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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Jan 1894, p. 7

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Thir vor-d-enowned Soap stands ai Vite te bed cf aIl Laundsry sud iiouseicld Seap, bots tut- qualfty sud exteut of saesu. Used accos-ing o directions, iV dousa asay wit a il Vie oid-faîiued drudgery ai wash eay. Try i; yen won't be disappinted. SUNILIGHT 5OItP bas been in lise lu Winedsor Castie for Vie past il years, aud is w,3anulactores-shave been speciaily appointei BOÂPMAXERS TO THE QuBEN Awuahed Il Goid Liedalm YSTAT3Ll HED i, i f1pe nnum 10 inadviv O ,otrwv T pubictin dvarti-iun r~r3 nesb v r 'r Qut uer ine, no 'Iovr) fi 1qloi-i etionb. Le, tls, 10 ovutsp 1rlino __ M A. jAM, Ptiîhtl 0F CANADA. M'Jpaiciup, M453i ,'Otet,~ oe s Thiis'Banit- is preparod te de Legiti- mate Banking in ahl its branches. Farmer',s notes discounted; Deposiits reevdan4IJnterest paid on accounts "',$5 and upwards in Savings Bank LeCpttient 1) MAFT*4 sudc Collections made in Europe Unîtd 3atc ad Ctnada. ON,:TARIO BANK (Itnest o a General Bauking Buîines Lowimauvillu Àgeneoy. WEPOSITS Eu v iravingd kBank ePartment aud on Cr n îîeeîaflowed atourrent ratee No nolice ai wlithdrawal necsjsary. Ail deposics Js. ~e o)ueniand, Unffud Statua and Canada,aio oldSlaend Ucuîed tatea Gree backs ioocht aSvii COLLECTIONS Pr mptly mae Wý a rreu raves poe ilpaýr' Hf~ri, ri'tain te United tates an, 1hè IMad1(e fur large Or SiniTh su an on.]ai l part 0f and.This la espa:iaily alvautainsi pe 1n iv-ing in Viailn orthe 1rt' j vsi itmievti l'undi1 avaiablu atonei b plc o ymont. E? rtiulars calatthelyan._ E. Gutant.M'2 ge ORONSO, «TN1. Omu-Pust Office Block. t y eeltPrap orvsephone re"jéîvs3Mi Msr.HONEY & IVcMURTRY havq Pur1chasýed the County of Durhams for the besi- Wire Fenceeiu ibis Country. 1V is stron, easiiy handied sud ornarnente I1 It will not bu injurvdby avow, heat, cold or winds. -IV" rvBikt urn liores, Cattle, Sheýp, Hozs, Dogs andi Pn-ultry. 1V le ai net-,york withonit barbl id wîll not lu- jure stock in any way. It la muoh stroug. er and more durable than any barb fune- ing, being closuly woven. Fonce put up and Farm and Township1 rightLs for sale. Apply at CENTRAL LivE.i ny, Botmanville. W.%T P. RICII, C'arko P. 0., heviug bought1t arkie Tws ilprepared Vo Li, It TýECOOK5S BEST FRiEND f water la pourud upon iV, will materially lessen theu labor, of irouing. and will givetzo ciothus, eiter white or colored, easpeciaily muslis sud other tiivwash lGoos, a look of frushuess and ruewnesn -,oV Vto bu otitur- wise attainied. For co-ld starcb add a Vtuaspoonful of ol for eseit shirt Votu strcied Rui)t Vie sta4rci wuhl into te artiýcle,; roll up gh.. s 1 "lWell, Young man," Said aid Mr. Breuzys w b lo ye are at m y o ueI8- hope y o u l, fejetlike onu of tlitulaiiy. "Titsnk you. l'm sut-e I have uvery tesson ta." "Wiat do youmileuV tlYout- dangitter bas just said site wouidE bu a sister Vo me. A Maian iths Dîrli-Pail. My wife has flggered ont Vo me, lu tongue and black au' whîte, that she Lias more Voý do from sun to sun, Vian 1 oet- Side; zraid Stie: "P1il run Your ehores an' clear things np Vonight,whîle yon waish dishes!" I'mperlite Enongh teV give my wife full Itite, ane so prove taolier that l'in rigit, Sa after supper off rie went an donc the ehiorer: i's no great stent. l3eeause Vve gut tiings fixed to rave înlost every rtep and light and shave The la oor bill; but, as for me, I Vackled Viem air dirhes, ye see! Au' fitst send off plin fergot to keep my water bilm' hot. Iswun I couldn't geL,'em dcean; I never sec Viingrset ro in ean. My wife rot Viero sud give me roop enougi -'Why dou't ye use Sonie sOap?" Says she. My stars! 