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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Mar 1894, p. 2

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Y,. Hannnerly, a well-known business mnan of Hîilisboro, Va., semis tliis testiîonly to tllemente o!Ayer's Sarsapar-lila: ZSevral years aigo, 1 hurt Iny leg, the Ifjury leaving asorewiichledtoerysipelits. 3M sufferings mero extreme, eny leg, I rom the knee te the ankie, beiug a so i sure, whicli began to ex- 1n ooiir rta o!the bodly. .Mtertryhig various rerneles, 1 began taiing Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and, before 1 ladflni shed the' iirst 1 otI le, 1 experiencedgea relief; tha Le.ond bottie effected a comlte cure."l ýrcpared by Dr. J. . Ayer & Co,, LowolI, Mas. Fromifent Feopie- The cottoîlen ni Lord Lorue's houqehold lu Canada was Colonel, uow Sir Fredeî-ick, De Winton, Sir Frederick 'was to have taken charge nif the Doke ni Clareuce's household ; but, ou the death ni the Duke ho was trauafenred to Prince George, whoee affaitse u 0W manages. The Knigbt bas tak- ou a deep interest lu Ainican affaîrs and bas been counected witb tho Congo country, It willl ho berned wiCb regret hat bis soit Feu wick ecetly diedilu Aiica. Fenwick was ian frnm civîlîzation, sud hero were n whites near hlm when the fatal foyer seized hlm, Norman Muro, the millisouaire publisher who bas juat died lu New York, *as a Canadiso. Ho was hotu lu Milllhnook, Picton coonty, Nova Scotia, yoans ago, sud wassChe son ni a Nova Scotia farmer, sud when hoe wenC to New York, lu 1864, hoe possessed ouby a few buudi-ed dollars. AfCer gettiug-employed lu s pub. lishing office hoe saved enougb mouey to stant blînseli in a amaîl way as the poblisher.. oh a weekmy family paper, wbich soon bed came a mine nf weath to him. He uwnes fast stesm yachts sud isat horses, sud ie said ta have been worth fro three Co Ove millions ni dollars. Norman Muni-n bas a brother George who le siso s mllionsir. publîsher. George passed through expenien oea'similsr to Chose ni Norman. Ho bas nover forgotten bis native land. Five ch aire at Dahousie Colege, Haliax, were endowed hy hlm, andiru addition ho bas * given$4,000 to Che samne coliege for exhi- bitions sud bunsanies. T be longzsud happy l'dedLie of Gen. Lcw Wallace is, it ems, fouinded opon a pretty roma!nce. Hefiews but nineteon yesrs OHd wben serviug bis cotntrynl the- Mei anwr. A comrade alked m nucof n a eranSusan ElaCon, wbý iivdlu ie homne town, Crswfordav ible, Iud., sud lyong Lieut. 'Wallace Lu conacqoonce became en morei ni a girl whom hee bad nover seen. As, soon as holie t Mexico hoe journeyed to Crawinrdsviile, made Misa Elston's ac- qusintauce, sud hree yesns laCer they weî-e iarried. Mrs. Walace is described as sligbt and ni medium beight, wl h regular features sud beautif ul hrown I air, wblch la nnw tiuged with gray. She bas U ou aliliber life sn omuivor nus roader, sud at ber bes 't la a witty sud billiaut couvrsationalist. Dr. Woîined Nelson,iormerly ni Mouti-eaî, but uow ni ni New York, bas been made s memben ni Che noyai Geographicai Society ni London. He comea oi s medical iamily, en membeis having bean graduated in son geny sud modicine.Hise a sonu ni thelare Dr. Horace N'elson, of Montreal, s grandeun oi the laCe Dr. Wolirod Nemaon, s former Mayor ni hat city and Membset ni Parlia. mieut. Among the EuglisbisamiliesinuCanada, the Nelson iamii lanue ni the oldest. Its inoinder was William Nelsouni Newsham, Yoîksbîre, Eugîsud. Iu 1781 hoe seitied lu the Royal Boroubh of Wiliam kieuty, to- day Sonel. Hila father, George Neison,was an officer lu the royal navy sud s cousin ni Lord Nelson. The Heads,cousîna byblnod, iuî-nished Caniada wiCh Cwo Governons- General, 'Sit Edruuud Head ýndS'it Fraudas Bond Head. The new F. R.G. S. left Can- ada in 1879 owinig to ill-bealth, sud spent anmte yeane lu Mexico sud at Panama. Ho settied in New York lu 1890. PILES!T PILES!1 îTOHTNG PILES. STMITnMi-Morture; intense tohîng sud stîuging; moat at night; worte by scratcbing. If abiowod to oe)ntinue tom- ons forai, whioh niten bleed sud nbcerase, bocoming very sore. SWAYNE'S OINT- MENT stops the itcbing sud bleedinz, beais usceratinu, sud lu moat cases removes the tumors. At druggists, on by mail, for 50 centa. Dr. Swayne & Scu, Philadel phia. Lyman Sous & Co., Moutreàl, Whobeaale Agents. Perala is about CIe nnly country, wlene the telegrspb is-not yet at home. Senator Botaford ni New Brunswick, tIe ebdet man lu CIe Upper flouse, is ill, sud la not expectel Co live.. Mn. Botsford was hotu lu 1304, sud is thereinre ninty yoatî of age. Ho enteresi poitics lu 1838, sud bas hus biad fiity-aix yeara ni public lifo. Iu Ils advauiced age ho e s amoat forgotten, but hoe bas occupied important positions, sud bias done some gond hinga. Wheu Lord Durbaus thiought oi Confederation ho sent nIl tCloe way to New Brunswick for Mr. Bots- ford, sud hat gentleman ruade s winter joenney to Qoebec Co discuse the matter. Whieîîlhe snived Lord Durham neceîved hlm well, but told himbe lbad boon recslied. Mn. Borsiord fought fintbe opening ni CIte sessionns niCIe New Brunswick Legisîstive Council to CIe public, aiïd succeeded ln abnisbing CIe systous of secnocy hat had iitbentn ben observed. When Baby was tCk, we gave hon Castoria. Wlen so waes C ,ld, l ci-tfot C'aatria. Wheiî ae le~~-eurMs heu g tu Castui. WIe ao lC . rui oe sc gretii.~ t1sin1 GULD IININQ Oi 11E -s--s-n 14-1W- s--rW--wmm~-- LAIRD Ur 1 lin Au Important Industiry veboped. fi umic431 Now Boing De. Somfe Trube Ith Itefraetory ore Wivhieh For oven twenty yeans it lias, been the opinion ni mauy who migbt 1ho couidered compétent judgea, hat the rocks ou Che islands sud mainbaud anound tbo Lake ni the Wnods contaîued numeonu arifencua veina, which Cho prospocton, the miuer sud théecapitalist would lu time devolop loto a number ni profitable gold mines. We say fon over Cwenty yesrs, fon explorons sund prospectons bad picked up, as earmy as 1872, pieces nf rock cnntainiog proportions ni froc gold visible Co Che uaked oye, sud in a iew instances smaîl nuggets, bedded in the rock, bave been picked up. It seoms that aIl over tho wormd, a gobd pnnducing région wheu it is flrst discover- ed la aune ta ho in more or bss of au inac- cessible localfty, sud the Lake ni the Woods gold region was n exception ta the noIe. Up totheyear 1S81, uorlwaycom- munloation from the CEN4TRES 0F IVILIZATION reached the shores ni the Lake ni the Woods, frnm either the flanadian or the United States ide, altbough frcm 187.5, steamboats froînthe northwest angleono the United States ide made Crips over a large portion ni the navigable portion ni the lake. These boats were, however, ou- gaged ilu bn-benuor nrl the construction ni the Canadian Pacifie Rsilway, sudn min- ing effort was ion many yacars made, backed by sufficiont resourcos ta emiploy aream navigation lu counection therewith. The visiter Co the lake, if hoe will ouly view lu passing here by rail the terrible cuistbrough rccok, dumpa over ammot bot- tretis vr gorges, chasmad deep va.ileys sud tunnels thruugh hiis impossible ta 1)0 climbed by the locnmotivo, will1 have saime ides ni how tnuly inaccessibbe. the Lake ni the Woods waa, bofone millions wore expeuded lu successiulîy openiug op the country by raiiway construction. Belote the adveutonithe itoubonse, the ouly at- enptsi at opening op the gobd beariug reaorcea ni the lake were made by the miniog prospecton witb hia pick, bis canne or hoast, sud if hoe could afford ît, his Indian guide. The perseverance o niof i hose oarby prospectons, sud the labor sud priva- tlous that febi ta their lot lu their loneby wandetings, fierulah records oni-1domitable courage, will power sud endurance, which wil compare tavorably with those nf the fret oxplonersansd pinneers ni the eanly, part ni the eightecutlr century. It was nt, theiýefore, util the Canadian Pacifie Rail- way construction ueaied the shores ni the lake lu 1880 that sny effort heyond hat made by the iouely prospecter was possible, sud nlot untib regniar communication was npenod lu 1881, dlid the usuai swsrm ni goid butons enter the ake country, sud com- mence their wanderings sud search along its shores, sud amoug its islauda. It mightrneaseuably ho expected, hat -witb nallway communication ilo t heheant ni the gnbd bearing district ni the Lake ni the Woods, miuing prognees wouid have M OADE RAPID STRIDFS during ChLe past decade, 1But pebOpio who wer esguino uipon Cthia poi nt gwerE dom ed Io deponmn. A combiloaLtion of cirumaaucs oletusîy locedany rosi pmnogres, and lunli anbout tînee augo tise ou1lY iea ni anly iiuig imovo- menit