ATEFUL-OOFO0 IG :3RElýAICU'AST -SU PPE r. ~ theough ncwlege c the natural Iasw tgeverun the opeein f dige3tto i andnutitin.aud by aL cef l plicationL ot the fine prepertioi cf weltI-e'to - oea , ~ Epps bas protdc or breakfa 'ables with a iate CLy fLcvred berze whiulh mA3y save Smnyheav- oto, bille. Tt le by thse idictnsý usecf orncb" article,,s of diet that a enstitutioni may be 4ralially butit np sentit rr0ng 08Wgstereu es-cry tendency te Qýisisase; HundlIrefis of subtie maladies are flotgarnq n ed te attacle whercver t1eora is a weak poin t. We mas escape .nny >1~a shaft by keeping cnrselvas weli tortillai ftî par bleod and a praprly nourlised ...fam."'oeiis'erVtceGaef" Mada simuplv with hoilluzý water or mille ksoid onty i5u paickets. by Grocr. labelaed thus jAWIESý EIPS1 4 Co., tic isuepaikilc Cc litsLosscu. agland, 'WED NE SDAY, FEB. 14, 1894 BR1. J. C. MIITCIIELL, 117 l0 FRR OF COLLEGE 0F'PHYSICIÂN VtniSurgeons, Ontario, Coroner, etc. (Ml - e and Rosidence. Ennskiltea,.~ T~AREISTRSOLICITOR, ke. MOPRIS J>T 0C, upîtairs, KinZ Street. Bowman- Ole oii0ircr for the Ontari Bankt rnecy loancît at ths loweet rates .C- RUNKIING _ynM ov AUCTINNSEED FOR 1the Connty of Durham. Sales -attended iu nuI shortest notice and iowesi rates. Address OUI aîca P. 0. 361: BODY. YOUNG, V. S. d-ç "f FICE IN THE WEST DURHAM '.J' Nea B ece, tehere hîmself or assistant sei efound, fnrt, 8a.m. te 9 p.m. Night catis ci ecienc.diechy oposteDrill Shed. Catis ltt]gahor teleptione wîll receive crempî attetion171-yr év, A.W A". 4ULýNRý APPRAISER, Real A, A. p6gT, A ROHITEOT. Plans and Spocifica, .1 Iion Prepared for overy claie of building. ispcial at!tenLtion g-en te heatiug by Bteam ted ut t anad to sanitary arrangements. (lc oneBlocke, Whî1tbýy 43 -ly G en1tieMen's Olothes Made to Order. j .J3IIMACOMBE DIENTIST. OFFCE -Iearl of Messrs. Iligibotam& Son's Drug Stor, (ownstairs), 1IIPRESNTsthu Federal Life As- J.aJccltin; a ic Londont and Laucea 'Gmmroal Un1ion. thclncas en InsuanceCes.andthe Steam Boiter and Office a't WotssHrwr tore, Bwa ville, Dyer and Cloihes Cîcaner. rkoda wcrranîed te be as ne eue will know them from ncw whcn donc. Coýrer Kînig and Ontario Streets, Bowmanvelle D~NTITR Y. C, JIRNDEN L.). S. Ura1duate otie Royal Cetiege et Dental uresOntario. VPFICE1T OPPOSIE EXPRESS OFFICE. VITA LIZED- AIR. Ne w Tailor Shiop The undonsýipgned who bas beca caYrying en ' Ille alrngbusiness la counectlon 9 withf Masupl's Dry Goc)ds Store for a aumber of years lias commenecïýd business for himiei at his icaideuice, Fingý St.,west, where ho !S proparel te miake gents' anfi boys' aits ta ail t.he latest atyles,, and t let pries, For those whe 'Wish te ender cutho witl carry a fuit lino cf imlent ail thse aowest pattcrns. Give hlm J. T. A L N ZI Ill Wc- o he Istm y< "acire i tn É aveger neysarein De/a y la trule o dd1s dn geous, Neg-e I idnel"iy Pfll i/sgue lecteçi kidney1 m minrlif troubles resu/t ;', 5,r Rad 81/0e, 'Jie'îsae i DsppseLiuer ;e-stcausd b Co.nplalnt, and 4e hiscroi-ed k/ ic- .the most dan- i neS. gerous of a//, I "MighîtC9 wel Brights Disease,1 trg to,- have a Diaetlces and i cach ctiyDrcopsy. " Iwtotsewcr- "TheJaoc oyas gond isesscannot -- ar jDod'sKid, y I ~fr~k 50cens. en o r -six for $2,50g HOUJSEHIOLD. Dod B'ess Mamma. I've hourd the pros-crs ut molande in teret dim, un dosent sondelads ànd on tise wild lumulluons ncoau, Whon avses worc rolting munauin higb Te heur tise sturm Singa sulton Crs-, And fluebing in a restiess motson. The lightuing loupeS acrese tise sley.