WLVhcn my ittle girl 'vas bne mntIr oid, sIre liaf a s cab ferma on bur luce. It irept spread- ing until sIre 'as compieteiy covetef fror Iaf te f oot. Then she baf bouls. SIre haf lorty on ber hcaf at oee ime, andi more on bier body. Whcnru six moatrs cPi "Ire nid not %veigb seven puis, a peauf and a baif is .Inetb h unr, -r skia start ,d te dry rip and gt so bcd sIre ceuif nt sl.ut ber cycas te sieep, but laid wiitb tIerm baif open. ALout tins trne, t tIre erueit requst cf Liends, I startef rsing thre CuTiscue.RA ,eMIanrs, and în oice monf/r tie r'zeés CO?7m'ietely Currd. Thre doctr ndudrug Milis xx ccc vcr ore h zen- d-red dollars, tIre Cuticura billries net mere thanfive dolar.s. My chidi larrc two yecrs oid, streng, becthy and large as any chilti of lien ege (sec photo.) afd i is ail cwing to CcrrrcuRA. Vours wth a Motther's Blessirrg, S MRS. GEO. Il. TUCKER, JR., S35 Greehfieif Axenue, Milwaukee, \Vis. Scld throughoui the world. PFTerrDRce ArN CHEM. CeiRP., sle p-oiýr4erors,, Boson. Maile l ree, 41Al abou the BlIond, SMin, Scalp, ansd liait." Baby Bleishea, falling hair. and red, reugh 2aanida oeverîied aid curc by Ontilcra Soalea, 8B)li,'MANVILLE, MARCH 28, 1894. CATHOLIGS AND P. P. A. THE STATESÎMAN yields t) no man or m5ciety a monopoly of loyalty, nor do we desire to abuse any mari for acting accord- ing to the dictates of bis own conscience. T.his is a free country and therefore citi- zens are froe to choose their ovn associ- ates and ally themselves to any association, but as a public educator , and director of opinion, the Press bas equal liberties and inust flot be abused for nmaking known its views on men and priffiples. We have no hesitation in stating that we have no use for the P. P. A. or the Protestant Protective Association in this country. There have been places and poriods wheni Oraýnge societies and similar institutions were proper atnd necessary, but happily in Ontario the usefulneýss anid necessity of cd.L Thee rre far too man1y dixiÀ -s and( ùexcli 8iVe ýo rganiiza tionis ang ou ,10 ir C50mmn on citizens. A greater comnion eneniV andl one nruch more to be dreaded than Papal àaggre.ssions in tiis country is Intemiper- zince, yet how inmy imembers of the P.P. A. areenergeticaily flghting th s monster? The lîves of ont iaiiies, especially of our sons, are in imminent peril because of thre ravages of the drink traffic, yet t ose mren are not morved to patriotism in the Ironie but on the contrary many of- them Ilo i'y coquettinig with the Evil of Evils. A Catholie Canadian writitg in the Globe, sets thre P. P. A. an example in iibcralisrn and Christian charity that mnany of its advocates miight imitate. He eays: Thre firmi of which 1 am a memnber is a large employer of labor. It is a firm composed entireiy of Roman Catholics. Many of oOr empioyets are Protestants. even Orangemien, but there nieyer has and-there neyer wiil be a mnan disînissed from our empioy simpiy because he is a Protestant or an Orangeman. We bave had for years, and stili bave, Protestants in our employ, faithful men, devotcd to our business, men of whom we are proud, and for whom wo wouid go considerable out of thre regular way to assist or do a f avor.. And this we dlaimi is the right principie for any employer of labor to act on. Incidentally, I might bere remark that 1 do not think it possible to separate Cathiolics and Protestants in thre sense of creating Cathoiic interests and Protestant interesta Politicaliy, commerciaiiy