G-RATEFUI -O MOTN . I HOUiSEHOLDI1Sclloped Trkey-ChIlop cold Turkley, 1IRYMO 1T. EPEYO NW butter a disli, put a la-yer of bread cruinbs Gi-4 Y Klw ___The tl'Ai hiin the bottom, thden a layer of oyst4rs, ,3 alfe br sthe ANI. hFacec ripItl' rim- __LttArChi.seasun wiith butter, sa i pppthen t"Aler a sucfoe a 1, il Fales aiýj 7 bdsinitlite m.harcove'- wlt ,a layer 0 turey. ngu- armersaîd w e iie tpe h al. le is l ie3 h yer 11e los ardoly 6m, t sands j orner dnm nREAKýFAST-.SUPPER. Bt aw tiard tl% aznihee aternating ilithis way Lintiteihi r1 Aeyugi gt pa 'hrftir'fhc e iahn,îips luthraneo herv And y te l ea rngythinkg fhlhaVing the last layer of crumbits. Pour ove Iannot. ,'m afrid che's goýing to sea ui*ofi',t-,and-inexile tneyer cue l 'By a tborough knowledge o! the ntura Sesthoght e skof long ago the whiole a crearýn sauce mnade of one table- om. a fdneosiies and nutrition, aud by a careful application oL Ashe brocks sufxner bly'F eto ndfr - aofrnasay urons ilas wer p the finle properties or Wel-sqelected Cocos, Mr. A ieons thmriy oan r. lýerain" TAusten-",! Thenlies t onsecrted twho ne ý ofnabry bsopsat ~1pshas irviedOur bekattbe il Witli a laugli that cheers tIte pîýace. fiour and a culul of creamr or ricl i ilk. 1eficateîy avy odborae bi.inamtie ietgdsaboki hehud, Cve lseyantaehnamoeae ynhave a bols on the top of his headi." 1Usînbeth Palace-thes Rt. Rev. Henry Ev- ns msny hea ho doctora'boikîin hi.s haSu. twenity minutes. udcUuuse OC suoli articles of diet t Sï; uTetmess a ap un nfisae, nc8eOlette. Dea e î er iht, ýefels--What's a bon mt " iowitz iflgtofl, who Roes to apan, and the l,,t. éontiuýÀn aYbc raualy uitha uti Anthfiuelartemk whites and yo1î.es sepatrately. Add tu tile "on alwaysebrtTewoi hoge a I s.CU stronZg6110u1h t ito grduahy tne toa nd the figures liard to make 'te diseasurseteeyteduy But esle sues theunod of his fatlies lead, yksisalcpu !wr ik at Ou late tg.,ly it." teru Eqioatorial Africa. iatiegaruuduredy or ttealadiesreer .nd s1 hear tli wordsu ufeofsad, Aa-" itoxnary yaihav Ruded f uti aldesae Su preud of the littie son, and pepper, and lastiy andJ ligh-tlythIndesadBnceAforetikupntagr ute t hsaft w eptori e m Weilcapfe ny "Nu fear o! cur lUttle une." whites and seericl ifaed cheer.Haeinu an ldfailyIda-" The olduet that South is to take the ne w corner in sea rclio! fr fatal shaft b SereGazuretve" welI ere ordeful efi ahe guud..e sizud lump uf butter heatingI h a ulehdfrth oe. îdhny u rîeddle rehv ,L. of"I- ure bWvlSrieGrfe. le as s liendeardswa and wben ery bot por inthe thHave you read miy last poemn? he lolwo h resdafr nd uN A wlth ipur lofi suda on ernurxsle er udefîfrying-pan, and hope askoepo'ing heen discoverod, a liole ils clipe uo,~I L 6 C Mapsmpywthbilg ae o k Wliun a chid witli sunri lair mixture, taking cars it does not sicorcli. te amateur versifier, and the weary criblue moke onttliebees. iNhlen the fireeis well A TI F PL l do, only In paukets, by Grocers labelled thug Waslbers te gcoid, te kiss and te praisu, As son as it sets,put lu the ove»couvered, answered .in»oIunutarily 1 but h oigte r i aie ha hefrmrl JAMteIS CoS4 ~., lomSopathtc e era At lier kue lu the littie choiir. sud baire about eight i'utes. When dune, i emetm ta lo'e"sucd cus omo o rt1tlspopry adee ____test__________inthe___________________te_ Wlien thegreateworldancauglit-tbetmanv Whieouthem backhntlieliusy tea . mmur ver ou a hot pluîter, sud serve at Mîgît lie made excellent insgititions if the, body makes off, with a confederate iu pury-ief? I .