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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Mar 1894, p. 7

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ToMh Wtv~ Pastrt Ehort or Friable. Is Better ta Lard It has none of its dlsagree-.sJ. able and iâinzr-tIbIe fcaures. Endersed by lezdîng food ani cookiug experts. Ask your Croicr for IL. ?i Madle orfly by' N.K. FAIRBANK a CO,, Wellington anid Arnu Srets, MONT RŽEAL,. ONTARIO LADIES' COLLEGE, WHITBY, ONT. Stretly first-class in ail its appoiutments and educational advautaees. Provision made for 91l the teacberq& cerltifIcates and for Un- iversty classes thrcgh tha freshman. sopho- more and part of junior yeia ~o! Toronto UJnlverslty. The literary staff cemp-s's the 1argest number or University specialists of any L- dies' Cofllge in Canada. ihe mueic ai, fine artelocution and commercil department3 are equally welI sustained by the most gif ted profeesors. Physicai culture is tauglit by a opecialist fromn Boston. A. new gymnasium and ail kindsof out.door amuements, Pupils have tbe opoortunity or hearingi ths great artiste that visit Toronto. 32-lyr .Apply for information te PI'JNCIPAL RARE, PhD tc you aizb _'f you are losing flesh your rgystex is drawing on your latent strength. 'Something îs 7rong. Take the C ream of Cod-Ilver 0O1, to give your system Its need- ed strength and restore your healthy weight. Physicians, the world over, endorse It. Don't be decehed by Substifufes! Scott BownQe, B61lleillu, Ail Drugsua O. &CL tlui Sickness Cornes before Baying a Rèttle of PERRY DAVIS' PAIN '* KI LLeR,ïi ýýo4utnêy need àt to.night- IDUNN"S THE COOK'SBREST FRIEND _L1QS,ýL IN CANADA. LOT OR FAILINB MANHOO, Bnera! and Nervous Debiity, Weàkness cf Body and Cml Md. Effeets -cf Er- roso xesses în Old or Yung.Robust, Noble Manhood fulh' slarge, and Strengthen MWe ak, Undevelope Orgaus and Prscf I Body. Absolutely uný falng Homne Treat- met-Benefits i ri a j day. Men testify from 50 tates and Foreign Countries. Write them. Descriptive Bock, ex- iintumpmHo5 planatiln and proofs maiied (sealcd)-free. ERIE'.MED!L CO-; Buffalo, N8Y. AGRICULTURAL. Gaiiad Sheniders Ounînany larîss the teema are itile duriug the wintam, anti unies came la taken wben fbey are put te womk lu thea spming, thay wili get gallati shouiders. Prevention la eaair than cura, aspacially se whau the teemesmunst ha kept et werk. Se fer as if la possible te dc ii, it is besf te commnence thework gmatiuîalIy anti then oerease itas the tam gets accuatomat te it. See thai the names ftcpmcperly. Net oniy shouiti the coller fit weil, bai tisebernes shoniti ha proerly atijusteti so thaf lu pnlling the weight wili coma evenly ou the sheulder insteat of iluoe aparticular spot. Cama in this respect wiil aid matemiaily lu prevent- ing gails. Kaep the coller cdean anti wali oiled. Wheîî at work a herse iîill offan sweat under the coller thongbhaliedees net lu any ethar place. Tf the coliar anti shoultier are net kept clean, soeanesa la sure te ha the resait. Ai the atari, for a fcw tisys, wasb the abeultiers regularly lu simong sait water. Use ail the sait tbai the weier wiil dissolve anti then hatihe the sheulders wiih a speuga or nid eioth.. Bacause cf the way thai celears fit anthreway the hamas are adjuat- et, the points of the shoulders are the Most easily galieti. The celier shoulti fit snagly; a loose coller will werk sud ha sure to causa a gail ; e îighi oua wiii choke anti preveut the animai frcm teing bis hast wheu et work. Reat la the hast rexsîedy for galleti shoul- tiers, but lu the spring ibis canuef ofien ha given. When the animal muai work pro- vide some way cf- keeping the pressura off the sure ;this enu ha doue hy putting a pati aboya or heiow if. A place cf eletb cm a long uarrew sack filedbartirialiy with dlean lîay makes a; gond pad, Usa vaseline as e salve to heal up a wuunt cm sure. Commence treaimeut as soon as the galligl noiceti. as the animai cannot do as much werk anti will suffar lu healtairhsîtrifi unil caed.