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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Feb 1894, p. 3

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Speaks tbrugl the Bootbbay (Me.) Regitr, etft1ebeýnefi a1 results 1e bas receiyed frOni airgua use et Ayer's Pilîs. Db says: "I y.,asfetn siuk andI tired andI my stomacb seeiwed al eut etfentIer. 1 trieit a nuiuber et remiedies, but noue seenied te give me relief untit I was luduceui te trytbee lfi relia- b11e Ayer's lIMîs. I bave talcen euly oe box, but I eel like ar.newran. ',Iink ýtbey ajre th e Mot, pleasait sdeayte 1take of Vuytbrng 1 ever used, being,, se tinly sugar- eoated that aven a chilfi wilil bae'hem. 1 urge upon al who are iu ceed. et a laxative te try Ayerls Pilît. They will de goed."1 For nl dise-ases of thse Stomacis, Liver, and lBowels, taise prepared by Dr. J. 0. Aysr & Ce., Lowell, Mass E'very _Dose Effective ONTAHIO LADIES' COLLE CE, WHIITBY, ONT. Strlcly frsi-lats l i s appoiniment i audndcaktional advantagat. Provision mnade for a1!i litheacher8, crtilloates anct ior Un- iverkttSclasses ibre ugh use fresbman. sophe- more andI part et junioir yeara ef Toronto University. The literary staff comprises the largest nuniher ef Universiy specialisis of any Ladies' College ie CaLnada. The musical, finearýt,elocution and commercial depariments are eýquallly well su6tained by tha mot gitted p)rotateecrs. Physicai culture is taugbt by a spcait from Boston. A new gymnasilli and al kinâsof out-deor amusements, Puipile bave tbe opprtnnity of bearing the great rtisis that visit Toronto. Apply for information te 82-lst'r PRINCIP41 1RARE, V.D 3ST HE BSREDYFOR To Cross .the Aia-ntio lu Four Ditys. It Thomasýu Alva l'io says mnay bE -cete s prettýy sund, and ha satys thal lb will ce *h vnyyears befone wcecan res tbe Atic witie f!our days. The greas il sor andI sientïist declares 'ithatrapic transit throngh the wateýr is enly a, questior of rc,ýlucing the friction between tble sides oj bbe sip and the wster. What makes thE resistance that the ship's crew mustoverceini is tbe tact that the ship drags a lot et wata, along witb bier. To illustrate this: S-sy rtb vaessal is goiug twecty miles an heur; bwc fast troua ber aides bbe water is going, ten selles an heur; four fat away five mlsan heur; eight feet away, twe miles aun;eu nine fat off, ene mile- an heur, and se) on fn dimiauisbing ratio. Al this ;vter bbci vesse] is tragging along with lier. That is what tbe engiýe bas gon't de-co force the ship houbth e water, but carry the wate: alonle. This:ail crnesý frem the tact that the water sticks, as if ware, te the sides et the sbip. Ed'is;on h3lieves tbat soima means wiil be discovered etf lessaing the Iriction be. tween tbe sides et the vessal andthebbc cean. The resut might postihly ha,, achieved, h, thinka, hy torcing turne chemp oil tbreugi tbc sidas ef the pores et the suip under bbý water lice. She would then slip acrots th, Atlan tic on a bcd eof i, like graased lght nu, as if, wre. -[The.Millioen, WHAT 18Sî-A fARRH ? From the Mail (an), Dec. 15. Cabarrb is a muco-purulant diacharge cause by the presence aud devlnet of a vegetabl parasite je the internai lining membrane efthi note. Ths parasite is eoly develeped une faveurable circumstances. and these are : " Meabid stqte of the blood, as the bligbted coi Puscle et tubercle the germ Poison et syphilfi Iruntexomrea, freni the reteetien oethi affee malytcfteet b skie, supprested penspini tien bdly vectilabed sleeping apatrnts, an terPoisons that are germinated in the 1110e These pisonstke bcinterpal lining mn brad heb nose in a constant state of initE tn.crur ruady ton the depesit ef thc ceedsE ths emwicb epread upi) ha nostnils et v, nu the tances, or back et the throst. causin -à cera.ion et bbc hreat and HIay ]l'ver t the OCuestachian tubes, ceusing deafuets; bui ruowiug sui the vocal crfs, cansing hoarseness usnrping the preper