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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Jan 1894, p. 6

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GRATEFUL-COMFOR.TING. "Backac ha thesca vengers means the id cf the system. n e YSara i1n "el!ecyIV la trouble. Do;dd'a dangerous., Neg- idneg 'Pilla griva lcted .'idneyM prompt relief" ', trouibles result "75 Per, cent. in, Bad Blood, ofdisees e la Dyspepsie, Liver9 Jirst .cmused by Comiiplaint, and disordeýred id- tsa ettdan- neya. ga r-oua of aci,g Ï"M ight c asil Bights D.'aeas, ryto bavea a iobetea and heelthy cîty Dropsy" -- without sewer- "The ab eti age, as good diseuses connut health when thea axis t whera kidneya are Dodd's Kidney9 .clogged, they are Pilla are used.» Sohd by aIl deaens or sent byinail on receipt utpnsce 5o cens. per box or six ýfor $. 1r-L A. Smiths & Co. Toronto, \Vuîte or buA called Kidaîx' T"l RISALTIL EPPS'S CCIA BREAKF12A ST-SUPP FR. ny s thorougis knowvlegeofthst ise tural lsaF wIiisgourra h prino i gesto an d nilutritfio0n.sdail crefl-ppictio0n 'e luppabas p'P' vided1our breakfast tables witb a delite )]il fbaored beverae wiiicis may, save euemau' ssay dctrs'hils.It le by tise 1rdic1onma st cbarticles et dbet t tisa nunitutieon may1be1g7ad1ah1x'buiît up untîl stroug e nengis te 1'rabatievery tendex' ta digease. hitindmrds et sibtle maladies are fleati 19 around le meý adyteattack he erevar tisera s s weak1 point. We Max' escape maux' s ftal shy Ixkegping ourselve3 weltortiflel wVith pure1), o îd ,%d a priunîx' noniissed tae-- il îs£rVice Gaeette." MAdemply' witb boiling water or mille Î8aCs, Londen. Eng-lansi, WEDINESDÂy, JAN. 31, 1894 Dit. J. C. MITCIIELl, 7 R OItE F COLLErtifOF PHlYqlCIÂN t ui SrgeoneOtani,Cof'roiner.etc. Office and Itesid uce. nlaila. 74. 1I RRISTIFR, SOLICITOR,.&,a. MOPRIS j> OJ 0K, piare, Ring Street. Bo'uan- ïvlle ic11Iltfr tise Ontani Bauk, a uvale Iloneya bosued at tise bow5t rtas S. C. HIB4~ fTESD ACIJOON EE R FOR j ieCuntY of Durham. Sales -attended te ou, shorteet notice sud lewe ratas. Address (LaisP. 0.3: P-OUT. YOCITG, V. S. d- %FFICE IN THIE WEST DURHAM ". News Blcck. veheme iimsf or assisant iW te feund freinSa.m. te 9 p.m. Nigbt cais at reeîdeuce,directlx'oposoite Dmi11 She-d. CalIe 1 ý telegrspis or telepisona wili receive nrompt Dttentionu171-yr .. l, A. W 4E A'TIONEEU, PPRAISER, Real A. A. PONTI ROIIITEOT. Plans sud Specifica- A lloue pepared tor every class of building. br (ial attention gvan in beatîug by steamn .11 d bot water- sud te sanitary arangements. Ofie; GoeleBlock, W ijtb 43 -x £X. PE'"ATErjl Tailor Gentlemen's CloLlies Maide to Order.- 5L.BRI-01AC OIP)BE DIENTINT. OFFIC'E:-Rear of Mes. Higginbothain & Son's iDrug Store, (down stairs), BOWMVANVILLE .L ei)ancieln; sud tise Lîtîdon sud L»ac abîm, Cinnsrrsal nion, hntise Lanasisire 3Fîme lusurnea C a sd tise Sueam Botter sud Ofieat ortisl I-,rd war- store, Bewmsn Gonts' C1uýlting Cletaned, I)yed. Pessed sud RePaired by T HO0S. PEmiA jûý DYem aud Uothea Gîssuer. t-Cdwarranîed te bease ne oeswîll lenow tisem frein new wvien doue. corner Ring Is-udlOsealoStnss3F3 DENI SRY. C. IIARNDEN-.-,L. D.S. 'Graduatae tîse Royra1l Clege ut Datal Surgeons, Ontario. OFFICE OPPOSITE EXPRESS OFFICEI. VITALIZED AIR. NLew Tailor Shop Tise underslguedwbo bas been csryiug ou tise teflening business sin ounnectibea 1with Maon's Dry Gouda Store fer a numiser et years bas cemmeaed busfiness for bimsalt at bis res3idauce, King St,wost. wisems beis preparel te make geute' sud boy' suite lu sl tse latest sty'les, and at lowest rce.For tiso8a who wîsb te erder suite, ha wil carry a fulil linset amples lu ail tise uewast patterus. Give bbm acaîl. J. T. A L N Fashionable Tailor BowmanvIlie, N:),. 