- I've hourd qulcle prayorc in buttces dread, When mous- prociene seuls were spot Iu filial gleam cf sutien flaasieg, TL'reugis red'ningrif t et augrs- blaod Or meut hy tholefni buttets made, Or sîsoits demoniacaL crushing, Throngis tromhlicg wood anSd mr-iwe-pt glade. But sweetect ni ail prayers I'se heurS- Sweeter tIson Song cf epreng glaS bird, And parer tisonlise sou[l ofroses, Eagerle deckt the brow ni May, Wisen lite ias Yonng anS heurta are gay,. And encisfonuSinom'ry aow Siscloses UnIe tise sisining smite ci dos- A litho oungel rubed fa whsite, Upnn tise tismeshotd of lise night AnS by a metiser fendis- Sueiag, With foided bonds anS Smoopiag iseud, Anl lw Vs-de, corving lipc of red, Tise sloinins seul in thougist mes-alaSg Andi,10, tise ies-ng message sped- "Ded, bosàs mansma t" Wbal purer pro-en eriscaboee To mealmns cf tise imlmortut loe Tsai ns-or alilstewutci iseepiag, NO Malter wisere wc wondor, or Drif t far ires barbor n d fincashore Where tbe'e wao loes watt in 'veopiug, Or dreo lises- heur car stops once moe? God grant tisaI we wie atianddade, lier tise Swift mmest coue te fis- Mas- cbildreu ho again, in pteadiag Te HLm, wise saiS : Forbid tisem net," And guthers thisn witis goutte lieding To where ail cnmmnwlafergot. The Oare of Olothing. NIach et tise Wear and tour wbicis nies up gond clocising May he us-enteS by cnstant cane. Gewus csould ho brocheS befone bang- ing np lu cicacte. It la boit te have chia dune as S0011 us possible af ton laking tises off, tisorougisly remos-ing tise traces of street doit anS maS fr. faciugs, scama, anS galbera. Tise neat wosan Socs net broushlnergoWnin bier owu cliamer, but cakes it mb tiste buts-mos aud bmusrises il bouide au epen windcw, on, botter stiti, bai it cannieS eut et timon for tise npomutinn. Diseuse germa neuy ho carnieS home lu clething, anS, wemc this nItishe case, fitfa a s-ery unbidy pmeceediag 1O put mb o ne's wardroise an a'-ticle et dresi which bas not heen tisorougbiy cieunsed. Wheu tise French womoan. haSes off bier bonnet asedSes net huSto ilttnce labo a bandbo)x, un tis row it isalii yonia -seli, cr bang it UP0on a pog. Net sise.Es-amy lit. tic locp anSdisow la palied e ut into shape, strings are gontly caresseS inte smînness, jets anti aigrettes une atraigistened anS bostoneS lu position, anthie bonnet roceivses tise boucleet tise brushle mrneo uit, and tison ilis laid hetween toits ot tisane-papen, unS is ready ton its ccxt uppoamance, as fresis anti nees, te ail intent, us Wliea Lt loi t thse miiliner's band., Gins-os are oxponaive articles, no mtter hnwsienles tise came bestowed npntises. But ginvs-c willhast a tisird longer tisu tlsey ncuaily do if puileS off tise band incas tise wriaî down, and tumcd inside eut, as9 is dunecwiscn tisey are trieS ou la tise abopa ; if laid by tisemacives, properly straightened. anS unI crumpied inito a tighit bail, anti if mondeS ut tiseimatant a rip shows iitoeif, a pair ni- gles-es wil rtain their nrisininiesises It 0a0ooi poticy te Sas-o beat anticd n-otge-s n ho a dcg-skiu, anS sofflcientty leeseneit Ll cnarnp tise baud. LigiIgios-es may ho cleuned mior e th once te ads'unlage. Siioeswitb yaýwniug gapa wbero buttons iboniti hc, aI oncýe convs-ct tise wearen ni iseolesso J,.A lage neette anti atout, lismeati will replace abiutton, audit requineýs enly a momnent's work, and tise woarcr %wii part with neofportinoetliserself-respectsf sise Ses this ais a motter of Sabdt-[lHar. pen'a Bazar.