-[NX. J. S. lu Prairie Fermer. A New Design for a i'igsty. A gooti pigsty must have these peints of ment lun its construcetion : A site weii drainet ; e building with roomn for the piga to eat sud sleep with comfomi ; a yard for exarcise; gooti ventilation ; a floot -aaiiy cleaneti an aven temperature, witbont ax- tramas cf hast or coiti; feeti trougbs witb eaasily-mauaged swingir t ours ; reema anti yard eesiy accessible, xaitb slidîng gaies, anti the building ornemnental rather then the usuelunusighiy hogpen. Carelul mea- anremaents show ibhat for the pijga usuaiiy kepi by a villag'e family, a doubla pan, coering au area tweive by aightaan feet, gives ample momr for eeting four piga, or for two ini eue partý anti a breeti sow lu the other. Perspective viaws of sncb e rigary ara showu in the illustrations. The part in- ciosed i wth rouf is nina by twaiva feet (Fig. 1.) * A yard nina hy îwaive feat la attachset te the rear. The aides cf hofh building eut yard are four feat bigbherm the bot. tom cf the silis te tise top cf the pistas (Fig. 2.). T is covareti with a quarter- piite o , wbich la shingieti ou the rear siepe. On the front alepe la auapper space covereti witm sa, anti beiow the saab are twc ahuttera, se constructat thet tbav eau ha raiseti anti loeared, or -fuitieti ack ever tihe saab, et pleastare. This device parmîts 'eiosing up the building ini colt-anti stommy weather, anti the saab edmits thé warm sunahine su wsn- tar n. uvas-y warm we-pther the abatars are FIG. T. PERSP'ECTIVE Vi EW OF ici. laIt over the saab, tîsus previting ample shate beiow. The yard,wherafha airais dry anti weii draineti, mey ha laIt unficereti; but to prevani stench anti scnne cleeniuess, if bat battar ha floonti over. Whan the pan la uew, the piga sheulti ha confineti fer two or ibrea boums lu une corner cf the yard, ne-ir the octet gara, f111 tlsey hava matie t dimiy with thair droppings,and avar efier tbay vill go te that place wlth all 'their Sib, keeping their heda anti featiing places dlean. The slitig gaies ara so mate thet aIl filhh esubhaemevedthtrcugh tham wifb a rake, hboer îoïsg-handleti aboyai, colt weathar the siiding toors betwe the yard anti bouse en au ecloseti, makiug the meome werm anti combortabie. Tbasîeapars, gints, plates autd raers May all ha FIG. 2,-FRAMEWORK OF I'aCHRY. of two«hy-fonr sc antiing, anti, when the yard is laid witî flooting, wiil use the fol- iowing matariai: Tan pieces twalve feet anti two places sîgliceen feet long for the foundation ; nîne uprigbt pesta three anti eue-bal feat long fer corner pesta anti sup- ports haiween; two places ighreen feet, and tbmee pieces twalve feef lcng for top plates ; two places igbtenu feet long for partitions; two six feet long for the bats; Fia. 3,-DIAGRAR 0F TROUaII AND SWING GATE. tan six feat long for the raffers ; twe places two luches, sixteen feai long, for gates antidoors. The floot wiiirequire two huntirat anti twenty-five feat. cf rongb boards eîghtaen feet long anti eue antioes- fourttbluches tlslek. Tbe ides will take ibrec hundrati ant i f ty feet of rough Fires on the Faim. Iu the last report of the Ontario Inspect- et cf Insurance there la a table lu whîcb ara classified the causes cf 1,481 ires eprted by mutual ira insurance companias lu 1892, causing an tusurauca losa ef about haîf a millier. Net les& iban cne-fourtb cf these ires bave arisen Item suchi praveutibla causas as delactive chimneys and flues, sparks, matches3, lampa anti lauterns, stoves and pipas, epentauceus combustion. TbrEe hundred and sixty ires are put dowu to thase causes, wbile lucendiarismn acceunts for niuety-flvo and lightulug for betwaen four andi five bundred. Reports cf îaspec- tors cf individual companias taach a very similat tesson. The farmar andi bis bouseboiti need te ha tauglit greater care in matters counacteti with ire anti fire-places, or wîth combusti- ble matarial lu bouse or barn. Datective cimueys anti flues-bave causeti, accerding te this liat, jusb as many ires as stovas andi pipes, that la eigty-ight eacb, twelve par cent. ln aill.Aud next te incendier- tam anti ligbtning, thosa two -ara the Most pmoliflc causas cf tires on the farm Rank carelesanesla indicated lu a great many cf these