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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Feb 1894, p. 1

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50 Pù Â inm OUR TOWN AITD OOtJZTY B OWMÂNVILILE, ONTÂfl.!4 --- --- -- --- --- -- Y 2m, 1894. VOLUME XL. Nuii iii 8 )ck takin-,-,'-g ,, ale at take stock about the of March and wll give t bargains 'b-efore thati time in il kinds of Goods.i duded of Furs at COOT PRICE.i of Dress Goods al-t about H-IALF PRIGU. adies& Ulsters and Jackets bout HALE PRICE. L'i CI4ADN/IlN M/IKt O hEc Pec to fFt îwïse, Os!)aNa, visited MiFs. S, litgc ... .Mr. Gwil1imbnNry, bai been wýirgit «. . Mvi. smitb, eath agein isitad our day, Feb. 8, and tok id dawghter of Mr, J ad. es. ShA was very iever wit'h evry onie. Ifr s'hort ofàpina i-,5e ... .Ths siocial on -wek wcs a Ume ucesa. %ad, of Ohwhas irTs. -Dr ms of al friendsi i -Jobi Lp*c NE TV ILàYEIN. eîr.Scobell, Poweor m)d Dancaster gave a Stereopticon entürtaînmcnt in the Scheoclhouse .... .Mr.James Pierce's Etraw stack sld Oçer the) oth'er day k1llivng 8nmRe siock.. . 14M. John floît 1-a3 the fist lainha of the s.eason. . , Mr. He-iry Van- CAmp has roturnfdi from vIsitin! re! tiveB i Cartwright . . . , Mr J Dseph Britton, c-f FranDIin, biai been visiting Ibis brother, Mr. Wni. Brittoni; Mr. Edgpr ïHonck and ster, nt Mr. T1his. PQweri' ; M r. T. JenninRgs, at -Il, JeiiningP,', Statïi.. Mr. liarry Martyn visikd habro)their, iMr. HJ. Martyni, teacher . ... M Williami Bichzel spent Sunday at Mr. ueo. Tapp's. *...Miss Lila B Lrk:e and sister, Oshawa, are vising friends here. .. .Mr. Jamnes Bellamy la hauling wood from Salem., HqIIJ v LYPRAISED -etee,1hv uses your Hagyard'î Y&.ýlow Od and hiae found it iineqlpled cfo-r hurns, eprairs, scalds, rhenmatiFim, croup and colds. f have re-omnmended it 'o mïxiy friend.- and t hey alni-goa hiýh1y of it. MUS. 11101fr, MaE I UE. rïgnu. Jvae, le, at 1 Mesa8rs. Stratford and ]3rooks of Br,.ant- ford delivercd adidreses to a large crowd liue on Saturday last in tho ,int ee.o the ýp a t rns uf f 1 rduLit ty..M.Dvd ted r he fnoa! l f a rel-ltive a Crusaders held a me-iting on Friday lasi which wsfdilly We, i atteîlde.... Mr. W. J. 12ncoks :i laugbtering a lar4e niunibee of ihogi this,3weckI,-. Reccntý via3itors:MseLtteMitchell and AMiss Wi iýams cf Bowmarnville. ....The Mtgic Lantern show (onlWednie8day ibt Lest waî slimily -tiepdcd,,,,Gvv)Dg No the la olemency of the elieei on M4onday nigbt lutst olna Division did not viait their b-feibven et OshRae. .. Congratula tiong v. aud MvIr,. Chas. Langmsidc!-a yiour g soli. AIl Three Curec. Nal Mecinip. with hLà Wife and ttf Iii Cathai 19. oýf this cbv 'liç ca. ni t only e, 'xmnan en i-law we:i niainllîy rernoveO. T ifaetnved by Dr. L. A Toronto, and are Pold willl be imspiltcd en rceý ents per box, or six b T YRQW Mlr. and MW. Neil S Cobourg frieid. . ý. .At n D*Siaion lsst Thurisc AL'APLB GROVE. Viaitors: Mr. snd Mrs. W.Jefr' Cat wri2aht; Mv. and Mvis. Thc ,Jeffeîy, Prince Aý)lbort..ý. . 'Ur. Trueman,1 Powver, his mother and Mrs.Kikatikave riait. ing ;11 '...Mics Gertie Foley je "'i inunar Onono.. . .Theoe aesid6 ib ch aecontat at the Dvso reated Ciemmbr last week. Aohrcts bas commenced pwith Mr. l'sakMndsy, sr., and AMiss Addie tn i a ç>tls It promirý'e3 to be intorestiLg. . . . M. W. Powvev and co , 3owmaaville, hiie their Magic Lanitern ecenesîm n theSchool RouFe (n weýdnesday evening asat. Our Epworth teagna d(id flot.visittimir :Ebene(zýýr fiLItsit Tuesday evening weeé,k pwimng to she imipapssable aS;ta-0e of the roazds. The c rrtspondeunt lo.-(Jourtice was a lIjîte previous lait week.- MOTHIRSWILL FlÇN» TEE PAI1 KILLEJI invalubla in the nursevy, and iL should alwAvs be kn near at biaud in caseoo iate reli(ef. &sýlc for the N8w 1Bottl TeLteMrs. Jackson Mary Wilon Jac'zý5ona mbora no;tth riding of Yorkshiro, E Jane 29, 13 and emiigrp.ted to) ln 1846 wvtîihubr huisbar.d and four ye n. They settled in the sowns Cleike wbere she reminid (witt intervals) itil Octoboer lait w)ý .,omk 1t).ho,. so.'. , PWJ rd lidneya i ii8 e I 'ýe te spend 0h7 tipvion are pc- onf Clcida F-e2nd til bes e pi!1li ar c mnu- onthail and notwitb s ,. Smith & Cc meit ai aid sund loiwig by ail dealers. or meia i -dl)iý ip~of r'c; ftvda, rtoulted 1in dtea,,h on ofmor TIul iinios era et axes or ~. 