1892. pemature et 95 0. By hreathiug with the mogutb clesed, we prevent these air cele being ceoled dotvn tee quickiy, as the air pm.sing threegh tithe nue s warmned before it reaciies the lane. Qotbing is wemn, net te produce body iseal, but te prevent, radiation; tence, Long before people understood the mani- uer in whiech contagious and infections dis- eases were ,ommuvicated froma one person to another, the importance had been f uiiy estabiished of a thorough disintection of the patients elethiug and of the room which he had occoupied ; but the agents formerly employed for this purpose, suiphur inciud- ed, are now believed te be wholly use- less. » At preseut ouiv three chemicai. agents are recognized as of value in compieteiy destrey- ing the gerins of disease and preventing their spread. These are carbolie acid, cor- rosive sublimate and chioride of lime ; and it is at one apparent, te every eue ar al familiar with these chemnicais, that their employmeut je necessarily restrictsd, as al et them are irritant poisons when'uaed in excees. 0f the three, chioride et lime is perbaps the eue which may be eaid te deserve Ithkt greatest commendation, on acrount e its cheapuess and the comparativeiy littie 'danger attendiug its use. German authurities advecate the empioy- ment et eteam and heat, jastiy maintainiug that in these we have chaap and efficient' agents, which are aise highiy penetrable and at the saine time daugerous te bat tew honseliold articles. The fol!owing miles miax'be ýsaid te cou- form te the latest approved methods of dis- infection:- 1. Ail fabrice which wiil net be iujured in the preceas must be bag&d lu water for at least four heurs. 2. Fahrics which wîli net stand this treatment are te be subjected te the action of dry heat fer a ranch longer time. 3. Fumniture, etc., may he treated with a four-tenthe per cent, solution et carbolic acid. 4. Ail artxciss which have been in a3tnai use hy the patient mnust he burned. 5. Týxe waiis et the room must be thor- eegbly rubhsd dowu with bread whlch muet atterward be burnuc. 6. The sputa and exerements of the pa- tient must be at once treatied witb chioride ef lime. It is evident that upon the theroughness et disinfection depends net oniy the private, tut the public weitare. Take C7gie of the Gum. "People are ioaiug their *ýeth from a uew cause nowadays," saiel a dental sur- geon the other day. IlIt la a complaînt wich seema te, have hecome cemmen uniy wîtbin the iast fifieen ysars or se.- 'Reces- sien ot the guins' it le called. Tarter la depeaited at au abîormal rate, aud this carbonate et lime seemeted tmem the saliva pusbes the gunis hack f rom the teeth. At ter a wbile, if notbing ie doue te pir3veut, the trouble gets -as tam as the socket,t, which becomne infiarned. Finally the teetb fail eut. A weli-knewu statesman came te me tourteeu years age with a bad rase et the disease. Every tootb in hie head wae looes, aud oeeoe them was se tam gene tlîat 1 teek it betweeu my tbumb and fgem and quietiy iifted it eut; Withiu three months 1 had fixed hlm up se that ail the rear et his den. tai equipmeut was pertectiy euiid lu his jaws. - It was ,accompiabed 9sTmply by me- meving the destructive tartar aud preveetf- iug it f rom accumulatieg again ; aise with the aid et a littie medicine appIied te the gums. The distinguished patient