______________________________________________________________________________________________ I 'WC are prepared l OfiTr soee eca Wanfing Cfiristrnas EGoods. Cali earily and make ,your selections. We lead both in price and variety. -Special value in Plush and Oak Leather, Cases, Perfumes, ?urses, $having Mugs, OGold Spectacles. STOTT & JURY, DRUGGLST, & OPTICIAN. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. BOWMANVILLE STATION. G011<0 EAST 0031<0 WEST jLbqiressq.... 839 arn m Express.5 20 arn ex9ireeq ...10 27 ami Express:.**:6 07 arn Pae£--enger .... 2 45 p m Passenger ....8 39 a un Passenger.... 7 07 p m i Passenger ....2 29 p m ~Expreas... 955 p mn1'xpresa....8 30 prnu WHEN YOU GOTOI BqRITJýSH COLUMBIA, MANITOBA. EUROPE, UNITED ST.ATES. or any place in Canada call at STOTT& Jt:it-'s Drug store for Tickets'aui Infor. juaton regarding lowest rate; and best BOWMÂN'VILLIC, JAN. 31, 1894. Local and Otherwise. STATESMAN and Ladies Journal for 1894 e0nly $1.15. Houzehold Departrnent on insld e 1 age ,5 very intEresting this week. Don't fail ta read the article on the Countes of Aberdeen on an inside page. John F. McMurtry, lumber merchant, Port H1ope, aged 52, died suddenly, Jan. 17,. Rev. J. C. Madill, Congregational. flelwood, ia the new grand president of the P.P.A. Rev. E. Roberts, Cob3urg, dedicaucd a i.. ) Mthodiat church at Warsaw, Peter. boro Co,, last week. &, rand lodge of A. O. U. W. hian been lornied lu Montreal for Queb3c and Muritime provinces. The South Ontario Farmiera' lustitute held at Whitby, Jan. 19 is reported "as the beat ever held here." W. W. llubbard, Pickering Township Treaisurer, died at Brougham, from can- cer of the stomach asat week. Have yon puid your subàcriptionî 1'Neyer put off till to-'norrow what you can do to-day" ls a very good adage ta Lindsay hias been offered the water- wovýrks system for the aum of $60,000, and will vote tapon the matter in tho near future, Special sermon ta ynoung people wil ho pneached by Rev. R. D. Fraser M. A. ln SL.Peu V's chlnexf Sunday'evening, Feb. 4, af 7é p.m. AIl arc weîcomo, Rev. Bni uchaenan, of Norwood, lias declined flic invItation ta liecome pastor ai flic Mark, st. Methoditit churcli, Asli- bnrnhami, whicli was receutly tcndered hlm. A numiber ni delegates fnomn this tnwn will likeiy attend the femperanco con- vention te lie leld in the Horticultural pavilloin, Tenaonteý, on Tuaesdy, Feb. 6. Sinigle, lare tickets will b, issued liy the G. T. R. 11< OôLDEN TIMS- People overlooked ther Importance nf permanenfly lieneficial effeets sud were satiefied with franaient oaction;-1but rew tliat If is «enerally kuowu tiat Syrnp ni Figs, will permauently cure habituel constipation, wll-infnrmed peo- pIe will rot boy therlaxativesi, which net for a turne, but finally injure flic syatern. Auj cintli boug'sf et Muso&e out frec. So uew adyt. If jon wanAt thý esli s ewing machinie miade, caîl ou Ritard. Caîl ou F. C. Pef'hick the barbe,when wanting anyfhing in hie huee AIl kirids ni Fors selliig offaf cot pnice at Coucli, Johuston & Crvderman's. Noue better, noue cheaper than my sîtock of groec-is, fru its, spices, etc. , H. Osboru. Sable, Peraitui Lambul, Deator, Daltie Seal, Nutria sud 0Opp-oseuni Furs sel ing off' at actuu.l - s. ýt Goucli, Jolinsfon sCrydernan's Anyjono wisliieg ehîrg i get it by call*ing ýat YMn. %naser udpur. cliaing Oou ni len amtyEli tnsmmed ist Jun J Maonis hovi - av andu pretty aana-fnient ni iancy 0embnn,-ideeýd