BREAKFAST-SIJPPEPR. îw.BY a thorongli knowledge aof the natura IaWswhih gos'ern thse operatians of' digestiont aëinu trition, and hy a careful appication o?' the fiLle properties of well-s9lected cas. M'.jr ip PS bas provided aurbreakfagt tables with a aicaýýtely flavored beveratre which ma y ns m1any heavy docor' bis. Ih 15 by the Mudciaus use of snob articles of diet that a =4nsttution may be gradually bilt up unisl trOwn, enougli ta rasist every tendency to I-eeee undreds o? subtie maladies are llat 1 arounfi us ready ta attack wherever there lIo a weak point. We May escape mqnv 1 fatal shaft by keeplng ourselves well f ortifIld wtpueblood aid a prorly isaurished rram-"- Civil Service Gav-ette.," 'Jade Simply with bilîlmi' water or milk sodonly Iu pacitets. by Gracers. labqiled thug JAIIES EI'l'g4 Co., eoflepatliic Eise' Jt, Londona. Englanel, ai At a IWEDNESDAY, MARCH 28, 1894 BIR. J. C. N1[TEUSTfL. T~ E BER OF COLLEGE 0F PHYSICIÂN t"tadSurgeons, Ontario, coroner, etc. O)fflice and Reoldauce. Enniakillen. 74. B AIRRISTERt, iOLCITOR, &o. MOPRIS 3LOCE uptairs, King Street, Bownan- ville. Eolcftorfor the Ontari Bank 1 alIvate Zenevs loaned at thse lowa3t rata3 1011?. Y0UNEG, V. S. O IFFICE IN THIE WEST DURHIAM -PNews Plock,, where isusaîf or assistant vili be found front taeI9 pm. Nigisi caîls îresidencedissectly opposite Dril Shed. Cails, ltelcgraph or telephone wilI receire -prompt silention11-yr A. A. P<>STI A- ÏT~ITTECT. Plans and Specifica- .tlions prepared foir every clasa ofhbuilding<. P7pc ciai attention gven taeieating by steamt > 1d hat w ater and ta sanitary arrangements. CFIlce: Gorne Blüok, Whitby 43-ly RPEATE, Tailor Gentlemen's CIothes Made to Order. J.M. BRIMA CO0MBE DE NTIS8T. OFFICE :-liear of Messrs. lligginbotham & Son's Drug Store, (down stairs), BOWMANVILLE REPRESENTS the Federal Life As- sociation; aud thse Landou and Lunea. sir,'C me rcal no.thse Lncashire Pie 1nuac esadts Steam Bolier and Plt ols u.C., i fCanada. Odic ai orths Hadware store, BOWMan Gents' (lothfing Clea.ned, Dyed, Pressed and Repaired by WHOS.PEAT, Dyer and Clothes Cleaner, GCcds eimir, a'.ted ta be as no ana wll know t'Lm from new when dons. Corner Ksng a,"d Ontarto Stragts, B.-11an1110 DENTI STRY, C. IIARNDEN--, L. D. S. Graduate attise Rayai Collage a ental Sus-geons, Ontarilo. OFFICE OPPOSLTE EXPRESS 01FCZ VITALTZED AIR. New Tailor Shop Tise nndersignad atisabas beau aarryiug au tise talianlng business lna onouectlon 1 witis M sI' Dry (ocde Store for a number of years bas 1comrnued business fos- himaesif 51 bis residence, King St.,wet, wisere he is prepas-si le mars gants' sud boys' suit& in ail tise latest styles, sud ai lowast pries, For tisase wisa Wîshi to ordar suite, ise will carry a fulli ne cf amples lu aitise nawest patters-.Give im acali, J. T. ALILENZ, Fashionabla Taller Canadian Cheese. Cheese, t he greatest of Cauada's natural lnuielestili baoning. lu 1887 eut siipmaui-sabroad were vaiuad at $7, 108,000, li t p r the figure was $13,407,000. Au -,ras f uearly '00 par cent, su six years PRACTICAL FARLMJNGb Improved Horse-leg Fender. d Tise nature ai ibis invention consistesu r provîding a feuder or leatisor pad, se maden as te fit tise inside c.f tise kuee-joint or tise aukie-jint of a herse addicted ta interfer-h iug or strikiog ither af tisose joints wiih lise opposite foot or leg, aud thereby taf prevent the cutting and