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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Mar 1894, p. 2

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j ~ PARLIPJ~ENTI - THE DEBATE ON THE ADDRESS. Er. Laurler's Tiforouâ AssasIt on thse (0v- erunflft. Hon. Mr. Laurier was receiv'ed wjth lond Liberal applauise wheu he arase taspeak. He said :-" Mi. Speaker, 1 arn sure 1 arn voicing the sentiments af t]ils side,and per- r', aps it miay be for once the other side,when I express to the bon. member for the Cty -.-. t-. ~oa Ottawa and the hou. member for Hoche- S laga tbe bigh sense of appreciation which we al entertain for the creditable efforts witb whicb they have gratified the Hanse. 1 âz , " The duty which bas been assumned by the mover and the seconder of the address is under ail circurnstances, as 1 know, a diffi- cuit one, and on this occasion, haviug to r ý-Z ucreate something ot af nothing, baving ta evoive ideas ont of few words, the task was I N FL EN ZA , more particularly trying, and I arn bonnd Or La Grippe, though occasoneîlly cpi- ta say lu ail conscience that, with the ex- demie, is aiweys more or iess prev aient. ception of a few flights of fsncy with whichi The best reinedy for this complint I conld neot egree, they have coaeont cf îs Ayer's Cherry Pectoral., the ordeal very well. Sir James Grant par- " Lest Spring, 1 wes teken dowfl with ticulerly cbarmed me wltb the passae eoa Yje Grippe. At times 1 was completely pros- his speech iu wniicb he referred to the Mari- trated, and sa difficut was niy breathing time Provinces as a nest of great men, and Iht rny breast seemed as if conflned iunau wben he said that the'Maritime Provinces kran cage. 1 procured a bttle af Ayer's awy preitdtergra o.Ti Cherry Pectoral, and no sonner had 1 began awy prcae hi îe e.ii teking lt than relief followed. I coitld nte- lieve that the affect would be sa rapid and the cure so cumplete. It istruly a wnderfulinsd- Sine."-W. H. WTLLiAms, Crook City, S. D. Dherry 'ectoral fbromp'tto actSUretO cure JI10USTRY AbTIY IVENTION. The nitnate deposits ai Colombie, it ie beiieved,wcr11 shortly rival those ai Chule, Two inventons su Las Angeles, Cal., have iuveuued a machine ta utilize tidal power. A cane planter sud a peashseliiug machine are two ai the istesti eninltural inventions. The net incaîne ai the Bell Telephone Company lu 1885 wes $1,890,996. lu 1892 lu was $3,411,679. A Texas genins bas inventecl an hec cream freezer wbicb wil ireeze a balf dozen difepreut kinds ai ico creetu et the samo tirne. The Krupp works et Essen, Germany, turu ot 91,000 cannon a year. Over 20,000 men are empioyed sud an average ai 1666 tans ai coas sud cake are cansumed daity.j The letest addition ta the liet ai pseeda househoid provhsions is artificiel crearn. The prepanstion is made by simpiy me- cbanicaily emnlifying s suitabie ail witb a solution ai glue or gelatine and diluting lu with wsten ta any desirefi cansistency. One would tbink au auchor would be the lest thiog anyhady wauid expecuta improve upon. Yet a Mlexican bas dcsigned an an char whîcb consiets ai a flat reciengulen sbeet ai plate mtai. Ih is desiguefi ta be suppated hy the auchan chaîn lu a nesly horizontal position lu the water sud not ta take bold ou the botm. The colurnu af water besing upon the fiai shot piste serves te balti the vessal teady, keep its head ta the whud and provoi its driiîug ta lceward. Mutual Explanations. 'Brown;:111 say, Janes, I've hearti 3. hiave heen il! lately.', Joncsý: "O, yes, I haýve 1been -cvnyil I baa ad ind I in in lu ry bead. I c asutfiedoctor, buit ho ed jthe imlpu- dlence ta say there wvas notbiig ie mairer with Ime." Bnown: "Do yau know what makes youn heed ring." Joues:. "No, 1 don't."' Brown: "Well, youn beefi is ballow, aud bollaw thiugs do ring." Joues. "Um! but dase your boad nover ring?" Browi: "Oh, ual! I neyer feel any ring. iug in uiy heed." Joues:. "Dg yan kuowbhow ibat e"' Brown: "No, I don't.'" Joues: "Weli, yonr hdisd l m'cked, sud crecked thinge nover ring" ALL MEN Yotung, aid or middle aged, wbo fiud tbem selves nervous, woak and exbausted, whc anc braken down fraui excese or overwarls resultiug lunrnany ai the lollawissg sym- piame : Mental depressian, premature