~ asn Andi lie strode away pasi hopes andýf car one, public were allowed te select the memn suit. If it le possible tu elude the strangeryuef ti5M )l. To lis place tin the batties van. R oasted Artchokes-1 dozen large Jer- er.lie is leht teo id his way bomne îhrough au ___But_______________ Lîeandctrenon ! a t, deausalernarticlokes, 2 oz butter. Wassh, Lucy-"'Aud yuu're going to marry that unnknown country, sud la next day île lutt new friendi every day, Bu nw u enh a wistfulontdreamt , brush, and poeolunthecansal tnanuer, the mcii old felluw ! do you ealize wliat you're Of the village. ;. Silosacs alieedwith a golden gleam trimn into the shape o! eggs,put the butter doing?"I Molly-"Certainly, coiuing the Mucli sympathy le feulu France for ind i [ dU ~ iJOJIUIm Bent over a pend sudndlabe. iu a aigdsadWo etdPuil eirg1"e.ise Blan whvn bu WE.LSAAPRIL 4,, 1894 TAeddeylo! 1er young lthe aprxy, theatiog-ds, and osaeu rn eîîeth ee-îustrBttat hlivrgbu»nbdIt ik -àl.,-j WIflDNESDAY, AndThe y lier agi îe'siay a, teatdikssdrsifr loreie Thinge are net alwsys what they seem," tlie only one of the persons implicated inu 'bod . h.(J"C.. D.Wlien the email arm-dliair stood just iu the lu a Duteli oven, or in au aven ; thuy shou"id The boarder saiti in toues o! sormow. the Panama scandale who wae hunes EMBR F OLLGE0FPTYSIIÂ wybe basted frequently, and cookedl ratlier ped~ee ee ban people, '£lie centre o! everything. quickly, tili o! a dark îrown color. Tecdvaletfrmytray eogio gutyleteuy sud SuRgeOF ntariGEOF oronr, ot -[Margaret E. Saugter, lu Harpers Coffe.-Never aluow grounds tu, remaîn Mascikn aafoî-rro. woisipesn lpio.Heedut x an RuonOtriCrneec daughter died a few weeke ago froin lung ex'5-' Offi1ce andd esidence, Enniekillen. * in your pote, but wassl and rnues, sud turc. Soon wili the buey lutile fïtobebogto yle al iiat A Goodhearted Woman. dowu to drain. To each tablespoonful o! Improve ssci shilling boumrtulfte moupritsonuby liiier daiy viit to . AETOAC O. lHM ,V A RSEsOLICIOR, & Deightte hvesomethug pîsasant t cîî olé lowoecofeepfui o nspoiîîng juet a le nassanuounced ilat lis second sud ouly andi MONTREAL. CANýý AIST C , SOtIr IO, K katee. 13OP say. She le elow to lelieve evil reports boiling water. Use a smali gaivaulized1 As corne withiu lite power..rmangdutewosnebrsier su CusarKngSre.Bwa-ad neyer repeats them. $She has the, wirs basket to pour coffées iliougli. Ir~~Ms oill" hr r ousca emab b a ben eriughodsinliconsolation ville. Ballotoer for the Ontari Banik facuity o! sttin ou atyunr gaeseasd le clear, strong, aud fragant. Neyer MisLfeg-Thr aeomsOIldt asbubaindiycnoain Iri -at 111neS oaed.utth lwat ats uing you feel at home lu lier compsny. ashow te boil afier maling ; h it vlil ten be ;Ms tt-" Yee, bidged wthgold." tber unfortunate fabler, ileonber deD LICtT' IROBT. YOUJNG, V. 8. When yen are in trouble, elle kuowe how bitter,.u eye aeenuild j' FIE ~TH WS DRA1Ita say the right thing in the mut cornfort- Cîluken.