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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Feb 1894, p. 3

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Or' La Grip-pe, tholul'h 0oc casinaiFeî deiis alwa c moe or lesa pria lent. J The b)eit remedy for this comupaiiit i AyrsCherry Pectoral. "I-st1.Spring, 1 wasstaken dawn vit:, La Gr' 1ippe. ýAt irnes 1 was coxpleely pros-d tratee, aind 50 difficuit was rny breat-,hitig a , mybrai seerned as if conflrrinlu an ilan cge.,Iproeured a bottli, of .Ayr'S i Cher-ry Pectoral, and no sooser bad i ibegan h liee rse Ue uelwouîlbe sa rapsd snd tise cureSa osl te.Ltttruly awonderful mcd- - WHITB, ONT.ý c r for 1 Il-h iauc c-<cr-, ssnù r Js ire acd psr f a j tr ia'l.Tto Uaîvrsii Tis h eerys niY ca nprla sthse largs as n i t) niH-'y) ici --i u5 a ayL d"', lg iiC naist'h Èr, u cl. p, a sia , PIls ai ulta tS c44i by a itiswîs ihait vseToab'a. ptyfolr information ta '55 Ir 5'tl~CI'tLUlE, rît1> 'YOUNG e-FOLKIS. TI WHY lJAOK'Z1.DIDI1FT WIIT 111i t i Ji !Ailaboard I Cae au, 1Bsn! 2,tt'ea riborne "1,,houdBoýb Browu is a rougI sfsled wiîb1 twa big, slei3k bans wint past the rschohousei juls sohool0 was out. The drive, 'Bimlcb Morse, wl,-tth his high atcollar turued up and bis car drawu haose dowa over bis cars, heard tbc oncomn- ug crawd, sud wbîppcd up faor s race. Awsy sped the îesm, wlrh Ben sud Bah Brown, ,Joe'Simpion sud Harry Sîoddsrd if cli .hase, liîuslo Jack Bridghs m brirag- ng U'p the rear, with bis spelling-hook ceaves fluteering in the wind, sud ilrewing sus hrigbl boe-marks and >cards aifnerits aii aloug tbc wsy, like lscent " in "bhansund hounds." Jasck sud Patly Tenny wcre striving for s prizi in teE pieling class, sud tbey, were juit even. To-mnorrow was îbelastday,sud Jack was juil boîînd ta gît in anc ahead. STIse snow was deep, su d greal drif ts raie on cither side aifbbcer,ad. Bmectmbled again. B3en ruade s flyiug jump, landed an bis clhows ou thu edge of-tise sied, ras paut- ing a long wsy, uthon Joan sd Bah pulled hl înh the coat; but Jack droppcd bis preInaus spelhis-hok, and the tcsm gaI a long.wsyat. cUe basîs weul aster and ister. Dags ra ut an ad arkcd. A 11111e girl, w1piug a great yellew careben bowl beld undes' anc aras, wsved lier dish.clath wildiy ouI ai thse windaw, sud s ayvon the ficuce wlth a long raw ai anowhalls pclted bhlm wiîb guie. Bat lu spite afit il l, Jack haarded thse ald sied just as 'Blmnlecb drew lu bis team attbbcstore. Now 'Bilcswasneyerilu - hcrry.-- Tire beýys kneav<-lheneiWss na -pros. peot ai furîher ridinri, sud anc hy anc thcy butaued up their littie grcatcast t continue Ibeir way, whcu Ben qucried, cari- aualy:. I Wbat's in Ibose barrels?'" ":P'r'aps park," isuggustid Joe. I Huis 1 'Bîmlech didnt bave but anc pig, sud ehat fllitbrongb bbc bîad scaffel lait flu, and-" 110 Ban i A pig climbiaguapon a scaffel 1" shouted Jackr. "fe dud, too 1 KepI a-climhing from bbc camows ser-" "kcenouigh it's applei," inberruptcd Bol). Orpttoi"dddHmy "Oh, 1 'most kpow ie's maple syrup 1" cried Bob. "'Birnlcech iuadc s lot lait spriug. Hc's 1>goiug tla sdi il ta thé store lELION AND THE OABJENTEPIIIb 1 AiR ARCTIU TRADE ROUTE. For