structure et the brenchiE tubes, euding in Pulmnonnry cousumption an featb. Mauly atbempts have been madIe te, cure thi distretsing fisease by bbc use et inhalants, oin meuts, meficabed vapers and other lngeuioc devicas, but noce et these treatments can do Particle ef gond until the parasites are ithe clestreyed Or ramovef frein the Mucus tissue. Some time since a welikuewn physiciano forty years' standing, atter mucb expern'ei ing, tucceef cd in ditcevering bbc ne ai r comibinaion of inigredients which neyer tai i absnlubely andI permanèntjy crafiu'ating th! karrible diseagee whetber standing feronue yea or foty Years.' Those arbo may be sufferni trini Catarrh, Elay lever or Catarrhal Deatuci should, waithot fday, cemmunicate witb ih business manager, Mr. A. IH. Dixon. Nos. 41lan 4 East Bloor St., Toronto, Canada, andI incloî Etamp fercircular explaicing ibis new.treat met. N.'B. Snfl'ers tront Ctarrhal trouble bIOlIcaretully read the above, Time Fies Sometimes. MHEBRITISHlSUaLUJER. H1e is a Jaunty FelIow Whio Loads a llard Life. l IN SPIE O F THJIS IsRIMIACK HE t FIG TS qYELL.f1 The standing army o! Great Bibin fE dates its rite frein the restoratien et King r Chnet IL.,snd regimqents et seasoucd sud I cxpenieuced Biti.-h subjecis in the service r et toreige stabt, troua the tume aven et Quecu Elizabeth, are beieg noldad luto a0 n ucleus for the British enmy that bas woc for isaît renoan in avcry quarter et bbc globe. -Daniel Webster in lladiug te thbcIl British soldien, paid bbc tllnwing giewiugs antI appropriate apostropha bu, "the powrer ahich bas doibad over bbc surface et the arbole globe wiih bier possessions sud mili-n tany pots-wbose merning druni-beat, f el-c lowing the anti sud kcmpiug ceînpany withk the heurs, circles the earbb aitb oeecon- tinuons and unbcro tanarain of the martial airs et England." The trim, arcl-buili Englisb soidien is mnet with et every kuown cornfer et tbc erth, audonue is siuaply a ceucterpant et anibher. Outtide et bsrnacks, on bbc promeiý,nade antImingling aith bbc passing' t hrog-tbe Englishsode is a mnartedi antI premiect figure. Eraci sud easy oft ca rnage, cin-strap dean, catiy forage cap aid eîy raing te eue side, bai nuicely donsa; chest lite a paacock's, waast tightby hlied, sud beots siieg cdean as a mimeor, net a trace et discoteet is dîcannihie on bis suri- burnad testues. Iis scarlet jacket fits lite a glova, with trousers strapped, seiting dlean sud smoeib wiib scarcely a wrinklc, arila in bis siuewy rigbt baud, a ightbaihem boo stick is dettly tarirbed, wbîch indeed ferma thea insepanable companion oethbie English-soldier. Hae gets tour shillings a wek-,ciaar mouy-but ontoetthaibe bau te provide butter for breakfat andt ta,aed sometbieg 3 for suppar, sud aIl bis uuderclotbicg sud icbaning mat eials. If lie hecomes e tergeaut, hae w111 recsiva seventeen shillings sud o ixpeeice a week-mnriadl quaters-coal e antI ges, andt wo shillings will bey treni tht raimcal sienes eeougb provýision te snpply atuiyfor a fortnighb. tlie bas about one chance iu torty te ba- comae a sergeant-major, sud oeeil eighty te bc appoied qatuetrmastcr. If hae bas apti- 't tinde for "drill,">lha may gt tbc position et adjutanit in tome sbatered obscure regi. ment serving in deatly clîmetes et bbc East on Watt Indies. But thie seldien is ont ot -place, icueuesdabmougb reabed ciily ' bis brother oficers, cen net hope te ha reccived lu their cincla on ternis' et social cqualiby. iAs an ucficen hae neceivea bau shillings par day, deriving fer lest comý tort frein bis incressed elloaranca than aben hae servef lu the rants. ,Atter serving îaenîy-ona years bbe Euhg- lîsit soldien is supposed te ha entibled te a pension et ene shilling per diemcr tor lita antI a sergeant te -two shillings. , Everv soldier n luhbbcEtglish army mus go te school untîl lhe bas mastened te a certain degrebbc rudiments et resdieg, ariting and arirhmctic, wbich Iargely