-Take a spring chickeu, joiut o! h you eau au ltlem lui." Admirai da Gama seerne a very good1 .JNe'ws Binait. wbere himesel! or assistat ng way,because elle speaks ot of gooduess icuiy, roll h i foeur, eprinkle with sait Teacher-" And Lot's wife--" Pui sr o eio, hulil i owî aei villi e fou»,? frein am. ta 9 pm. Nightcante o! heurt. sud epper, put imb lot ïmeat bdripping, -"Was mmc ntoapla !si.Say magnetil, uuusually efioed sud irnrnueeiyL . il lesidenceedirectîy opposite DrillShed. 'Calla She niay nt le dressed lu silk nom satin, or hot butter, iu a eovered pan, sund set lu teadlier, that's tle Afret pillar-case men, admired by officers and men. 11e is o! a ia legrp o eeposwhlreev eop oniy a plain calico dresesu d a big, checked a hut oven. Bake until o! s lighlt even tiored lu hlstomy, jsn't it?" odadnlefriysdwscoet o aprun, when yon drop in just-a !ew minutes bow. Pdodrn h mie paigo on yonm way homne. You are feeling dowu- Eggs.-Fry ggs lu wel-greasied ironu M y love le like s costiy vase himaeufifnluJnuamy lasi, sud giving tle A * A. ~~hearted ; your affairs have no. turned oui gemn pans, for breakfast, or for garnisbig Tr hiing prun n imason wiy le was a rebel, le said: l A Plans su~~d Speciflea. to suit you ; evrytlïiig lias been ge dissp. salads, codfsl, etc., sud set thern inaLihumotytefr funnivnyr luh îol eeuarbl u tVCiTePeaeor Hadxavteryo-whclodesaee owf rnsuwebyo!ilding. hvet S I, n peardfo verycaeo'bidn.poimtiug sud you fuel airnosi ready te give oven a few seconds 1sf ores eeviug, ItIanes is wl, elr owIa eway ffgtn.1 aet WE bot otwatetesd t a and ayton rhaPeuî. u. Ynepyen atentonmoewatiindo!ionaoth-tts.Gotiofur'arg pos- uror mornthig i îl noioncam foamydens wvessudcliîdrnndud1 Specal ttetio g e ru liîng by steain îe drcumîauee paricnattelavttoounn îl wseh ay sd nght Ofic:-o-- BocWlitliy 43-ly chair you drop into; your thoughîs are tous, add sait sud îwo weîîîeaîe gge tatunderth icmaneapriully avtebonhewc.dyad gt fce rl Bokon1t LASTINCG PUNGENT H slsewbere, but tbat dear wornan notices it's into whi3h, two tablspoonfuls of fouhvebight girl eaui do without a light lu tic neyer rest. My fortune is gone sud r±i aR.aih.ace ue es» stirred until ernootl ;fry îmown lin ""lor. eualn ea tk. If you eould ilnda "io Take thie clair, my dear, you'll reet se oiliug lard. i IYes, 1 have bouh a plane for my way to sud titis warf are wit-h loueur, oho Getime'sloheMae uuh oter sh Yu ii itolst -daulhter. She wil g esspons and se aides would thank yen fromt iliums harts. A chitot asghOrdder.yo no t R T A..A mgsrt faLiverpotA court re j[2 û I lU BP1V~IA 1V~ Io are telling tîsi dear, goodhuarmsd soul - the wolf le at ail musical lu hie testes.' cenîly lehe ild xpemîenc !ryn t> uLi4a kLIIYD13 E how hard'you have werkud and pisnned The Estimates Erought Dswhmel orsouceaane h iw u ibis season sud bow you lad set your heurt Accomdlog to île estimates just tabiled by Elu silen asnilaesitting, indicting on bîmseuf a leavy penalty. ALi" DENTIST.on gettng a chna tea