Sf500. leor ct Lae isa..- .,r ZNILOw'S BELLADONN-A PLAUTER.25c. i.~~~~~~ av o aa-roisemedy le guaran-. tee tocur yo. Irce, SOc * Ijector Lu-e Fou- sale by Sto t &Jury. --O- Wýehia.ve simething new. Less lhan, hailf the price charged by T',oronto Manu facturers. Njo trouble to show goods. ('ail and see tbeim, Pt ivate room-f for fitting. STOTT à& JURY> Druggisets & Opticiane. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. BOWMÂN VILLiCSTATItON. GOING EAST QOING WEST Expreess...10 27 amn Express .. .5 19 a ni Paseenger .... 2 45 p nw Express .... 6 7 a M Passenger.... 7 07 p m Passenger ...58 39 a ni Express...9,57 P mi Passenger ..2 29 p un 1 Express 32 p ma Are You Going to MNANITOBA, INORTH WEST or BRITISH ICOLTJMBI A. Dropius apostalcard. We will send you informationi that will be of interest to you. s pecia1 touriet excursions every Tuesday STOTT &JURY-i, the Druggisis. BOWMÂNVILLE, MmRCII 28, 189-t. Local and Otherwise. Mu. Bd. Turnonti i orn2 fron Wood- atuck. Mu. Will BieAt, Whitby, spunt Sunda>' in tomn. Keou yonn mite about younenot Sunday -Finst ut Apuil, Mu. N. Shein, ut Toronto, spent the hoiideys et hume. ýMu. W. T. Dale spent Gooti Fuitay et hie homne la Brooklil. Mn. Butteu-y [s ofeing eaice home wti 15 acres ot lanti for sale. The roade the, peet meek have beeu "nnito the axie" in îany places. We cen heertily ruecineuti Sofala Poilas unr fenil>' use it witi greet zatisfaction. M. W. A. While, ut Tu-mit>' MedIcal Cliege, Toronto, spent the Easter hlihi daye mii fiends in tomn. Fnriende, do't lie atraidte l tell us wien yen bau-n visitors; dn ni the feu-or; it heipe to meknal-ur papen luteret.ting. A ieî1.why marnieti couple, Mu. autMus. Geo. Gowaniock ut Tempo, Ont., irere gue3ls hst iu-ek ut Mu.Jas. Stenley,unce uf the brida A samplai of Canadien Beanty peas grown b> Mu. Coiwiî ney lie seen et this offica. Mu. Mann telle us le hlie4. bushels peu- acre lest season. u. antiMus. Gea. Stephenson anti tiaughter, anti Mu.and Mu-. John Bant, antiMu. Wjlaî Bent, Oshawa, have hoaua guetî et Mu. R. Tuenoni's, Queena St, Captein Swveeney, U. S A., San Diego, Oal, sys: "Shloh's Catarrh R emedy je the firet medic n,3 I have, ever found that would do mue ariv Lool." Piice 50 cents. Sold by Srott & Jury. Immetinely popular a e the prices at the West Eid 1-buse. 1f you want th libet Fewing machine~ made, cail ou Riekard. Call on F. C Pe-thipk the barber,wlien wvanting arythi4 1, inhie lino Just je Cokrtd Silk Fines for Eni- briÀfdery work, It ie puit up cri spoole adin ail eliades ut the West End Houie' ALnyo-,e vihin1g a bargain can geu it by utlnga Mu-e Doncaster's and pur- obaine ou-. of heu- ftylieli trimmed, hats nt 1 .25. -Mu-. Doncaster. Jutopuedeî out ut Couci, Johnston & Cryýdermao'u1' a uery fine asson menb of Brueose Iand Tsap etry Carpets direct froru Crsy& Sons of Hlalilax, England. I ner o condition can any competitor undesellu~.Ellison & Co. -UIau-nu -Pinis undi Dres. Good.t are vury choice. Thuy wmli te s'aughteUo-Jd tu-i Etlison &aCa. Have iuyoiîdeu oia f