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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Mar 1894, p. 1

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IEM -10PiÂNt.OUR TOWN ÂNID OOUIzTY FRTZI THE WORJLD ÂFTERWÂRDS. M. A JÂMIS EDIToR,Âl1 l NEW SERIES, BOWMÂNVILLE, OTIO flNSÂ,MARCH 28, 1894. OLMEXL. 1?umBEiý i]- - ~ ~ ~ NIW MAVEY . IVEWCASTLE. TYRONE. I 'I J __ ____ ____ Direct Importers, have opened -out an unusuall y large and choice - stock of Nem w D ress G-oods 1\1 ew Sateens, New Printsj New Cloths and Worsteds.' New Curtains, New Carpets and Linoleums. And direct from Berlin a fine stock of the very latest styles in LADIES' JACKETS AtPý CAPES, elegantly designed, beautifully 'Made and very moderate' in price. Also a lot of I-ADIES' WATERPROOF MANTIES a-Il New Gloods, -INSPECTION AND COMPARISON INVITED, BO WMANVILLE. HARDWARE! HARO .AREm! V/e have opened out in our New Store in Neads' Block with a fulli une of HARDWARE con- sisting of a'Il kinds of Shoif Goods, Pal ats, Ois, Glass, Putty and Tinware. 'We have bought out MVr. J. lVcBrian's Tin Business and retained him as our foreman and are prepared to do ailý kinds of Tinwork, incluing Fitting IBath Rooms, Hlot Air Furnaces, flot Water Bolers, and ail ki.nds of Repairing. IVr. MYcBrian beiilg a good practicali workmau we will guarantee ail his work to give, satisfaction. Our intention is to produce such goods, give such value, amid pay such attention to the tv7ants of the publie as, will imak!:e it t teir interest to deal xitlî US. We baveý been appointed sole agents for the farnous jAPPY, THOUGHT AND RADIANT HOME STOVES -n0hv now in stock sone of the latest improved1 makes. Ive--' us a cal, it vî11b pleasure uo s to shlow thlem. Wc h ave' cone to sta-y; 1avirig buh u tc~Trs vash, we wiIl give the public teflic-nfit of the sre.Alare îInVi! t to2-ali and inspect our goodls andi priUes. Nn.ans' B&ocs-, Iext Tme You Buy SGlmes- 7st -uP.. havinga pair of the faim-ooC 'IRADE MARIn. kEGISîrrIU p. The StyTr, F4t, ci n ietiJV- Sd.oer's She mrc 1 ) 7f of .eryhidng. 31aInfacured Ifi 0114A WA. About Ai] 2thi Mr. 11. Salter's new residence in O.îhawa on Sinece Sr. ,siuth, will be fit for occupancy It -s crie of the finest freine dwellitigs on that street, be- ing fitted -with ail the latest improve- mente; there le concealed in the joist and petitions wire for 15 elec trio liglits,- 3 electric belle, fire place and maritel. This! fine bouse je for s.le or te let., ------ _ Bi1MPTOdV. Mrs. (George Oliver hts purchased the Rowe property one door south, of F. A. Cole's tailor ehop. .... The special services are continued this week.... Easter visit- ors -Mr. A- T Elliotr., Millbrook; Mise Lottie Rr'gers, Enniskil1en; Miss .encie McLean, Bownanville... Miss Cotton, Bowmanville, bas a large Inuýij claes in thia villiagô, ( 8 pupils ).. .. Mr. Edward Hasting bas returned from the Supreme Circle, and visiting friands near Toronto. Burdock Blood Bitters ci-re Dyepýpuia. BurdocllloodBittersecureConetipation. Burdock Blood Bittere cure Biliouaetss. Burdock Blood Bitters cure Headache. Burdock Blood Bitters unicck ail the clogged i'ecretiç ni ( f the Bowel<, thus curing i1leadaehed and eimilar complainte. FOR YOU TO -NE&ýLEC't CO-URl EYESIGHT XN HEN FOR so smai1 an aincunt cf money you can bave your EYES per- fectfully fitted by - T. N. RICKARD9 Watrl maken, Jewelie, snd Opticisu, Beamanville, Something for the LADIES. Mr'. DANCASTER will salliber ofcke WINTER GOODS 4 ,.i bc-towv cost. Fl tt ats at 95 c'S. I have aise aî large asser t ment cf Wings and Bir,!