bruising of the samne. Tisa important featura cf tise isu- Lprovement is tise interliiig or stiffenera wbicis prevents tise pad Item slipping Out cf place. J. ist madle cf siff leather and le9 3,t "v firsi cleu tisaheshape sonuinea. Two incisions are lisen made throutîgshie mid- idie au igbî anîgles tle ascis tiset, sud open- iug tbem, triangîsiar pieces are fit tberein if ssois di mestees as la give tisa whoie pions thse sisape requiresd-tisat le, sa as te maIe il sufflcienlly concave as ta fit over lise joint or paritaeha protacted. Thase wedga- saepd or anguhar places are sawed fastins Iheir places, sud tise wisole stiffenet is tisan sualosed by subslautiai isarniees isalier ont- side sud a soier covering inside. Tisastlff- suer sud tise caveriogg are tissuseawed fisi-u ly logetiser as sisown lu Fig. 4 sud pravîded with strapesud huckles with wiich te at- lacis lieu taelise le,«. Iusertad aitishe uppar sud cf lise fender, jusl ielaw tise slrap, le a narrow sttlp af wbaisbene, weod, or aIses- suitabie substance, isard sud moderataly elastia. Tise use cf ibis is ta prersut tise pad from tutu ing round on tis e ig sud being displaeed. Health Hints tO Farmers' Wives. [Summary cf papar read by Ms-s. Virgini Has-ingtou at s Farmers Lutitu te Meetin g Tisai there le a mouey value te gond iseaitis no ana wiil deuy ; leasi af ail tise farmet's wile. Sie,ifany ans kuawa, bisaI tise laws upon wiich tise producta, ual euly cf tisa farm but tise commerce cf tise world are bassdare tisa iaws cfhiealti sud lober,i il apy ana, dollars sud cents bavesa deflite vaine, This ileau age af bigi-seuudiag, monts- Shlling tilles. Ont dector telle us wa have gastro-dnadeutai calants, when le realily tisera je nothing lise malter witb us but a raecslly litile hillousuesse. Ail tise lime lise docior is but feeling bis way over tise lender pais wisete aur pockeibool lies. Il is a valiaut fies tisai data eau bis breakfast on tise lips cf tise lien. When I state tisa measure cf gond ieslis la eha ie rasulaut of, final, os e loting ; second, ventilation, sud seou ; my sistars mnay tale exceptions taelise final in that il carnies a bînt withi il ai igis laaiug. lunlise spirit of juet discussian I1 wisis ta presant Il a pet- fect woînan, eobly plannsd" Tiis we eau net ha il we are net in perfect accord wltis lise iaws ai nature-ansd resou. Tise verheet novice in anatomy under- stands hew hy igit laciug salsi svery important ergan le s ubjected ta crampissg pressure, Ia fonctious iuterfered with. It is la tis a lboriug iucapacîty ofa hieari Ihus imDrisoned tisai mauy cflise cissasesecf wcmeu are attnibutable. The ieari bas anougis ta do wiîisout ima- posing extra labos-. It is a wonder tisai tiis ireless tima leepar does e t stop aisuer with isandspoîutiugaitiseeou-dayaf ile. The fasrna's wife watcises bier eewing maciins se tisaI is maviug power ha ual oh- struouted; but dose sise giva thse same at- tention ta banr Seant? Whoeu we eonsidar, tissu md, i mmentlind, dwein lu on fs-sue, is it net wahi for us te caunt tise way- marks ta bettar eartis-canditions for thia monitor? Womea ougisî ta tale tbe equal chances -wilh men for resliziag tisafulil perfection ai tisait heisg. If ta sacurs lise hast type ho men lu le neceesary ta hava unhncismisasd abdominal sud liiotacic organe, tissu it la equally important as an agent lu eecuring tisa fuleel dsvebopmet la women. 