spirits,uBeKrD.C. Rev. D. C. McDo)well pre-ched at Ouilawa, "tundey. Mlrs .anCam, is cffering lier bhuse on 'Jueu ý3ü. for leur. Mr. W . Jeffory epent t li holidays with friends in 'Toronto. Wewenit a live corx -aspondIent for New- castle and Blackistock. Fewer persous are izoîng to tht INorth- w-ast tlian usuel tlie Spring. TPe unusually bafi roadse rendered Easter vîEiting in thie country unpleesant. Rev, W. Jolliffc had a busy afternoon on Wednesday hast-a funeral and two weddingd. 1Men's Hate-the latest productious of the best Eniglieli makers-juet opened at Condi. Jolinston & Crydormn's. A Spring Pointer. We wi h to emva%ýzý the fuct thet oue stock is new, well b uglt and thoruughly reliabie. Cautmm)rers oofein tell us CJat our eootis ahways tura iput exactly ass represcnteti. No better value anywhere. COUCH, JONsTON & CnYDEEMAN.1 Miss IdaE Hoskin je visiting7 in Oshawa. Mis Cl mie, of Listowel, is geeda Mr. Fî eti McClung spent Good FrÏIhay in Brookîju. Mr. J. ln Lee, of Pickerirg, lias licen visitifig in town. Mr. E. L. Melch vieited hs son at Berlin lest wPî k. FARMERS, ATTENTION! The S3 lvester Mant'g, Co., Lindsay, have appointed John P. rcy, blacksrnith, Es their representatîve ln Bowmanville fo)r the sa'e of their justly popular Faim Implementf4. Intending purchasers are i nvited to inspect and leara prices of the Mýonitor Drills, Spring tooth cultivators, Flows and all other implements manu- factrcrd by the above flim. 12-2w. Crowded Stores. "Wliere are thepeop)le algoing 1 eai a man driving through Kirig Street Set- urday. Why t) Maeou's, of course. Yes, there's wliere they did go nnd sucli a j am as they made ! We doubt if ever fi ti ai TV e; E c j LN fÉ 1 h s fi v 0 a t 0 t c We-fl, ri Truss .9 The April D-lineatür je a valuable Mr Trelilcock le cffring a demiralihe sucla a crowct of people inrougeda au> number to ladies wialiîug to select pattern property for sale, kt ore in Bowmar.ville before. And what fr new Springaprl o ae tBg M.Fd Lplai'hty pu were they atter? Why t1-e big bargains. 20 prl. Fr1sl bB goMrdFidy ham n tow sputAre shere real bargains te)lie had tliere? Good rïda in own.No doubt about that. Heif price je the We would mucli ratlier that perscns Ativertisa stock andi stock animale "lu raIe for ma ny classes of gootis, eud tliose woulti net ask us to pubhieli addrcszee ini THE STATESMAN-it Pays. darnageti sliglitly are sold for almoet anv- on)nnection with prementations. S, ae in Bay of Qu lite Methodiet Cooferen)ce thing. There je an army cf clerks and ~oovaualheusull'.meete at Peserboro June 7. tliey are kept on the jump. Everyliody Oar readers ini any part of Canada Mr. H. J. Knight sang at a big concert lias toeliuetie there. STATESMAN readers liould ask M. A. Jamei for prie of at Brooklîn on Gooti Friday. wlio want anything in dry gooda ehould tickets when thinking ab, ut going to the Ou-erlntaemsigtiirSin not fail to mike an earlv vist to Maron'e )ld ounry r endig fr fic-de. annouincements. Don't fail t reand them. store, Bowrnausil!e. The Dlineator for May, a "Colleye Mr. Peter Wilson andi Mr. Wilson Comimencement Number," centaine tliree Mleo trrt oeget tSzPuIsMlieyOeig artiches especially înterestini toe tudente. Mleo . nowr uasa ~PulejMîieyOeig A. Girls Life and Work et Vassar je in- Manise o-eu- Eastec. eueticig. 