iustances, as wli as ln the use cf lanterna, matches, or lampa. Anti besldes,of the 320 cases lu the liat te whieh the cause of fire is "net stated" or "net kuown," we leal sure that a large propor- tien may rigbtly ha put down te stovepipes chimucys, or lamps. Juiy, Auguat anti Saptember are the montha in wbicb farm firas werem uct num. crouta. This suggests the danîger cf sommer kitcbens, wbicb are lu many cases lean-to shedis, wlth their stovepîpe stuck tbrough a woeden 'rouf. A dise ci zinc, with a bois cnt in it te let the stovepipe through, may ha placati on the board or aingis roof; but this is net se mach lrteudad as a pre.- vautive cf ire as a sebeme te keep eut tain, The idea that any sereen ta naaticd te keep sparks Item coming eut cf the pipe and setting fire te the roef doas net saem te coceur te the average mind. Inoubateýr as au Educator- A single batcb Itemn au incubator aboulti repay-its coat. Thare is ne way te learu the poutry business tborougbiy, ex- eept hy operating an iucubatot. The wotk is usually doue lu the winter, anti the pro. grass of the cbiek frcm the shahl te market eau ha watcbeti catetuiiy. The batelîing of egga witb an ineubator la ne longer consîdlered a novelty. The graatast diffieulty iu the way is te accore gooti eggs. This is net an easy matter lu winter, and hence any anti ail Jaluds cf egga are uaed, previtied encugh cf tbem eau ha gttan te fIll up the egg-drawars, a view cf the eggsa sItar they are piaceti in the drawera dl alosieg tham te ha of ail sizes, shapes anti clora, which sbouid, then ha aasorted. The objeet shenîti'ha te s,,eure eggs ftom ynards wbera the hans sa-s net overfeti anti where the maies are active. AIl extra large egga or thoeaof very airl size sbonid ha discardeti. If thesa praca. tiens are taken, the iesuît will ha goci batces. Bear lu mmnd that a heu is almoat useless for incubation lu wiuter. The hast way to taise early ebieks la ta batali them lu au incubator aud taise a large lot of them: lu the brooder, and thus sava labor. w'ere tihus twe openings ; tbreugh the lesa- etx, the respiration cutteSpace; threugb the-, upper, an artificiel larynx couid ha lu- tiroduced. As the poatient ceuiti ne' endure the con- tinuetipresenceeoftble cennula, theatbroAt was lftpe.This did net ereate any trouble other than preventing the surgeon Item preeuring an air-passage betweu the thLrcat andi the artificiel larynx, which mneant the ls cf voica te the patient. To oývarcore this diffcuty, it becamanacessary to mnake an artificiel air-passaze for speak- ing purpeses, indapeudeut of expiration, anti use the lewer opaning exclusively for respiration, andtinlsaima other way te laad a powerfnl carrent cf air te larynx and vocal sheif (aborda vocalis>. Ont illustration showa bow iugeniously this was doue. Dr. Parier anti a manufacturer of chirurgical instruments, M. Aubry, constructeti a pair cf bellows with uuiformi currenta cf air. Wheu the patienat desimea te speak, hae presses the beilows, anti the air lu the two "Ilunga' whicbhai carries undar bis veat la ferced avenly througb the artificiel larynx, and thus isounds are produeed whila the air is passiugý tblronigb the vocal shaîf. The patient neatis ouily te make the usuealmovements witb the mouth and-lie taiks. His voice ta net plemanat, te lie-sure, but it is clear and par- Iacrly under bis centrol whan lha pressai the D1REDGING TITROUGH SOLID R OCK. for Wara a Alexaailria flabar, Formerly whau it was neetiful te make e [chanai through teck it was eusiensery te shatter the obstacle by blastinz anti than tiratge ouf the broken materiai, biut, accord- ing ce the New York Evaning Post, re-ent reies are powertul enongb te eut the way 1fbkrough teck witbont any pmeliminery .hlasting. A littia wbiie ago s new channel 1into the hanhor of Alaxautiria waa eut lu t this fashion. It la 309 feet witie anti mus tbtrough seliti rock. Lately it wss decideti te maka a uew channel et Bermuda, anti for this spacial pîcrpose a new dretigar bas bcea constracted iu Scofland. -if is the largest lu the world, having a dîsplacament of 2,200 tons, ant isl buili entiraiy cf