îDeath oP Pý Gallaut Youig Brit!8h their faults, put do)wn ail sc atrocitieS Office-. with a strong laud ?" The eovents whicbh led to the meceting of t'he two bodies of Thse Frenis Treop -ý troops have been a3certained it Iishla nfi, MtaUe-The 9ilerroirs of t OEMAUE0 EIIEES Slv rd-keteh 0f cOýi. 11111 The British expedition was in thej field1 Slav T? de-Sagainst the Sofas, a tribe which has causeda Tbe ecet clliionof he nglsh n mnchtrouble by raiding peaceable natives French in West Africa is referred (toby under British protection. The Freneh force mnany Lonidon papers as "anI unfortunat a eggd cistteAlimSamîado0, istake,"' which is explainedi in this way a ntive chief who has for somle time opast "It as rigt monliht henthebeen the obýject of attack by the French, Frenich troops, early on the mlorning of the latter hain evera Ime defeate'd December 28rd, snirrîse the british î tses htteto ocshvn expedition. The French officer in wcommiand cm n h;o &ý teteFec was mortally wounded by the British fire, mistook the i.British. force for thefooes but prier to his death in the British camp. of the Almamy, aud deIlivered an attacký, he was able to make a statement explain though how sucb azistqake could bave been ighow the blunder arose. Lieutenan reasonabîy made, in viewi of the dsigih - Mritz- aaid that in the moonlight the ing uniforms bo,,tà of the fronitieir Police. French force mistook the white cam- of the West India Regiment, -whlch formiied -~ I Tfl Teac'hers ari ter it is full it needs two more, j e t over it1 ly with % hIammer, andt it was necesry. ,hslawav the ii,ç,uec1edizes, leavine an Worma-.,<'Istbe boss at home l" Newv-father-" No; the nurse haslier out for an aiirg," The dlenist, who dvotes h, imself to pull- ing acingt molars is necessarily a pis He-"GCive mne a C, won't you ?"' She (beSitatinýgy)-" ven- il, if you w'on't give it aw.ay." A localI dealier advertises ' a new stock ofDin-sik for gentlemen -with carved Fioden heads," LCuistomer- 1 That's a qucer S hap'ed piece ofpie% Looks noetIiîng like a turnover."e Waiter-"1No, sir ; it's a lef t.over. " " Jackson tells me the last thing he wrote w"ýas acepted. Do ycu kuow whatit was? 1Yes, his resignation." Jagson says it's one tbing for a servant! girl t o know bier place' but quite a different1 thing for hier to, keep it. ".Ya'as, Cholly gave bier a piece of bisj mind when hie met hier. " 1"It must have benavery small-piece then, if, he bias anyj ,Mrs. Honser-" What'd that fnrniture dealer say when you told him Ibat mîrror he sent up was cracked l" Houser-"'Said r bhad for dinnep ç - was the best a ever ate. Thanks to COITOLENE, the new and succesul shortenie