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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Mar 1894, p. 8

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worth of goods to'be saorificed at Borne îo-f the IBiggest 3argains ever offredinI Bowrnanvîille, Goods, Glothîng, Carp ets, Boots and Shoes, &c., AT YOUR PRICES@ SALE NOW GOING ON. CLARýKflUNYION. MAR E A D GANTE fORS5 Mr. Uammond Arcli las ýrected BOU SA I'8 MA BLEAN QRNIE W RK, new driving shed .... Mr. fB, J. Lul E :- r. and A. Parker spent Good Friday at1 Mr. A. C. Allin's, Lake Shore.. . . Mrl. Herbeit Painten lias returned from visit- large ,tto-.k of Finished MonumeDts4, SarcophIagi,! ing bis sister Mrs. Jno. Parker, wh) . Tomb, Hadsone, ec.,in'he estvb ibis o Euo- seriously ili at Meqf rd... Mr. jas, Toms, eadtons, tc. intheLes vsrites t Ero- Tamblyn lias made an excellant turnip peau and American Granites and MarL'es, drill whf eh la creditiblo to its ma.... in handsome defsigus, and at prices froni $1~5 to $5()0 Mies A. C. Pa.k0r, Baltimore, la visiting i ber cousin Miss A'vi ria E. Parker. Orders re-pectfully solicited and careful completion guarauteed. Cali and înspect mny stock and SEP, WIAT YOU ARE BTIYING. Wo d'a Norway 'i ue Sy rup cures Cha Wood't3 Norway Pâle Syrup crscls WVci'o Nor-w, "Pins Syrîrp beais the Iung. E. R. BO JNSA-LL, Proprietor. r. F. Re rs bo etururdf rom ___________________ IPiliorm..r. . ....eespen hser sister, Mro. Ii. J. Wery....M. A N O L D[Li d3ay, and IMra-. soott, Broo!slin, have UTT r £ C ndiio sbe-en visiting ,thei ntic erfrir. NIe. Presnted uflu t IN W gKibisoni, who con; liunes ver'y iii, . .Mis ______Kenn'sdy hliasretnyrned hem ie3r pcIoî- d v1iit to0Osawa. .. . Mr. ai d1 Mrs. A. Our' forced saeQ r -osadCohn vi begiu ïianna biave retiiried te their farrue for on Saturday, Mai ch :31. The main feature to inter est the tise tummer... .Mr. sud Misa Brown cf 1 wihLondon, and Miss Baker of, Slles, are, public will be the remarkably low 'scale of prices at whc uests of Mr. Gilbert Steven.... Mr. even ouri ewest goods xiii be offered. Only half price Rejbt. liartley sud famiiy have înuved 1 sine las spasn. itteaa lionse on tise Boomer estite.. -will be asked for any gonids held icel 1Sas .Sdveral loasda cf Dr. Potter's liousebo'd1 Forcedi sales, *Ilke 1"forced marches" mean to 'get there" gooda bave arrived at the farm. Tise Dr. in qickst ime Poitiely 01 majy otsof oodý, he nd is famiy nFre comig back ta reside in uicesttim. Psit<el, n mny otsof ood t bo~re agan ....Iev%. Wm. Jolliffo, of price xiii be eut in two. The prices on aIl kinds of Rt-'ady- se-monvon tiselaufering msandloryofte nade Clothing wil be eut the-lowest. Christ, on Suuday eveuing... Rev. D. iMoey-the oite thing neefful-niust be had fronm the S. ilouck wil give afull reportof London «11 Convention, wisere lie bas been asa 5[ock. This sale will prove that the oli reliable eau t 1oe d-legate, lu tisa Metbodiat choc-ch on touched in a