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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Feb 1894, p. 1

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TERMS:-$1.5Q Pi~~~~ ÂNMUM OUR TOWN AND OOUNTY FIRST: TEHX WORLD ÂFTERWÂ.RDS. .AJMS'Dva IDi«aa"ý * SIRIES, BOWMÂNVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDÂY. FEIBRIJA-RÏ 14, 1894. OUEX, ~UBI 7 Stock taking sale at We take stock about the first of Maroh and willgive great bargains before that time in ail kinds of eCIINADIAN MIIKE AND A MERICXIN STYLE S The Perfection o! Fit, and S iyle wîth Solld, Bob- * r tantiiil Wearing Qualities. DE MAuEEIaTiin May be f u rthe rtoel aC * any entemprieiig shoe ec n eA- T l'aster & Co., l'oc'klelarCd, Que. Mm. Simnpson, o! Orono, preached hare &U vacy accepiedly on Suuday in the absence 0 0 8 at Rev.Mr. Pope .. .. Whoopîng cougl le prevalent hare, .. . M. Price Sauniers sItar au extendad trip througli(o! the Southeuu and Western Stae3 le visiîiag hie, brothe r hare.' Ail kinds of Furs at ds. HI lecPRAnedit owanyulem(9save OO T PIE IOE lMai lieT, MNRQE ,A lo fDress Goods ab about M. Q.o.Urigt setuaa wt AT~1J is uina Mr.Plaidher Wary, kedron. ~j ~,Jj~U ,t'.t(,j.LjJj,... .Rev-. J, G. Manly preclai tua line semmaîle lu connediion ih the Bible Society mark Bunday ...r.AB.unl .A.1I ,.aies [Is sand . las h&Bpurclased a nai Dominion piano. ..Mn. A. J. Ceurtica visilad hie boh 'DTTC1~!oanMr. W. L. Coulice ai Newton Brook at ab ut EIAIJEEbenezer bave d1se- 'ih au access3ion Maphe Grave Luga iste i Eben(zer s1 ~sv~1.c~+' ~ le 7I11rf~ZI iis meel. sud t;x cauo! îlte tep'c .11 .- 1.11APpEVf.BNIOGN La B tTRiacre, sud and 1u. OOu.S 'N7vTl.lJ. e bO.lU' E)X-iosa uliaarae bato ta -tmici pravant attache liy'kepiug île'blooe, pure sud frea frein île acid which causes îe< actly as aclvertised, discase. Yen can nal'y upon Hoo)d'i siSr- aai a sramady for rlaucmatiem sud flhIfU ftcstamnhi, sso for every f orm a! Qcrofula, Z Di OUSO RYEMN ali rheum, ballesud ailier diis3aeasa BOWMA NVILLE. causad by impuire blood. t tories su-îd vîtalîzes tb he oaytem. ______________________________ Hod'e Pil i ansd Fgeuile lu N~otce to ureaitors. i he matter of the Pstat" of M ,,ry W'a r, deceased. Pýursuiant ta Section 36 of Chapter 110 Revit. ,d Statues of Ontarto 1837 and amendments theýreta notice la hereby givan that ail credit. ors und others having claim'ts sgainst the estte of Mary Ward, lato af the Township af hiarke, iii the Couty of Durham. Wtdow. ,Ieceas-ed, 'who died on or about the eighteentli day of September, A. D. 1S3,are hereby requir- ed ta delivar or send by post prepaid ta the unders'iged who la Solcitor for John RInch. Af said Towynship af Clarke, Farier. tand R'obert Momient of thesame place, Poatmaser, eàe Executors of the iast wiil anti testament o,, said deceased. on or biefore Monday. the 'Jiw'enty sixth day af Mardi, .D..193 etatement 0f thiranle n dess and a -1-11 otatemeont af their odaimzi and ea their rcurtities if any) lhld by them,. NotLice is hereby further gie Ra it2r thea sadtwenty-slxth dy o arch,. .. 