caos ndtemaanti important egion thuideiS estni 2ealil in," sit I. "lis nane iis Per cctyit'Y1 ieli no bhyiMars la Tour. f rnof rea iidcpsatrImess servet inl bowsi he porridge, sitI, lac 'ording taeancuecipe) - cer ta ipen tata a grear conimouseatl aiir ombt 1cannat nas' cousptete CER 14r W s aliglteti wax candIs stuc1 un tise middtle "lias'(do yn kuas' ibat DeVene is ne- spart, or te caese on tennis <oLqual right the lacha i i d "Mn. C. C. Cîcyciauti, IM. P. ion Rjcb- ý_,ý)ZNGEsIAIr,ý in lve wih lâlbel Seetbrar?" ud ý'cÉUall'moud. sudds cualle, mlasandatiolfbbas mus termnnert ta ymumireibl, ai si peaan, si-g , -Chaucer la bis -" Canterbury Tales," i aesihMbl setns ""e nt qa oa ti arot iaten- Mn iitsculei Vîy.eveI bI:trhoutj," lieenu trs' I5 in ae Su, eg. nt atîîlo~hse ita chiltinen, a sonv&u adanh ý rei'na -lt !s, eaiea nreu__ - causse 1 leard lin tell hem tise arIse!"ev ený-public. IPras1cnhl _____ _____ i ib iraerivedclameme lthatb sIc d h ld uaid lebarba nti t td " isci 'stIe suost billisul Searlet lever, stîlchis is p e aLii I ra teunrtr t wus. ue a ahort cal-ne som i' ,"b' l _ e d Biwlw _____ îlee ehesf!s . , caiedti h îe childrmnu off. effecli. pricue, 25 ce-uts pOP Br-'r Io mcl innrt sa puiti ; anti asile meutcipe mýýdigit ws pouded and a the ei - aS. ai.< T~ HOUSEHOLD. is arepresenttive one, we wiil hers give it Q R A i I A N à US H L .as it stands inite Frea ay: "lTake blennes and park and settie hein__ Baby s Lest togydr. Take the lyre (flash) of thelw i VatE pr isGv bIennes and al the parka and ha~ki ml Did yon ever stop and study adcrn a al ta dy.Sr. Take breai~ erned. er 's oi t rAIl the colors of theslz y orh Ho te ik îujutsoisntygyrated, and do (add) tereta and temr - 1On afld o ft hîtefleus s &it with t he self broth i. ., the broth in The Nusber nor Colonie4 5Ls% increas cd And the flush th it spregas out ~ai which il was boiled,) and syle (mix) it with snls this centitl!. \Vlien ouask for a Fram a sunsetsý gorgeons bed, zeikes of ayren, (yolaS af eggs,)adcs Amteradept trstacviia Whny Isk o a aso delicate it minzle, n at Amte fceps neett iiia WhtIevprvrea.therean powder fort (pepper) and bail it tien in generai is the iiern whieh ,cp u yand do thereta pwder of gynger, saffron,GraBrtngaen aetnieads -LES AB RGRPTRCNFRt 5poses bloom with fairer binehes and saIt, and looke that it is standing,diesan mprasawitrn hS. 5 e t p ig Than the ceks of raidensweai'. stiffj,)and foeur it ail with powder a ofiseGlobeemr aalier i h t Intreckan , i ,sareous l e s m coloniers, bF he oem se ha lsa con stal t beauty there; gynger. ,rco heassesofaoiesdstngas-T io cent plug With a thonsand charma; comaplote, ad according ta the type af governmentj tewahsmaeE y n Bat the loveliest sight'iieath heaven assigned ta each. In the first class the hometh a imdeEsan la a babys lite feet. GDveqnme I retains entire contrat. ai the Clean by getting her 2 Fril ad teder en cnld rushthcm Boston Brown Brea.