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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Mar 1894, p. 2

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:ren years af age, bui who decîsues te give his naine ta thse publiec maises ibis autiscsxzed, caufidetisai statemeat taous: 'When awssoee ear aid, my suamnia diefi of coasîsmpiiaa. 'Ise doctor aaid tisai 1, tee, sould seau die, sud ail our ieighbosrs thoagis tisai eveis if 1 dsd nt die, I weciid neyer be able te alkii, because î was se veaii and ipny. A gatseriag ormued aud braise mider nsy arm. 1 hart my fiagem sud Ih gathi-erd snd tlîrexv ot pieces et boise. if 1 hart myssll 50 as t binais tise skisi, avsam abcox.e a rmnsiag sure. 1 had ta taIse lois cf medîcisse. ibu t tiug has dor nse s so ci good as Ayer's Sarsaîsa- riula t luis nmade me we-l nd Itrig.1- T DM., Nomc a ,Ra. AYERIS Sarsapar~ila Frepsr-ed by Dr. J, C. Ayer & Co., Loy ii, Mass. Cures others, will cure you ONT11A1O LADIES'COLLECE, WIIITBY, ONT. strictly first-lass in Ill is applalments and educatinnal afivautages. Provision malle for ail the teaahers' certificates and for Un- Iversity classes through thse fresisman. SaPho- more and part of junior yearé i fToronto University. The lterary staff comuprises thse largesi number of University soecialigs ofa any Ladies' Colege la Canada. Tse muica,. fine arteiooution aud commercial departmentFS are equaIIy weil sustained bY thse MOst gifted prof essors. Physical culture la taugisi by a specralist front Boston. A new geyruassinu and al ktuds aI outdoor amusements. Pupils hlave tihe opprtuaity aofisarng thse great artiste that visit Torouto. .&ppiy for information ta 32-lyr INI'J AETL "i COLU.S0 AI THE CorMIEN CEM Cîi' OF ANATTACK TAXE A TEASPOONFUL 01, WTheu traýil tishge uts ailiglis, Wbieu b0y's tiised s îu ug sud tigii, Wbu hlbushed sud stihilisn Wisea ane igisihear a ialliug pi, WVhen weary Mater draps ta sleep, When silence reigas, save breathingg deep, Then Pater likes tise balby. Wheu ia tise garisis igisi af day, Wheu aurse-asaids flirt aiong tise way, When gass is greenu and skies are brigisi, Wheufiowers bloasufor marial sigisi. Wiieh iutile eues mnusi taise tise air. Wbsn Pater needs must give theu cars, Thea Pater loves tise baby. Wiseu crampa1anf <ahinrule tise iour, Wheu bahy Pisoa ai omars a sbower, Whena axiauo pret watt forsootis, Wheu baby tries ta oui a toats, When ta preveut a precooa row, Wben nurs"e and matron demi know iow, .Tissu Pater shakos tise baby. When ba5sy wil natiaba t ls syes, Wheu baby cries sud lies aud cries, Whea patience draps clean oui ai sigis, Wheu yells terrifie MI tise nigisi, When love grows cold and Ps gels sflsd, Wbeu baby will net mnd is dsd, Then Pater spanis tise baby., Bewing Fur. It seemed quite improbable tisai a novice cauid ever succeed inalateriug a fur garmeni satiaciorily. Tise fur was beavy sud slipped ibrougis ry flugers in sncb s pro vokiDg manuer tisai I feu tsmpied to wear i jusi as it wss. Bai itwas sooid-fashioned, sud I felt sure tisat very his lealeriug woald mairetise coat almast as good as new, se I gatisered my wisa ogetiser and soan fud a way oui ai tise dilemma. I sac- ceeded se weilthtii1 made up My immd ta lustrant athers iu tise art. Wherever tise bar is te be eutith muai be marked on tise skia side witis cialk. net leîiing icat quite tismaugis ai first, sud tissa pull tise pieneas&part, finihisg tise cnt very delicateiy se as net ta spoil tise fur. On no annount muai scissors be used, as ilsey will euitishe f ur on tise outside la apte ni tise gresîsat precautian. Wisen il ha ail cul,tise edges le be sewsd are brougisi together sud moisîened sud aewed over- baud wiht waxed ntion tisresd. Si1k cats tise skha. Wiseu tiese am la sewed t siseuid bc laid fur ide dowu ou a board sud tise searn again moistenefi, sud pressed fai by rubbiug ih wiîh as siscî or saine athersmoeiis-sariaoe arîic's. I-i doue ibis way no e sam is visible ou tise oulside sud tise garmeut looks as weth as if doue by pro- fessionai sewers. Att kinds ai fur are sewed lu tise sarne wsy. When }Uggi AiraIjear. Pumpkhu pies can se umade vsry palatable withouî eggs. Use more pampkiu, and s large tabiespoonlul ai fleur fotree samali or two large pies, witb sagar sud etiser in- gredienis as usual. Rice Puddhn.