et wbom I speak cernes te me every two or tbree moutbs andd ndergees a littis treatment. Iu that way I have beau able te ýkeep his teeth for hlm thus tam. It'is a peculiar disease. In a case se tar advanced as the une 1 have1 deecribed it eau. hamdiy be cured. That la te say, the teud eucy te au accumulation et tartar cannt be stopped. Ail that eau ha doue is te prevent it trem accumulatiug by scraping it away at intervals and hy medi. cina' applications te the gume. lu au early stage, hewever, tbe complaint la pemfectly curable and the teudency linuleat cases eau be evercoine. But much care and continuai attention are required. Otberwise the per- son wiil have lest seme et bis teetb by the time be la 40 years oiJ, sud atter that the reat ef themn wiil go rapidly. The makieg et taise teetb bas arrived at great perfec- tion, butat heat'tbey are pour subatîtutes. As 1 have sald, this may bc regarded as a new disease. At ail eveuta, it is enly je receut years that it lias become prevaleut. It is important that psepie'e attention sbould be called te it. Frem 7 yeara te -20 cares sbud he taken ef the teeth lest fi ey decay. There is littie that atter tbe tweutieth year la passed., But trom that time on eue sbould look eut fer tarter. A moutb affected ie tbe way I epeak et is almost worae than a hadiy de- cayed moutb. The trouble means certain bass ofthe teeth unlees looked out for sud treated. Oause and Cure cf (Jolde. Now la the season for cuida, and siegular-. ly prevalent tbey have been et late, aud tbe type ufthe preaunt attacks reminds usavery mech et the dreadçal Ruasiau influenza that euly tee îecently occupied a posit ion et im-, portance lu our vital statiatica. Let us hriefly cenaider a tew waya et catcbing cold. Bly taking tee înuch came, for let-tance . The healthy ueed not stay indoors because itii l cold, weteor toggy ; on the ountrary, tbey sbeuld brace up tbe system hby getting eut etA d-------ail, weater-rain -trost-fogo Widowas sldoin ra.mamry lu China, sud widowiseod le estsemed as a condition etf tise iigiesstrsspectsbilit. \Visee a widpw attaine ber filtilt year tise Go>verumet supplies ber wiiis a tablai eu whicb ber vintuse are em5uiszoeed, Tisis la3 displaysi-J over tise door et hem hous. Vý7i'k2ven Cry forý BRIEF AN~D INTERESTING. -r csiderabhg reducestise amnount ïetin praextice. Ecormous expansa w Ill e'on- se eh necaaaary te resteats ila fei ai-trilery te is fermer sitate et effi- ceency, no esa a enin tissu $40,000,000 be- Pitchorlcs Castoria, iug men ionedl as the ameunt required. If -r Oie om $ Sod avrywiere or ent y taitl CARTEB Mmlim Co., liew York. heat, sisould 'be woriu nex t te s kîn, Aud that pari et tise longs b yiug beaa tise ahouider-hlaý,das i8 tise portion requi ing tise meat caret ci protection tmom tlisawaath- em; hera tise lunga are close, ate tisrfae, sud are quichiy ciiled by cold or vin-d. Tise delicate will find anunudar-j achaet porone chamois leatîser su excellent protec- tien, sud ih bas tise admautage et waliiuig wall. Many so.caiied tait or akin ehesit- proiectera are wnrn bars until tisey teemi wiih inicreecepie lite. Persans mry proue te take coid wiii flnd tise momniug eold spouge-hatis et great service. Tis e vry delicate may begin with tepid water aupý pas§ ou te colS. Wban tise firat sympteai are fi ue a bot mustard bath sud taka some bot fliuid - ceffée, miik or gruel-aed tiss u rtire te bed sud sbaep heiween hiauh&ls. If the coid ha ut a severe type-full nuise, ceuagli, pain sud oppression un hrsailing-suai aduit maytake