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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Apr 1894, p. 4

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~s~'5~ 54~-~s ,i-~r~ ea.~ .4. 4 ~ 4.~ oteITeamnknw1 BowMNvIL1 baPRI4n 194 THEPAROS KCKNG asserting thernapndence and soun a f et uh arn boy, soe n o M. l ofIdarge v l n teMsondeeg barveR . Lntlifraelenghe copy ofs amoetFarm.11 ers'tSunPforopblsa atin -' 'heiras teeGrcand soitin coemdsenwsé.TageatleTaron, pas arbitryrsoluios oprngPtr.ons of thli, eroffee spieec hses-th mne me of therkaa Asociatons ofare ousry leton feoMon a d is attemptRby.uncrupuîlous gavie-senkgte deveuste o the lofet o re speechwe xnst temphartelly rasethandplace n record iour suanowe etermiaton to foar- thessly a andnsuppor uctecadito es as wep cofsi oarwrySuf or suplrt." Farm-"er ae thindscopaion ofthe, coPoton of utera',esnteetaig fildgisatureefarmeatTreo topsvery decidrr edly an can ourte thePatrs aod thlbrte'eofifrte proessinalmon are combied.ste re ren,amers 1 atmhats, 5 ubermen. 5 prfinteers 14 dpevinsnofgetl ilers ofeeaech tan noer, tieeranatu, apaeoR r.corrate Anthermiatiority gives 32sl f arers urepyrthorl adiesna f o grumbline oerthe wanto frmeppr. har b ano on chumpbslaina of busessompdsgran omtearchaOnaro tégiseatufredThe farmers a e n thisr ancot.ora renman tneressen acsses thathdr ane 7.,rnesfor sentaia, 5as forr ice news byns, sh14 lackes, 1bar tndrs, 2sgabl ec n wood sawraelldgers, ms onakrstanrs naers, arctin , mnufacturers, e , Re- pofresbke s, rea her spolicrmn.s aod wrthmblm ersthof a hndred oter calinssbould rerevo attention.befor- aunes orfarermcas are elcedonh thselfs, yendagrhlturisbuave iclever couofroyo ttheaher equally eserv-d ilasg occuatioashow. raie:ý,oc o The ugthir ausndrpotofte Bow- nick, anvederoistaucbeingnfoth yaer 1, w a digestribued aeng ther an euihmebers of h ogeationdon Sunda Ia s h ubli cin atigte no e- what diie fayer s are pheced. o tet pageis andocjvr cotaninbg he alesvof ilýo soexu etrshof the nr eqal on wbo hve tgven 25fcens andsupwarst nyo ftnds duing e a, a tatemenTo Tece iptsnepnditresortcofthe uaterl Bard, e th Trst e Berdh, en oayh Snehosothe ponrtbgLaguonnLadie'Aid ect, Ladies'lMssion ary Soe, aend- paan opetystaent. nngtheaditof- boii epbrosftaebalnreasheet so have gthien b2lacens anrouhpward e fro tec funds dori thpe yeur sathant oa recipts iand expendtures fort1893andte Barda'te arusdtee 1894, ate agneal SoctiretLadasss mdlabySit, ande fica l roer at ces t. hea sauemet of Moesrs.Ce.iaedfr and p.rpeses, the amouant s cntribtae sy hee csonga thrc ludieaines of pastorloa r reachs fitewafrshe preetiv e. cisastleas tueepsan pe stewrscor lead and obalacet anrd to1officers oa-theneale ïaitatitofs, iepraatin and com- ilationelt report has enF3 led a vaset amount eflo onbt the reasrebu-i iso a pretthcomlaterecourdof t$ec48rch' Tiancespoatdonyotains sn h ofcinfreorda tnldgninnasesof placed mn cprntefrm steforreesuprers this, church.i Reades ofthispape farad nearw1 OntrieBan, $.30; Sunday envelepes and Collections, $1,791 52; Special collec- (icea, 817M5; Poor Relief,$4M. 62; Sabhath 1oo, $286.85; Missionary Collections, $3 E0;]ducational, Society, $1825; WçeruanDs' Misionakry Society, $85 40; SoY(uth Ward Tabernaele, $21.56; South Wrd Sunday School, $41.11; Superaun- uati V"uJi, $21 e.; Total, $4M48.09. Notwitthstanding [ ho genioral libcrLitý1ty ýlthclaracterize- the îuiemhorsbhip tif this cengregation, there are sjome person.s who are apparenty oxpecting te got te heaven on afree ticket. Theyclaimtoe Meth- odiste, wercbhem M ethodiets and in tend te dia Methodists,but their naines cannet ho found on [ho chcrcb books, net even for pow et, aud tbey are not known as cotr bute s te any churclif fonds. Wby the Aighty pormnits such