and socialiy, we are so interwoven wikh ecci ether that a distinct and positive separa- tion cannot be made. As, f or instance, the family of which 1 am one is an old and strong Catholie f amily, and the fani- ily withi whom we bave been and stili are thre most intimate is not a Catholie one. but a Presh,,;yteriani, and that, 1 believe, of the old school. As Catholics, living in a country strong- ly Protestant, such as the, Prov ince of 0(itario, we stili have rights, and if oui Protestant friends and n eighbors feeol tIret they cannot afford to be gene rous, we as5 theml to extend to us a treatmient honor- able, fair, manly and jnst. In a mixed community, to have harmony and attair success, mutual torbearance muit at tiames Ire induiged in, and ahl good citizens de- irons of tIre weii bcing of our country will, when thre occasion demands it, prac- tice such. To those of my felow-Cathol- ic -citizens who may read tiiese lines, I would say, throw no obstacles in the wvpy of thre Pý P. A. Simply ]eave it alone, and it xiii destroy itself. Ail sucli asso- ciations not founded on right principles contain within themselves the seeds of disintegration and of death. To those of our Protestant fellow-citizens wlio will hiave none of us rie must still extend the Irand of Christian, Catiioliec carity. and recognizo ii sucb, ont brethren, though inisguîlded. - We have received a charming littie bock froni the Fleurit H. Reveil Co., Toronte, etitled "Jeres imself,".(Pice - 1 ents> by Rey. Andrew Murray, arthcr of "Abide ia Christ," It would mcce e mcst appropriate gift te a friend x'cbc h imeekýing to isad-a Chn.itian life. Ex-Aid. James Dixon of llamiilton,wbo has for several yea-s been a memnber of A. O. U. W., and is now Preside'nt of tIre Re foruxi Association for thre City of Ulanil ton, in a letter to the press writes: "I ain not now a member of the P. P. A., having sorbe time ago wi bidrawn from the association, as 1 could not c,)nscien- tiouslyreurtiin aniemberof ýn organ' zation wbere neither love flot cbarity prevail. MNr. John Campbell, Patron candidate for West -Victoria, in a speech the other day said tIrera are 32 canididates in tbe field for the Ontario Legiskature, 17 of whomiv ere formerly Conseri atives and 15 Grits, whiic for thre Commons there are 8 Grits and 7 Tories. Ifc aiso stated that the public accouiits for 189:5, show that grants for Public Schools was ouly 70 cents pet bead wbile to I-Iigb Scbools tbey ivere $12.26 pet beai, though the proportion n as only 1 of tIre latier to 21 of the former. SECO)ND "AT HOME" APRILIlI. As 've are oniy sen ding ont subseiption accourîts this 'veck iii THE STATESMAk ýýte severai subscibers in arreers, 've have decidef te publisr tire suppleurentary list of naines on Wediiesday, Aprii 11. Thin 'iii gir-e all pensons wiîo have not yet paif for TirE STÂrEsxrA ý- for 1894 an op- portunity te do so and Irave thirinnnes cri eut Ionon list. We regret tiret se rny naimes 'vere inadvertantiy emittef tiret shouid have been on the finst list . Rusir in tIre delnqucut douea, frienda. WARNING- TO SUBSORIIBERS. »\Iessrs. (heo.Wlson & Son, puhhrsirers of the Port Hope Guide, suef lMt. Joncs, a former manager of thre Trader-s' Bank in that towîr, for $12 arrears on subscrip- tien to their paper. [le refusef paynrent thmnkng tIre paper 'vas sent "eut cf con- piment,," Irut Jufge Ketchuni decidef that tire Wilson's dlaim 'vwas goof l;nd Mr. Joncs irad to pay it. Pirbiisbers