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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Apr 1894, p. 1

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N Y THRMS :-*150 Pm~ ÂNRUM. OUR TOWN ÂND COUNTY FllPST: TE WORLÎD TRWDS M. À àJAMES EDiaIT >R .bî I'UO:, 5; 1 011. NEW sEirIs, BOWMÂNVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDÂY, APRIL 4, 1894. VOLUME XL. I~UMnXP, i4 çàI nNTO&Cy DEé-r mANm uuuluII J;t TImporters, have opened out un-usualiy large and choice stock of ýa O/7/VDIAN Pd1KE $MRIA STYLE$a O The Perfection of Fit, and ý O O 8 tyle with Solid, Sub- Oe b o LtntiaI Wearing Qualïiies. p Sol entcpisngçhe eaer A.T Foer Co, 3 * tc ~~.~hOES ~.1 COURTIU. New Dress GoodseMse akrilCakwr . r. w. oar, T - uspaut Suna- IN ew Sateens-, day with frienda .... .... Mr. andMlrs. J. outn were goasta of Mr. Wni. NichoIs NI ew' Prints ....TheEBter Service in connectiont i th thaeB. L. cf C. E. nt EbFiuezer was cond uctect by'Mi'. E. A. Ce'ertice, ably, N. cw Clot sand Worseds.supported by nienibers of her choral c!a's.t ~N w Q oth an Wo ste s.They eîerven2uch credit for tho syptein- N~e Cu tais. eretirig exorcis ... .Tha Darliugton New Carpets and Linoleums. Union ChesaCo. hava decidod te Man- t afatur chesethismaison fcýr2j t a lb.... .The Mt. Carswell P. cf 1. wi 1 visït Addirect fro'M Berlin a fine stocIj< Mape Grove thisweek. The following of the very latest styles in: J. C. Tru; -V. Prest. A. Mfichael; Socy. A.L. Tooloy; A. Secy. McK. penfouud; Treas. H. Phair; Guida J. Brandi; Sent. a .Lymier; Minerva Mrs. J. Gibeon; LAnI Ë%'JACK T-#ZÎ -ND 'o%; pEb Senetor Mro. R. C. Short; OvgsntistNMr. C. Trull ... Thora will be open instal. lation sud Neal Dow celebration at Mt. elg n l esvrned e u iul Carawell Division this Weduneaday niglit. mnade an d very rnoderate AUl are inivited, The !ollowing areth officers for the current quarter;WP in price. Aiso a'lot of T F Wright; W A, M Tooley7 F ýS, H Phair; Treas, L Phatir; RS, A G.îy;A à% IR S, E Courtice; Chap, A Michael; Coeu, F Gay;- A Cen, E Cornish; I S, E Gay; tkoIFs' %WATERPROflF MANTLES G Too8, 6 ail New Goods, INSPECTION AND COMPARISON INVITED, COUHI OHNTON& GRYDERMAN, BOWMANVILLE. B0NOSALL 'S MARRE AND GRANITE WORKS, 4large sto2k of Finished Monuments, Sarcophagi, Tonibs, lleadstones, etc., in the best vfirities of Etiro.. pean and American Granites and MarbIeq, in handsoime designs, and at prices from 84e to $5100 Orders respectfully solicited and careful completion. guaranteed. CalI and inspeet ruy stock and SEE WHAT YOU ARE BIJYING. E. R. BOTNSÂLL, Proprietor. What 1$ NICER to Have Thau~ a nice Watch, Set of Jewelry, Clock, or Si]verware ? It is flot necessary for me to -say anything about the quahity of My goods, as everyone knows that I aways keep the best the market produces. I have, a few Hundred Dollars to make up in a short time and arn still selling off my -stock at 50 cts. on the $ while you'have, to pay others double -the price for inferior stock. Cal] and see me before buy- Lflg. If you have any kind of small work ta repair or make .it to me and you can get it done right. MAYARDTHE JEWELLER, "BIG 20,1 EOR RENT.-Housje a ov sasle or te veut. atuate irth. The pramiseaconsat _______________ isat the Cen-. tral Busïnesx Col- legs r o oOnt.,and Srafrd nt. Illercial schools.Caaoesfe.Mn Mn, Laguih.