ýCal sudhave a looýk it fi Iloge Inf slechep.Nc i jor hace boys, fo gefaclag oreio i i £nne.Apply t .' AJaes Auj ponscu wlo avhea f0boy au article Cni nnic oat pnie aliuld cal on jGondl( housÀýes ta rent. Apjply to M. A. Read cause sud Cur - of Colds 0on iu- Bide p ne-i ay rave your Wie. Rev. C. Paikeýr deiiverei a powerful sermion against gambling Sunday niglit. Mr. F. C. Taylor lias been appointed receiver for the Lindsay Waterworks Co., insolvent. Mr. Robt. Belth, M. P., will bea referee, at the Ontario Horse Show in Toronto on Mardi 28 and 29. -Mrs. S. M. Allen's article on Father's and Graudfather's Dairying on inside page is wliatýevcry farrner's wife shoffld read. Mr Andrew Pattalle, editor of the Woodstock Sentiuel.Review, in president of the Westarn Ontario Dairyrnen's A ssociation. Conveyances will ]eave THE STATESMAN Office for Oshbawa Carnival un Friday next'ý at 6 £,rn. SHARP. Pariiss nishiig togo wjll please leave their narnes with Mr. F. Fleun-y or W. S. McKowan on or before, Thuray. The Grand Truink Rstilwsy lias reduced the wages of tnackrnuten per cent. They now receive 90 cents for laine hours work, whi]e forrnerlv it was $1 for ten houri toil. The acu n foremnen formierly received $1,50 per diern, an.d ow raire n but $1.35 per dty. The Directors of CourtPride of DUrharn No. 15, Juver.ile Foresters, gave the members a banquet on Tuesday n1ýght week In the Foresters' Hall. After the royal repast speeches were indulged uin and thon the boys amused themeselvcs with vanlous garnes until a seasonable hour, whien ithey disparsed, well pleaied with the eveiina's enjoyrnent. We calI special attention to the Stock. taking-aie now gong on ait Couch, John- ston &Crydermon. lt iswell known that this finm do n ýt believe in carry ing old, gonds, but begin avery SeaBon with an almodtuirely New Stock. When they advertise any huen of gond to be su)d off chesp they mit an wbat they say, and those whovo there expectinR to get bargains iu winter gonds will flot be dissppointed. Miss Jessie Alexander, TorontuO'stoi- ented elocutionist, will appean in the Town all on Morday, Faebruary 5th, under the auspices of the Y. P. S. C. E. of St. Paul's church. Don't fail to hear lier. Mail: The audience was enthusias- tic and eppreciative. So rnainy were turned away in consequence of the assern- lily room net being elastic that the enter. tairiment in to bc repeated on Monday eveuiugY Globe; She cau mwe an audi- ence to tsars, convulse hier hearers with laugliter, or Ilirill îlier with excitement of the grsodest and nolest pasins.--- Plan cf h.-ll at Big 20. Tickets 25,-. and 350. The choir nf the Methodist churcli at the invitation of the Official aud Tiusee Boards enjoyed. a social evening in the sctsool-room Fiiday eveuing when a very pleasant and agreeable tixue was spent. The largestt iss room was fitted as a re- ception parlor with upholstered furniture suei looked very invit.inga. The wives of the officials senved a Pumptunus collation ta which alI did full justice. The' tables were very nicely set ouf. Social inter- course was indulged in aud after supper the choir sang acine antherna sund bncie speeches were deliveredby Rev. C. Parker, Rev. D. C. McDoweli, sud Mesrs. M. A. Jarnei, Dr. Dri uaacornb, J. J. Mason, sud Thon. Sherin wbo vAr-y acceptabiy pre- sided- as chairman. Mn. FH. J. Kniaght, the efcin choir directon, acknowledged the oesn nf appreciation cf the choir's services in suitable terms. It