do net cften extend such "conmpliments" as peper, iuk and labor. cost money and saiiebody Ires te pay it. We are preper- ing a lit cf accounts for colection iii the courts and if there sîrouif Ire anionng ont subsoribers eny pensons wiro bave been receivirig THE STATEsSAN for years with- eut gîvîng some equivalent tbey bafl better "squtare" niatters 'ith thre publish- et before the court takea charge of their accourîts, beausetirecosts 'iii Ireaffef rvich they wIl have te pay. TIre law is very dlean on tire question-all pensons wlio take a peper from tIre post office or- receive it neg-uiariy et thuir bormes are te. spensibie for peyuîent -vhether tiîey orderef it or not. Eà ster Service in the Catholic Church. Rev. Father CollinFs, thre rezps ee pas tor cf tIre Bowmna11%i'I iîsai r5, held servies -heme on GofFridaýy, ntm EietE-'er S ituîday. The n,,rigulr services 'vere hield un Ecater Sundevi, ivbwen the satisfactorýiy ttendance cof 0the congrega- tion, as accuI as the oubrlf comsnrni cais, 'ew forth v-xpreassions cf praise anf encouragement f rom the z-ýaious picat who ministers to thre spiittal. wanta of bis flecl ï3this and in the Newcastle district. TIre 1ev. FaIrer aIse announe ed aî marniage, which aw1l he he'd iu tIre Bowmanviiie church ou Tues lay, Aprii 3nd. The Mass in counection 'vitir thc wedding ceremony wiili Ieiiu t 10 30 a. m. Memibers of thre chîirches, who might feci dipposed te take an ntereat in thre aff.ir, are cerdially invitef te attend. Trhe ccmtractiniz partita are. Mr. Daniel oHayes, cf Newvcastle, and Miss Crtewlev, icte cf Lïndsay, but who bas bt'en living in Nasrcastle andf liae for somne lima pasi. To those whe navet wtne8sed a marniage inr the Catholie Church thre ceremoiiy mn-y be inlere-t'ne. The pastor 'vill aise proech ou tIre cocasion. A Leatty invitaiton la therefore extendemi te al 'vIro may wish te Ire preet.-Crm. Peterbert market feesthis year brong hI $2,û75, or $350 more than lasa year. Cobourg markt-t fees soif for $132 tIns Vear. Xhat a dfférence. TIre steamer Northr Kir'g wil l'e conrý manded tIre crrmir'g seascn by Ccpt. Gerroif cf Port Hope. Thre secend officer wauj be mate Johnson. Ont comupetitors wi le i yoi tiret Wc do onet carry G etmnan made Crta a heteuse tht-y kroca if yctr se' iuria yeux a e surs tn boy oie frcm us. Yrî cati alwavd couit cthe West End House havine tIre Ltesi îbing in La6ies' Jackets and Capes. TIre April number of thre Methfýdist Magazne i3 a special meioiai of the laie lament,ýd Dr. Doigt s. It coii'sîns a fine p n 'rai-, and e'cqT eut trihcires by thce11ev. Dr. Carmrn, Rcv. Dr. Pe'ts, Rev. Dr. W. I. Shr-aerîti 11evHugh JohDston. "The , Write Citç" is lso fsp'encidflv ilustrat'cd. Thre 1ev. Johnr Hunithmra vre-y ûit'r stir'g hppr on "Ht ciru 'ltr, tot easl LUrapîtal," givimrg maîry Ps' etie c ideris. St ont articl!es on socca que tien' are ai o iver'. 1 A sketch t-hec ing bow Mr. Glidaone acorka, by lus dsuahtt-r, Mrs, M. Drerv a'50 a eketch cf Sir San ucl Baker, "The -White Pasha.". Thre Megazre, with -it. y wel-seiected mater. siîolf C-3nmend itsef to li lovera f o eadir ý,g. * Tîoucnr IT VWAS CNe,-ames M-c SMillan, EEq , Hlelena Avenue. BÉaconda!e, c Toronto, Canada, wites: I 1h'rve brrrr suffesing froar dyspeptie for over 2,0 year-ý acd have tried evt-ry st-pposed cura whaich iu son.e cases gave mu temporar' )frelief, but tIre troubles came back agaii .1 ith renewef force, util 1 elaot disý piref of heing cutei, îhi-nling