( .rd h, fse tined ail the tie" Mn,. Sutar-. "Weli, sa ueed ho ountil I began te k e arsSar- sparilla as a oprinz medicine. sud now 1 dos'i know uliat il le to 'have tbat tired feeling. Try it, my dear; oýn'y ho sure yen get .Ayr'.", ) 1/ WHIAS HAME FOR YOU TO NEGLEOT yo0UTil EYESJIGHT W HEII FOR se Sma]l an amount of money you, can have your EYES per fectfUlly fitted by T. N. - RICKARD, Watch maker, Jeweller, and Optician, Srmething for Lie LADIES, Mrs. ANATRwill seililier entire stock of WINTER GOODS at and below cost. Fei! rants at 25 ets. I haver also a large ,assoîü,t nent of Wings -and Bir(",-,whi(ch I i sel, for haif the cost prîýe. Ail trimn- 1med goods sold- at great reduction for the i emainder ofcf h eason. Hats dyed ,andl re-shiap)ed - inthe latest styles. A,,ent foýr Robin son Co)rset 0%(-Io ,wich neyer- fail s to give sat.;sfac- ~iont. A eail solicitedl. !No trouble1 Clo 8hw ', 0ý MRWwS. DUN'CASTIER,, PICK ERING. Lswronýce put, a caui of water ou e, screwedl the top on the can, stesîabuirst it. Hlis saven yesr htor was hlding bis two moutha' rnear t he steve, the cbild was fi. aided it died, and the girl ii in a is Condition. -i s cura jes old on a guarantee. 1I11ip)ient Con1siptin. It in Coui'-,"Cure7. Only one cent a ts., anas. Rd 1.00 per bottie. evivi eevic v4.hrh have been a of g-coat spiîitual blessing will ha d te Wednesday Üight inclusive d toe ee Mr. John floru out ýter bis racent ilînes.. .. Mr. W. of MeMaster, University, Toron. iched in tno Methodist choyai te lareýe and appreciativa congre- bis serinons bain- practicai ansd iv and conimanded rapt atten- 1r. Bont i a young rin who i. raeil received Iin h-s letatcbmnent of "Prince Michoe's" ýoluino, tqso sud hairy,held forth, reet coratrsilsat wook .. . .Mra. 1relovoni'. salolaiget Friday was a caisa with a crowd lika a Fali f ir Cdaty. As a venlor Levi takes ý.ý.Mr. W. L. Mason aud wifp, rry visitad friende bhere receutly F. R Brewn, cherniat, ha. gene resil where hie ha. secured a mitua. , yeu eau boy cott jus, sjhirt"ing', g8, print.4, etc., at F, A. Col'm s a tbay are suld in Toronto. rFoNIs IKBETTER than cure, and ýia are subjoot te rheinmatîsm 7et sttacke by keeping the bloed 1 free fronm the scid ,whieh canes is.You eau rely upon Hood's 'Ila an a remody for rheumatism zrrb aise fur avey fer-m acrofuis, urn, bouls and other diieaso cana- pure blond. It toues snd virtal. whole Bytent. Fil's are easy sud gentle in effeet. Mou.LVT VERNON. Mrs. Jasý. (Garfat and Ethel spe3nt tMr. Josephi Gar! st's4, Woodstock Oee. Argue visit d. frieudg at t~ home6; Miss I Edith Argue, ring Collage, at home;Mvr. Jh Fand sou at Mvr. Wmn. Sou-tb's;Mv l. se, Kinsale, at Mr, E. MîILtîon'i.. , >arrn. sud ouit.Iildings on th(' estate 1 by Mrs. B. Mlitchell, Ohawst, sud ied by Mvf Wm. Bru-t, were eutively ned by Lire on MLni ay forenoon, 2nd. Tha bildingst are iusuvod Ir Brut liasne insiuvance on con- aud is cousequsnteoy a beavy loser, hie soied grain, hay, ostn, sud a fine were consumed. The lire i. sop- te have or-igiuated by s little boy ig with matches. tOUS FROM CIruannOIn -ReV. Bon. I,,Pugwasb, N. S., wvltes: i Word I may say that K. D. C. lise I mue more than snythîug aIse I have ised. I liedbeau bilious frein oodâ; for soeval ycara bad rarely 1 s week without a severe attack cf 3 colic,v.