is probably not the coideet weather you ever knew in your lufe; but that is how yon feel just now, becauee paet sufferings are- soon forgotten, aud because your blond needs the enriching, invigora- tiug influence nf Ayer's Sareapaila-the Superior Medicine. We are doing a big trade l NOTE PAPER,PADS, ENVELOPES, etc. Core neu and sec nur low prices. GRAND CENTRAL. STÂTESMAN, Ladies Journal sud Preminin Book $1,30, Great lauglter lu overcoats et Mason's clearing sale, Sec flic big reductions lu prices in their new advf. Cali et Haines' Canniage Werks te sec their new cutters befone purdlasig-it will psy you liandsomcly. Ladires wishing their hein timmel or singed should catI on F. G. Pethick whli lias fit ted np a vcny îîeat barber aheup op posite John Lyle'a new store. 1Meynard flic Jeweller eu sallijon watcheo, cdocks sud jewellcry cheaper than any one else lu town, Why ? Decause flic stock was bouglit et 5Oc. ou flich$ LÂDiEs-Ask for Hook's Soi ala Poliali for fine boots sud shoca. Use naoflihen aud jon wililibe satisfied with flic reauît. For sale liy M. Treloven, D. Davis, Jno. McMurtry, sud T. G. Mason. Menu- lactured by A. J. Hock, Dcwnsanville, Fi-us ! FuRs!1 Yens ! flsviug bouglit lsrgely sud the ireathor se mild, flic stock muif lie sold. I have commenced giving 10 pur cent disconoit toa ah cash cuatomres, so corne along anîd brng your1 fniends with yen. The stock is lange and A-One. M. MAiEme, The Fuere. 'What a beautiful display." . Wlat pretty thinga." "llouv lovely." Theset sud many ether imilan reuaarks wene te liehbard on Set nnday affernon asat asi flic many cueto)mens irbo visited 'the'store1 ci J. J. fîainu, vituessed flic "openiug ouf of a lange shipmcuàt ni Silvenuvare. Their socrof Gliistmuasgooda lu flue ue lacranyrpeointflicptetticaf sud mot novldesignus.They aililibe pleaaed to have 3yeoit fli trougli. t MaFila întifer "WýVaint" adver tisemeut. If yea nr stato, eclianic, a bunesmcny oinng, 1,if yon bave lest r bod snthing. If jon wsut to fiu ou aier au cin sadventice in fli Teonto Diy al u esd tIcu sdverisemet~cn tfhirdAge o iff liai pape. I chng i treCentsa riword cei iriefnu, or feu cents s nword for Thi visit cjf thec Kickapoa Medicîne Go. (No. 39) to Bnwmativiileiillie rem.iern- bered ,:ith gratitude by nuany elt;îzonu of the town aud others resideut in tliediýs triet, liecause ni the relief th-ay have ne 1caived front the famons Indian remaedies sold, by this; company. Our neaders haýve already been informen- o the wondenlul resuits these mecticines have effccted on Messrs. Goodmnan sud Brirnacombe ani on Monday niglit huind MiohSil Collinon who lias licou coufined to his room near. ly twn months witli sciatin rlieurnatiam wts brouglit to the town hait ou a stretch- or sud ai ter necei ving one treatmnent- of Indian 011 was able to wslk home. These thines occurring riglithea in our midst and being doue on men that wc ail kuow caunot lielp but convince the moat skcp tical rcspccting the merits of tha Kicka pon medicines. Prof. Higgins, the man- ager, is caustantiy in neceipt ni latters of thanks from persons in places that lie has preyiouaiy visited, sud only yestenday a ne carne from a man et Bastingsi who was relieved , o a tapewnrm of great leugth by the Kickapoo Tape Worm Secret. Crowds ni people have been flocking te the bail the past few daje, sorne for treatmient sud others ta have teelli extracted. This Wednesday niglit wili be thejr lest public ententairumeut in