1Icould et that woma uiP, -Au'so into the night 1 rwa.rhed. sud, whcu 1 Viaugit, J'd git 'euT washed, i found a haif a dozan more, whiie wife set iaughin' Vo the c )ie. Ez nigi ez 1 eould figger out, I washed and dried Lhb t nigit about Thrue doz"u hurces, înulcipiy that figger or a bfizger hy Ton hrindrefi and nlnety-tive-tVie mealS lu onu year's inie-tiat's baw wife feais. 1 tell ye ,wbat, tliere's ramethin' wrong; Ou- work out4ide goor hike a rang. We rot an' ride an' ride, au' ride aud ahi the time ont- wives iu-,ide At mieaneât haudworki toit away like souTe old tread -miii herqp, 1 ray, That iero's a chance fer Edisou tV ot eVVi i- geýt slice of fun That ever lu man's pocket fell; leetrieity 15 bvury wel. elth coutl beat it rtick aud cdean 'sy wasii' disies by machine, A Word ta Fathers. There was nover as now a trne witeusa mucit wss ssid and written on te utties oi mothers in te training and care of their ehiliren. One Wonld almost tink that the child hulonged wholly to bier ; titat tite father bas, no righv s in or responsibility for the care, and conduect of te ebldren. In these days when motiters are finding out titeir mistake ln confiniug temselves to cooking te f 'od, rnakiog and mending te garments for their families, and are icaru- ing that they must ku-ep abreast with thuir boys and, girls hy interesting titemsulvus with them in this work.a.dsy worid, its current eveuts, literary pursuits aud phil- anthropie work, it is sîso tirne for fathurs Vo take ime from business and the world to enter into the borne-noV Vaking vte mothur's place, but their own. How often we hear it said that the tre sweetest words are Ilmother,;', Ilhome," sud Il beaven," 1 protuvt againat leaving oit the word "father," as if leeitad ne pisace either in home or heavun. Back of ail' love and being la God our.Father. Firai su home, as fit-st in heaven, should bis the father. Is there any lZood reason wby the father's and aiother's duties in the care and con- duot of the citîldren sitouid bu so divided that au impassablie walI risesbetween, sud, as on a siguboard, is written, IlThus far shait thou go sud no farther ?' A cbiid, when bue first begina the study of geography, naturally thioka of the conn. tries, or et the 'United Statua, as divided eby a natural or auperuatural dividing line. I remember lookiog for that line, whun as a cbild I jourueyed loto an adjourning Statu. Then I learned Vbey wure imaginary hunes. la noVttat as truc of the division of the father'ei sud mother'a care of titeis oildren? 1 would like Vo se the ime coame When iv wouid neither bu unusual nor a subjuet of a surprised remark, Vo se a fatiter take te littie two or titree-year.old child, or even ,1ouuger, to bied, wiie perehance Vhe mother Vakea iip the evening paper aud reada the uewa-nuwa lundeed to ber, ai- titougit nov Votite father, who bas huard muait of te ereut eveuts Valked of or oabout, in the office, on the street, or luntte car. Mothers kuow the vaine of these bedtime bout-s, sud muait of the greater confidene tusualiy gi7en tbem is due Vo the wise use of etituse vimes. Thé boy would not love bis mother lest than now, but bis father more than it .lî possible for hlm vo do when that fatiier is largely knowu as the providur, a good provider though bu may bue, of the coin forts of the itouzehold. Thuru iii another rea 'sn for thia. Saine- times te mother la calied, it may bu, ta foilow otiter members of theu iousuhold whc have uuterud, into '*the maoy mansions," sud tfie family la knowu on uarth as mrothur- lesa. Blesaed are te ebldrun who still have, to somnsetenVt, father aod mother, iu the fatiter who iearned to bu a mother aisoevt hem, lu the dsys when the circe was unitrokun ! Fathers, you wili bar nnot-ual dîgnity, bot gain lu noblenessand teudernesa of eharac- ter, if yon wili cultivatu ln yonrselves te mnotiter qualities. terôsene lu the Kitohgii. ¶tu viuw of the