twentyysSa sturdyBris sea Uapbin nmcdWigguuin spire of cru).. ohmsanddiscuraemets, bas urged1 lee availaility of tihe Kara ,Spa as a trade route ta0 Siberiai. lu 1874, au the steamer Dans, heý moade b is firat voyage arouud tise uarth- ,ru ca >fa Norway, through the narrow YorSt rait, andd sorosthe Arotic waters ta IseYeissel River. Other rnavigators ii(loýwed hlm, sud up ta the psst sessan twenty-thirce successful trips have bissa u'd fra jorts iin Great Britain. lign cx ici iis thse ci dii ai being the anlyaviisto w teick ta the work and Sysouiticiiystudied aIl the aspects af TREFSE NZOITIIERN WATERS. H,-elbas finally solved the problem aiofrss5 ,eth ara Sea uith userchant vessels every smmr. There bave acc utae filures,îbut alwcre due ta mistakes in naÊvigation kor tavessels nais well a'haptedi fer. sjob;hamas. i xperîince bas demanstralcel t e Important facethat wliilc iran steamers and ssihîng vessels, under favorable condi- t ion, may accomplish tUe test, regalar suc- ,csa can be assred only by usîug waadcn Arotue Steamners, se that evîn in very unu- fa vor'able years a passage rnay hi for ccd. licre was great reJoicing in western iera lst faîl, for the largeat flect tbat e ver bravee thse Kara Ses made the vayaue suoesfuly.Six vessels compsed tbis important expeditian, and two of them, sites' reachiug the YeniEssi, asceudee thse river for 1,500 miles ta the city af Yenis- seî.Thre ai these vessels Yere awnîd and anneel by thse Russian Gavernifetit, and ail were uinder bbe commandl af Ca t. WiLgins. One vessel was the Oreates, a po .erfail ste tinaif2,500 tons hu rd en, losd,,ed ws;th rails for tbe The succe!sa o-f t11e Orestes ta mskîng the rondtripila oue season bhas sbowu that the trad ned ua h)canflaied, as itherto, te smslil vesseis of the Labrador c anssd' ofi merely 1500 tans harden, that large n'er- chiant stieamers may ssfely engage 1,1 it. C1apt. Wiggius bas at lastinis1ired coîufi- denee iii ehîs rout . Lase yesr, for tbc first limie, a scmpîcasure yacht was with the fleet. Thse vessel was eapecially strength- enled for Arorýia navigatian, sud had twu laies sang ber passengers. f ho voyage ta tIse moul i the Sib)erian river wassnu,. mpdeand s, part of the ras s ad- ltofaigo(ld-mlinýiug macbin1erY were at oc taýken Up the river on iwo .ai eeRulsai vessels. They bad sailhd irons England under carniand a f i russian, naval oaiheers, sud thcere was great entbusiasr n l the hig The investigation ai Z. R. Buka' record as sunerinteuident of thleEmia N. Y., refor matory continues ta reveal hor- rible barbarities practisedf upon ehe con-1 viets. The two witnesses for the defence upon whicb Brocleway principally leaucd, were Irving -'.NV innieasid Jesse S. MeNish. For cie' cxiyears prior, ta December,, 1891, %N, junie was anc of Brockway'srnosttrusted ba.For mos of hat periodhe wss his p 'incipal keeper. The other witness, Me- Nî'<h, was assistant hall keeper, and with Wîinnie wa8a lways called upon hy Brock- wýay so sujet iluthebath roorn tortures. Bath tld of the psddlings in the bath roorn with the vreatest fraiikucîs, descrihing jasi how Brockway did the beatin'g Whîle tbey 8assistes. Both admitted candidly