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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Mar 1894, p. 5

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§oiie centa ose. _&1nB I~T CouaýX CuE.promptly cwrr ohere ail others fail Coughs, Crouphace Throat, îoarseness, Whoopin Cough and £,sthmna. For Consumption Ît %AS no rlva' tWascured thousends. and WM ICURETa OU ï Sakeflifltjme. f3od by Druggiste on aguIar antee. For a Lame B7ack or Chest, usa eDHILOH'8 BBELLADONNA ?LASTER.250. ý-veyo atarcli?.Thisremedy lgar ,,ed tocure you. Pce, bo Ca.Inetr fc. For sale by Stott & jury. DO yoU WJNT A Liesize Portrait Di yourself, or of a friend. STOT &JURY~ will give you une Coali aDd pee 'sa-pie. i1b equal cannol be bought for I ta than $10 or $15. NOTTHF E wlth your eye sight biut gelt Ve b est~ advice proctirable ien req(iiritig Bpectackjs. \Ve f ave h i8 a large ex- perience in fttiog dî1llhmt and con- cated cases lic sme oi th.larg-st cities in Canadat STOLLT & JURY, Drwgît & ptîcian8. KICOKAPOO INDAN R 'ml EEDIES FOR SALE AT WHEN YOU, GO TC BiTisiE COLUMBIA.l MANITOBA, EUROPE, UNITED STA TES, ov any place in Canada cail at SToTT Juity's Drug store for Tickets and Info mation regarding Iowest riteq and haý ratites. î_ýOWMÂNVILLE, MÂAi-7, 1894 Local and. Otherwis r_ MiéssGale is row librarian &t the R' .ing B oom. Mr. J. J. Tilley of Toron4o vsitEd1 motLet last wetk. Miss Winnifred BejîL has return from visiting aI Gait and Taronto. Dr. McNicholl is public vaecinator1 Co.'bourg sud gts a fee of 25c. *each. MUr. John Seath, M. A., lnspectur,pî au offiiai Visit 10 the lHigh School f The West End Ho'aîe have import nomthing nice ini Dress GoodE; eall a ses them. Mr. W. T. Lockhart, M. P. P. ,V aceept our thanks for parliamento books and papeo. Several people from the countryi buyiDg residences lu Bowmanvil!e. botter town in Canada to live in. Rey. C. 'Parker and Mno. Parker1 on ýMonday morning for Nova Seo Notices of Bînuh%. 25 cents; Hulriages, 5e Fariers r~d lt o I îltuemeti~ge ori',~Fairb Bwmîvilo Mrch J. Murphy, Oshaa, has make an ceuts; I.eaî1isê .5 celtscartel iicWti6 e on pati ge. 30tlh ad 31,3t. assiguele reprntd "teutl Receit firetao l1J' faced tho Mes4. Robt. Chak, of Port Hope, died] Farmer'Insttof e meetings rext week. neacrisrepntiaIu ofe beauty (if King-st, Friday wtel, aerd 69 year-. eels pg.BllRTHS. D MrJoh J Gîfihu~. T cuo ws oy. Jeffcott is Coi1ecinc fundaý Miss Edith Goard is visitineg htr sont, L,,.nn lu Manchester, Feb. 22, Cthwie o home (,ver Sunday ueek. for a Dew chuieh at 03halve. Mrs. Brigr.all, at Kinsalo. M.Jnîa ae rasn 1 . wnter s stijAcICsoNS Lî LeEkard, Feb, 29, tâe wife e Mr O.L orer, Cadm-li. lhas bought port Hope il, holding public meetings 1Tire backbone of ?itrl til rii Mr. Wmi. Jackson. of atm.r a . , dom _oi.o iao.o icuaaau eloe roet it has3n't got thawed out yet. Te l Txbridge, Feb. 21, the\,,,Ie or Thoo- O thia The Grand Orange LodLce of Ontanleoli wîe ý'cuca'rAt 15G Spiýune St.. Toronto, F,ý,!.I Go to the Royal Templara' hlall -I a'Odhawa and Bowranvde n olTd.o aultr Wedneaday nigh-,,ood program. 'East vIjll meet at Oîîawa March 20. 