cburch paupers te live in this beautif al orld is a question we beave others te answer Wbat would a fariner, say linDrlington, think wore a mn în and bis family te move into bis fari bouse, occupy [ho hast rons, eat the hast food, be k-ept warmmsud coifortable by bis fires, onjoy [ho social pat-times, the music, [hoe nging and the festive .occasions -vltb bis family year after vear sud nai or pay anythiog for aIl these privileges ?Ilie would certainly consider such a man ia plain Anglo-Saxon a cheoky man. If [hoe rth is the Ljrd's and tho fulînees thereef, bow inuch 'should a in psy te occupy a place in tfie bouse cf [ho Lord, where ho and bis family enjey all ts priý iieges ? Surely a ma must ho a snmail souled individual who will eiiow, Cther peple te psy for bais spiritual foo ý, bis seat ln churcb, [he iight by wvich ho seesto read aud the hast te keap bhlm coin- fertabla. XVe are wail aware [bat semae persons give who do net cire te let it ba kuewxm bow muh they give for cuumh purpoes; our remarks ara n.t intonded te apply te tbeîn. But îersens wbo are earumng wages or making money on CSir own account are under moral obligation te support the church they attend. Thora are always eniougb of reaiiy deserving poor te racaiva the favors cf the cburch, and [bose wbe ara oarîing more [ban is absolut-ely nacsss'y for their sostenanco caunet bonorably place thoînselves iu the place cf churoh mondicauts. TRIP TO CENTRAL AMERICA. A Bowm\rNvir.LE Bey's ACCOUINT 0OF Ris TP.ÂvETýs. EnîTReaSTATESMAN, I bava just ra* turned frein Central Aierica where I spout most of the Wiuter. On Decemtber 2nd, 1893, 1 loft Cincinnati, Ohio, for New Orleans, and stopped off at Birming- bain, Alabama, over Suuday. It is a very pretty city, looks more lika a Nortberîî [han a Sotheru city, the only [bing which gil os it a Southeru appe.rance is the colorai population; it li the principal manufacturing center lu [ho South; the iron millesud furnaes employ over 8,000 meu, nearly all colored The works bave Seen ciosed down for soe moutlms se tbey bave had e pratty bard line te make onde moeet Wbeu travellng lun[the South you nover bave a niggom sitting next te yen lu [ha coach,as the railroads provide saparate coaches aud separata wa;ting reoms for biacks sud whites. Arrived lu New OrS-ans Dec. 5th aud vi,'ited [ha Frencb Cathedral,' FrancS Market sud United States li,1 u. At the French Market yen eau huy amoet any[hiug. I neyer saw sncb a fiue display of fruits sud every nationaiity under tha sun eau ho found thora. Ou Dec. 12[bt I bad tie pleasure of goîng througb the Miu[,a very intemest- ing silght snd oee1 shah nover forget; [bey weme tcruing eut silver quartersaet the rate cf 90 par minute sud the mon wouid carry tliein away lu box-f cils as tbougbi it woere se much dirt, The scales whicb are used for weiging [he, gold, stand about 5 ft. higb, sud are se exact that [bey a give you [ ho weight cf a single hair. New Orléans lei an old fashioued city and macli, bebiud the northarn cities lu mprovernns ; tbey only havaeue lina cf electrie cars, al [ho roat are prop. lied hy mules. Wouid net care te liv e thora ou accoumt of [ho savee béast luaummer îvich [boy intense, although al [he principal streets bava coverings overiîead te proteet frein the aun. On December 2lst I ]eft New Orleass hound for Belize, Britishi Honduras, Centtal Amerlos, on board Steanmer"Stili- water," Capt. Gait lu command. Hlad a very plessaut t rip dowu the Mississippi River te the mouth, a distance cf 110 miles frein New Orleans. About 15 minutes sfter we eutered [he Gulf cf Mexico the sip began te rol aud 1 wish- ed inyseif hack on land ; remained ou dock about 30 mintc'e, thon went te my bortS snd remained thomoutil the night cf the '24tb; would net bave go[ ont thon only