old ag, lose ai vitelity, lose ai memary, bad dresuis, dimnesof.. sigb'c, palpitation of the heani, orissiaus, iack af energy, pain lu tise kiducys, beadechos, pimples on the face sud body, itcling or peculler sensa- tain about the scrotum, wasting ai the organe, dizziness, saecks befaro the eyes twitching ai tho muscle, eyelide and lse- where, basbininess, deposis lu the urine, loss af viii power, tendernescif'the acalp sud spitte, weak sud fiebhy muscles, de- sire ta sleep, fainre ta ho rested by seep, constipation, dulinees ai bceing, losea o voico, desire for soihude, cxctsbility af tempîn, sunken cye, surounded witl LEAfiEN COSCLES, oily iaoking skhu, etc., are ail symptarns ai nervaus dehilisy that leed ta nsanity unlose ouneti. The spring or vital banco baving lasta ira tension even' function wsues lu conequence. Those who through abuse committed iu iguar- rance, may ho perrnentiy. cured. Sou, yo un addnesesud 10 cents lu stamps far book on disesses peculiar t a n, sout seeled. Addrese M. V. LUBON, 24 Mec. dlonoîl Ave., Toranto Ont., Canada. 36-ly Begga-"'Have you s capper you ce; epare, sir?"- Caton-"YVee: you wll fln' hlm lu the kîtchen making love ta the rck. " PILES ! PILES!I ITCHING PILES. Svan'Taîs-Maisture; intense itehîng sud stingiicg; masi et night; worec b, sratching. If aliawed ta, csutintio tuns ors forui, vich oiton bleed sud nicerats, bccoming very sore. SwÂYNE's OINT- MENT stops the itchiug sud bleedsng, boa]s lcerathon, and in tuait cases reoaes the tumons. At druggiets, or by mail, for 50 conta. Dr. Swayne & Son, Philade]- hle. Lyman Sans & C., Montres], lh'lcoale Agente. Dancing and cand-piayiug wcne condenîn cd by a înajaity ai the members ai e ebureb lu Nevada, Mo. The pensons wbo wore autvoteîl at once eeceded, and staried an- other clsurcb. 'Wheu Baby was sick, we gave ber Castaia. Wlien she was a Chiti, she cried for Castania. wiiei s b~ . eseMis$, she clung ta Lstants. 'Iflon ahe hali CI, Udren, she gave tlsem Castor"a 1-1a' . Mit. LAURIER. aentiment, camiug as it did siter au eveul that on y took place yesterdsy, la evideuce 'hai hoe spoke the truth, sud 'hat Nova Scotia appîcciaies the great man wbo nov, couducts lier Provincial affains. )Appiause.) Sir James Grant aisa lu rauchîng terns, in thé latter pari ai hies speech, recalicd thse memony aif'the ovents sud narres which muet fonever he dean ta Canadien heants. Ho liiued the clouds lnamn the isorizon af their lives, whi-bholi once saw lu the fuil epleudor ai thein giow, and which are ban- ever ahnouded i l icse sent ebadaw of rdestb. Sir James Grant had the priviiege ofa ssat lu ibis Hanse ai a frne wheu per- bepe tisere wene congnege'ced au its faon sa galaxy ai men whihb as neyer been equelici ince. ITe was painiuiiy impressed witl the beci 'hat the rnke had been eadiy tim Lied by the bend af lime whicb ba! balicu ripau those wbo guided the destinies ai this country twenty yeans ago. Weil, time flics, ana we are cemied lu ite fligbt. lu s uotb. ing new, yot aid as lu may he h les always uew ini its paininines, and alviaye carniesa new bitternese witb lit. Wbenoanc like Sir James cames into ibis Hanse-aiter the lapae of sevenal yeas s, perhaps the paiufulnîoss c this siglît la stili more feuls y iim than by those of us elbe bave set lu thie Hanse and ïievoacc the disappearance ai ail those great men whaee meusory las revered. Weil 'cule jte ce esupr-eme Law, sud sinco h i tis e nc preýme Lw îh le epart ca i iadaî ta apply ossevstao fFi ta uhe !hest o aur abilitv the, ta-,'- leit ta ns by ýr 'chose wlic no langerst amangst nsý, 'but whosý-e xam-plI le tîli leit arnangst ns. ISir James Grant bas aiso been feuec tous lu the remsnks whic'h ho made in regaré ta the cordial welcame wbich bas heen ex tended by ait classes ai the Canadien peopl 1ta the distiuguished nableussu wha noo roprescuts the Qocen in Canada. Ail classe ai people of Canada bave heen paticularl sstiled with tbe selectian wbich bae boer made by the Imperiai antborilaies af 'ci persan ai the Eari ai Aberdeen ta fil t] position whicb bai become perbaps anc the masi importent lu the British Empire 1lu thhs demaera+ic coutrty we wouid dccr it bAneath aur dignity ta offer tea nvoi aur higis approciatian n l lniiage