1Mi E. V.. Haycu-aft cf this office speat On Friday and Saturday thie week G o Fu:dy ad 'tu- it reatvesatMu-s . Dmgmen'a grand new millineu-y Steeragze passengere who buy 0îuc uol rdaand Myrte nexidoo eseeof rand ontri. E er' ceanticets ror fi. A.Jams, ~t~t ~gopening will take place in Iv-es oId Et liid Ieadurtg steami8hip egeno>', Bowmanville, iNew Suiting3, inew Wor8teàe, new ting fresb, new and late3t styles, a ill be supplieti witli use of beddiug andi Tru.eeuings, juzt u-ciu-ed at Colucli, pretty collection of bonnets,hbats, feethers, teting wei.eile fren. Johnston & Cuydeu-men'e. 1fwers andi triaminize in ahi the neweEt Mu-e. James Mutard, Marlihain, Mrs. Mu-. T. R. Philp andi wif , of Whitby, materials. Corne andi see us in our new R. Cendau-eu, Stouffuille, Mr. Fuanti andi Mies Philp of Toronto were bore lait shop, see our new goode and learn ou- lendenen. Clicago; anti Miss Ethel week ht ithe funeral of their eistcr. new prices.-Evetything new. New Jolineon, Stouffuille, baeue beesa gueste eit Watch fer part icu'eu-s of the Grand system oCf doing buinces-the cash Mr. L. Cornish's, centre St. 88cu-d Mutio Concert t ' li e let ioi town isysteni. Do not on any ace-unt ask Fruit culture ie more profitable to the (-n the eu- niinL,,of Mey. 24th. Doat for- c'redit. Oar puices are going toelie on law fermer now than lis other cuop3. Bro 'n get thie date. 1,ha ie ueave the shp.ui bndEle uo;e go'de Bu ut. Co., tlie mont ext -naive nursery THE STATFsMA-N and W.EEKLY GLOBE baki- th o Caîl ant seeus; we' bouse in Canada, have a vacancy in thsru-ilbe gluen.to n. w subecuibers tiltJan. k twuîl orwie abyyu secton. Write thein eit Ta)rouit', Oat., t 89.fj u>'$,0 etiod j pring milinery froni our new stock. for tbeïr termas.« 13 3mn.-M. A. Jaee.i- Mu. John Joblin repuerenteti Bowmen- Lidiefi, ycu may stili go-, theLAE' When yen want ville's Young Peophe's Union et the'big JOuRNAL for 15 cents extra witli STATES- Note Peper andi Envelopeis convention et London ast week ani w.s-i AN. Tae Mardi nunuber je alune wouthi G- satIi o îllesruie appointed on the committees on Bible aIl t,. -tqje aslcetiYorutbe yesr's numbere Study ani Ternp 'rance. Mis3 Annie We note wiiîli satisfaction the gruatly et the prices. - Veil wras apponteti on 1 lie Junior Work i-îu-d aptru.ancu of the ANýC1ENTGRNDCETRL Committee with Rev. S. T. Bartlett of FpETR o ulaidaB 1tl2,,1zanwum Lakelioldilie new Edît.'r being Mu-. J. Watson i We welcoms ,as citizene of unr fine o'd Stead. Mu-str. Wni. Tuewin lias been virliting town Mr.