ten graine et Dover'a powder in a uitile 2ruel ou ratiriîîg. We hnow ;tise glass et bot whisky sud watar la mry comtorîing if tahan aitue early stage et s cold; but m e eau nut rscemmend it: hecause, attar ail, a codiS es àmiid sîtack ot tever, accompauîad hy more or ees inflammation et the membrane liniug tise air passages; issues, auyîbiug ofa sii-ulatieg natur'i lihe xvliiaey, muet increase tise infismmatory action sud tend te usiser lu bochitis. A Strange Story From Initia. Tise Muruiug Puaist ofAlahabad le rs- spouaihie for a ratiser remarkabie tory, whicis weuidsem to demnaud investigation if ouiy as s meaus et praventing sncb in- cidents ilu future. Tise"case la tisat etf a yenng Frencisman, îvbo, Ilafter an asîven- lurons career, enlisied lu the Royal AmuIl- bry about six years ago raider tise name ut Wald." Ha acquitted isesî mry craSht- ably, tisa report says, ai Aden sud Kurra- choce; su mucis e tisai hagui on tise staff sud emntuaily hecamechiet cierh te Lieu- tsnant-Colonel R. H. D. Flume hat, R-. A. IlTise latter was se pieased witb tisema' worh, tisai on hie being iraseerred ite Singapore hae siroegly recummeuded tisa usetul uon-cemmiseioned efficer tor a puai ini tise Intelligence branch, sud Curperal Wad wss sent te Ritagoon te worh uinder Lieuteant-Colonel Aucinech, R.A., sud Captain Butcher, R. A. Ha waa attacheS te tise Suis Baiiery7-Southern Divisi4on, Rangoon." At tise beg-iuningoetSeptember asat Wald secured 21 das' f erlougis, wiihs leset-a teproeed te Bombay -,sud ise bas net retued. He le uew a deserier, snd tisa pellcesbave diacuvered tisai tisemin toek a ticket te Paris sud lu ail prubability ise is tisera uow, retrieving hie tortine by meaus et mapa, plane, sud specîfications et tise defauces et Bombay, Aden, Rangeon, snd Kurracisea. Theu man la aaid ta bave. beau s claver draugisman as weli as s hlugnuiar. Besidea Ru girisise speahe Frenchs, German, sud, Italian fluenîly, "sud ne eue in tis a hsîery could ialk in Hindustani ud Burînase bîke hlm. Hie commadea ara uow able te racoliect tisai Wald was consatuy eugaged lu bis privais quartera writing snd drawing, sud ha seemed te a cwerhîug up everytbiug counected witb bis post. But healaways womked lu a toreigu isuguage -Frenci. £ÀINK BUZGLABRY A OElJ. tilre-Glycea-îike WiII Cosiquer Neasly 4any Safe. Iu epening a modemn huk stfe the c g lar putties up tis eantia joint or &ce excepitfom abolit su inchs et tisetop udl botein. A weli et puityiy8latbeetommeS tc abou t tise top crack, wbere;a leun(overaed, sud two aud a hlai or tismea ounces et niitre- glyceLine poured ente it. If ties e slenut proiscted hy feut or rulber, et wtIl require but ibrea or tour minutes for tisegycre te di8tribute isait over tise entire jo)îint e tise Suer and dip oui aitishe lower "a, says tise Washington Star. Au ordieary detouaiiug cap,ancis as la useS lu expldding dynamite, le ineerted lu hticpper well,aud tise fuse lit. Wbau the explosion oeccurs lise çoor comas off. Wheu tise operation takes place lu tise vaulitishera is rarely uy noise more than fifty test awsy. Tise burgiar doese ot carry nitre-glycerine wetisbhlm. He gues te a hardware store sud baesasfew pounds et dynamite, wisiclî ha breaks up le. a couvanient vessab, as sai'aes basin, cuvera wiitli alcobol sud sleows.h te stand until tise glycemiee as ail combinieS wîth it.Tisa alcoisol sud glycerine are tisen poured off, sud au equsi amouni et water je sddad; tise wstem sud tise alcoliol ccmiîîei aud tise ulîro-glycerina inha te tise bottin wisere it la resdy for