transtoruas him troua' the aioucby, illitenabe cILIIOooper ie bbherm, smant-appearng souldian. But despibe the tact that Eegland'a prestige, at bomea andI abroad, bas been gaiied lrrely breugb bbce deads andI prea- -, esa et thie English soldier, lha bas ce stnd- iing with the tradas people or bbc messes genera!lly in civil lite.. Thene are those le abho 7a1Idrink snd careusa with hbu et It bbc pulic bouse, but iehaia cever invited te 1' bbc bomes and familycircles et those abese Lt intn-esis hae dafeeds. Ha is excînded fromn r ail sncb influenýes, is matIe ltetel, alseiber I le ]ha-sergeankt>or privata, uprigbt or ha. Ssobtted, that tnfur imoubsidm et the baracks, e theraý is a certin teiint nvclopiug bis e carlt ceai sund tap Lngs tai taups hlm ras cemnieg rem bbc drcgofetihe greai ity's Sdriftig ovarpîns of humni beiuigs, with c) whem ti here cen ha ne social communion. Il But bbe Eeglioh sldier, despite sîl bis failiegs sud uncertain position in tumes et peacýe ameegst tbc bexpayens, stands prom.- ýIiinly forth sîpen bbc fieldI nf battla, antI ', bias aoc ai the point et bbc hayonai upon 't aany an historic batblegneund, a reputetien P ton bravery sud galstry that will go dean ýr the aunaIs oet tue forever. e lun oing ovar the recorda etf bbc British e rythera is scarcely a negiment ihat bas nobocontrahuted its part te bbc gena.ral giory efthtie abobe, wTitb incident coverieg evary babtie et note f ro-n Fiseders, ini 167-2, te bbc th Nile andI Abu Kîca lu 18S5. For c exemple, the nepby et bbc grenadiers ai cl Golden Rock in 1753, when the rcgiment ie taltered on bbe deatb et their leader, sud t~Cept. Kilpatiot callef upon thein Ilte aveege their belovef captain,' ahreupen the grenadiers, roused in a moment, swere afttr their tasiion "Iwe wibl fllear bu te the gates o ecal "'The napby et the 11gb. d ander et the Nieety-tbird ai bbc batle et le1 Baieclava (1856) : "Thara is noe treat for sr yen here," said tae gencral. "e st :- dia ahree yen stand." Wberaupen bbey ýr- shouebadII"Ay, ay, Sir Colin, antI need a " be, w'll do that." se a- At the batile et Fontenoy, the sbory if gees that thé FrenchIt olitaly invibed the 'd Englisb te "lfire flrau2' The reverse aras ja, the case. lIntiha midIdle et bbc battis, f according te bbc Duc de Broglie, a stroeg Id terce et Engiisb sud Frencbhs.aving beau 11 unexpectcdly brought face te face aubhin ir fiftty pace et each ether, Lord Chenets Hay, 14; a captain in the guards, clletI oui te tbc "Be hevyles I l'Il whang te kneb off ye ! 'Chargin' rie fouir dolars yesbrday te inaure bbi celI vwomanaais accidents,, an' bc iturst bing this nrni' slic falîs (down theý cllan stairs wid e buctet e' ceai, a' nnw w ylé ez Inuitat lier V, inha-)bitad bhouse, No fawer than48165 cf the tenaemeets are brongiýhb vnudar t h definitimonfet"evercroarde(!," anin hn dwclb3,25,044pansons, or . .23arcet et bbc total population, the aeag um- bar et paýrtent ,par roon,,i beiig .8.The ceai-bastring counbies a're statef teo ha thoýs avthere the croadinig oet dwalliuigs is m'osi 'WELL K1'NOWN PEOPL-P. TIsera Tlsay are snd Whist Tlsay n5W oiteng. Sir. William Dawson bas beau deliverieg lctures ou geology te crowded audiences nBso.The Herald etf that city says ha distinguisb MVJontrealer ils enaeoftheb foremost scientists et tbe day. lb is predîcted that 11ev. Dr. Mackay.tbe famous Chicese msssionary, wlll bacth1nex nederaton efthble Ganaral Assambly et the Presbyteiian Ciaurcb luCandawbîch neeaisjilalifax iu Juce. A report thai a son etf11ev. W . H. Ceoper, of Calgary,is about te hoa married is dtciedý,, and apparently on neatouable grounds. The laniai Pays tbe rav. gentleman bas ne chul-i Iran resident in Canaelda. To strengihen this staiernent, if 15 added that the rev. genele. nan bteaoc nai ail, and, as a final broad-i aide, lb is annueed that the rav. gentle-. usn is nt marnied, but is a recogeized sud confirmed bacbeler, bbc beloved et all wbo kuow bîmn, andI perbaps bbc most popular parish pnîcst je bbc Diezcese e! Calgary. 