test- case of bargains-givinty pure andl simple. Frîdayeveniug next. Everyone înveted. Due illstakn saë ascas. n ...A number fr om liere vreatly enjoyed Due uis akensameas csh.the plessart tinîîe at the surprise and To compl6te tise markiuig, et,, the rs'ore %vill ',e loed uF iiaY, pc-s ntatiou to- Mrs. Elemes at Bunketoni Mac-ch 0îlas' tnigbt. -The trouble w tii m, st cougli medicinea - MAVLL, /arcli 28th, 1894. is tisat tbey spoil the appetite, weskeu BowsÂsivLLdýgeation, andecreate bile. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, on the contrac-y, while it gives I mmediate reli-f, assies ratiser tisan inn- f piirs thse assimilative precesa. Y À AUCTION SALES. WHAT ARE HiATFS Rats -the latest and best,< Rats made of Fur or WooI, Rats for ]Ven, Youths and Boys, Hats for 50c. or more, Hats, in Feit and Straw, Tiats to suit them ail.1 TI nsriAY Mac-ch 29-Tbe farm ,stock cf tise late Mr. Jos. Treleven, lot 16, c-ou 4, Darliigton, will be soid, L. A. ToLE, auctioneer. Iwas Cured cf Acute Bronchitisby MINARD'S LINIMENT. Bay cf Isiandis. J. M. Campbell. I was Cured of Facial Neuralgia by MINAILD S LINIMENT. Spriugbill, N. S. Wm, IDaniels. 1 was Cu-ed cf Clîronin Rlieumatism bÏy MLNARD'S LINIMENT. Albert Co, N. B. George Tuuîgley <)LfOJVt/. Corth peute trîîtb Sors '. ii il) c50l 1 ~I te ci ei Jioty slii ciii, uowf not h2 rblage unel( Mes M. Mayer keeps the largest var- l 1rugg iety of Rats in this County and in Pots!PhtoH n'asÈ price he can't be beat Ax..finie sel-ý Nowad&ys the disceruing publi try to * it t tiiebeat possible value foc-their ory ection in Gent s .LurfiSfir.lgs a vay s Tui leoie cf the 1seasous iwby people 'go te Tait & Co. for their photos. ,Tbey are on hand. LW _111_ - -7- 1-Oeail sud esec tlem. Picture fratues ai- e il Ml Ii\i[Fiu'R J j1<. wasYon inid. uc NWSEQEMAXER. A R-1 For ýS 1V't ;,'I'koctË I f 1-2t54 POPetute l ts t k,who f SaI is itbY lat con. lotu 15 sud Wlôse System isards étouingu a4wsne ocui by thoe late Mr. lusu l, 1.6 enlise Base ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Lineý, about 1h miles rOmom ss. apttsaefila uccm iaat t ruuc tstia rpce ed I wasttion. 2 miles PmW hitby anOtird a (3mdy0clUjelbudl (rmtiesisnhos.Largero-ocy buildinn -ofrisrp tcorSaprdaA.A'scmi bnnltxi(tïk-n-effutdeai C Mk i, -JNIE oN, knd fti-eca or nmaigan e ~em.atog tise' ee i tiP 'i t ,îge1u fauI pearduy3 K AIi. aL Dg boots aCabc uets N to eeeded. Ternis easy. Firse plnwiug duIpnue~ v tIyaioite~- r 1o ute .l t ANI_____________--A, END.ýLw Oais&WS. 37-te. ~~Minac-ds Linimenit rlee erîi. T'mnii e. 1.19 Miss Lettie Huittley, soý sister of Mr. WV. S. H1untley, of land, N. Y., a weli known car- tr and buflder. Hler frank state- ibelow eives only the absolute ceuscerninig ner ulîness and mar- is reeovery 1 y tîi.e id of Huod'a ep.ill.She says: 1100(ld & Co., Lowclî, Mass.: car Sir: Tweulve :,cars ago 1 began to liîoîlages ando fouîr ears ago becauuet ;tlat the ~phs-ciafls told nme rhore Wias No Hope 1 sloul o oicu dl. 1 oîîld niot be moved i uy bcd. li iler cy face -vcere napleins uuially redilcuced ilti blood from Miy [Ll. X cu-Id estt moillug aiîd îî f ue ons fr . i ck.Tie dootors jie iny motiier salI duie wanted te niaise more trial, and jasjket if 1 would taise n 's Sar.uanarilla. 