ýith intense pain at the if my hesd. Theseattacke u.ually 'ed my Stinday work. Since I te use8 the K. D. C , I bave scarce- any îeýurmo! bilieusnensansd the s!hava beau very liglit. I have bad v frcedcm sufféring since I the use o! K. D. C. than for years 1 believe that the occasienal use o! le of K. D. C., will keep me Cein reîy frea !rcni lb. old trouble. I yen for sLling my attention to K. Bc»d I trin3d il long ago it night, aved mid years o! suffdring. I amn reomimend ilte fellow anferers" SOLINA Chas. Brantonsa infant child waa 1at Zion Thurday .... Dr Lam-~ l, cf Bowmsuville, has been apend. ew day. at his old homo recruitinuz bl... iss Maggie Hogarth bas ied home te Wesltern Ontari.... s trons o! iaduatry had a good pro. Wednesday evenungat their anuiver- f organization. Speeches were made .ossi's. W. Werry, H. Argue, W. n, D. Moutgomery, and Messrs. E. cie, C. W. Souci, A. L. Pascoe, vid, Jas T. Runsd1e gave veading e, ting festuro o! tes prograin wias s by Miss, Emma Sophia Jame's, of lanvýille; other musie wa. !nrnisbed a. A. L Pascoeansd Miss Mont. 'y. Refresmments were Eevved in suce and qoîte a sociil et'ening w. togther. . . . Mn.AIberI Stotli.s -enewiuig cl acquaintances ini the Rand on Frîdsay evening preacheçi hall.. -. . NIr. sud Mv... L. Pasý- avea been visýitiug frienda hii West ýy.... Mr. W, .H. Reid o! Cvooked ,visited here hait w....... .Offleers ns Division, for curreut q1arter- A~LPaseofs; WV A,Mtiss L fHogarth; 4àias M. Rose; A R S, H G Pacoïs; aines A Werry; Trese;, L T Pascoe; EdwinuPRayniolds; Cou, John il. mu.; A Oju, rMise E Argu;ii,:1Saut, v J Langniaid, O Sent, W JïLing- P W-i TBaûer; Organiot, Mis Werry. Y, yooU2g men,_CIO yen kuowliaI Mr. John Thompson whýohas speut the G'ad to sýe mr. jiro C aius last two yeais in Manitobahlas engaged Grand Rîpids, Mc. ~reaan wit f Mr. J. L. Power for the season... Mr. Thors. Williains visz, i ti, s nl John Mr. Frel Walker will ho foremnan for at Newtouville, whoîje t ery .L.M Mr. S. M. B i ings . ... Mr, Geo. Cain Geo Vnd Mtas-ter Ew'tr t anIrhuju ae bas Ieaed the Gaibrai th farm. .. .Mr ' ïitng a t Voka :d c . A. 1r'ocon. IRich. Laing lbat a valuable cow recoeudy k _urse o! frIienda an 1a u in 8o 48a. ...Mr. Thos. ilenderson bas a succtsa- sembled on 'Mouýd ay 1isat . m elîoe of fui, wood bee on Thursday .. . .Miss A> E. Mr. John llodgF3on to pay i l~triue Parker,Clarke Union,anil cousin ut B..lti- of respect te hs dec ased fah, more visited frienda hera rcecntly... . Mr. Robt. Hoclgson,whio diîed at the esienc Jonawban Clemence aud sonp, wili work o! bis daughiter Mrfs J. White, IMaripom,ý, the W'ill Clemnce farm this season. ... A.-at thé advaniced age of 89)years, 7 mnonthâi 1A Powers Ëihipped from Pou yp oel a car .. .. Mr. F. W. CO Wrywa q ite11 l '1d o!hg-bcuîyile home from Torouto fo 'r Esate-r,.. --------- e -Master Roswe'l Jardine i a'sosivc.. NE W HA VELV. Mr. Frank Wilbur and fïily, o! Solina, moved to our attractive itle tlowu re- The social h elda t Mr. Ira Pearce'8 was cently. . ,.The boys wýho w.ent te the a ksuccees. 'Proceeds $12.25. . .. Mrn Levi North west report cold veather sud blil. VanCamnp lest a valuable cow receit ly. . zards. ..Mr. Thos. Sherin, town, is at wor'k W u orGns'Friig tF Mr. Casey Truli's hiuse.. A party at A Coîe's Ramptndo el copa F Mr. Jos. Langmaid's recen Uy. . .ho ti. Mv.