use, 1Tise chîrome sisal, et wisich tisee stes sud vache ts ofsulea are now largeiy huili, le eas ihy driled by firs beasting tise steel. A basket et wire-nettiî.g le made te ue s space et about six or sigisi incises squame111, aud tis ij wired te tiese ide ufthtie sa-le or, door. I h il ud witl cisarcoal, bibis ignited sud a fiance iseai generatad b 'y sa pair et bellows. In tour or iema inete tise basket la removed and tisa hasteS spot ailbowed te may tissu ha drilleS Èor et like ordinary bolier irsu. Once saisole sufficieutix' large ta admit a man'sa atm waa eut thîrougis s cliruma-steei haule sae tour incises tbh in tour beune, se tisai a man's aim waa passel ibreugis and.tisa leehjiug oolts discouneeted witb a wrencis. Iu a littileesa tian iwe heurs asamaihen isole wasseut tisrougb tise back ofet tsaste ute tise meuey vauli sud t]âa contents takaJn oui tismongis tisa iole. Tise large macht door baiid wich tise Englaud gave 1~tl,53 te miesiennicae ast yeam. T'ise isiistwatartall je tisa Yoaite, lu Califomnlia, 2,550 test. Tise deapeet ilver mines lu Amanîca are tise Comisîoch, 2,700 test. Tise deapesi miuiegsast ish ai Pnîzdram, in Boisamia, 3,280 test deep. Tise fineat sas mirage es tis a sta Morgana lu tisa Straits et Mess9ins. It eosta 4 milepaýr pounud te transport porh trem Ciicago te Liverpool Tisa Chiselanguage la spohen isy thse gresteat number et peuple,ovar 400,000,000. Tisa total valuaeoftihe wam matenial otftisa Frenchs amly ameunts te neâ4rly $590,000,- 000. >. M. Be0'utan, a French scientîsi whe lsas practiced divan, bas succeedad le tahing a photograpis et bis surtoundinga wisen stand- ing, ou s baSut tise Maditemanean, ai Banyuls-sur-Mer, near tise Spaulis border. Lyiug about tise westiser wiil net bc se essy herestier as it isas beau lu tise pasi. Soe ingenieus pansue bas inventeS a self- racurdlng tsermmemeter, wisich mahes a me"isanicsl record emery day efthtie extrema iseigisi sud depuiset tise thammomater lu tise course ofe eci twenty-tour bouma. Tisa bea woý-ks barder tissu muet peuple wecld helisme. Tise are about sixty fiower tubas lu every isead oet doyen, sud only a tiuy moraciet ofsuney in Iu order te gsi cueugis sugar ton s boaS tise bas muai visit about 6,000 différent flowers, aud eseis bas makas, on an avarage, tweuty tripe a day. Au invitation'te Siener lu Japan com- mences as toliews: 'I heg pardon ton tisus iîsuiig yen, lu hsmygieg yoam cempauy ai my bouse te dinuer. Tise bouse s jemali sud vcry diriy. 0cr habite are rude, amiS yen msy net gai auytiig fit te eai,; sud yaî I hope tisai yen wili condescend te be presaut wi ch us ai 6 o'clock. " Tiscre ara now fifty-five towus sud cities in Englaud-wiic destrey tiseir garbaga sud soliS refuse by burning, sud 570 fume- acas are employaS for ibis purpece. Iu many cases tise hast frein tisses turnaces le udeS te produce sissi, nsd tise power la employaS in pcmpiug watar sud in rnnniug electrie ligisi sud poer plantsansd fer otiser purposes. If a traie, meviug aitishe speefi et twaniy- fiva miles ais heur, was suddeuly stoppaS, tise passeugama would expe ianeua shsoch equsi te tisai et taling frein a second fleur window ,At t aiirty miles su boum tisey migisi as el aiali frein tisa haîgisi etthree pairs et etairs;-,sud an express train would, in peint et tact, malea this alfrein a ftnstsury. Wisat j is e horse power_ et a whale! This je tisa problein wbich bas been suiveS by s brace et Scuttisis mstliaiaticians. A whsie was aianded ou.tise western coasi et Scotiand semas weeks age, sud tise