-Tbree caps Sour legisiatian and administraina h 'Ia the soft palm or yaur hadmit 2 caps corn raseai 2 caps graham af colany ; la the second classteoinba And thse presure of a fluger rye meal ; àcup molasses, lù teaspaain represeàative institutions, bat the home which does away with the h amar rht1ag llistad, oda iteapoo sat.Mix tbarongbiy Cvrma retains a veto on legisiation Sa. for, delicate perfection, adsemtreoArs fterward brawn andcnria i h ntetroso ahdy Where theflac and fragile meet. pabifhre hur.atrrrsoers ;dy. There lenothinglifke the eauty in the aven. tir cas, hecoon bas, as in tbe second,Epeicewlcnvnehrta POU4 habbswe lkfe.Boston Baked Beans. -.One plut dry representative institutions, but the home xein wlcovc hrta -[Elizabeth A. Hine. beans; soda se af beaun 2 tablespoonsj Government, wbite stili reserving the vetoS I C ? it PAYS to use this soap. malasesor raw augr; iec a pic l aonlcgislation, bas na cantrol ai any pubic The VisiînT BbYpark. At night caver the beans w irhbobil- officer except the raerar--cetb- i -----______ iisg water, addiug the soda. Ia the marc- ~c' iporsielbrit~i Ismn A iew days aga, I rooak rmy ttle girl ai ing pour off the water, caver Wt rs e igvrigteclnebsduo two yeaxS ta tlhe cîty witb me ta spend the water andbail tilI tender. Thenstir in the1 the special chaatrad conditions ai tbeh E T ~ week. Our train rcacbedi the city sbortly molasses, pur in an cartben bean pot (rbis clneteslvs nlsmnd:ilns 11 IýIN h after noan, snd, hastening ta aur place ai is a necessity) score the, rind oi the park thoee several types ai their Colonial Gavera- enetinetwe iannd dinner was aver. and bury it in them ; bake two or tbree ment as Crown governmects, representative Heme is a sketch of thse fruit and leaves af GiU U d U U U T he lady ai the b ouise epained that s e bu ms. g ver nw e us and responsible g ver anents the d' br a o i f~e ofBavetash werffs t h roots bad a picked up dinnfotbcdrn er Bes Gnethae-Uecp e first heing a pretty close approximation and urk fvlic aeapoefgi4fuic bu8band being away, and slle wanld prepare Orleans molasses; 1 cap brown sugar; tao îcpublican governuient, and the second spo g ler ix a ntmdteta grwn thestird rth be sure that the retailer a lunch for us. wecrsatdta cup butter or lard; 1 tabiepal gne;( eu ntreitebten hs wowt ER VOUS DE IIY cosnti uc o o Ia e iuew eesae tateaspooda;n12 ggs ; flonurta roil. atnec taXHAUSTIONehrdrahe dos otinuc YU o asily.arranged table on whicb. was spread thefrtirinrdusadbilrmae an ta retrograde ia the frai iorm. buy any, he u re for une, a gond lunch, but what was there îrom the fire and add soda: ict cool, thon Nw ti atra ahitrs thiat heie nay miakea for my baby?' Baby bas a delicate stomnacli ad h bgs eaten ligbt, flour ta rail, note the application wbicb England bas n LOS0F NEREVE FORCE. a c utb rae it osoeain n bk naqikaatmade of these several forme af governeat i1Enifereme frainiany trouble of the geucrative argans can get By ber platosata.iler mung oi milk,wbicb ta bier diffrent colonies. full particulars free of a vîtaluzing echir extractedfi ioulthse fagr£i B lerplte a asivPie Crus o Wîtbout Lard. -One pint foeur otanbrkfELpntoudnlithils Bti Ii, slle eageriy took, but airer the f rst s0p 1beaping teaspoani ni baking powder; STRa-NGOLDS LiGIBIXA and kuaste thes natives as tnse 'Troceaf Lif e." This vitalizing gaea'appitdlteIl " il wasi eluxir has bean made and used by Mms. Besant in Indie for ncariy avmse dispIatdo etwughlie t butter size ai an egg ; cold stater ta mix. snd Aden, naval stationss and depots like thirty yesrs sitbont ane failluma ta pcrmaileutly cure even thse amsuccot.Idno atletaSuf t fleur and baking pawdcr severail imes, Ili ng Kong and àsoension,--çroups ai isiantis worst cases. Tis eluxîr lwhiueli8s ew ta Ibis coucitnj), quickly cofe, uttawrmtie ulc I rub in Ibe butter, thlen