st. thecinanceepingteastee toal sinmouese.n1mbermb o!ofnames oo!pprrnaonsaclsmged FIwith on a tesîle totl amountobe As bey île onnaI queti)u, ailowlng thuir chimusys tu be afime, mrough 2 SILHLSTaFRTPA "But it's of nu use," -you sy, witb s voird this ysar le $21,815,491, wich'I, idd "-le h botermto muive or dlean bouse?"neI OUA Fo. EVR F o eS tremor lu your yolces; 11I neyer shahl have e.d toilhai autiorized by statuts, $1!8,222,- nglect of cluanîng, came before hlm, sud 1rl OFFICE :-Rear rS.anyihing, PIm sure I do't know wst Ilva 901, makes a total o! $40,038,399, a dlecrease "Cbliy bas such a habit of teiing ail among îhem was lis own naxu. 1He wae A10S dons te he used s," and you wipe awsy a o! $4,485,521. Of île increases the p ni e knlows," ssid one girl. IlYes," ruplîed tle only magistrale Prescrit, sud the clerk Hia~nboham & Sil' rugis~~55pal eues are public debt (inluding ikn the otler, "lbut il would't bu su lad 'f said hie donld fine himseci, sud suggested ed, " ebe sa3-s, iu a sof trnotheniy voice, post-ofhlcu, $90,498. Under thle 1sd ob tell." justice would bu met, The ma-istmate ____ Store,, (down stairs), Il 1 know yeu've womkud lhard sud it wouîd .iecreales are île foîîowîng: Public womrks Jingle, jingle, jingle! pomptly fined himsesf te ibis sxtent, sud have leur nicu to bave the chusa tua eti, $705,598 ; arts, agriculture sudi l'tsîsi So the oe go; caussd a smile lu court by îecîurîng anoîlur umjuu BOSVMAN VILLEbut don't despair, tle china wiil corne lu $92,550; sud miscellaneous, $7 60. Ntacn !roe-odfeuder o! the saine baîci for hie carelees- U UU IL ____ ~~~gond seassn. I knuw Tor's way Weil Tîs following are tle appropriations for Only rhymes, yen know!1nifusesdw. îglr elemr aeu eugh to beieve bu will gel ht for you as public buildings in Ontario : Toronto drii i ftue PEPRESENTS tbe Federal Life As- aoon as bu can spam the mouey. Su, deaie, bail, $15,000; Sritl's Falla pot-ofîicu, 1 1 iss Budd isn't as prutty as eeEAD .Li.socitlon; and the London sud Lanca dutfe, o',Ynare weli, esuis Tom, custorn bouse, etc., $16,000; P- cton was." botShe-Tat hwin muy wbut."fade- AAM OLI EAD ~InCommercial Union, the L tncashiru 'a and baby. If anything was teaga wnong peer-uffice, custom. houges, etc, 00-"Ddyubita1elanywudfe?"- Insumance Cos., sud the Stearn Boiler and wiîh h iner of them îlhe bits o! china wouid Dominion public buildings, lewas u1 Np;thal youwould propose te suspert n e, n ited IStates Produt-Th 1 la1e Gass lue.Co..eo canada,.le o!rot.s acconut eu't ibat u my revemnts runaim etc $2500 Oil t t othsHardware store, Bowman co ltl acui. lnttht , r peet, r 'pare, c , tsu elOuise Lrel Ieeais Ville. dear?" Foilowing are the appropriations for 1Mme. Brow-" Tlere's Mme. Montmom. A Vancouver, B. C., speci isys :-Ths Your heurt gives a gruat tîrob, She las Ontai harbomesud rivurs: Kingetol1 ncsu ovur tîsme. I wonrlur how sice can cai trade lu British Columbia le now tle Go ts lkshfi toucbed ye n luasvsry teuder spot, aud le. harber, $6,000; Port Hope, repaire to enjey te opera. W) les as des! as s chie! itîdustry. Bmitish Columbia eoal las fume yen ituow whaî you ans doîng, yeux plue, $2500 ; river