Vhreatened uxhaustion of the worldl's coai beds, those who have learu. ed flice value of keroseue in roughbhousehold work wlll esijoy te kuowiedge tat linte opinion of IDr. Menduiriff, a uoted Ptus2ian 1chemiat, te supply of petroleum is exhaus- ibie. Hie attributes te formation of pe. te imtallie duposita of the hot, central portions of te eartit, and buiuvua tat theu rapidivy of lys formation keçps Pace wivt al Mlabel-"l What au iuterestiug aîker Ms-. Guisher ita? IHe lways bolda onu when hbu pels." Mrs. Gusier-" Doeho ? lThata accounits for th it- 1 found on bi ssitouid.i et hast uigitt. l y,aud lbave it for Vtu-oriaof iau bout, Mieunlt-ou. To dlean wîindows u mit-t-ors, add a tablespoonlul ofl ' ihght or krsueoi to a gallon of Vepid watr. A polisit wiii t-O Tis ounte glass titat no ure friction eau gîvu. If windows muit bu cleaned if ftuezîug weatlîet use n watur at all. Ruit them witit a clotit dampeued with keresene; dry witb a dean clatit andi polish ith tbsoi t papur. A fuw drops of kzerosune addud tVoPVite waîer lu whileitampeirmueya are wasitedî will maka titens i oir to po)List. To bresk s glass bottle or jar 0eeiput narrow strip n of it, saturated iit kurosene, at-oud te article witerc iV i. broken, Set lire to te eloti sud te glass will crack off above it. Tarnished iatup but-nets may bu rendered aimosi as brigitt as new by boiiing tem lu 1water Vo witîeh a toaspoonful ot soda sud a littie ket-osenu bas been sddud. Titen sout with kurosene sud seouriuig brick sud polisit witit chamois or sof t leatitur. To clean lt-on wot-k tub wiVb a clotit dam- pened witit kerosene., To prevent toIt on stoves put sway fo't te suason, black hemn beforu putting away wivb blacking, diluted with kurosonu, or t-nb teiuttorougbly witit kurosenu ahane, 1 To dlean zinc, oiù clotit ansd whitet paint tub titem wit a clotit dipped lu keroaene, sud dry wititas dean clotit. To clean brass stair roda, brasa bed- steada, sud otitur brasses, t-nb with kero- aune sud rotten stone put on witit s soIt clotit, sud polials witit a dry lotit, soft paper, or chtamois. To rumove trt 'rom kettles or othet- ironware, t-uit witit kerosenu sud lut titem stand. Ket'p a day, thoen wassi witit bot 3water aod aoap ; tepeating if ueeessary. To remiove rust from t fivrona, soak tem iu, ort-ui them witkerosenu, and polisit with scouring brick. Te remove rusty acrerva, drap ket-osena k pon thiem; lu a few minutes tuey eau lie moved. To take rusV front steul implements, covur wit kutosene for lotty-eiglitt boutathton scout wjit air-slacked lime until te staiu 7disappuare. To remove paint ft-om auy kind of latit saturatu te spot witit kerovune sud tub wull; repuat if neuesary. To remove fruit stains, saturatu te stain wi it kerosenu,,t-ui t vorougitly with bakiug soda and leave lu vhe isun. To reuew woodwork and lurniture, var- ulsfi wiVh black varnisit, pluntifully diluted wirt kurosene. To sol yen leathur hardened by repeaVed fwettings, t-nb It weli with kurosene. To clean aewiug or otiter machine, oil ah te bearluga pleutiluily wîth kerosene, opurate te machine rapidly for a moment, tub te ol off sud apply machine oil. To 5emovu danitf, tub keroýene well iuto ite reotsof teitaic, te dandruif eau thon bu eombud or wasbed out uasiiy. To make te hait gtow, apply beadlight oul or kerosenu Voete recta of te hait- twice escit week, rnbbiug it in well wiit ite ips of te ingera. Titis wili often pro- duce s growth of hait- wheu al other ineans fail. To relieve hffblains, sosiete fen¶'in hot rwater and t-nb hem witit kerosene, or with 1kerosene aud lime water. r 'o telieve caiiouaed feut, tub hemi fre- quentiy wltb kerosene. To tulievu te pain of rbeumatism, tub te affliited joint witit kerosene. A Few#OCakes. Chocolatu Cake. -2 rue eggsý, Nw7ite rheaVen aeparaLtely ; Vwo cnpa of powderedl sugar, or onu sud two titirds dupa of gra---, lated, onu-bal a-up of buttter, onue-hall orp of sweem mille, tht-eu cups oI siîted lot, Vo ewiticb have ituen adided tht-eu Vaspoon1o ebaking powdur, Vwo squares of citocolate. 