- whieh I will seli fer haif the eatprcee Ail ti-im- med gîîods sold, et great reductin [fer the emaiuder cf the asn Rats d(yed and ra-sbgped 11n the ]lateat styles. Arientf r Robinson Corset Ce., whieh uiaver fr'e -t-o give.satisfac- tien. A eal] s uicitcd, Notrul te show goouls. t_ý î. _____________-_'t, is t t0 en tral Bietesia ci- Mr ûnBriglit, returued lasi Frîday j",i iiEglai, -fhe-,) heoies béeau peýnd- îng th wiutec. ... ,Mc. Samual Barkec, v1stcdTeronatcrecenitly. -... Mr. Guy, s'Ad at v lubetaam of horiws recently . ... Miess MVaielFnank, Apent Good Friday at lber Gradfaheretown ..,..The Union Sun- da oeL hed a poci 1 at Mr. 'Ira Pece'-,ccetl. . . Mc. Ma' tyn, teacher, isspdi l Faýter holidays et homne 'mi Mse ocas spent a day with Mc~ ~~~~Nr . nkBïj.,.MLocýkhert lia3 înow.,il on M, ViYncamp'e fsrm. . - N l iD all oard aud Mra. J. Stocie ec iyvisýiti d &t their fatlier'e, E. G Eo jEq. r W. Jordan spent Sui Y àü tvic. Luk-3 Buttery's. .... Mis M11 Wîther'd ga is viitieg et Miss Maggie DailRitz, Proprietor sud Publisher of t3be Hmu Ont., Indapendeut Bsya: 1Isn ufoiîg f rom Dyspepsie and Liver Trc 1-e, tcok a few bottles cf Shiloh's Vititz!7er sMud it cuced me. 1 can heantî'y rcpenlit." COBOURGi. $ C) f(ir Po.t IHope aud $1,000 fer Col ýrL, se tha Empire says, are the smo e isluthe estimate tii ha speet on hebraud breelwater. Cobourg lies ev ntIy been givan up by 'Cie gevecu- mienit ;assure iLibenal. Tlie Worid cf last week conitis the 'uiosepr for Cobaurg for 1893, whi .1h hows ucleceItaxes $10,423; sud hýrrears de $ý100. The report iî veiy ompl),ets sud ia nmodal oe in mauy ce- pct.The folloWing salaries Wera paid: cierk $4'50, t reýasunen $200, assessors $150, collete r$25 auditore $40, janitor $50, roudinsýpecter$447.92, teamster $425- $972.Th iHigli S, hldocet the teýw1! $ý2500 aud Public Sehools $2972. M,-. Upton Runnelîs, cf Walcenîe, was in tcwu 3yesterday on business conuerited -ýith tbe _NorthliAmenican Life Assurance Co. r n' st ocf frîends lu Cobourg WiPl~ dt r bt hlihlas saecucsd an e.~c p artiehip with theti,,e ffe ximîr Src any oùthet sect io f rur ~\ ci Ou-r eiepiUîn5 ,rî_- 7"ý , Mc eo Cockbiîn cu Batimrefla et perhas. 3wiunemr iii *ermanýY as a colt, icag Woîd'sfair aud et ihie jouus fair, whece lie tock firbt al coutcl stal]ione, sud firet iu pose ring, beating the we.rld in ýow cf hersies fîcîn Kentucky adjoinicg States. sî-Youes FRIENDS wlio have taken HedeSarsapanrilla wbat they thiuk cf it, aud dihe na-plPaswi!l bo positive inu its fiavec. Simtply what Hoodea Sans ipanilla doe, that telle the steny <'f its menit. One lis bïeni cured cf indigestion on dy- spe-pata, a.nother flude its mnd spensab!e fer sîkheaiache on bilieu&uesi, whie others report iramai kable cures cfseccof nIa, ceatsnýI,,nheumeatism, saIt nhenm, etc. 3 iloePille4 are purely vegetable. EeaVisitors-Mr. J L. Coutice,Mr. B. Ilýok Toronto, at Mc. L. M. Court- ice's.. . .M. McGnatb, Toronto, St Mn. Caru. Trade. . . .Mr. Om i Walter Orono, et M ].,Jhu Walten'e .. . .Miss Addie1 Wslt er, Tyrona, et Mn., Eti. Oeborn'. . . .SpcaIelEater services were held et Ebeuiezer on Sundey, 11ev. L. Philips, p-ister, pceached sermonss ppropriate te tha aciin d the choir is te be coin- mniefed for ihe epecial Eesten Authem rerid,-red. The plattirm - nus enitably b8declked with