PO N OLK&. Next day, wha il waxre itting Padmir- ing bis art, be !began to wept in a& moat' sorrcwfual tonle suddeniy. Kazenklehi, te n0 - Teyasked why he wepted sOmurfly i "n os.God deprived by srneilingai.-cn Pc .ý.itei A EOFN OFJAPflont senli agaiu some more. Alas I what casa 1 do?"' ENox.-hi amsin lgen w ses All, hearing this, hecarne sad and dfis- ý lated from memory by a young Japan asa ine VS[len you askz for a stud-nt. It containe sorne appahing erurs e elvdwt apreulrvlo in grammar, but then lhe was enly sevefi- afYt ears ad wheha e die, any ph- CIR eau adcedntdid ngis jatfor rims corne to honor the ternb, and th-ua , ~ ce it p ttg years in a .Tapanese colege whoseefrlricu. hae received the btter honor aven tha ine n ~~~ ~um juncludes Chinese, mthn ajiFrnc kin of-animal-[ WorthingtonEm againe h I OPI-11 ad German, besides the. usual native VILÂce t tudies. In view of the vast, almost dlia- Pi metrie difference,4etwefl bis lauguage and ?RO L-ti -tdirours, it is simply marvelons that ha cer ôc ntaxrese hself se intelligantly, and The late Mr. RM. Ballantyna, the rou.le-I maiutaînad the thread of the narrative 80 fie writer of books for boys, spent bis ear'lyW waii. The favorite Engiish book in bis yas uCanda From 1811 suti1847 li ha collage is Washington Irving's Sketch-bock, ws luintha Nnt a atl hasric f t and ail through the compositions Of thea Hudson Bay Company.ce students its influence is diacrnibla. Thay Sir Charles Dilka, in the course of an in- ma CE THEU th, araeger te grasp idiomatic expressions, tavviaw with a correspondant of the Figaro, fo tnking that thay give ease to their style, says that hae is not a jinge, wbom hae defl"uo el and their use of sncb tarins as 94Thank toBa an axaggerated patriot, a Chauvin en ~~ MAR! God," and IlGod blasame," area adopted wbt2 wîceste an nama oc u aida ad libitumn as a dlicaLte attention to thear bis own country." professer of Englisb.] h 1ahi nonedo eeai-îl-b A good years ago their livefi in the ut- h et aanncdn eea at Most recesa cf soe province a puer and zef, th e richeat, though net tha largeat, ti ancautma. ws mae lbeer.Aslanded propriater in Russia. Amongý- his Ai 9His occupation wsamr aoe.A possessions wr wnynn iac ni oking To acco ail laberers do, hae muet spend for food and wahiteuaBfta ia or Itanciea bouse the whola mnoney lha got in the day- and gava amploymant te sneffyfv turne by flowing p erspiration and acbing Dr. J.J. Maclaren, Q.C., holds the briaf gr te sre tat he rtaier b~Tbus ha had no saving, though bis haad for the Otario Govrrn nl the ap-a does not inuuce yut bcaeardy hiand is m and proaching argument lu the upaieCor legs decay. oui the contitutional power cf the proc, z 53S buy ny oherin oder The turne bad cama aven now that hae ou the prohibition question. Dr. Macharen chat lie inay niake a couid net work any more as hae plaasad. will hacaasstad hy J.K. Cartwright, deputy of arOnrfies~e nigha i made a morunful sîgh and Attorney- Ganaral. The Dominion w Il hcar arger rofit said."Ah 1Ah 1 Even the animal wben hae repreaentad hy Mr. Christophar Rob,inson C dies leavas bis fine akin for memory. QC(. "I, a man, the haad of al bainga, arn By tbe deatb at Scunthorpa, Linicoîn- ta sharnatul net te leave ne bon.r atter the sire, Englaud, cf Rav. George Jacques, b death. the North-West loses a good friand. Mr. v( IlCan a man net get goed houer, hae muet Jacques was horn in 1829. Ha came to d get stain honoer, and thus dafand from eh- C anada in 1849, and sattlad in the County t S livion.",cf Grey, where hae toek up a tarin. Haý onîy t MVlNi1REAL.