wbiel wouid resombie bulsome flattcny, yet it trutis ta say that Canadabes been exception 1ally batunatelun'che character snd abilitie ai ail thase wbo iup ta the preeeas . frne ha- occupied the dstinguisboýd positionc GovonorGenerai, sud lu le no flatteryt say 'hat af ail 'hse tmen net anecame1,t the disebange ai bis important dàuties w]t a greater name or botter porsoual reoa athan dace the preseut ineuibent et ttb eposition. lu anc sense the nameofa Abondee "cames moet fittiugly ater 'hat ai Derhy eThe name ai Aberdeen, like that ai Derby -is a name anhicis, while it bas heen med famous by a lang lino of predtee'eseors, ha neyer been more illustrions 'han durn P the present reigu, sud I re ecbo every wor -* that was spoken by Sir James lu that r( >fgard. Witb regard ta tise lest incumber ai the affice, when Lard Derby loir ou dshores ho eannîed witbhlm, as weil as i distint'uisbed consort, the entiro îympý thy sud respect af the wholc Canadia people, wha leanned ta appreciate ,ihe: 9 unobirusive and genuine qualiries. 'IA 'y reputathon wbich preceded the enceessan OLard Derby waa a reputatian wou by on Linut services ta the State, cnowned by rf dmest mareliaus succese wbicb chanactonî r cd the administration ai tise Eari cf Ahi deen aseViceray ai Ireiaud, e succese, 1Isa, whîcb wasenathiug short ai marveilo; wisen vo rememben 'hat the Eari ai Ahe deen, ging as Viceroy afi reiend to a u .n Castlein t'he midet ai greet political agit Atien, in thee mhdsît ai sullon d iatrees, leit tl LeCatle six monthe afterwards amiditt i sobeisud'cars ai a people ever quick neepond ta kinduessud geuerasity ; of people wbase tender heant sud quick iiit leet bad diecovened lu thet selon ai s proi ýg sristocracy anc wbo uudenstood al t ýy aspirations ai the modern democrai, . Applanse.) " Mn. Lachapeile bas reierred et son r- ength tae bee uccessaifCanada at t] la Wanid's Fair. Iu that respect I aisor lecho every word that wae said. The au cesai Canada wae gnatifyiug tealal Ce- r diane, espeislly ta those wbo, like mysi 1-believe thai agriculture is the art ai , arts, the sceon ce ai ail sciences. f Appleus( Hedl it nlt been for tise agruculturai exhili ri. Canada would bave no cause ion en'cb bh lasm lu regard ta succcss et tise Wan]c oe Fair. The fermons took the iiou's shae - the ewarde eccorded ta Canada ett Worid's Pain, wiich shows that, thu the fenîners are net e pampened cli thaugb they bave neeeived notbiug frî the Goverument, thougb on tise contra ihey are hampcrod by the Govemumeut, is ta the fermons we must look fort developusent ai Canada. (Appleuse.) IV Lachappelie said that hoe wae sure ti Goverument wonid do something fort protection of the farmers ai Canada. Lwas under tise impression that tube Govi , it wae doue et tbe meeting lu the bieadi the wbicb la piaceed aven the article. The ho; MIr. ing reads " Feeling Il1eir Puise." (Lauý tbis ter.) The Minister wes there feeling th the pnises-(bear, bee)-aud ta ascento 6.I whether they-would or would flot£siu)mit rrn- s reduction ai the tariff. But we know wl sd- bas increesed with Great Britain. Aý h-undenstanil the trade sud navigation netur cm ur trade bas increased mucb m( ;ain witb the United States than witb GrE Itao Bnîteju. But vve arc toid no int bat address ai Sir James Grant. trade bas not increased, because most of' the increase in exports bas bsen an increase in coin and bull ion. But, suppose that our expo-- tace.s..meneao-,w.- -se1,u uuîe ment had ealwavs preteuded they 1had l oue a god deal foý the frir.Mn. Lachap- elle liones sud believes tb' hatteGaeue wiil do sometbing. Wci ohsmr hope sud faitb in tbe Goverumlenlt th-a have myseif. (Hean, beer.) But, bavîug said tisat mucb, 1 am sorry ta sa)y that I cen go no f urther. I arn sorry taI i1ean- not take rny shere ai ail thse 1fiowes-tbey were fiowens aifnlsetoic-witlî whlch Sir James Grant strcwed the groundi that he trod. Sir James bas eudowed witb enthius- iasm the subject ai bis remrneke ; it al net have becu expected that hoie uldbave been able ta grow sncb eapofuin ai bloomes as those be bas exhibitcd ta us oiti ai the rocky, sandy, barren gnannd ta o b found in the four corners afie sec irom the tbroue. Ho bas, eud1owcd it wîth e great deai af entbusiasni. Ho