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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Feb 1894, p. 5

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r.AtuMDoalof Toronto, Mr.M. M. ' Fenwick has been speodingNC-r 7AKE wa home ver Sudsy. afew vda -s iiiToronto. S.cALNTNE WEDIG M~sArot fLidayi sed~~a I i s Ma L;ryï Bal 1reof Pa1s frm7 ] à BET fe daî wit Mrs Mcread, o~Newc tleis vsitng od frends~ A erypretty eddingtanpedt e n yu ola o 19cn s>erO sNa.dohrplcsiddle Green Villa, Conrtioeý 03Thur- at 11E SrvEr a' t oe e 2 obour wil ol abad ims ayevnrgFeb. 15, when 'before ai,tain rT 'n yG od1M aIPpr b T Sr nsý ,_ý' 1 cFb I.r ;r1tiia ni lage assemnblage of relativels and ioileEjlauî er ,f nc bo dsW liilae, M W. .III va]urna ee ' ~.atneib katers n idtme esnlfriends 1Miss Beasie JBrooks, g tof Mr. D.and thIe Missýes MclOug'all. costumecs, wui h brd rime3 price (of ad- youngesat daughter of IMrad F ido tad s icir F an The Slviat'on Arrmy bandi: went to Port msin ros was united inth bonds o holy Hope MVondsay to attend a banqueIit there. Mdr. Adamiu! Burwasla of Batimore, near 'elook with Mr. 4io8. G. Lricrnaici, Mrs. . MurochMiss ollan snd Coboui, an id)L resideut nd fther f voungest son of Mr. .C agaiJ Mis anitr r vstigfreds~ Rev. hanelloýIr Burwash of Victor-ýialP,of Zici, ithe interesting ceremony -D e anOdottl&Ir Toro ýn. lreJiiin fi nd n i-ersity i, dead, aged. 87 yers. b ig p ro m d i ey pe sn a Oze centa do8c.Mo~NvTro LbAN, in sains of $41000 to1 by Rev. L. Phelps, theworthy paster ef we Tmis eBEÂ CoUGt Cunu w tle i Mr. John Porcy leaves this morring ý5000* private funds; 5 te 6 ptIr centý, .e alntn The coermony was, ~~er iloheafalCGughsý, CroupBore for Toronîtoto attend the Cve tweew1nthe Throat, IToareenes, 'hoi oug . .u.w.aGrndLdginterest according to security; mýtb1prfa i he archwaybtenteo N a~ i. turne. FôrA.Co.sImpi'W, as a represFrýtative of Bow- ia Is 1nyfrs otae e-n .draing room and parlor under a massive v4 it1.ioflSC t-re h*ad,ý,dE CM OnU Ton manvilla e ýl.A. JA&MES, Bowmae ville. pendant os-hecntaedfee- takeniantme. 8oldLy Druggistfa2gRI Rev. 0.Parker pad ahigh tribute te A1faresei carnivalflirale he!d ont.te uc thein elonteS antee. For a a ine Baek or Chrt, use C.farowreens wiihaflciralhdeboratiens;the centre NTradles always in tcK, ZWIL0OH'S BELL-AIDONI PLASTER.25C. the life and work of nie late Dr. Douglas sktnrikoTesa.Fb2.Be piece being "Good Lu "i nilznd ' ~~ te b~~~n is.sermon Sund oy mornng in the Bidestepiesienfrfncsat' letters, the affect being very bierutifuli as________ II n ~ '444IiK1II Mthodist church. adcicoslîsteewilb e te bridai party atood tunder.tealh h ME ED Mis. Chas. AlUn of Newcarile died'on contes' open te aIl. Nlusec by th a bad. roos being illumnedlr with 1jrilliaet Su eritos tk 'n fr M zns an i~ aeouaarb TiseeYyegatU-Suaduy fren pairalysvi (If the throataftr Amisio: tche hodes icocunif10; aoes carkin wih cysan ~e~ocueyo. PceOct. Ijecorfee. a long ilîress, aged 58 yeurs, sud was ticket holdersliot je cedunie 15-; no-peidants. The, brid okdhrbs Flor sale by Sot&jury. bnried ou Tuecd 1 icthldrK5eLinQpn ' n was yery fittinglY attired. lier wedNe pa rs tlwetats Mr. M. A. James lef t on Monday to clok. 1dfngaugow waa atey flamine:sua s De _10U V iT atte i!d a mieeting of the executive of the The raâce3s iathe SkainýY Rin u no av lhfahrtrmigad________ *GndLodIge, A, . O.'