering, I wl-s o! botir George Bamiowe sud iis wife, rom'a mio taiesu dowu wiif biiioîus-typisoid foyer, sud opsn-bearfed frieudsirip, snd Alices siy croque 'ilien I1iregan f0 ecoier, Iihall tire worst kindessa, ucged hiunto greater effort,-toeujoic atfack o!nsy oid troube I ever expenieiiued. master the many dîfficuities thlat aaswhieh At tire drst o!f fli fever, my moîlser gave beset a beginuer, an as te mnder lis servics eldWý nieAye'sPils, y octr ecommendiug reily valuabie f0 tbem, a ins o! conducr ont w tism-as being botter tissu auythiug lue wirici rcebouudcd lueiis own advantage,uot fomi could prepars. 1 eonfinuîed fakiug tblee ouly by iis apid impmovemesti in bii chose" but w Pilus, sud so great was tire beneft dérivait calliusg, but alan lu theirjnceased favor o! fanher trirt dniuneariy tlity yeara I baye badi is empinyes. They came te regard hlm iao but une atîcet of my former trouble, wich. more aud mors as onue, o!thinseives, mair- mvrea 7-ielded readity to tise samne remedy." iuîg hlm treir companion nt oly lu tire aimost field sud t tire fable, buttluntire eveuing'a 11dwai AYER5 S PILLS leisure sud tire Snnday's observsuces. ycî gi, jrpard y*D. . C Aer Co, owelMassl Whore isbeauty o! Octoher sud tire storma owu I ~~epmedyDmJ.CAye&CoLowîias~ o! November wece like over, sud tire pat - EryDose Effective tesdy fr051 o! winfec put su end te almnot tir&t Ê ail ouî.doom labor but sncb as was couiected fusai: _______________ --witir tire aurouuding foresf, tic young called OI~-AR LA IES- ~~ L~ cE, oika began l te ks hlm wiItirtem ta their hiem n I H 0 LDE O L CJsimple sufemtaiumsuta. Theme wasn fo pe Society un tire place, lu tire odinamy asoéIf WULITBY, ONT, o! tire word, but tire sefîlemsansd tirir val-lu' ciildcen, o! wbom tire' population o! the severf !Mritly fdret-clssia ll RIfs appttmanf eneigihorhood sntirely eonitedl, gladby sud si sud educaflouai adivantagess,-Provision madle wcicomed among thra the' fank, iteili- ed Bo fo)r esltirs teachrs'certllfcatesansd foc Un- Ivoirbiti classesa tirougir ti rs sirus5.sopiro- gent young Engismau ; aud tirs beavy tire se mors sud part o! junior Yeirg o! Toronto labors o! tiraaiug grain, !elling lamben, augeti Univesity. Tire iterary staff comprises tire andsawiug sud chopping crdword, wece ed fto Jargeau number of University specialilts o! enlivened by many a moonligirt eveusug 'humai an y Ladies' College in C inada. Ttir usical,setilihngkaioobgang fins artelocatonu sud commerciltidepamîments efl se1 r g ktng rfhogun;short are equal1y ireil sutalnsd by tire mut gited or, Wheu danker igbts made itlobeaspbas- Iran pocsorFi. Phiysical culture la taught by a sut witirnuf, tire mrry bouma wcre cirasedcae spcaitfom Boton. A new r iymnagium wir ame sud dance.cm sisd il1rmnda o! onut-door amusements, Pu Ths g trw utecntn itrore storer haersoppomfuinity or irearin.g tirsgreat Tuî houit ontn necuawii artisîte t viil Tornt. if was nttef0hb wondeccd aItirhat Aiice's long Apply for information te getîs, uuselish ciraracrer airold deepen Tom' 3-tyr PRINCEIPL IIARE,ll'h, tirs impressioni that bier attractive appear- sud, anice hradl fraI creâted. Wireîier driving took bier over tire fozen river; or steerîng hiem ail tc / toboggan as if, glidefi with ligitninig-like Th DR GUftLU ~ -' rapidity down aonme steep hirll; or îmîglr ~ , witb mau'y a fal, f0 imitateslber gracefl how C e voîntiona as shegmacefuiiyakatcd over tire af P - moofhionIc, ire uearly al ways enntrived, te ri ho iry lier aide. Eren boeora tire acason sle '~ ~active sports, ire irad leamt tro Mess tiret I i genial Amonican institution, tirs "be," whl wiricir ias hecomne qoire ustnraiized un anme -~ parts nt Canada, aimoaftirhe only distince-ire v tiveiy Ameican custom tiretiras