a not sien anytbing su the governnmeut iý.11 Canada but whet wae wortby ai admiratio-n sud cominendatian. "Neither oai 'ny bon. iniends bas saida word as ta tbe tardy sud inconvenrient, date et wblch Panliarnt bas been c tiet Ment, ancd sureiy this le e tbing wbicb snmy b ou. finis canuot apprave. It bas been a nc ai the uwwitten laws ai Canada foýr a great mauy yeaspa tht alimn shauid ho aummosîed at an early dat e in the ayeer, eit the leteat, perbaps, lu Jannanry. Tbe reasan la this :lunisis couutry we have no privileged elase. Ail the memrbers ai this Hanse, with scarceiy au exception, ire engaged in tbe ardinary avoca.tiaus iïo lfe, sud it is therefore an objL'Lt ofi para- mount neccssity that ai ton beving disc].arg- ed their duty ta their country they shlould ho able ta go back ta theiîr business o'o ýut the apening ai the business seasan. ibis bas been donce lu the past ycars. It io nc ai the nnwritten iaws ai Canada. St:iL 1 his year the Goverument bas deperted fro,ým thîs nule. Tbey weited aud weiz.ed sud, waited, util the apeuiug ai the buiniess soason was lu sight befare tbey sul'noned Parliument, sud as ta this there is n ey"er a wor7t af explenation. Wo nigbt lne expeeted at ail events that thre godi wha nieaven aur destinies wal bave cam down broi the sphenes whicb they acm upy sud give u4 a ward as ta tlîs. At ail u unts, if tbey wanid net take us rnta tbeir, ý nfi- dence, tbey sbouli have taken inta', hein confidence Sir James, who rnigbti -ave nt epeared ta ns the expienation. Isbui lebtat the Governuient have hecu aadly lremissalu tucir duty lunont summnang wPelisameot carlien, uniess thcy Ceni b1rng .forth somes cageut reasaon ta, excuse their in negligeuce. (Hear, henr) le 1 "Same resn there imuet have been, sund i wbat was it? I amn told the Goverïnment 8expeet ta rush tbe session. No one ex-peets f) ta remain bore ion e long tîmo, but the ses- ýi sien muet lest the time tbst is neccasary ta - diseuse the business ai the nation. There f bas becu sather neasan wbîcb bas been ae biuted. lu bas beenstatediluthe prees thal - the Goverumeut wene waiting ta sec whal a de% eiapirents wonid ho taken lu the nevisÎion Id ai the tariff on the ather sîde. Iu bas, been ch stated triey were iooking ta Wasbîngtou. - W'het, sir, is it passible? Looking te sn Wshingtonu How are the rnighty falien, s I waut'ta knaw ? How are the pure ba&llet sfram grace? How are tbe super-layal h- calumus fellen dawn ? I believe, air, thone yssj samle trutb in that statemeut. 1 believe e that Parliimeut wes noreummanýedby,, those ni wo ba nted ta know whet wss tae dons e at Washington, for it weî outlîned by the cf Premier speaking et the meetini the an Board ai Trade lu Tarante lun 1892." Mn. se Laurier then read inam the speech ai tht >s Premier on that occasion, s fain tat Sir 1, Jolh ad eeaid, vhiui refenning ta tie ques. la. tieof ai eiffr-ebo:rus, thait Canada we ubni t ta ke 1bason1s broui its uiha ra L"Tho, n Laurier weun t t ;4î uaý Lewsthe neason wbhy tise session bas bee Sd Lest year there was adiieent eaanthrî: c- thal given by the Prin!-'e Minister, give-n 1b le the Minister ai Finance, as 'ta, th ek elav w revising the tariff. The Muse as Finance stated]that thce tariff waid n ly be praceeded witb, net beceuse the un wene weiting ion exemples inoos Weebing ceo tan, but because libere wes not suflcien fe information bad aun the aubj oct, asud he an( aif bis coileaguos were gain g iram p tc -e, place during the neeess, sa as ,tafiud or em the necessity for it, or if necessary et ail ~e <Ilear, belli.) Weil, that was the eas tgiven by --the Minister aifinnelas is seseion. Thene was greet cnnioaity in thi on- mintis ai the people as ta the transwAior os connected witb the tariff inquiry. Oaeo ie these tariff meetings wss heid in theý Cit. ai ai Montreal. lu was iaund that thisý mec' ta ing came off camsera obscure. (Hean, ear. te There wae ta be nae pubiicity, sud CanE 't queutiy there was much indignlatfi o ve Drd the meeting, because in tibis demacrati et country natunally the Pc pIe ha vc , ýsu, een piciou egainst that wlsich calnnot ho cer by. riefi ont sud condacted lu the brosdÀ lizi) by, ai day. (Cheene.