~ Juat at tîsat turne there was great pre- remained on the farin a short turne, 1 avingà pariïag ut a garden a the court of Dairnye te studyfo the miniatry lu cour .tionil of that provinca. Ha was ona of the feable with the MethodistChurcb. Ha corirmeucad laborars to carry 1âmal1 tone froin Place te doing Pioneer work for thet denoirinatien rH CN DINST TSM N place. Ha liva grceat distance frei tha lu the Couatias of Bruce, Grey,au. iiron,a THE CANDIAN STTESMAN-court, Bo lha muet rîse in ridtimne cf night travelling ou boraeback througnthc wo-,-ods tl te start hia going. and foreats, and enduring bardahipa ý,of e ESTABLISHED 1854 When next tarne ha go,- "My wife," hae wbich few, if any, of the present gen)erat ion 81 Pr anumin dvace, thewïs $15).said te bhis wifa, "you must hersa this housa haveanay idea. Haernarried lu 1853 'M'isa Subscriptlons always payable at the offt,, M to-day wben theaBrun reach the top cf Hind, cf Toronto, and afterwarda went -irte i Publication. Advertiaing rates unleqs by osa heavao. " Manitoba, wbere haie aboured for rniany c ract, 10 cents par lina, nouparie lIfîrat insert I Why," answered the wite, trarnbling at yaars, prier to hia, retirement te Lincoînl-0 on, and 5cents par lina each Bubeaquent '- hm, 4'wbat do you maan? Will you like sbire, wtaere ha died.V Ecition. Locae, 10 cents par line, te bure this bouse? Wby, where wlll wa M. A. JAMES, Publisher live since new,#?" BEED OA B- à -iMMM « Yeu muet oblige me,"saaid the ld man. TTO . S IAIIIJAflU ~ Don't ha doaat cf ii. W ilgtteA Kentucky Plan and th5e Ileesen Itsi large money te day and wiil remnake naw Followed. O F CA NAD A- bouse. " The fermera near Louisville, Ky. . fav a etal te eai UP, £î,000,0oeflest, $50 1,00 Se ha start off wth singing, ieeving bis fer saveral years pat, beau lu the hehît of wife parplaxed in teer. arowing two crepa cf potatoas ou thea sea This Bank is preparod to do Legiti- * * * aud. The aarly Spring and bot Summnert mate Banking in ail its branches. , Ha went te the court cf Deimye and cause the first crop te ripen early lu fuly.e workad as usuel. The land la plowad and imrnadîately re-t Farmer's notes discounted; Deposits At the turne of the hiru-gozen (midday planted, and the second crop la killed by received and Intarest paid on accounta meal) bis face waa filled with an unpleasaut froat in Octohar wbeu the tubera are baîf ef $5 and upwards in Savinga Bank appearance and ha did a heavy distrasaed te two-thirds grown and stili puita imma- 1ý1%artmnt. igb.ture. Thasa second crop tubera are i,,ferier D*patmet. sAll othar laborers faîl thair rice te look for eating, but, it le cleimed, are f ar botter ID M A FTS athbite. for naxi Spring pianting than the first Issuad and Collections made in Europe Ha raies bis heed and cried, deing a cop, and for the following reasens1 United States, and Canada.. fagwih aInn~tcrtlesa: 1. Tbay keep in a eofcelcliar witbehut W.. J. .JOY1E8. The aml et fira 1 The sineil et buruing aprouting or shrivelling or iosing -onle par- boen huse 1 God blasa me, it la the bouse cf ticla )f thair viger. It seama thet ',avieg mine!I Aies ! Wbat will I do? Ah 1 Ail beau cbacked bafora mnaturity, they lie ONT.ARIO B.Aof etyen do me the favor te x-eclaimm h frons dermant, ready tosnd up a shoýot wban urqing 1" agein lu warm grouud as vigo.ro3ualy as,3 hay ~Cntinues to do a Ganeral Banking Business Thon the crowd ieugh loud at bie fooieh were grewiug when stoppafi(- by tle froaýt. ]oran Ville Agancy. and said atî*e semae time . 2. Tbey neyer saud up but olea ajreutÎ. BEPOSITS "You tooIsýh old wight 1 What do yen This la true whether tbey are o ne -xn,-bal,il; t nd:hlf-i (evn whole or cet te auv numbar of eyes down i WIIE20AT GROW ING. reïent asnd Fuatusre Frospsets-ce5let- paequitlesn i'arxs ceuntiries'anal HeÈw ih Effpets 1the Frice. For a long turne new-two yeers or more fermersaàed dealers bave beau nusly kGIing fera risa luwhaat. It willbharec- Lacted that Mr. 0. Wood Davis, a well- iîown, statisticien living lu Kansas, prom- ad( '2 'a busha1l. te the whaat grnwers lu the aýr future. But, instaad cf thie, wbeat as rteded eut cf sigbt,and iustead of any 'obable afivance in thaermarket