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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Apr 1894, p. 3

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Mm CoDrescWrttiv m ntn prue. T ppil ul sexci-- Tisera bas been n jcrease lu lise Pro- wsathem-vane you snid Pop for five dollar, oe pl pt tai ecudd etalJainesols edd tisat ho willitry tlu-,gsintu- Desciptve ~okox-ly advanced to use s texl buok, instruction testant Seperate Sciosoueduriug ts etlst ig the muaed isw." tierfii s nerte sun. how tis o baitwiahetsrillliutomts aie nrgr 15 1515- planation arnsI prooà je giron oreily aI leasetonueisour per week. year Tis comlotehiet a asiuhlwe :Anfast."___the_ id s urlneguihusud lHowthdynai te uieomairs thpuntiieantimn hn>(ia \free. Tisatise EducationuDepartmeut lu taking derdon,Nu.6 Bromley,No.9 Camxbr-idge, Noý i ufr ilw padltadnmt otemtea pntehýd i ný, ihis advanced step tu pmumnote tise study oi 3 Clarence,No.1 Mathisor', No. 1 Oeioe, inanie ni Engisiid'e new Prime Min- bmgomn sin hîuBill Petere lsuced whn stole tise £1,000 testsls ua u -- -- - -- ad lmosauco is -'tnc n ~ ~ On..c. acîucis Ra' LO-însîister. Lord Rsebery, incites tise pa Çul hlm he seemed tu eujny lu, for iselurned ni tise murderers ufthtie wiiseFpai' ________ - ofKine SC gg, Mfl[ l â fRfl el ewhere, is quite apparent fromn recent They were attended by 605 pupils. The TtffT8~~D IUI l legislation in the United States. Already whole amount expended for their mainten- --physiology and temperance is a compul8ory ance was $5,711. One teacher held a Second What Hie Is Aceompllshiflg in On. part; of every Publie School course in 37 q'iass Certificate, seven a third, and four 0A taro.States of the Union, and le enf orced by peu- were holders of a temporary certificate. t>' "' 1 fj ErP ui tiyN01 -- ail the pupils of ail schools ; in 18S-tates it Schools in the Province was ail but station- sernse Interestlng IFducatIonaIý Statisties. must be taught to ail the pupils by text; ary. Starting with 103 in 1867, the number "Tecbig teyongieahwtnshot,"books lu the hands of al pupils; in 29 8tates stili stood at 104 in 1882. Since that time "Teaebingthe younidun hteacherooanreceive alicense to teach wio there has been a steady increase, until in in Otaro, s amater afecinghal-a-u- unable ta paso a satisfactory examination 1892 the number was 128. l etdrn lion of the population of the Province, aw nths tjc.tliast tom years the increased interest ascertained through the municipal ases- Tesse nikdegreintutoaenltseihSolsote Province Hnw it; le done, the report for '93, of the fîr8t ,ntroduced into Ontario in 1889, and hk.enoeoftedsîqisigfaue Minstr n Eucaio, Hn.G.W. tIlOss, suhsequently made part of the school sys. ni the educational history of thse country. M'lid ntise tl of dctoh LeG.saîe se temn of thse Province by the Public Scsools During thse lest docade Collegiate Insbitutes blly by the Provincial Serretary, telle very Act of 1885, has met with encouragîng suc- 1iucreased from 16 in 1882 to 33 ln 1892. f lly and, for a parliamentary blue-book, cess. A. report of the pupils receiving lu- o'ere has also been an increased attend- with nMach artistic 1effect, ton, by reason of 'itruction lu ibis wey was first Made in 1892. ance of pupilh. For 15 years beginning hendeome pictures scattered throughli s 311 This report; sbowed tisatil the short spate withi 1867, t;he paumber of pupils iucreased paetThrr wocts of t;he Education ni t;en years, 66 kindergartens were estais- fromn 5,696 ta 12,348. Jjrom 1882 t;o 1892,7 A, R EN Department, Toronto ; Ryerson publie lisised wit;h 160 teachers, atîended by 6,375 a period of 10 yeare, the increse vwas 10,- Spekethoug te ootba (e i.'eg~te, ciool, Hamilton ; Kingstonl Colleriate chldren under 6 years of age. In 1893 the 489. In tise maîter nif expenditure for o! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ s tieieeiilrslSlebsrcie rmiI îue h rvnilNra n uber of indergartens isad increased te teachers' salaries and for the improvemnent af teuare nfcia r'eltse.Haeeay:l oescso, iaa h omnCti-8, ii 20taces aîned by 8,056 ni scisool sites and buildings the liberality as elingus ck eand ill.redamy somacis lcharate tawaI;îthefo emarkeat pupis under six years ni age. ni the ratepayers has beau extraordinary. was eelng ickandtire an mystoachFrnm an average ni $600 paid per teacher seemed ail out nt order. I triefi a number hihchoantietnvrtyfTroo. fhobc ,'eaîsîogNgiScos in 1867, salaries have increased until in ci remedies, but noue seemed to gîve me ~Half-a-dozen exceptinnaliy beautîtul photo- a oirîhfclte oth on e rele until was Induced t tty thenali is-engravinLseemhellish appendix IlN" wicis and women, whoseedaily avocationneor pne- 1892 îheaot 1 e t on0 4 5erteahr treets nf tise Ontario educationai exhibît; at cessities i ully occupy their time, of supple-Dnigthlst1yeraoe,4Hgs bieAye'8 ill. Ihav taen ulynuetise Worid'e Columbian Exposition in Chic- ineîtiug the perhaps ton meaere educationScsoofnraseacietialbuy box,iutI!eellikeauewulau. Itisinkttisey'rcriaraîtewyuiigwsctsynîie t ulcSh.L and convenieuce, and equipped with al aetsmstpesuauesyoaie ago, andreodinaraitcwyntigwîhte bandaaPuleSol.I arthngl thatos eve se d eiugs ftely sugaof else could, the splendid succesees aciieved 1892ý the numiser of Night Scisoole was 32, modern appliances, have been erected, 25 eoaytediai even a sld iil tsafineltisem.-in th epariment; of the liberai arts by tise number of teacisera 63, and tise numnber have had- additions made to them and mauy urge upon ailwso are lun ced nof aa tiv e mie rvince ni Canada lu the in atteridance 229.This number doesenot; nird.ilinhe been enbcstaetainr--A. i a l to ~ ~ ~ ~ axtv ryÂesPI.Tiywlidgod"greats n il internationualcompetitionue. includp tise ettendauce upon tise classs peired.Tise îendncy to cthea certai ta ryAyr' Fils Teywil d god11 Tise exact number ni tiese chool popula- tablished by Mecisanics' Institutes and Artb portion ni tise burdeus ni tiseir edctn Fer al dîseases 0f the Stomacis, Lver, tienuni Ontario, those between 5 and 21 Scisools. onu the pupils and proportionetely ta relieve There îs always a great ru3h for DAVIS &SONS' Cigaril. and iiowels, take years ni age, wae lu 1892, tise lest year ni 'Wisile tise who1e number ni teacisers Grm- tise ratepayere, appears to bie grnwiug f rom qwiîcitise returas are available, 595,238, pioyed lu tise Public Sohools intise lest year to yeer. lu 1882, tise amonut collect -__________________________________________ A E S I L tise registered pupils 485,670 and tise aver- twenty-five years bas increaedui 4,9 ise teiers' alarie.t lp1892 ntise ofpils rreerabDrJ..AerOoLW5i, aSB ge atieudance 253,810. Since 1887, tise ti8,480, tue pnumber o maleiteacisers stands t "Mnthtacses Mo next nearest ratura, (these are made every aimosi eit tise samne figure as