> The proteste laid again. ide the secret meetings ai the tariff cairm bas sien were sncb tîtat the Minister ai lir ig suce cauld nat ignore thcm. The Mi1niste rd hadl ta take somes notice ai tbem, sud thenf re- bore be explaiued bis position lu regard i ut theos. He did se in the City ai S't. Jobil oun sud the reasou be gave wby these meuetii is wene hbinl secret wee that if tbey Wei sea- made public then he would bcecomàpeille au ta listen ta sgt speeches on frce trsdcin tir protection, sud that by mneetintg i, seuEn hor thero wes marc information î obtainel 'aio (Hean, heen.) These excuses satisfiedni n- body butf.liseAli <HeTTrar. ear.) T] took placeý. These manniacturers were iiinllg ta make sacrifices as long as the-ir awn peýt indcustLries were natinterfered with. As ongas heminister of Finance Iacpt tueieing their babies they did nat cars what b)?ecame ai the others. Like Artemus Ward, wha, et the time ai the war af the Un ion, wes willhng ta meke seime sacrifices, he wes wîlýliug ta sacrifice al bis wiie's relations. (Leuaghter.) The Minister came ta meet the fermers etlest. The palicy was then cheîîged. W-heu the meetings with the manulacturers t ook, place secrecy wes the mtteofo the dkay ; naw pnblicity wes made the motta ai the day. Some inquisitive parties were anx- ions tao fiud ont wbet wes gaing cru et the mneetings with the menuiecturers, but tbey ,iigbt as soon go ta Egypt aîid interview the sphyux buried in the sands there. But the armens' meetings were now as open and as free as the air. The mensbers of the press were net anly admitted, but they were invîted. (Heer, hear.) The farmers cerne there ta expose their 'grievences, but instead of being allawcd ta do se they werc met by the Ministers ai Agriculture and Finance, and the two Cantrailers, wbo, with the aaio a bine book, expieined ta tisein own satisfaction (I don't melan the farmers, but the Ministers and tbe Con- trolleraj)thet they had no grievances. The two Cantrollers taok Ontario, and tht Minister ai Agriculture teck the Northwese Territories. I am bolind ta sey thet the Finance Minister taok the Dominion as bis portion. Well, the Controller of Inland Revenue and the Controiler ai Caistome were pleesed witb the prosperity they met. As ta the Minister af Agriculture, wbcu hie wes lu the Northwest lhe wes bannd teaedmnit thet the fermais were net lu prosperity-(bear, beer) -but hie said it was the fermera' own inuilt if:tbey were taxed linon agricultural li- plements and binder twlne. Thcy ahould go into rixed fsrrming ; thet would relieve theui tram the slougb in wbicb they were. I muet say that I was prend ai my protes-, sien wbeu I sew a lawyer, who httppcned ta be Minister ai Agriculture, point ont ta the fermers ai the Narthwest that the rems- edy was witlsin their own hends, The fermera wauld neyer have tbonght ai this had it nat been for the lawyer, wbo was et the moment Minister ai Agriculture, point. ing it out ta them. I arn snrprised that the Minister should not have iollowed np the idea ai bis predecessor, the gentleman who now sits for the City ai London, and told the barmers nat oniy ta go ista rixed ferming, but elso into the growing ai two-rowed berley ase well. (Cheers.) As 5for the Minister ai Finance, hie went from ithe easst tte centre and freim the cen- tre ta the west suad wherever lie wont heshowed the fermers th8t they had no no grievances. Tbhe Minister lectcred tbem onthe duty and adventages ai snpparting tprotection, sud lhe also preeched them a tsermon an the necessity ai peying their iown taxes. He said- that it was the duty aio ail good Christieus, especieily fermera, ta psy taxes." (Cheers.) Mr. Laurier bers rclsted a dialogue wbich tok place between e Frencbch ,ef a sud a chieken. The chef asked the cicken what kind ai saue,did it waut ta bes eateu "with, and the cbicken replied thet it did " net went ta bcecatenl et all. Mr. Foster, "went ou Mr. Laurier, asks the brmer "what kind ai sauce he wauts ta bcecaten "with, aud the fermer replies that bie doci " nat want ta bcecaten et ail. But Mr. Foqs 1. ter tells hiîn that lie must be esten and e that the sauce will bo nothing cisc but ýr protection. Wben tbey came beck ta Ottawa tbey ,. epp&r9ntly did net know any mare as te - wbat tbey should do than wben they set