steel. Its The Great Canadien IHon. ban gth la 208 feet, beam,,4) feet, anti its "Thee febow Ite Canda, saii adepth 17 feai 3 luches, dimensions wbith Thes felowsfror Canda sai a'wii anahie ht te go enywbera anti face auy preminent New York state chicicen raiser weatber. The dredging gear,' latider anti et the poulimi show lu Madison square, bueket chain ara the strongest evar matie "«Coe owu bare loaietifer hear. Whether antiweigb aboutl100 toua. This gear bas the limate or the soil halpa tbem .meat 1 sncb au exeesa cf sirength that it wili pull ce'i say, but I guess it's hotb. They'te ýuD the englue if any insupeabie impedusseut ragniar chieken sharpa, tbat's wbatî they iamcntwi tb in wotking, anti a break-diown are, sud we have al we eau do- tO k6eap 'upwil hos ha oided. The tucket laitier witbh them. Wa theugbt tbat#the prete- la is itet i wtbtan powerful bufferspïiluga, te tive tariff woulti kaep them tcwn. We've cushion auy Fatsocks that may ha axperienceti fepnti that yen can't prevent chicken, rais- wlen, the tiretiger la workînglu a sea seli. ing by iew, anti aven on eggs it don't The vessai wiIi teta t a deptb cf fry make much differ~e, Csuada la right five feet baicw weter levaI, anti wil aable1 up uer the heeti cf the lilt this time. te eut "bher own fotatiu" -that is, eut ber If tbey keep on thay'ii boat us eut of out way tbrougli a bank aboya wter levai. boots or eut cf eut coopa, wbicb la almosi __________ the sae thing."-IN.Y.Timaes. '1rTe lFair Thing. The gigantic earth worms which invest the river banks ln Gippsland, Australie, efteng row to be six leet long and frcm oee te three juches in diameter. L A caîf with eigbt legs and twe tails, aIl perfectly formed, was iately added to the live stock of George Ruhi, of Fresh Ponds, N. à. Champion Skater (just arrived)-«'What's that yen say? The race deciaredof? Committemtan (apoogetically)-"L' t lad te be. 'The jos is se thin it won't bear." «"1Huh 1 Then who is te pay mrepne fer this needless journey !"' -Well1, the committea 15 anxious te d6 the f air thing ; and if yen ail agres, we'il break up the ice and offer the prizes for a ewîmmîug match." The Men you know*. carde sixteen feet long, adi but 'at gables OÂ?TAIN GOLD- obha utilufour-footpieces. The partitions will use filty feet of rough boards fourteen iUow tis e ucteus NMetal Was ]FIral Dtscev feet long, these te be out in threa and eue- ered la Britlis Clumsbia. hall foot places. The five slidiug dmors or A Victoria, B. C., despatch aays --The gates, the two swiugiug feed doors, and the steamer Boscowitz, which arrived from two shutters on the roof, will require about uorthern ports a faw days ago, bringe word seveuty.five foot cf seven-eightbs inch of the daath et Skidegate, Queeu Charlotte matched floc)riug. The rocf wiii nead sev- islauds, of Captain Gold, aý Haida Indian, euty-five leet of sbeathing and nearly a widely kncwn as the discoverer of gold iu thousaud aRhinglesg. Five commen sixligbt the coast islands cf British Columbia. The axgt-by-tau window sash are placed lu a story dates back te the early fifties, te the row, putty sida up,ou oua-by-six inch cleats ime wban easteru civilization wreckad axtending acroas the tbrea front rafters. ltself on thesa western shores. Soeaof the The ridge plate that supports the te)p cf the dabris drif ted uorthward- along the British. rafters la cf eue aud-balf-by-six loch staff. Columbia cuast, and then it was that public Places of eue and ou-fourth-by-four inch attention was first direced te the aurifer- stuif make the supports of the sliding deers. oua rocks of the Queeu Charlotte grcup. Ou the rough boards sheatbing papar But aveu before this, traders aaaking fors is tackad, and the exterior is then finisbad had exchangada few blaukets for theyeilow with rustio siding, corner strips and cor« matai wth Captain Gold and bis tribe on miecs. The buiidjug la palutad with itou the west cast cf the isiands. The first paint, and trimmaed on comnices, corners, discovary was, of course, by accident. and doors with coctes The trougbs and The "captain," accompauied by bis wives, swinging gates