tIret te EQUJINOXIAL WEDD D AN; P 1- Ilr"bAn ; i n -0 n A r ery pleasant lavent iRva vlbateIat " - 5.30 P. lu. la-t Wednedy fenoni " the Metbodist chiurcli of lthis t ;wn when y' / fully one thousand of ont citie'a, erl ed to ri- ness the imarrii ge fMs lI'c ino A. Morris, third d ughte.,-r oflUtý.Lx anewe Morris, Under aker, andMr betA Colwill of Newcastle. As tIrh de -eei pimples, biotches cd tbe church. and proceedcd up te j nd eruptions western aisie leaning on the atm of Ib r .ippcar on the fatîrer, Miss Northcote, organiFat, pye kin, no moatter thre sweet strains of Mendelssohna ed bx lih. I inz match on 'Ire orga'r and as Re- Wî ' - aris ia Jolliffe secureiy tied tIhe knot ti-I" e1vri o that na~ the twain as ot ol, thre setting sun boa unef I '1 your blood isfi't brilluntly thr'ough tbe colorefgls pure. ileed tIre rarnino rvhiie window, faiiing, on tic b'icial pi t û as a ter is yet timie; cleer rip our sys- token of its blessing the rreny cbr- tom nand purify thre blood by tak(ing cl rays g:ving tIre bridlai cl euir r Pierce's GToldeni Medical Diseov- ly iovely appearance. As tins Va ie ery. It î'orses levery organ into first wedld ng solernnizod iii tire crrh ratural action, pulrifies and enricbes since i s et cetion, au Oxford bilbile n tv blo adtho1- t lne presentedIo tîhe bride on behaîf of ite bod andhoflii lene trustees by Mr. Jolliffe TIre bride ras iiivigorites tIre whoic systema. neeiy ttrediiicraniberi tc n tere ttaclks ail scrofulous, skin and wztIr bridai veil and carried a iovely I scalpdiseases in thre righit way .-by bouquet of cream roi s, and was attend d pn illrifying thre blood. by ber i ters, Sliss'-s Berthe and Wianie ýThre diseases that it Cires corne Morris, also biecoinnly dressed inrxîn.1,1 from a to-pid liver, or fromn impure Hrr ni.cý, little Miss Eva B ittaiin -'lood F everything of this Toronto, ivas plaid o' honor a d1, oked, -'o. io vry ýretty iu a dress of pink. nature, it is tIre onyiyguairantecd groom m as assisted hy Mr Fe ..remledy. Fiig ofNewcstl whoabl peror d ný Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Sout tIre dutii.s of groonîsman. Afterti e tmabIilious'ncss; ail Bî'onchial, cerenrony tihe bn-cal Party rearfiii Throat, and iLung Affections, even rarniages to M r. Morris' residence,Libery Co nsuruptio i (or Lrsng-scr-ofiila) in St., whete a reception xvasIrcf doiei iîts eriier stages-if it le-er f ails te a Irundred gu' sts cong' atulated tIre hapy enefit or cure, vou have your pair and afterwards st down to a son- noney baelk. tuous wt-ddirrg dinner. The cvering wa,,s __ spent in social intercourse with umusice auf genes ad r.aind Mrs. Colwiii depatt TuE, MAUER of Dr. 8SagIe'Ca î 1 to 1 heit n wv home irear Nsure tari-b Reiiedy xiii pay yen ;500 if bearing wU tlîtlei the 1-est wishcs f thcy can't give you a complete and bost J(f fiendm for their future oseiypraietc-r. Tire prescrnts to ttc I sidc were a ,-ry valuab'e and usef ul collection, as w,ýil ir Noebtrnn cesrtan y see bytIr folowng ut:stock of groceries, fruits, îrpic--., etc. T13E BERnALPPîESE,'i W. H. Osborne. Bedrooni Suite, Brides Parents;DzLz-s o lokaSfaePli knives anîd f rks, Mns. M.A. Uard; frfn ot n ha.Uen te Parlier iaîp, Mrt. and Mrs. R.B.Aliin, and yen will Ire satisfied with the resuUt. Newcastle; Dnnet cruet, Mr. and lUsi For sale by M. Trt-lev'-n, D, Davis, Jno. R. A. Colwil; -Cbanîb r set, Mr :1nd MoMutry, and T. G. Maeon. Manu. Mns. L. Arga'l; iDoz slver kuivi 5, . factured Iry A. J. Elook, Bownaunilile. s nd Mrs. W. J. Brittain, Toroit'; Ladie ýs_________________ secretary, F. B. Whiting; Largeva, Mr. and lUrs. Malorie, Trno Fire! Fire,! Fire' !!. Silver cake basket, Mrt. F. W. Flg; AUarMCsue'.A.EAL.icert Chuv afruit dish, lMt. anfdlrs. W. Foiey; to I. s eDSALftr5tu e %J.ai ES mL c cesrc'v Fancy card basket, Mrt.