- Wuîh Flunnels. Wash fiannel drosses ane ins-aluable la tisanonaery. Tbey are warm anti combuýrt. able for tise litte ues anti eau he aauily lundemeti if they are Pet teo elubcralely matie. Tise giagisam colora, chocS anti atripea are etlhifavorites lu tise fiae Ceylen, a wash fiannel. "Mintstick" stripes e noS anS wiite anS fine plaids banneS witis t pinS anS bine are eîstbisied favorites.t Bine is asetims-c thoogist a fugitis-e colom,E bot it is pessible teoebtain a dlean, brigisto blue -wiich. wili retafu fis enfer tismeugis af wiei eascu if it ho pmupemly wasiset ant i trieS Lu tis aue. Assceeu'aa tise baby hagins te cmeop ho te on lise floon continu-t eusiy, joîst in lina witis tise tiaugisaof cediS air ires ctnrtise dons. A fianol dresi, wiii pmntoct tise littho tras-eller frcm matsy1 a colt. Tise gond elti pattera ut croeping1 upron Ses daty ncw, a deuble ekint oet stout chacS, une baut hottnneti ieneutis1 tise bahy's skint, tise oISon outside, se as te a compietely proteer, tise loyers et dainty fiannela anti embreitieries anti lace-cdged camhnic fanisis skimba. "Bîbs" are matie cf picque bordered witi " baby torchion," on of sebi quitteS mualin with the edges1 cordeS. Thinzs Worth Remembernu. Nos-en louve ycar clothes lineocul e-ver iwrmwaten over nigil.Use 1isardep tn waîhi yonr clotbesaund soit seup 10 wa.p,, iipainitedi floors. Keep a asv-y atffron nyonr po-t te eep ut tcown. Ilu iseumeIbtis a.tone a n When molestes is used fanceokng it is an iiuprevement te boit andi skim it betèe yen use it. Iii takes away tisenpleasaut ruw tasto and makes fit almoît as gond ai sugar. Iu winter set the haale et your pump as higis as possible befoeo yen go te bcd. in very cold weather this keeps the isacîdie rom freezing. XVhen itl i extreme- ly coid, throw a piece of old aarpot or s blanket ovor tise pump. Breakfarit Dishcs. Tise fetiowfng receipti have heon demon- 5strated by Miss Farmer su a necent lecture ut tise Boston Coeking scisoi.- Miss Far- mon thinki tisat tise makiug et a cern cake is semethfng et a test et a cook's abflity in plain famity cookery as penfectly made breakfast cocra cakes anc net ce commun as one weuld suppose. Tise mie given is: Sf1t three tounths cupf ut et cern meal, one and eue feurtis cupfuis cf pastny fleur, two rndiug tea- spoonfuls et bakfng powder,- une tourts cuptul et sugar andi one-isaîf teaspoontut cf sait; udd a scant oupful ut miik, onc egg wetl beaten and eue tabiespeonful of meited butter. Beat tisorcugisiy and bake in a sisailow pan 20 minutes. Mix tise fa- gredients in tise onden gis-eu, Remember that a corn meai mixture requines a moee genenous measure cf haking powder tisan fi needefi for fleur atone. Tise succesa of an omelet depeufis greatly upen tise fresisuess cf tise eggs and always select tise langest eggs for an omelet. An omsiet pan is net essential, especiaily if a large emelet fisto ho made, a imoctis tryiug pan wil answen tise purpese as well. A secondi essentiel te cucceas is fa beatîng tise eggs; tise yolks may ho heatea untit lemea celoned and tise whites stiff ana dry ai' tiseugis there is such a thing as heating them te munch. Tise air wisich is beaten imc tise ,eggs and le expandefi by tise heat makes tise omelet iight. There is a great vuriety ef emelets made by addfng différent matanials toc tise eggs or folding it os-or îomething in tise centre. To butter