heen 0glo Pe iîesce un usg u~iIurnd t adopted. And as lie ast with hiem cuîting sr applea foc dryiog, or busking tire golden swa, in cuie s of longstading. utere s cure s larS Idian cornlire leapI ft0tiuk more kindly gn mmouiîesu l,.esoerd aardly toî ..g o! tire Yankees Iran mot o!fltmas witir wisî Fer ote2cO or1LOO wirom ire associated ; uer once wiren ire bild h tire rare gond inde o! findiug s ced sac, dit[ ire _______________________________ ire fail teo daimiis pivilege-Kissiug tire fric] WhtWa~ s Onaeed ? prebîleat girl présent; whicli, -afler au ex- pnvc Hieeirni~' as ir tie euwciting chase, waa blusiingly coniceded. rosle iio!tl). w, fe sud se n n fsfatSewing circle, singing clea,, aii îwo or noisy wiuds tiret blow tires speliug becs tiret were ireld while tire like froc, tire tvo -s long evenirgs iasted, were !ollowed hy a tir For fio)wem an! weed utc-a-tels walle or drive ; for as Tom badl sud D)roopiug beiow. eeals eûeessBâetetenie ic "W~twas bts creed ?guriysmon iesadrtoatniene Tire puor may irnow. was glad te leave tire came o! Aice te Bd- at ward. A suow-airoe club tiraI was s tarted lier Ies irad faib1lin l aves of bmsadl towsrds sping f urtirer conîribufed ,to tirse uFor huugruy people, yonug a-od nid ilows ire iusýpimed id ivord3 sasec njoyuiseiut o! a wiuter rirat neither o! them tic To tlirose ire shlfered fmnm tire cul, wems croc liirely te forgef. Ho For ire sirould feed Not ouly in thre recréationsta ta foliowed a As weli as pay. t - to lir te dywwhhuharlofle 'Wirct ires iis creed ?tr ou ! dywa ieebr !- nos i caunof Say. présence foîf. Before tire wiuten moruîng A bad more tisu dswueî lire irad f0 bring tire don] Iu wamls ire did nit put hie trust imille for bier te strain, sud tire ieavy cirmuîwe Hie !siflteinhw omhis irepuandt irul: sud ieavier cireesepressa thr requimed iismo Wif h ait murifidwliruueeded iL. assstàuco. Ho gcnerally satimedhiis work mon Iu finie o! need as to be pnmpiuig watem foc tire caIlle wirenyo AWirfiriris hoe.l"sire cam~e ont t0 ecsd lire poultmy; sud nover îwr Ile tlid n ma. once iad eut er motirer or daugirter te com-.one le ~fhieIn-b uiheeeu, sd reo' adn o! eupty wond-boxos or bacle-loga t.IME rnori itrusit ir haeand irad, w îiug,ocauowunehovelledfrom tire pars ci \.nd worir ire e,,ve to cirily be or inawept !om tire douce. O1asinally Wi Sw,,eetened iis, sieep sud dailybrad oom or spinuing wireel, quilt-frame or sew- TI Le' us taire ieed, in'-mace, ol ag odntrda il For life la brie!,ue ol r ogo-aue in "Wirafiras hie3 creed, te gel ont o! order, rsquirng iis eady akil Alil, Wbat iis beliefV sud iugenuity te set it riglît again. Even Edi Stire cocu sirciier seenoied 1te mr more ligitly sud AWeaÀîî -, oi man. wben Alice dop t iters as. S (Fro Th TorntoWorlll)Long before tire bcugit, leanr, pleasant 'Tue r (momTir Toonf Wod.)winler bcd passeediraie t tiret, wiaterer self- Mmiý.,Methea Besant te eupposed to ho onue of miairt Le tirs outwamd Succesa o!fiis lire if uc o - ieîLfhiest women lu ire w'old sudliser wo" hbut a ln' auclraines hae 1 eaisl de to bier ow-s efforts. Sire landed bmuid .,h oely faîlurf ed eas iado nI!,dtia l it fýý ie ovor li'irty yeans ago a p 1or y e.nc olcdtnotfuce b d SEf folsani, fiem oies nsesions beiug a gond gon- a graduai ciraugs ilier demeanon fowacds tire ral, oducýaflun sud a sligit irowledge of mol- hlm; alwayasirhy sud quiet, sire now seemedfid cnue, ccquimed flrsulber father, miro w as. a id thyician. Knowing consideraibe o! frotauy, more mtîrng tiran dvec ; sud lier évident man in ud ng lu tire bille o! India moots sud herba confusion onu auy uddcn encouniter filled 'Niicirashe earnad mers igly vanuodlby the hlm mitir hope that iis feeling was ceturned. natives for cuclng certain troubles sud pu