'fCream butter, suger sud yoika uborougithly, teon add mille, thon wites cf eggs beaten stiff, ton foeur, stir bard, then stir lu choolate diasolvud lu a little bot ,,,ater. Bales tirairuasbal, or su layera. Icsg- Two squares gratud chocolate, fivu tahle- spoons of powdered sugar, tre ablspoona of boiling water, stûr ovur a moderato ire tillii Vlasmooth sud giossy. Walnut Cake.-One and one.qusrter cupa of ganuate suarthm eýgsonu-bal eup of butter, oue-half cup cfsereet mille, 1 wo cupa of flont, Vwo Vaspoons of bsking powder.,Cream butter sud suigar thorongit. iy; beat yolks Vo a aiff Irotit sud stir in; thon add mille ton ieaten wbites, titan fleur ; stir bard sud fayot-. Bake in Vwo squate layer pana ;, jeu ieavily vit caramel sing, aud st-tange walnu kernels lu regular ordur on top. Nut Cake.-One cep of sugar, on-hall eup of butter, cup of awuut mille, Vwo uggs, Vwo dupa of flour, two teaspoona of baliug powdut, onue up of nut-meats chopped sud thon spriukled witi foeur. fCruam, butter. sugas- aud yolls; add te milk,ton te foeur, lu which te iaking powder bas buen silted; ton te nut- meats, sud iasly, te well witippedAities. Bake lu layera, sud put ogetiter witit caramel lcing, sud choppeSnunt-meats. Caramel Icing. -Two.-titirds cup of miik, butter te. sizu of a waut, two cupa of sugar; hoilViil thicle, witich wili tales about filteun minutes. Fiavor, stir Vil it hicens sufflieintiy Vo spread on cake. J LIING11q4 SOUT.E AFRIOA. th ?aeves'jIfeqc lees a ue e îT4CýPlen-ee me4 liiuwlng n Ch la Cu Çsd. in may bu regardeS as absolutuly certain, ayswrter su Hat-pur's Weukly, tat te So)utit ArIcan colorud individual kuo-,wn as King Lu Benguis, uotwitstaud- lue bis experseucu at snanaging sixvy wives, wilih oone1r or iatur haveVoesu ttVo te Britishtforcus. AnS. iV wilprobably odeur sooner ratiter titan laVer. Ilfte colored mouarcit was a student of history h-~ wouhd know that te citiel rucreation of John Bull for a Century lias buen fond lu taking bis fowliug-piucu sud game.bag sud, going eut alter a mess of aoiored potentates. Hie re- oguizes -nu close sesson in titis variety of sport, sud lbe invatisbly cornes bacle wit te gamne on te inside of te bag sud a smile on te face of J. B. lTebot ting Lo B"-a aur do la Vo compromise, save a-. mnywives aslbu dan 0ou ite wreele, give up bis itie of King, sud vake somo sucit unoittrusîve itie as govuruor, Sepuvy marsital., justice of te pesce, or whatuves- te Britisit sue fit Vo ashow hlm. The stiiiing af Le Beoguis pi omises Vo open s large Voritory Vo set thers, sud airesdy we observe considerable specuhation in te newspapers as Vo te prospects lot- settiers Item titis country. Te, region is saiS Vo aitound i lu elSrines, ni 'tSONflQUARRTES, sud oties- desirabie terrustrial opuuings. Titese are good avd seemly titings in teir way, but te prud4t umigrant wiii bu apt ta inquiru if titure is anytintigVoest luntte country. Dismonds itnte rougit annot ho looleedupon as an article of diet, excepV, perliaps, for te domcstic hieu; sud wu bail Vo se auy ýreason for uutertainiug te belief tita sdiamond-Iattenedlheunlvould bu any butter titan te ordinsry gravel-les heun. But supposing te qustron oflfoaS sup- piy weru settied satislactorily, there romain msny otitur grave probluema confrautîug te expectant emigrant to Southt Africa. Chiiel of thesu, wo sitould say, wouid bu the nighv- ly lghting sud meowîng of igers on te bacC feuce. Indeud, ivseema probatble that lite exaggerated sud ridieulons sunintais of Southt Africa la Vo bu found V1it e-al rua- sou l ot- giving te proapectice settler pause. Thte tiger ides