arcund the lake wse tie preesenco lu nmbens ni Ct!IperýrnUage, tlie succesoiul maiing prospeconr, wbo la even tadcy Co open the doonway Co millions to the capita- luer wiCh a iew tbousand dollars,' sýud open the doon on the gnound flour ton. It wouîd be harsb as weli as uinjost tn rate ail mou ni the aubove class as frauda on, echemiug loafene, ior mauy ni them bad expended hir nsounces sud earuiugs ion aeveral years in heir search for gobd, ase weli as hsving on- dured mucb bardabip sud priv-ation iu hir wandenings. Beelides, not a iew ni thém bad diacovered sud located gold heaning clsims, wbich the expenueuces ni Che pat thrèeeyeane have sabnu o ho veny valuabie propeties. Even these adveutur- oua spirits, irnespousible as hoy were lu many instances, wore made, sloug witb outsidera nf a spoculativo inclination, dupes ni s lot ni unprincipled specuistora, mosrly imom the ciry ni Winnipog, sud neariy al itom hat freebooter gang who figuned prominently un the gnear Maiiîtoba rosI estate boomi, wbich coliaped lu the hegin- ning ni 18S2. Nat a few of hose and unprincipled gambiens were members ni Provincial or Dominion Parliamenra, sud a tamabi numben wone, the COdle of Honorable, a titie wblch bas been an disgrsced sud ho. sggbed by maoy Canadiau politiciana durlur the paat twenty yeara hat a acrub pig, lu a pouud for depredatiug, miight ho aahamed to woar' it. Companies were cbartered aud stocka sold by nrganizationa L-ir.aAM£L-L who nwn Cie mine. Some ,ji Che nem)ber, ni Chie syndicate are vetonan gold miuena, who bave lad experienco u alion na MouCana sud Color-ado, sud c)nse queutly work at the Gold Hillh1bas beeni pused sog wiCh intelligence sud vigor, and laC- tenly with profitable tesoît., At prïesent an sddltiousl outffit onirmachiuery le being added to hat alresdy locsted at Chie mine, sud in a iew weeke work wi'il ho pushed witb even greator vigor Clan lu Choe past., The propnietors are uow satisfied hat they have a largo veluni ofoe, whlch is flot ne- fnscCry, but cao be leasily sud cheapiy milled. A number ni other mines coubd ho"lu. stanced, at which thoneande i ollashave been expeuded lu devoiopmeut, sund where payiug nesulte have been rescbed-'. The two above named are aufficient, however, as tbey demoutrate clearly CIsC gold min- ing lu mauy ni the locations in tibe Lake ni the Woods can hoe made profltabme lu sny instance, wben the exponditune sud work ia directed with intelligence sud Ea.kuow. iedge ni miniog. - 1 The trouble with the gobd besriug rocks oi the lako bas not boen Chat theyr diýd not contain a largeo noogh proportion ni the, precios metal, but hat the poee iex- tracting t inom Che rock lias heen an: fat a matten ni experimeut only lu many instaý,n ces. Most ni the une is undoubtedly 'reînactony, sud caunot ho treateed lu the priitivei methodesocommon eve1 n sonoginues who srelack ing ecientiflu knowled go. Ail ten le not nersctory how-ever ndhundrede ni tons ni bigh grade, froc mnillruig or-e bave been taken fnom on the lakeo. StCi, uiigwilu.110,C îo wvith CIe napidir'y t ounght to d iap Ž ntil a eylange inumber ni te goldbaig veina are hban.dlid sudstudlied lua piatia ï-ud1eieutific mannlet, lu ordor to icoe the moa-ýt eoconomical metor n hir wonk.- iug. There la no roubeabout seuning s high and an honeet aseay ni ore fiom scores of locations, but the study ni econemny in the tneatmeut la the vital point. Thiat somns chosp lreating the reinac- tory ores, Co ho oud bsuch abutnCanue around the lake, wil ho discovered in the very near future, le a matten beyoud doubt. Once hat method re diacovered scor-es ni locations uow lyiog 1dle will b h ,o wked, sud miuing as su rndustny will beoo-e onue of the gros t powers lu buildinig up the Lake nfithe Woonde couutry.