13îgnc.adnc u ie.l, the ie of Mr. A, R. Wickýett, of a Lon. W. Wasonmerchant, Cadmus, has Ingersuili has reduC d &hop licencees t, Henry (xîiffith died lin London, Ont. MRID assigned to W. A. Campbell, Torçanto. two ard ceut cff Ibrea hotel licenses. o audy gd18yas MakByPrtappimebs PIEY-Il.LL-At the MEthodist Plarsonage. Mr. W. ff. Laird of Cobourg Sentinel- $18 Baby carrdage ainiost now for sale Mark Boyd, Port UJ. , pRealr, bas'-i., Star is golng to ha Lieutenant of tha 40th ftr $10. lu quire of Geo. Allio, Eligin a .IgonO e t Uties, N. Y., ', reside. l6Sy, by 11nge., ad isaeall, .ofLtzl b Batt.The ees f th Cübpurgmarkt wt-,-o Rev. Dr. TaImage las J-cided to -re- SINc;fYNS-STEVn-Ng-Ou Feb. 27. by lieî' BaIl T.. fee ofihe oblng mrIce. wu'EiJohn Pweat the Methodist Parsonage,I Aix jan kubsrbers mray send us sold te Mr. W. Pengully for $1.1 puý main paston of tLe Brooklyn tabernacle. Manilla, Mr. James, Sangums anad Mis3 Annie iGreeubacks buxd U. S. 2 c. et stamps for mont h. Miss EIla Wallace, Port Hope, las Stevens',.91l of MaripoBe. odd changeý Some very pr.ýetty wedding inivitationjs beau guest of Miss Mabs-1 Couch, Centre DUED. W xALL PAPER, CapI. P. J. Rowt-, 3.d conceision, ih ave bcen pint-cd at TîîE STATESMIIN St. VLCmA otHoe ac ,Jh Pickering, ant ourred a 0 elit toksae office suEce Xmaa, Mn. Geo. E. Mayriard La-, a fine broid Wralker. in hid iist year. fcer Tueaday, Mareh 6- Thos. Toulin ahot himsdlf on thLe f Andatua:an cl-,iks-10 in numbe- TAIT- o CapI. TDlaat, Fre'oh,Mrthow. WINDOW SHADES, Mna. A. J. Snia'o and aiter, Miss Ftreet lin Ohawa Mordiy i.iglit with a hatched March 18. bmavntiaed e o ar. Tifr6i t Ilanof icipe, ac., tegolsrevolver a d nmiv di. IMr. E. G. Chant, ai weIA known Odd- CoRNien-lu East W hiby, Mareh 3. Mary f Mr. John L. sitBTcety Toronto idoyýn ig papera noir reoh felloir, was buiedat ortHope ou Sun- Darilîngu elon. he i ea ils.riý,of C RAI O Bey. W. Jolliffe will praach in tiLe Bowxuanvile about il a. m. and lte day, having died aI Cnicag,>. îro b Darlingc on, March ritEilener Meth,dist church vext Stundny mornina, couritry mailse are Dot despatched 1111 ai t- Sice Manch opened tLe ses erbre An,beloved vvlfe or W'm. Milion, aged 3L yrs. McDoelllu Le eenig. r tis hu~. TI , ch ngel G. T. B. bas beea veny like Spriug, aind in the STALTER-lu Oshawa, Foh 4,MnieMPC U E MOLIG. An unsucceaif l atfempt sas made at trains il the cause. IWNest heavy raina have done mueh dam- Crocker, beloved wife of A. J. Staiter. PCU EM U DN S their lait meeting te reduc thie salaries MONE To LOA N, in setîs (If $1ooo0 îe age. of teachere $400 bylw Otwa ligh School $5000; privatie futids; 5 te 6 per cent, The late J amns Nosirotthi' iad -$50 00 BOMÂNVILLE MARK£Tb ogetvret I"I 0 Board. xiteregt according t0 security; muet ba ie inairauce-$3000 iin the Royal f ra aita BG22 D)o Yeu mimtd pu chair g a noir cape finIt clase; only firatincertgage tak;en. M. Ancanum sud $2000 ln the United Work. correeted b>' J. Neia'rceyTe~a or jacket for Spring? The Weeît End A. JAmEs, Bowmaivilp, MEin. FOR 0 b.... $ 0l 20 vey hep.N. Cmpîyohuril L ap lt-io f r.Joih9ai c ipeldied FouR l10 saC150te$200W .T. T5A I LE~ flouse haro a aplendid as-ortment ar.d Capt. H,. J. Snelgrove, Commandine Mr. Albert W. Bail, druggit iai"N.Âr al ~bs . 