1 Iu le te hacisoped tisateue cf tise featîstes grawiag eut ai thes Wotid's Fait wlll heaua improred knowiedgs aud moralit.y.'Tise vibrations ai tise seul tisat quiclaasd tise young mothar'e isear n m eweoiios, will ha ministers in tise sacs-ad was-lofainl- siriug tise unrcated mnd. Who can say tisai wilis s seuse of gladues aoming item a uewly, awakeued appreciation af tise beautiful ia scupture tisa ides je not bore mieth ie wcsld again b We wisa bellave in tise imnostaiity of haauty will hava no dsfficully je adding thie seemiug miracs la ans- creed. Tisane ia a money valise la well ventilai- ad living apartmeuts. Open yeur wiîsdows ta tise pure ais- of ieavan and dapend upan it, rncst cf yous- aches will fiy ou. Chsm- istny le from time ta time revsaliog wisat il isas ta do wih thie changes ging on iu nature. Na.ies e is e sprieg oethtie year tise patato epsont lu your cellas- twist is white, sîckliybrauchinlusearcis af lie in- dow. Our hous plants baud le order tee -catch tise wizard bath oi sunlighit, and Isîrsîcl thiai arme as ilifor a bisssing. Ligit sud purs air cao do mots for isuman vitaiity thaan sy auher outeide fonce. Ux- ygeu e is e moat pewetluiluowu Ioulie-ta lise nrrons lissese. We cannai bava isealth without pure ais- and light. Tisera ars very few, if auy, cf tise diseass-breediug 1germe tisai fiourisb lu the funl ligisi ai day. 11Worymenls are tise anIs on lise seul, 1dragging h clown imb tise duet of 11e. Wonry, wisose email,' repeatsd bhaws we do nnoteicesat final; but tise lasI ai wisichis h agony. Lfe ijte talsaity cf ailtheiss une- tions-the muscle tisat la wrled ton isard becomes diseased; tisa mmd that ta worried ibecarnas distorled. If we wold lisrow eus- Iinfluence juta tise stressu wiicis carnies tisa me" l besing, lai ns ha ciseeful lu our isomnes. Lel us nat ouly open tise windows ai eut homes te lluintiese weet balus of ile, but aise lise windows cf aur sanie tisat tise ioving breatis cf God's spirit may carne su. Tisere le a mauey valne te tise eceeom y of treuglis. Tise Ilalian gondolier aitisae Wotld's Fait eonveyed a hit ai psrfeaction as ta wtrk and worlers, as hsleaod fSrrly 1 poised ou hisibeat,plyinghis single casr wlh rapparent cases whicis dispelled ail nation af 1bard or unpiessaut isbas-. Tise neceeeary 1sway of tisa body, tiesa semingly naturai, s lesanst axes-ion-net f00 tapid,as if urged low, as if 8hriaking from the task-com TIfTCLA NG bine te mnake the gnoietu a ie oi-- aîtractive ai laborars. Il tisera was ne Faetwas te the work lu Paris, vienna, Ber deeper meaniug in this than the gratification lin, lManchester atnd Londnse. movemeuts it inigisu be tisougis ton sli9ist a jiesc a number af valuabie lacIs about tisa natter for ont serions attention; but il imniie8 mucis mare. Maniy of aur ideas of ere work of Paris, tise cleaneet aity in tise healtis, as weli as grace, wiseu analyzed, wrld. Every moruiug 2,600 maie and 600 wili bse fannod tle basad ou ecooomy cffsml scaveugers, divided loto 149 bri- force. Ease of perforsmance and eaauomy ges Tt n 0prfruts(oia its ni force is dapendeut upon tise equabie de- cplial. Tie men work frcm 4 a. m. la veiopment aftie differeni parts cf tise.body 4 p. s., bars uwo honte off for meals, or ten sud~~~~~~~~ poesohiemd-N aî~ ours a daýy, satning, mosi of tises, from gtan s ftis h a eliaN a ndida s sillings 6 pence ta 3 shillings. Tise wo- -men