jijyv Stilllire resolved hy no word or acf f0 hetcay lng sud oricbing lire blond, se devoted alle imans ulme btire sfndy o!f lie uîedicinalvirtues toer lite aspirations ire checîisd untul bus o!teeplant-, and was newarded iry discoven oîn friture mers moresoseurs, sud lehiall, igtirt isuay dissasos previously tbougbf f0 sumetbiuig more dem inie f0 offer lier ; Fl ho ailugal inacurable mese sasily cumod by tire use ofrhese herbe sud mots whcen propenîy pro- choosing rather to endure lire long suspense Bri parei. fingreat was ber succese lu curing con- than te expose iimsif f0eflic charge o! tale. uni ,min n l tire finit andîE cofli siages aud ail îug ant nufain adysurtage o! lier parents' hi diseases ni tire liuga, esat enni, and diseases Of! indusas. Teli I~fl5~r ons flI-ibcirincsud iri'edcuic h ciel Aiire sinply redeemed ila word. No m ulceeli, sd sum-m caes rmocs t bonit tre ujeet reqnired great came aad tic fuiosAtd-~gsf, rby nmi, f g.ood deal o! îahkinig ovcer George 1Bac- Gt p 1' L~mu fua & c .~lo s litrlt udsamaîl bridge, iou, nscce tan Wi eaeAgunt, Ledbensouucdbyftheeloatiug ice cakes ha àe brook buat from ifs wiuter's cou ut tiratitlb ad been promptiy cou- 1, sud if mas uecessacy te advertise .aîely for fenders for tire building o! oue. But il graduslly dawned upon d'a ratier unsuspicinua -mind tiraI Macdonald mas lu un hucry ho have àic aettied. Again sud again ho camne ise somnetrivial point or locralesane dobjection. E ven miren tire coufract ally aîgned sud tire bridge lu proccs sîruiction, ire cnnued iris visite nming quite early lunlire affernoon, se lenei n ne but Mca. Barbuwe sud igirer wouid bir lthe bouse, Us witi iris fast ihorse 1tatalkeAlie dciv- Stir swaeel aummer eveuinga ; ire f iris violin fa accompauy ber simple on tire organ ; ire prssented ber mitir r fmopby o!firis gun or flir ing-rod. lu hem more seeet ciccle lu thre village, tire deugirter o!une sa iigily respect. George Barloire aixvays found irersel! ly welcomed, ber muaI frequent cour- ireas atili tirs Young lamyer, 3gay spiriftsuad unfailing good- S madle hm s universel f av- but theso picuica, dancea, aud be parties laUiled to honrtire thomougi Mnt of lire simpler festivifies et iEdwerd irsd heen hem escorf. Sire 1gladly irave avoided lire suciefy o! 7hm abs irsd reslly llked as a !niend, 'irnssie leemut f0 fear sud sirrink as bis purpose ireceme more apparent; irenever airs tcled f0 dram beele eithec ror motrer promptiy accepfed thirel- ion-for irer, As sire was tins Ibromu sud more mb lirhe company o! ones sie sc dceaded, aire naînrslly saw lese o! crd, sund tiroir friondsirip (sire iad as ivon if un0 marmor name, aven ta ber icarli seemed f0 becomne a Ihiug o! tire Ah lest Tom conglded ta Edirard Alec had propcsed ta her sud been ne. îbut-hec fatirer bad laugiereitfhuer, dber a silly cbild miro did nul kn )wu mid, sud encoumaged tire lawysu casisf l iris suit. Mayymll ha imeginfed fiat, fror 3ns ceuses,tlis. hsd beea lime o0 re triai to tirs emîgmaut. Piouginý owiug, iroeiug sud iraying are cmowd clnsely togeisier by thre srtussas sason sud the ma rvellous capidily o ation tire ven Ibose moat accustOm ait feel tire aIrain ; and tire suddec i o! intensehboaf wich foliows ftb -tapriug, tiret yeac caciier aeud'intense usuel, is alirsys more feit by a nom or Iran tire leeneaf froala or wildes as o! winter. Tirs mental sgiletioî bh ie f ound it se difficuif ta concea ira, rbecu almoat insupportable, sud a ai' information iris ccsoive gave wsý throwing prudence btirte minds, h i: t4 fdret gond oppomtuuiby te coufeý ta George Barlowu. us fermier ccciesvcisuacnmmunicetio bsolufe silence, sorely puzzled ta kuo' ta dccl mitir Ibis unexpeclefi ftnmu cr. Uc paced alowby up and down ce!f pethmay, psusiug