add witýr enoug ta likýe the Mauritius sud Fal.k!aud, and cal- e, starct ah thse functians ta their fulvigar, asud evcu astre eun ed sainieai my bt cati'eeinto it. mxncî.Ti uniywî mk orae uoad iishHoduas aincefi age bas becueacbcd a ncwlife la begun. I is also an l'he cold mesat was dliciaus, but a dinuer Mxncl.Ti uniyw .mk orüîeiik BstlnBiihHnua absohute cure for cbmauf e cases of FEMALE WEAKNESS9 ai mat is not goocl for a chiId. The cake pis.ami Gambia, are very natnraily placed in IRREGULARITIE'S, DYSPEPSIA, CONSTIPATION AND LIVEIS OOMPLAPJNTS,. MON RE L. wa ta xc fr ler PckesI oud ot Modemn Banbury Cake-Take anc pintaof the flrs5. class and beldunader Crown gav. ,;Suffering mcnansd s amen strtin, 'conf.deutialhy, tril ger fulpartienlars prmnptly in I N RE L et lber have. She likes but little bread. light dough, bcaping teaspaoniul ai lard, ernment. Colonies, bowever, like the pansao neaeb drsig That day baby dined on bread stitîs milk' 2 rablespoons white sugar ; mix tborougbîy Bahamas, tbe Bermudas, British Cuiaa~M H E A T~T rno aaa warnscd witb coffee. Forlea. tIse fare was and set in a warm place ta risc. Wnen and Natal, where there are cousideru bic but ur~ un usimlar, natbing on the table could the child nice aud igt, mal ont bal an incu thick, relativeiy small Enropean elenents ai- odtae ssufcei. T E ANDA ArENINest but preserved pears, bread, and sunob put l am lc a ica aîn kae 3 population, are placcd in the second ciass caid, cold mlk 1 tabicseositls at sauir creani and spread and sccorded represeatative gavernscuts. ______________________________________ ESABI~EDîsiThat niglitesle had the colle. At break- aver tbis; thon take à' cup ai sugar and but witb the poweriul restraint arising - fasSwAbaBpucaesIfoloed1y8a5s-e spriukle this over aisa. Mix wcli, rail ont, froai the veto and the centrol ai ail theÏ $1 par anmure ln advaucc. otherwise 13). iied potatass, bat rails, and cfe.0yad0iaibter d a sprinkle aiaf s-publie afficers. But colonies hike Canada, Bave Sat'er Badfro ug, obls uscriptions ai way3 payable aabrupt flmaunîorthe tp aei 2 iue. Ncstoundlaud, Cp7Cluy itoi, Aev e r VC ry B LCUg itI ,tatise ai a visit came ta an abutclose,.o; ae a2fmnte.SoliCtaClia, Victorad, HaeLSFîsltr gh Ins, -uliation. Advertisiai rates ualcss by car This is, in substance, the experience a Hard Times Cffé. -Nice and econonîicaî. Tasmania, anduNewAustb aQelaned, r hraee wt osu pi mct, 10 cents par line. nonoasse ifrsi insaeb 1)ne saint cacatmtasi sanie ai four, 'ohncap New Zealanfi osd5cnsprlecacis subsequai i-find tald nie. Many ai us might ciail Oepit onRemesaneomberou Ne that tdNehouheaes wee t ù- tien. Locale, 10 cents per liue, for aur ost. Why is il sa many lieuse- molasses, tgaasp on ai sait, water for there are strang ad o .riîn uropesnhtt M. A. JAMES, Ptublisher keepers, aveu Ibose wbo bave raised a stiff dough ; mix, rail thia and cnt eut like eleuents, arc put in the third lass, and famly, fait ta provide'auy suitable foed for yeast caktes .; put ila apan sddyihh ccre epniiegvmOetst q"~/.1 HAT YOU t<EQU IRE. eTkAN J( ç the baýýbyv isitor ?oaeu.Xhen usine, pur two or thrcc ai oniy tbe restraint of the veto on legislatian ý> îANK The table is ofteui loaded witb delicacies the cakes. accordiug tfa the size oi famiy, aud the appaintmeiit ai the chief ciecutive O F C AN A DA. ta plesse the appetites ofi guests, but for the ini the