just put fotwat-d, wo pro- sumre, wîhl cause many Vo givu up te move. Who tat bath listenedVo ite cammon doiestic at-sud wbo bath noV '2 ON THE BACK VENdE of a niigitt wonhd este Vo encounter tesanie titing iuteusilied fiftyfoid? IV wouid bu msddeung, gsspeciaily if they got under te bouse, sud bumped their heads up againet te floot- as titey fought. Titis, wlit leop- ards and-but te subject la Voo bsrrowiug. WVo prosumne that titu lion would scarehy condescend Vo rooev iuugtitwise of a test fence at tht-eu o'ebocie iu Vie morulng, witb te hait- on bis bacC standing up while bue yoýwhed deiaucu at another lion, as we bave justshown tat te lion le wout to do ; buV te ion, nevertitelesa, ta noV a desirable neigitior. A close put-usai cf hunting atonies, extending aver a erni of yesrs, bas led us Voaiteieve tat te African lion spenda bis envire time iasbing bis aides wltb bis tail. lTe sharp "arvisit" of te liou'a tail as IVt te air, together witi thte itoibow thump as it beats bis royal ruts, weill also bu lound snnoying Vo tose nov acus3tomod Vo it. Besides, whiie prospect- ing for s nuw diamoud uine, or for a tend- et- foot ta witom au oid diamoud muine eau bu old, te danger of iteiug kuocleed over by tue impeîtous sweep of an enragud ian's ail muet buhecousiderabie. Buit of course titese abaurd overgrown e~sare net Vthe onhy wihd animais whlch. inleat Southt Afitca. lu is s warm ecounvry, as (1 aucessarihy bouses muet buc or o) ha opetti; but no douitt IV will bu c=utparstively eaýsy Vo gev accustomud Vo itsving elepitants reachiiiluat te Siniug-zoom windows sud sulthe minerah-water off te side,,board. IOr te minerai-water eau bu leept doit-n cellar, tougi thte monkeys will Lbu spi to geV it whurever it is stored. But privacy i wîth giraffes ooking l intesecoudý-saory- windows wil ho imspossible. We may bu uuiidiy appreiteusive, but iV seue Votuos V.hat te hippopotami are going Vo bu sime- witat rougit on tite gardons ; sud te way i in wiicb a ritincet-os wil ho able Vo wale aiong Sowu sa linc of dryiug ciote- sud carry teiu-iff 0'r ALD N 115HORNf wili bu calculatuci Va drive a houaewilu mad. Te possession of a gravel-waik made af ujncut diamonds couid scaraely compensatu. It might bu possible voaluîtce out msny of tesis obuoxioos itea ts witb barbeS wîru, büt in tir case tere tvo'ad bc te constant danger of tite ostriebes picking off te barba fer brealefast. Aud speaking af ostriaites calis np suotiter pessitle Vrror for te uer- vous man. \Ve relurtVo te caclle afte fë male ostricit as site flies off te nes t. Tis maust bu Sealening if site cackles in ptopot-- Výon Vo lbut size, sometiting, bowever, wiic akhe may noV do. Alricau traveliers are so muici taleen uip witb slasaiing te tails of t1iir lions about lunte air titat they witoly uieglecv Votatell us of te habita of te ostricit in titis respect. But it is going Vo bu nuisy enougit anyitow,wivlsout te ostricit caclee. Sont Altrica may buesu excelent place fot- resdencu, but iV cao do no bars Vto loole isVo ceuttain pointa belote ruabiug off Vo it The Fît-st oft hu Kissil taBe Esialslislred las lTe shape of te winga is noV fiat, but siigbtly cu-ved. lTe experiments reaorded ru bis book, -Dur Voglflug," show th"t tecurved lot-m bas deaided advantagea, bath aseregardaste amount sud te direc- tiono ate resistauce. lTse wiog sus-lace is 15 square mutera. It is noV sala Vo ake a larger surface beforu itaving learned Vo manage a smsiler onu, HIe takesas sharp t-un of four or five stops againat te wind, jumps loto.te ait- sud slides dewu ovut a. distance af about ri0 mutes-s. By shiltintg hia eunter of grav- ity Vo te auntet- of rosiavance bue au give te wing surface auy inclination, sud Vses-e- by dan, Vo a certain extent, elituer side down quieker, or shacken te movemeut, or altert te direction. If te