6 ,O6 MeEsce. C. F. Blair, Cdr1 B. Kent, F. ed on tLe ni gimenfal staff a3 Quarter- recenîli ai Denver. Col., wlencee Le Lad tl' to ...O 0 n0fi055 tMcOlung anud A. Wiltams aottended a re« mae'; ard L et. Ed. Camipbell promet- gene for ia heîîth. 1. Colorado .....0 tfi057 ceplion at Ontario Ladies' Coleoge, WLit. ed to ha captaieî of No. 1 Cornpani'. Ganta wanîiuîg a nice Tie, a uu.bby ,L a.White Fife, t...... 0 0 iO 62 E mby, recently. Shieppad'a Wold's Fair la colming o a sirt htyueafuiusd erBd t, " . OOt0 65 We welcorne t)i town Mn. ana Mrs. W. Bo nmaiivilla Marcb 30 aud 31 ur der tLe without feeling you have on a new shirt BÂAixtv, #' Luth, No. 1... O 0 0etO 42 Law wbo Lav muvel front the horne. auspices cf tLe Willing Wonkers Guild of should cail at the West End Houae. Il l I 2x.. O 0 0 fi 35 aetad le the Dr. Aliitxo rea idence, Liber- St. John's church. Ail wbo visiîed tLe Mn. Sig. LaudmaDnu ho died reeently fi te i 2.. _ 0-00 fi O 30 SH O Ir0 E S. ty a., north. Fair sili enjoy te ing it again snd %11l1lin New r, ocf pneumnoiia wasî smemben il il Two rowed O 0 0 tO033, PETERnsoN for March is a capital numb- ethers îlteald îee it@. Il f Bnwmaurille Lodge,No. 99, A.O.U. W. OÂAT, whi'c........... .O 32 fi 0 35 er of tbis old favorie ma'ziue. Evory We Lave bi-en nutifled of maty names and is Loirs will receive $2000 fronmie .i mixed......... .... «,30 fi O 32 family should ni ad i-only $1 a yean now alrrady omit! elI fromn cn Lst of Frieuds order. Ru, .......0 0 teO040h PnIbliuhed at Phil ,de11b a, Pa. aud no e le I1irore sorry thbm we beesuse At a meeting <'f the B fard of Trual os Buckwheaî V% bush ........i9l000fi O 40 The Port Hope couî,ciî waq ir tîhey %nere Iet I. But wo Fdiali have of tLe Methocit, chune Thurtdîy night, PLÂs, Blackeyo, ebrish... O 0 0teO 62 agitated cvrn a i e3uctioun cf hotel liccnstes abIl the larg r liu (n ADril 4 whe, h~ Mr. BicL. Foster was elected te f61 tire IMmi...... 0tO6 A motion 10rduiýe the numrber saslie- rittod d ail wL . pay lntbemeafltimeW, l vtuancoy canacd by tLe deatb cf Mr.. 'Su ail,000 05J feated by the casting vote of îLe Ma1or. hc puhis!iîd. Alter that da'te $1-50 Crydernian.1ilBu,06fi07 The Toronto Globle was nver a bet er wll bc cha-ged. I he Kickar-o eMoîliieCo.isa Dow in BUTTER, bot table, el... 0 00 ,. O 20 S XV elly Gobe he beinceofÔ19 ro o ' f i Ba sîdettsin île active duties "f and thon remedies are iLly praiied hi' Pe 1R, bs..... 0,O2 a ne sui ner 1 TU STTES~N s ~ uFiti aes lire, tho-n tne & 1Bari- ia-tny wbo Lave rerceuved benefit frite _ a year. son Bus n"mu arîd Shi nîbsud C ilege, T). thki xiibhre. Il wil te impossibe e l t s fair pe itroto, el osr vrihan eficiepuhalion h Eveiy lady îheuld, read the LADIES -m* T L LEY 1 t. IllC,31 ,cnta2o f the somen votera to ih L' i l bs T1h r , tuih sud eiitte Mfth JOUmtÂA;beides buxxg a splendid fah m EMBEROF COLLEGE OFPHYSICIANS ing Trot o il gaduhe se ped ot magano il cantains a lot of gond , and Surgeons, )ontarie. Office.ling St. until he -ýtho.iies pant te balot l ýsiliiUP wib 1ýIsines &DISin doo el 1itset Outavesiof Onario Rans;idencdec I bouts mi e u tboe pant thol e bltcitossihsnestrm utatc eadipg for eveoy member of the bouse- Church St.