Ottawa, improveneul ee."MsGray-" Buýt sue bow eleganîly heen provexi te le supeior to tle CîsndDyd.Presfisu Rpare l-utile suit palm is laxd witl a csresslug o! steumboal chanuel throxegh Narmows at sesdusd"UntdSau rile aud le nuachiugZ tondh on the browu moter lband ilat Petewava alove Pembiroke, ,0'00; Soutlb- "How dîid h liappun ibat Bîggs was Sm- lite> markets o! tle United State lu direct reste on the arn e! your noeking clair sud harnptoni, repaire to-breakwater and larîd retdlya gntfrtc ..,? R eptiîion wibtl ieir produot. By tle _ ~ ~ ~ yen .say, as yon feel ia catch in youm bresîl ing piers, '1,00;Tlorinbury, *$2,500-wa eal the act o!fabi hie ' l eateu !th thedSae DyersudClehesClener aut tsebars thought of! snyihing happening Haiton harbor dmdgingý, $.00tPr wscuhi ~~Nanlaimio, B. C., ceai israted 1far above au te. your luved unes, ,"Yes, 0oh, yee! Iha's Ali ent, dirudging suad extension o!fXliws udigi""ige1i1ofudluWsgo, Oregon or Calitomnis Cýcdr vnrrentud te bu as nu one wile1 knew s," whle lle odilpatuitsetlisappeame fnorn î$10.000; Godenici larborlspîens suda rufl tltm Iompw wien doe. your îorizoi, aud a feeling o! îhankfulnuýss 3,0;Port Rowau wlïharl, $530,,; 1 I ildate iq~ aid ilasi eve, lion toue, sud 'theJumbo island inus, Crner Krng sud OtriSist, stuais eover yui. The conversation drifts Sound bambor, dredgng, 5,000 ; Behuple, 1 Shu îied to break away; lhlen lu fuloperaien, will verym rnaerialiy lýU owavhuto otler tinlgs, and île dear good soul y harbor,$,0; Coboumrg, repaire te break- I1 let bier go sudl now I grievete-uPuýB!ýïdsths iie 1~!1%tPT~~Pt? ~ asd by, aeks iyou if you have seun the atesliwaters, ;,0Ù00; Dyer'S Bay, whrl eXie,- Seotmeda o-a.icruasu tche oLput.ae, Bustdet lcemiu J.D .ILLSJ.LU..sien, 3,500 ;genural repýaire, hambor, Irie, D iothurercd en aecntulybigds Yeu answer, "No." and bridge works, ',00 ow.Me >k' asl ate libt Awiesy ebn ebipsecanail inlufrom "01, yen muet read h, cdeanie, it'5 Be The amounts lu lc vted for ihe Cu b' oti 20bo. cMttud-tcoe essdcredrcl etheplace bigit, brsezy, and hielpful. We've gt it, struction o! canais are as follo)ws: Sonianus, "Thanrke, dean boy. Yen are ight. ht whsmu large stres o!ceai are ordiuamily - l'Il land h te yo,".and elle huiiseaway te $50,000, Cornwall, $450.000;: Rapidte PIlt, wsbrfgr ha trce eacnrnuhaicd, it is cleam that thuse coaliug -get ils book, whlisyen sit feeling rested,$100,000; Galope, $150.000; Sanhtr Ste. pstions ougit to sëunre for tlîern somu 7j wonduing how yen even ailowsd yonmself Mrs 20OO alhe 1500 ae Raipi-" Suppose a feliow's lietgîigets adequats defencu sudh as they do net aut j to fret sud feel oui o! sente for iliat china St. Louis, $ 125,000; Trent, $73000. inad wlen bue asks for a kise ?" Curtis-peetosu. Canada ie now co-psi Ys el dito hraeanubre mU Tku h iwitlont asking." Ralpb-"'Sup- hnmg wiîli Creat Britain in providing ade- -i K A few minutesister yenise toeave, sud un appropriations, the totali under ti his edpe h usmdte Cumis-"Te Aae eenefor the naval station ai eblezoes toilhe door wiih yen, hoeking svery chargeablie me aptaleingove t wo illion s !hus gem somne other fsllow's girl." E2quimalt. inci s Iperfect lady," cear dowu mu mhe Provision te île extent o! $200,000 ile made The greatAmericsu city o! San FranciSco titi.. L ~ ~ ~ bod o yurËhuleudsys how giad ihis yeam. Judge Palimem's naine al-ppears ni i Like the messtenger boy you know,L.