- There le n tesson wby tio 1 miuiug ou the Lake of thse Wondls ahould not, within a very iew yesa,3 assume large proportions. Thle day ni rsscally apoculatinu and franduient etock peddlling ispast. The day of nucertainty as to titles Co locations ie alan past sudl gone. The day wheu trouible with the retmienit ni nefractory ores will ho over canuot ho i an distant, sud once hat la reacbed, iG ouly noquires capital, sud net in huge auca-uua, Clone eithen, to set scores ni mines at work- nearly al ni which wili,.rove ýsources nif weabth to Chir onurs, and will gi.,-e cm- pînymont Co thoueauds ni indristnionilsv ork- mon aIl ovar the lake. JAOK THE RlIPPER I-N AV A3YL-Ifl --i OANJuDTÀN SUGIiR CAMP. ,spout, made ni dean mapie, heech, Clu or galvauized m ion, sud fitted with s langer, ofoiholdling the hucket, la driven finiy into CIe boble made-by the bit ; a buket ni wood or Cin is buug upon the spout, and Che ap. ping pnocesp s, la fiied. Oniy onue bobois bored lu youug trees, but I have seen a many as half ia dozen buokets, witb Cwn spouts each, bung te maples ni largo aize. If the buket fIlls wltb ssp lu a, day the i-un lsa a gond one, althonugh twice C hia h0500cr oy sucu mou, ru mines wuîco exier- --amoneuta soîten ouuaiueu n oxcopruoually ed ouiy iu the prospecter'% location, sud a A Lond4on »tecttves Story. favorable sap daya. Chtie to whicb could tnt ho nhtaiued, even I bave watched the moveuts of Cias A bairloifn gond Sap wiil make s galio a gif a vaiid dlaim weno imado, sud in anme man for Clîncu yoasansd frein the evileuce of ayrup or eiglit pounda of Sugar. Airer instances hose companies bad unnorgît to 10 mny possession I bopo ro hoc ableo Cobring bing reduced Co syrup iu the evaporatr, -auy-itie to CIe dlaims Chey preteuded te homo te hlm Che changea niChe WVhitechanpei the pnodoct is allowed to cool sud SeuCle, on. As migît ho expected, sudh compan. atrncitios." 'do apoke an luapecýtor ni Che mnre ni-boss ni impurities beiug pnecipitated les, orgauîzed wîth oine view, nameby, ael- Metropobîtan Police tu s London newepaper by Standing. iug hit stock Co dupes, anon weur to piecea nepnesotativo. A tbeony waSeai iae THE SYROF eand wsrmn uhato w h pco st ak8 me ivoirad1-t among theîr dupes msny a ponter and a atory an cincumstantialiy Cnid by CIe la uow neady for puttiog loto cana for sale, rmeans of proveuting capital frona unming Briefly told, bis investigations are as fo!lie- z oti s en n aln h TO A DMNN-DvLPET lowa:-"lit waa wbile I was on duty," aaidpropon consieteucy ni eyrop le generaily audmau mo nistaiossudanm meuathe inspecter, "lu the vicinîtv ni WhiCte- concedled to hoebeven poueda to Che galion godt Ch nghly disgusad wih te man chapeb, hat I beoame aqu- suwih iead Chia degnee ni denaity îs reached at gotthoouhlydisgutedwih, heLake urguo o me taquaiued th the c3219 0 Fahrenheit. if wauted for augar, ni the Woods miuing, sud withdrew from nd utrage utonewoeniChtybaffLodon . poli e biigi otnê ni h hr -e fed a1ýogether, altbogste sdsdsoce h esblt Loudn te hiigl ntne ui b bro the ield-glitheyliadbecame a detective lu more Clan I e ordi- m tet ludicates282 n for pasu aga,or238c shùwu quite a littie intereet sud, wOtO nar.yseuse. Dates, cduos,saeggestions,aud i fince, ail-the tai o droatCm pared Co uvest considenabie measarire stheories Ieagorly devourefi. My petiuaci t e rsirelbikyfr hr ie 1 development.. a rwred fetaCmeIec ae nd then poured ruto Cru pais or cake 1 There ate a> score or more of locations evidreuce lumy udgenta. amle 1sC ay mobds, as the case may ho, tn bai-don. Pail ou wbuclsiuvestmeuts ni from sa few liou. beloe eSctadYrdsnoite. agan retains its flavor bettor and dos not dred Co s few score tosn fdlar Lt dolndYr uhýi;e4 ean ar n lltasck ua os havo been expendod in thousdirciniofdimatahave lu my possession now,and bave airoadÏy Ibeusetard sud flinyascake auigar dos.s thedirctin o dee-suhmitted it for inspection Co theo1-'cotIand OauirqieS uhbiig ot opueut. Iu the Lake ni the Wnods, asein Yard authonities, the kulfe with ih h baIs han Che latter, and le, mucb nicer inn othen miniog coontries, ail tise wotk doue sîsl odeavor Co prove the Whitechapei biouseb)old use. Cdke augar lsua on ny bas nt boen wiseîy ditected, sud Sanme mordora woto cormmtted. The Scoi,land whlen firaC made, as iC not 0111Y osesîits fine are realizing C1hit they have speut hir Yr1ubrtesbloel ysoyC heflavor-, but benUses shnnat as bard as rock tmouey lu vain. On Che ntbor baud, some YarxCe o rihtiCey have inbowed my e bons tiseif aiten standing a few weeks. bave oxpended mýoncy sud woi-k wiseby, fr, h Ifrmton I bave eopplied. I do Pîe aywt h osu u I -and as a nesuit 1bave boguu e toroap a gonduihwvei-u ataid îh ht tTeqaiity ni the article ; gond paîlsocLian eing, roture. mania inicanueratedin, ususlly worth fforn eCou C tweive couts, and Among the mines ni the Lakeofo the sud bas been thero coutinuousîy iroinaCIe cu niocakes froin founteen to eigbteeu cents Woods where intelligent inivestment and date oi the îast Whitechapel mi-do n lupur pound lu CIe borne mai-kets, witl synup1 -work bave beon most lrbenslly èxpeuded le my possession I hoU Cthe kuie, oh Chinsiee iom aeventy-five cents toeosto dollar per -the Sultans Mine, located about nine on manufacture, with whtch CIe \Whitechapel gallon, with sometimos bower pnices ion off Cou miles anuthesat ni Rat Pnrtage. Mr- crimes wene perpetrated. 