11ev. Mr. Salton, et SGratord, preache f in the Methodist church on Sucday te blic lneei'sasens. Hie took bbc groucd that St. Paul was in aIl pnobability a member e! a secnet snciaty, for flic reason that thae Apottle traqîîeutly uses selectiont tromi society nitoals te illustrate bis argume nts, in faveur efthe tre religion, in like man- ner as hae had adopted sud rebaptised the Greek word Ilcburcb" andtIl liturgy" te maka biniself more clearly understood by the people wbom hae was addresstng. Lord Elgin, Vicaroy et ledia, in a latter te a Hlamilton gentleman says :-'Il have ceear tailed te cail mysaît a Canadien by birtb, sud if is exceedingly gnatifyieg te me te lied ai this moment, whee I hava bacc calietI upon te assume ea hcavy ra- spoutsibility, that my appointiment calîs forth kind mamonias of my tather, whose example I shaîl strive te tollow." Lord Elgin was hemn at Monklacds, on the eut- skiris et Montreal, iu 1849, jusb about the time bliat his father was in rccaipt et the fanions roiten eggs. The former Earl, it is interasting te note, died jusb twety years ago in ludia, wbare the present Earl reiges. 11cr Majesty's tuble in Caeada is a mabter et disputa. The ouher day tue Minister et Militia said Il bbc Qocen ot Great Britain aras as much Quccu ef Canada," wbcreupen an Ottawa auîhoriby declares, ie the Jour- nal et that city, that bbce bon. gen tleman is inaccurate. The Quteen et Great Britain, andI Irelacd is net torma-lly the IlQoeen of: Canada," she is ai mnst enly Qucen 'leL" Canada, on more accnrately, the IlSover- eîgu Lady et Canada." This desîgnation, iudecd,' ie Eeglish or le Latin Domina Canadae sben)d ha impressed on the current coins et the Dominion, se that bbc' public gcenally usay hea saare et the correct titla et bier Most Gracions Majesty. A writer einaneofthbbcEuglish boys'l magazines seys «-" Macdonald Oxiey is a yeung Csnadisc wbosc bales ou the other aide have been Immeesely popular. The editor ot the British Weckiy nemarked bbc other day te a frieud et mica in bbc brade that Oxley was tbc comîeg man for boys' stonies. 1 agrea wibh bu. fHe wiil ron Heby sud Ballautyne bard, if cet east theni le the long ruse." Mr. Oxley waýs once a clark in bbe Di-partuacuf et Marina ai Ottawa. A curions stony latoltI et bue. 11e was, whec a boy, a tcbcoltIellew et Sir Charles H. Tuppen, who becatme head et tit; bureau. The clerk andI the MTinisier were always triendiy, but oee day M!r. Oxiey, iu the presence et a miscellaneonsý crowd, ball- cd bis chiet with a Il Hell o, Charlie. " This was inregular, at leasi Mlu)publi caaud bbc Mîcister did net fail te say se. 'Shortuy aftcrwards Oxley stepped eut sud devolud himusaîf te literabure. THE ENGLISH OENSUS- Figares Itegardîing Landois. The population et Lenden-that is, bbc Lenden et tbe Registrar.Geeral, or prac. tically, tbc administrative ceunty et London -aras found te ha 4,211,743, shnwieg ,ani increase ot 396,199, or 10. 4 per cent. uponi 1881, as cempared ivith an iucreàse et 11.7 per cent. for the whele et England sudi Wales. This différence a referred te by tbe report as a notable tact, inasmncb as it is tbc first tbue that such a phenemenn ýbas presanted ibseit. London having beau )mind in cvery preceding intercensel peniod teo have gained more or lest in ifs propor- ;tions et compared witb bbc country at large. The report continues "Suggestion hbas been matIe that the expiacation o! this apparent relaxat ion-ain [ the growth et Lossdou,ascomrparcd with bbco ,,euntry et large, nîay lia in the tact that .the cactus et 1891 aras taken only a weck aftan astar day, arben a number et par- Ssous arbe had gene away foranEsr .holiday had coi coma bhack trouate ou ftry. lb la possible tbhab ibis méiy bv senia slight affectupnthaenueae population in thosa quantars thiat ara rmaicly inhabited by the clats that is- iwealtby enugh te taka prebongadi bolidays; but if is difficuliteto suppose that 7if ceuld bave bad auy sensible effeet upon the agggragate population cf the whole_ ltewni,esrecially arben lb is recollected that, if mauy Londoners migrate et Eser iet 1the country, mauy countrymen on bbc iother baud psy e visit et tbabt esson ta 'London."