- .S* ra e o e pona h sy e o teeiino l o- invmrs it ov ft ou br issndaw l le!sph ! eifo Nn-M.uso ED brdut fteRylCllg fDna lei aud sou yn souldero tl ndh ,And logessits messagu ufien, imo, B. C. Iu 1892 San Francisco toek G uae on Oariheo!.Denal se yle o ssyok ininsewti suat.w mie pension lit for $, '6.tle dufences o! Ad feisjta-lo. 600,000 tons e! Nanaîmo coal. The Amer- Road the Proof. Surguene Oulamforulce en look u youn at. les stuamehipe te China sud Anetralha use DEAn SMaS.-I write yen te sý 1a Lmf or-so,-ne VEFFICE OPPOSITE EXPRESS OFFLIE. Thai nigit yen met big, patient, lard- lasi year, wilinext year cet $1'-7,509, Tic luna Nebraska Chur-h.-Tenderfoot (ase iuxteiey. gous toailie Sandwich trne I ladbeau» suit unîng fnem Sente no gs working'l'm ai the door, as le cornes berne imlperial authorities centrî bute s arg cells2iou 18 being taken)-"My purs e is ili-andesud Mexico, sud se other peints oun ino efivepcfesia u o einMnles utvygra VITALIZED- AIR. forn lie work sud yen nalsu yonrsel! on ameunt o! île esi o! the workesud libuiùl- my hip poclket." Native-"'Bettcr lut mu the, Pacifie. ut-se. 1 tîcreuptn deexded te try Bundoclk M -- t'Iaîoripies so as te gui yuuxarme around hie luge.yosslt;a edil hcdreto e Acru etaeswhich, 0ndicates bow Blood Bitture, sud aften îalcing two 1045 N eJJ..ailL S op J ckte give hlm îlhe khss that le deserves 5ky rlste l a e an in uatmu dreuon ilsauAsda'usaeon îi ca eînrig founfiIwas quite anotlier an, for il,. .B.e- so lnc. e presses you close te hie big AHr eto. l l aita ieAuj m5 iîrely cured mie. I have aIs sedf it fin n ' ife Amudli. un nth at htheAnicncu suad faxuily sud have iouud i i) l îe et tihin, The undershcxxed whu las beau carylngnon warahuart, opepeyenghaueyur sar,."Ce the tialoring business ln conctios wtî blusesmy utile woman," sud -yen fuel se A panrty o! yonng men wure telu ht ot"Ihpynlvsrçived theelit-- uns uepioyedl guarding the seuai- fliseies te eau ak, udfn1as epeiedeI av Ma1l(on's Dry GodeStore for a numberof yesrs lpysdc std syus iîe tesîey woniddo wers hey sliipwruckled farîlolum,,eoe!poueLgventuredtogendyou.", in île ehring sua gem ilium ceaiply 8v, peasuruinstrouiglymecoutmaeudi»gBB lias commàeced buineéssfor hirneel! at ie n pntess n lf uftn isised aewieyubeas hn hlti residence. King St.,west, where l e apreparsi mtabe wlîb your dea euges baside -yen that otuonîesuad u lfe in. _ w it Brônu e-"ueed I-ave-t is dbitlarx n frinaneitue ,00 on.I s stai bcg ilriteyekon ucaset B . inît iet i shol ho make geutd' sud boys, aslu nail the laîessiyou biases ihat doe, goodbesntud wonutihe waves wtionî a pau t asit ieu - wudr bee laepuit" itIear snBforieenincses.hslesltelooneealy non lit .B.B.ea ac.pls 8tyles, sud ut luwest pices. For lose wlo sud lber cmor gways. Esci oeegave hie opinion excu t Paddy oUde le ego!metlma aegodaîmiyhtîeBrtlcusre ncsso nieto. ý in crnforuteihxng carya ul lnoofMurphy, who, afier beiogaseked for lis, mkn ta dy." uew nsing Wulh bceal i wli sortiy taku ,U A) ample Give'.