-One quart milk, hall sa teacuplul ai rîce, sai, ,oesteacupful ai suigar, a amait pice aio butter. Ptt old juttoiise aveuý, furngocsnty1r tise firsiheur; bake sl fo 1r îwoansud ee-bal e1 o-ver ibree tamatoeswh 1ichhaebn khLnned, oui ,in ver y îiok sîl2cessasse witb sali aad pepper, dredged wîth flui silredin butter. -_ 1- 1 Aa3chavyToast, Whth E-g5, -Bes iave1 eggsshgty add hallsa teaspoani ut sali, s ittie pepper, hall a caip ofilmilk or, creas. Put a fheapinig tal osaanul ittu in~l the cbafiag dish. We i mrelis mtutuha thse egg mixture sud suir nutil Oie egg is cresmy. H-ave ready s ofesaitoast spreýad thialy wiih aaohdvy paste, sud ouraer them the sgg m,ýixture. A bea-,riy dish. Carrhed El'gg,3.-Make [ssau1ce witb twTa tablespooiauls eacis ol1butter asud fleur, hiall s teaspoonful ai Salt, eue teaspoonfial curry powder sud a plut of mlk, liisteafi ai all milk ball as, mach may b,-eet stock. I-uta ihis sauce lay sevea bard-boiàdeggs whioh have been ont leiigthwise 11ia eighibs. SMock Terrapi.-Make a cream sa;,uce A one tableapoonfal each ai butter aud flour sud ane cap ai cream irgod mllk. Season with sait sud pepper. To tis sauce add oa&'phut cold chiokea or veai cuttimia dice, the yalks ai îwo hsrd-i)hol eggs, cisoppsd flue sud the whhîes cnt ha larger dine, Bail iwa minutes. SomnetieS s quarter ai a cap ai wiae ihaisded before served. Lobster a ta Newbarg. -Have ready two rnsdium-sizsd labst&rs outi mia dice. Cook sicowly fer five minutes. Seasan wih oas- bal teaspoonfal. sait, eue saltspaoufl pep- per sud a stigis coaâting ai autmeg. iRemlove thse lobster Î7o s platter. Beat tise yolks ai four egga with a cap of orearn, tara iat the sancepan and stir until it baýýgins ta thioken. Remave belore it curihi1es. Pour iii over tise labster sud serve ai ne Lobster Crean.-Make a creaussac with eue-hall cap ci milk, aae.hiaif îablespoaaiul of butter, une hepn tabl6spoanlul fleur, anesp1ai-spoopni ni et sait, a speok ai cayenne. Wheai it thiekens add ta il eucp a obse ss outin ludice, sud s tablespoonlul idsherry- Ciiken, meai, clams or aysters may, be served lu ibis way. J Veal Kidusy Saute.-Melt s lump ai o 5butter hantihe chafing disis, have a quariter ai au anian chapped fias, sud browa it in tise butter. Have the kidney ready oihan tin slioes sud put witis thIise icii.Ses with sali sud red pepper. Caver tise dlish tigistly sud let tisekidaeys caakihludr Serve with bits ai lernn Devied Crankers. -Spîlitishe creckýers sud butter bath isalves geaeraasly;z spriuýkle aver a ricis layer ai gratsd nissese, set lu1tise cisalhag disis, dast with a itile cayeýnue, caver, plachu ig the dhsh aver tise amp util tise cheese meuts. They muai be estea .while bai. Ciiken with Tomto.-Fry tise nisioken e igisi brawa. Tissa put ih ia a htdisis. -,Pour itiste pan in wieicbtheisel ciea w 1irled ans plut ah boitiug watsr, hllan anion chapped fine, witis a sprig aipaf iy ter sud atees, hall a tablespoanful iobu1t- tradhall a tablespoouful ai fleur. Let, fhi stew for fiteen mninuteýs. Taaiapo,. tise chinkena sud serve. TUnderIija Steak w*lh ytr.Mi f1ten thse hnttonm cf tsecissfiagdishs,,Wthi 11EWb E LETRIFTX A USEFULI, HIT S! M O- UN EECitCIN Onle of the bugbeaIrs of the younýg elec7 tricianij s thle dfficult o1rmmbrn hihwyi-rmanet;Cil-neeIe taras ýwhen a currentaoflecticit isen.t alang a wire in its vicinsty. Ampere gave a rule which many fhind i traublesome ta rememiber, and others havesne tried ta improve on it. Prof.Daei points out tht f a penhjolder be ldo in tule rig't lbaud in the usul