ïtiseak otut ofwasr o, since COTTOLENE has corn-t takiýe ils place. The satisfaction witîh whlch the people have hailed! the Advent of the New Shortening, evidenced by the rapidly increas- 1n enorrpous sales la PROOF POMSITIVE not oniy of its great value as a new article of diet but is aiso sufficient proof of the general desire te be rid of indi- g-stibie, unwholesonie, unappe- tizig lard, and of ail the ils that lard1 prom-otes. Try at ontce and wastke no time in discoveririg like thousends of otasthat you h.ave now OMTARIO LADIES, COLIECE, WITBY, ONT. Strictly flrst-class in ail lis appolntmonts and educational advantaRes. Provision made for aýil the teachera' ocartidoateg aud for Un. Iverolty classes throngh the freshman. sopho- mlore and part of junior years et Toronto University. The llterary staff comprises the largest number of Unversity specialists of1 %ny Ladies' Collage In Canada. The mugical, âne artelocution and commercial departmont8 ýre equally weil sustained by the most gifted Drofebsors. Physical culture is taught by a Ileciallst from Boston. A new gymnasium 1 nd ail kin d' of out- door amusements, Pupils 1ave the opportunity or heariný, the great %rt4;sto that visit Toronto. AÀpply for information to 2-Iyr PINCIPAL. MARE, 1'ILD the w rdover, endo)rse It; babies and children like the taste or it. Weak mothers reüspond readily to Its nour- th igpofWers.. tie Cream of Cod-liver 011, is the life of the blood, the 1 iaker of sound flesh, solid bories and lung tissue,' and the vory essence of nourishment. Don't be deeved by SUbsttutes!. Scott &5 Bowne, Belleville. .Ail Drnggists. 50c & $1. Perseverance lin ng il wll-give rcel .e'en pa caes of long siandîng. whtue xacure seemect impossible anda lue seemed hardly aerth living Pe Iott1e.25C,5Ocor $LOO D N IIl.; 8E 0T R 1E ND EaiyQikiy, Permanently. Restored. Weakaiess Nerv- Ov,ýUess, Debîlllt3 a nuail the train of (evis from esnly mrors - or ister exccsses, dia Z resuits cf overwork, 't s iness, worry, etc. A\ Full ahi engtî, ieveiop- ) ment aud toue given to ovcry organ oui portion of the body. Simphp I naturslineuthoils. Int modiste improemeut seen. Failure impossi- hie. 2,000 references. Boutc, explsaadon andl LMEBE MEDICAL CO.1 BUffalo, NY. HOUSEHOLD. In Grandmnama's Kitohen- Iu graudnima's kitchen thinga got iluao net; The creainalu a pot outhIe shahf Where evenythlug aise seeîued peacaful and tquiet, Got whîppei ion I heard it myseif And graudmama satd-such a queer-thing to soy- That it mode some things botter ho whîp themn that way, Somo bo11, noughty eggs, thot rcineed te ha oaten Ou toast, with their brethars, mayhe, Wera stripped of their clothiug and crueliy Sbeatan Right whare aIlthIe dhales coli sep; And graudmama said, thongh the pool'- hings Mi'ht ache, The hardger the heatiug. the lighter the cake! The bigt golden butter was petted and pattaI, And coaxed ho ha shapeiy oui gond: But it fiualiy lsad te ha takan anti spatted Right lard with a padile of wood. When graudîssama cannie the round halls aw %y, The buttermilk suikei looiea sour ail day. Tha wahen daciared that the coffée was muddy Bu' an cgg settied thot littia fur_ TIen the steak aud the gridiron got lu a bloody And hrrible brol-sudli a muas! And o flot imon spot ah graudma in the face, And I rau away iroin the quarraisome place. QEarcasm- TIare are a greot mouy woys ni tiiling lova, trust oui kinily feeling, but people wlîo indulge lu sarcosin seem te favo thIe slow, aureanoui hrhning mathod wlinh gmaiuaily smothers every sentiment that tonds ho mate lufe profitable and happy. It taitea a great deol ni berism ouid Christian graeatholive lu the samne bouse witb o sarcastin hogue-to bear day aitar day unj uat riticisns ounoustin sentiments oui ho reolize tbot tIare is no hope of os- cape ironsthIe nhiling npprosaiveuesa tbat saoows a home where every spontouona expression is ridiculei oui every gond motiva misconstrueil. Penplo-wholilve in an ahmosphore o! this description are niton