fo,,rth uipon their e,.rrend, because sinise they t am bck tbey werc followed by long pro. c es onscaiug iroina the very places that mien thaýt they lhed iuterveiwcd. ie Min. isters had gens e ta l their pulse,,,.sud uaa ýY thcy came ta feel the pulse ai tbe ,iînistere ýn snd, ebove al thing's, ta exact their ponni Df aifiesh. (Hear hear.) Judgiug iranr t thecwords wbob the Ministers have place< tY lu the mouth ai bis Fxcellency, they hbey 9-obtaineli their po.ud ai flesh. We are t( t bave the came systeos. There is ta be n( Ld reform whatever. The system is ta bi te con tiuued that has preveiied for seim It years u intis country ai lcvying taxes, ne ~ta go into the public excciequer, but lut( )n the private purse ; of imnpasing duties, un t wlth the view ai ievying revenue, bt le with the view ai tsxiiug anc portiono 1the cammnnity for the benefit ai anothe of portion ai the conmunîty. Sir Jamie 'Y Grant said tket bc expected that the wiý ýt dam ai the Gavernmeut wouid pravide pni '.) tection for ail classes., I arn sure it wiil ýe I bave rersd a speech ci the Prime Minis', on doivered e few days egoaet Ottewa,aud I st tic that the Prime Minister bas undertaken s 18 proteet ail kinda ai lebor, even professions r- labar. Yon do nat believe it? 1 tell yenu ht las so-bhe labor ai iewyers and ai doctor s t Hors are bis words:-'Now, aur positionj is tl'et vi at pramates the weiisre ai the ir 1-dustrial clas le good for aill The prio er abject is ta proteet tbe labar ai the country 'e- and ta sec that ail kiuds ai wark that te t ta be doue is donc by Canadiens. It le t] n, goal wc are ail endeavoning ta reecb;,wheti o8 r it is the labar ai the fermer, the mebsir re ic, the proiessionel Man, or the maniactui d er, the grand ailm that we are keeping i id vicw se thet labor le the basîs ai the weiis- 7et ai the coutry.' If we are ta bave pratec t. ed labor emoug the professions, I denoun( 10* tbe Prime Mînister, sud the maver as 'bc accouder ai the address, who arc hot I-i aur exporte are agicultural produets. That is the besis ai aur pnosperity, sud 1 admit that ai late yeans aur exporte lu agnicuitrai produots have inneesed. Uuden sncb cmr- cumstance there sbould be great praaperity among the barmers. Well, there ss net, and why? Bocause the barmers sow sud rcap, aud stili theywan't toil for theuiseives, but for the mouapolilts. (Hear, hear.) lu le the aid etony. "lSic vas van vobis." Like the busy bee they toil, buat sorne rebbcr cames sud takes away their profits broi them. That is no prasperity. (ier heer,) If you talk ai pnosperity tailer encb con- ditions, I teke issue completely witb thai. Sir James Grant compared aur stetus with tise statue ai the Amoican nation. It is truc that et the prosent timo the Amonican people anc not as prasperous astbey bave been lu the past. They havo been thrangb a erisis, sud what le the cause? Protection. Protection le the cause, It hs a primary factor lu the present criais. Wbat ha been the determiuing cause? la it nt a acithat the detenminiug cause bas beeu the silver legisiatian, whicb is based an the proteet. ive principal; for what was it but a iew that campeiled the Americen peoplIotaby sud put in circulation that whîcb t uy d ta buy et a bigber, rate than the market price?! Our legisiation is houer iban theirs in mattene ai finance, but lu aur fiscal policy we ioiiow loseiy upon the linesosfaiAmort- eau legisiation. We muet taeo waruiog from wbat bas taken place in tho United States, sud if we wîsb ta avoid the crîsis which they are now paaaing througb, aur dnty isaet tis ecaliosi passible moement ta reverse aur systeos. sud ta go back ta mare sane fiscal leglîlation. Thene is anothen paregnepb lu tise speech inomn the ibroue wbicb is net new, and ai which vie have board a tzood deai, the lest Atlantic service. How long ega la it since the Prime Minieter toid us with a fiourisb ai trumpeta ibat Cauada was ta have a ser- vice an the northitru Atlantic route equeal ta the fastest Atlantic service ? It muai ho six vorano aet least,and at thenext sesion Panîsemeut wes inducod ta vote 8500,000 ta wbaever wauld establiih such a servicc. Now $500,000-hali e million-la a big pile aif money, sd yet the offer ase been n the statute book for