181, ,ha said Executors wiiiproaeedtodiýstri ute thie assets of the said de ased arnong the ,parties enttled thereito, havingy- eu d only 10 ,be dlaimas af which they skia1t men have re. ,eived notice and tha sa!d executors wili nat ha liable for said assets or any part thereaf ta -ny person or persans of whoe e daim or da1,ims notice shiall not have been recelved by ehuimat the time ai such distribution, Dated at Bowmanviile', ths thrtit day o! ,hinuary, AP., 1S91. 5-5v J. K. GÂLSRATHE King St.. Bammanville. Ont., Sgliciton for said NY'cutors- NO INFOUL SWING. FOR YOUJ TO YE WIIEIN F0I amount c can have y fectfully fi T. N. RH Watah-makai, and Optil Be,,st of Photos at lowest possible pricas. Cail at the Gallery, TVIE >IMMO & OPO EBENINETT'S HOTEL, B SNS N Ail work guaranteed. C L Rave' yoceantlie latestestylein Cabinet turnln gonut fine mcci. (Corner Yonge & F J, CA1RLESS, Toronto, Stands lu thc vary fro ugh sud practilca BUE S 0 aL-t titution for Ladiesas BcokkeepJýiug, Bai f rypewrî?ting, Peluila F'o ls h.Telegrapl Deapamfim M ~Tesclers, Aparimi Location tle verY lix Enter nom. Circular RL D. LN Ili', princi LASEuse 110-1k'is«LSaissShc oili e Laies' and Cildran 0 fin oossd ie The finlesila Gpreservelelaberadka plible. it utl leave sP, Psihiestn o sala by SEat und Sios deca'ers. 1-10 t.- otrninof ye&u Ge gauidinv. ills u sli. Amrbafor stoc adairy Chane f -r g o xleey8y Taooto mut buines a-,tcck asn 's 1rifIAN u Rer. R. MeC ulloch, Tyrone, wii preadlic an Educational sermon lie nexi Sunday1 r Mm.Jabez Souch sud daugbter,Dakota tv en visitiiug tlair nîany f ciauds ilu Parlington,. .. . Mml. Gea. Argua, M, A:' brahaîn ati Mr. Ga. Milleon ara dela-, ustes ta île Sunday ScbocI Conventioni NEGLECT Tymoia. . . Th1e E. L of C. E, macle tiis weekion Tlursacv -enig... TIc social intertaininut îiltl ie given in the Chumdli J Rou MIonday, Ft3',. 19. Rev. C. Parker Bowmanuile. iiidlirer his Popular H M lecture on "The Norh Wcsi Rebellian" aud local talant wiii fturuish a good pro* i CT --.L grame,astar mhi cafý-roehments milI ha served. Ail are codiaily, invitadl. Ad!- Rof ma li an o Hum ca I;ET RitD of my tormeutingc cf mney YOUcorne; gai id of! 11cm mthaut pain; gai your EYES per- id cf ihein quickly sud effactually, illi âtted by out poeBibility cf retumniîle ansier le, use Puinamli Painlezs Cama sud Watt Cure, tbe great corn cure, Always sure. c K RIj% safe, aud pa]xleso. Piituam'e Extracton. r, Jewller, Useiansd no a' hec. -Frauda are in île rc, Ja'lr market., Do't riîu tle isk aI ruiniug Nead's Block, yaout feet wihl sud 3oatic applicatiace. Bowmanvilla,------ 4 OSHA WA. It les oid Colioug would invite Rev. *W. J. Jolliffe ta the pastorata tIea, Ibol la lias aixeady castilis lot ith l Irtgni WVes.. .. W, J. Steploeson, Osham, affae, tînougl tle FmnaaAdvacate, a setting o!Wyaudottoecgee to anycueiun hHARRISON dcir 20 yeams oI aga mIa mili f unni8l tle SHOTHND liait esey on"Thîe Management o! Fowis SHO HA , Frrm." . .. .The South ntri .EGE, flIii: . tutue bas ddeceçd