-,h door cast ceMethodist Chureh, hoc l uiieyatnsae od c-durning the patt tîtuce wu-eka. 1Bwavle.3 *in Iin lu p inv. * h aen< d b Lld, maie sud female.Bomnle.7 - The Ladies' Misienani' Auxiiany gave slvea of oun remankabla officr ofle Thtl old reliable place of business t ho ÎetFr 'r ! progrsm lun tLe Me bcdsl Sehoolnoom LDE ORuLfr 84sdPetmW, e End houa" la keopiog 10 tLe front Thurdoy i0Lgt. Miss B. tîloWain read LADE foUr cnts dofor 89 neai-'eîLutintingi etI hape-Tbey bave j ust raceived toS.e 'credueLLM. A. DALd atsonceusaor an inte-reetiutx piper and Mima Jones tbey are miseing. A gentleman who glfe ntadalreabpuu fDra ot.Oflex-ixt'flc.7 f Lo o yorhat n read a long btt r front Misa B3eaty,teacb- Our Pnemium Botkk îat, yean Lai sent lis Gooda, cati and sec thora tbey take pleamaLo.o orhalhaè & t anofthe Oneida Indiars, te shor sitrne 50 cents for au'cti;or copi'. The JOURNAýL june in aber ýing gooda Y T ANTKI-A Ce tk. Apply ho MUS. poetorfe rmtecl O-clothiug sas sent lait Fait foer diýltribution lu woîtb $100 a yemc. We willl eidjMn. Chas. Gilchnist.Fushexy Inspector, . le,1. Butearrz SiPsN, Silven St., Bow- rtcyo fefom heol t amnug hen sehoars. bolL te auy pu)t (iffice lu Canala r tîLe i bas been proinoted and plaeed iu charge mariville. lO-tf and Wet -which vilbe the We cmit lad t tate ]tsti week that tLe U. S. for only 30 cents. of tLe flbery iiuteneî:as of tLbs district. t ine that gutted Mrs. Dtugm n'a3 millitxery in sspitrinlt î ny Officers wil]1bla app; iuted toeffet nuder O~USES FOR SALE.-Thrée brick principal ingredients of th- store, aso dd grent damnage tb Mn. Geo. tewu*Bowm'nvîîîe bas oîly Ibrot îth lmsd eptrlte ae dnugîe .1.1.Cser ox19 wavil,3tf weather froni this 0o1. 'lo1n t.E. Manritg'8 hardware tone, Los toluîe ow u uaa teG . 3 in flb Mg is pu'ciied. covere I by iiîsunant eThe jplate glass sîaî ionnth onlicnie-andtheven, dollR A very modeal raquaIft Las beau rmade EDG IN- baeaqaniyo eu do this readily with a pi lu is MTaia sstp aocsa the oOtxsfof83pa- i thefrto ofîe towu by a Mr. Warren, Detroit, c) ean six-rowed harle>' aud vure black o pofIagr erewaiu hadly eacked by hait as W"" Fartpy-a very fair record. Cotte' fih,) ihinki Le cati boy ont big factory eyed Msrr,îwfit peaus for s.0. ELIu0OS:)N aim e e aegla'ta ln Mn. w P. Pnowe's astcn Loteléi ndtw * 5uorshps a Qfoc $85,000 if tîLe citi-zens ill take $30,- lot 29 BroforFrLatdieshngou.Counice P absop. wa are cedibly bformed Lsd $l0,ùoOo 000 stock aud the iewn give s bonus of____ or~ the pst t n days Mn. W. R. Clrule uupaid taxes il liai date-a mighty bmýd $10,000 » There la îsik (-f a brailnos SHORT IIOEN HEIFER-(Will ne- rein. They are- suitable foe ofteBowmnuile Sun luas been lu ibis record truli' Who will amy tLe drink oSa ahr'saîiJl omnil. giater lu New H. B) with fine tuifer calf Skatin rodnr er City udar ruadical treatiteîxt A surgi- traffie la not tLe motLet of poverty. The Ladiýes Aïd social hLd on WUedneE. St fout fo S le ah ver>'iîeasonable pnice .ig rorS.aywer cal operat ion by au car apecialiît sas The publsben cf thia journal posaed day nigLtath ~ridence of Mr. J J.viePi. lt2Uon. Dni 10on-M4' A HeavyShoe is j ust the f uud necesani'teo, o ait) relief trom tLe anuong othena thréeeereular lattera in Mason sas a deligt-ul!y pleasant avent is revera pain of Pn absces lu tLe Bowmanville lu Deccmbor addressed to and sas fairly aI eud-ed. $13 heiug the 1f