and women lu whom body and leinsutare sagaged su tise usrnîng cniy, and, bave been iarmoniouslyexetcised wisere biii;u 6,penca a hatmalsouiy i ne part bas beau stunted, oetrinus re esiln eneadya ieoti tise point of exhiantion. Ngiuwerk lu Paris le, il seeme, unknown Every ciildluows tisaitishe etisiasof aritis--aay raie, telise ragular scavengere. mati ecaunent lha ahanged-tisat il le a sovet- Sioud -a .siowercocer lu tise sveuing, te- aigu power abovehim ; yei haie au make tisai erve are saut eut le clear away tise siueb royal authority descend fitem lis ibrone. anud mals tise streats dlean again. Tise laws cf issallh are ne lese cegent sud L) ouri large Englis cities, on tisa otiser irrefragabie tisan tisa laws of tise mutipli-bad states Ca3sell't, Satnrday Journal, cation table, m1uai sweaping la dons abaut miduigisi. Natreis rtrbutveNemsi i-letfagAs witis us tise Paris administrative bas bar penalties unfailingiy. Ont acta are ont(i-ýtotrlfisevnin ragmn$ awaexscutioners, just as rigistaounessgeod. wioh cest £9-40,000 a year. Lu Vianna, uses and vis tue carry their owu rsward8' wiera tise same work se admirabiy doue, it wicis thesu. Tise better wa observe tise aws is otisarwise. Each towu contracte for a ai issalti tise more will we lhelp ta advance mumber of yearswiitiste transport gessîl- bumanity sud tisa divinity cf manki'sd, achaf t, tise chiai aarrying aompaay, farthtis cieauiug cf its teteseil ail weatisers - -- Tise campany finde ba th men and materials, ta abondance, as je silowu by seme staie- Poultry Pointers. tics relatiug les snowstarm aif short lime back. lu na daytisera wers luuse twsnty Haîf starvad lbans navet iay la wister. sa plows, twenty swesping machinas, Exercise ie baller lisan'drugs fotrs'ggs. 9200 ,two-horsed wagpns, sud '3,000 hauds. Do not feed grain as au exclusi ve diet. Bet'in, hiowever, le made presentahie much Lesse tiseexpane as uais s posible. mo, cieapl3' tian Paris, tissasteiswseepiug TIPsentheexpuseas uchas ossble th lise tresîs tisere hein g only £80,000 a year. Keep lise layig lissus frein gatting toe fat. Tisia SOm, again, affords a aurions conîrast Do't expeci paultry taelistiva lu damp wit. ,tisat speut lu tise saine way hy Man- quarters. aiseat;er. Elgisi yeara ago tise cleansiag of Mimale a good material te aprinkle lunlise Ctte0nopolis cosi £90,000 par aum; il dust-hatis. now Costa double tisai amourt-£t80,00- Fowi shnidhe O gnti tiai au au hauisof course, tise cityhias net inctsascd cachoulss auwibsae ptoponuionayeely. But it muet net ha for- catc oneanywere.gotten tisatin lurlarge bowne tise expaudi- Meai sarape lu tise sali feed twice a weel tors on street cleauiog lias of laie years will ieip along tise egg produci. -beau_ abuormaliy hesvy owiog te tise save Wtsp every fowl for a private anelouser w-io jes we have experiencscl and the can- in a pute white table napkin and laititesei ae- -su difficulty in clearing away sec- buyer remaave lu and rtin wiîtisah pay. WV bat is tise cosi cf Leudon's leilet? No Tise indestructible eoesr rakn tal stician bas yst altempted le estimais founlains are as good as any lind we havei,sud iudeed ths wisole subjeci bas beau senad ae the adranlageof .hýein egt ecîed. This is a pty, since tisera are cbenad vgo en some wonderiui figures -about cleauiug tise cheap.streets cf tise mecrepolis. Tise mesi start- Left-o ver casisage and caiery plants and