that Bthey had asosted in hauling eubhoru in- 2mates ont of their oelsa with rcd-hot iron hooks, and they said, toc, that they did this with the kîsowlodgc and by special orders of Brockxay. Both unhesitatiigly adrnittcd that they bail puuched and kicleed thaý boyd lu the reformsitory in order Ilta asubdne" îlxem. Witinie ws eisked about jumare William Parks, who,it hs in evideuce, once eot s0 frighrencd whcu a keeper a atempted ta ta Ïe bien so the bath roorn tal tbe padelled, anr exporience hce hsd before *had, that be rau ta bbc third Cicr gallery suad jumped over ta the stone flagging, e BREAKING BOTIS LEGS. 1-Wjuuie renseînhed the jumate and the coccurrence. He couid not, tell bow rny ýtimes Parles hsd been paddled hefore lie 5took that terrible jurnp ta avoid it. Hie adid flot thiuk that a keeper was chasiug 1,Parka when be jumped, but adrnittcd that it migbt have becu Sa, as Parka leuew that he ian bletRuisbalked luin -or-that-bath -roou,- ýeWlnnie rernembered Patrick Cuinninghami weell, sud hi rernerbcred Ibrie oaoOîs :1jon whiuh lhe refused ta leave bris eil. 0;u rthe firt two occasions Wîuic iihsd cosxed - h lm o n t. O n tIe th ir d cc si n C aun i uýg - harn kucw be was ta he psdled and he i- barricaried bis oeil doar. Coaxiug waald1 st nat get hlm ta corne out, le STORY OF TSE TRED-HOT 110551. 70 I consultcd Mr. Brockwsy,"said Wil- nees Wiunic, "and on bis instructions I sent an officer ta get au iran book, a big, A lieut gaspîpe it seas, and wc pîilled hirntte ce the eoor ai is eiL. Then he gave up." ,1theV !- - ir a)n -hot?" "Ddis alothes hum when yon put the l bot Ira around bim 1" 0- h ýt4 'a OWIy Ih Sc Mîs emainryC. sce reard to ertainmeicie perform. owu case. lwcnty3 years ago, a, thse age af 18 year, 1 Lad swellings crn uo my legs, wlîieiî breeud uriftiilyplil siciancould do meno. good, anîd it was ýferod tisaIt te baises SOUld Uc afeceted. At last, mygood old imother 1 ýrgd me to try Ayer'a 1 Sasaparilla. 1 t0oleMtre bottles, the sores hcaled, adIhave ual been troubed since. 4Ony the .cars remalu, and the meinory of the paînt, te remiud me C', the good Ayer's Sarsaparila has donc mne. 1 DOW weighi twa hutndred and twcluty pounids, aud arnin tUeblest ofhIeath. I have'been an tUe road for the paît twelve ycars, have uoticed Ayer's Sarsaparilla advertiscd in ail parts of thec Uited States, and always tse,,e pleas. ure in telling wlsat good it did for me." For the cure of ail diseases orIgina tisg in Impure blood, the beet rerncdy is Plrepared by Dr. J. C. Aycr & Co,, Lowiell, Mass. Icures others,Wiu cf u reyou ýl Perhaps there ia na man who lneeds a gaod wie nmore than the editor of a niewv- paper. t is picý&asut, therefore, ta find4 the follow ngil u ane-xohage:- "Your hasbs" ýd is the editor of thec Bugle I believe,"sie a nieighbor wlîo hadi drop- peel in for a friendly cail. "lAîd as you have ne fsmily, and have considerabia, leisure ou yaur hands, yosz assisi niasuow andsen in hu bs editorisi work, 1 dare say V' "(Ili, yes," snsw'ered-the bri sk ittie won su, hîding ler berry*stained- fingrs ud brapren, i edit ucarly ailIns lusida malter.' ÂLL

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