~ 510W THIE -PEOPLE LIVE. 38,387 in cýnrs of uilding. Thearg sective governients te proceutoe Eypi inl enter te ttuy sudadvisa upcon ite qu-7es- tion ef a reservein tonrb igbtae aster o! the Nile andI ubilizing lb fer ir igation uir- Ing bbclieon11ths a fasI bbc river is et its i I - IINDER AN AVALANCHE A -W hole Troo-p Smobthered by a Snowslide in the Mountains, lShets at a StrayBasr-tr iellsrstv Hlasî ta S19iin-Tcrnibia flisuitesiatien e5'Ntssre's Relantless Forces oses Triple 31osisitaise §tope. We had gene eut froua Font Owen te open the paslui the Big fiole mounitains te au- able thce vacout choppers te get s suppby et fuel ton thne post. Th had seowed ton sevccty heurt ihou a býreak, sud aitareerai peinits iii bbc patss thiere- wera drifts tacuty feet bigh. Theýre aera twenty-flve ot us, ent-Ier c of ta lieutenant, and about coon are hau1t dug our aay hait through bbc as.The meuý,ntain siopes ou escit sida aroe r mugli asud rocky, but bbc siarw bely se decýp that eacb slope boted as 1eaIas a floor, thougb tbc sîset ara ncb sha.irpen than the ordinary bouse rouf, lb aras a gond 1,000 tacet te the cedars grear. log on t1ia idga. aud lb madIe oe dizzy te loot ipi suid reaize bbhe distance. "We lare I tbe emeet aith s disaster banrc," the hfle ad said as are began aerk with our oa sliovals in the uaornieg. "Theuremuustbeha ceshoefing with your re- volvers, ne herse play, ne ebonting. If the sunoevgeis starteu p thereniet aman et os aill aven ha foued--befone cxt J une-." Tha ,p est rau easb antI aeatt on a distance et 2 o t asd iben midc a sharp turc te, the contbh. At t he turc are hed abat migbt ha c llet hird mountain lu front et ns. Tu;elope was as hsgb as ethars aud piicb- cd tebbcearest, or doan bbc pats. \Ve tbli 1-A herae sbepes, tare pitchiug stress [lbc pai-s erd bbc othar lengibaîse ut it. For bbc firsi heur every musc aras nenveus sud afraid. 'flban.the feeling begen te Wear off, enut seule et the men expressied their con- tampt etý o the paru. At the end oet tar heurs ie oth er îdte repeet bis cvords e! Cato.At Labout 1l o'clock a feuetsnow týrua the lcýt-i-bsnd sIne e rveaied tbe meguîýh et a cave aboýut thiiy teet aboya our heaids. itaras baliaved by all te bc bbc laîr ef s bear or pauthen, aud ai neon, lieu the men stidean in bbc pats te est (ileir port antI bard teck, bbc offluer stant- cd tgeup sud invastigabe. Wibîout a, word on bisc part I follore tainm, The feul utomb had icet tha rocks banc antI reveai- cd,- l bne or four tm'îll troes, but it aras a bard cil1ub tercac thecave. It arasn't e cave at ail, but oely an indentation in a cýLiff, asth a shelt etrock overbsuging ih. This oebe extendad onttfon penbsps torfeut STRIOTFIE DESRUCTIVESTREAM. The mec ac -xre net ail in a buncit, but tomeoet theni acvre aven out et sight eround bbbud Af tan discovcriug that we hadt Ocde dupad ,about the u- cavewestood loating daced ancos, antI acre just uaevieig te gat ie deabn eaofthbbcmec baba us jeîeoped np suad shouted: "Ade! A dean b Hurrab, beys! Vanison ton s !pe The d, eras shoove us, but we conîd net sec1ý it oin accouiit ot bbc overhang. Al bbc mec b lad thair revolvers, andI as bhey began te flourisb theni and preucare te fine the otticar calietI oui s comuanansd a aarciug. If blaey heand bîm thmay dit nef hacd hbu. 3 le arsstl peatking arben, tbrec or tour ab1ois acre fired abmosb ýsimlultaneeusly sud toma euecriedl onititat bbc dean had been bIfit. [t ras he concýussinthat siartad bbc suna wandIi tatftrs i výery top et bbc sipe aerc thec arn u inbdsofteaed lb soncIfua cmb eofethbc imeuctain ant Icled back