ta hl as Collage Street& LII-, ,lc, Asîbuxoî, Myrila, Columibus sud Canada, Olhawa, coimauexîr Poli. 19 sud ending at Oshawa on Ffi.,'ay, 23rd.. .. Mn. A. -ont rank as a tiare. A. Post las compltiad thc deBigu o! tle sinesTraining Lu. newvSt. Gregcry's churcl which in tai la nd Gntlean. sulrnited taIn HieGrace Andlibislop nkio, Shothand, Wall ho lappraveadcf tiinisud île est, ~ ~ î-, FesUdmaaù JA.nARSNvn c pJn l ssei hould la ipais. ~ ~ l' 36ly tiorodiy lersiudpurifiai "-ý liîe ose o!blroc odB1trs Colipri- M A ~ 21 elplohiale, livar omisitetc. ýjVj4Ê1 vuIil'III L.I IITo liecag fLclAg =7ic Good opeing for rlght man, on salary Or comI*rnà" '~ nao missionI. Wle or p,%rt Ilrne. Weaete , B ssid. onily gro -3rs 0f bov, Canadiman sd merican hf! Sndsys excepted)B uc n rt a ~nTrne ua. iafrOi I il infanmika , VWe wan -ou nom. t~tolbYCri'Oet'C-o BtoýRO NB, ,'.Ot NNWTONVILLJt Theaanivers-aiy o! île Preebyteclan. ucIwill be held as follows: On Sun- day Pcb , 8 ev. S,1U. Estman, B. A., preacheat 1a ii i. a,&,d 6 30 p.,nm. On Tuasday thei 20Jh, tu a will be served froin 5 to 30 p. ni. afi or whicl saddmezzes will lie d li vered by Rev. R. D. Fraser, W. S. IVcard P%. T. Cou,,rtica sund other2. Good mtsi'c b.7 localsuad out2ide talent. Tiïu cet S '_5 cca'r' . Cou,;5ÂtDC us- tiissesson rend ud oui. ,e slY ubtained, Parry Davi"'eea "Pain Killar." It is nio new iottrun, vendai by unknown agents, 1,ut las sto d the test for oser fil ty years; sud thý)oawho use the article, iuiternaliy or exteruanly, will conuect with il gra;tlui recollectins of ils worthy lu- Miss 'Warren bas bean vistting friands in Croilked Cresk.... .Geo. Vuria, 'E'q,, our worthy village clark, lia% recovered froui las grippe .. . . Mr, Horacaerght is laid np wie awhite swellinÉy riathe knaa. Mca. Thos. iMclClung sud dauglitar. Bell, hDave gone ou a couple o!fsnonths' visit ta }har danghtars, Mire. G. O. Coch- rare, La)s AnLe',ase, Cul., su)d Mt2. F. A. Poel, hicaRgo. .. Mr.R. Warren hlas 1 asei th, aûy bulildingls and grouvnds for au apiple avaporàtor. Thos e.nhisppy per sans wýho suife'r froni nervouexlesa sud dyspepsi.a shouild iuse Carter's f-.ittle Nerve Pilli, which are3 made exvýressly for gleep'ess, nervousi,, dyspepti, suffereme. Price 25 cents. Have ýyou read that article lu the last STATESMAN on this subject giviug the ideas of a Boston man? -"Neyer keep money which is due toansother." This le lus secret-.- hat a simple statement, aud yet if a .ted upon to-day by every pacson in West Durhiam whst a relief tvould hea aforded to scores of unhappy people, unhsppy becausa of the dalits they owc and cannot psy for waut of mo-(,ney due thera from neu person sud anýotheýr. Consider for a moment what au amount of business can be doue in a single day with 1$25 on the "spot cash" principle. Fariner Brown of Dsrlington brings a sinail losd of whcat to Vaustoue's' Roller Mill and receives cash $25. Ha steps up to tha West 31%;Bouse, buys a $5 dress for hie wife, cis at this office, pays $2.00 for the STATESýMANWcakly Globe, Ladies Journal sud