affera whibe t -"Haro You sad anytiig o! tis t c " 'Net c word," sud ihc resumed iris mal ie Edmard veuisod bis impatience h, ago afcoles o!firis scythes upon tire grai ras moming. Tiree as a bitter stmul going ouinlutirs fafbec's ireacî. .Uc fe ungly iuciued ta send tire Young ma ay, beiieving turf miren once ho wl se lis daugir er wouid accept tire one 1 4ed bier ta msmry. On tire otiror bat had hecorne mucir attacired tb nusl ewlsc found ilu eveny way 5saîvortiry o! b adnp;sd ire eould not scoriu tJ orfy rircougir wiiobhoebd hise uired bis preacuf colupeteuce. I caunot undecaband mhy sire cmos n eAlec,' ire mnttecod more ta hnesE an toiris cumpanion; "hire a andant aagrecahis, sud altogether -ne o! r] ualt folbowa I kntow;no une couid ho nun untiie snsd heoires e gond bouse to tal - sf111 forcer sweep o! tirsscytirew only anamer, for mini couid ire 55 irhad no boue to offir irer af presce itoer ho migirt hope f0 acirieve lu t ir future. ,t lest lire eider man turued round su bly. IlYeu muset nIirîme me, lsd, eunt te ay my cild lire hirahip h bter iras gene thcougir ; but l'Il promi uthia mucir. If you'll gire me yo Sd ta sey uoubslng to Ailes tubl Christsu vI make noattempf mireeor t10ml se ber; anid if ahe bas nultlunlire mea c accepted Mc. Macdonald o! bier ni ,rd, yoi shall bave my fulil consent alirer. " rhe long mouibls o! silence 890euued t, e nids, bat fr555 mas uittle feer tir ie wouid yield if le't te hersif; ,werd gratefully gave lir equired pied 1tire malter mas sietuilefi for tire tins ao the hot, dry aummer slowby more ami lewyer continîîed bis visita, perfecl -etiled, lully conyisesi of iris ultima usas; tirougir Ailes lisdiug iraratîf fre ,niy aroided hlm. He e3nid hendiy fi se fiat irispreecca ias uiWsbcouiu Englishmen, but ho neyer dreauot iuug a daugerous rival l ir te Il irmd (n.n.c'LssJf. SensMbe a-il Pa"doi bs. cew Amecican piper8, wbeu discu33in.o tish or Canadian affairs, oxhibit th,î' prejndiced spirit and kindly regard ich is ever employed by the Seattle legrapb. An editocial lu that jonrnal the Pacifie cable, is ovidlently writfcî a p .erson poasessiug broad views- for il marks : Not many projects bave more t( nmend them than a traus-Pacific cable, e question la being discussed very earr tly bnth lu New York and San Francisco e of the principal poiufs discus8ed i Llocation o! the Americau terminus, an( LNew York Sali grows quife warm ir -testing againat having Výancouvei lsen. It strikeà ns that flua lis a ques n in regard to wbich hernies do flot go he building o! the cable la first a matterÔ ,sineas and secoudly a mat fer of polities portauce. It will stant from British terri y u utralia,sf0p liraI at British terri ry lu Fij i, then go to Samoa, then t .waii, and then to some point on th mcnican cnaat. If British capital build with a uy atrsiatanc.i from thle Britis overnmnenf the cable will ba lanided c0 itish soil. If if la aîmply a Comme! i1 venture the, Amlerican enýd wîll E îere if suifa 'ifs promofertts best. If W ed for naf oral prposes a r cablet lwaii, the way f0 get it is te stop tai] Ig and go to wocr ald Lay if. Theni ltish capitalists ant fO lay a bine frOI istralia-to Hlawaii f bey candoîas,3the ke abunt coinu:inmg if ro some pointé itlh Clumiaor makiug use e! Oie lin jSani Franciscoý. Mere talk wil liot affi e matt r One way or anoýther,.lif the proý tonis purely a business ne if will 'cided upsu bus,.iness principles. If if is 1tter f0 ob-2 settled by national cnie iols wc maiy make up our mifuds that ;reat BrLitain sets onttro lay 'a cable t'ýo e :e tA-scý ruatt auxi anada L ehe wi1 do i mie- t 1,,ly if ourselves. 