ýLPan Leslie Hall visited Mr. Sîd. Brok, kesps ý%a ean, niee variety. See hi. new Courtice. . . .Peaent visitors-: 'Mies F' stylos. Storlo, Ohawa, at ber uncll' ?Mr. T. Power; Mrs. W. t1.'Wordiin, sowrn, at Mr. John Wordert'a. LiKE LiOIITNINO -Thse rapid ac'ion of the 'lgreat pain cure," Poison'. Iervà.ine, in relieving the loat iLtene pain, isas mattevef wondev to ail who have us d it. There i. nothLiug surpnlfaing in its resuits, fE )rî il made of the strougest, purest sand uoat efficient remredies kuuwu in moedicinci. Nerviline cures toothache insti.nîly; cramps ii five minute,,; neur- algia after two applioations; rhieum4tmsmn i. Mt once relievel by ita use; aul th.a sanie may be stid e! .11 kind o! prin. Sanîple hot'les, coating ouly 10 cents, at anrydrug store. The large bottin cnly 25 cents. Poison'ki Nerviline sold by druggîsts sud country dealers. N COBtJUReG. On Wednesday' John Morris was arraigned ou two charges 0 ! breakiav sud enterîng John J. Mnsoni'2 ehop in Bow. manville sud was by Jwdge Bensen re- manddfor trialutil April th. . , , Mrs. John 11lilLakefeld, sister o! Mv. -Rich. Cullis o! Cambone, sud Mvs. .Jamies A. Johuatoin, Bowmnvi!Jc, diad a, Lakle. finld on- Thursday. Mr. Bll, b he-s ..~. it a ill- -1 ou u5eeriYlOQAyeoIing wasa P. mag niion uedese. Therwore iuvited f ro m anileMi W. Beith, Miss Clime, iss ouc, M. sud Mv.. S S. Edsall, Miss CýGover, Carl Kent, T. H. McMurtry, M ansd Mr%. W. P. sud Misati Prower, F. Rowland, Mr. sud Mes. D. B. Simpson, the Misses Simpson, Miesa Thompsoen. Mr. A. sud Miss Williams.. "Beauty" may be "only akin deep;"' but the secret cf a besotiful skiu is pure blood. Those coarsie, ruorgh, pimply com- plexiona may, in moat cases, ho venderad sof t, smooth, sud fair by the persevering sud systamatie use of Ayer'is'Sarnasparilla. Frogs hava beau heard. .. .P.oughir.g bas begun .... Mr. Fred. Lwrie bais gene to Scarboro for the surmmer.... Mr. Sny. der, travelling agent for the Page Coit Spiing Fonce, lias been as9i4,týg Mr. A. W. Foley, local agent. Business îa bîisk .... Mr. Wm. Foley'entertained hi. Sah- bath School clasa receutly . . . . Mt a. John Snowden bas been vis;t ngi/ onpda in Hampton ... . Mr. Saum. Barkev visited lu Toronto recouîly. . . MistiL-zzie Snow- den i. visiting lber aister in Pickering... ..Miss M. J. MeClellan is i.. .... Re- cent visitera: Mr. sud Mra. David Urqhsrt, Nowmaîket; Mi.s Annia Crumb, Toronto; Mre. J. Taylor sud Mr. Geo. Taylor, Port. Hope; Miss Nellie Pascoe, Hampton... .Suuday visitons: Miss Alice- McLean, Oshawa; Miss L'aura Brima. etinqe-, town; Mr. Ambrose Treuoutb. Hampton .... A live'y time in the League last week-ï>.ubjec,: Resolved, That womau ha.s exceeded bier proper Pphere. ENNISKILLEN. Amnoîg the Eas1er viaitors: Miss L. Lockhaansd Mr. F. Trehîlixck, town, guesta o! Dr. Mitchell; Mr. sud Mrs. R. Thornpsou, Orono, guessa o! Mr H. Rors; Mr. aud Mrs. Jackson at Mr.. Elford's; Mise I. Berry and Mr. J Me- Donald, Býowtnan ville, at Mr. J. Berry's ...Mr. F. Let) ara sisiting in Toronto aset w.....Mv. T. G. Vutue, Black- wvas ýa-milv welcomned by s'lhis old friendi on liii visit home o.s Sabbath. Schol' report foc March Primna-y-F Morouey; Sd 0Ciss-W Virtue, E B3roivu, B Stavons; Sr 4th-E Potter, M Martin, J Thompiou; Jr 4th -T Stsin- ton, E Stainton, L Gilbert; Se 3rd-W Gilberït, A SIýiinto1, 'NI R ynioldsm; Sr 2nd --- t ,ý,l2i , ilS -,usi, e Stewart; Jr 2uid- OJ William)l,,Il Pollock, E Reyn. nId@; TFa I-O Stevens, A Bell, J Hall; Pt 1--E B.y ors, C Edigerten, F Virtue. Aveageatendan;ce36). .Ji YoUN(G teacher. Engli5i, Sý0tcb, Ivislanisd Canadian Tvreeds, Worstod,, Serge. and Spring Overcoats-a very niice asmeortment aI F. A--OUT TWO 1men1the ago 1 was neakrlyý wild with headachý,J atqrtrcd talkn flurdocIý Bloüd Bitters., tùtok twe botles1 sud iny hudebiave new valtegether dis tfpeared. I think il is s grand nei T'wesd or Serge 1 aine. '~ orrrly~S E Dmyi, Mssa2ey Saio Oit. Net eue in twenty ira free frekii some little aillient cause 1 hy iri actonof the 1,v e-. CUse Carter's Ut le ýiver Pila The reault w'lI ho a pteasEant surprise. Tbey give p isitive relief. 