w1 'ay, of -writing it may be taken to, reprceet the wvire,-,and the ffow of ;ink the cu-rrent. If naw, thie thtumb be stretched a little across thie penhalder, it will represent the position of the magnat, the thamb-nail being the north-seeking pale. Prof. Ilolten, of Den. mark, aow offers a ruts which he says bis students have always taken to very readily. The outstretched right hand is pIaced with the fingers pointing in the direction ai the carrent, and the palm turned towards the mgsnet. The aortlx-seeking Pal ai th e magnetwiil then mave in the direction oi the autstretched thumb. SiIALL WE TRAVEL IX ELECTRIC 5IPS? E ihu Thampsan says that whilewe may reasonably loak iarward ta being able ta telephane thraugh an aceau cabie under the Atlantic, it is hardly likeiy that we shall travel aver it in ships prapelled by electricity. It wauld actnaliy be possible ta coastruct electrîo matars able ta tun screwss and prapel aur largest sbips, but t&e supply ai carrent energy ta tbem far ffie days continu oasly wavld reqlire the carrying of a starage battery ai enarmaus cost, and sa heavy that it coald nat be piaced an board witbout sinking-the ship. But here the' indiscretion ai praphesy- ing cornes in ; and if there is aaything in the world that it is ansafe ta praphesy about it is the limitations ai electrical pas- sibilities, Prof. Thomsan, while framing bis opinion accordling ta modemn lights, is not bliud ta this fact, for he adds :" l should, hawever, be borne constautiy in mind, iu dealing with the snbject ai elec- trical applications, that a new discovery might at any time change the aspect oa every prophecy based on present kuow- iedge and conditions." ]ELECrRICITY 1IV THE MODFRN 110USE, Electricity is becomilng an absorbiag fac- tar in the luxury ai modern tife. 'lIhe des- cription ai the part it is te, play in a uew New York residential building soands like a iairy tale. The elevators witl be rua and liglsîed by electricity. They wlll resemble bage gilt bird cages lu appearance. The shaft for themn wiil beci plate glass, set in bronze clumas aud protected by elaborate bronze grilles. The elevator doors witl opsu and shut autoumaticaily by means of an electria device, and there wil he no ropes or appliances visible except the casbles ihdc pull the cars. The preýssing ,ai btton wilt atari or stop them, ligit the elcîriu lamps or extinguish thean. There wil beno direct artificial lîgisi in the lhalls or salons. The source ai light will be in- eyo egrp vss-a buttil 1,bis isfal13cilWle 1raii ni classification as nmauy 1lai tssedbýeiere as fiction aow 1 n s, sud molasssee- or af lard sud bu 1tter,1 b easnn-lf,1l f 8sai capti 0 f mlkt tsebt fuid. Thickea ti andl bal;Giiiepaîn fle'ur, zasu uaum -hiall - t - 11 i.,i -z ,, , ELstC17(TIC IN-ýl-'D.ILL LA-NTS. Igraidrease oai nearly ýibrs hcs tais e A r';c h-a blissareceatly offered by a --------- the s , nrev.-,ious >douneil Avý ussnu sstil~im CestttLiirZi2, g iroin 1, 1s2d isaie de works ib )rexto Ont., the aperator, who cnri hlgtat l. Iu ibis way Palotgngue ai seýacaao aa be%1 1 rapidty sud efcfeoiv7ely isetd and when meamns of cammunica ting the resui ai the inpion stautly ta; any g*iven popint it wîll be seen, that a valualle element l dlefeasive wariare bas been proyde flear and Serpent. Some cleachers were seitiag their nets for grýme lnaua Indian jungle' whea their attention was attraoted by hideous noises- roars ai pain sund rage, and a proloaged hissing, like the escape ai steam ifron i englue. They biastened ta the spot-aor wbat the Mda Mail describes as a Sav d e L fe IHomeric confliit," A jungle bear was fightiag for its lufe with a colossal serpent. Mrs, C. j. WoorueaT,c aio Worthama, Probably the serpent had beenasnn Texas, saved the of i er cbiid by the itselfinl the games track wbea the seanicang use of Ayer's Cherry P'ctoral. aiaand as neither animal would yiid 0neaof my veblidrea h lad