. W., of which he Thureday, night p-,oved interestiogad chiffonl lace, matching ic.ely wihh her is a, membterneow -in session in Totonto, exciting though onily two events camle off blWonde comp!ex'ýoa. She bore a pretty D fyP r,"; lî,so Mr. W.L. Law lbas purcbased the Thale e vre the titresle ne V a1Jfcr.mroe hegfto ÎV'I u pl p or Brk Farcl, lot 1(j, con. 3, Darlioigton, ainn h arlr< f os Fv rowbile her brideemaid, carried a1 j ùst outside of the corporation of Bow. s atdI, thsln race but oeliy two iia-eqe fpn oe.Ms a d of nr.seif or of a frienld. STOTT & UYMauil etenrhvstfraot$2cetitûrs finihed Messra. F. Buren a Laura Brirnacombe of Bowmaeville whe Nvilli give yenUroie an acre. The2re are a faiy good dwell- e f tthe H1i~h School foot bail club saud proedtepWaigprt. nessd T. II i[ ~LLJ LU ~ ing housE, ouitbui]dilngs and orchard. OtoeyrBdniu ilesily by a, very earcefully wIes goweedi in a rse CIl sud rceesampie. 'iti c quai ,ctinot prisiug young ifrmrs-one wko taK es a barrel race but ioî:iy leue finished, thelil. biesr-o fy ici Thgoo, a ie bse bni Mýý aiy aprth bstcomrcaljornomvemercialig wsde t r.Gerg secme o pysca mnhod loed CRlaÂNInDaligtn.ner i fel.Fh --ltfor I_________$10_or__.__________WalPafielE an (",sNIpotd nth, or' Bwellai 1h Sa) pdBai. hàleased tover the eeut; 17, the wite ef Mr. Frank CressmIan, of a son. su kep wl pstd u h wrl'sMcllwa e i and k. Tth s jbeing arrayed ln amiles sud the responses Markets sud att nis clo.,ely te business, racewawvr aoUafsn kratenpgc Dopays cash for everythiug 'sud is msking lu ore i4rs eoýlaughter, the frati e ill rang eut cieaïiy and distinctly MARRIED. Tffor' ofroe, i bothil Mr. Francis W. Rudle BiixaBur-ARitur-At the residence of thesH- ki z3 OI'0T ,.js.j~I ~farxing psy as sey other tiu eau hn fot f E î~c kte get bol et fudteil.a rigts ati .MIe, e.1.M m Bihn fYl w1th vour eýIti beFt conducts his buiness laa sïamilar manner. throuiih ailban 1 smimultaneour!y caii_2ng bet ma very iight indeed se nicëly- and vee. Fn.ILaNd M iss.Carlin Argue, o wlhyoree ihtbt~e 'o ct n Lwvn edlfr ed ri a onuso L deight te s&hake ttae fram.-e-sdvria n-,ad isCrln ruo advicepouA eMe eeiig ter. id'wona i ecdeifo a sd gaia u-e iho uttud folokr.W s miOotlY did the -ceîemeny pass off froin Maveis. dat inalir6secs ýs a ilstntut iih Tho ceremnony ever, the LANGmAiD-BBooxs-At Middle GreenVilla,À1 waa waýCeurtice, West. Durhame. th, residence of the epctci .We.v' sdala, e- dae uai esetsa a gckuie. puzzied u v,1hY the 'tandam fînracere ro yrn perielize la fittieg îti' l Mît sud cr- st asi h a feilître aler al the pr e ý fi-eud ahrdaud the you epla rd' vrnsbyte\ . .Peps nF Onated lu vesema aot at7rv plgs-aF ctdclises Toesday very1-rw sud howvered their congratulations on 1 rJG nmt n isBsi ros cities in Canada, sut party of Pet -jarchfai Oddfeilows wend- ce r 50cuis ptupoî t tt i' l îem s fter hich ail iîepined te the în ngidtuhere r.J ,Boos al STOTT & JURY, ed their way te the nesidence of Pýîtriar- cii f bin fiur" i nm here an elaberate wedding LxTNLUeT-n wmnl. ch _.Hle i Rpne eaVr diniuerva partakien of. The massive ie 4 yBY m olfeM.ouLx Dred ndists* & Opthilci udosed heenny, eofet e Bopenvia, te MaslverisaÂîdsvorî , wrthy brother sud bis aima4be leii uý etdth hesepfrel table, the ristic ornamentstien of which/4 whe hao e ch one their hadsomes,,te ,1iuoprfolecte rnske1 tlhe caiod noy b C e iel o upa y h rtr B u e, ~grest credi at nM -. Chas. Ted, D E .t sid oher the he te nsojyat c1ifo1 "Cn i haý t ainlred tiiierdo b l vas iniforter, vradfns îe cirne Of KtEYS-In Bowmanvillo.Feb. 1jiNellie M n Sarnes l pp . l i,-" l ea ,wsifaLt daughten of Williiam aold MaryAn eccu lagans )id teattetion eoctf Tehelhette îdevsi aged 2 menilia, 3 weeks. NDIAN of the Patr achs d uring the ealy part ( kd f ,drdwZki skn u e .Birnacombt, spec rieDr. te gd 7Jea. -~~ theevmnin1g. Then Paý-trianchal sd u- ar;gbotsst htsi te et fp1 pse j a ciabespec y r dJ 77?