tise pan nuis tise but- ter aneund tise edges aad let it rua dea te tise centre nsiug enty cufficient te cok theoietlet. Fer tise breafi emelet soak, tisree-feunths cupfnl et fine stale bnead crumbs -in tisnee-quarters ut a cnp et mflk flfteen minutes. If ut tise end of that timle ail tise milk bas net been absorbed dain it ont. Add a teaspoonfi et sait and hait a saltipeentul et peppen, tise yetks'et five eggs untilt tiick and lemon colcred and last tise wisites et fis-e eggs ntil they are siff and dry on will fiy freim tise ge- beaýter. Feld tise beaten whites ho curetai- ly, net beat them in. Tamn inte a bot butterejd omelet or frying pan and cotontise steve te cook siowiy on tise under aide tison sot tise pan fa tise os-en on tise upper grate to dry on tise top. Have a piatter iseated, fold tise oemet and tur on te it. To feld an omilet incline tise pan sud putting tise kuffe under eue side lift tise urnet geutiy, siewly toma it uven, one hait un tise other, letting it take time te bond and net breaik. At tisis lecture a wite sauce was pourefi areund tise ecuelet and made by usfng oe and eue-hait capfuls of mik, une and eue- haif taistespooaiuli cacis cf fleur and butter and a scant hait teaspocutulet sait. Tise onselet was uhso gamnisised wit h crisp breil' efi bacon. Baca conveacent for breakfast and soutd ho slîced ithîn and tise rfnd reoved. Tu, broJ iit uiiai a wire broiten, tise slices placcd cicsely tocisohr. Pat tie broiler oi a npigpan and ccok in tise os-eu il ccisp. Tisis wayv of coekhug baconcae romf on tep of tie îleove and time inu watcis- iu ;tsefa roeinto the dripping pani teuvinig tise bacon crlsp wisicis may be furtiser d'rained on bnewn papen. Bacon je used as a gar ies th liver and with beef steak. An extremnely deticate dush is a.lernon sufebut it sisenld be served ut once lest it tati. Bout tise yolks et five eggs until tbîcýk tison add gradually a cuptul e pow- diened sugar whicishas een sittefi and tise gruted rind and ufiice ut a leinon. Bouýt tie wisites of fis-o eggs unil dry and stiff and teld fitiutc tisa otiser mixture. Tura into a buttered pudding disis, set il in a pan c isci' water wii cornes ut loet hai way up tis ideoetie disis. iakg lise souffle tiity minutes. Wesh tise lemon betore gnating. Nover allow a souffle te wi t ho- fore serving. Perk tenderloins are net always eu-sily eh-'tained becanse tise market-man dues net aiwý,ays like te eut ttsem eut îcpanately. Tisey wiil weigis about a pound eueSi, wipe tisem and put into a dripping pani seasooîng tise uppen sido wfti sait, popper und pewder (le sag;e. Aften a ti me tom tise teudenloins iund seasen on tise oison side. BuSe about forty-five minutes but ho enteetisut tise ponk ia thunougisly ceeked. Sweetputate ure cumetimes couSeclwitis tise perS by first paring tisem and parbeil-_ ing them Inn 10 minutes. Draiîn, putinutise pan witiste metand ceeSuntil tender, basting etiten. Put tise put-atoos ou te par- boit wben tise meut gees into tise even and tisey will ho doue ut tise sanie time. Whiite potatues wisen buketi in the pan with meut are botter for parboiliag ut finît. Wisht I Oould. Wîsht I couid go bace a littho white 'n ho a boy agatu. A-jerkin"the minnors wfth a lîttie creokefi pin; 'N heur the troge a-gruottu' us 1 git cem on tise Sjump, 'N me sleeered wussor'n they wae, when they tise Egyptiani temples aiready for a lon1g time puet, ces- e eone bis limre, By tisrow- ing a ïpiCe of mioaiey la