- ad Mrs W, IJ.coato. Office in Miln-c'd Block.7t1 Banbury; Pair vases, Mr. and Mirs. P. Ttebiicock; Pair celery d-'aIres, Yr.t and( Nrs. M A. James; Chiri drape, Miss ~ ~ ~ 9 J Minnie Drew, Mnnesota; Parlor lanrpi, Mr. Ciras Ted; Japanese jewel safe,lt.duoes cci provent OUR taUin4 a perfect pict- Frank J. Browr', Gat; Pickle crue , are. 0ur Embessed Mikado and Cabinet sa't c liars, 11t andf lUrs. J. Bucki -e - Paels are t 'e latesi and hanfisorneat thing In Orono; Silv.-r card receiver', Mr. W. .1.ad'vancefi photography. Not necessery to e- Venner, Toon o; Napkin Ring, M~ grge sltiina La advancc at ihe Gallery oppo- Gertioe and Mr. Fred Fo'ey, MapleCnrore; it Bza'rsHtel. Picture srarf, lUrs S. A. Mfiasol, Nc'>v- F J. CARLESS, castle; Shaklespeaires pcs U.afPiTCAn Mrs. R. Aller; arfui tslr.A il, rthcote; ýSilver butter !knif.il M iss M A. Allun, Nwathe; Pepperad alit _ , The 1) e uliar castors3, Ms ar1Nrboe fa-cy pitchers1, V, A.n Mn Il- lledd,; Petlýiotlnp, M.Chias ed r ATh T f ClILfI Misses Young; Cryst aliand silver ard A E T STILL AINULE basket, Mira J. Draper; D)oz ,chllina rfru-it VL LA-T IE I servers,Mr. and Mrs J.StcyPorge W L STALF TIE 1set, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Morris; ChLai. drape, Miss M. A. Bunner; Pair tray devers, Mrs. W. andi Miss Mil s; Si k .. 1hand'k'f and pair Enghiali kif fui:tied --- gioves, Nit. and Mrs. John Jobhlin; il1 ustrated Pales'ine, SundayScoo ciass;, Pair Ladies lippers, Ut. il.- 3Osborne, Winnipeg; China bisou t barre?, ' ~' Miss Ted; Silver pickie comet, lMt. and 1 Mrs. Jno. flly r; Siivcr sugar spoon, 1Rev. J. W. Bunuer, Lifford; Petiot lnîp Mt. and Mrs. R. Osborne; Silver ard, .recciver, Mrt. and Mrs. J. C. Vanstonie; Crystal fruit disei and doz s.n-vers, MU a nd Mrs. C. M. Cawker; Pickle Cruet, 1 Mt and Mtrs. J. R. Lane, Smith's Fa'is;1 3 1c-z gobl eta and 'vater pitcher, Dr-. W ~ n 1E . and MrN. Tiley; Linen embroideredc.Pro, n doily, Miss E. Fligg; Parler lemp, lt ro1L~tr~ Pof n and Mts. W. E . Bowen; D z servers aird tfruit dish, Mrt. and Min. D. F., Walsh I; W ater Proof. Pickie cruet,, Mrs R. Plate; Water Spitober, Miss M. Peate; Doz table Ai A 1 Metal Roof as c heap n-spkins,Miss Lillie Morris; -f doz lnieîa towcîs, Miss M Osborne; Chipafrt dis'r and fez servers, Miss Effia Tod;ý WOODEN SHINGLE. .Photo in holder, Miss Neads; F-incy tea:- 1pot and hot 'vater pitchet, lUrs, W. Il. Send for pricosa and it4logue. and Miss Hanson; Silver butter kýnife By ss-ndir'g a pos'al card, rie of eut cand anger spoon, li r. ard Mns. T. Osborîre; er, itil pwl a 11 _ aSilvet p ckie cruet,, Mr. nd Ms. M'al tt-tr- rt.oraî sl ,IL. Foie y; Prîrlor lamp, lUt. aud MlUts. GL MLTAL P8OFINC C)1. tM. C. Rose, Osh awa; Pickle cruet. , lt1StAV, NTR aP. Moriis, Markh ru; Ch-îr drape, Miý. SIWOTR . and Mis. A. Morris, Windsor; Sle __________ .crf receiver, Mi s Emma Souch. EASTER WEDDING. 0ihe 1o Ladies Dongolia Buttoned sr Oxfords " Strap Shocs Men' s Polished Caîf Euttoned Tan Oxfords Russian C'al[ Tan OxForn White Canvass Caif Ba1noral rd Cordevan Balmoral C cc Congresse c Doneira Pal's. and Con,-.