- fllmoeyFb,î. fnn aap R I E IES costOmyadthrl ho ,Vs tl.Atolfi urnse.Fn i aîîyfonbyod fe hich ltina i- BuRWASI-At a cimrin Feb. 16. Atn presrd s ulys stiach' vfeuoi pir~ga P ciiiy.A ceau li.-i ted. popupogaevsreed vitil M .Bnwis, , fatthei)roflv- Chancellonr- A. KNNRn. ssisudP-of. John Bukrwssih. of Victoria FOR SALE AT hew t,,)do) i, toilowed by soi g-, n ttiens .A.JesOf TIIE SÂEMA chair-niesteie ndero bsge y y y ~ 7 ~ < p ,a e e_ s a d a th le ti c c o n e n io n s b y a B o) w I a . II .F b . 3 th , 1 8 9ý4 . m n i a f t e g n l m n n c e c t -Aaa e A a p e G o e a i e a e . çS j i U lI vnrbe buTelpeer. dflewý.pietary speeches, abof ce t uic T-1n" beioved vife et Mr. eo. C. PSter. sgedl U T e YSoseiralet, e. poeriiii Idolo bneeght ta a osa3 au eveuing &ui More- Phtoe Peto.)il o the p';ane, by ldsG er.~ Port Penny3e. 11, Mr. Thos. ________________h raneberdby A L rnIMrs, R. E. Osborne aud edsoFed73ierl ______________ ng whch vi longha nmetnbred Nv adss thediseeeiu~ uhii ty t onhes, soesibyMr. Cas. asdoloMn. îL N-n E ChaWsiby. Fh. 1, Mr.O .d , toios)-;-alt and - those wvho were ipresleut. gat theb-,estposstble value fer their înoney. F. W. Re-dle, Mrs. A. L Pa-coe; sud Wilson,10,eMr. ears ~~ ~t~~tt~~aU. ~Williami Ingraltu, an EnglishbohoTtiseecthresnwypepeg ctaosbyM..L.ace,'s bas been living W ith M.John lemence, te Tait & Ce. for ihieir photos. They are liyrieoks r.suda xhbtoeýn .cu BWANIEi[RET' proteet your feeýt from the c old flowM~UvTLE, EB 194. s't f tou fo t~oyest, va accdentmaking cerne vry protty tyî s new, swioigi gby Mrs J. G, Laignoalî. The adwtwihwUb h 21, ly killed atiIoon ou iMond&y. 1e had Caland sec then. Picture fine husle e sii 0 .YU a h ertdh i-s and wetry, *very Tbcsdaý _______________________ju1 ntae ri eel u a eewsys 0onband. ACain Au st iii NwOnleans sent principal ingredfients of th~e -Ip)te the lotft tei thow ewe sme halo& oletonc osssd ehFLOUaR, e100 115...... $150ote $2 00erroitson Yo Local if or nMn. W. J. Cleience'ii teainaho lhad 62 weat corne fi om ,Kirhýy. [t is net l.novnhow *oag bosm hich veA re wve i preservn HÂi al ~bs . O, -- the acdetoccorned but lcu ceing 1-lsi 4 ddd te tEe adornil sfor the " R-in .O0 6 a o ti e d ith ap i M i s r a e r i t a u e t t R , IR. D . d o w u it h e n i r fe i l i n f o t c f v e t e t h e b ri d v e r e a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O 0a p a i r F'rser. eu fte jme re nn~~C~osoO0 7 of our Waterproof Kangora oeothe orses ngheuiit and wasWie~i:, i. 00 Mr. llarry Ric3, Si. TIita , 5TiS stuk vith oueet is frent fet kling / 6t omcver unav0- . 0-0A etabuttv h1 Rd .. ooo o 5Shoes lfor Ladies and Cifld- hom hî mtans. ~ mt tw.o sBÂRENi1ibuh, o.1."f O<TîO rvare suitable for Siadhertu are-v 'te nescue the boy was Ibrove co.(rne feet - rok u NtI;Jr u ro. T. C. nT îw ed O i00 , O 3 thirdugtr~r. . aouPteb re. in] ries thou h iine boues ara brokn.LugailigeFmiy lavy Shoe is just the -----~ r t --- a avtui ih n ~, uie........_0 8t1Àn - foi. this -w'eather. îHere

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