1 tomt, lier it would bu sidig it wuUceu5ort lir, 1 began taIt- 10 î%, .vLays ic lioatiug b'ýgaii to Iflo, 1 secuîd1,c) feel a littIe stroîîger, but dut t ely uly.1 w as "50 we,,lk Icould tai e 'tYdr ofe 5ý,rsaari1O. at first. 1uwes ' abte 10 sit lup a few min- evcry (lii. là i a ffîinonthE cld walta tâe ila eoia. Ojie (Lay 1 asiscd wiat 1' re tii bhave for dntuiur, and said 1 'l . îoîttiiiobearty. My ztoiser was ippy se criesi. Il was the1 1 ret Time 8 had Feit HUn- gry fer TwO years ,pt on îvitli Ilood's Sar1saparilla and hi six .tis as as welIas ever ta imy 112e. .iLiï four veaxs sinc 1 recovered, ami I halve had ahay's seluxesss eiece, iior auy hemor- e.If ever a Iiuîaîii beiîug tlqanlsed tise Iord on bended knees il was 1. I Inuew tIloodas Sarsaparilla, and tisat sioe, tuestiouably Saved nsy Life."1 essre. sawyer & Jennings, thse well knowu ggists of Çorttand, say tisat Miss Eîuntley "la4 gly respected lady; lier statement of whaut lood'8 Sarsaparlla 1doue fer lier la wontisy tise higiseat eoufl- e,' I{od's Pilla cure 1Livier I S cgct:ible Fille are pis. O ~ cil t t icet a legiti- mate demind for a niild, a-m reiabe fm!y piysie. Tlîey arc y sogetable, contiling re ie ,îercUry, orminra sis upoîttisestomclibye., an 1alicntary uoid cue Live Couiplin 11 C Lîsiitîon, es, ibosisesIledacieInudigestions, 5ter1 "I' DistresaJ., ter atiiig, Jandice. erei y 2 t. 100 & (., Apotccar es, 11, Mas. Fite 25 1cns P'r box. SolO byl Fao Simile Lýabel' of the famous Munrgo Cigar KICKAPOO INDIAN Kickapoo Indian Sagwa, Kickapoo Judianù 011, Kickapoo Indian Sle Kickapoo Tndian Cough Cure and Kickutpoo Indian Worm Killer --o1d in any quantiîties by CHEMISTS and DRUGGISTS, 13owmý=lIle, Than a nice Watch, Set of Jewelry,' Ciock, or Si]verware<? It is not necessary for me to say anythîng about the quahity of my goods., as everyone knows that I awayà keep the best the market produces,. 1 have a few Hundred Dollar1s to make'up in a short time and am stili selling off my stock at 50 c~ on the $ while you have to p.-ay others double the. price for 10r1~ stock. Cal] and see me, before bu17y- If you have aniy kiud of small workç to rpi rmk bring it to me and you can, get it done igt &VN ilTHE FViFF F 'BIG 2O,~ Diry m jrq OLIL R.M- -- la -JAt-mm-- (üondîýsüed froin the NeîvS.) Mr.Wm. Ilenîy has been iaînl teCity. Mr. J. S. Sharpe of Pontypool, bas bouglit the Corner Store. Mrs. G. 11. Lintrn anid daughtar Ivy, ztra visiting at Scarboro and Toronto. Mrs. Mill1er attended the weddirig of Ms1-ý,s Maýg!e Wilhs,to Mr.Wm. Bealmner, WVbitby, ht tweek. Twenity eight names were adde-î to thse memfýnberehip roll of thse Epworth League on 1TneEday evening week. -Yeu