nudr bb ovnhag atIdas the ieuenat'dI sood ida b)y side bbc avlach sretoveýr u.iDyigb as blottet eutil]anin ,stant iantI tie gnindieg, r nnsd cusic cre somIetbýieg teýrri- fie3. lb same asi h e nanrocltcd antI piýt ubliedhi ka a st e ame ur ai ses, anil tLhe noise ares houde an a ay lap oetinuder yen aen b-c eard.It codn'î have lasied ever sib seod,;ibougb the time ïtectimd tan 3timas1' as long. Then arwe looted dean te flud itha pea t2iba slýes et our teet. le othýer arords, it had filletI up te a beigbt et 1tbiirry fetariitb sicea, boalders, tracs, sud 1aarith. Tare bundred tceb tetae Waet us, aas bbh oaer moîath or epening- baI)yond that s plain. Ttic snoa bad noi renoly tellen frein our slepe, but troua the toea, opposite. Wa acre struet dnuab for ithe mnoment, sud aswae stood gaziug blaetly bbchesioev started ou the third alope. Aaay 1uip near bbce crcst a bail started rolumng, eud ban seondsý laLthebcscoar on a space 300 tua long v. as nioving. lostead of piling uap lne beravineit sbrect sud forced bbc scea down tbenc te bbc ,veat sud tolloared aftn. ISStIPLI-NE tIXTO DEATH. ht aas a great river etf anoar sweeping paslt us, Loes,tres, sud hoariders wbicb aa,,igbed ten et tocs acre berce along lita stras, and se aariftly that the eye c'augh t neseecond glanua. All et once there aras s alansd nigbit bafoeaus a soldier aras zýshot, te bbc1surface, lb was Corporel Harsaro %arpobably tanthar Up thc pasdtacactyot man. fie poppad eut efthbbc aneaheed flrst antI aitfull legh, sud ,ýfor perbaps five seconids aas ithin bec teeut ot Ua sud looking squanaly into oun facsfi aas barabaadcd, bis evercoat gene, antI bis face hlaading. fia kuea i aabathappaned, antI ce doubb nealize t b 1isý paru, but as ha steod thare, saved for bie ,inst3iet, up acci bis baud lu a talues te bbc lieutcnant. As bis anm dropped ha isý,appiearad froua sight. lb aras discipline in tbc face et deatb-an instance thai alill nerhave its counterpari. Tlhe Longtý and Sihor t of it is that S.DVIad - SON'Cg have -no equaal, IBIIEFA.ND INTERESTING. Tbnea miner asticrlus adre discovenaut lest monbb. Dust is respousibla ton mauy explosions lu coal Minet. Gracce bas more public holideys titan acy other country je thea arhu. Iu proportion te tliair siza spiders arc seven finies streeger than lions. Oua London gas cempany aloce usas 2, 000,000 tons et coal eacb year., A, place et dlean tisane pepen is the hast bbicg aith ahicb te dlean spectacles. At e wstar-drinkiug conicst in Paris recanbby bbceaincar dranktwbalve quarts. WiitI tobecco, said te ha equal te the reel Ilavana, lias heean tunut gneaicg in Ta 'xas' Canadiens sud Amenicans are said f0 ha the hast peuman n e corhd,and tae Brit- ish couacccxi'. In France bbe doctor's cdaim on bbc asiate ot a decesau patient bas precedeuce ovar ail others. It is said thet bbc human bain isill turc white duriug violant aniotion if uthe baud is aSo upon lb. The parto e b nncbody ]aast suscep- tible te toucc is betacan the shoulder blades just over bbc spine. Italien seldiers, arc given cigars cvery day, but bave te psy for their uudencIoth- iug, wasiieantI ailtoile tarticles. France daims te bave inveuicd arbesian aclîs in 1462, but bbey acre lu ceusmon use lu Chies in bbc elavectb century. America sent te France lasi yean 51,000- 000 pounda et bacon, 84,000,000 peunuts et hemn sud 81,000,000 pounds et port. The sunasîbet bookte bc rlutcentain, 384 pages, aeigbs torty-fonir grains andI raqumne s s strng magnitying glass te resut. Ic' tome places lu Berlin au insuracce couspon ton $500, gond tor saven days froua date et sale, goca aitit every 6-cent drisît1 et liquor.1 Iu proportion te the numbens enzagaut,0 Waterlooe as thbbcbloodiet habile ôt modern tumes. Over 35 par cent, et the mec engaged acra tihiatI or rounedu. Dnring bbc civil arar the confaderatas1 cruisers capturci or destroyed 80 thiFt, 46t hnigs, 84 harts, 67 schooners antI 8 otherÊ vessaIs flying bbc