1 at t-ho s me grades. The amount ni sugar hat s sing-ie J. F. Caid seilla ise sole proprietor ni ime can disclose Chie movemeuta of Che r00 producos lu onue eaaou la about t hree Chie mine, sud ince lho commenced, irbom am nprepared Ce namo, dLriiLn sud onue-bal pounds for the sCins loe, e as ibetl, sd utthCe intenvaîs îbetwoen CIe merdeLraý. 1 j AVEILAGE SUGAR OUCRiARt. consubting any outsider, pushod fnrwsrd ableî to trace hissa o Che asylum a stor tIe Tappîug CIe r00 d'oosnt impair its vitslity the wonk ni devobopmeoC. Being a praciti. aset crime, sud slthougb bo lenw alan- Cu auy appreciable diegree, and the b3obs cal chemiat by profession, le lbas carefully dudC naiy obsytrmmrneuulycoewr I rwhn I rcl studied ont difleront methods ci tneatrug ni tIe past, sud ,lail his conversatiïons sud abouit Cbnee yesrsý. The miaple ree0ofite,, CIe ore laken irnm CIe mine, sud lbas nnw confessions tire rlsting Co Che EaCEn ivos Co ho upwarda ofionue hundrodl yeara resched very satisfactnty resuIts. fHe bas bn-os IlIw s ha tath ii't nied, lte Wood îsexceediuely bard, mdis val- taken out houCho.All1 ýîoa, SEVRA. 0 TNS may'ho moved Ca interest themsoIvea lu mny ieed uIext Co coal asicuel. SEVFAL IUNRED9OF ONS investigations, su har my story may be c The pure produt of the mapie is bard te ofore, a largo portionuni which hoe bas eltiien coufirmed on nef uted. find lu the city markets, as jobbens adult- ____________________________________ I erate botb suigar sud syrup with glucose sudl cane sIiggr loutil tbecxpuu ol not1er on:e by asny OnIdpionoor. The sgnsao comous at s time whee the fa'rmen coulil nt prnfltably employ bis tCime othlerise n aken allinaîl the sugar iudustry is qutremunnrative. THfl GEEATEST OfI>ENAL QOL- mr1lled right ou tse grouind, audI extracted th old tbeneiromn, Yhiýh bas beenci hjpedI frmtinte-t ot-vhet--cw Yr Afcert the work nf noucoosrIatI'I ie hoas Mshippod quantities ni bis onreto centres iiin Aeica and Europe, where it could hoý more cane- fully treated than ho coobd with biis sap ing miii. -u this, and in oubon watys, ho gradually discovered wbat hoe tboughit the bestprocess for totigthe ore nf the Sul- tana Mine, and declded uron the Cyatnide procesHo bas accordingly secued a% ful ouitfit for treatiug by that poessdwltb bis former miii ho carnies ou the work of cincetrating andi proparing fo-.r Éli, Cyan- ide treatment. sÀt the Sultana, Mn. Caldwell bias suuk twn shafts and followed three driits, and in ail five places ho bas sitruck ps'y rock iu abondance. Work is going on steadily at the mine, sud witb resolte of the most satisiactory chaîracter. Mîr. Caldwell did not state, nor were we inquisitivù to ask, the proluet in gold of the mine for any given time, but we leanned that hoe had taken ont qnite a few tbousaud dollars worth ; that the mine was flow payitug hlm lilsenally ou althe fends bh bad nvested therein ; and that it was flot for sale as it was now down to the position ni -a paying industry, and as he was stili compara.tively a young man, aud hsd n deaire to retire irom business, ho foît as much 'it homo at the head ni a miniug industry as at the head ni a business lu sny other flold. - Altogether Mr. Caldwell bas donie more at the Sâlitana mine for the ros ea ýeop- mont of gold miniug ou the Lake ni the Woods than any other man engaged therein, aud it is satisfactony to kuow -vthat bis efforts are proviog profitable. At the Gold 1Hll mine, anme sixtýeen to oigbteen miles southeast ni Rat Portager mining operatioris of an extensive chiaracte, abaveen carried on during the pasLt two years, under the management ni Colonol Burdette, onueni a syndicate ni MINNEAPOLIS OAPITALISTS, Some iutereating experimeuta have heen made lu France by M. Dimitre lu doter- miniug tire effectof nibghtnig onu different trees. Specimnens ni living wood ni