Bowmanville wlit3n the town hall wiillibe crowdel we have uno doulit. On Thurs. day they wihl go to Orono for two weeks after that to Oshawi, wliera the fame nf their wündenfai Kickapoo rarnad-ies lias already preceded Ithern. Photos! Photos!1 Nowadeys the discerning public try to get the befit possible value for their rnoney. That is one of the reasous why people go, ta Tait & Co. for their photos. They are maklng Borne veny pretty stylesnir. Cali ard sec thc.m. Pictue f ames ai- ways on liai . Miss N,11ie Patterson ni Whitby is vis- iting- fricnds lu town. .Regn'ar quarterly services lu the Melli- ndist churcli next Suuday. Mrs. J. G. Witten, "Hlomrî il, lias retnrned irorn a vi it to Taý-onto. On Monday niglit the Y. P. S. C. E. ni the Disciples' appoiated âMiss Honni- brook a delegate to the Prohibition ccr:- ventin liqToronto. Mr n. ui Mys. Bicll. Brenton of Peter- bina sund Mis. (R,3v.) S. T. Barîlett sud twn chiîdren of L-iketield arc visiting at Mr. John Re!lvar'e. Letter post mr-rkad Uloor Street, To ronto, Jan. 25, coutâiniug money lias bean received et STATESMAN offl2c with- ont narne nf rernîtter. Skates and Scissorp, loft at Chartran a3 Barlier-shop or Worth's hardiwareatoe tynuuud tin first daas style -by S. J. Jaek-i man. Skates 10c. Scissors 5j. The severtan snual c.inveutton faf tîie West Durharn Suinday Sohool Asicaciattin will ba held in Tyrone churcli Tuesday sud Wcdnesday Feb. 13 sud 14. Mr. Chanlfs Owen oýf Campliellford wa-. elected warden of the United Cuie lest week on twenly-fifui alo.h.r Gunyo,Brizhtonwas next stronégeet mni. Every cl- urcli sud socioty should send dcli gîtes- to the big Pýohihition Conven,- tion iu Torenco ne-xt Tnesday. Railwa_-y tick c'a are g'ýod for threra days before sud three days alter convention. Daniel Ritz, Proprietor sud Publisher cf the Harnburg, Ont., IndependeutPass: "I was suffering from Dyspepsa ?ind Liver Troubles, I tcok a few bottles nf Shiioii's Vitalizer sud it cured me. I cari heartily recornrnnd it." Y. P, S. C. E. day et the Disciples churci uext Lord'a day By requst the parstor will preacli a Christian Endeavor sermon at il a. ni. on "0ur duties te- ward the Society" sud at 7 p. M. c"Christ. ian Euýdeavor sud what it means." Ail arc cordially invited. We wish every onecf our, farier anb- acriliers wonld aeud is addreýss for a sample copy nf The Breeder'si Gazette, 358 Dearborr, e., Chicago, III, A -Feeder's Corner" lias been starýted which wiîll in our opinion - prove wor th ton timea the annual pnice of thi beat ni. weekly agriculturel jourrals. Foreign Mission Bally in tlic Churcli of Cliri t Wednî sday,Feli. 7th, at 7.30 o'- 2lock auder tlie auspice% of the Yýoubg Peoplc's Society cf Christian Endeavon, Christian Wnman's Board ofMiso, and the Mission Baud. The Dsciples are tliorouighiy rniisionary in spirit suid a-ork sud are uow supporting and edocî%t- iug flirc boys lu China. A very inter-1 îsting program is in preparation, 'hei intention ni this rally is purely intellcct- isl aud, eductionsi prepanetory to tlic nieslonary colloction tinît Lord'd Day ini Noi l yoIlue e get3c'A 1ýip lono lu V t r s cs f l'o. ThiniofcfitCab te mIlfigreuit$l95,nd itadns t $40 THE P. P. A. OATET. Th'Jle f lloiu prtions nI the Protestant , rV B ook s,"I "1(0ms'tsolemlnly promise sud swear t îo ey a - G od ,W llPpr that I will net ashow anynne, a member of Sain rF n yG o s atPpr the Roman Catholuec clurch, to liecome a member oi the Order. That I will