'ecore parfýing for- thenigirf ire rseteçdLady ia, n_ d c o nd 0 til ns cfmn If ) Aerde1envithra 1beautiful siet o! litho kejthe ,fimous Cia rs ýjj;e ýfre ý,q),3výa tokn o!freinýi friend. m TI-dahhah u teampred£El Pd t n a Çd-~ iii tli tir niuirt sud lu filue nnîg tircy wre ont o! igbt. Tbley met Cena. Go rdon again SDaI & SQý,d. 1 . T', M JE te st hi w el bi ir ti h ti 9 JE t] 0 0 d L on-Wl at Caico aud diued wifhhim lui the spacinus WàSE 0Jý 'Î e Dfidpalace which was placed at the disposi of the simple soldier by the Kbedive. Thsy had a long discussion wîth hlm as AND RIOIIANCE. ta the possibility o! rapressing the slave trade. Thaf if cxisted in Egypt fbey bad sec the bcst npportunity o! knowing, for hear- lng j ing that boys were bought and sold as .1le Countess of Âberdeens 'o y-nierchandise, fbcy sent thleir man ashore at oug CTirlhool onue o! the villages stafîng that if they badl any boys for sale they wonld. be glad f0 sec theu. Witbont any delay a slave merchant Icw ue Iet ouugGeren. ierFîut't~bcougbt four boys on huard the ship and set IlowShe et 'oux% Godon.Berforth with mncb detail their varions advan- kissband-A i Rmantie Story To.1 tagea, aud diacouraed upon the benefits by W, . Slea. wblh would accrue f0 the purchaser whe Lady Aberdeen, says W. T. Stead, lu the nbtaincd sncb a desirabie buman articl, anuiary Review o!Reviews, la the dangb- The merchant then statcd the price at whlchI Ler o! Sir Dudley Coutta Marjoribauks, ho was williug f0 partf with thcm,. Lord aircc crcatcd Lord Tweedmouth, o! a Aberdeen poiuted ta the British flagwh'ch ttunch nId Whig Border family, and wbo was fiying af the masthead and told the simacîsef represented the "Igood fown o! Ber- slave dealer thaf the tour boys wcre slave$ wick-ou-Twèed"I for thirty years asi a Lib n longer, as wherever the Briti[ah flag fiew ral.' The fsmily seat is lu Berwickshire, slavAry ceased to exist. But lu order not f0 but little lshbel's home was lu Guisachan create a bubbub lie stated that ho was will. n Iverneashire. It was a wiid and roman- iuîg f0 take charge of the boys and give the tic spot. The country seat nestled at the slave dealer a preseut almost equivalent f0 head o! a lovely mountalus sfrath tweuty- the pries whieh ee hadl asked. Tbey took M thrce milesfrom the station or tclcgrapb the cblîdren up f0 Assiout and hauded ffice. In thia mounufai solitude the youing them over f0 a mission ta ho baptized d girl grew up a strong and sturdy Scotch sud hrougbf up. Thon a difficlty ams. Ay lassie, passiouafely fond o! reading and o! Thie missionarlea refnsed to basrtize fhem we the vigorons outdoor life o! the monutain unless their parents or adopted parents am obild. wonld fake tht respousibility o! preseuting rcý Hiec father, the son o! the well-knnwn, them for baptism. Lord anîd Lady Aber- Ay Mc. Edward Marjoribanka (who at the age deen,baviuîg put theit'.iaîds f0 the plough, ofi o! niucty.!our trsusactcd ail the beavy. did not toma back, but at once adopted the'tr duties falling tn the lot o! the senior pactuer four boys as their owu elîdren, aud ishey o! sncb a banik as Coutuis'), combiued witb were ail baptized and plaeed lu gond keep- le bis bemdifary business instincts strong ing. Tlhcee o! uibem afterwards died o! con- lifecary and actistic fastes and a passion foc sumnption. The,remau uing onecgrewr up and everything that perfained to sport aud became au earucaf Christian and lsata the natural bstory. It was this whichled hlm proscrnt moment a misîionary lu the Son- I' lu early maubood f0 se'tle blunseif in the dan. These were not the only adopted chul- c WILD OF NVERESSHRE, dren the youuof couple pnaacased wheu tlrcy a4nd thiere to create a very paradise, lu the 1 FRme 01 k te Ent HonEvuo midast o! wbîch hie lives the 'life o!au.fa They bad no fewer.than ive adopfed c'll- aoetpafriarcb amongaf bis retaincrs de.Fu !towrbf tsiuu andi bis gbillies, ta the great benefit o! al rn oro hmwr eta siuu the gîcu. nue was broueht witFh them f0 England. theï ladwy Tweedmonth, a womau o! gc af This was au Egyptuan lad wbo hsd become this beaufy sud talent, was the dangbfer o! Si.' a Christian, but wbo had heen tortured A, Jams Hgg on o!th manstyao! heinto recanfîng. He had run away frnm bis Wd old atInaonucio , sud manysmembers tormenfors and was more or leas at a bass, thou o!