calice-pot, adding a beaping table- officer hy the Cmowuu. Inadia, the vast S.ia Al~d u,9RD0.0jes,$5)30)utIle acuiwha bas beeniuvîednofscap i gound coffee: pour over boiling Empre of Ina gwh a ptlatian ai taptal~sad n, i,045,OO.e5, $0 )0 ofaithe,0,Idestr st ili be A water, mer20 minutes. Gv it a trial.,00,00exclusive ofthe ieudatory ~sfcuc nva iOSsHLOA5EsutsM bunary dhld-hbesltby flimn r s2Sa7sar,00udd 0ni,00werepresae 8 ~ t 2~ C D8I~E W OSD . This Bank s preparod to do Legiti-Sae r nlddIda hrpee- ungry !-needs somnethng simple, nurish. (i mate Banking, in al its branches. ig, and in cod weater t tast someting A MEBT ilL OURIOSITY. tative politicai go vemmet bas net beau Fammier's nates discaunted; Deposits waruii ta est. dined - frt 4,0ss---taui s,intheles t ainI athec~ Ite radiuny iriead's litIn girl ie fis ls-htiintelws ake upn a bentased ho ofendwih a Seailaul &tr arn adBritish Colonial Goveraiment, and is rled 's 1$ .ie reehedan Iteee pidos accou otua liad a oavert: n otecdvocMai palaiy&trLiyi by tIc Crosta Indus is un no sense saX~ ~ ùf 5 nd-p1r5 andvng Bnkbopwatr ndssemintlenultd uternVca Cyd n-cReuive. aiayani s etmcaredasutteyrf5 e,4.~- D RAFT~~ and batenul pou are averai, swo uld A New York despstch says-Nature Egihstatesmen. OtaCiahemlin s~~,~. ai waru usilkbeen saisfcd, a s a trdu rce t re s ns in the asseSTof atTAman 11) R A TS o wari mlk, eau atisiet.ofa L 1-1ad dCollections made In Europe Oatuacal, wheatlet, rnec, or what us u11 s nriin'a9teCilg in hsi.' >1' ePOPULATIO TTsie W.ts sdCaadcairJeOrpNESsnii heicd icans sud Surgeos. Nor in casing an ol bu 0,0 r iitish bor. Ies.i 3 TV, JsT > eSs gaalotee ipltrhdsdnu1 funusuasicondition diti nature piay s part, a a nquereti c-apire, acquired hy farce sud . agntth inlk is warmed, syllimaIe baby sun but ratIer un fading a wyaraO ifi edb uitary accupsc u eae ei, metana il a losim ta Élbroatut sudd I- c ý1"Yp nc a d e a ç~~~ ~ ' O .ARO ..IKsu an or iriead wil net wis she bad * andungs3,and with the larynx 74,000 mca,ad a native or sepoy'al stayti a hom wib hi.-[Abie ewet aa evey vstige ai a vocal card removed, abUs 145,000, commandcd and priucipally , i . t~tn L 5 do a General Bankîn asa s N .5 h me wi-[ bbe ew tt ma ' amyo BonavleAgeucy. Craig, lu Houselceper. be is abe ta articulate disicty Siîigu- fird by Englismn hs me st"~>~~ e *c larly,bis powter ai speech is sa periecctee aîie an ta about 2-19000 mcn, and DoparmOut errar ai se ingcIrstaunesoati aný ,thelai rce itish serie sud a oe DEPOSITS cahýlandîntereutallownd aterrent rates, No Wt tperimii~ aac S t o dîstaueai '20 et r amonre stuacaaîoili, Btssuîu~a ,~..',---~05~; pincen 50515gtiBaikdDunertment and on P n oticeet witdrsauosar. h eust ta nvtb ai osoa making, dnidonhy n ction, that being the anti 000000 Asustics. But it is rigis ht iet'e"~ EXCHiJNGE walnen. Tise wrrk canhe matievery manch HIS UATIRAl, SPEEH lber native tendency ta liberty wbercversb elle 4~~ '~ VRIhttad sold and Dnafts 1soued nnflbae asier sud withbua littie expense, by bay. pratiucing power. Hes cannt shout. Wbcu sets dowtulber faat, bias gaursd.sincn 1884, ~~ 9~~ - UitedStatesand0snbadaaîougOadsld ing yaumlys. Youwilhave sa mach nicer inîraduceti ta île students by' Dr. Lefferts, locai amunicipali goveumnent rhroughout In. paaleo oianda, ao odSl antiti sislanflst h ota I iln uea adsictyaiira ugadiacldb uiedltls mnnacrsocltk n sl 3 oap, anti sill have sa