in 1867, viz.:Th notffes> E vo ry Do se E ffective 5 years), there isas beau a falliug off lu tise 2.849 as cmae ii ,7 in 1892. o aais ieaon ife olce figures, ties chool population haviug de- these 261 were first-clees, 3,047 second-clee tinw imade yteuvLeuttgis apror ia- clined about 16,0W, and tise regisîeredpnpils and 4,2919 tiird-clase. Practically tise in- tio made y se LgIns86a1tue fosrepe iiHigise nei q a tt, wc ââQ LiY 8,000. iss dscohisng taeniaffireiscresedteaisug orconitie Povice s cisolspuposs. u 167tis tes rpr- Xforceeleseoonc theQ antPyovinecei ualty ~ ~ eoew iat ameliorated by tie act tiat ishe made up ni additions ta tie profession fro mn sented nly 28 p r cent, ni the Gover m et averagre attendauce bas risen over 8 lu0intise female sappropriajtion. eatnnaleaia ~~~~tise samne quinquenniai period. 8,000 ex. and hrof tmes ii taienter im eet th y _~ ~so .ieînec n oeoene mîy tiesubjte ci earmantagemn e- o ~ ~~Te percesîtage ni pupîls enroiled lu tise ments iitiserto almost exclusively occupied tion andtiseaniabie rranemens be The D.&L2 e~~chonie ni Ontario compared with the wbole by tise otiser sex lseseen lu almost every tween tise different nuiversities and tiseu eq alda orn nto ~~-Em uIsion. population and wiîtiste enrolment iu ad- vocation lu lufe, and ss more marked lien tet r rae n utiiy jnoinuiulg American tates is wortisyot notice, someeni tise otiser Provinces of the Domninion Tecsï,isttts ehicleuain for Iowa alune witistise very iigis percent- and in tise dong States ni is'Pcia-iy'intiute, re lbraie, rt e : ~-~ ajoning Uion, cisools and scientific sncieties are ail intr CureThaCough5York bas 17.208, Ohio 21.71 and Michigan Speakiug ni ibis tendency lu tise United corded V lse ,& ,C r'htog ,2039. Massachusetts and Connecticut are States, Dr. W. T. Harris, bommiseinner of Tise efforts mnade liy tise Departmient ta lp es ub es r n AiHeai&ourLujlls, V ts îwetwii35l26 Education, eays tisai it je due mainly te secure tise plantiug ni sisade trees andth lp e s Ru Tise average attendance ni Ontario l152tase causes :-î. Tise marked desire nfcivaino lwr ntesbo rros per cent. Tisis tiseiigiestince Cunfe.d- wnmen lu modern rnes toaern a livelisnod wcul ativ il ni foere intiseces a ond teSor,,B »V p.B O K - à w a vl Çonsumntion. erationo,and bas iucreased in 10 years to for îisemseîvee isy enîering varions callnstug ereise arîiysortedy by twecsesonde to rSoe o-B A ER B O K~ B w in il 1 revent oiu p ht figure rm4prcet and professions formesly occupied almutnitise mo1t iuîereeting and profitable holi- Tise average atteudance ni rural pupils exclusively liy men. 2. Tise prevailing daynitise year. Since tise establishsment B 1 3 - (3E ST ? ST'O E{ E was 47 per cent, ni tise regisiered attend- opinion amnng educationiste tisai womneuniofAmbor, Day in '85, 200, 515 trees have ONTA-10 ADIS' C LLECsuce; in towns it was 62 per cent. sud su are liciter adepted ta tise training oni younpg been pianted. O KA ITLAIE' ONL E cties 6S per cente Tise Conty ut Water- cilidren tisan men. 3. Tise superior lu- Everv text book used in the Publie Sehonis B GE T -v- R EY WHITBY, ONT. ion furulises tiseiigisa average-58 per ducemente offered ta yoong men ut educa- ni Ontario, witistrie exception ni aicw usedB I 3G E S T \ A R IET Y. ceu.