ling jperhape are tisose rslatsng ta Landau garden greens sisouid go ta tise shut-in bridge. t le computad tisai about, 200,000 poulry., Tisey are useici -meai and egg padesîriaus aud 20,000 veiicles crase thai producers. struc(.ture evaryday. Each leaves bebiud a Put boues lu tise store and aiiow them lae 11111e ehoe leatiser or a huitle iton-just a bure white, wbsn they çan be essilypulver- trifie. But wheu litter aud duel are addsd ized. Mix ibis witis cern meal and fesd to thecse minuta lasses tisa whoie fille bstweeu ice a day ltetise fowls. three and four carts. Tise masi snrpriaing Don't n'atlei dirIy egge. It'laIes but faci of ail, however, ltisai lise incessant lilîle lime ta waeis liose tisai have become traflie acrose tise bridge raduces ta powdsr soiled, aud wiseu dean lisey will lkse-,about lwentyilve cuhio yards af granite muais botter and will seli se much mars aval-y year. Wisete l is era another bridge readiiy. tliamnai scf wiich le auyIhing 111e On, al l arme large amounle ai grain, grass afts-mc? seedsansd cuber foadeSufid thiai way inta tise barn-yard, lisera ta roi. Tise sharp Faets and Figures. aysse ai lisbns dcve Ibs.sad ae Exhaustive experiments lu tise cultiva. il t awurs y prducug egs.tien of tea, are seau ta ha macleil u Rsala. To utiliza tise featisers of duels,, cisidkeus The Czar le psrsaually inleresied lu the and Iurkeys geuarally lisrown aside as ref- planý, and experts are artaogiag for tise use, trim tise plume fram tise stu'up. luclase cuitfivatian ai tise plant lu tise western limite them in a ligisi bag, tub tise wsoie ase if cf tise Caucasus, wissrs tise emparaînre is waesisg cabuses, an-dayeu wiil securs a Par - muais tise same as tisatinl which tise plant fsctiy uniorm and ligisi cown, excellant in-wsluChina. for quiliig covrlels ond net a fsw cuber Thstes lbousaud listes iundrad and forty- pOtpos55 as vss1spssed ibrangi tise Suez canal t is a mielaken ides tisaI duake cannailsiya, as ube isnl Ira sr ha raised vihseut saine body af wster for ee inI,2wa359 tham ta sport su. Docks bave a naînral prevans. he nmbelu 189.wa f 3the for.duess for water, ai courseasd wiîî talLe l9"4,0;sul 10,38.O!te tc, it nisenever tise oppostuniîy le prasaut. n 3Wýý,34leesasniGlis7can l)lasi a ,6 ad, but lissy eau ha sucaasslully raieed wîw are ut ugliVenh. 6 amn 7 ues u no mots waier lisan la tequis-ed ta drink,. u 6 Fecs Tis il evideoced by tise fact tisat tisousaude Saiýne iigis pricea were reaiizsd for pas t. upan thousande are Ihua raised every year. age etampe ai a four days' sale in London Lu isas beau preved usai young duels are twa weeks ago. A Madridl Is;o reals mnuais iseslhable ta dîsease when raieed iu brouisi $100; a (leneva double eiamp,$illY; dry, watns quartere tissu when ailowed te1 (lCpai"ofGnod Hope errer penny eîamp, run ai large and spend sns'eb lime sunlise blue,. $210; anfi Canadian 12 pauuy,blacl, water.