mach casier stork, professer ai hsyngohogy sud diseases ai the dia,ý sabjeet, basever, ta thse contrai ai the COLLECTIONS Iat you wil l st ell epaid ore uis r roat in the collage, le sas spoken faaissimealponcl vretasentW ~Purchisers slouid lolk IbsLbe nth oxssd o Prinmptly made at carent ates upon aul part expûs. Yacnîahtlse wl e " e ialc uiy" Stating biefly the grain ai fpamtialhy fre palitical ile Ibat bas îi te auures te nei 533, Oxford Steet, London, thy are sprrio" Dose Yoruinlcu shswilbe1 edclaioiy cf Great Brittain , h U it d tates n ubt e en ogh m re valuable as fe ntlizer in yeu r ist iat le ad perfammed tie peratin a chance ta npen i a o grea i esult s la the DeMllo f Candàa gardon ta repay tlic expense oi buying yaum ai emaviug thec man's vocal cortis, Dm. futurs. Teleîvaph TrnsfergYour gease must ail be caefuhiy straia- bistony aiflis case. Ina svaice somestîat fraisa Iutiis,auly about 33,000OBritish tops iesofdestianioanc day a efrebicaota the tuidthof e Bank$of00,lantaethoeex- Canada, f hrlae r emcal sun tiis on I art0 c.Iae v byline in tise waste hue husky, but periectly audible, aven ta thc are sent oui ta all tise esîof tise immense '",dsîeloedyt mreit h eto ery$,0,eoadsetfute 111sTi i scihy dastais ucnaniaygesentcthery it Oui studeuts ia tise near ai the large lecture Britisb possessioas,aad ibsi more tIabal fsmuy ai nations as the Cosmonwelth or years la a British prison te pay for il, PlacetorPayaienitraqnarhtemeti lattcoe asdroagnloffite UnitetievStatesaraiofoutie aAfquicardminntielueoOhldletisleaOhoti icitizea citizn nlie" o îdede, p tste fu l v n i 'ta nila bla t r t hee N ortb W es y , then st a n, or boi ailr o , le s i u f n t d t t s o o t i A r c , m a slala ibe staen ; int cooaantihtaFeto f e on smalignuat tum r, caleti îy te ant stations ai Gibraltar, Mata anti Hong ete n wn ui lee xpiomet, batlu imc e seava l n ranye r oo st ishfa e "lic hwa 01tfar p rrticutlam theliteattise tbanfa, fat ;e tmy ouifsailn ahercoaierimans KtIc fat, hanti,5meareicai prothessiaue s sarcama.e ex lors, butoigenseeisotisanr 1,500ssarey kept inHethe Accountani. Ma.vslgor ptasd i-yomsapgeae irectly in 'the larnx, anti invoiveti thsergreat Dominion of Canadafor whbt ratioasi empire la tIe interior ai tisat continent, given s iicîei-ol.ieat'cin nespouise te the ______-Mare Ibsu bal aif yaur womk ai 505p- vclcni.Physiciasta wbom 1 applieti psitseAdifcl t a. wbuch ilu us lama oniy asaits a later day ta caruest inencessin af a namben ai persa voca cods.ý oly e dsrss aira wrlbn ris atI iî a iil ith obeisa tha nie bis par osîis ta o maliag s uast donc. The direcatisfa for ori wanîed une Of the tieatily nature ai aIent 3,000 are leptinii Cape Colony antidi ybrpsellluifosîesbaIheeftuih a emeilsiso maigthe saap are oan cvnny eau ai poiasb. the discase anti atviseti me ta bave ecaurse INatal, with aprn eeec tmumag akes fbraimt helgto.cvl nuug lusmapoters tar sm oper use 1maven mtdapparentandfeoeaceata tIc lahgeizatiaa. trighspwr esispoe s I bave a tet ard lO5.P fîuliowiug tIcta the surgeoni's kaife, as rIe onlyble of l Aficasapopuation inuein ijsanti adjain- SIc bas carrict iberuinstitutions, linr lems,austeItontlw atisoîtitart recîp atiil cnailyis en ncesasaving my ife. I1stas tIen operateti upais. ing tIse colonies, anti noue, il seeuls, areatiesvaecnta nsiude.lIn in tisknie ehatcgsory t tth wht n ir.Rael h eep. atiný arsiit oi ircedtia