-ior tise rural districts ; tise Town ni tien in otiser walkssuf lite. ni mixed Frenchs sud Germmn Scisools, is Stricily flrot-lass lu ail its avpontment3 Bowmanvilie finisises tiseiigist average Iu salaries, with the exception ni a now manufactured in Ontario. Ont ni 53 B ILTG...fl T.L V AIL U E . anad educatînnal advaniages. Provision made -75 per cent-for tise îowns ; and tise decrease iom $425 in '87 to $42;1 lu '92 inteiokentsePbcScoiliii183 for asl tise teacisera' certif'sca lndfrU-ieyosHmlo hehget vrg -7 h aeaepi suaedecestedca etbok nte uleorollsto 83 ivereity clares ttiugis tise resisman. 51 Ct iHaitntieiiise vmae-7 ts vraep.d omi îabmts eae6 wereire m~ted ; ow noue on tise general Every o i itd ocal ndseO r et C t e raore and part ni junio.r a ofn Toronto per cnt.-ior tise citie. Tise other ex- irom '72 ta '92 bas wituesed a gradluai Pcblic Scisoni liet are impnrted. Oct n bd ofi ~cil n e u' e otel Universiy. Tise Il trrtaf comprises thse tremes are reacised by Haliburton wiîis 34 if Most desirable improvemeut l issm-11tthokon tisHgi Sioorlain largeet number or Universtty enecialis et 131 - gabook Tiseh avers - d l Idto The Lais oleel Cnd. Tisemic i ,per cent, _isitricts 38, Frontenac 39, Brace- ad-Te vrge for female teaithers was tise samne year, 81 were importe ares y J fine art,eV.ocution and commercial deparime)nt3 RaiPoid ,g 45.iT haeCrr age finordie aPr $27- l '9.anuiactured and 2 were imporied in are eqluaiiy weli Bstalned isy tise Most gitted RtPrac4.Ts vmg o iePo Teacisers' salaries, ihougis net inceasing shecîs ; Downi tise 25 ou tise Higis Scisool TESO A Vi-ofessoro. Pisyicai. culture la tauglît by a vince as a wisole la 52 per cent, tise smne as rapidly, have nevertiseies advanced per« it sipre bud motdi tsuadal kinde of our- door amusemnents. PaPila -tbyi h attet-fvyas hysicsn oudbr,1bo afinot ha e ieop-)rtiuity of heariag tise great Notwihstauding tise stingency ni tise accptilylu tnise etaeuy-fiv y a cTse ndsheet sdbondier l re, brhalldimpor-1 thare euhTorncooActideredi io9nrelorig byldmanyc qprinted- artiste tstvstTrne c asdl 81rqiigcidc i-succesaful teachers ta warrant their remain- e sd tsenîe bi therne ud2rE% ,~I I API orifratO atween 8 and 1-1yeas ni age ta attend anme ing permaenîîy i n a profession where tise are wboii1y pmoucdintseP Ovine icHi L .plfoinomtotescisoni h lequite evideni ibat a large uum- ch ances for perferment are sulmited Tise educational staniding ni tise Provuce 1' E n d,.pa 1.y~ S2-lyr PRINCIPAL. HARE, P.I> ler oni blîdren are seuh negiecting tise 0f urai acisools Waterlopaya tise higisesi iy tieWrds Fiven luhOnao'eisbit.e educational advantages placed et ibeir ave rage ealary, $446 ta maIe tescisers ; Peel Tiestmy inl six special classes:-Tenddsr hn h amr fW s uhr disosa Tie umbr n tmans mpomedleada for temale teacisera with $325 ; (1). For excellence ni tise ex iiitas a u~ s ~t lu 1891 was 1,161, sud lu 1892, à,483. Tisere rmaleurtun tise, lowest, $282 for maIee sud whoîe.n C dutn h oes,$8 f ne for the liberal patronage eend o sdrigt epat san , *d re i appears ta be an effort made, iowever, ta and ala ise hioweet, $206 for female teacis- (2.1 orou chool sysiemt as a national -alot ennihe tatw ar'tlintemaktni ipmove tissocondition ni tings by tise ers. (2ýF-rrras ermn hm ta eaesili h,= ýr!