tise aLot t'ie wonShipD- ensr received seme water thoug avalve. Tise stature, onrtadtisetwc-anî!sodIleverl A Seionie, ns ase.e, rabbi inaSt. Bemard dlog, by_-w-icis five pensons w Yce billon, la nepoted i enWu-enree ilgna Livepeo - Tse -îctrnsare asrvn, gr e'soS dtisan tstnàfS eruinug om abot One boy lia isentak2co tuclie ase rat»Lte autPunie, and etisens wil iiiw At a Ihnrried£Iy crsndmeetig o e M'agistrates, t1ise mzii orSon was ipo cd intise distrct, Tie Âge of IflTfltih. Mm. bs1- y back fa s'mou )lýbrokea i," AnliB.-"Allai bus-eyc.hcu SeIling ?" AN AuT OF 1QIEN . Tâse ?irat,ý esave tiâe, Cptala Three Min- ulýes te Cessitler But It Was Fatal te Thesu. Wc were standing np tise Gulf et Siam, -wilh tise Malay cvuntry not aven ton miles away, wisen tise wind died ont and, toit os iseaiag aaid talling on tise giassy gnouud sw'eli. Il wvas tise mencisant hnîg Fet'rnuugh witish a cne w cf otevea men, und tise Captufo isad biis wt and ciild aboard. It wus 10 o'i;nîtietoreneosa whec tise wînd gloftI ns, unS by2 o'clock in tise uflerucon wo he-( hd r;itted te w ,ithih fis-e miltoi ofttietanS. -IFroma noon to 2 o'etock tise Cuptaîn and j aeappeared tnonbied and anxioas and frequiently swept tise coat lina wîtis thoîn -glaises. At tise latter isothtie Captuin called ius ait and said: "Mon, yen know whut sont ot a coat lies os-on thene. Tise Maiays no longer ut- lacS vessels ut sou, but we'vo drifted in cls, a here's net aucîhon sait in sigist and it'î a, greucer temptation than tisey eau witisstand. A cnowd et thern are pull- ing eut t 's-lit us. If thoy got abourd, net a mnan ot us will ho alive toc minutes lter. Will yen stand hy toe a'tisem offî?" "Aye, Si!" auswened une matonal et as, "but wisat une wo ta do it witis?" Inaialmeet cveny bouse fa tise tanS thene's a finrearm of corne sort, but shinownerî v.ili ta thii day tend a crait ltiste canuibal irii- unde8 witisout es-on an old mus Set aboard. IlieMatays attucked ns,) cron oly weapenis woutd ho tise cupstan bars anS heluyfing pins. They were puliing. ont ta us lu a sont ut galiey, witis us many uts ton ours on a iee and we centS figure tisut tisere wonld ho uit toast foncy oet tiem anS ail well armeS. Il dfd net cake os fis-e minutes to get reads-. It did not tuke uny ma fis-e seconds ta figure eut wisut wonid bllow an attuck. Tise Malays nos-on eti a witncse etftîtoîr crueities alis- beinid tisem, You sec men tomn paie aud siiver1 as they go jute battie. Wiscn yen sec oee3mon quietly urmmng tisemsels-es ho maSo a boeesfgist, yen -mark tise centrait. Tiseir faces flusis, tisein eyes glane, and tfiey1 bite thein lips witiseut feeling tIhe pain.l They mus-e ou tipo, tisey speak la wis-is poe, 1tisey lueS uneund tisem as if tukiag a1 fanewel ofe crtis. Wisen tise gliey was1 yettw miles asvay unr sisip was as silent ast ras-ctisugi tisis silence was breken t futervuls by cobs frem tise cabin. Tise caplasu Sud told his wffe et tise danger. Wemacsiike, sc nuttered a sois et des4pair new anS tison. But es-en as se didSoa, se was weigi4ting ber t-tetiing and tisut oeblhonsleeping ch ilS wilisbars ut leud. Ifi tie M aiays boarded us, sise weîld take -tise chjld in honr armas and loup ns-or- hourd. Tisat ý,vas settied frer tisa very finit Did tIhe beltews pull a lazy stroke to de- cos-eowfbte hb etieft tiaithtey wcne cern-i iug eut -n one matten cf ne great impor- tance? Tise mute'a glass made eut funty- three mon lu tise huat, and tiseir weapeas cuugist