OUSE TO RE-NT -A seuil-detached thing for this weather. iereý inuer rîght ear. The eration bavlng pansons liriniz in Iown but who do net necipta. Mr. and Mes. Maousnd fam- bik houso on Church street laIaly j ned been succesaful tLe patient la iu a f air call ath îe P. O. Thtre was a one cent ily auccecded -cd innab y lu muking a ven' cPe yCpt rwod ene oele sagooc ine at a liglit price w~yb rc.ery Toeuto lote. tmp oon eb tter. TLey sera for-. oua praîtent felite tîc îborne sud terAp> eA oito .BNAu i.too-Our Men' aterprel.. for wandcd to the dehuilter office, Otawa, spacieus parloi affcni,-d ample roomt for We aieslling lots of pipas. and returned 10 vis witb a demaud for Ibis purpes .]1RESSMAKING.I swill o ew7ng Feit-lineci are said to be the »id ig sock ust n. Srti thi i;JnoThtponignht osuhome. Cuttinz aund iltingil ate9f, tyla. best Value in the market. cenat s i p ese Ifins l ceimpoSirî.ion fTl n tgueîaC h a a ulmr ao'a ram Iaid Aohrbgsokjxtbutea wiîi i Is pnuiuestyrces.s we e ssshtlageIan Il be.i f tLe tesson. ANNiE BauuAteni'(m. at Mn. J. N. 10el'o 1mi ne tye.enc'oied lu eut regolar hutine)s enralopa Theree sera nearli' t ,ro hLndncd costumes Elgin st.,, Iowmanville. 9i-,w W\e have received and op- rtd The low picea tell. ou the up2cn loI t hond corner of whicho h ebadtesetosfle h andGRAND CENTRAL. sas pniited "Fromt the Office cf tLe ou îLe les sud te rsrectan fille LeI ANTED.-ForSt. Paul's churcà, ened into stock recently sever- sdCanadian Stateaman, BowmauvilleOnt'. nemalwdn pcf îL er fno st mes g thoae y? Bosmanvilla, a'Diracton cf the Choir al cases of new" goodis from .9 PostruastEr Fainhairu wbsn askezd wh onpiefrfaccstmsw netn Orgarntst, sepaIel>' On both cern mmd. Good Apply te M. A. Le sent thc:ýe lettons tri Ottawa sainl if ý rs A. Mitchell, Miss BerSl Edsasl, Mn. Applications teho h sent te uuderaxgned.on onr at wt h ags n Gili bouses to rant. I Cri hfore Monda>' March 12.h. PETER MUuuauCIu, fcory ih telr s o - ;ty James. Lad piinted on tLe envalope CIanti Kent, Guy Bilkey. The barrl Cîerk of Sessionu. 10-IW STATESMAN, Ladies Journal sud cabtd for in 10 days nahumu te the CAN. race was ver' axciîu sd swo by'pt n Caaa Js. M ý ae PemurnBoo $.30 ADANSTAEsmNBowmaueillse,"' hay Mn. Gco. MeClian. lIteba bau guess- mWOGOO.D DWELLING flOUSES. No would Lave hein returnad te ne withouî îug coiet Mr. W. Jefl'ery sas success~ - wOue a brick, in the town of Bowman- Cready kC o's Donggl1a goodm- Great lag luri ovarcoatsata Mason'a fui sud îccured tLe pniza $5, guesaing tLe ville, te exehaumge for farm eDropety-sveut>'- larmsalane. enhebgrLaz osnbina sont te Ottawa on extra postage. 1 Bye o on e hundrefi mre farta prefrrod. For are favorabîy known to ou ý elenu ae S îebircutosi We "publittL tII information for theexact nuben lu îLe jar-1553. pantieulars apply te, M. A. JAMEaS, STATESMAN loiat pnicea lu tiroirneno adrt. benefit of the public. Isn't il a peculian r- . Office. 