- andiMu-s. Thon. C. La-igmaid Mss Nelý e Wîiffmns of Bwimanu-ihle raI- tivus in Toronto. of Zion section, D4rlingt)n,' wlio have andi Mims Mitie Curtis of Port Hope, Mu-, H. L. Simpson visïteti fiientis in bought frein Mr. Chas. Dincaster, thre both situdents (if Whîtliy Lýdie' College, Toronto lever Snndsy. new brick rasictence lie erecteti on Con- re- unedtet their respective, homes cni Rev. John Kenner, Aalfeld, vi8iteti cession St eet. May they finti towi life Woduestiay,to enjuy the Ere.tter hulidaye. Lis ton here ast week. sie agreseble and enjoyalhe as thes - _World. Miss Duetan spent the Eseter holidays fondeet anticipations have picturiid it to Asucciea'Eee rIts'Ipti ilif-edinTot. Tbere wss elhru-eaetotn dance of friends for rny STATESMAIN in December. It in Mr. H. Gaie, of the Enterprifse, CiIh ant ciizns t he or u-i u re ltenot my wey of doing business te renaabre spent Eaerer here. Mrs. James Morris on Fridsy afternoon. menp. r that ersno pad-b-," Whaltipy 'Au. anti Mu-e, .MJonesspeut Ea'eu- Rgr. C. Parker was àseisteti byRev. W. nien pblSers s on'd nie wes r a i thir wvith friends aet Port Hope. Jofif te servicotlter, minister Exeter fuiend. Mr. T. G. Bragg of roronto University Jaiuai t 'etethe nlate hrisubecribers asconscentieus s etu- crth tien character of tieceaseiadt'h Miss§ Shaw, the local ihlijuer, next pningafwd3ee oe cordialà wecnme minisibers of t'As Gospel door ta P. . Bu)-wmeuville, lia9s sioWn ees eretat one il always receiveti at th-e home of Mu- anti excellesnt tes!0te i- pi anti provideti Toronto, spent Easter et home. Mu-. Morris.ý The beau-eeswere : Messrs. the very latest styles aïoti shades for lier Mies Srai Bick-hl, of Toro-nt1oje visit. T. JewelI, PR Bragg, Tics,. Vesbe, P.customers. Heu wido resemblem;a realing lier cousins, the M/isses Tit. Trebilcock,Joh.n Helyvau-aniJas, Ehliltf. flouer greanti we have nu dolt the jMu-. J. S. Somerm, teacher et IReeboro, Froi te Wrhdwe eer tht o ti eor, mil 1ncouerusun y pupLseue iL t the liolitsys ret bis father's. Grn Jry e oig callei on tMon y e se e titeir hi ad mer f .r tbe Sp'rimg u .Ks-utTrnocm o Gran Juy beng alle (l Monay eekThe dipay in qnahry ie fully up to tIlie, M.W Kr fTrnt aed twenty-fouu- jurons eueweîed to their c")'ailsiut. utDîhîmlde aturday toee Us siaten who je il. namies, anti as onhy twenty-three canla e'ae yordalimnteti t cal m 18 MersuF . N. Vanstone anti N. Sîn. siroro, Mu-. Asa Choate of Ilupe ratiretiae clair Tovte t cll in ou-Jeu- to peu-mit Mu-- W. P. Puower of Mu-. C. M. Cawkeu- nade a epleodit ir,, Tronto, spent Esten In tawn. Bowmnanville, who iras the ast te arrive, Lchuwiing cf prime E-stpr moite et bis Miéïe Nettie Tri'wble ot' Maple Grove le ta e t on the Grand Jury. The Jury ehop, Town Hall Buildings. ,,Tie ohd guest etMu-s, W Jîrckman'e, ScugogSt promptiy selectet Mu. Prowen ai Fou-e- tirne cuitom of puoviding a speciel variety Miss Minnie Bond of Oshawa returneti man, pociian fr mie île xp ofince tet for Eeter je in s mea-nu-e kept hme Seturde>' efter a fortnight's visit as Warden of the Courtis m-li fitteti up by Bwn.anville butchers, but nit to ieu-e. hi. There were puesmit fromn West the extent of s decede ega. Vie like tt Miss Msggie Yellowlees of Toronto le Durham-: Mesero. Pruweu-, P. Trebulcock,'s0e