unS reflected tise raya ufthtie son asf tbey came aiong. iVe swepltishe sou fori sigist cf sait or steumer's rnoke,but we weret atone. We utteneti bitter orses a2 we ne- atized our hoîpless ituation, but -etc muet, lot 1tisern acrambie abof thtie bnig betere1 oun w-eapons weuld b cof auy ose. Il a po,;siively muiddein1g to witaess tiseir slow 'I'd cunele_ýsipmu iIt wausif theoys feu e suslre o vctr ts. be\ M --' fr ic, punticullan exonetion. Tise gîîy Was heredfor ïnon port broafiside, and1 se wae wthin ,200 foot ni u,and woe culde teeSjutetise e- eeefiserdesperatecrew eshen ie way was ciseoketi, Thon lier Cap' tain iatood u,mnade os a prnound bow, andi lu bacnlry good Englis oheersed "Cuptainý,Iï trust yen are ieuded witis En Lss ondls for Bangkok." (Yur Cptain bowed, but diS net spotS. "Becauise," contfuued tise echen, "tiat is juit socis. a cargo as I waut, and yonn brig aise pieaus me very well. De ycu anrcnd- or ? 1"No!i No! No!" yelteS isalt a Sozea voices su reply. IlAis,'yen do net? Do yen wish te jarnp overbourd and Sowa, on shahl I bus-c ce kili yen and tismw ycnr bodies tate s auka? I am su ne homny. I wili gis-e yen three minutes fa which te deoide! " About fiteen cf tisenautives isad Englis rifles, pnobabty puncised ut Singapore, and tise etises wene armeS witis hlowguns, pistole, and swords. They ueedn't corne a foot nearen ta pick oilf every man ut us. Tise Captain and mate cons-eraed for a0 minute, auditisen tise fermer cjitiy suid «"Mon, we bas-e ail gelte meot deatis igist here and now, but lot ns show thern tisat tise brig carnies ne coaads ! Be roudy ton tisem when iisey dasis in !1"b I tiink tiein final idea was ta use their f rifles bt tiey ahundoned ilto fou er tisea fiing migist hetray chem, cisougis, us I i îafdt bet1re there was uoting in sigisi.n Tiseo hbaS tiseir guas ruiaed now iewer-S cd tisem, tiserewera liftled tise cars, unS tiseC long îweeps djil-i dropped i mtiste waten wiseun'aebeP, asinguiar spectacle. Tise galles saddenly tifted itscît eut of tise wuîcn ad wenl up aud up unlil itreucisedu pont tiity fooýt igli, und tison tamned os-en and came down lse bnnkea anS siuttenod tisaI it instanlly sanS from sigisi. Right untio tise bout wus tis e baS of a wisaie, and it toilowed itflot t tast fitteen bcdt. Tison tise monnaen fell ou bîs ide, gave hie luit a flirt on twe, anS Sisappeared brur siew. 1 wuît- e a1 gfian - ;M 's tnick Tise t;se Sicle Headocse and relies-e all ti robles mci- dont te a bitions sdate efthtIe syctem, sncb as IJizziuesc, Tausea. Drowsiuess, Distrais afier eutiuig, Pain in tise lido, &c. Whfle ibeirmosi remarSable inecesi bas been.îhewn fa cuniu5 tieudactie, yet CARTER'a Lcrnsi,. Lis-mR Pitt equais- ,uluaisle in Censtputen, curn& ai-d pres-eutig Ibis unneyiug comtaut whi< tis1es- aisecorrect ait dusorders of tis temaci, stimuiate the 'liver and negulute tise beweis ElveM if thes- culs- cure1 who uifr fom bisdisreeingcomphisint- t u frtuahlythir godes doei nul andi l;tre,, aad Chose 1wbo Oece -try tises W411 Sud tie wil net ho wi 'LI)tedo e )it ottiemn. tn fte.r al c, ick baSl ae muS or gea beh h Or opi l cure fis-eiton $1. Sed e-erywhere, or cent ,by mlail. OÂ3BETM1hCti 00., lTîv Tiù. fTH E DEOLlUIE 0F MA.fRIÂGE. Gi ant Allen Ascribes it to the Cumulative Effect or Nerveus Exeitement. Mr. Grant Allen, ini what lie is pieased to caîl "A Philosophie View of the Marriage Question," undertaýkes to explain why mar- niage is less common to-day