Preiniuin Book, thon crosses over toCo Gucli, John- ston & Cryderman's buys a cioak'at cost prica unow $6; proceedeý to Big 20 and buys froi Mr. Allen a iaiea bible for,$2, and from Mr. Maynard an alarm cdock $1; thence to Young & Co's snd spauds $2 for grocaries; then to Mr. Davis' fPr a pair of boots for hie dauglîter $2, sppnds $4 at Mason's for a ready-uacie suit for lis litiac son and $1.00 Pt fligginbotharn's for Bînge'e Cough Syrup and several othcr ie;iessary articles, leaves for home well aa-tisfed wi--th the business of the da--y. Ha iis no)t a Patron you observe.' 24r. McMurtry paiys the $-5 in wages, it belug pay da,, t, hie cers wo re ear- ly ah muarried maYin; they at once pay it ta Hume &- Wriight, the butchers, Tod, the bakeur, snd Rickard, tle jeweller. Editor Guy Bros. are pressinig large quantitieS of Hay .... Miss Maggle Okeicsi visiting lier sister Mrs. T.O ,..M. Milton H%11l vi-ited Toronto racenitly.. .. Mrs. Mellicent ies ick at lier brotýher's, 'dr. W. F Curtis. ... .Mr. John Hcrigtown, v.the coutract for the ma3on uwork on Mr. John Ciark's hue c John Heard visitedMrLkBter recently. ,..Mrs Penfounid is at Mrs. k's.. Mr. John Clark ia helping Mr, Guy store SAL4LM.Mm. Maaon for adevemiising and pa_-ye Me- A tes -ýwM ib given lu Salemi churcli Clallan & Co for s ton otcol te.I uder ths aaîepies ,of the Sunday Sdhool Couch, Johisian &Cyna take $6 prc ànd Epwverth League on Suuday suid- ta psy aparo! thil eustouii's d-'uty ou the ME uesday-, Fb. 18 sud 20. Sroswl e rossley's carpets ihai have just ar- le, ec preabiedi p naqy ai 2'.al p.m. by rived froin Engisuti. Mm. Allen pays lisata Rev. C. Paikei', towmanville, sud ai $2 for hie board sud Maynsrd's $1 goes Wý c5'0 SY -v. D). S. Houck, Enuikii'ea. to the miuikian; Young & Co. psy $2 ou bu, )n Moiiday ta will lia erexvd froin 4 the Elacirie Light Co's monilily accouit; 'dock t,'11ai are eatiifd. The Misses Mr. Davis lande $2 ta Mcs Davis who lie. M[oore o.,, Bîcokiii n iloa talent will pays $1 ta Mr. C. M. Cawkar for meuat, K, fumniali gýod prograrn Admnission t asud. $1 t tt & Jury for Kikaeal- r( a ard rilfrtainmont, 2c.dian anaissd other famîiiy ineeF:saýr bc les. Mc. 1fÎLiginbothsnt ýorders 8sa1oe T] Slhilo,'e3 Curaý is salI on a froin Tait & ,Co.a.nsdpysluadeo IL cureszIticipient Oonsumipýin. It 1 ijce. Wahava fllwedilis n1onieyA lie ~~ bs ÇubCure. On.y ouacn suii tbs oe$5-ot1o1uins- lai; 2 ct~ 5 ci. sd $, liefore dinuar, Duriug tîle afiemnioonI ~oldby & ury itiras turned av ve erai1tures More Ibc 1 and Mfis8lea Sw, ntilliriir, ta Grand Clan- i ,LfNA. -ral coufaciiÏonary, Carlees,, the artiet, wi Mir. ,j.sT., unieaitendad île Parcy, tIc biaclksit, 1Paihick, Brima- bc prohihlitin convention lu Toronto..1 combe, île denulat, the saveral doctors, as !vlr. C, F_ 'Brawr,,aurPopular youno' dreasàmakere, nieairMr MaYer, b, teadher,_s husiiuLiin ge i iiat acadcmy. île f umiar sud atter,, fri. IDoncasteýr, Pl .... Thele iî ierarý conteet now in milliner, Mr. Tod sud Nir. Keys, bahiars, progmass a,'thîe Diviion-Sisters vs