tessg oti-icui îa ntesiecaeoyw h liad " it i bi ITIe wbale aifrise discaseti larynx sud vcal kepi n Nestandîs, or in snyaifibthem spn liad sp E pty the connusof euP.xcseýt ai Australia anti is insular surund. eminet divines anti statesmen anti geurals 50515 P~ ppararus was exse, an opcaing matie in numemaus aud important coles ai Austra- canîu ptaisinta a Initie with anc quart ts-el ni es uepaetiin th, na ab sVcoiT5f5iucnîaiîgs, antiestablisîcti thee-upan Paterri- wbam ste bave been talkingaiofto-day, ltut ai colti sater ; str il sith s spoon or stick;'topeniag. The ae ain sa a cm it niîe ero a tt tsi sii ie tory langer tisan the Unitedi Sats aside bee cioags ta thc clsssofai iegitimste celc- the lyn still dissolyn ummetiately anti le- succcss. Ahi ai the allecteti parts hba icnexception ai India,stliicb muet le teateti from Alasîs -a group ai colonies sthie brities;ie bastdoncbisonsetbiug botter tau cae quite bot ; aslow jrteacool. Nosw take emoveti , dheme wasno ecurence oai ý ý,qnanîtirv spart, Enghand's poliley i'anc vîsîbly caasing fonstartias anc of tIc snybady cIsc ever titi t. If hee lad aceam- spauntis ai cleaus grease, tailost or lard thîe maiady. Tise wudhae ailgvrigth eto irclne hog greatnaionas ai the earth-a nation whicl pishetiaut sucesss equalin udegrenbut -for malr t tîntil * lketarm, iben coasmen ce andthtIcfuriuie n espinaticn proceedeti0 aitheolesad bas etiucedth tisotai charge witierate alneb lo anis toeS consdtheo-tmotuioa sele noberend', tIse agc" W ,, a N Is cl i n t the melte ti grease 1n t raly t r ngia the art fleal ap ai g a lIt e e c l n e n t ete s r ft e f e a e r p b i r c m o w a t u o d y a k a o gt ee e t e o h g . ~~ ~ ~ ~ E poung atalhesecaa ccootcirashy i h a CLY ~~gradushlyin usa smaîi streaun, natil t is the nak. I lad no neàson ta spoethat barnc Goverametit ta about h$10,000,000 parn PaifinatOctae sudeeus ofîi ite opialati - teFilsWahigtn thoru5zhy515055 I th suliretrociie ceal ThndFrincein the trosical Ard tbaauglysaixtintiimasirniiast mre posters ai speech staulti eturu ta anm ' iTEitLN4nRY SURÉ - . tbe tîiakueis ai boaey. Ta bc prapcrly mn. Ilisfaci, it as sith a compote Ili ail thIlt shemeofaidiverse colonial anti u-trpclisla1shric n h ruý', ry OIRONO, - ONT. dons, tIc sirriug sisouiticoonttiu for ton uuderstandisg tisati t sduid destroy! luaperial governaQnt thers is cvidently a-Teapltsa i iePic i~an Ofc.-cs fi Blc.Miute. I ste ed t orjt uy bspse ui nmts ote!prafoanti andt roughy ibought-out math- Mr. Qhilds' Famui Frieo-ahusieolIs.rtPusiî îutGmi Offics.~Pc5tOffia Bled. ni0iild~" peratian. To ny sui-prise anti teligh tidon1,tIse part ai thecststnsmen ai Euglaad, Ias1fet bottieueivaeteeigrDrgof tnads, isthuian (therunen Coeils y tele.-ràpsanrteiephonaai saI.-eafohowtbs ecip cnseo 1uca sithin s shart iais ailerward Istas a emaps as tise. sud just an uhe wisole as building as ste ciattei, iooling i thc ira- turular chief, coufens upon bis Rayai Higi- ABL T ARICLATýlunan nature is ai pressai capableofinlu pravemeusîs, sthen suidusnhy ste came upon nos s second bond ai canasîstian wsth theis et fait la geting nics soap. Tiscme s also -- 1hna calei ttntin a he se tatwithK Â haairs, andce. lie ,,u(srgaeîW. c stre in closra c uer - IcI c ssïansiiv nyse ing, th t eise aId Em eron bis b eatbiag sas d ns tini-ab tl1t spn- me__ Iluce en."prese teti la- tjth a --comp lets B i .e 0 Pitcherls Castoria,