than it was a century ago., " Thirty or forty years ago," hie says, "young men used to rush by blind instinct 1into the touls of matrimony-becn use they tcouldn't help themselves. To-day they 1 hilly-shally, they pick and choose, they 4discuss, they eniticise, they say fooiish 1thirgs about the club and the flat and the cost of living. They believe in Malthus Fancy a ycung man who believes in Mai- thus ! But they don't marry, and it is because they are less of ycng men than rformeriy. Wiid animais in confinement 1seldom propagate their kind. Oniy a few caged birds, will continue their species. Whatever upsets the balance of the organ- ism in an individuai or a race tends finat of ail to affect the rate of reproduction. Civil- ize the red man and hie begius te decrease at once in nuInbero. "Is flot the samne thing truc cf us? Civi- lization and its works have corne toc quick ly upon us. The strain and stress of cor- reiating and co-urdiuating the world we live lu anegettingtoo much for ns. Raiiways, tel egnaphs,the latest edition,have piayed havo at last with ur nenvous systems. We are aiways ur. the, stretch, rushhng anfi tearng perpetually. We boit our breakfast, we catch the train or 'bus by the skin of cur teeth. The tape clicks penpetuaiiy in ur cars the iast quetation Eries, the telephone rings us up at inconvenient moments. Son'ething is aiways happening somenhere tu distnrb or equnumity. Life is eue tur- mcii cf excitement and bustie. Finatecially, 'tis a acnies cf dissoiviug views ; personaliy, 'tjs a. rush; socially, 'tis a mesaic of deftiy jfitted engagements. Dnop eutune pieqe,and yen eau never replace it. You are fou next week from Nleuday te Satunday- business aillday, what cadlis itself pleasure (save the mark !) ail eveniug. Peur oid Leisure is dead. We hurry and scurry and flurny etennaiiy. One whiri ef work front murning tili uight ; then dress and dine; une whiri uf excitementfromnighttilmurn- ing. A snap ef troubied sleep, and again da cape. Not an heur, net a minute we eau eaul our uwn. IlThe first generaticu after Stephenson and the IRooket puiled through with it scmehew. They inherited the sonnd con- stitutions of the men who sat on rustie seats in the gardens cf-the twenties. Tise'second generation-that's yon andi me-feit the strain of it mure severeiy. New machines liad coime in te make life stili more coin- piicated; te.legrams, Bell and Edison, sub- marine cabies, evening ýpapens, perturba- tien ponring in from ail sides incessantly, inuburbs growIng, the hubbub incneasing, cunetropolitan raiiway s, tramns, bicycles innumnerable; but we stili endnred, and pnesented the werid ail the samne with a third, genenation. That third guaeratien -ah me! thriee cornes the pity cf it ail! One landies the impulse te marry and rear a fam. ily bas wholly dieci eut of iti It seems te, bave died eut most in the ciasa where the strain and stress are greater. I ,I'ttiiuk ycuing men of that ciass to-day hatve the samei, feeling towards women of tu heir sert asfrery With certain elats"sand 'in certain place8, primitive in -1 sti net ,,or race bias weakencd. Thse pres- ut crisb in Ihe imarrîige cn arket is dlue, flot t-, clubs or the comfort uof heo~i2ics but tc the cumulative effect of tiervo)us over Iniurniation. Scnny, how can I get to thle raiiway sta- tion froue here?" "Have yen got a canniage V" "No, my littie lad." "Oh, then yon'Il have to walk 1" (Disappears whistling a very