aboya tbam (Fig. 3) ara buiit was carryiug bark, te camp wheu, slipping with these dimensions. The sida, and bot. down a staep declivlty, ha uuncovarad a tom cf trougbs ara thirty-eight inchas long, yallow surface cf Unusuai appearance. Ha the sidas cf two-by-eight, and the bottum caliad bis wtvas, anI,eclearing away tbhe deed cf two-hy-six inch staff, chamfered te fit leavas with thair hanfis, tbay accu discov- the bavai. The euds ara twenty iuchas long ared the extent of the littie peeket. They of twe-by-eight inch plaok. The upright triad to break off a place from the edge, sida piacas are cf two-by-eight inch plank, but,iusteadof breaking,they founditphable, a siautinii piace being rîpped from oeedage and readiiy rollad f romth&, rock undarneath, and nailed te the other edga of each, te Now that thay bad discovared this quear make tha ides wide et the botterm. The &6s tonue, " the naxt thing was te find use f or doors are cf tcngued aud groovad fioring, it. Their doctors prouounced it te ha the net lad on inch stripa cf aprue, the elixir cf hife, se tbay pulverized it and the upper pieces haviug round, projeting drank it lu their watar until some of their tenons, that fit lu two-încb boieslin he p3opîa died. Thon tbey decidad tbey wera side supports, te permit swingiug te aud mistaken, The madicina men having noth- Ire. On aacb door a place cf two-by-fcur ing more.te say about it, they next tried a inch timber, with a slct for a wooden boît,. hig place for a canesanachor. Then the is sacuraly nailad (Fig. 1.) Upon the pro. trading schooners came, and the prospec1 jectiug ends cf the trougll,,boards are usd1- of getting a few blankets set the whcle vil- ed, wbicb make conveulaut ablves, or stepa laze te work gatberiug ail they ceuld fSud. for limbiug luto the Peu. The middle This la the bistory cf the discovery of Haida partition lu yard and bouse, witb lida Tom, whicb gave bim bis titie of "Captain deers, parmits the bouse tu be used ithar Gl. as eue or two pans. The hedding las kept in place by a scantling nailed acres, the cerner of each room. Whan the bouse is Artificial Speech. ciosed tlght, ventilationîs provided thrcugh A"Frnc surgeon, D, Parler, had iately round hles eue foot lu diameter in each a patient, six.ty-t wo years old, whese larynx gable. Tisese may have slde shutters, or was se tar gone from cancer that only a ha eoverad with wire cloth or lattice work, sear peratiou conld save the patient. accodiug te the climate wbere the building 'The patient was cbloroformed, and tha is erectei. lI rainy ragions the ficor throat eut through, and a separation was sbouid be&made with a sant of twc luches md betwcan tiha lcwer andi upper part cf te the igliteen fet acresa the structura, ta arnx ha ayxws hnple and an eaves trough attacbad te conduotthe ot,à turued.dwu, and provlded with a water away Item the yard. A hr-ic canila, se that blood and other issues hola lu ascIi fead door permits looking lu would net mnn inte the respiratory organs when the sbutters ara ciosed. durlug the operatten. The larynx was then removed antirely,and the wound sawed up, leavieg an epening te the cavîty. There The undersigned desire to thank the tarmers of West Drirham for the liberal patronage extende~d to us durini' the past season, also to remind thAem -that we are stiil in the mîarket and prepared to pay the HIGHEST MARKET FRICE FOU deiivered at our storehouse cor. King, and George street.s., or at Port Darlington. We have aiso on hand a larga stock, NEW AND FRESHý,-J of Canadian and Liverpool Coarse Sat int Bags. Rocik Satfor oiý and horses, and Fresh Ground Grey Plaster in Barrels which we are prepared te seli. AUl kinds of Lumber, Wood and DRY CLEA.N SOREENED COAL aiways in stock. We invite inspection and guarantee satisfaction. MeCLELLAN U& GO finsu igtanders Cat off Fresu theMatulasa gla uxi8,teinag Cased. Abcut the 15th cf lest rnontb the Londion Daiiy News' Bllast correspondent tala- gaphad this story: Aftem e vemy periloîsa voyage the Cuidaif lifeboat bas succeedeti su cruasiug witb relief te the starving peu- ple cf Innistyiahuil, north of 1)onegal.