flowere aind plants.... The Mieoaysenvioïs et the Leagne rvis weUll ateAdid lest wetk; papers on China its phiysicelfeacturaessud ifs epirt iii rneede wene ne ead by Mies Mý Worden and McI. T. F. Wright sud leafiets an Chna Msinwork by Miises Edîîh Gay and WîieEverscu, Music suitible to the occasiion was given by Mce. A. E. Rnnrdle, Mrs. iý. E. Oshocua, sud Miss Little. JoIn,.. The prognaru elven by the pu- p9ës cf Nom8 the second t'me on G, cd Fridsýy aveuiDg was weîl attenddd. An uuusually pleasiurg pet waî the diîtrsbu- tien cf the pnizes te the successful pupils býy the Truciteag.-Mr. H Setter and Mr. imnPeufouni. Owing te Fi kues in tiýefaiy the <ther trust. e Mcr R F. Ricsid -cld uer tir p-esaet. ru Itee, Tîaùy ver y], ioad Iy t'ck is place,,d maxde ,vtcy ineat speech ,n tho snhject of -'R wainsdtheýir B3tnetts". .. 1. L T. Cocie ,isrtiird to t'a-e f 'c a tine ,..MaThoe. Werden, Tow-n jd v:siîog lier sou c- John Wordee, "Ovnlaa Otlok".-rM. John Oko who lhies beau ckwth inflimiîaiiu cf the huiga for senim week , a-e are ploas d te ne'po't isb convalescent, .. . A vecy pleai- aut tN ae wmsepe nt et the reaid-uce i"f McI Dr. Thos. Farncombe lehm..D. M. tolamley-, Port Ho(pe,has beeas Oliver cauglit a burgl tr trying te getl. invisiting friends he.... .Mr.Jabez Moore to inepecir bis cellar the other 'r.iglt.. .. aad family are leaving our village; sorry Mr. and Mre. L B. Davideon gave a te lose such good citizens, . . . Mr. Samuel smart paty a few aveuicge ago. - Report H:utcbîngs lias purchaecd Mrc. J. H. Man- eeye Mr. B. Athton speaku of coiniug tb rig'e property andi taken peesn. . reîidü iu Newcastle . .. .Our citizcu1s ex. -Ice S. Farrell bas returniýd frein visiîiug tend a cordial welcome t,,)Mrs. A. A. Whltby frionds.. .. Mr. Win. and Miss Colwlll aud hope sha will fael at home Rowe, of Wýlhitby, were guestli, of Miss with us-.. Mr.J. D. Fallis and family Campbell on Sabbath.... Mr. Ches9. Vir- uf Kendall took train hore for To orîto tue cbaoged bis mind about gneto whare they will reside . .Drovere Powars Manitob),.... T. Creeper vislted ln the and Carveth took a boad of fat cat le te Queen City list week . . .AbDut eîxty Toronto for Eaýter but found thea urket members (f Tyrone Divisîo'c atted se dead they brouyht senre of thain home. the service oni Sibbath eiï.oing in ad- "What's in a namùî" Weil, thet de- dition tý) the large congreeastion gathered pends. For instinc,ý, the' namae of te hear Riiv. llarvey Strike'e very able "Ayer's" jes sllicient guarauitee that addrs. Ayer's Saisaparilla is a genaine, ricientific blood-purefier, suid net a ebam, like ze much that goes by the name cf "earsapa. nusl." Ayer's Saspaîil lue the stand ard. Miss Ane Whitiock vlsitud Mrfi.Cha;. S abbck... Mc. Thomas Lukes amni!y were near'y suffocatad by ceai gae rýccn'- ly... Messrs. Joephi and John Reeson, David Dunu aud ALex. O miston, left List week for tickts....Mrs. Geoge Hfalleittaud three children have gone te Markhanm te lve. We are sorry te lose them. B,,fore iexving Mr. Hlllett waî preEeeîttd with a purse ...