the teetive season duhy horroreti aigueant ut Miss Nelhile Brîttain, et "Hugh- Bowmanville; Ebpr Mhîan, Delinton; Ahe tamily reunions perpetuateti as of cîti. enidon." E. Cobbhedick, Masese Cowan ant W . nid the stern reelities of liFe let ns get 1Thuredlay lest bronglit meny country Colvillu, Clarke., There wene nu casies as mach enjayment, as possible, oppaciah epl n te beau- the fanOionschoueu- seeti fi ui this part of the connty. y trein home festivals, and the ike. triai McCnloci vs. Mou-ey, TEE MoneusN WY.-COMM6nis itsietifhv ingttatou epr f Mu-. J. G. Witten anti femily, "Homs- lu the weil-tortuet, tru do pleassittly anti the flue ln Maron'o block miglit convejy 1 lI a s pending the hlildays miii rer 'the influence that the MisEes Bu-mas effectualiy wmut was formeriy done in the -ombe's rueras were the seat of the tire. ive nHmlo niTrno cuudest manner and disagreeahle e m eli. \Ve titinet intenti khst any rtflectbon hfesers. Dustan & Huer bave absorbel To cleense tie systeni anti break up cuIdsehaou'd rent on thura. The ire tidti ne ti n buiiias ýf Mu-. McBrien anti have huadacie andi feu-eu-e ithnt nupleasant riginate in lie rouis uccupieti by then, secured i hm for foornait of thelu- tin mare eft er efféts, use the d ehiittul liquiti lax- but in a rouni behinti theirs ln the centre ýnh ative remedy, Syrup uf Fige. of the building. Miss Briniacombe l8e We ccli attention te île cut-in-tiro- Pethick'à barber sbop ie the place teo get carrying on dresmakivg now iu roonis ini puice announceenut of Messrs. Ellisan a gooti shave or hair eut. Higeinliotham's block, forrnerly occupiet & Co , uho au-e makiug lieavy reductions Havue you trleti the Bout anti Shue de- by Dr. Tiley. Unfotunately tliey lied in p icus tu dlean ont peet seaeoni's stock. pastIent et the West Endi House? nu insurance anti their hunes is considenable. C untry yeapie wirbave e few dollars Ladies, if you lave not, already, don't AS OLD As ANTIQuIT.-Either by ac- tesp.-iîd cari get big value in dry goode feu ttetu-y ry choice family tels W. H. quiredt tint orhereli ary,the tues Sruatc tiissoe Osborne. anti Coneumption, rnuét be taceti ganera The rnee:uci of the Local Union of Y. TbeMises u-iiacmbeope ohtheu-tion atter generation; but yon may moeut P. S. C. E. %as hlinl Trinity cbhl dnesmakng bopou-u- iggnbohar'e hemu mith the otite in yaur f avor by the -on bey evening and veres fairly well et- drug store on Monsiay, Mrci 26. heip uf Scott's 'Emulsion. 1 . icd Mue. augi n ld he ist'ie Ladis wntig s eirDrus ou a oir No lady shoult buy a Dreýsebefore sue- ing, andthie tipic WatlCbi' Le CLatdou- Cape for a etesorlta cew eting the hoveiy stockut new r D-es Gods Doing for You" iras diecuseed, nearhy cli Coud, or npetonr& Cryerîns. e cl a t Coucli, Joinston & Cyterrn's. tlie young peuple tahiug part, ele by Couh, ohnton& Cydemano.Over Iwo hund-et i peces ut new Puints hiou-t papers tu- verses of Ecrîpture. The Do yen ment e stylisi Eprinq' coat cu- anti Sateens elugant tesîgns Eanti fest; fol boîing mere eleited oufilcers for- the sen cap-, German made andthle clieapest in colore et Couci, Jrjhuston & Cuydeu-nan'a. suinti vir: Pros. -C. A. Johiston; Vice towm, Go to the West End House.' Pues. U. A. Hladdv: Trea'.