811.4 W'S kCHOOL FIG US9. Mr. R. J. Mal'ory, oure eteemed neiglibor who has latily meuved te Bow. manville will ho greatlymisd but Mr. Wm. Oleinence who i s bou_ýht Mr. Mal- lovy's place wili be carclisLly welconel, . Wo aira g'ad lte hoar that Mr, Wesley JeOwOellsud âMibs Ethel Riekard who bave been "In theù sick list are s'ewly recover. îng.. . .Miss Mary Ntt, W 11oe 0wb bas beeu visiting frieuds bora bas returu. ed home. .. . Misï Ada Riekard lias been visitinLa frieuda at Welcoùà,ý. .. .Mias L Stella Cobbledick opogit Easter witi liez parents in Hope.... Mr. E. Stîçer i. vis' iting frienda at Mr. W. B. Brrie'.... Miss Violette Osborne spetit ber holidays at home. (Will -tbis dle ver ccvi es Pcndeont pies.. write ofteu. This is a modal uewa Daniel Ritz, Prop)rietr suadPbihr of the Hsmburg, Ont., ,independent aysï: T wams sufferïing faom Dyspepsia sud Liver Trou1blesq, I tck a fe\w hotties o! Shiloh'a Vanizrsd it curerl me. 1 arn hat Sia. S uch, MHary iRome, doraan tie. Jr. 4, E.'a Brown, Lilbbie Coiborne, MNIILtOriSmiBella Bail. Sr,. 3, Bërtha Samis, Minie io uke. Normlan AlUin, Herbert Brown, SLju Ykrry, Edna Barra-. bal', Luther Barralbail. Jr 3, Kattie Cole, Newton Cobourne, Lizzie Wright, John Morris. Sr. 2, Emma Morris, Minnie Rowp, Jr. 2, George Bicks4, lys Kelly, Manly C01e, Edlwin BilI. Pt. , Frank Brown. Lillie RwLillie Brown. Pt. 1, Frantk Cole, Arthur Bioko, Laur-. ence Barrabail, John Berry, Albert TILLIE Pr.OUT, Toacher, NEW SEQEMAKER. Having rented the shos s3hop formerly occupiad by the iste Mr. Bunner, 1 beL, te announce that 1 amn prepared to do ali kinds of ordered work in making sud re. pairing boots and shoes in the hast of style. A good fit guaranteed. Fine re- pairingo a apecialty. A eall solicited. A. K~<ty Bowmnville, Feb. i 3th, 1894. KNOWIEDGE Brings corufort and improvement and tends to persornal enjoyment when rightiy used. The Inany, who live bot- ter than othersansd ehjoy ie more, with less expenditure, by more prompl acdapting the ivorld's best préoducts te the needa of physical being, will attest the value te healti cf the pure liquid laxative priiîciples ensbraced in the rumedy, Syrup cf Fig.. Its excellence is due te its preseýnting in the form most acceptabs at'nd pieas- iut te tho taste, the refreshing sud truiy beneficial properties of C& peýrfect Lax.ý atîvo ; effectuaily cleunIsing the systemi, dlispeliiug coids, headaclles sud fevert~, sud perînau6ieitly curingcosiptin Il ham given satisfact ion . 'millions sud met with the appro)val ofhimeia poeinbecause il sets on the Kid. neyeq, Liver sud Bwl totweaak- ening flein suid il i. p)erfectly free froui every objec(tionable substan11ce. Syrup o! Fige la for sasie by ail drug- rste ii 75c. bbtlesbut it ls luManu- fi-tured by the Cai,fornian Fig Syrup C). onlY, whose naine is.printc-d on every pckage, alethîeune, yu of Fig,,a sud beiug weill in!ormed, yen wilI rob aCCep!t any sbs ;ut f offered. i Minard's L'nimaint cure@sI.iGriprp,. 1 1' - FI-- VoLumit XL. 14 ew

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