- A good way ta add duels la your $250. Tise praceeda aifltse entire sale poultry fiock is ta procura tisa eggs aud amoated la about $13,000. isateb tisenn under bons. A sýtory ise ow goîng tise rounds, sud Tisere le ans source af revenue fsrn peul- il pratende ta freshunsse, but le tsars net try lssping tisai is ton allen uagiled. lu au ache cf former laugisler weisai l may ha because il is net generaily knewn repeatecl? An Englishman said te a Bas- that al l ieds af leatisers are salable. Tise ton girl : " W bat do Ven de witis ai your darandleinceasugevey yar asd malvegetables in lise' United States?1" Sse- country mercisauls wiii talre tisem sn nd ssIi rsplied: " We est ail we eau, sud we eau îbem upon comm ission. Tise fowls muet wisat ws ca'."' bie dry picled, sud tise festisers clean aud About 3,000 square kiloetres ai ter- lu good condition. Tise l ansd quil ilory bave just have beau added teFrauce, feascierassold ba packed saparateiy freim net by aunexatien, but hy au elaberaîs tisosa which are seller. Saparate tisa sev- syauem aof remeasuremant cf the aresa oftise anal lieds, sud aisea sparate tsose frin Republie. Soma yeare aga a Ruesian, différent liuds cf poultry. Tise proaseda Osueral Stsbnizli, craatad a sensation by ftem tise fealisers sisould, repay tise cost of assrtiug tisai tise semai size af m-st En- pscling aud ail tise labor af prepariug tise ropeasucunînies diffeted widsiy from thiai fowie for markat. publised areasa, France sud Laly tisa The Growth of Tawns. A ceneus writer say:-"Il is fct, es- Iimated by caralul men tisoraugisiy conver- sant wlth tise changes tisai bave talan place, tisaI by tise improveneent in agicul- turai tooi,(maciiury) tisa average iarmer can, witis sufficieut hanse power, A1o with Ibrea men tisa worl ai foutteen men forty yeare ago, sud do il Setter." Titis at very lss-gely accounts for tise mucis coin - piaiuad ai gsowth ai tisa cities at the expeuse ai the rural districts. Mare is p'edad a atlie xpeudilore oaiaalese ameni ofisuman labor on tise lasrn, but tise lacis causes mare laSer lu tise ejtise. The agricultus-al machiiury le macle tisane sud lu addition te tuai soeaof tise manual labour tisai usad te ha performad on tisa lar s-mledans lu ths largan agg-regations of men c-day. Hfence tiserseitive decadance ai agticulttitai wotl le nat 80 gresi sas it may seem fram a suparficial study ai cen- sus statistice. Tise crowdieg af people item tisecountry te tise cîty may ha mate marlad uow tissu il aas je aucieni times, bsut lisat simply le beasuse il is favounad hy tise progresa ai civiiizatiou, Lu always has beau tise mie, aud tisa ity isas beau as large as eouid bc supporbad by the contry around or bebiud il. Mare tisa cene aftise E uig. iish linge bas lied te stop tise growtis of mai law,sud sema yssars belote tise Chrs-e tian ara it waa complainad that Rame atas ovarcrawded. 1Sa aveu in tisis respect hisstory aven is tepeatii3g itsei. A Sjv lae oFashionl. "sy,tnitisaIchlat a litiisitigsb'" ai tise Frenchs Gaceromentiniquired iuto lis'e inatter sud a recalculatian -bas yisldsd tise geatiiyiug resuhl meutioued aboya. Tise mehdadopted wae le cul tise country np jnoe curvijineas- quadraugles hy tise mari- diaus sud panallels cf tan minutes . Tise coasa inhes ansouentuetboue caties required evalulaisen by a plautuser. Tisa ares issa beau incraasad Item 52S,000 square lilas 'te o536,46t an 536,608 hieas, tise experts caa't qiIte decide wiich. Sueasiatistiehave jusi beau campil<ed as toe seaiances tisai man lias ai living in diffée-nt lange towns. Tisetovn wbes-tisa greatesl perceutage ai tise inisabitants par 1,000 dis is Riseims. Tise proportion is 28.62 par 1,000. Tissu fcibow Dublin, 27..