-Mies Etbh Gentlemnen whu leeve thein ou-ters fou-. Ladies wishing their hein tuimmeti on' Hall; 55u.-W. S. MoKus an. Clothing et Coucli, Johuston & Cryden slrged ebouiti cai on F. C. Potbick irboa orilan man's cea lirsys depéeti upon heingba fittud np a e uuy neat baubez shop op STATES-NIAN, Laidies Jrnl nt pcufectiy eutid. posite John Lybe's nom store. Prerninm Book $1.30' Tu ie rocfuîî ickleaase, ilins Msysisrd the Jeweileu cati scli yen, -Thin and imipure bloot inj maie rici e bc foc stpa iîan, e., n, ie liu-on-s watchep, docks anti jewelleu-y chea peanti eletlfil by tatking Hooti's Sireap - Lit Liver Pille. Stirkly vegetehh-u. tien sny une elsn in towm, Why'? Because nuell. It bracea up the nerves ant ivues TIe>' go> ty stînuhate tl eIver antitu-eu the stock mas bought et50o., on the $ i renewed serengath. the torneci fsom bile. It ie iartily necessary 'ta say enythin.g 1Pronfits iii bave to, malt for mou-e pro, Nom ia your tres, u get chesp Pho!oe in preise ufthte Prints et the West End p!eu-un )s limes, Elhison & Co. lu thre lateet style. Th'nk of it,Cabinets, Hunse. It is onhy necossary lu say tiat i Veomlii niake savage neductions. fanl igure t $1.95.ant Mikedo's et $1.0. the stock is the usuel fine dispiay. Tiey Ellison & Co., Prieus neveu- before huard of. Cal t thi u i e w. Wlen tic neet isjetu seli, we have nu galleu-y, opposite Bennett's Hotel anti se 4cdock that dosea not keep tim e nuc regeuti for pnices. Elison & Co. thora e .goil os.Ynaoiitk ht Men's Suite anti Childnen's Seite iii Our fo-ced sa--e- beginning o- __tie otRickard antibahe-eitput ln oudur. He lie offeui t hît pie, ifnesauy Credîtors' Notice. 79FOUSES FOR SALE.-Th-ee bu-ickn t/he malter of the Etlte of Joeepk 1.. JEI. bonset ou Liberty Set. fou- sle onr umt Trelevutt, lte ofte toicnship of P)ar.!iaq g- W. R, R. Cawker, box 189, Bowmauville,.f, tont, in the Ooc-nty of Dur/tam, r,-ms- Dececrsed. BLACK EYE PEAS suitabie f ou- set Notice la bereby givea pursuant tu Chapter- Bfor sale. A. MANN, lot 19, B, F. lDarling- 110 R. S. O. 1887, that ail peu-onsa havirtg claie ton. BomanviL P. 0.12-2* aga1luet the estaie ut JOSE Pi D. TRELEVEý-N, ton, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . ofm vll .O ~ lr tthe tomnîship ot Daulingtoa, lu tic, - Caunet f Du-am. uau-mr, deceesed, *bnc S ED GRAIN-I lieue a qaentit>' ut died on or aboutthioh dayt Fbrua-y.1894, bau-loy sud pu re balare rqueeted to deliver or Bond b>' post ppe- eyed Mannumiat puas for sale. ELI OSBORiNEt oteundeusigned, solicitor for William i', lot 29, Broken Fut , Darlington.Courticrs P.O. l: tofthe tw fBunnilGnlmn __________ ____ ~ Administraton of the property outhte-said do- POLS SITALEceaeeed, e tatenent lanmuiiug contâtuin fui EDAR POST,> OE UTBEparticîjlars ut-hein clame sud oethieurIlc C for tencinty, summer mood, tor sale. GEo. the securities