one, two, ube eand four yeas ansd uobady bas came fonward ta take possession ai taat suies ai mauey. Neither the Allane non the Toîrauces, who are the piaucere ai steaus navigation, have carne iorwerd, cnterprîssug as they are, ta teke that rney, beceuse hit i well known that the conditions set forth by the Gaverument are impossible ai inifilmenit. It is impasible an the nantheru route ta have aservice equal ta tbe fasteat, or as fast as the service now r plying hetweu New York and Europe. h le es weii-knawn faci that the difficuities ai navigation are sa great lu the Gulf ai St. Lawrence that it woulidlbt madueas ta ex- Dpect any campany ta keep a rate ai speed as lefst as that maintaiued between New York i sud Europeeu parte. I beard thie point 1distcusad saine iew yeers ega, wben twa gentlemen af authanity in this House gave 'their opinions. My bion. friend rom Hali- r fax, Mr. Janes-, wha is an euthority on this 1 subjeet, atated that it would be medues ta 8 expeet that wecoculd maintein sncb a rate 1cf,, id as twenty kuote an boun an as 'chat dmasujAîcdoan thIe Soutýhemu Atlantic.,'The t member finmPrîncoý Edwand Isand gave a sinîllar opinion. If this proposa[ is ta ho Y followed with any succees, the couditions owilt have ta be grestly modified befare tbey ýtcan ha settied. Y "lThene le enathon psregrapb, aiean, in )* the speech irns the ibrone-lu regard ta It the trede witb Australie. ibis le aaiod Y sta)ry. We bave sent delegatians sud dele- .gatians, I dan't kn:cw how utany, ta tbe Tf W eet Indies, sud once, twica, pçnheps '1 tbnee times ta Brezil, tea lmost crery part d ofi the worid, aud naw we arc seudiug cL delegetions ta the antipodes ta obtelu whst i wo cauld have et aur very doars without 'e any difficlty et ail, not hy subaidiziug O0 linos ai steamers, but sîmply by romoving Il the obstacles ta trede and commence.. (Ap- -e pieuse.) le IlThe speech, which shines by many Jo thinge wbscb are lu lu, ebines still mare hy nthe omission ai meny things that sbouid hot luinit. Haw mauy' years ega le hi since oftle Minieter ai Finance iold ns lu a very esaiemnn nnur--(A voice-A moment ai rs weakuese.) Nol, no, it was asoleuin moment S- wbou ho made the confession that lu e c-Moment aifueakubssslho had farmed s basty Sopinion as ta prohibition. That was iu the ni samîneroI891. Twoyears heveelapeed,and teof ignorance, sd whyhave we nt ahd the ai repart up ta the preseut 'ime? Is lu net o it rnockery? The nesolution fon the probibi-, tion commission wee paeeed lu ]89t, sud'it lewae January, 1892, belare tho commission ISwas appointed. Two yeans bhave elapsed' su ad still we have no report. It seerneta me , that the Miniater ai Finance is net auxians: Yta get rid ai bis ignorance lu regard ta that bc subjeet. I- "There le anothen subjeet ta wbich ws ~.ought ta bave a relerenco lu the speech ir. frein the tbrane. I moan the treaty witli inFrance. It us now more than fiteen yosnî reagi" atSir A. T. Geit wes iustnncted by c the Goverrneut ta open negatiatiaus with Lee France lu orden ta negotiate a treaty if nd passible betweeu Canada and France. th These negotiatiaus wone openefi, thon ut abaudoued, then reeuie , then interrupted, -e- thon renewed again, and finaliy culminated et witb the compltian ai e treaty, wbicb was )us sigued lest wiuter in Februany, sud placcu et ouce upon the table ai the Hanse. if faiec t in e iî.willcure Mos seeases1ý of Cosugh, Branchiîi,.ActFa, or cc$iiCc ietiC .f Tbrcai o., Lu,~ informcd ai hevïng marc extended trwe with France, and who are auxions ta bave a decision upan that. Are the Government discharging their dnty ta the country when thcy dare net tell the Hanse what is their opinion on this snbject'? This country bas already s'iffered toQ mnch irom the long dilly.dallying wlth im- portant matters. The hon, gentleman (Sir John Tbornpson) is vcry gnilty lu that re- spect. Hle has dilly-dellied with import- ant subjeots so long that religions passions have beun raused in the country. 1 de- nounce tlýis Government. The opinion is prcveilihgto-day that tbey are not comn- pase cdof business men because the first re- quisite of business men, is ta he able ta o ri a decision, and forin it pramptly. 