equai dimensions wene aubjocted lu the direction oi tbeir fibres Co a spark irom s fIoltz electrical machine. Oak wss fouiîd ru ho easrly penettated hy the cuntent, wbile blsck popiar, wrllow, sud especi îly beach, wore more rosiatîng. I l ah Chse cases Che beant wood was the least conductive, sud behaved mke laburuum. ., The observations made agroe lu a genal way with atatiatice ni iigbCuiug atnnkes lu Europe, Thus, lu Che inresta ni Lippe, frnm, 1879 Co 1885, sud lu 1890, Chere wene 159 oaks, fiity-uine pines, tweuty-oue beeches sud tweuty-one othon kinde ni reos atnuck. M. Dimitre's investigations establisb the faut Chat the statchy tree, poon in nil, sucb as nak, poplar,. wiilow, maple, ebm sud aab, offer much lees resist- suce Co rIe spank Chan heeches, Waîuut, hîrcbes sud limes, which are Il fat" troos. One brauch ni Che experimeut affonded a siegulan.confirmation ni the wîsdom ni Che recent introduction ni nil as an ineulator lu certain depatmètotson electrical work, It ra ehowu Chat pines, wlhicbs cuntain s gond deal ni nil lu Winter, but have'littIe nil in Sommer, are muh moto noistîug lu onue aeaaou than in Che otber. Iu Sommer- ime the wond le as eaaiy pierced by the apak ase oakwnod, and lu WiuCer as diffi- cuit to penetrate as hoecbwcod. \Vlseu the cil of beecîr sud wslnut. wood la e xtracted hy ethon,Cthe sparkgoos tbnough éasily, The dead wood of stsrcby trees la mono easîby piercesi han the living woa iact which militates agarnat the common ides Chat sap couducta Che diecharge. The bark sud fluage of Ci-eas are, sccording to M. Dimitre, had conuctons. IRe Employed 60, 000 Men. Ceneral Ivaitxeff, ni the Rusisu anmy, wbo died receutly, bas bifttCohie loirs, lu addition to otber prnpenty, tweuty -ulne ines, fiteeof nitIem ni great imaportance sud affnrding i mploymient to more Clan The oldeat coin lu CIe worbd ilanau Egean pioce ni the year 7600 .c. TIc rocent elections lu Brazil give Pne- ident Peixoto a majoity lu the uexft Con-E grese. IE ail the peuple o'f CIe Ufi§ited Statest were pilcod lu Kanss, California sud Ne--1 braskLt, Chose States would nt ho so thicklyf sett Ledase Euglaud le uow. When Iptogneeaing" Cbnough CIe atreets1 ,,o perinrm anme coi-emouy the Prince oh Wales akes off bis bat tweive imes on au average s minute, hat la, CIe almioat lu- credible numbon ni seven hundned Cmens hour. The Prince requires a 00W hnim ,to bis bat every fornight. MTAPLE SUd-Ali.MÂKING. vapora-tiof nithe s opniZhorock or ï4ugar maplo for P uýýaas au article D. ractýisedbydeni. zens oi the north t1mperate 7000 y from Cime im. memorial. The North American ludian, long be- _fore the discovery of n the continent by Europeana, F acked the maplo with bis Stone hatchet,sud guid- - " ';ed the trickling Sap lu Spouts ni bark into a sort nfrudotank made eî rm alogho]iow- out by fine sund scraped with sharp Stones. By puttiug heated Stones inito bis tank ni sap, the Judîsu was enabled to pro. douce a substance which was undoubtedly nectarta the benigbted savago, but which would soem like tar wlîen compared. witb the amber-colored syrup frnone of our modemn sap evaporatore., The Euro peas brought with thema ketties nfiriou sud brass, aud lu Chose thoy sbowly and wîth infinite waste ni labor suad fuel, reducefi the maplo sap to molasses sud sugar. Irau oketties wone used for ovon fifty years, wbon Cbey wero auporseded by largo, shlîalow rectangul,,r panis ni shoot itou, whicl were set lu arches nfbrickonstonesndgav twon- 1dorfuI imputus to the sugar-makiug indus- try. Scon ai tonthe pan came the "heater" a sont oni boiler made oi Clu, with flues Cbrough tie lowen part, Chnpugh whicb the fine was made to pass ou its way ta the, chimuey. By this anrangemeut à Stream ni cold sapwsconiiually runnrng into the boston inn 'n the store tubs, sud a cor- responding Stream ni hoiling bot sap flow- iug inom the heater into the pan ; thus the boiling ni the sap lu the pan wss net retard. ,ed by- the turning iu of cold ssp. By the pan sud boston proceas a mnst excelîkut prodout was nbtaruod, snd MANY SUTGAR MAKERS still make use ni appanatus nf this kind but the stliimore modern sap ovaporator bas iound its tvsy iuta nearly every large sugan onchard lu theonutry. Theevapon. ator is made ni Clu, copper, or galvanizod irons, aud leSo80cou stnucted Chat Che sap flows