0 onl Wedtiesdav, le tvingN IvA. and were iîuterd1 ft NE. Cay at 2 P. In. froîn hUr Stewar , ir j vititing den( e after bcc'ng taken the Epeflli»g match churc(h 1where RIev. J. F Lly Oveuing Me. T. a very ecarneat snd iai ,ex..r7 COQIJHU JIHNSTON & GRYDERMAN, BOWMIANVILLE. to Creditors. -Of l Ittaî f May Cha vter 110 and amrevdi nville, this thirtielli la, 4. J. K, GALBRAITHI. Solîicter for etiïd xcer IN FULL SWING.: D STAND. possiblei Alil work gaateed., 11ava e yueeni the latest style in2 Cabfinet Phlotos. if net caa!t au1ec themn. hI) je turnînz ont fine work. * F J. CARLESS. Sofn-ia Polish. WHMl A SHAMEI F'OR YOIJ TO NEGLIEOT EY-ESIGHT' 'W IEN FOR so smail an' amtouint of mioney youi ltoi o iv ou ý ~ fïctfuilly fitted by 7,cf T N. RICKARD, and Opt i cin, Neaàd'g Blocir, Bowmnauvîlle. THIE NIMMO H [ARRISON iýB SIMSS NO SKORTHANfl BUINOLLEGEe Corner Yonge & College Streets, Toronto, Canadab, Stands iu the vevy front tank as a thoro. u ndli sdractical Business Training In- sititiui for Ladies snd Gentlemen. j 13okk8oping, Bankiug, 8hovthand, I 'ype ri ln, enmuanihip, Eugliah suad Teacherc, Apartmeonts, Eqipmel-rnt sud Location the very boit, Fees MoIderate Enter niow. Circulare fre.-3 Prinicipals3. 36.lyr. o n .u. n b aHi a 1 to lt ic ý ùiuwj memnbev re expocted to attend ir . .,Meàarl J. .Dyt r, E. cempbel Donald Mtîlohwore de1ega'es il Sur diy Schn(ol convenion held in Ty . Mr Albetrt MCloh haeboe iig in Toronto.,..Tlu Divisýioni pjrospeing--24 Initia»tions ;3latwee Huirkýeton bas reques3ti d "Euliîeld t-oij Pivision therc wi th p promise of 5t) ýr, The miailws deLýyed two last week on13,the C.P- 'R. Nov T lHAT KI-N-.-SOOtt' dLoes fot dcbililtate thne stowmachl as cough medicinos do; buit on the, coni it improvesge -iad atrcngthcrî stomach.. tsefecte naeineit Ladies wanting anythin 'la Fur C can mitke nmoney by buying atC .eisnsto &Crdema'a d icwders and that is the beit cofblood lis nionth. or inason woriç. 1HOOD'S.--- IHoOd' ally prepared from on, Mnrkok berrieis ad othier by a reculiar com- an d procear, gvn acurative power net1 nedicine. It elfeacis boen otlier prtepara.p iousi ese. ýB Y. a Dowt oni, Cawoni, r brüthe:, Mr. C. J. .Josph Strstford of the Fermers Bitid- of Brantford, wae aira on Friâay even- Arniold, of Torontîo, t, Mr. and Mv. D. A. F. Carscaïdden* ýnt of the Epwoýrth lat 4 years, who icaq s mioving from rt -3 witb hil sisterwe la3nce Of Mr,. T. H yevenling. A large3 in'! frnr li te section .:stiat a sinigle applia- ..À ofiLac h the naîrzLi oi asard ir.Žwt releoW e~ mit rest asad siep WA cioint: to seeîype riann , And I5.O eI5W' 1 - 13 dure welfare, Jarf eden te ENNISKILLEN.11 (ilatd te weLconie to) our villagle t wo for- nier reSidents,Mýr. atId MrS. J '10 Brown, Wyevlewhoare visiting frienda lere. .M;ss Jonc seý and Miss B.' ocs Bo)wmianvilf, have been gueîts at the Maples. . - Mr. J. Joblio, of Bown- ville. tco)k the servic6 sud nrem,,hed a Dnd er Nion AI vince. ýpecials irom JT a Sunday Feli Bsýrritt, the 1 jToronto Proi very pleaE henicf Feb. ii conrenien wce ,warrea ** yea c. . ý -i ,3Vi SUli cn nection withi the Methodist cbiurch will be held at the residence of Dr. Mitch Itl on Friday evening Marcb '2nd to whicb evervhoýdy jis lvitedl. CASHI FOR POULTRY Thýe uudersigned le prepredà to psyl tle lighest cash price3 for any quantityo Poultry dIres8ed in the followirsg nrer: Bodies dry picked,wigtien hond tunpick1ed, and unidrawti- . ad Alan Cash paid fo)r beans, dried apples, eggg, butter, and dressed hog. -P. S-owsto feet at Iest tweuity- four hours before being Jtilled. Kýilt by bleeding well ln. the neck;h; do net wrilng the nleck. airs as a i-maîl JAMNES MANN, eteemr of t!uý Firat dooroegAt of Benniett Rue saglue ( f tîhis 4.3* ,mnvl o-1, behaif of the douera for .,éi the. The leadi, g articll,,inFRtANR asrs Brinip comfoî> tends ta pers( ter thani ot lensit lese expeniditux ;Ldatinsr jgtibo -%i the neecI3 of phi tho valuo tiilie; ever rczcedk ý. ma!uy, wol utiw a à% j . 1 . YY . ý per- 1 E.R, uuui

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