1 arrigul thern before the people of thc country oua that coharge. I arraigu tbern uipon the;, fiscal policy. I arraign tbemt uponi this new charge, that-they bave not dared ta dc their duty, because it may invoIvc sý i difficulty ta do their duty, and 1 charge them ripon their owu showingta t be sadly deficient wlth the qualities ai gav- ernmcnt, courage, decision and eecap- acty ta discbargebasiness" (odap- planse) ___ Two Million Miles by Rail. A representetive ai a Toronto, peper interviewcd Conductor Daniel Holmeýs ai the G. T. Railway a few days since, and bis experience is se unique as ta menitPa bnifreference, 2-He enterefi the service afD the Nortbern Railway May Srd , 1854, and therelore, on May 3rd, '94, bie will have comple tell iorty yeers of unbraken service. Aiter rnnning on tbe Nartbern two years hie entered the emplay ai the Buffalo, Brant- fard and Lake Huron,- where hie remaineil seven years, goine then ce ta the Great Wes- terni Railway. Hie present rmn 18 iroin b Suspension Bridge ta Landau. At ane lperiod Il Dan" raut twelve yers witbont a . For 30 ycsrsi the mun avcéraged 165 miles evcry day in the week, and it la easy lta compute that fully 2,000.000 miles have 1bean traversed during this work ai mars 3jhan an average generetion, and this equals1 tauneying aronnd the earth 80 tienes. ,I -neyer in jurcd a passenger, aud neyer had( bbut ane accident, and that was due ,toaa mistake ai a telegraph operator," was Mr. 'Homes' conclding remark, and hie wenli a n in the dis 'charge ai bhis duty, with ail Wthe keenness ai vision aud energy ai carlier' tyeers. H low to get a' Sunlight" pictur3. Scnd 25 ,Sunlight" Soap wraaperg ,(wrapper bearlng the wcrds "Why Doos a Woman Lriok 00ç Soaner Than a Han") 1ta LEvER Beqs , Ltd , 43 SctSt,, Ef Toronta, and you will receivo aypost ei ,prctty picture, frnee from edvertising sumd awell worth framing. Tbis iËe an easy 1way ta decorete your borne. The saap cl ie the best lu the market, snd it will sonly cost le. postage ta eiend lu the dwrappcrs, if you leave the ends open.- Write your addrs cerefully. IL -Wbat la verso, as distinguishe d ireon 1. paetry ?" asked the inquisitive man. "V ers," Y replied the magazine editor, aiter lie bad a pondcred, 'lis the Ltirn epplied by any poet Le ta the work ai is contemporries." 1. Ll"or Over il'ifty, Years d, Muse. INSItJW S SOOTEING SYRup haïl )r becu used by millions ai mathers for ~ their childrcn while teething. If disturb- n cd ,et nighr aud broken aif your rcst by a n a t4ick chiÏld sîîffering and crying with pain IL cýf Cutting Te th eend at once and 2et a [d battie ai "Ms Winslaw'a Soothing à Sfrup" for OnLlidren Teetbiiig. IL will Il relieve the pon littIe siffeýrer immediate. ie ly. Depend upon it, rnothera,tberc is no nmistake about il. ht cures Diarrboee, ? regulaies the Stoanch anî Boweîs, cureff Id Wlîd Colie, softens the Gnose ad re- LI duces InIliimmttion, and givtýs toue a!nýý Ieuergy ta the wh ,le system. "Mrs. teWinslaw's boothing Syrnp" f'r ohiid"ren rd teething is pleaaant ta the tste snd i4 he w rsrption ai anc ai the oldest and 1bcst ,y =eal phyaicians and nurses in the U nit- ir cd States. Price twenty-five cenus a ie bottle. Sold by ail druggista ùhrouahoub ve the, world. Be sure ta ask for 'Wius ie WINSLOW'sS OOTHING SvitUP."22 17 (er -n1 A close friend-the anc wha neyes ,lencte ira yeu anytbing. Ton years f age, bot wba deelînes ta gîve bisý ame ta tihe public, makes thîs authcruzd, Cofideutial staternent La us: "W'ýhen 1 wsaanc y car aid, ucy usns-nia ded f caiisis-ucoan. Vise toctor said tiat 1, taa, visanic soan due, and all ur-îicighbore thoglut Iiht even if 1 did nat de, I wauid. neer be abie ta waik, becanse 1 w -,>S weatt andipuy. A gattscning fanïsoti sud iuuake untienmny asus.1Ihîurt my inger sud. t iatheuctinsdltlirevi ont picces ai be. If huit ucyscîf sa as ta break tise skln, Il was sure ta becorne a rnasîlug sone. 1 hefi tetak lonettaoa medicine, laist nottiig b lotie tise so isus-lug(oto s Ayea-'s Saraýa ý nusl. It bas msade amc weii cuti strong.' T. I).M, Nercatut, Katîs. AYER'S Sarsaparilla. erpened by Dr JC Ayer & C., Lowelt, Mass. Cures others, will cure yoii T ne 1 ýýe- -1 - ' -- No, re are My fellow-couýtrymen wlie ar

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