not W n o h d s PcueF a e employ a Roman Catholic in anyý capacity, id wS a e ,Pcu F in-s if I cari procure the serv ices nf s Protes- tant. "That I will net counitenance the noini- GO toB I - 2 . nation, lu any caucus or convention nf a Roman Catliolic for any office in the gift, ni the Ganadian people sud that I will net voefor, non ceunsel others to vote for ay W ait ' Roman Catholie, jbut will vote orily for a W have al knds of Sewîrng ivachine Protestant; that I will ,,udeavon at al times te place the polîtical positions ni ln e ed awasi te geîernnertithte hauds of Protestants. ee les aw y ns ok To ail of whicli I do most solemuly prom- ise sud swe-ar; so lieip me Gol. Amen." HIGJI SCITOOL NomEs. The Livrary Society lu -t Jien. 24th. After a britf addreaFs by thke Prcsident, Mr. J. Gilfihla-a, Svl, rico MaEter, a called Io the chair t a couduet an debate. Subjeet-Rsot vad, that the miaguctie needie lis been nf more servi-e to mars- kiud than the P.e3,3. Speakers oa the affirmâtive-âesnr, IL Rtile sud E. McCulloch; nieg-itive-M annra. M. Pascoe, snd E. Wor don. Both aides d d admir- elily, showing that tliey were poesessed ni gond debating talent. As debsî;ng is one of the best means ni developîng oe 'iu cleaness ni thought sud expression, va think flie girls should hive a chance; but aone aay girls willleinte t3klk any- way sud we kuow tliey thinka great deal. The clisirman aftgr sumuniîîg up t'se pointe inde ou ecdli ide gave lis decision lu layon nf the negative. The critic lollowed witli a foir seasoised sud sean- able rcuuarks. Filty-two Divideuds. As a gerai thiug ir;v,-toriia'e pleas ed an receive u'Dly tiro dividende &3e r and if thay ire paîd with r- giarit aro fully sîtisiled. Wl n ,u -xe, tai e ver, cau reccive filry t-m dividon-Is aun -I ean upon an inveeti"ut nci ouly a i. i s-s. týe maltUer deserv,.q very sarioii8 iTl,-iatioar. The Ind(pendaîît oniNeirYaark fon fuýrty five years has heid the fi st p sîition am(uong tIse g est religionus and literary weekis o f the Ltud. 1,, preýe-iti fent- unes for îhF coi-zgyear farn nadv.rnce i3 auy belue of ore oùiered. It h as the leai- iug coutrabuters of the world, ut prnts th.- best poetry, it Ia îweuty one aepart- macnte, edi ted by kp-eialints, devu'fed t-a) Fine Arts, Soian-ae, Insurance, Finance, Bîblîc 1 Research, Sanday Sahnol, Mis Pins, llealth, etc. The Iridependont is particulaaly fit, d for i14tellige1 t people, wliether processionai moýn, basin, se n, fermneisansd fnr ihein ailus It cois littIe sud gives a grent deal. A sýabscrib- on receives fi ty-utwo dividends a yeer. Tlîe subscripti-un, price ni The Inde- pea dent s only three dolla's a voir or at tf at rate for i ny pbrt ni a yaar, sud a sampie ciny iai le sent ta any person free hv %1drossiijg The Indepeudent,, Sew Yo'K C; ty are lightened Wlien she turus to the rigL.t medicine. If bier existence is made glonmy- by the clironin weak- nesses, delicate des-angements, sud painful disordens fhiat afilict lier sex, she -will find relief and emancipation from, ber troubles in Dr. Pîerce's Favorite Pirescription. If she's over- worked, nervous, or "'rn-down," ohe bas new life and strength after using this remankable remedy. It's a powei-ful, invigerating tonie nnd nenvine -which -was discovered sud used by un erninent physician for mauly years, iii iJi cases cf Ilfemale complaints" and weakncsses. For yong girls jnst entering womau- bond;fer weînen at the critical l'change of ife "; in bearing-dowu sensations, penîndi"al pains, ulcera- tien, inflammation, and every kin- dred ailmc-ut, if it ever fails te benefit Gr cure, ynu have your moncy back. The key to the .situatione -if yen suifer from Ca- tanrh, yon'll find in Dr. Sage's Remedy. No mat- ter how bad ycur crise may be, the proprietors of the medicine promise to puy $500 if they can't cure you. For sale by ail druggists. I cari make iftat your advantage te buy of me il you will oel, Mayuard the eweller. For a firat cîseis B]lack Suit sud a No. 1 fit, tny Mr. Fleury, th 3 uew cutter ata 4ason's. Sec adyr. Waterpronf Dents for'Men et $1. CO- usa than rezular pnice-af Mason'sa Glean- mg Sl.Sec sdy't. Ladies ýÏwauting suythlnz lu. For Gonaýdss an rneke nmonev by buîyipg 5f Couci, cîhnseu & CrydermLan's. E;ectona , ei W 1tDuerliu,oun vote ind ifeneare ) Ilv:ted fer W. 11 Os-.r- visions, 'etc, fli fri mdiue lae ver louud tha,!t ,voui l d re m aInvgond." Pce 50 cenits. S'od Lby Stotf t uy A dok iat dace not keep fli-ne is ne, Rîclard âsud have if put liiorder. ne Subscriptions taken, for Magazin?,es and News papers at lowest rates. A fuit supply of Daily Papers always or, hand. W.T. ALLE. , Those lovely stoveî ! ii the remark very frequently made by ladies passîne Edsall'a hardware store. The Hlappy Thought range bas no supericr in the world. TAKE NOTICE. During the year the opace devoýed to advertising MINARD'S LINIMENT wil contain expressions of no uncertain souind frorn pdole who spaak from per- sonal exoerienoe a3 to the muerit of this be3toË lloosehuld Rernedie3. CC 0,RicHA&RDS & Co. Nebtleee cr Blrtits, 2 cat;! Marlg.50 cents, lleaths. 5'1:cents. eaeh Insertion -but FILEE OP CHARG~E, wlsen the (ûerai card% are iprinted at this cilie MA RRU ED. MÂY-GRILLS-On Jan. 21. at the residence of the brjde's father by 11ev. Benj. Greatnix, Mr.Arnbrose May and Helena,daughter of Mn. Marvin Gills, al of Maripasa. DOnsox-HAriDY-OD Jan. 17, by Rev. Jos, Archer, nncie of the bride, Mr. Robt. Dobsonn, Oakwnod. and Miss K. Hardy, daughter of Mr. Johan Hardy, Peniel. Mariposa. COLvILLE-THosspsoN..At the Presbyterian church, Oroio. Jan 23 by 11ev. J. A. McKeen, B. A., Mr. Wm. Coiville and Ffie M., cidest daughter of Wm. Thomp3ou, E-q. DIED. COMSTnCîc In Kendall, Jan. 17, Allen Coué- stock, agi d 23 ycans, 5 months. BROAD-At Lindsay-,.Jatuary 15. Gertrude, Yonngest danliter of Wm. H. Broad, aged 3 years, à monithe. 8 days %IARSTON-At 11am .pste id, N. 1-., fla3C. 29. Mary A. Ballagh,bevd wite ol' Mn. A, ýJ. Marston, and daughte, of J . H. BUîlagh, E7q., Newcabtl?, Ont. CnNir-At Taunton. Jan. 17, Lydia, beloved wife of Jacob Cronk, Esq., in lier 831h year. BOWMANVILLE MARKETS' ecrreceed by J. EoiXurtre, svery Tuenday FLouR, P 100 ilis........81 50 toi $2 00 WnHEÂT, Faîl, e bush ... 0 0 et 062i ri Russian, 'a........ 000le 0 60 il 0no.1;,.......OQO eO 55 té Colorado ....0 0 etO057 White Fife,...........O Ot o0O62 Red".......0 00et 0 65 BAELET, e bush, No. 1.... 0 00 fi 0 42 fi fi 2x.. 0 00ri 0 35 fi el 2.. .. 000 0 30 Il et Two rowed O 0 0 033 OÂTS, white............ 0 0 teO032 il mie............0Oil0 28 Ryz, ~ ............ 000 fi 0 40 Backwheiat ' buste.......O 000 t040 PEÂAs, Blackeye, ?P bush... O 0 0 fiO65 il Mumrny et ... OOOle 0 62 1 , S m a l l , f i . . . ( ) 0 0 f i O 5 5 fiBlue, ri ... 0 65 te 0 65 B;Urr R, be t table, îP lb.. 0 00 fi O 18 CHICKEN, tý lb ..........O0 9 tO 010 EoG,fdoz ....... .....0 00te 0 14 POTATOES, V bush ........0 25 et O30 HÂ,Yeton .............. 