î aetnhIo -h t. tun fiesappoinied under tise Act, as Ontario teachera are isûwever, lietter paî s't i dcain omltey:maisdprepareti to pay the 'lv-10 re hinholow.chsct., tmant ffiersf m tlise k indergamien unatise University. cd, or growing too fast, are tise pauoler of complaintesui 1891 tisan in any otiser provinces except Man-titoba ,x l'or tlise systema adopted liy tise De- rs was only 15 and tise numiser of convictions sud Briish C'olumbie, where tish vraeprm tfrtise ,poeselonal traiuîninff fl7Lof. 1 SC iliado Strong, Robast and 7, while lu 1892 tise number nicmlit aayn oi ee srseivl 40adtaies i GlS VZ bL~L. wss 144, sud tise number of cosnvctin q0ad1robions rea9îe.4u)ew For tise compietenes ni ieir orgaul- F T ~Ielth by49. Tisaitisere le important womk. to bie Yomk tise average is $452. ztan sud tise suitahility oi tiseir courses dune lu ciecking théd avil effect whicistise îwin vices ni ignorance sud idleness invami- on tise other band Ontario teacses work c td lursyetemni o elementery sudam ,ui nr fr o abiypmouce leahudauly vidnt momharder tisan those of tise other provinces secondary education. IL JU F WII apo ceot, is uda ume'i om thiîo ne exc-eptionm, tor tiseproportion of (5). For tise excellence ni Our text-books mene o rfomaumisindstie scsolsteachers ta population is 1 in 250 ; Quebea, sud their syetem ni auiisorisation.jdeirtia our storehouse cor. King, anti George str-eetss., or at Port insucunireils tisidnundri16 yeara 1in 169; Nova Scotia, 1inlu199 ; New (6). For art scbool,mechanics'istitutea, j er D arlntntehaeas nhani a largre stock, rae.W-i -pe1igl ueots pr Bueic -ei 9; Prince Edwsrd Island, public sud separate acisools, ladies' collezed ni uustes su imnut lilcrs, uvenle in 203 ; Manitoba, 1 in 171, sud Britisis sud institutes for tise hlind, desi sud dumisN W A D F E H crimninels migisu be greatly redseced inupuum- Colombie, i in 407. NEWa tsedletieclsss the Creami of Cod-llver 011. lier. eet ni any Stete, l in 73. New York bas 1 _______ Its cotan m tril o m k years ni tise "Scisool Meter su 17,sud Massachiusetts tielse ,1i ELECTRIC LIGHT FOR FARMS. of Canadian andi Liverpool Coarse Sai t in Bagp. Ro*k Salt For ci' Itcnaîsnaeilo mk badi h ad a tetdgreat 219. and horses, anti Freshi Ground Grey Pýlaster in BarrelS abnarlh Fehan oes od tse miiancud base st Tisaiwe are able to get aatisfsctory e- î,tNewPiain te utillze Windmilis fer which we are prepared to sBIl ing ealhy FeshandBone. gote Dmiiiacnessttitcaa l uite le conclusive poot of tise great Lighting Plante. Cures oughs, Coîds and iltrc abtudeutiy prove. Tise percen- of tise prof ession and tisee siacoynur odrttettise maiiailtyn luts ireMrtm rvinces L -à ~ 1'~ ~ r A ~ z Weak Lungs, PhysielanS, the 90.4. adutheaisie toMaritie iPOro nivtisecpesialtrngwcistbey nuuacturiug electricity lywindmillL_ World over, endorse ît. oniy 80 percent. are sofortuuate,while Qne. have hegived.huss hee h power a cnmpauy bas insîailed a genemai- bec legs bhiind i 63.9. Tise perceniage nifmo ieln Loisue rets u plant in onue oitise windmiils ai tise Alknso ubr odadD YC E. C E N DC 0911 be deeved by SubStiîutes! esnsfo 0 oOyar be t w i ltanuos su dates ni te poern auýT O-wrsn .J ocrn esyCtN i inso ubr ot niD YCE, C EN DC A cooti t BOwîîe.Belleville. liDrsîggiet. .~L cousiderably >iiger-9422 lu in ttarri n er d.aed thieeodm me-J, wvýll-known builder oni indmilla, a ways in stock. sud proportiousîely iigiser lu tise otiser sienusMade oi tise muet 'permanent mate- and during e -recent visit ni tise writer tn We invite inspection anti guarantee satisfaction. provinces, rils, presided over by a principal sud staff tisese wnrks tise upereuinuofuthtie syatemn Hig s setise standing nf Ontasrio is, we ni assistans, is a great edvauce. There are wss demontreted tuais fmlsai advaniage,à are uh ecelld is Scadiîtvie 7 pe ehlu nuse iii Ontario 606 out tiese primitive saye se lcre Egne. Ts iib b I 3 CHILLS & cent, ni wboseepopulation are able ta wrlue, uligbtte mmevr mi r dynamo, driven________________________________________the___ -à L oýJ ïliy Germany with 96 per cent.