-'large supplies o! île B. C. conmmedity. GQue.RAD ucl, Miseellaneous Receepts. replte'., "Bad cees to yen for a cowardly Epesoso ra upie elnl u .mnsfmii l aaiu~bxrroe u't J. 1'...A.T.T.~BiN-~ EluantSia Duesng.Cl cab et scif!spalvpsuns, y,:'d ail e a! ter saviug lu good !orm, Iyeî when sore pennilesa ciflcrailway wiîh fuel te the Rockhes, sud J. T. -A - rEINZ belweggs sloDes imbgaruisl. lu onu vourseif au'nul otthr3in' to save anothlg.feihuw marries a rich fanmie'dauglîerpeo- aise île C. P. R. steamers on mhe Pacific. The Flight o f 3B ýe- - Fasîonbl Talorbal to ggs alcethi t ganis. n oe Wly, iî'e Paddy Mumpby ihai, wouid swiii pis miay be padondfrecamn Fr «ihu hs ie h .P . Bowsxavhie. ov Fahioabi ~ vessel put J cup vinegar, easpoonful Sait, e shore an' savu liîmxuif, an' thî. ewini the laud's sk ed o 1"arîg Fr Wîhn hedmns l p.lu-ce Many anibors have ste tu t n-wer Bowanîll, ov,1,1892. p tpetams, large epeoufai io! sugar, 1 I lack su',iltay n ilryla asoutcoleilavîher.",e,_d isaspoonful o! mnetamd. an'utanuthensavesselh . M'arie-"*Ob, I was su very, very sermy ossl rom Englildetde Australia,, conld nultueqetoli oelv tq5 tsd u f m st r . I n th rv s e ,Theoreticaliy, tIc solution l s h 3~ t HAVE VOU j cup milk, teaspeonful o! butter; boil It le admitsd by somu divers wthailito fiud yon oui wbeu I eaiied yesirday." have besu an accompiislied fact, tuînpîed by c nig îlenmero ug lnmix wiih oller sud peur ever slaw, iwenty-fivu fuet iis about the limit at i ih1 Myrtylla-"î, tue, egrciied lî,, o! course. alanfoi bei cuerfors cw omnts thy au esundr atu. ut <e i e lney yen were se vury, very Jews ini China,.Icdistance îel becs fly from tir it-us ___________________________________________________________sorry." iMaýrie--' Becausu I'd jmet seyeno hh enter te bhunes ivu minutes before ' A u nglishman wh o as beu» visiig lu Ti e neuibe bave di ered wdl, vrix lànorilumu Chusa state that tlere are Jews Irom~twtutwelveEnglisht»c.cîing "I hie tusue manthln a god dai o ihee wî dwel arnnd its ite ! an~ teProfbMamy'e grapie imtl'd'tti radd. " _ i- isecoffue wss't seUlled, uitenai meoicîne ruquire. tiares -' I -- -1 , ý--,- - "Ea," said Marion as iîey wure seated ButI.luedidn't fret sud sisw; tutter eea tl i mpln uth.i hrinttoui5g~ ohcmc uh onih eâdho hi onr os.I 1,edaure net for bis board bill was face, hn b, oss, etc., îlngte ski» whl cmmpi lîikethxsk. u jut lfo weu felngwîh îale iismoniig"In-luthari condition, ioo. clear, white sud bh.--iby. Its great huai- sud the muistnre'lu the atm. wîll 'make-i "1Did yuu? XVat id yen catch?"iea.Hmu-Ta man looks as tbougi bu ing sud curative poýwume are poaseesesd bY alno8tclammy. No onewbo110 'tolcî "I caugat Chliarley ." a pfîe.Iwouidn'i tond hlmu for nu other remedy. Ask yonm drtegeiei for neud ever bu wiilout informiationr as to a lu le pae e ue mnue u plyp l How dc egyluk1 isnw c mct ?" 1%;"Zviva-IlYou prolxliy wouiduvi SwÂvlgps OINTMENT. Lymnan Sons & change lnîle weat lier if le wll otite i4 ;1,e....p * î,..a hunredtîme"Oui o! ight."guet ifyo-ddCo., Montreal Whîxiusale Agente., hie plug.