stnengthened y thIe hope that time wiii grant themn immunlty lrom triais thot arealameatunuhoarahia. A hopeloas apathy sinits deep into many boarts, wbile otbers rebel againat injustice and inangurato o siege ni open warfare wbicb iestroys inoverthIe prospect of ne- atorng domestin peace oui barmouy. We lear nf fathers who oppose every- thing tbat savors ai hilarity. The inynus expressions tbat fou frirns the lips ni sons oui daughters are quickiy auppressai. The tron bond - of parental authnnity cruabesaospirationa, cheriabai plans ana rilicuieti, oui ynntbful mini, are filile with thepessimistic sentiments that nurture sarcaam. The boy who deciareil hbot le was af raid ho breathe when fatlar was areunui, enlai lis 111e in the state ponitoutiary. Tle ligît heartai innocent girl wîose thougîhiesa actieu, drew forth banal reproof inteai of loving sympatby ouidailvine, muitai away freim home oui was lbait heIel"maiiing crowd.' Kininess, cosiieration, oui affection in thIe home are mono important thonthIe offeriug ni meaningiesa compliments oui courtesies ho those who are comparative strougaîs te us. We havaen right ho de- moud, dictate or ,:iicîsa whes wc f ail ho normant nur nwn f aultsanou neglect tn study the art ni making others happy.-[Pmairie Former. A. Sheif for Repairs. Thora are few thinga nf greator use ho a bouse itoaper wbo bas ho shudyooçnmy thon a shah witl material, for mpiring oui mnovatiug. Firat ni ail sle abonil haýve hwo on three amail cons of point oui hwo gond husbes of different siza,. Point pneaamves as webi as decorahes. By far tise moat saisiactory matboil ni keeping a boatb dlean is ho keep it paintel once o weot, nr ouceao monhigt, op'aven once a month, accodisng tothIe way it ïS usaId-it will ba neditul te retond h i. If yeu use blackt or the dmil Pompeian rail, it mates a heoutîlul b&citgrouni, or ratIer framework, for the lire, throwing into fine relief thIe shining brassanouithIeire giow untîl the wboie beantbisa lite o viaible wel- coma ho guast oui fnieni. Beile-j the * eanty ni it, it is invaluable in lssening the burden ni doily labor. . unpaperinga o ntmbhocaneful ho teep remuants ho repair crantai on ternupianos. It m, nover easy te match. Wbeu yen are uphnistering furitune, it is btter ho use pianes of a yard on se lu motiug cushions. Thosa always give o menm on air of comiont oud completeneas. It is net wiae ho store np remuants, fon which any onuenon finI immeediate use. House recrm is usnaily wortb more tîon au accumulation of useipsa oua ouani ns. A little can of white pint ouI a hottie ni liqui gilt wlll change thIenid, battemel wnodeu pictune f ramiea int9 nreat, pretty eues in witehanou goid, whicI are porticu. larly pratty for beiroomsanoui itting recrms, wbere averytbing alenlhab igît oui cheerini. île liquil gilt ia luvaluabie in onother tini of repairing. A iienîni mine bal a large oui costiy tJapanase vasa Inotan hy accident. 1h conl ba meulai with cament or glue, oui sha diiltIi, with the grooteat cana, but. tIare were thIe ugiy linos where tIhe fracture lai beau. An inspira- tienofn ni gusuaeizad ieIan; ber amalleat bual dippel in thIe liquil gilt wa drawn loug eacb crack,anuInemonulylii thIe lino Fiai Live.-Cnht livon into alices, pour boiling watem oven oui let stand love min- utes, drain oui wipe thIe meat, aprne witI spit oui pepper ad oumi l our. Fry in boiliug fat, browu firat ouonue ide oui thon nu the other. When doue, take p onu a heatei dish fpour ovur nîitod ul uttr andi hall as much cold potatoas andl one nuion. Put a irying-pan onutise stova, lot heat, put in a tahiespoonini of butter, lot mlt, adi the fleur, stir until brown, put the pototoas and oniens in, oui cok for five minutes; add the meat, seasen with sait andl pepper aui atm untilthIe whoio la wal brownafl peur over a piut of boiling woter, atir until trixail and the grovy la thicit. Serve iu a heatai iish. Fiah Cutiets. -Taita cutiets fromri any largo fiaI, dip first lu heaten ezg, then iu grateil