Mr. Hallysr sud Mr. Traleven, boea sd Broilier8. _. Mis Rîther El!. ;rd bas me- sboe dealers, Mr. Osbomna, île grocar; Il, tuneud home ta Camibmay. . .. Maessrs. Jas. Mr. McBriecu, île tinsiil, sud the Vice sudý W. Clark a ire visi'iug in North-: ailer business menan sd womau lu the 1 ern anal....M.Lwssd Mis7 Mabel town geasae of it. The next day îleo Pascoe vired friandes riraund Folay me- saine $25 starts wlan trade liegins sud Ir cenly... Becanti viaýitors: Mir. Johin continuas moving ail day fcrom drairar ta bi Blair, Tauntou; Master Hlerhert sud drawam, if île principle of paying "spot t Arthr Curtie....Deutycash" lu ail daalings sud "neyer kecpiug tl meeve 1'escoe, appoiniad To-,whip officers money irhicl, is due othars" le rigidiy oh- 13 ait Bsdley 'son Satuirday,.. . .Mr.and Mme. served. "The nulle sixpenea letcter, J. Vî1mnN8ai ad famunly visitcdinjBo,,- tlan îhe slow shilling." As a coutrasita inanvil'e lasi Waek. irliai Fariner Brownu did with île $25 lait us considar rlai ha might have doue. Ayer'a Hiair Vigar ke5eps the scalp fanm Suprosing le had daposited tle money lu f romn dandruff, praveutns the liair froin tle Ontamria Bank sud boughi the varions t baoigdry sud liacali,-sud makes it articles on cradit wiil îhe intention o! c; fexible a4nd glossy. All e alameuts paying for tlain, naxi Ociolier, île greai ilisil natu-re requîmes ta make île liair plaJaue o! alIhi ese transactions y7ould i abuùcdant-.tsud beautiful, ara supplied by hava beau wanig. )f course, avary k ibis admtirable proIparation. business man lu îlie towu muais maltec prompt payments ilat tic greatesi good t KIRB- tahîe greatasi number imay lia the reanhit. Visfht or f:M-'r, Wmi. Spear sud wmIeTolhustrata: suppose île inan ta wloni Little Brhtain, ai Wmn. Blewiitts. .. .Mire. Ibis $25 mas first dividad lad kapti h lu Wahtar Jmes las returned ta lier 1home ihair tille ahi day or lad dapoied ih lu lu Utica. ... Mmes Minnia McGînnîs lias île Standard Bank ahi île meat of the meturned ta Lindsay. .... .Mm. Ja9. ui P business would nai hava takan place. Or fard, D"da ç,lesiting friands bers. again, if Fariner Brown lad beau a Pst- Kiel, ijî tl quite slch...Y mon lie wonid, have saut tlat $25 ta Tor- M. Jo n Kieil or er n g i t a ontoa msud is ocm market tain sud coi- stMr Arthi aurPo e r'e hag n ea aga u rt . m un iy w ou hd lave be au dep mived aI tle Dickey lays a pina mcci piercad its long.trat bsmeitrat caspendiug h inle Rev. B. B. Keeper pmeadhed b a trai fume nishs iendlame markte tohi daliglitea audience lare on Suay undta unse h oemre o i Mm.1).lvI Biline pole amaei1yta Icfarm produce, tle HigI School ta educate L igu n the eve ning. hie sons sud daughters sud île many ailier adysutagas afforded by a wali cou- ducied town. Wa close this article by NfICCLARKE. rapeating île advie given by île Boston Mlis nnie Grass o! Newcastle, mas a phlosopher. "Neyer keap -mouey wirhl recent gueasi aI île Misses Jessie sud le due ta another" sud 'spend ail you esn Auie ;L Waddell for a fai days...... possily afford te diaburse" sud mill add Mr. R.Xý Malcoini, Tarante, wss gusi this addiiionsl advice "kaap the minuey o! Mm. 1?. W. Somerville recently. . .. Miss inavung." :Elva Hiter mas the guesi a! MisAnnie Thompvin of Orouo, Suuday week.... FARMERS AND PATRtONS. M-. D. Ro)y, Tyrona, visitad friands liýra mecaentlyt. .. Mmr. aud Mire. Jas. Wadd(,]l BINDERS von $75; TwiNE, 8c. visited l. W.