iniereat- iug calculation was trade that power equsi te 145 herses would ha required te propsi tise wissbe ibrougis tis a wer aitishe rate et iwelve miles au boum. A recaut issuaefthtie Ioney Greme (Texas) Signai coutainad tise toliowieg paragrapis: Il I accordaîsce witis au establiised eustein et weehly papera, tise Signal wili, net bc issueSl ne *xi week. Oue weeh in tise yeam eau ha profitably useS in eleauing cp, rean- raisging, etc., amiS Surieg ithe bolidsys-peu- pre ara se buay enjeyhng tuemsesvas tisai tisy a1 ve'tumachs lime termasS. We bld aur resSers adieu untili Jan. 5. 1894, wisiig ail s mnerry Chîristmnas sud s happy eew year, and a long lite et continu- aS preaperiiy.", Expenimeunts are in prugreas ai Ysle te delemmine tise relation et macular actien te tise nerves. Tests wili ha maSeosn sm et tisa muet calebraied swerdemauen thtis country te Setermine tisa exact lime i takas the mieS te realizeihtia a certain action bas tahen place aud how long a lime is required le mah-e a simple muacular actieu. Tisss heing doua te esashlis tise tiseony tisai whsi la hnownassmuecuiar atraugth Suas net depend upon tis ize efthtie muscla but upon tis areugil et tise narve cantar sud tise quality efthtie muscle. Probably tisa enly copy exiant efthtie sct et parlismant et 1619, dcning Cromwelb's neige, îucurpumstiug sud cbartering tise .8eciety fer Inetilnting tise Propagation et the,. Gospel aneug tise Indiens of New England, le lu tisa possession et tise Prasby. teranebhard et missions, sud la on exhsibi- tien lu New Yorle. Nous 'tftise penso ns naminsutise set are hnowu le bisîory, but thscierx' did muacisgond womk ln INsw Euglaud, net oely sîng tise Indians but aise ameng tise whie. IhislareportaS le bave beau tise irat miaeieusmy aecieîy te sanS agente te Amerlos. Tise muai pericîcus wiiea arc tise sain. juls, or bot winda et Egypi. Tisey coma frein tise decertte te sousibwest sud brîng wiîis bamin lfinite quantilîls et fine Suet, wisich peuetnataa even tisa minuiesi cravica. Tise ihammomsiem ottan ises te 125 dluring tisair ceutinuanc", sud tisoucande etfisuman bsiîsgs bava beau heown te parias lmom suffocation nintisa eflery biast t, iwes uns et tisses samielsa ta deatroyed tise army et Ssuuscberib. Alexander tise Great eearly lest hie wiseie force lii suotisan sd tis aamy ut Cambyses was utterly auniblised. Tise polyglot, character efthtie Austiis snmy was abuudsutly sisown tisa other day when tise ,aucieut customn ot sehemeiy sweaning lunlise racmuita in tise preseuce et tise troupe was raviveS, atter having been diseentinued ainces1888. lu Vienus alune tise formula et osti le tise colora baS te hap - 1 > ý', ý , - 1- ; -, - - -- - 1 thý - - , i 1 fianfiel and wooi. beinff ftûft-coftdueters of 1 cally uselcess tbrougbemkelespowder lbe- iug used be corrct it wili1 prebably bave au important effeet on tile deveiopment et these owd,,ers, wbicb bas receiveud snob a stimmdus et late yeare. MOD VALA.NOEE. the Feýatires ef the Hlm a,ýlayas. Èxplorera are di3caveriuc, thia- mud aval- anches are a powsrfai element lu determie- ieg the phvsicai features of the Himalayani eion8. A number etf traveillers bave oh- eerved tbs resuits et tusse great rushes ef mud sud rock, but veis' few bave heen se tertunate as te ses them. Mr. MW. Cou- way bad that geed tortunes awhîis ago, sud bas given a description ut une et these tail- ieg avalanches te the Royal Geegraphicai, Society et London. Hie party were travelling up the Gilgit Valley aljoiuiug the Himalayas, in thee- t renie uortbern part et