83 customers, every pair guarani Bla leetona of West Durhamu, vour volenelain huh BOYS FOR FARMER. T-T . reulaton, houg S.IEAP AUCTIONBERING. -James teed. t-- XT A.Kelly, of Newciatle, la prspared te de Mr. anker's fathar Bar tug aîecthtura and infliience are iuvited forW. . na- lust week. borue's choîce famaily grocentes, pro- John B. Hocpen, Port Hope, Las ne- visions, etc.Ir tived a change of venue and wll Le tried Ladieas wisbing thair bain trimured oret ai Montreai ou tLe change cf throwing singed Bhould eall on F. C. Petbhick who r hig sife ilto a liven nean Joliette. bas fittad np s very neat barber ahop op rv ~wu Mýethodists have decided to poite John Lyl'a nos store. cliaugie theit bouta of eburclu service Item Nos is youun ime te gai champ Phoos 10.30am. sud 6 30 p. m. te Il am.m. sud lu tLe lael sRtylo. Tbiuk of it,Cahiuais, 1%3u Tecaget ee iet fl nl figure ai $1.95,and Mikado'e at $110. Sunday lu Apnil. Pnices neyer before Leard of. Cail ai tLe Captain Sweeney, LU. S A., San Dingo, gallery, oppoite Benueît'a ibid snd sece Cal.,sasys: îîShiioL's Catairh Ramedy la theru. îLefirt mdicne hva venIeud iat LADiEs-Aak for fleok's Sofala PoliaL would do rue any good." Price 50 cents. fut fine boots sud aboos. Use 'no othen Sold by Stott & Jury. andi yeu sill ha satisfied wtL the nesuit. STATESMAN su ad Ladies Journal Ior 1894 For sale hi' M. Treleven, D. Davis, Jue. ouiy $1.15. MC'Murtry, sud T. G. Mason. Man If yen saut tha Ledat ewîug nacehine factuned hy A. J. llcok, Bonaanville. made, cli on Richard. Funs 1 Fnts ! FuRs 1I Ilaving hought Cmii con F. C. Pethick the barben,wtaen lmtgely sud the e sather se miid, the wanting aunyihing lu is lino, stock mai L e solti. I bave comuxunuced 9 AlI kindi of Fo r3 selliig off at cosi pnice giving 10 par cent discount tu ail cash ai Cooch, JoLuii & uvdenmis's. oa8toean, 80 comtealaoug andi bing yoen Noue ptte, chapýýrthan1-nyfriandis wltL yen. The stock is large aud1 Ntc gouete,t, fruitsap n thantm. A-One. M. 'MAYER, The Fondier.' 1 stoIlk cfgor e, nisaies t. People ceu nflud eut shere they eaui, Baborn . t hi tvalue fon their mooey, ibis ex-1 Sabe, 'criuî L-îat, B ve, B-ui p.uus why Mynd tLe jaeailer di Seai, NuIria o tpoeî s3l1os u scb a big trade 1aI iveek. Big 20 -iasi lng off aI actuil --a t Ctsmh. Johusýton j 'eho ielsbpu o-rmed s & Crydnmat'srwue. Mîynand d awîauiug a great narn j AIl eorsè le' -yul'h Mies Floreuce for Pelling %satcheg, jewelry, ilvensare, Mayer, ut i îFor Stuore, for flair rings, etc., very t-Leap. Ife bouglit Lis Goodas ili h o unuîly atud~te hy toib for 50c. on the dollar, Lance Leo t' Mns. A. DaViu. 7 4-, eau af'rd te suAI cheap aud. la dolng il Auyone-ccxl 1br-aia giiljtue. Cail. by ai n aiof hc' s)oucaitr'5 ud hpur- The ilird pageocf îLe Torouto Daily ehasng n" f hu tyllh tiuued atsMail i l tA 1f or "Waiil" adrtisenuont ai $1,25. Mis. Doncater. If veut w îit a situatton, a mecuanire, a Ani' person vii wishes ýo Loy auiy business, rmiuery, lotiginçs, if yoîî have article of fufor o caiprice slîould caii on lit<un fouîîd anyîhiug. Il yeunt tho M. M'ayer, thLe practical fumrier, Bowman- fuel ejut wleîc auy one la, advenutie lu vil.Be lu cieari.ig lus siutot stock at the Toroîî'o Daîly Mail suad read tLe blg neductcina. ader at-Ie nthe third jnge of iLs- A cdock tuitdoei net keep limta is no Dpet, 1i' The chuarga e la twcït% a Word. goo l a oue.You huiitaEIlt each o ettr nteui centd s word for' gt in ai& se -it- ul-d n irusrîiat,.Addrcoas Tht 3Mail,, To- doess work thonoughly, nn alter shalnuo, Canada. 