- J. Roy, Tyrone, recentlv. ; ..Miýýi Mary Lïilole lias raturued froni Mcr. Joseph S raiford aI Brantford aud ,T 'ooraiýc4 . Ms.Wm. Wsddel sud otlhe's iwiliaidc.ýss m- ne.*ing lu i famîuly siited bacr broihama, Mc.ssrs. A. Wesrt Du'anî as f.llogE: B lwmanvlle, sud P1, . r MConuachie mcetly .. .. Mc. Friday, Fob. 16 ai .3 p. m. lu Tcwn Hall; 3Ediond Cob adc nsd famiy visilad Orono, Frida , b 16 ai 7 p.nm ; S:1- 1iMme, J. Walsh Fmiday mach,.. .Mm. sud inat, Sstray Pc 1, al, 1 P. m,. lu the i lre. Herwmy Jsyues aI Nawtonvîl1e, 1have Sas al'mT: iIckti Stda , b. beau v&itýing Mr.Ewr sue . . ý 1Xw?1Hall. -As Mm. Meo. G. L. WsdahI ;sud Mird T. G rafr ,pci of Ithe Pariamar'] W delvieited fr4ids lun Tomante îe Binder w ioasd Ag-riclfltural Impleni- Scortly. . .MEs3 caliani oa! Part Hop, n5et Factoýry o! Banifomd 1' i- hava 01visiting lbar sser, MissWn.Yo. - somaîhiog ,te sy l olfaI reat Mn. 2 vUderodd MiýsL. rder- jimnportanc- taoe cryiimelutsca- iwvood, Redal.lto theýir brothen,Mr. *y. Pam Ie o dk sItar your o.Vu laten- iT. W. UndemWood. oeste,3sud 1d o nuot-1lailitt)hea M.S f to rd.1 Foi-,CHILDRn ÂND ADLTe-Dr. Nar THÂT iui&.-Scati's Emielon Loüi's Worm Syrmup curesmomo!js fali lodeesnot dahullitate tîlestoaadims ailer inde i~ ldrau suid aduIl. 1t centin cough niedicines do; buit on île ccuîmary, : i ne luju,"ius lugmadieuiti. Price c25c. It iinpravel digaîition sd'VA gies l I tomach. lis affýcts are ixumeqýdi 0e sud BoayeQf4LoLwu l a fics nai suit and -rsona1 a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Lde prs rscî iMeueCobuiwanting anytliine luinPur Gco is ~ i~ p a dc atif ak. i-a1,,, u v b y bh v in a t c ofux -h . pakaeaie-lenaeSyupo!Fie sud being mawil iufomm)nicd, you will not M tanl .1 Fmi Dai Carr whc held m îlUt Sat - Mar larg feal bol rCari the 13lnge ,scanfoni and improvemenir) sud tendS, to personal auj oynfl; hen rightly usad. TIe raauy, mIe live bel- ter tItan others sud cujay 111e maýre,,wt lesa expandlitume, by more promptly ndapting thea world'a hast prodlucis te, the neads of plysical being, wiii attes'e, île value te lealti o! tle pure- liqnidJ laxative principhes -embmacaýd in il.ý renîady, Syrup o! Fige. its excellen)ce je due tl'oÎýIs perentirig ithec brin uoiacp ari sd ph6ae- unit thîe tasta, îerefreeliug sud truly lianeficial roperti"ce o! a perfect lax- ative ; cffectuahly thasîgîe systeni, dispalling colds,, Iessd fevacr9 sud periuisneihy curîiug cousipa-tiotu. Lt lias given satisfaction te millions aud me' .rwili île approval of! île medical professioni, bacause it acte on the Kid- neye, Laver sud Bowels 'uithaut meak.. ening thein sud his ý;par! act!y Irae. frQrL everni cli ectio)nahhe