crackter crumba, aui iry in hoiliug fat. Arrange lu a circle on a heateil iish, and serve wlth sauce piquante. Bean Sonp. -Waah a pint driai heans and let saai ovar uight. Iu the morning drain oui nover with boiing water; ad half o pound ni ham oui lot boîl for two heurs. Taito up the beans, press through a slave, returu te the itettie, lot coma te a houl, seasen with soit and pepper oui serve with toaatad bread. Sauna Piquante. -Put a tahiaspoonlul ni butter in a smaii saucepan oui set over the fire until brown,adi a tabiespoonini of flour, mix until smooth, thin with o cupiui ni stock, oan tir nnti 1h buis. Hava two tabiaspooninis ni finely-chopped oujons, eue gilno vinegor, one tabloapooniul ni Ca pers, oa prig eacb ni 1Ihyme and parsiey cooited iow iu a smali saucean, adi to the sauce, soason with saît and a pinch ni cay- anme, stir al hogether weii oud serve. Braisai Be-Trirn a six.pound round ni heef, aui lard. Loy thin alunas of fat pork ou the bottera ni a bnoising- pan, set over a brisit fire; wben lot, îoy in the beef; hnown it byturniug. When weli browned, aprinkie witb fleur, grounil cloves and al.- spico ; add one amali, white ononu, bal o narrot aouionue mali turnip, al choppai 1 witb a bnncb nf parsley, a sprig of thyme oui a boy leai. Lot stand over the fine until the vagehobles ara hrowned. Pour over a cuplul ni wîne oui a haîf a pint of stock, covar the pan oui set in a bot ovon or two heurs. Wheu doue, take the boef up on a beatai diah, stroin the gravy, soason wltb aait and pepper, thiciten witb browued gour, oui serve lu a gnavy-hoat. Lettone Salad.-Take twn large be-ada ni lettuco, pull the beaves, apant, waah, and saoeom dry. Put in a saaad-howi, pour over plain saiad dressing, mix with a f ont andl serve nold. Mashed Potatoes-Pare and wasb bal a dozen large potatoos, put in a saunepan,j nover wtlh oiling water, ado teaspoonlul ni sait, and let hoil nutil doue ; drain and taite np, masb, season witb butter, pepper and sait, heat unhil iigt; serve very bot. C auiflwer.-Take off the outar lbavesa anti break apart, wasb and lot stand in coid water for bal an bour. Drain, put iu a kettie witb stem down, nover witlî boiiing water, aid a teaspoonini ni saît, and boul until tender. Takre up careiuiiy, oui pour1 over o teacuplul ni nroam sauce.Q Salsify Fntters.-Scrape,waan ouilou o dezen salaiiy ronts. Taite p,masb and adi te a pint nf egg btter, season with pepperi oui saIt. Drop in apooni nia into boiliugt fat, lot fry brown and serve very bot. 1 Ambrosia. -Pare and suice baloailozan1 sour oranges, loy lu a glosa. bowl, apninitiet witb sugar oui cover with a layer ni groteilc cocoanut, over wbîch apinitie more'sugor.1 Silvar Coite. -Take thnea cupluls ni sugarE and oee upl ul of butter, beat togothor,sith in tbree cupfula nifiour,witb lwo teaspoon-E fuis of baitine-nowdor ; adi a cupini nif sweet mut ouid the boaten whitea ni liveE aggs; flavor witl lemon auVeturn into a, greaaei pan. Boabal aunlheur.1 Light Bsui.S a opint oi sweet' mutk, aid twe ouncas nio lard and set asidej to cool. VWVlieu co1ldmix su a teaspoon inui eanh ni stltait ouagar, o quart nosf ti fouxr cand hall a cuplul ni yeaat, heaten11 wlanil set lu a worma place until ligbt. Adi aufficient fleur te moita stifi dough,1 itneai, roli nut, cut witb a biscuit cutter,i set by the lire until iigbt, and bokia u i very quinit oven.1 Oyster Saad.-'lake three ilozon nysters4 anil set on the lira tû scaid lu their ewn, liquor, add a pincb ef sait. Wbau done,1 drain aud lot cool. Put crisp1lattuno beavesi lu a solad-bowi, loy the nysters lu, pour over o teacupini ci mayonnaise dressing. Garnieb witb ceiery tops and serve veryi cod. TRI;FAUMEIS 3WIFE. A Tee CoMnien Siery. 