600,te 70 A: S, TILLEY, M. D,, C. 31, lUI MBER OF COLLEGE OF 'P1IYSICIANS an sd Surgens, Ontario. Office, King St. Piret doir West ef Ontario Rank; Resideuco. Chaurcai St.-8&h deor casi cf Methodist Chuch Bowmanvlie. 37 W TANTED-A girl ta do- genenail oure wonk. Appiy at this office or et Ontanto Bani 4W fl -OUSES FOR -,ÂLE.-Three brick Mhouses3 ou Liberty st. for sale ornaent. W. R, R. Cawker, box 189, Bcwmauvjlle, itf iJIfOUSE TO RENT.-A aeml-detached il bick bmuse on Churcai street lateiy ~ccupied by Cupt, Crawford. Torms modere. Apply fo A. YouNîz, an T. BîNOHAým. Bow manlenvil,4-t. 1ULL FOR SALE.,-Thnnro'. bred lIm. B ported Bull, Boulderwood d colon red;izood voriten, sure geilen. sud sien s arnong No. l anutmals lu Canada. Terme to suit taie tirnes, D. DYzas. Columbus. -3 TOCK WANTED.-Mr. W. R R. Cawker la Inthe market ta buy ata ne on fat Beef, Mileh Coava, Young sud fat Calves, Psgs, Lambs sud Poultry Address W. R. R. CAw- CER, box 189, Bowrnville. or et'hie resfidence cft 9, con. 1, unth cf Celedoniar iMille, 3-tf ARM 'lTOC E T-Fnsterrn ai I.. yars, that rnost desirable home, S muile entai of Newcastlc kriowu as taie Munro Chanles WnI-g I, EîqI, Br seNwate Ont. 24 ARM TO REN-',T for a terra o jeas LThat desirabie frn blgtaie Sois-tai 119 acres of lot Number 16, lu taie th,ironu. cftaie Township ofDr iluîn ,3ieprnpeniy 0 n cari ho hsd hy arpliug 10 D. BPnu z înîou BanneSton, etc,,Baiavle 6I ASvyOilES. Look to your health and protect your feet from the c old, and wet which willI b,-,the, principal ingredients of the weather from. this on. îYou can dIo this reactlly with a p-1air of our Waterprof RangoVCra Shoes f'or Ladies and CI 'd-- re, They are suitable foi skat.ing or ordiniary wear, A Heavy Shoe is just the thing for tlhi s weathier. Hecre is a good line at a light price_ too-Our Men's Waterproof Felt-Iiýned are said to be the best value in the market * We have received and op- ened, into stock recently sever - ai cases of new goods from &e factory with the largest out-, put in C1anada. Jas, _Mc Cready & Co's IJongol.ago are favorably ýknowý>n to our customers, every pair guaranl- teed. Try us for your xetpi of Boots or Shoes. The Ciothing House, PROI'RIETOR, TUE DOIIINiOIV lu1iuaI Fire IItrIc Associamtioni Issues a genu'na "Blantit" Pli7ta rm 1sf Glass 55 cntepr-$0 2nd ý' ',- OntTeuPîr 3rd 'è 90 , 'i 10f) Most cf WEst Durham'a promnineit frc are insuned iu it. Rt. J. DOY LEý , Eq., JESZETR LLEq Owcn Sound. wmuil vai c al, on receipt cf poat c&rd. Agent for Wat -Durhamn, ARM FOR SALE.-A firafc tan FOf 125 ares or Ili acres n U th township 0f.BEst Witby 1sf'cou, ots15 u 16 an the Base LUno, about ii miles from aha wa siataon,2mie _ra htby sud tlfCd, nain ban r5x5 , plenty of fruit. 801 da cearn, altge3thlernencof ta best grain ferme' GUYND CHANGE te muke o A o $~t 25 Perweck l ing aurHrd Canaien rawnNuracry stOceiHiai sl ouffit4 fro. Spcab nstrcin abgue Nnema.Toronto, Ont.2-u 1 . '.Jlv r n rz.nîirir 1a ~ r - - -l,- M., 7'. 71~,. . - A.I - '=- -- -.,... -5 Tville. BE is laru hie, wi~e t at big euto. rota oCna C h i ! ri-e-n C ry ter a sue froc , mAIYIMUSIC flOUSE, Y- K.D. C Upars D]TROIT, MICH ,4-f Un lèr m 'ade last woek for nezw s anionenhodegod "Frug'JL'n -- - -.- - . ..lý i p iplace- te L'et 1 borne's Chobj.. ; -ný -- -. - . 1. 'f W,, . Ilý ý 1 Th- il.ini -- -F il- "Mi- 1 ý"-- 1 Homeoteatf. F m - d. 7&acres in7 i;ý -r --r, -r ýr -i JA î 1 ! 1 1 7 1 i 1