ru at one end anuJ, by means ni parti- tion, oxtendiug noarly acnosthe psu, is mado te Cake a zigzag course to the othen end, wbene it is dnawu off as syrup. The sap lu the pan la kept sbalinw-abnut ne- hall loch ini depth-aud ovaponatos veny rapidly. Rapidityni evaponatinis greatly ta ho desi red, nt ouly on the score ni econ- nmy ni ime, but because the sonner sap is couvented into synop aiter it rues iromn the treo Che lighter w'll ho Che colon sud the fluer the fla.von of the syrup and sugar. Tho easof niaplê sugar making is lu the esnly sprnug, npeu;iug ususily about M arch lOtb, sud continuing tbreeor four sweeks, according to tihe woathen. Sap will non only wbeu the Cemperature is at l'east thiirty-two degrees F., sud stops flowing as son as irost is ont ni Che gnouind, or direct. ly ai ton the suow is gono. As soon as the weat -her is favorable the maý1ples are Cappecd by honing the stems with a emaîl bit -uautally 1sli.iuch-bt1 nuole sud onie-halfinlchesdeop, ,sud from one to tbroee feet aboýfve tile grouod. Trees are i lot Capped util Chiey arýe about one foot lu diameter, Aiten tappiug, a Football and the Faculty. Mtsa. Iayseed ' l 'us airaid John i jis be- having in cologe.", Farmer'H.: "Why an, motIon ?" Mrs. H. "Inu laIst btter ho aaid ho wae at the head oi bis clasa, sud to-day ie writes lhe'a bali-back !" W~or Over li'tlfty Years Mu.S. INSLOW s SooTrHiNu YRhas boen uged by millions o! mothers for thieirchblidren while teethiog. I-idisturb- ed at nightst spd b-roken ni jour reat by a siick child siuffeniiog4sund cy withl pain nCuttiog Taeeth tend at once aud gta bott'e ni "Mls Winsow'a Soothing Syrup)" for CiÂlîdreniebng It will rejiev7e the pour IiCCIo auffuner iînediate- ly. Dqapend oon t, mothers,Chere is u mistake about it. It cure-s Diarrhoes, regulates the Stomadh sud Bo4welsý, cua1ý, 14 Wikid Col, soiteus the Gumasud 'j duCes I nibammasain, sud gives toue aud. energy -to the whoio systeus. ")Mna, Wlushow's Snotbing Syrup" for obil(in teetbing is pleasauttCo Che aste sud i the prescription onionue nithe nîdeat sund beat feussie plysicians snd nurses inuChe -Unit- cd States. Pnico Cwenty-ive c ps a boCle. Soid by al] druggoiata thý'OvIC1ut CIe wonld. Ba sure to as-kfo*"Mi. WINSLOW Soo01TTtNO S YBur."22-17- Teachr-" 'WVhen doos CIe vwsnten soasos.c begiu'i" Obaerving. boy--<'is genc;eslly be< gifle about epninu." Wlre tire Crlssinale cf British laidin are Sent. A few woeks3 ago s cnnvîct'at Port Blair, lu the Andaman Islands, ruehed opon Col, Horeford with an axe, et off two flugers ni bis toit baud, aud wounded hlm in the bead hefore ho could ho disarmed. Col Horsiord, Jwho le the Chief Commisaroner ni the is- lands, ba&sielce been reponted as out of danger. Portelar- housand conviets are living at Pr liwhicb is probabiy the latgost poual aette ment lu Che world. The Anda. man Islandds are in Che Bay ni Bengai, sud to lPont Blair la sent the refuse ni 260,000,. 000 people. The wonst criminabs of British Iodla sud Burma, if tbey incor long sen- tences ni impriienument, are sont Co Port Blair., Over 8,000 ni Chera are sonviug life sentences. THE ATTACK. upon the chief officiab ni the islauda la abb the mono notowotthy because, since the settlement oi Pont Bbair waa stanted in 1857, 'wiCb Che mutnus Sepoys as the flnst colon- iste, Chene have been nnly twn mordetoos assaults ou Eunopease y convicts ; sud yet ta goard Chie anmy ni evildoors ooly one compsny ni British iniantry sud sevenal buuidred Puujab police are empioyed,a very said fonce when it le connidered Chat thete are n prison wsbls, sud Chat the convict barracks are scattered ail over the settle- meut, wbich is severai miles square. The bond ted or more boats sud cannes required ion the wotk ni the settlemeut are fan more carefully guarded Chan the pris- onons themeelves, Thiero is n chance, ta escape, except by capturing Chose býats. Even thun Chenu would ho littbe hope ni ineedom, for the Andamans are iar fnom land sud lie lu a negion ni Composts. The onby reloge is the foreat, whene nenaw.