1 non secalber, an bibi, boggard, sailow woman, tired irons the weary riaing lu the drt wlutern moruings, to the nra'viing irom the unfinisbeil pile nifnending to the colreom ups taira, atunigbt. fier hushand us inti er; but he bas bis owu worit; andllber bock aches, ohe la iizzy oui foint, aui 11fe grnws aheavier load ou berabouliders E;very day. She moes net conaider that ber hoalth is port ni the homne'a capital; and aIe is aune that they connut afforilteho ire help, behinibonil as they ara; they cn't affori o doctor (whn wouii ride ton miles andl charge ive dollars), but aIe remembars tbat the last time she wos at nhnrnb aIe beard ounif hIe sociaty apeaitonia patent medicine tbat hlpeillber at spning, and sbo will seuil fnrthIe medîcine. Or aise she write, to the bousoboli paper (prune iity cents à yoonl whicb she tatas, ositing the aditor'sa aivice. What patbotin andl suggestive things are the Cor- respondance Colmmuasun tese humble journali How thIe ineradinable womaniy ionging ho ho attractive comas ont lu queer prescriptiona tepravent the bain iaiiing ont, ho remeve frecities, or ho maoitenvr nid gnwns with amali leeves into thIe flambnoy- Thaýt bsns councludeil, Pot soud, 1"Well, I suppose Mn. H.--, 1 cou work ion wbn 1 lite nnw," "Oh, yes," repliai lMn. H-"you ara quiteaot liberty ho wort for wboever you -Very wl," ropliaiPot, "Ilil stop where, a m" I I __________________________________________________________________ TIIE OANALS OF CANADA.- Xie. Keerer, an ]Emlneait Engtieer, (lOves Sanie Valuable lafera'-ation as ta thse Fssrposes They Serve, Among the papors cf great practical utî',lity reod at the lat annual meeting ni the Royal Society of Canada wos 0ne hy the aminent enginear, Mr. T. C. Kefer, C.M.G., upon the canai, of Canada, in wýhich the history of these public works waa traced from their inception down to thie presentitfime, and an immense omount ni vainahia information affordod as to the purposes they serve, the deveicpmant of trofflo thareon, the changeful views of comn- mrilmen and mariner, in relation te the capocity necesaary to occommodata the trafflo, and the part thesa waterwaya are ilkoly te play in the future trade betweon the greot laites and the seab-oard. A strik- igfontbhrought out by Mr. Keafor is the great diffarences of opinion which existed enly a comparatively short timo ago upon the subjant of TEEPROPRDIMENSIONS nf the Welland and St. Lawrence canais, The canal commission appointad hy the Dominion Government reported lu 1871 in favor ni locits 270 foot long hy 45 feet wida in the chamhers, and with 12 feat of watar u the mitre sis ; yat whan th.e worlt of anlarging the Welland was hegun in 1875, a draught of 14 feet was provided for. The commisainners, Mr. Keefer talla ns, invitad opinions from, boards ni trada and individuals as te lock dimiIensions and canal depth, and these ware sïo confiicting, and the mojority ni them go modarate, that the resmit ni the average strucit hy the commission is the legs sur- prising. The then, suparintendont of the Waelland canal (who should have heen the hast informed as to the traiE c by lake from Bulialo wastward, in which vessaIs 265 feet logwara thon angagad> thought that 200 feet hetween the locit gates would ho long anough. The boards ni trade ni Toronto and Ottawa voted for 350 fast, the length ni the lock then in use at Soult Ste, Maria. Toledo named 215 feot; Oswago, ni ail others the most depandaut upon the Welland canal, 250 feat ; Milwaukee, 300 faat, with 15 feat ni water ; Detroit, 1250 to 275 feat, wî th 15 or 16 feat of watar. Amiong indi- viduais the most notable was the iota Alvin Brouson, ni Oswago, who had a 111e- long connaction with the trada of the lokas. Hè thnught a length ni vassal ni 200 feat and a hurthen ni 750 tons, "ample for the internai commerce ni the laites, the Lower Provin3as, and New Engiand ; lnger locits wonld cause axpensa and a strong currant and dalay, not warrantahia lu order to provide for a iaw and rare casas whera large vessais wot'ld. desire to posa TO AND FROM THE OcEÂT." lu Montreai at this time the opinion was quite widaly antartained that vessais of moderato napacity wara hast adapted tn thea laite trade, auJ that no pressing naad ax- isted for any