substanice. SymoIýp a! Fig3 isa o sala by ail drug-. jgistaj iii 7,5c. boutles, but it iv marn- Ifactuned by 0)(3 Califomnit- Fig Syrup f T V077 A 0 1) 1 - 1 i Fi 1 1 1 ýT 1 1 tirs. Moynes liaa moved to Oehtawa.,.. rFred Allun was a dalagatc te the mperanca convention, Toro-nto. . .. Mr. Parr, Madoc, is visiting hlie- on Mr. ,nk Parr who bas returaed fromn the dry School, Guelph. ... Oax the 5th t. ai the quarteuiy board, Hlampton ,cit, a resolution wss unanimaDusly rried, expressing tha high esteem ln iceh tha pastor, Reýv. James Liddyýi, id d, and ruqi"ug-h ini undier al cir- instances to - ' maJi anothcçr yaar ý... r. F. A. Cola io ,nyi«ng',il thea aples can lu ibis localUy. . . . After a bile! ness J. D. Treleven, E q., died on turdaiy imriug. The fiiierai to Bow- anyjile cern tery on Monday avatvry rgaly attendad. Mrs Treleven. bas the npathy of a11 thec neigbbours8 in lier eavmlent, WVomen with pile, co-Lorlas facesj, wheý el weak, and discouraged, will roetoive thmna and boâily vîgcr b7 u3lug. irr's hron PiHI, whichi are miade for ýbleod, nerves aud comiplexion. COL UMIB U;t M4r, 0. W. Stsbback bas asanmed the rprietorshlp of the P. O., store. .. . sBrs. W.,J. Moore and Hlartnell Cole > rsented Columbus Councïil .RT.of T. the Prohibition Canventioi.,..NtMr. *G. Armour,our ex-teacher hais stsrted ueirnas ai the C. P. R. Station, MNyrtie. .. .Miss Susia Hugo, Tarontois visl!ting er unce aud aunt haieu. . . . Mv. John err, Pickering, M,, Eno3l I.m3,De, roit, anid Miss J. Gib ULndsRy, have an visýting Mrs. 11, Kerr,.. liera was a granli wdî~in Our vieiltY 'n Wedneeday eveo:iog, JOanl, 31. Mmr. thujr Drew, ozeh w,,, nd Miss Lillie, ly datighter of Mr. ArcUeý Temwillegar, 4ast Whutby, wero uuted ln the holy -,pdeI. of MatiwjOnyat tihe rüaeidence of ;hoîle' parents. Abutl 150 gnasts" lia e8Se -d the cememýIonY ParfoMmed IDtha, as9t of styla by Rev. L. PhýAp3,Courtice, Lsstedl by Rev. J. W. SaIvaýe. The )ride wore a very becoominig toilette of :une serge with valvai trimmings, and ya support eàti rougli the ordeal by Mýiss Bertie Drew, sister of the grooin. T hse âtte miaid of honor, Miss Antiec Tiuk, 'as charming ln ereani cashmere and acp. A 1threecçamrled beautiful boncuoia of roses. The groom had an sb'e Fuppoxit in Mr. J. J. Terwiliegar, byother of the bride. Tha weddlng supper wa3 every- thing that hesmt or wish oould desire and ha presents were too numerous suda cobt- vy for description. i.-e Review of Reviews for February fal trong ln ail of ils depairtmen1s. Ta , Ioi 1'Prograss -of the World" tae important politîcal, socia-l adindustrial cranta oý lie month are, reviawed aud thc&r signiti, cance eoeariy and frankly et forth. Thi.q Iepartme'ut alous conta,.n3 fifty tily Illustrationz, cihlelly portraits of well- known mon and womneri. Apropos af iheý opening cff haManheserSlip ÇCanal2, thie edito)r discu-sses iat atnd varions ailier a'aterway projecis wlichýl are being con- sidred by European goverrnmantsa. c'Ili jmaâo limu,)y oy v.ý-g

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