Croup. The ttethe other, a cautesi beame su- 'aleaune yau hscan u s the path ta ta be wel! ý undeMr'contrai. Oui evitable. Wtsat the cieuchers saw is thus nigisi I wns startied by iie hilds bar described- breathiug, and on'goiag 'ta st fouud it stranr suormas fds ~ing. It isad neariv ceased ta breatLe. The serpent woand itseo mus zsd eaizing that the child's aiarming coaditoa aronad the bear ; the bear dashed from side bad iseome possible in spits af thse mediclaes ta side sud rolled on thse grournd la its given, 1 reasoned that suich remedies would 7ireuizled aternnts ta get free, roaring agi be of no avail. H-aving part of a battis ot anr.A yes's Cherry Pectoral la the biouse, 1 gavn ly ah tise while and snappiag its jaws like isee hild tbree d oses, ai short întervals, anl( r castanets ai the serpent's flds. 1[t cauli anxionsly walted resaits. _F, r the msoment not eachthem bowverocunt ai the tie Pectoral wa gletce.hiir'sbreatblin B net reah thm, hweve, onace ilsi aq 7way la whlnb they were tightened around lep1qietiy' sD beiiu atiai tise bear's qaiveriag body. Tierhii earsadwLl odasu I s Thus eagaged, the combatants swayed tae a eiaet a ia ytsCer s t h ro fabill owih the bear 0555 tarai saved iber 111. rhîmseii witih a velooîty that plainly discon. e certed tise serpent, for it anwoaad two or 3iisree afitls folds aud tisrew is tail aroaad I e a troc, hopiae ýsa teanschor tise bear. ThÊ *manoeuvre resulied lu its ownunudoing, s 'eardyJ. .Cins&oLoeIMs *more ways than one.,rp.dyD.. .ArC, a i Thse rîgid, outstretchecl Ue ai tai gave P ro M pttoact , , u rïtzC Ru, r ithe bear a chance ta seize its assailant, a -chance whicb up ta tis i re badl net been mmmm ý 01afforded. The bear was quink ta seize is oqEoean bTgte ;,opporiunity, sud fasîeaed its jaws lii the ABasl orsoda e~r t suake's qaivering flesis Thse bisaiing A rantic rey has oiitcàrrp - i * was niow irigisiai, as the sualte rapidly un-a o ntcrg-('hst!,1, * wound itsîf sud sirack savageiy ai tise sar-Saaie. A young mn, aedtoi, y iear's jas reoentiy fel lu lave witb the daIieriii i y way ai respense, tise bear roaredbi sstrayugldyoludnu f uriausly, dasiig from aide ta side, suaen ae&p ii hm hytaku l worry hag tise meutisini ai serpent la its residence in another part ofai Vh3 aw, jaws la paroxysms ai rage sud pain. Once tise gir'siathler traced tisem su trîedi more tise ser penit wonnd itsîf about the mnuc is ldaaghter ta retumai borne. 1 bear, tise buir howlsd sudd gaspsd, sud yîu epe h vr okdthses1s'l' bath, stili sîmuggliig,rolloed oui ofîviewinîo I luiei rlasudit issos d Iit tI *tise hhgh grass ai the fareît. 1maari si big weth aiinftissu eemxss Their irank was marked with pooîs dsu cide, for tî-,ise-yjsbrk blood ; and wisen tbey were again seen they ?pein bath wers dead1. Lett-rs wredi ýe iad parted. Tise suake was coiied in an iavered in wiioi tise girl annUeuced I hl attita de ai defence, with its head erect,and cuitentian af dyiag mwii er lover. ý e issed appreissusiveiy. 'itisad isad enougis, Sand wised only ta be heft sioe. ALI, MEN n Notsa tisebear. Thouagh almost crushed ta deats, i would ual retire fram tise cern- Yonne, old or mihddle aged, wis-o Èfiud tii bat. Af ter a uxerent's panse it ruhed upan selves nerveas, wesk sud ex-isauste, s >fthe serpent, seized it hy tise isead sud are broken down'fromn excess or ovs-wo 0 dragged ht about with rears ai triumph. resultng ha many ai thle fallowiag sy s3 The umdergrowtis was beaten flat by thse pioma: Mental depression, premiarTre Sconvulsive trokes ai tise greai serpeut's tail age, bs ai vitalitY, ofs irimrnry,b as the besr crushed its- head ta) pieces, sud dreasus,' dimneas of sgt aptto Sfiu'ally it iay dead beneati tise assanîts ai thse heami, emissiaus, lack ai energy, p itus vindictive euerny. ia the kidusys, iseadacises, pim-ples oni face sud body, itciig or ecîhrsen ut eî

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