- 03 ; Newt York, 26.47 ;,and Vienua, 25.07. Parsle ccupies tise toilowing place with an averageai 23.61 deathe par 1,000 lebabit. suie. Ilu Bsrlin tise people ouly dis au tise rats of 120.58 par 1,000 ; lu Landau tisa pro- portion is 19.1il;la Ciicago, 18.95, etc. t appears thaltishe towu in wbscb relative- ly the fawest number a! deaibe coeur is Minneapolis, lu tise United States. The statisis bail us tisat auiy 9.60 pansons pas 1,009 die lu eseis year. Fioally, tisera hs near Faux Chaudes, lunlise Haulea-Pyre. nase, a smail village, percbed upon the mauntains, tise name cf wbicei escapes us for tisamarnant, wisicis bas two centenariaut eut of a total populatipu af 70. Cosunplaini of tise stage carpente-al worl sud ne play. j i Spsing Styles. ,Tise spring camnes an a pace. Already the fres-ioaking sommer caltons, daiuiy lawus, auJ shear embroideries lu the sisop Windows remind us tisai the seasan cf violets and spring clauses le scarceiy a mentis away. According tacIHelena Rawe, tisa evolulion cf tise expanded ekirti jeualutisahedirec- lion cf crinoline, but toward drapery and tise returu oi tise averskirt. Ih la truc tisai lise danger of crninle ssemed imminent ai ans lime, and tbares leonedoubt tisaI ioop- skirt factoris e wre revived lu mauy parts cf tise cauntry for tise benefit cf risose people wiso depeud ou remet for tiseir fashion. Yet tise hast aniborities cf that trne iasisted tisaitishe immense expan.e cf THE "Êxt LOM4(tND" skiri was muais more likeiy te be ioopad up ta dispiay au underokinitishan la be euhl futtier expanded by boape. And buch has beau tise resuit. P'verskirts ai every kiud and varisty are seau lu tise uew glswus,and iudeed suais draperies bave beau worn al wiuter. Tise tendency le toward apron fronts, tisougi tisera are mauy gowns macle lu ald-iasioned redingote or polonaise style, hangissg straigisi frasu tbe waist, and siashed and lnimmed aI intervals ail araund tise alunirrom tise bottom ta tise waisî. rE"HUDSON,.' We ilu8trats twa admirable.dsineof very popular storme loake, tise "1udsn" iand lise "Ben 1 omoud, " Tise former le madle of plain Vianna clatis, and înimmad witis bak opossum fur. Tisealcali lefaced back wilis quiltsd satin, and lined ubrougisout witis quilled sateen, lu black, navy, grenat, and terra-cotla, wiie tise latter, whicis le lu reality an ulster, witb detacisable cape, le made of ali.wool Scotch tweed lu a variely ai stylisis msxtures. Tise cape and alcali formi lwn complets 'garmente- [Toronto Ladies' Journal for Marais. "1WTO CUIK L A SKE DISEASES"1 Simply appiy "SWÂ.YNsI's OINTMENTx" No internaI medicine reqnired. Ourese taller, sazema, iais, ail erupilons on the face, bande, nosa, etc., lsaving the skin clear, white and healtby. Ils great hreal- ing and curative powers ara paessed by ne ciber reme4ly.- Aok yonr druggiet far SWAYNE'S OINTMENT. Lyman Sons & Co,, Moutreal Whalesale Agents. At a woodau wsdding celebratsd lu Broolilyn,tisera were Iwenty-four guesis, and sevantean ci tisem brongisi a pressaI cf clatis-pins ta tise happy couple. For a few days they will nat have ta bny kind- ling Wood. Sick Hleadacise and relaeve ailtishe troubles inci- dent ta a bilieus state of the systesu. suais as bizziuess, Nausea. Dren sinees, llstress after eating Pain in the Sida, &c. While their uste remar able success bas iseen siscwn in euring Hleadacise, yat CÂRTE'S îLs£vreavin PILI are eqnally valuable in Constipation. curini, and preventiug tiis annoying ceomptaint. whil< they alsa correct aIl disorders- cf t I s stomaci stimulaite liver assd regulate tise