popular mci- edy>) 1W0W TO CUBE ALL SKIN, UISEASESI' SiMply apply "SWÂYNE'S OIXTMENT." Ne internaj medicine reqcired. Cures tetter, eczema, itch, ail eruptiens on the face, hands, nose, etc., ieaviDg the skin clear, wbite and haitby. Its great heai- ing and curative poers are pchscsed by ne uther remedy. Ask your druggist for SWAYNE'S OINTNIENT. Lyman Sono & Cc., Mentreai Wheiesaie Agents. Itaiy exported 48O,*lO9,OOQ dozens eggs tast year. UNLOCKsý ALL THE CLOGGEO SZCRETIONQ 011 THE BOWELS, ItIONCYS Amo LIVER, CARRYING OFFRAOUALLY. WITI4OUTWEAKEN. ING THE 8YSTEM, ALI. IMPURITIES ANDo FOtIL HIumons. AT THE SANIE TIME CORRECT. îING ACIDITY or THIE STOMACH, CURINO BILIOUSNESS, DYSPEPSIA, HEAD- ACHES, OIZZINESS, HEARTSBURNà CONSTIPATION, RH-EUMATISM, DROPSY, SlYIN DISSASES, JAUNOICE. SAI-T RHEUM, ERYSIPELAS, OCRO-. FULA, FLUTTERING 0F THE I-EART, NERVOUSN ES, AND GENERAL DESILITY. THESE AND ALL SIMILAR COMPLAINTS QUICKLVYlELtt TO TH4E CUR5A- -iriv ar.INENsCE OF BURDOCK BLOOD STCRS. EOONO MY 0F GOQI) 1OADS. Onturle Fumniers llcgisiSave Haina milion. Dollar,% a Four. Te illuatrate tise lois wisiehlthe barmens sustained tismengisbuS route, Mr. Aadrew Pattalie, cf W oodstick, poiused cotut a necent meeting of dairymea tisat tisere wora os-en 350,000 w;ork honses sunOc tarie. IL was quite certain tisai these wene Sept idia more tisan a menthis n ecc yean ewsug te tise impassable cindîicu eofthtiseroute iu moîl parts cf tise pros-inca. Aliowing & dollar pan waek bor tise keep cf tise iorses, titis woniti sisow a direct los cf uearly $1. 500,00a fa a year onutise heras lunrdiuury use in tise province : but tis al oui n Ibrengi susch enfenced idleneeswe0cr rno-ssly langer. Tisene wene about 2", OO dlairy bactories inlansada. Tise as-orage cnet et what migistbhocuiteS haunlge weui not hois- Iý ha 5,00onr- ,0Jiii lu i par aiiiim. ILb was quile certain t!isaIaa siaving ci eue-quarter nfi1tissuoao $5000per year, could ho easiL]yefet& by sacis neuasonublo mrseusee h roadsas could ha made ,by tsefuuh r Sn ing thisa nxtc tý,ew aas. Yonng NVfeI anit co bey a eik- cap fer, mly haubanS. ont I nwtise ize fCi cilur ise wr,e 1tIàoiigis. Ils 15 He'd wnl tt size 1 or 20 for aa,-, t-jwontdn't bho? if yen are Pifck anS cuuutguirtk ý o ~~rm f , ,,,,evuor il~tao, eufcl na nwe v tS, e 8îceîg Va!Ve 111AE the ther Cte,21 ~ LooLufxaiev p r i ~ ~ . ~l ~ IY . bock cat.s icidurs- T415. you are aIraiS of jts sjîoiiiag. if tise macie ac acrrectiy dsrbd jloncviug machiulemys hwl wr PithercsC a s-tori etuoere it weiii snrely do for you. T-ii , The evidernce grae neiF IS , Ïý in contiud dand .-ezc- PLUÙc U T hai had a more rapid growth of s$ale5 than wa,5 ever,ý accorded a new brand of .5moksin-ý tobco in a .5imilar J,R PACE TOI3ACCO CO.. RMON, VA and MON TREAL, CAN. THIS PAPER 0F TORONTO. A large 36-page Illu3tratel Faý'y, ion Monthiy, wiii be sent to any address 01N T-E] EIAE $ Only ne dollar andi fifteen ucents for the two papers. dJ.I Cu and sec a sample cepgy ef "The Ladies' Journal It ia a publication that wiii tatercat cvery woman ia the land. Thie regniar subseription pricescf "The,; laudies' journal " and this paper ie $2 pour ycar.f Yen get thec two for Seafi ycsr meney and aid ross te this office. OR ihe nicteval 1 Fwmsof ah lundi Irns cbuldnen enoradulte, seDm MT' VEMA ORM L C 7UNCE8: . Atw-aYs prompt, reliable, safa -d pleacant, requiring ne after medicine. Nover faihing. Louave ne baud afier effrois Pries, 25 cents peït' Box