- The peuple weme founti te ha terrily afflited by ccid and bunger. Tbay bad bîîmned ait the funiture anti wcotwotk cf thair bouses, and only a few potatees remainati batweeu tbem- anti absointe starvation. Oua man bad died Irem i nsufficient food. Innistra- bull contaîns semae eight familles, or about aixty seuls, anti is eleven miles Item CuidaIT on the mainlauti. No boat bas been able te reech it for the lest tbree weeks, ianti those boats fItem fb-s islaud wbicb risked te voyage te the nainieuti were unahie te get haek. At Irequant ietervais the reliaI boat was complateiy under watam. The scana ou ias arrivai was an axcîtiug ene. Tha isiand- ara weme hudtiled toge thar on the shore, awaitîug tihe coming focd, and watcciug with anxions eyes the slow progtess cf the boat ttrough the heavy sea. The ilaaders toiti the cew that since the beats iart for the mainlaud, tbree weaks age, ü000 AND FUEL RAIN SHORT. Iu order te kaap tihe ires alive tbey ware ,,igdte hurn their bouseboid fumiture. IThey Cieset sema Of the bouses, anti bud- dleti into 4b0 eramaintiat, se that oeelSte wus matie te -gUp 'y warmnth te three faîni - lies. W'hen the Culdaif 0Zt lentiet there was net food enough te laest ain- . lday, anti there was ab3oluieiy ne fuel, seuýt a perfect famine w-s imminent. Many cf the fsabermen were ebligedti t break up their hoats for fuel, anti the oniy twe eows on the iglanti were sleughtarati ealy lu the sterm. The llantiers are tetaiiy dependeni for goode ou what ti.ey obtain on amatit- freir. the Malin' Headi sbepkeepars, wbo mey et any moment refuse furîber supplies. They cannot ish on account of the sterms, tbey do not grow as much on the isiauti as wcniti suppert deeently five smail families, anti wben severe weather sets lu they ara raduredt t semi-atarvation. Since the sud lue, andi are unabie, Item thair isolateti position, te engage lu the manufactura cf kelp, wbich wouiti hring them soe littie mcnay. In espousa toa a elegam for wardeti hy Mr. R. C. Fleming, J. P., Carthage 1leuse, Cuideff, te the Congasteti District$ Board, wbiciî was sent ou by tham te the local Govermmnt Board, their in specter visiteti Malin Head, anti matie exhaustive enquiries jute the aliegati dis- tresa. t la expacteti that a gunhoat wil ha saut Èround te convey The relieving offi-ý car to thea lant te aseertain the exiant cf tIse tiatreas. Why He Vtel Blue - Duriug the lasi lBritish Generai Elactien a man ode np te the poiling-place lu a donkey-eart, bie animal baing gaiiy attireti lu bIne rlbbons, amiti lonti cheers frein the atiberents cf the Pamliaimentery candidate, whose coleur was blue. Ou cemiug f rom the poliig-piace e man shouteti: "lWell dons ; yea bave doue ight to vote bIne !" The man laugieti as ha raplieti 111 have un' votai, blue-I kuew hatti tha n tbt" "Net voteti bIne !'ý crieti the other "Ithen why is yonr baast tresset up lu bine-Mn. -s coicurs V, -"Because, althongh ha may ha a douleey, I am net," was the answer, andt he ewnem cf the tionkey whippet i hm np, feeling ha hati seoreti baavily thare.t ACoengress on Shipbeard. The pI Norwegian Physiciens wlileh raceatty met et *textnt- et birtsgQ a hall helti its sessions on a large steamer whfch moeotlfmom place te place, se that they batd fresh air Pnd change af acene while tbey wera holding their delih-, erations. Tîsus t bey were hygienic as neiý as scieuttie, anti possihly less depletet ln purse than if lotiget inlu btela. A long, atrong ihumb aiwaya iudica.±es great will power anti force cf cheractar. The Britisb Museum possessas au itou axe.beati cf 1739 -years B. ., the oldest -- Ouib[ ,t hsy bacve praotc .,!y CeaedflilFthèncre iur iue,±e, kuwn. (~URLGALERIYCITIACURED EVERY TIME AND RHEUMATISM THE 1:'"D. "MENTHOL PLASTER Wiîi be pleased once ini Qiantity, twice in Q.uality, and thrc times lai Price who inspeet the unequa]led assortmeiit of Stippers, Rubbers, Trunks, Valises, &c., At ouir SFtore, seBEAVER BLOCK,m BowinanviIIej BIGG-EST STORE, BJGGEST VARIETY, BIGGEST VALUE, Everybody iiivited to call and s ee our ncw Ifootwear 5'-F E 1-C F MA N

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