tif any) beld b>' thein agamsÇ*lî'e, A. STEPHENS, Saw i lli, Darliaglon, Bowmin- estate ot thue id deceaseti. ville, P. 0. il-3w And notice je hereby further glu-eu liat __________________________after tie said Su-t day of May' nexi thc, sid Adrinistra'or miii proeeed to distrîbutîj SH IORT HORN HEIFER-(Wili e- the asseor0ftie eaid estate thereof amour, kJgieter n luNom H. B.) wii fiou helter cal! the parties entitledi l iereto haviag regard Oniy ait foot for see t ver>' z essouable puico. S. tu snob clame as tiey shah heu-e notice QI as1 SNOWDEN, lot 22, con. 3, Darlmngiuu, Bomman-- abovu requlred.snd tie satd Adninuistratoriil1 ville P. O 10-4- not bu hiable for the essuesor su>' paheubWot su distributed, to an> pe-son ou- peusons u buse clama the>' sha .ut have uecefa-ee.i liTOUSE TO RENT, -A semi-tetacliet notice e. tie lime ut sncb distribution. -1L brick bouse on Church Street lai el> ILA ALN occupied by Capt, Crairford. Terme Inodora e. D WILLIASMPS F,.ALLENn-l~ AppI>' Su A. Youuc\Et.ou- T. Bta'GHAM «B URKE SIotnAMiSN.sîrao.Amaistao. n ~~~Bwanviliel umn-:e, Merci. 16. 18â4. 12-4,,, UUîTO' cI DU'rT, f , ILLFrame Dwelliug Ri,.egit rooms, miti fiae gardon ut large suddernali tfruit, 3-8 acre land. bard sud sot r mirer. situlte ou Odeli streot. Bowniauu-îtle, AppI>' Co NMs.1 W. VAzCAiSPr, Blackstock. 1,--3w. SMALL FARX FOR SALE -Con tatulug 15 acres sud boi siteated ou hu Manvore roafi, l miles noti ut Bowmîu- ville. con.,3. lot 11. Darttogtoo. Oný, the prern tees are a bu-tek honte and tu-smo bau-n sudoufni buildings. For fuil psrticulars epply toLu KE BUTTESY, BWmmanvîtte P. 0. 12-2w* I T"IESIRABLE PROPERTY FOR LP SALE. -Ten.derýs.mIl bu roceivefi up tu the llth day ut Apu-li fou- hu purchaseofuthlat preu-cofu landi sud promisses. situate aud belng lu luira et Boinianuille, contetnieg I acre ut land, betng toma lot Iho. 20, lu block 10, front- iugpu Ontario St. Tioru are tiru brick dm01- linge on theomseus, onu being tiro stuntes, Chu othur one. The fou-ner has six uouns,witb kitcaun eand wuodebed etteebufi. The highest non an>' tender nut nocessanil>'accu-pted. Ton- dore Co bu sent to. sud turtier intomation glu-un b>' P. TaBBcoîncucton T. C. JEWELL, Bomnanvlile, Mench 17, 1894. 12-"w ~TOCK WANTED.-Mu-. W. IR. R. 13Cawkeu- le luChe market to buy eto ru or fat Bout. Mlcb Cums. youog sud fat Celu-es, Pige, Lanibe and Ponlir>'. Addu-es W. R. R. CAw. xER, box 189. Buwnianu-ille, or et bis nesidoucu loi 9, con, 1, aurtb ut Calodoiae MillS. 3-tf F OR SALE OR RENT.-Housoeutn -L!làacres fon sale un bu runt, etuate ou Scnugog treet uuu-Cb. The promisse oouist of e good bouse mlthou-eu-y con ventenudriu-iu ehei, stable, etc. The garde. cuantatuesa lot ut the chuicesitu-ruits efaIt varieties. Irniediate jpossesion ea bu glu-en. For paticatars epply t jW.tPSHLIG iloWBunanvÎIlleOnt 9.t ALL OUR SHEET MVUSIC Reduced tb à cents; Cy mail 6 ouate. Caie. 1ôene ufre~ e. ARV-,a:'3 MUSTIC' rnrOIIS . iýl ïu MUCfr , U Iý, Dn C. Pis ressore thi boweis to I hea'thy actin. 