nonsiderahieeaniargament ni the canais. Jndaad. the then mamher for Montreal West, tha late Mr. Thomas Workman, vcicing this sentiment, votad in tha Coin mous agaînst the proposai te in- crease the capacityni the inlandwater-way. Yetven the dimensions fixed hy the (loy- aroimant hava falien far short nf accommod- ating the iarger ciass nf vessais now angag- edt ii , thli laka trade, as , accnrding te Mr. Keaier, notwithstanding the recant second aniargemenrt ni tha Welland canal, the con- ditýýons ara worsa îîow than they were in 187 1, there cheîng now a largar proportion (mre thani hall) ni the tonnage upon Lake Ena uabla, for- want ni langth ni lock, te de 'ad o Lake Ontario than thare was at Althis iplesthat the atze ni the laite veis as increasad much more rapidly thoqn tle increasa lu the capacity ni thea canais. Upon the uppar laites thare are now steamers 350 foot long witb a spaed ni sixteen miles an heur. The greater carrying capacity thug affordeil, nomhined with improvaments in loading and un- ioading freight at terminai points, hais alona anabied WATER TttANSPOR TvATION to successfuliy maintain competition witb railways, and that tha advantaga bas net tn agreotar dagrea ramainad wîth woter. carir during the season oi navigation mapohahly,bhaattrihuted to tha cnst ni trans-shipmant randereil necassary hy the iimited napacity ni the:canais. As, bowevar, the day is for distant wban the moderntype ni uppar laka siaamar con roacb Montreol, our immediate nonceru. is about the gain to accrue from the work now under way on the St. Lawrence- canais. Upon thjs point Mr. Keefer gasoa- - 'What the St. Lawrence canal, wili ha capable ni ha, hoon estahiished hy what is doing at the Welland. Onthiscanai steamers 9-54 feet long by 42 foot heam carry 1,825 tons ou 14 feet draught througb the canal, and2,300 tons on isfeetdrongbt through the, lakos. About 400 tons are usuaily lightered, at a coat ni 80 cents par ton, învolvîng a decantion ni irom six to aight hours. The napacity of their iower bolds is 70,000 huisheis, and as much as 112,000 hushols ni ota hava beaun arried in the holil andl betweau docks. At Kingston andl Ogilens- hnrg groin is trans-shippail into barges for Montreal, the laite vessëli seldlomï descend- ing to thot city. While the St. Lawrence canais had oniy 9 foot ni watar, the second Welland bail more thon 10, bosides which lighterinR thora wos goneraily resorted te. Witbin thrge years it is expecteil that the Welland class ni vessais will be able to Iu providing t'he anlargeil woterway, how-, evor, the Goverument is flilhling on obvions d1nty ho the trada nf the country. One peit roi sail y Mr. Keefer in the iast cita- tion w,,,,haveamaileirom his paper isqf prime imorace amaly, the question of rature ted States exoluile Canodian vessais irom the coating traie of that cotmntry. They Cpstoria is Dr. Samuel Piteher's prescription for Infants and Oidren. Iii contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotie substance. It Is a harmless substitute for Faregorie, Drops, S oothing Syrups, and Castor 0lle 1[t is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions of M~others. Castoria d.estroys Worms and allays feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colle. Castoria relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatuleney. Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach aud bowels, giving healthy and natux-al eleep. Casoi toria is the Children's Panacea-the Mother's Friendo Castoria.- *'caato la an excellanit nedlcina for cl- &ieu. Mothers ha-ne rapeatadiY hoid me nf its good affect upon their chiIliran."1 Do. G. C. Oscoon, Lowell, DNasa. 'Castorio la the hast remedy for chlldreuni which 1 am acquainted. 1 hope the day la not fer distant when mohhers will consîder the real interest of thib childran, oui use Castoria le- steai ni thevarinuSquont unstrunas which are destnoyiug thoin lovaionues, by forcnug opium, maorphline, soothlug syrup aui other hurtfni agents down their tbrouta, thereby sodlng them tn pramattire grae." DIm J. P. KINUecaon, Couway, Ar7 Castoria. « costonia ilso irell udaptedhtuchiliren that 1 recomameul iM nSSUperiOrtoauyprsOgMiptlil kuown tn mne." il. A. Âs'cuss, M. M., 111Soc. Oxford lSt., tBrooklyn, 1. Y. 