-. We had a big debate betwen the Patrons and Royal Templars On the Pdtrons' side were Wm. Davis, S. Robants, aud W m. B Guy. Tïee Royal Templare hed S. L. Kei r, W. J. Moore aud B. Donlîttie Result a rie.... Cengratu'atiovs, Bro. T. IF. James (n advaut cf suioher Youngsm-A Easýer chichen. Dyspepsia causai Dizziuess. Headache, Constipation, Vnrleble Appetite, Ri8ing and Souring of Food, Palpitation of he He-nt, D stress after EtinQ,. Burdock Bloed Bitters are guiranteed te cure Dyspýýpeia, if faithfnlly usad according te direction. LESKAREL. Mieî Mary acsnWho har bte-n ill for savecal waekm, le net Imuali better. ... Mca. Luxon, Orono, us viseitiher boh eC !1rcWmJakn- .MGuib, Biln comniceu îognng ars. Staples aud f almiiy hate umoved te Now. touvilla. -... Mies Rosa Bell gave a party te. hec yonng fc.ends Good Fuidïy.... Our obliging store keaper, Mc. J. Avery, bas been gettiug in an excellent suppiy cf Spring goods,whicli are cf gcod q'îslity and seheap as the cheapeet. G.v e i s cail, you wili be p7eased sud se wil lte. SAFE, SURFit, AND P.&INLESS,.-Wibt a world of meauing thies ftat e ment embodies. Juet what you are looking for, is it not2 Putnamn's PainleÊs Cou Extcactoc-tlie great sure pop cern cura-acte lnu iis way. It makes ne acre spots; safe, scie speedily sud with cectainty; sure sud mîldly, withont inflaming the parts; pain- las8ly. Donotbeimposed upon byirits. ti,n3 or subetitutes. Mise Edith Arge aleheome from.Piuker- ing Collage.... ,Open division passed off veny plEaatly Friday aveuli-g ..The eingiug cf Misses VanNest aî.d Meut- gomery aud Mc. Jas.Goaxd wss excellent, and the readingesuad necitatieus togethen with the instrumental musýc madle up a good propnam ... Tha Patrons of Iudu6tcy celebrate thain asu iveceay cf oeceanization on Wedneslay eveniug, March 28, with a prognei n cI refceshmente. ... . Mc. W. I. Gerrillis evîsiting ber son in Western O.itarie sud Patriarcli Gorrill looke quite 101101y,... Mr. Herbert Reyolds 'of Drayton, spt nt Eater et henme... Mr. J. G. Lsiîgmaid's fat steer euiciiied by hargiug.... .Recaut visitons : Mr. Chas. Brown sud dau-ghter cf ilalten Ce.; Mr. J. Goard, Miss E. Sophia James sud Manter ~Nman B. Jamae, Bowmauvtlae; Mr. A. Ac»rahame, Scarbono; icis. Camecon, Ocono; Mc. C. W. Souci, Enniakillen. at R ' aelandvale; Mr. S. Thorupson, iHampton; Mr. Blewîtt, cf Oron ..Depnty-neevs Pascoe sud ie have hec-n visitiug frirnde at Whitby... Mr. 1-I.,u is visiting friands in Toout.... Mr. Moore l3Iil with in- fimn'mation i f 1 he lun.cq ... Mca, Jas, T, W i inleq li T'rout, . . .. Mc. William Lanmiiinrn le "leitier inlu owmîuiville.. ..-Mr. Jeu. H. Williams viâited near liamptox Sunîay. .. .Mr. W. A. Tom sud îvifo visited et Eu'iskilillen recens'y. They maka ocefeel as fliough hE) vas worý hliving. Tala-e ne ofcai teceA Little Liver Pillq af ter eatîng: it wid re- li" s 'reis, i' g ýtin, give toue L grt 'heest TA, .Coutceh s .'xuoubC- er cdf f.reo onis published rnnuthly bh .,te l'îiug J1, Thundey veuie. Gmes Uad Pi the R,,eveIl Ce , cf New i3k ndl sin mIlc- ausmen fr heoctcao, smo"gdMd belp for thosüe :eegaged lu teaciring. vve'-, Mc. Couvticaiirte ha cErirgceuuirte ou Mv.rg n cf the flnvs bec sudmeetIfscommeutateceare soins cf the hast con oien (e fam nl'idanc'siacnd tnth ansd ifssclated n=%asmuAet ha 11e, bPhipe illbegn aspeal ret lte ',)tbhse ýWho ceal thein. Su'b. bc-iptUion price cniy (;J cents a year; lun oeie f Sermecîs exi Suuay secoîng club'S cf o r mo'-e0cnta r Ad a.t Ebenez;er fuda uth ï 1 fJacm c..