<, " Oxford Caif Oxford Kip Balmorals, well ruadle-- 011 Split Bals, good PBoot Buif Ba'morals Buif Congress Oxford Shoes, fine Oxford Tan Shots Balmoral Tan Shoes,fine" Mýiss, s, Youths and Boys al tsold for cc $1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i '-i .3 3 2 2 o 2 'r 1 I 1 1 2 2 3 at corespondingly Our Price $1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 9 2 2 -2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 pnîces. We have inrported from LAngland 300 pairs of SLIPPERS, strong and good., worth .50c. and 60c. pet pair. We are selling them for 25ce. and 30c. per pair. SThis is withoîît a doubt thre biggest snap ever offered in Bowmanvilie. Repairing promptly attended te. Rexiumber w-e sellail kinds ef Seed' Grain, Timothy Seed, Ciover 'Seed and ail kinds of Garden Seed. Bring, us any produce you have te seil we give the highest priceý JOHN >.iMcMURTRY IN CORSETS Can only be obtaineci by wvearing NO. 391 "Improveci AIl,-Feather- bone Corsets." No sid.e steels to break, hurt or rust. TRY A PAIR. Ail First-class Dry Goods Houses Seli Them. 'Y'eOUNG & CO'S, -0 Having bought out the I3~ Urocery and. Provision Business of Mr. John byle in, Murdoch's Old Stand we are in a botter position than ever to'serve the public, as this is the largest store and finest stock in the town, the stock'being. mostly new., Our en- deavor will be to keep up the high reputation of both houses and cordially invite al former custom- e ----rs to continue with lis--- we s balit be glad to s new ones as patronage. s'eid of dysrpra imcint ne cancer o----f--- tIre t)acb 1 h id. For thee hat thre I r r-tt rý -'s-l am dToron; o, Canada,fo Vzcs,~ yeîr Ihae eeci son fompain in - -te' is3iirthe Toronle Weekçly lau. ein lu nsurpossefi to-thon ad actjmmodiIf rb s.u the stomarît, beridea other ryrip)toîns in- TIret papt-' er 'r 10Oý0 emna't n nd ivel lsrin. nunietabe, util 1 citili net even ureve every w.- k -rrJ 3onrradveti3e.rer m Eeig about frc'm paiým and W'eeknes> At lest sheur r ' ' t ' e- (y' 'f arme rone riho 5tP-EN 5 '1'IRE YISAU I saw Y,-nr K. D. C. adrersfaî vc a îrpnh e Adelsmns o Bcklzinepirrg. Arithmetic, Sherthefid. Tele. curef a fiee sampleie Irc Ifeunci dei Ibis claErsac inmrete'.l in tIr 'rîteýshPetrnhe--îsycdAtmt me geod. I have uaed five packages and Weel aihi îeC-rt r o niUa, ahmrclcusf c ECandidat s prerreremitfor civil Servicer sm free et pre3ent from pain or ache, ai- t-ach ns-utniorr. Ttreei.ty Cenîs a o» d xcise EXC-niiün. thcirab il is riz months icce 1 have Irceriftr ix-2ir ýserijons. krfcea TIrhu ', Cail or xrt-i'nd e wAvoirtmail toc n ic-I ITiI e 'îro, eu-ed, 1 believe penuîsncneitly, ' Toronto, Csî.ad'. 'han f cee. -îrPwavle see you --- and as many will favor us vvith thel;-t \Ve are open and ready to-daym Cog Murdoch's Old Standc. ýd fi- Hrmnl Of the Since our new departure into Boots and Shoes last FaIl wo av bad gratifviDng success and have sold a -lot of Go ods and given slni satisfaction. Our m,-anager of this department, Mr. W. Jn ingsiswell known, lis qualities of good judgrnent in buying and thorough knowledge of the business warrant us in guar- antecing enti, e satisfaction. We buy ail our BOOTS and STIO ES for cash rnd seli on a very smnall mal-gin. Depend- ing on the large quantity w e- seli for a profit. Below is a partial list of Prices, oui stock being the newcst. nicest and best in this part of the country 1 ý, wi liffl i LJANULA Î i amw " qk- a 900 mir -ri at correspondingly .j 1 %.FJ6 b-, - -- ---. : . 1