î ber ft OI oela a nt re euf rand did nut know wbat to do. Losrd sud bavE o a amiy eau uat n rce yeais of ad berdeen themefoeealdhmt baving maiuuiaincd in the service o! their Ld oeealdnmr Indi rie bgh radfioîs ! teirleave the ce nry undetected l in e.3iaacu- couputry lu fa h ig rdtin f hi er o!onue o! their servants. On arciving comibîued Scottîsh sud Irish aucestry. homne they put hlm f0 college, sud he la now W ýith snob a host aud hosteas and in snoh surcounidiniga "Guisachan I " anereo a ,miaaîonsry lu China. éalrnng lut addition to their adopfod elde i edî n ail t he Northb'o! Scoflsnd foc ifs wide they have bad ire cblîdren, tour o! wbom bospifalify, and evcry anfumu fonnd arc 1iving Th çod autedi n fiaac! boneti msaoof las, itieryolimen, nancy. Lord Uaddo, tire Hon. Dudley Wl ticansof othpatiearist, itearymen ud Hou. Archie are the boys, wliile Lady, sportsmen. Thus if naturally came about Majre, wbo la onby hrenyasodY' that beuiweeu the annual six nuontha' Par- iMahejoy thmrg dute y ayoid, liauentary season in London sud the cirele la trs ori asy sicion daugb Lady ofittiendsb ws rglirHighandcotact wfhyoungest editor lu the wocld, and ber lifftle moaf ole tirhe lewadinrglionto!tat niingmontbly, Wce Willie Winkie, la an aimoaf o and wathln fein cnopt ay, rdigidesi specimen o! what a cbild'a paper so and alkig inthei comanyshould be. If is simple, nafucal, interest- l LISTENINl-"G TO THRIR STORIES ing, and I am glad ftairear thtiIi l likely arc- sud utul rmînscenessudfohave au estended range o! usefulness rosi andmutal emiiscnce, ad mbibing o the American continent. Lady Marjorîs Pt, ail unconscinnsly a strong Liberal huas, ?suan interesting chlld, aomewhat tab 4e which preseutly blossomed into funil force foc bier age, but stîll a child at dc under fhe !iendby influences o! Mc. Glad- lier essons.e She doesahem edifing lu theth atone. intervals o! play time. Like ail the reat of int Another remult o! ber youithful snrround- the !amilv s is dcroted ta lber mother, fc igs waa t0 aecnatnm ber f0 fres intercourse whuo la narally very auxinus that sncb a o wVitb peraonnao!variois mliginus creeda. lun chi] d sironld nef be und uly forced inrit preuom- bier nafive glen tire great înajority o! the peo. imeut activity. Lady Aberdeen possesses tw ple wcre Celtie, Roman Catholica, whilstbe -tyan energy, togefhcr witb h norî,,,ty consîsted of strnng Free Cburcb' immensis ndge te dons, loi. folwitb a lsprinkbing o! adireeu f !the Hepciyf o=ilg sdgltbm - a Aud ikamoatwbc wrchm wnUr irzt training lu the way o! organî. zaflon j-n AudKraogtwihwr ir* was tire establishment o! tise Onward sud >ilr -amy.She sud ber whife pouy were ýd Scicyauýagcainwiý,b hosrmngt them ail, and maniy wsre tie g)Upnwtiar assoc. ian«tko hiný*cb be ci b- toresksire beard and tir sympathies thatan o eopal le amon g t ir e domn,%etic ll evoked as aseluarned to spin or bake de reople ou bs praduntîl tircyLE -'c1ý(s l b te adeof heolâHihladbaie about 9,000 members tbrnughouf ar Ilwifles," or ta watch for tire deer sud flic the wonid. lu counection wif h Ibis ls agrouise wifb ber father's gamekeepers. It Lady Aberdeen odits a monfbly review or us urîua o otebmwthee arb exeri uder the titIs o! Onward and Upward. D. 1 ences tained the youug girl for hem future