'TME DOMINION f,[tstil IFire 1nuiranco- Associ:tion Issues a geouaine "'Blaaket" Pnitci t imera RIATES:- set Clas 55 cents peu- $100 2 (i 75 - 100 Terru. 1 yea-a 3rd 90t 100>ý Muet cf West Dnnbem's puominent farmlerî are insured ia it. R. J. DOYLE, Eaîq., JESSE TRULU, Esi3 Manager, 'Pre:det, Owen Sound. Bowmenv-iPIe. Will caîl on receipt of puet card, Agent for Weat Durham,. .A. W. FOLEY, Bolis11. 50-6nm Bowmnuuitle, oa$ FARM TO BENT. TES ,Jus, D. TEELE.N~ESAE Owiug to Cie deti of the lat3 Joseep, Tu-louen, hts veluable fau-niof Tiro Huü,?< Acres, bnîng corupused oult :al li e PKuuýtI? Concession of lie Tomnship uf Derlîlgton, les offeu-ed tu bu leae oretone ri of one les-. The terni la penfecil>' propared for o-p miib slfalplougbing doue. Il isesixfy acres faîl plougied; souenroua acres or sud wmilci on bu lert for bey or buoken up; thtrty-twiocr- nei> eedod. The ta ri le situatefi un thiti Guae1Roed betweecu Bummanv!1le andl Hiampton, about tirue miles ant(i o! F, manvîlle; bas s oommodious tari bouise,'X collentliai buildlings, le mratered b>' a Illvlnr erneani, sud bas fluooud on thc pro.es-R.eP Appi>' et olce lu W.F, ALLEN. Esq.. or ZL~ Di. 1BURilKT-E',SýIMPSON0 B OAR FR SERVIR - ete'; ChilrenCryforPitcher'-s Castoria. s- 1 1BIRTHS. JAMES-Ou Faaten Sundav et ~Fi--e' nuar Columbus, to Mn. and Mu-s. Thomas Fl James-e son. Bv.su-In Clarke. Me rab 10, the mite uf M.. T. A. Heet, ut a deugtiher. CocHRiANý-In Claîrke, March 15, the mite uf James Cochrene. of a daugbte-. MARRIED. Fsu-.-SOEîîu- On March 21, ai rIhe residence af the bride's tether, b>' itou. W. TollilEa, Mu-. John 'T. FEe, Oîn s-mou, to-wnship ot Emily, sud iW-e Lentsa M. Somers, youngest deughte- of John Soirns, Eýq., anar Bowrnenville. Dar- iîî5toa. RtLiiY-WASiDERi-In Bowmanville, at the residun ce of the bride's fthor. Mardi 2ctth, by Rev. W.,.TollilLs. Mu-. Mucus Itiiey, of 1D etroi r, sud MicE Mary Hnnuah Warder, of Bamman- ville. COLWIL- MORIuS-Inuthn Muthodiet church Bowmauvîla. Merci 21, b>' itu-. W. JollilTe. Mu-. Albert Âmes Culwit toutNewcastle. sud Misseitntdah A., third dlsu4;,te of Mu-. Levî Morris, tlowma avilie, DlED. PARm-to-In Philadelpbia, Pa, Mardi 11 Miss Msggie Bau-roi, td3eof tMu-s. D. Davis, Bowmansville. SMITI-î-At lot 11, con. 2, Cartmright. Merci 8. Sarah. rellet ortChu laie John Sruiti, aged 79 rs, 7 montis. J.Nris- In' ommanville. March 26, Jane Jouep, relier ut the late W. Joues, a.<ed 38 VAaMtp-An the famîlUv re$ideuce, Stony- mu-et. DrlagYu Mrci 21, Sarah Sure, bu- Jeu-ed mi oot Levi VnamEsc, Itee CÈo Darlirg. on, egedi65 ~as Children Cry for . .TIMLLET, M. 0., C. M, M\,F MBER 0OF CQLLEGE 0F PIIYSICIANS land ýSurgeons, Ontario. Office, King St. PirBtýdoor west of Ontario iRank,~ Residence, Church StS.- & h door enat of Methodist Church, BowmaDvUlle. ,57 X1TOUNG GIRL WANTED for geneoe. MLal hosework on farm. Apply to Mrs. M. PROUTT, lot j, car). 3. Darlington, or Mrs. Hf. MOLLON, Bowmnanville. lt tf WALL PAPER, WINDOW SIIADES,,, CUIR PAIN POLES PICTURE MOUJLDINGýS, CROOCKINOLE BOARDS, only$2-, In great vre:a BG2. W. T. ALLEN.