Jedia. Suddeniy tbsy beard a noise as et continuous thunder. Tbey saw a liuge mru-1 avalanche seepiug dewn a stesp guliy hstwcsni twe moue tains opposite them. The ou-rusb sud weigist et the mud tome frein the aides et the guiiy masses et rock sud rolied tbem ever like au mrey peobles. Each eft te big rocks that tormed the vanguard efthte, avalanche weigbed mny tous. The mass et mud lhad s wîdtb ot forty teestsud was fitteen test deep sud moved at the rate et five miles au heur. In a few minutes the mass et atuif became shaibower. The mixture was thoir half mud srtd hait rocks and flowed taster. Naw sud then oeeou the larger rocks bar- red the way, sud m-d id 6ud up behind it and finally awept it un. Looking np the guily, Mi-. Conway coued ses chat earth trom its aides was constautly talliug in the uîud river sud heiug swept as a part et it. AU this material poured ever intu the gorge througb wbich the river rues. It did net reach the river, but spread eut aud piled up ou eue aide oft h. Coeway sys that this' accumulation et debris bas piled up ail aboug the valiey te a depth ot 500 te 1000 test, sud that the Gilgit River fiows i a sert ot canon huilt np hy thîs acciSnu- latien. If the valiex' ivere filled up in thie way te a depth et 2,000 or 3,000 test more it w6uld resenî1ýis the. Pamirs, sud ail the deeply filad valseys that are chamacteriatic et the Central Astan plateau. Ceuway says that mnd avalanches have dois ail this werk et filieg up the vaileys, sud have doue it wltb great rapidity. These avalanches ahew how rapidly, un- der the influence et meisture, cobd sud beat, the denudation, or crumbiing et these stu- peudous rock masses et the Himaisys la geing un. his l this denudatien that pro vides the material for mud avalanches. Th levellinig processes et nature are-in centin uial operatien sud millions ot tons et rock- duet sud fragmaents et rock are taken away tmom the ripper portion et the meunitains sud depoatedîin tisevil-a ABANDONED 1l.MLBOtAD3. Kansas Enterpses That Have Gene to Ittan îd Cant be Gives Away. There les aailroad in Kansas hridged, irened sud ready for business whicb ita ewners weuid hae wiliig te give away if they ceuld ind a taker who would bie wili- ieg te eperate it aud assume espousibility fer it under thse iaws efthtie Sta te. Tt le eighteen miles long sud mens tromi a point ou the Atchison, Toeka sud Sauta Fa tweuty miles west et Kansas City sentis te Obathe, thse county seat et Jehnson ceunty., h I was erigiually chartemed under a bigh-souuding name et the IlSt. Louis, Lawrenceansd Denver," aud lu its incep- tien was au enterprise et hope sud promise. It wsss a chema te biug the enouutain te Mahomet. Lawrance via jesieus et Kausas City's growing trade sud supremaey, sud semneoetlhem citizeus couceivod the ides et building a raiimead hahiud the rivai city. This dons, thsy feu diy heped chat it wouid he thesensd et Kansas City, sud tisat Law- rence'e grestuesa would hie fixad for al time. The 2Missouri-Pacifieunudertoek te eper- ste thse road, sud did eperate it for soins yeas, but the hig thinga chat were axpected et it neyer materisiized. Commerce refus- ed te, recuguize Lawrence's greatness er possibiiities, sud trade followed the leuger meute hy way et Kansas City as betere. tise Lawrence jobbing firm which had erig- inaiiy set tise projeot in motion puiled eut ut the oid towu sud moved te Kansas Cit y, wbere ih bas aince gruwu euoruiuusly ricb, sud eujeys s trade larger than suy other bouse onutise Missouri river; . Then tisa Atchiaun, Topeka sud Sauts Fe came inte possession et the read sud tried te m.ka use et it, but that acharne tailed. Next it fell bute the bauds et the Kansas City, Fort Scott sud Mem phis, sud the Olathe sud Plessaut Hi Il end et it was madle a part et that eystem's Cilutun lina, sud as sncb je profitable. The other end et it was abandoed.