Lyman Abbott, wrîfiug upon tins associa- Wn sconntection wifb tthe Roman Catholie sud tien lu the Outlonk, says that if lsas coin- rar Preshyterian populations o! Irebaud, aud if baination o! the Y. W. C. A., \oriring Girls' yoî lsac strange coincidence that circcmtances Club and the Chautauqua Litcramy sud bo( sh4ould bae accustomed both Lord sud Scientifle Association.u Ladly Aberdeen se] 'Ladyv Aberdeen frons childbood ta follow bas n been long in tire Dominion o! Cana- d -the example o! tire Queen lunireiug main-de, but sire bas already heiped to organize f bers o! botir Preabyterian sud Episcopai- a National Council o! Women, the abjecf r ian ebhurches, acoording as they resided lu o n teformia body o! women represenfing, *Scofland or un England.benf ail phases o! womnen's wusuk in every cenfer r. Cod fasînc hiem witir is ipening lboira. o ouaini h b oiin p e And. hcaven's ichinlstfincts in lher gmcw o!ppaftnn bw'oeDiin Iff As eýffortless as woodiand nooks la hoped tiret sncb s body will promote piE Scud violets upaud paint tirîsm bine. unity sud ubami ry, totb amougst religions, f This Scottisb girl, wiuiir ler Gaelic namte, philanthropie sud secular associations, giv- Snursed on tradition, on romance, and sur- îug ail a chasses of kuowing o! what is beiug *ounided froun infancy wifb the Sound o! doue for tihe gond o! the world ontaide their bi nwn immiediate sphere. If will aiso seurs an THESE TIPP.RtNG MELODIES their joint conusideration o! publie1 questions o! bier native bis, iras ouly eleyen wiren aîîd tireir joint action when cîrcumafances she saw lber present irusband. If ebauccd arise wiricls will necessitato their practical :upon s day tiraI a young man o! t-,,nty-one intervent ion. Of course, like otîsers wiîn *wlio lhad been riding accusa tire%cnisury, bave taken auy interest lu tire amelioration (W l* bat bis way sud came ovor tfl i ils with a o! the condition of life, Lady Aberdeen be- fotmepony ta tire enfrauce bridge o! hieesalirmmy lu woman's snffrage, lu ber fi G7uisaýchan. ,Us was bîtuibe more than a boy. preseut position as wi!e of the Govemuor- Tc IiSîgbtfo!f fame aithouglu o! ordinamy stature, Gesuemal shirl necessarily prccluded froun pr wit b s !rssk, feariess look ln bis eye, as hoe, takîng auy part in questions tirat con hy any wý after many apologies for trespassiug, cmaved prefeuse e alieged t0 baloug to tire domain W& permIlission to pubtlis pony ap for tlhe night o!pmy polities. If ought not fo be a ques. js at tflie lodge so thiaf ire migirt tire ncxt daytinco. atypbtc t fim ia o cosntinue iris jouneny. Smr Dudley Manjoni- au is a humanubaing, nom should a Govemuor-O banika, on inqaining for tire identity O! tire Gemal's wife hedqebarred from inasihg W' sitrange wayfarer, fonnd tiraI ire was nýmed upon tire ustumal comllamy o!ýtiret fonda- V Jolin Campbell Gordon, tire sou o! aunid mental fruism. Tire, la uo douht, irow- Paciiamenfamy frieud, the Eamb o! Aberdeen. ever, tiraItise National Counucl will tend pE c, Ie at ores gave a bigirland weicome t0atire to lead wotîueuî umore sud more f0 fake sr 7 ese traver. lairbel, iiieu a girl o! counsel fogether and sec whetber if la Dot C elev en, saw tire visiter and soon a! tacsire Possiblefor tbem foa bing sncb influence ta i felI in love with hlm, nomliras sire f rom tirat hear as tn renier it possible for the hast .1day f0 Iis ever witvered lu tire whole-ireamt- men, trly tire beat men,.btuire retucned tua a WbnBayiaswki. vwý gave herCatr. Wheu siewas aChiseccdfratoa Wbe sh bctineMls, icuigfCatr. hie, b a*,, l'eà srerae res ast1ola. Among tlic mauy testimonials wii1 ýin regard to certain mediciues perform.i gcures, cleansiug the blond, etc.," wriLeS nNRy liuDsoN, of tlie James Smiths Woolen Machiuery