11 yh, Watch, Clock or Jewellny te' . l, C. pievents Indigestion auu sheîîld pairsho lu ereri' homer. Childreri Ory for amy Lei suffening Inonr Dyîpepsia, 10 hean stîmmnimyto thu3 I cI tha I L avepaon eatiy benefil aih't y.hea use of K. D. C., rben chýer medicines prescriped ai re- caties afforded ve relief. (REV.) JOSEPU HROGG, Mliiler ùI St. Audrews Chnrch, Aug. 16, 1893. Winnipeg Man-. Frasrpie mailcd te suy atidreas. Kl. D. C. Co , Nw Glasgow, N. S., aud 127 Slaha St., Boston, Mass. tLeMîht-c Home, Belleille, abouît tLe Elrs,,week lu Apiit. They il L e brouAhtt ul Ly -Rýv Bo'ot, sud Mre. Wallaee sho will ha plie mei te gîre a.1I The ag-î s willi 1-n Ir. ru 7 tu 14, some for adoptiorn. lb-e .Iden ores for sages. Msny a hiomîe would Le Ibe bigLiar for eue cf tIL-eue youugiuîeri. 10-1w. the saie for nothiug, J. A. KELLY, Wt3lnd$Or Ilote], Newcastle. 8-12nOS. TOCK WkNTED.-Mr. W. R. R. kcawker la luthe maret to bu>' sto ne or fit Beef, Milch Cows, Young and fat Calves,Pu- Lambisud Poultr>'. AddreSu W. R. R. CAW KER, box 189,. Bowmpuvilie. or at hia reetulencE lt n , con. 1, nonSh of Caledonian NIilsa 3-If ILARM TO REM't.-125 acres hoini; IL'ots 22 auj 23, con. 1, Darliugton, wiII grolI buildings aujdmit nîcessar>' cunvenieneu w.u,-i oing ail donc sud lanud ready for cr00 eau maka lte oyour adrantagce te by rese ry o însLy . ral plowmeui-11-.À..., . C--, -R-".i uf mua if ye ili cali. Maynard the et LuCY CRYDERMAN, Bowmauiville, e,, icutors yeu lr.Ah an adjounneul meeting of tLe Pres o01b laie, W. CawuEaiiiÂN. 6 if We atlerpro. o t fi hut$ .0 ytey, le l u in W hiîboy ou Tuesday las' Westa eroof Boots -r uat $1,10e Céa- ut shich Rer R. D. Fraser, M. A., andi VALUABLE FPARII FOR Lsa Sha eu-cprea SusCeo r- .Mn. Jarm s BeLL sera proient frItemBew- NAL E ug SIe. on ayt.manvîlle. Rer. L, Pantin, B. A., cf Savonsl Lundreul overcî)asa oth miens Pickerinuz, accepted a cail te Georgewn Known ais 'Mayfield,"' containEn 150 acres and boys' will Le3 sacriîiced at Masonl's aud Limebusa, deciining one Iror Gira- holonging te theeastate of tLe laie Alexnder great clîsarno sala. Sacs sdrt. renhurtt Ariangemtflaiiera ruade Ion Thompson, in 2ad concesator,, oua mile norih. Sato hetvnof jep ity6acreson luhi h B'ack Mblitany Braids, Black Sarpon- ýa Missions-ny îus'ituhe iu co)nuecion witîacorporton ol eephtta'. ares inL a bLe lina Braids, Btack Silk Laces, Creani tLe next meeting of Presbyîery,, te Le atateof cultivation; good tances, large exten- lc sai idthsand pnicen utthe est hald utWhitby iu Apnil, at whiaL Bey s"ire buildings lu good repatr.good atone house. lacesaIl i îte aI4 acres of geooudbeaing orchatd of ail hindi of Bnd flouse. R. P. McKay, B. A., Sacnetary cf tLe boit of fruit, gardon of amail fruits sur- inee Co FoeignMision, wll b prsen. Around ed wtIL Vine and maple trous, Fortrms Se olearsbip lu a leading BusiesClFeiu ison, ilLepeut A and fu11 panticulana appi> te- loge for sale cbeap. Nos la yoor chance, commiltea cf Preabyteny sas appointed, PURVES TROU~PSON. boys, t get a ollegecourse or y, pplicaien of Ooocnrgtot nfl rmss boeytegep soly ag. courte for httle t OroOroKnoal, conreaîtnd cO on rilaeptemi'es.