-[St- Louis Repuhle. Cisaracter la a diamond chat scratchas avery ether atone. Sii Haacesu ebee i ts toblsàni Nl'ie "ýi.vM LCCED eL"-ÈCTiOje or T4 OSS INY lnLVR eCA ppYNl ciioRîcA tu vi7, WI Gu-, ,-% . rns. ECG THr YTrtM. AL.L frpîURi,-irc Al',Is roUi. HnM1iýR3. Av vuE es -nue ORREcT ING ACIDITY O.ê' 71-SE ,,0G-,usis BILIOtJnNESS, DeVEPEPFSIA, lIED ACHES, DIZZINESS, APTU , CONSTIPATION, RHEUMATIS-M, DROPSY, SKIS DISEASES, jAuNOICE. SAL»T flEUM, ERYSIPELAS, tSCR"O- FUtA, FLUTTERINQ OF THElE HEAT, NERVQUSCSESS, AND Gf*ERAL DEIIt.Tv THESE ANSD AU.BîtIA Custe:ssF-re atcc.YirLoT -e UA FAMIME EXIST3 IN CENTRAL AM&ià Aria' Contratera elîeta CesItIscue Furasahng. Food, to Troops. A Sb. Petersburg, spacisi asys :--A famine uow prevails lu Centrai Asia. In iarnarkand whaat coata 2 ublas 10 cnpeche s pood, in Ferghsana over 3 rubles and ab Tashkend uearly 4ý uble3. The arîxix' con, - tracture have dacliied te go un tn.-nîsiiiug tise troupe, wiso new have te huy fer tb)em- salves, at s bs et uver s ruhie per pioodoun the aum shilowad t hem. In the townas tise peuple ara payiug 6 sud 7 copecha a pouud for bead, wbsu tbsy eau get it, sund mauf- havre te ue without. The causes assîgned are the ceommenaover-cutivation et cotten iustead et grt.iu sud the ravagea ut lecuats tbroughieut the provinces et Kbedjent sud Djezah, combineil wih the excessive dry- neseothte pssumiuer., Wiile,bhowevem:,tbis, stataetfaffaira continueslu Tuirh-estan%, ex- actiy the opposite picture laprsntdou the Volzas Iu Ttt.haend, for instance, a family (et live persous Tarqurineste pedat leet 50 cpe-k aday for ise-uL i pr prices. Ila sud Jmaraisea ef 3 mubbes or mu0rs par pue, fleur costai 40 copecksa sudthe saam mi is ohliged lte sali 200 poode lu, order te psy ils axes dehisansd arrears et axatin. h a eten difficuit te fiud huyere for more than s quarter ef the grain lu aud, sudthe govrmmeut teres the peasaautry te psy back lu mouey thea bans ot cern sudfooed givan te ihemle the famine yaars st the tissu existiîîg raýtes. In ether wordsý, tise Pe-asantry bave to-daýy te give semetl-iug iike five pood8 for evary pued tbey raceive as relief. And tlîia superabuindance p, re- Ivails in districts whiclî ara le direct Y, er, ses sud railwar demmunication with Saim. arkand, wisere t;le populace it aPtarviog. and aroma of mKn MAbTIFF PLUCi CUTr réInK,ý with the f inest Miar- ýna&cigar.sMincomnpari.50n, J. B. PACE TOBACCO 00.- RICIIMON, VA. sud MONTREAL, CA-"; -AND - .4rIle Ladies Jollria1 OF TORION.,TO, A large 35-page Iliu3trate-i Fam'i ion Blonthiy, wili be sent to any address Only eue dollar sud fitteen g* $1.15E cents tfor thse twu papers. ~l*M Cal asudseee a sample cupy et "The Ladies' Journal" It je a publication that will lnterest every woman In the land. Thse regular subscription priceofet "Tho Luais'" and this paper je $2 par year. Yeu get thse two tor -Send yeur muuney aud address te tisis office. Sciaticê ONE APPLICAION P't R&LMENTHOL 99 P LA STÏERP IT WILL DISPEL1 TUE PAIN îUKE MAGýiC -F1,the -1, dof u ve 0 FIT' LOQzENCES AbayS prompt, retiabie, mte d pleasanit, reqýuiïing na afti ailug.Lcave n,ïu ýe batr effecis. prissa 25 cents pet' Boy,

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