hardly realize that it ia medicine, wben taking Carter's Littie Liver Pils: thley are v ry emali; no bad effects, al trou bs from torpid liver are relieved by their tise. Mýsrs. MolCtllougli is visitine ber son, Wr îi. Lyness, Btifrf-lo, N. Y., after she will go cii to Clhicago. R8v. D. ProsEer, Newmarket', will 3reach in the Chîristian church in thse initerest of Home Missions on Sunday. Mr. Wm. Charpie baq gone to Shoal Lake, Man., whero lie will remain fer a short tinse, and then proceed to BîiVigs, M4or., on a visiltoe hia brothera. 'SL9DDEN C. as."-At the commence- m-ekt 1f a cold, taIse a touspooiinn of Perry Davis' Pajo Killer in a littia milIs ald sugar, ainl th.e cure is Mora sudden th vithe co'd,._ Ouly 250. New Big Botile. Visi'ors : Mr. ard Mro. A. Bath. ýr, Cob,ýourg, at Mr, H. H. Odeli's; Mr. Wiliarns, Cartwright~, at Mr. J A. Jer3me'o'; Mr. and Mrs. WYm. Blason, Newcastle, at Mr. T. W. Jackison's; Mr. A. (Jdel], Cobouriz; Mr J. Brenton, of Coîlbyville, ai, Mr. A. A. Powcr's; Mr. 1-. A. Walke r, i3raritfo d; Urr. R. R. Ellie)tt, High Inispector for thse 1. 0. F.; M11rs. W8lker, Ho' e,at Mr-. A. A. Rolfe's: Mr, Jihn McCourt. Simocoe Co., at Mr. Wm). Thomps m'a; Mr. R. C. BMeCullougli oIf Chicago, 111, inake a flying vît5it home lait wtk,-I George Sackett's Case. HJo7steiners Etîjoy a Mild SenÉatioc- One box of Dod d'a Kidîîey Pilla cures th eir iellow itizera of Bock- vche and Kidney Disease. Ulolitôin, March. 26.-Thiis quiet vill- age iii in anu lproar of, excitement just ne vrthe case of Gao. Sackett, a w&1 kow resident. is xpsrience' lias hadiïmmv ýpsralle!sîin other places, but noue here. One box of Dodd'a Kid- niey Pilla curn d hlm of severe backacbe mnd idn ey disease of Ion,, stai ding, after be bad tried every other rosnedy withinî hie re.ech, but witbout ar' good resulte. These pil, are ma ,nfactiir-d by Dr.L. A. Smith& Co., To'non to auil ara sold by all deal!ers, or wil Ni mailed on rcceipt of pries; filty cents par box, or six boxes fo>r e.50. ISPRIO OF1894 HAMPTON OLOTHINU HOUSE TO THE FRONTý With a large and welI assortedl stock of new and tasty Spring Goods in~ ENGLISII, IRISH, SCOTCH[ and CANADIANTWEEDS, WORSTEDS, SERGES, and SPRING OVERCOATINGS. Full finie of GENTS FURN'ISHJINGS always in stoCk, COTTONADES, SIIIRTINGS, TOWELJNGS, TICKLNGS, PiIINTS, (4REY COTTONS, etc. Ail WOOL SERGE SUIT to order.......................$ 8 00 All WOOL TWEED SUIT Ù) order ....*.................... * * *8uoO READY-MADE COTTONADE PANTS......... ........... 75 Fine Ordered Clothing, a spec;alty. Fitîs a. cartainty. These Goods have Leen purchased in the Lest mark ets «-fo r SPOT~ CASH and everything, wilIL a sold -1 rigbt prices. ln oureseit ine we have buit up a large trade on the honestpinia of ("(Iôôc Goods at Moderate Prices'X) Cali and inspect before puirchnsing. Ce> EGGS taken' sanie as Casb. FRANK0A. COLE. 9 9 v 9 »W Nqw w w y 9 f m 9 %# 0

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