Co., Philadeiphia, lPa., 1"noue Impress me more than mýy own ase.Tweny years aga ah ge of 18 ycars, 1 had sweliigs come on my legs, which broke au 'd became rmnng sores. OnrfamilyphysiCiaflcouild do meiio)go od, and if w as 5eared thaýt the boules wnuld be aufected. At lllst, IVygoo, d Idmother :srged mue to try Ae' Sarsaparilla. IJteoik three botties, the sores lîealei, antd 1 have flot tbeen 1 trnoubLed since. Oniy the scars remalu, and the mnemory of the past, to remlud me of the good yer's Sarsaparilla has doue nie. I1 ilw cigh twn huudred and twcnty pouuds, auid n intUicbestfo!heaith. 1 have been on tho ad for fthc pasi fwelvc years, have uoàticeed yer's SarsaparIIIa advertised lu ail part.s )f he United Stattes, and always take pleas- ie iu telliug what gnod it did for mue." For the cure of ail diseases nriginiating la mpure blood, the bestiiedy las AYER'SSrapUa prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Go., Ioei as Cures others. vAI cure you. & socl-1d teacher, who hiad brenlWl story of, David, eudel with "Anu~l jhappeued ovtr 3,000 yearsý ago. AIittle cherub, its bine cycae îng1 Le with wonder, said, affer oe uti'1011'11a ought, 11Oh dear:, wba-,t a meor ou .e got 1 "Mr. Courty asked nie to miarry hilast ght," she biushingly toiddlher mrother. And what did you tell him 1" 'I told hlm to ask yon. " Ask me?' echoed the stari d1 ar4 t 'hy, Ma,,ry, surely you wouidni't; have )UT dear nid rmother cmmtbigamy, oul you V' oung, old or middle aged, who frUiI *kepi Ives nervousz, wealr and exhausted,wh ýebroken down fromi excess or ovcrwvork sulting iu mauy o! the foilowing symi- tms: Mental depression,1 premature old s,loss of vitality, loas of memnry, bad eama, dimucas o! sight, palpitation of ce hearit, emissions, lack of energy, pain the kidneys, beadaches, pimpies on the we and body, itchiug or peculiar sensa- )n about the scrotum, wastinig of the rgans,- dizziues, sjlecks before th-e eyes, wituhing of the miusclesî, eyelids a-d else- rere, bashfuluess, deposits ini the urine, >s of will power, tenderness of the scalp .d spine, wýeak ani iabbl)y imuscles, de- ie to sleep, fabiluire to bc rested by sleep, unstipation, dellnea-s of haigbsof oiýe,' desiire for solitude, excitab-flity ofÎ e,suniken eyea, surrounded w ,ýith ADNOfciESr, oily looking skini, et, re atil symptoms o! nervonls debiiity, thatý ead to insanity nlessa cured. The sp-rig , vital force having bat its tension every uction wanes in consequence. Those vho through abnse committed in igno. ane, may be permanently cnired. Send îur address and 10 cents in stamlps for mok on diseases peculiar to iran,ý sent ealed. Address M. V. LBO,2-1Mac- lnncll Ave., Toronto, Ont,, Canada. 361lyr. An Artist. 'The visiter at the boarding-bouse Nç as en- ertaiuingne or two o! bis friends at the Îano, and two boarders were standing at 1e hcad o! the stairs. IlWho's that at the piano ?" asked crie. Blamed if I kuow," was the reply. "Re ifs the piano as if hie were a biacksmith, ând lie murders the musî.- like a butcher.' How to gota"Sunlizht" piotura. Send 25 "Sulight" Soap wrappers :rapper bearlug the wcrds 'tWhy Dos àWornan L'îok Old Soonor Thau a Man"), ýo LEvER.Bitos , Ltd., 43 Scott St,, roronto, and you will receive by post v retry picture, frcee from advertisiug and weli worth framing. This ià au eas3y way to decorate your home. The soap is the besf lu the market, and if will unly cost le. postage f0 seud in the wrppera, if you leave the ends open-. Vriî your addresa carefully. In times o!war the armies of the Etiro- peau natins cin be raised to 9,3U61,000 men andi the daily expenses will be ncarly$0, 000,00U. Ini Glasgow lait year ;î77 pergons wee arre2ted and fiued for failing to swccp their Iteps or pavements.