'Our physiclans lu the childreu's depart- mieut have speken highly of thein axpeni- once lu their onts1de practice witb Castonia, aud vlthough we cnly haveaonng cun medicul supplies what la kuown as regulan preducta, yot we are free te confesa thÏt the mnts ni Castorilalhas won us tu lonk with Lavor upen it." UsNgu 105IoserÂ. Ao DDISPsENsaov, Boston, maa, .&LLEN C. Sserm rH,1's.. The Ceatai Ompnny, TT Murray S TeNe OI 7,City. FOR SALE -BY J. HIGGINBOTHANI & SON BC-, NVL WViII; be pIeased once in Quantity, twice in Quaiity, and three times ini Price who inspeet the unequailed assortment or Slippers, Rubbers, Trunks, Valises, &c., At our Store, &W- BEAVER IL CKKBona ile BI GGEST STORE, BJG&EST VARIETY, BJGGEST VALUE., ýEverybody invËted to cali and see oui' new foutwear TUE SBOE MAN The undersigned desire to th ank the farmers of West Durhamn for the Jiberal patronage extendod to -us during the past season, aise te remind tbern that we are atili in the market and prepared. to pay the HIG}{EST MARKET PRICE FOR ALL KINOS .OF C AP2R W delivereci at our storehouse, cor. King and George streetss., or at Port Darllngton. We have also" on hand a large stock, NEW -AND FRESH, of Canadiau and Liverpool Coars3e Salt in Bacys. Ro3k Sait for ci and horses, and Fresh Ground Grey Plaster in Barreis whîch we, are prepared to seli o £3EI-A-: OASIL Ail kinds of Lumber, Wood and DRY CLEAN SCREENED COAL a7ways in stock. We invite inspection and guarantea satisfaction. MeC-LE'LLAN R& UO caunot convey inelght irom. one Amenicon port te anothen American pont. ihara is hope entertainci thot when the canai an- largement is maie, the mpent traie ni the Amarîcan Nortbwaat ruay ha conuctai by way of the St. Lawrence, but untl thot hope is realizeil Calian bottoms must continua union a iadvautage upon the round- trip,________ Toronto a Seaport. -Athos " connludes au in tensely intareat ing article n "The Lake Sailon," lu o recent issue of the Empire, as ioilows : Whlo it i8 sale te soy tbat thora wili nover ha a re vival ni pnnely sailing vessels on ioa On tarin soloiy fon the laite ineigbt tnoda, it is Dot to ha coucludai fnom tIi, thot To- rnto wiiint in time hean extensive sbip- piug port. "lu mess tho.n tînea yeons," said Mn. J. T. Mhes the weii known shippar, "To- ronto, by hecempletion of the Lachine ound Cornwaillcanais, wili hbeaosapont. Grain oui nther pnoiuce con tIen ha slip. pad diront fimom this city ho Ennopeon ports. [Die shippiug traie wili pick p then oui crawa ni inneigu veaseis treaiingthe streats A propliacy of Teronto's future as a sea- port may flot bc amis, here.- The coming Jack with proalivitias for a seaforing life will, if Capt. Mathaws' pradiction be veti- lied, have ahunýant opportunity of laarniug the lufe and manners of nautical mon. Twanty years hence ha will wander posai- biy ovar saveral miles of docks along thai watariront groaninig undar the produce of foreigu lands, and swarming with sailors of avery nationality. Ha may possibiy ha able to study the litho Liscar or swarthy Span. lard as ha shivers in the cold raya of a Cana. dian sun or listens to the ouphonious oaths of the English Jack a8 ho Il shivers his timrbars" and proclaims Englond mistreas of the soas. Careful mothors will needs than ha obligod to look well after thair Maryatt raading sons, for the sight (i au ocean sailing vessel anterig Toronto ba'y unaer full sal, with pannant flying to the breeze, will hean irresistibe inceutive to young Canada to try a eofaring 111e. Of the advontoges whi ;hi wiil accrue te Toronto should snob a stIîLo of affairs ever exist I say nothing. Five first-closs batteships are to ha laidî down in th'e British ciockyards this yeLor:. Iah oany cold cooked meot wilth