rates for his staple grain, thare seerna te bc a very nerain furthar raduction until the very west dapth of compatitien la rachad. A vrer le theD Country Gentleman contenda het we hava not yet found the lowest prica dwbeat, and it seims froin the evidances ýhand the lirnit will net ho far fromn 50 ,nta a bushel, laid dowu at the ultimata narket lu R4ngland. The reason assigned r this la that upon the vaat plains cf Ar- eantina, new lomrring upon the borizon as De vast wheat field, coverng 240,000,000 trea of fertile land, lu a fiua climats, the vast queutity cf net lesa than 3,6u0,000,OOtJ bushels auuuaily eau ha reised, or more ,an the whole prodnct of the worid to.dey. America eau raisea WHEAT AT A PROFIT and lay it dowu lu Englaufi at 50 cents a bushel. But lu addition te this, ahl the great Nortb-west will ha growing wheat at ha semae price ; for there, toe,wil ha fonnd ample roern and fertile land enougb te pro- dnca naariy as much as the bread plains cf South America. Thesa figuras ara supportefi hy the host tf avidenca givan hy au Englisb writer in an exhaustive article writtau for a leading Charnbar et Commerce lu England. And lu bhis article the pesibility-nay, thp car- taiuty -cf stili lower priceas eains te bc foreshadowed, if net assured, in a very short turne. For the lest serions drop lu prices bas beau ceusad by almost the firat conalîlareble exporta frein Argen- tana, ceusisting only etfttha comperatively unsignificant quantity of 20,000,000 buahals in 1893. The market pries of anything la based on the cost et predu cin *g it. Everything, frein a sbeepeg te e diemond, la thus velned lu the markets of the werid. This is self- avideut, for the preducer cf enything ot saine nust seil te liva. And if there is any cifficulty lu thua diaposing et it ha will ra- doca the price, if if is possible, dowu te the coat of production rether than miss a sala of gooda. And the price is fixed for the whole stock et the lo'west figura offered hy the ust aager seller. Then the fariner who cen pruduce bis wheat et 25 cents par heabal wili saîl as near this valua as ha cen and get e profit. Thus the PRODUCT 0F TIIE WORLD la valued et somethbing more then the coat et the cheepest part of it. And if any coun- try cen grow it et 50 cents e hushel deliver- ed et the place et saleaend consumptîcu, that will inevitably regulae the markets et the world, wheu, as is ncw the case m ith Englend, thet place cf cousumption la the lergeat purcheser lu the world, and is draw- ing supplies froin every other whaat-growing country. No other country eccupies the semae prerninent position as e purchasar cf wbeat and othar grains as England, as lest yeer it purchaaed ne leas thet 172,815,75i4 bush- ais, and thus it is the market by which the prices of the world's berveats are fixed. New, then, what la the lowest cost et ,whîch wbeet cen ha producad lu the world? The Engliah writer reterrad te hagins wlth Kanseas. Frein that satee h as lu- forinajetion trom. one extensive producer thet <wbeeat mev hae rown et 25 cents a bushal, AYRR WILL QUICKLV CURE DIPHTIIERIA, QUJN$Y, COLD$ AND COUGHS Mauufeturad enly et TiloMAS HOLLoWAIS ESTABLISIiMEýI, rfsfET-W QF~ TEEL D ~ NEWS 0F ELECTRICITY. ETEjrEMC LIGIST PaTtIAO A claver design bas beau hrougbt ont for euebliug elentrie light to ha thrown on the music beerd cf e plane, aven wban ne street mains are evailahia. The lampa pro- jeet frein the front ef the piano lu the usuel way, but the, portable bettary frein whlob the current la derived, e switch and the necassaery lactrical connections, are pleced bhind the music board. This is doue hy rneking the music board siope et e more prouounced angle, but it doas net otherwiae initerfera with the working of the iano. The whole et the front can ha lifîed eut, Iineding the hetterv and the lampa, leev- Fo ONE APPLICATION OF TH1E I IT WIL[ L THE AHUEMGG