iowela Even if they only cured Ache lhey would baalos picelees to those wiso sufer fronm thie s 1esin mp*nt* but fortunately their goodusse dees ual eud isera, and those whe once try thern well fiud these 111115 pille raluable in se mac% ways that they will nso be willir'g ta do wit out them. But ate ail ick bead le tise batte of o_ mauy lires thjat here le where we mnake Our' great boast. Our pilla cnrs it while others do not. CÀuTrs'Lrrraa Livîsi PiLes are VerY Samal aud rary easyttakie. Ceeor twa pille maltS a dose. Tisey are strictiy regetabTle and de net gripe or purge, but by their genile action please ail wbo use tîses. In riais ai 25 cents; ire for $1. Sold evarywhere, or sent by mail. CÂBTES EIf~ Oit o~ E~I -evidencé /// ýirade é i S wr cont[inued and increa.bedH-ý PrLUCI CUT haà had a more rapid growth of .5aI1e5 than wa5 e accorded a, net,, brand of ,jMol tobaco in ii t' SAFE BRITOL' SSUG4R-CO4TED JPROMPT r L&Ëe E U'tEm OONSTPATLI C4N" MES. tFISHERS. A Spletndid lRemedy. Sies.-! thinit il my duty te malte known lise great beneflt 1 roceived from B. B. BE, 1 vas troubled wiîls constipation and debility, and used tbree bottles af Burdocit Blood Bitters, whicb reliived mie m sufering. 1 esteem titis splendid remedy above ail others aned recoin- niend it to ail suf eing item constipationl. MUlS. E. FISHER, Brantford, Ont. Ancient Jiariners' Tales. Tise Mediterrinean was +ho crfîeing ground-tise scene of romantie adventure. Herodatus gives sevaral glimpses of the voyages undertakeni by the Caruhaginians and Pharaoh Neciso.Hare is one of them: -lWhen tiey-the Cartisaginians -corne bers" (wiserever it may have been) Il tiey ,transport their wares ou sisore and Icave them, and alter lighting a fire return te tise ships. Tise natives, perceiving the signai, corne down ta tise beach, and piacing gold amcag tise wares, agaiu retreat. Tise Car- thaginians again retura, and sec whether a sufflient amount bas been deposited. Il il be tisey take it and depart; if net, they return ta the vessais and wait until more goid la brought andi bath parties are sallesf- ed." The same custom obtained under tise leadership af Cadamnosto wiseu bartering withth ie Africaus. IlWhen they arrjved at the watsrside, the ownnrs of the sait placed their stores lu beaps, lu a raw, at smali distances, each settîug a peculiar mark upon bis own haap ; and ibis being clone tise whole cam pany retired hall a day's jaurney from tisa place. Tisen the otisere, who were lise purchasers of tise sait, came in boats ta wisre tie aaps ofsait lay; and after iaying a soin of mouey on sac heap as its price retired lu their turu. WMen they had disappeared the owners of thse Sait came bacli and if tise quantityof goid was sufficient tisey taok it aud left the sait; il ual ihey retired again. " Iu tEls mauner (says Cadamnosia) l is e traffia carrled on withont the traders sesing or seaking to eacis other. She Was Free to Say. "No," she repeated, III cannai lave yoss. RIe paused irresoluls. "Are you firm ?" lhe faltered. Sise smiled. "Sir," she rejoîued, III have no desire ta beaat, bot since yen have dra ygtsd tise sub- jectinluboe, I arn free ta aay tisai I iavn't wcrn out Ibree sets cf Indian clubs for nothing." -, - - -~ .,,,, *,, l.Ti,, ,, ' * - h- 7.i~c i inte ut.",5 ~ 5 ~ ~ ~ ~ '5 ~ -____________________________ onmecy axa- seishe ue ur!Mest t ;ernent or coinpuiaion rLa