-j sud Switxer.- portion oi tise wbole number, 5,97,of min ear, charges e set ut storage CO O . land wiib 95 per cent. wii ,4 r rc,59aoe u ,4 batteries. Itie andeigned tisaitisougis- TERRIFIC COXB. ýT IN THE OCEAN Itaeethogedamuah iser î~~t '-~~Ž~ But for tise toreigu immigration ontarior'stam.ont tise wilo variation ni epeed ni'of o ih vr eueuists wu 47 THE COMMENCEMNI perceutage wouldblie eulh iigier; ase h le Tise total number ni mape ueed lu these tise wîudmilil maintains tise potentiel Fizut te the fleath Retweer Tiarces Orca combats wisici tisese ses moueters wago ""orANTTCKTAA se easiîy leade bier sister provinces. se 52,116. Tise legal number ut teecbing constant. Tise automnaîlo ewiîch. which and a 81 Whsle. againetonue sother wjis uuflagging femcity. TisFnmAN dysshseecsoos reopAXE 08pePbsr constltutes tise nuly auxiliary appamatus su Tise ore s tise ouîy grampue or warnm- TEASPOONFUI 09 Foms osbe pupeaile inctie 4au S uis lun189-2 tiseProvince ni Ontario expeisd. tieseatire systemr, is su arranged asetn close fH atk Weleh, o as c ieoow e baiineblooded animalouthtie ocean tisai coustanîly SP R RYV DA,,V 1 orebsMen1tsiy nresn urn ad uver tour millions rupouliser Public tise circuit to tise iatiery wheu tise dynamo pfor me lucky enougis tu benneof hi grsitiu sureselu senuberatdyngScisools, or an expeuditume ut $840 per pu- epeed lesncb as to generate au uE. M.y u Fr. eod iegifu ie nyC oss preye up abloothed creetu arest i î 13 grti lest te eas.isepreliesyn g very uy yhte aswaasarewhei î i ; issory, geogreplsy, aud comîposition. Tise pilor un oxpenditure per sesd of lber pap- equel utiste conuter E. M. F. ni tise bat- Sl in d siam yre uos e largew a luofn indpref.e r atshbistse are et pmu~~~~~~rvisi3n in tise eauletions ot 1885,wisere- letion ni $1.92. tory. At ibis point tise celle hegin t etessuluued lydiseemonteoca.annbs peisTse ursh abdfeoits are o ~~UJ1I1flhIII~~~~~~~I~~ ~ or biilema, wbich had hlm winded aud lied- dtrsdbssrnt utfrut r Thesiet wssgrnt as$23,adeu compusondasryn a te y-a . e- î remarkeble. y1a unded. Tisews ad cmplsr by andie Tse oLeg15,009 vern w'8 237. ansred, lsud e oose tqise dyptnaote pros. d Tetory of tise figisuho telle "Tise'ercas often travel with.ewordfes," for otrance ta tise Hîgi Scisonis, bas led rces a100oe '7 nefaehlwtserqîe ptnilts e ollows: ae,"n noobtt abttrknowledge ni tisese Iu tise Unitedl Ststes the expenditure was eut oui acta au as to prevoni tise haTsey We aaw a big liadisead hait amile said Capt. Thompeon, sunid wislr,"u greatTevenUREwhich effeci tise desuiny ni tise$17,22 per pupil or au averageo uf229n rom discberging tisougistise dynamo. Tey1 have somietimeseu a wiole scisool in Dominiovnsudwisiciscanutahonaccutisyt e on laiion.wiîcis isasudesignsd tisati luuoues sud awey ta windward, sud ho kepi e jumping combatiwsitour or fivo orcas sud e tew ' 1 moold of the punster. 1 over and dïe easill.-- --ýl à q --ý ý"ý9v ' - 'i i . ýT. e vie tioniats 1 Penetanguishene.

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