-ys ste sure Co die of atarvation, if tbey are net shot by the natives. The suthorities Cherefone, have su little iesr ni any a ttomp ta escape hat as msuy as 500 of the cou vioCs are oiten sont Cou miles away witb nut suy guards exccpt Chir own officers. Even in Chie iaoated place a remankable incidentcoccurs now sud Chou Co vsry CheJ monotouy ni incessant toad makiug and inneet Ielling. Neatly elevon years ago gounda weno beard like the fitilig ni big sons, sud it was tbougbt a wsn sbip bad gone ashono on South Andaman. The sta- tion steamer was eent Co carry relef ta the crew, but no wneck wass oud. T-W noises came fromn Krakatoa, 1,500 miles away,i whene the most TREMEINDOUS VOLCANIC DrS5TURf ANUE e ni modemn imes wasa luprognesa. Years aga the ship Runnymede saiied fr-om Ans- taiia sud Che ahip Biton innm, Englsnd, each haviug on board a battalion ni the ELigltieth Foot. The tegimoat wass C be reunitod at Rangoon. One dark night s terrible storm caught hoth veseels near the Audamans, sud a gtoat wsve cstried Chem bîgh ou Che shore. Next moru- ing, the regiment, wlthout a man miesiug, was reuuite-d on the island. The battalions had trsvelled around the wonld tao meet, aud a stranger mieeting nover ncconned. The emii orsin n hia poual coiou1y isý s remsrkab'le aystem nifrewsrds sud peun- iahmieuts. Inývaribleguondconductscts btter food, iucneased comionts, sud finslly wages ior dsys' work. Twenty yeass n obedience ta the miles secure a pardon ion lufe convicts. Pardons are niten granited, fot deeda ni galantry, sud murdeners, red- handed sud -wiýb weapona resdiy, have heen seized by Choý'it iollnwa, Ywho nisked Chir lives to gain tecovoted iteedom. The at empt Co assasisinste the chiol officiai nf the colony mnay reanît lu restrictions hat the convicts have hitherýto escsped. LIGIITNIIIJG BTEUOK TBEES. AFreehms'slotresingExjeerîments Wltla Electricity. Ayer' la ~ gn~advr sn,~ e vinly checked any furii!er Joss of bair, but produced an enirenw ~otwhich saq remaiued luxuriant anid gloszsy to this day. I can reconmmend thisý preprin'u to aU l i need nf a genufine bi-esoe.It 15 ait that hi s claimed to be.,"-Auttuio Âl.triiiw, Bastrop, Tex. SAFELY ANDI SURE LV QRW 85Y Lady-"« You look iii.1 Shop-girl-" I have been sick, but amn botter now. The doctor said ibtisnervoua Prostration, £rom tryiug seolbard te smnile and look pleasant when I did not feol l0ne " I can sympathize with you. I knQw ail about it." "Have yeu ever workied in a store'?' "Worse. I've Imoved u soreyn Young, old or mliddle aged, wbo ù findt themn selves liervous, wei.k and exbantsted, who are broken down from iiexceýss or overwork resulting in many nfi tho followhxig sym.i ptoms .Ylpntaldpri iopreimature oic age , loss of vitality, 1ms of mem-ory, ba drcaae, diiinees ofi sight, p -lita ; M the bert,emision , ofnienergy, puù in the kiduieysbaacepimples ou th:e face .Audbody ltCtiug 11Or pecuhiar sensa- toir abouit thle srouoafd ithe orguns,, - 'ess seck bfoýîg 'Ile eyes tw1tchý]ing nf the mus8cles-., eyelid.s and 1elso- where, bahuues 1eposits in tho urine, lmss of. wsVil powor, teuderness nif the scalp and sp in-, weak and -laby im-uscle4, dee sire to sleep, failure to be rested by sleep, coot,-tipation, dullness nof hearing, loas of voice, de-sire for solitude, excitability of temper, sunken eyes, >urrounded with J.EADE-,; CIRCLES, oily luuking skin, etc, are ail symptoa noinarorse% debility thsat lesd to iesauity unless cureci. The spriug or vital force having lost its teni4on eveny function wanes i ncq -c. Those Who thnough abuse ýcomiîtcdin 'ignor- rance, may be penmuanieutly curned. Send your address and 10 ceýnts in sitamps for book on diseases peculiair to u'an, sent sesled. Address M. V. LBN2t Mao- douneil Ave., Toronto Ont., Canaý. The Gr8en-Ey-dgý 'uer Wife (with a deterinmiued air)-"I wani to see that letter."I Htisband-"What loUe4r ? "lThat ne you jstopenýedi. I koow by, the haudwritiug tatit is from a womaui, andi you turuned pale weuyou readi'.I will sec it 1 Give ir to ,0 utsir !" "flore it le. It's, your illîuier'sbl" How to geta#ý'Suniiglat" 1pÏitur3. Seud 25 'Sunlighit" Sco>ap wratpporl (wrspper beariug the wcrds "Whjy De a Wotisn L-)oý Od SoonT-han a ML.,)a") to LEvER Betos , Ltd., 43 Scott St,, Toronto, and you will receivi' by p)oat 'e pretty picture. irpe frnm adiiirug and well wàrth framing, This io psu eaýsy way to decoqste your 1-nomo.'The ss la the beet te the markeot, ad t will( ouly Cost lc. Postage to Meud in the wnapperà, if you beave the eeds oven, Write yotir address oarefubly.

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