-ic'. ia cir. ia~e, om la cent. anitStr.rîord, nt. ~ ics yung e~e spmi- C,'yjliei...VA5 ?rue ENFIE'LD. Eseter vistors-Miss Adeline Pascea, Mr. M. J. Gibsen, Oshswaý; Mr. George Reeson, Brooklil; Mrq. Wra. O-miston sr., Celumnbns: Mr. P. M. McDonnell, Arthur.. .. (1. Mecikey speit Eýster hoidays it Kioscleand W hitby.T,'he echool chlIren n~ad s tait1 p ill St school on Thursdsy aftert,oîn... àMc. J. Alex- ander went te M initoba lest g eek with Mr. J. Ac'ae.,-.etWedues-ilay uigbt the anid sud ea chers marched te Mr. S. tiray't3 residenoeansd after play- iug sever-l si-Noctions werae cicrted ilite, the diuitig hall sebera they were treated te an cysten supper aud ail otho-r d- eu-a oies imaginable. 0fcurse) the baund boys kept about as god time at the tab'e as they did playing mn bc. Âftr eey body was satisfied thuj baud and e voral n'hors gave diffienut seletîio is to enter tain Mr. aud Mrs. Beay snd fimily until the tirne cam ,ýte depart The beys re. turned home well pleased thet thay wene inembens dc the bani .. . .Rememnber the baud concert next Saturday nigl.t. The Baud sud the best local talent wilI furnish, program Admis;son: Lady and Gent, 25 ceuts, Single ticket, 15. Concert te beglu at S o'clock. Shiloh's Cure ie seid ui, a gua-ýren1tee. It cures Incipiant Consumptioni-. It le the hast Cough Cure.' Only ens cent a do3e; 25 cts., 50 cts. and $1.00 par bottle, Sold by Sto-tt& Jury. The Cartwrigýht S. S, Assoc2iation illi will li:d ,,Le uinllthe PreebYterîian a tît cr he elongare axps3cted te help, L 2.Mitchell c1 f Euiekillen sud two Sunday vSohocol werkare frin BeL'w- menivîh, aud we are leokiug ,fo;r Fard to a prcâftable meeting.... Dr. T. U. Siii cf Queese, gave a capital lecture in the Presbyterian Chunch soe time ago z. , At the annuel meetings cif the dfferent Pcc-sb taian chu ches composiag the En.i niekîlien sud Cartwright charge, the gen- eral condition <f these churches was found very sttisfacteny. After meeting ail fi. nanti-ai obligations. a balance et Il ne- miidin the hande cf the d ifeorent t-,ers. And uotwittuatanding the cononrcnial depression, the contributions for the echemes of the church wece meto than doubla that cf last vear. Net far frem $200 was giv an fur the purpose. The people cf thase chuncht shave cea3on te thank God sud take courage. ... Mr. A. Cryderman, cfDarlingtou, lias taken np his residenca on the farin lately pur- chased f rom Mr. Josephi Taylor.. . Large numbar cf commnun,.can*s atteuded ths commnion services je sha Presbyteniani churcl a week age lest Suniay. -~ P-. KNTOWJEDGE Bringri crmîfert an~d rupr ovensent and tends te pet-sonal eîîjoyîrîaut whaxs riightly used. Tlie xuany, who live bat.. ter than oth ers sud enjeoy life moe, with' less expeuiditure, by more promptly -Ldapting the werld's hast products to "lie needs cf physiesi beiug, will attest f'ie value terieaio f the pure liquid 1-ixatidve prineiples embcaced lu tlie rredy, Sypcf Figas. Ifs excelleince ie due te its pcesenting ie tire foc-m most acceptab'e sud pes !Ift te the tante, the rafreshing sudtuy benefîcirri prirperi lac cf a perfectla. clive ; diactualiy conigthe ezystem, t 7 speliing colds, licaacîc sud fe-ver(o and perîrîanenîtly curing ccnetipatLiui It lias given satisfactin , illions sud( met v.ith the aîtolofthemeca profession, 1becausio t c ou the Kid- sîy, ier ani ]SoWlIit1111b wea'k-. eeing thein sud e efectlyfreo frntm evcy ojecîcubleSubstance. 5~îî' cf ijefocrelsby &aI L drg gisîî s75e bttîebut ii mn-. factuzed b ýy the Califoýrîria FigSyp pakgaliS e heaine, Syrup c fFga aedc being wel doruuedl, yen w;ll ;,.ii U- J£8-11 L; _ Ilt lo.J0J DUSTAN & WflAF~,j to. univ. a is nrhitedoii evprv Laý,;u 1 ýl ý 1

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