Americen flag.1 1 The cost et the svold's arars since bbc Cimean arar bas beaun $13,265,000,000, on aiaeugh te giveas $1gold piace te cvery man, wearonantI ebild on the globe. lb is estîmatad tha4, there ana ICO.000,000 guns in the arnd. At au everage et $l0each, thbc ost et thbc arld's rifles, sheiguns antI mustets arould ha $l,000l,00d,000. Tare Scotch-scieuisis have figured eut that powrer aqual te 145 hersas woulbhe-e quiraut te propai a ahele thnong thbc ater et tbc rate oet taelve miles an heur. Dnnieg te five years that bbc Anianican revolutiocsry cran eubie t288,200 Ameni- dans acre aulisteut, but there arere rarely more than 30,000 me bbc fieldI et any onea ima. Coffée is iutoxicabing if baten en s officiant qnantities,ibougb dlffening in uts affect troua elcoholio stimulants. The narvet may ha disturbeut us a dagrea appnoscbieg delirium traniens. 1 A (mirent eofebncuydeuascet always tIbîIarban it appeans te de se. It siuaply produces au apofscee deathi, troua aicb bbcsubjeot maày iiimaeiy caseýs ha ne- stoncd by artifii resiriation. Aceording te aueveisnntcnicu in bbc Dauisb -,goverumant Gaýzett(e, puibish- cd in Copenabean, tare big volancesara for sale. [blie.y are sitnated in Icea alsedu arc bbc pninespal attractionso et iaisau.The oaner aksfor thefnithe :sinm et $400 epieca. The reaction froni the aful strain uindar arhich ho haut se long aboned wat se great thet ii aras savent 1 moments batore the Captain. ceuld sumnion tufficieut strngih te pull tbc assegel trocs the deed lion, antI severunhbc mamîiug thrngs which bound hlm. lb aras soon done, ho tvaver, andI it abat sirotions et joy antI gratitude if as bluet ha found binisaht traeaagai. Ibis situation aveu then wast very pariions, but he torgot evcnythsng in bbc ovcrahelming joy ef bis escape, antI inbbche elizatibu tbat lha ast egain trea. 1Farmers un Kent Couniy, Marylanut, bave teunutibhat ground planuad lu tome- tocs yicbds ftroua $27 te $50 per acre, sud oe fermer reperbed e yield et $72 pan acre, arbile bbc avenrage et reports received indi. cateut a yicld et a lijîla lets iben $4050 perare. AIl these jacta came eut et a meeting etf armars. lb aras tbc sause et tbe meeting that bbc lentIlord sheuld fur- nisb haIfthebc ertilizer aud haiftheb tomcate plants andt hat ha should nedive oce-third the reinres. Alihough Frencit Ia poiibits wemen troua geing about disgnised lu mne' clethes, exccpt arben ihey bave obiained permission f roua the prafeci ef police, curionsly eneugh, there is ce legal obstacle te men parading bbc streatz ile aec's cl-cubes. This tact bas jusi hean brought te igbt by the Paris courts, whlcb have acquittad a man namad Florentin Geareidar aise aas charged aith aearicg amin uauthoizad disguisc aihb tbc ebjcct et conccaîiug biniself troua the punsuit et a revangetuli alfa. A proccss by ahich scnap steel can 11e beated sud rolleu itoi shape is in usje et tbc Jefferson Iren Worts. Stetibenvilla, Ohio. Messrs. fiarden & Woods, the in- rghtLazd, Tein yearsûo!age, but who decellesto gîvehbIS name te the public, makes this autLQrîzeý Confident jal statement to us: ."Wben 1 was one ear old, iuy ia mma dfied of constimption. ville docter said that 1, tee, would sooni die and ail our egor thouglit ihat even ! I did flot die 1'wolà! neyer be abie te walk, because i Was 50 weak and puny. A gatlierin friiired andI broke vinder ruy an. 1 burt m)y ugrandI It athered and threw eut pieces et boue. if hurt inyseif se as te break tihe skin, it was sure teiecome a running acre. 1 had te take lots, of iediciue, but iuothing bas dlonc nie so inucli good as Ayer's Sarsapa- nuel". It lias nmade me Weil lani strong.