wiuS la noV toc, Tici. . strong, aud te surflace ofte apparatus, noV too large, I think theru is vory littIe danger in titis lind of practice. If it li Il (aken iil ine it wiIi Cuze am"nt vere CAlsM of Coiugh.BronchWâs ernecseclrllo T H US aheavy doctor's bill. y 'J mucb discworL SEED TuOUGHITS. Our enemies are our outward consciences, A lover's eyes will gazýe an ea gle blind. The true art of meinory le the art of at. tention. The deadliest sin were the eonsciousneass of no sin. If thou wouldrât be borne wjth, then bear with others. The truly sublime is always easy and hl. ways natural. He that will watch providences shaP neyer want providences to watch. The asual fortune of complaint le to ex- cite contempt more than pity. Observe the effecte of rage on th9se who deliver themselves Up Vo the passion. Music makes the people milder and gent. 1er, more moral and more reasonable. Fire and sword are but slow englunes oï destruction in comparisou with the babbil- er., Virtue alone outbuilds the pyramnis;lhe, monuments shall last when Egypv s lail. We are olten prophets to others only because we are our own historians. When will talkers refrain from evil speaking When listeners refrain trans evil hearing. Most of our misfortunes are more sup. portable thau the commente of our friends upon them. Iu seeking wisdom thoti art wise; in imagîning thou hast attained it thon art a fbol. There are many men wbose tongues might govern multitudes if chey could .-zovern their tongues. Ail, wit', oue consent, praiie new-îborn gauds, though they are made and moiiled of things past. Bounded in bis nature, infinite ýin him desires, man iv a fallen god who b as a recolleet ion of heaven. The body is the sheil of 'the sou], and dress the husk of that sheil ; but thie huskq often tell what the kernel la. There is a coortesy of the heart :it. ii allied to love. From it springs ,ýthe purce courtes;y in the outward h lehavior. Reason 1 how many eyeýs hast thou ta seý,, evils, and how dira, nay blind, thjoaîarti preventing them. Every man is a hero and an oracele te som-e. body, and to thet person wh1ateýer lie 3iyî bas an enhanced value, Vaion Up ny a great nmaoy people, îîupros'. lt eno ls a aenmbti siteuVa of te appatatus are sus-e Vo fohlow, hdns;o hs it-ci ra sud te at-t of keepiug one's balance in te dns'olt -'it-or tet gasa air wilh bu de vehoped. Pertapsvta vVth ie nocssitj for suei aida tf visin tvig t-oaS Vo flyiug. At any rate, it mnust hbue inol tweuty-five nI vte .cases, asise aice te, su euta ntued tiOncoig. iteaetg Zput g of te meruberz leeh-as s !ýcý ý3is1. . à 1ptnrsIaG' gl W iUL L QU 1C K LY CUREIV, L- DIPTIERI, UINSYS COLSC7 OGS The undersigned desire to thiank the farmers of West Dnrhaini for the 1l-iberal patronage extenddid te us during the pastseon also te remind them that we are stili in the market and prepared to pay the REIGI{EST- MARKET PRICE FOIR A LL KI1NOS 0 F COARS R r" H-AIN E!EODe deiivered at our storehouseP cor. King and George streets s., or at Pýore Darlingrton. We have also o hand a large stock, NEW AND FRESH, of Canadian and Liverpool Coarse Salt in BacrS. Ro-k Salt for cgtý and horses, and Fresh Ground Grey Plaster in Barrels which we are prepared to selI All kinds of Lumber, Wood and DRY CLEA.N SCREENED COAL a'ways in stock. We invite inspection and guarantee satisfaction. MOCLELLAN & G A MAN WHO FLIES. 110ow a Prusslan Seat-s tUke a Bid Short Distances- In au article on IlExperimeuts lu Fiyiug,' London Nature asys: M',. 0. Lilienthtal CýeornatVome Vobae -len a stup inte right direction by tryiug ta hearu sosring. ltheaacompany illustrations, wieit ste reproductions of instantaneous photographe taleun in Stegliuz, near Butlin, show te way bu ai ides dowa a alight Sualinu af 10 or 15. - Oi-

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