-3 money. Apply 10 M. Aewcastle, Kena ile tonv-rrii nu bib e. , S1 WVe haro gue îhrougb stock- taking sud eatewLavisen.aatiug c the field. The commildec cosisat of. accodin teont<imai usiru aveRav. J. Abrahamn, S. Il. Estman, M. F.ARM TO RENT. p'tceci out for sý! ellI remuants and otitiA., andiR. D. Fraser, witb Messra. Jas. ends of e-'yAiu. s the public kros Beih aud Davidi Ormaiston, M. A., Bld- wcalras ef i-.~ta igsariic.It ers The visita are ta ha made ou Match TUiE Jos, D. Tiîzrnx n', Esi1'A-L.- il w,,rî ytuur nli) teaie these. Wa '.Q nd 14. Loave sas grantoti te St. uua Lae jil botyo sat sd a hal auî'a churchB), wmanville, to ei thoin Owiug to tLe dealliofethe lau joseph D. the pruca yen sull ps-y in the egular -tvay. 1a popryo Lhry~Trelevin. Lis valus-hie tarin et Two flundned. John JÏ o. Manepsont n eryS. Acres. bemng compeSed ef lot 16. in the FPourth i ~ -Concession 0f tLe Townsbip et Darlington. ta We cs-1i apeciai attention ta the Stck. offéeod tlobe leaaed for tLe iorm oftoee >ear. takicý 'al n w gong n u CocIi a- hots! hots 1The farm ta penfeet>' prepared for crop th tukig tle os e img n a Ccub, ohn Phtos Phtosatt faIt pluugbing dons. lu Las smxty acres fu11 clou& Crdetacua lii sd kusu tat oughed; savauten acres of sod wLtcL cmii canr.iu'geltiIha ewly eeded. The fa M iet situated on he goods, buit hegý7ievory Ses-moni -k get tlbeoslpossiblevalue for heir money. Gravsl Ltoad belseen Bowmanville aud almeonztnerly NirSoc.Wle 1LyThît la ont cf the ressens why peuple go Hmtoabout thren miles north of Bos- advenue hue of gooJ. lýe Lr thf t aI e Inieit photo% Thoyae .aVile; bas a commodicuu farm Loune, ax- auy cellent farru building8, ta wateted b>' a living cheap l(yixey .ans, lie ay adîlo makin, tomne var:y pnehiy stylest nos. strearuaudLau firewood on the preruises. who go there exalme b gl trau nCil and sonthuu, ict rarnes ai.- ArPI>' ai once te W,*F, ALLEN, Esq.. or M. V., sun ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 4 ono s- eto i-u ~4ad ___ T nvE.,,Ecweanvfiîleûr tte ndensigned 01ek ouji g trn ýïhSolictor, ]owm %Avie. of Boots, or SWoes. à- The Clothing House-, PROPRIETOIý>. THE DOMÎIION 'Ilfual FireInUhft Association suies a genuuiii 'Blanket" P)II07 t)if'm RATECs lit Cdas 55 cents par ?100) 2nd .'75 *100 -Terni, 4 ycn.ns 3rd 90 ÏN J Most cf West Durham's promincut farnr- are unsured lu il, R. J. DOYLE, Esq., JESSE TRULL, Est Manager, 'Fri!den, Owen Sound, Bosmauvîlle,: NWIU caît on recelpt cf Potl card. .A gonI fer West Durhamu, 1 .A, W. FOLEY, Box 118. FARM FOR SALE.-A finit dais Is-mu of 125 acres or 115 acres situated lunîe'àý township of Eait Whttby lit con, ltls 15 san,. 163 on tLe Base LUna, about 1i miles froïn Usha' wa station. 2 miles froua Wbithy auj d0God- from îLe chool Lonse. Lange rooru>' building-, main barn 95x36 ft, plant>' of frtuýit sou claý Icare, attogthet eueetf Le bosS graiu fezime onÏÈLeLane Shore. NobIs on atones, Âbrou, 10 acres ot wood. 75 acres lai paiture a1, ndfrsî seeded. Terme easy. Finît plowtng joue.c For furthot partienlarSs ppi'ly u A. ACr Oshawa. 3-f -"AR.M FOR SA'LE onle et- ls -V' dm55 farr CE0f 10 acres. beiolot Gl221co 6, Clarke, near Ktrby,. Good brick bLouse stt firt-clasi outbu!tdiug5 ,iwith atciE onebosê&ac' caille stables. Foot eactsf orchard. PIowxnîg 'à elu done. FNcn, on tho premieu, 1 ilext pur

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