- T. D. M., Norcatur, Kalis. AYER'S S arsapan-rrila ?'repared byDr.J.C.Ayer & Go., Loweil, Maso. Cures others, w1:11 cure you Another FlyinZ Macin6 A 1{usian inventer named Tschernoff bas submitted a mathematiual formula relative te the problem ef eavigating the air, which has8 been commended by high terrestrial authorities. The.glît et bis idea is that birds have great lifting power lu their wings becanse their underide is broken Up into many parabolic surfaes4, se that the în'ýerstices betwpee the fea,,tbers are really belps te flîgbt. A bird would net ba able te carry a heavy obcect if the wîngs presented a selid surface te the air but the combinatien of separate curved, and minutely divided surfaces eniable it te do se. The difficulty with flying macblines up te the presenit time bas been that they will net fly, andI it will be ieteres3tinig te learn wbetber M. Tscbcrcofl ucan succets- fully apply hi,;omua Young, nid or middle ageýd, wbio fied thee selves nierveuE,- weak and exbhausted, who are broken dowe from excets or everwork resultiug in many of tbe floigsym- ptoms Mental depressien, Ipremature old age , Ilest etvitality, bs of nemery, bad dreams, dimeess of sigh t, palpitation et tbe hearb, emissieus, lack et energy, pain in the kidueys, beadaches, pimples on the face and body, itching o e peculsr tenta- toip about the scrotum, cat fg tthe orgaus iies, secks befere tbe eyes, twitching of the mnuscles, eeisand lse where, labunes ep-osifts in the uie loss et wili pow-er, teereecf the ý,s",lp) and spine, weak aind flabby muiscles, de- sire te sleep~, faîluire te be resied býy sep constipation, dilîeesetbearing, losa of velue, de-ire for solitude0, excîtabýilil-y of temper, sunken ,eyie, aurrouL1derd1withi I.EAD)EN ruLEily Leekinýgsieet. are al!l sympfomys et nerveus db vit, t lead te insanity iunies cnredi. The snn or vital forcebviglest its tnsin Ver'y function wvanes in consequecice. Thosje who throughb ause committed in iie rance, may ha permane-ntly cured. Send your address and 10 cents ini sitmps for book on diseasýes puculiar te iraii, s sealed. Adess ý,"M. Y. LlJBON , 21 ac donnell Ave., Toýronto, Ont., Ca ,nada. 36-lyr. Almest ail kiids et labor are paîdl twics. as well le Paris as jei the departmeepits et France ; bakers in Paris make 67 pec a- day, au the departmeets 85 pence, carpeni- ters 83 pence and 38 pence respectively. How to geta"'Sunlight" pictur Seud,25 ,Sunlight" Seap wravlperb (wrapper bearieg tbe wcrds "Wby Dees a Woman Lnok O0d Sooner Than a Man ") te Luv-RiiBrios , Ltd., 43 Scett ýSt, Toronto, and yen wý'Ill receive by rpest i> pretty picture, uveafrom advertising ana well worth framing.- This is sau easy way te decerate your home. The ,loap,- is the best in the market, taed it will only censtle. postage te Fend je theý wrappers, if yen leave the enids oueei. Write your addre8s caret ulIy. Wben awidow says, "I neyerflr, Yeeiust't believe it true, For, as she ponts in a nianner part, She'il try it then on yen. "Did yen know that Miss Bjones was goieg te marry young Smith V'"- I know it; but 1 cannot understaed bow a girl as intelligent as she la can consent to mrarry a man stupad enough te want te marry ber." ,Wor Over 1-t'ft-v Years MUS. INSLOW SSeer0'HNireSYRU- han beess ueed by millions et methers for fbeir children while teabbing. If disburb- ed at eight snd broken et yeur rett by a aîck chill suffeiling and crying with pain ef Outting Teeth tend at once and pet a bettle et "Mrt Winsbew'a Seething Syrup" for Oilîdren Teething. 1lt will relieve the poor little sufferar immediate- ly. Depend upon lb, motber5,tbýare ta ne nistake about ib. If curâs Diarrhoea, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, enres Wied Oolic, sottens the Gunis and re- duces Inflammation, and gives toue and energy te the whole gysteni. "'Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syruip" for coblidren teething is pleasanit te thebast nd il the presciptinetnueofetbheoldest and bas female physiiýanssd nurses n lu theUn-it- ed States. Price twTecty-flve cenl,% a bottle. Sold by ah d(-rnggisbs througheut bbe werld. Be aure te ask fer 1"Mrs . e âgellum. wluw wVULUI

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