thora was a very rengh ses ou, lu fact, se rocgh that it was imnpoî,sible te keep lunîuy berth,aud I roliad oct sevarai timos,but, as luck would have it 1Ioccupied [Se lower bortS, se didn't bave fer te drop. Arrived lu Baliza Christmnas nîcru- ing whbe1 found the sceîîory was beantï- f al; thaelieuses are ail painted whiteansd look vary pra t[y frein[ha distance. Magnificent spécimens cf [ha braad fruit trea are te ho seau- loaded with fruit aise the cabbaLe palm sund cocea palm,plantaiu. hanana, niangoa s, papsw, costard apple, cran, e, ionien and forbidOen fruit trees, ail of which giva the place a very pretty appearance. A couple cf Americans accmpnid naon-hr 1 Te 1atve but the majerity of bananes sud cocanuts, wbich we get lu [ho States sud Canada mae froin Spanish Honduras. The land is of ne vailue sfter [heo wood 1has ýboeen cut as it i8 swam-ipy and thora ara certain menthe of the year whenk it is lmilost imi- possible te enter Ithe forest. Mahogany --r I HAD a s4,vare co'd, fer which I teck Nomwmxy Pine Syrup. I ind it su excel- lent mamedi-, giving prompt rif sud plasant t. tako. J, P~rcixn, Iuntsvil, OUL - 'iii k» - , .~ Illil,', j;, r euttîig lias proven very prenriaumo '1tis- yesr; landed et Balize it co(,ste [ha, -iarchant $15 aton aud wbeu itreaches,ý Englaud lu brings $50 par ton. lu ay Juoe July sud Auguet, the yeilew ý,foer infests the coieny, sud a perse mus a great risk who visibt he cleny lu [Sos, mon[bs-[bat accounts for thora Seing se faw whte people thoreansd [bose whoIý go do net look upon [ha couur [y as aut ebiding pic-e, but,asaeue frein which thbey hope evan[uaiiy te retumu enricbed tet their native soit Fisbing le very good sport as oue can catch evarything lu [hoe way cf fish freont.sbcrk dowu te t ardines, [bey daintit is tha wors[ place ilu [haý world for sarks, [he natives nover dameo te go in batbîng lu the open t'es as it wonid mean sure death. Ailiga ors cf onormmous sîza infest the rives the iuuat anid its aggs are considered great delicacies by semae portions cf tho peoi;ýie. Few Europeans can Sa nduced te partake cf [bis foo'l; the saine migbt aIse Se said cf the monkey, tha Indiens daimamcukey meat le very good mroasted. 1 d id net tmyi se canuot speak anthora[a[ively Serpents arc but toc common sud senie are vcry deadly. The ceral, barbera4 pole, jumping temnageif, rattlesîmake, wi[h numerous othar infest [lie bush. For [lîeir bites the nat- ives bava memedies cf [thivuw. A mal hmoed cf hersas suitable for te country is maintaýned sud mules are te Se pureS- ssed at e gocd round figure. Travelling in [ho interior is very tedieus,tho river is navigable by Seat about 100 tuiles, thon eue bas [o [rayai througb [lie bush aith moles. which is very bard womk Ou Feob. 19[b I ssiled for New Orleas s sd-[ha e-, tu[ru voyage was vemy pleceant, as wa only bcd on,ý day rocgh; crived in New Or- leans Tuesday 20[h sud it seemed quite a treat [o get bcck again te civiliation. *Central sud South Axuerica le ail righat for [bese [bat like it, but, fer my patI prafer [ha United States or Canada. Wisbing yeu succeas lu veut business, I romain, respectfully yeums,ý Wil. A. CN, 42 1-orton Avenue, Detroit Midi. Equaling Country Rates. A specia meeting c f the reoves of the miner iunncipallîxes met et Cobour4 1lest week, ev ery mucicit ali y wastrepmetent(-.d. The objeet cf tho i,. coing wae [o mrt-vise [ho oqualizationu 1jhepar:t the total a8sessinnt bas heen fixad at $3,000,000, cf which oc-h county paid haif. A motionî moved by Mr. Macoun, seco d d hy Mr. MecCalluin, '"That ail mnicipal. ities shail psy [ha r proporticuats i-lie cf the conty rets3 as. equalized by the equalization comumiteo, wthout rafereuca te [he ceunty houndary lines," wae car- ied. After coniderahl,3 discussion a inotion wss cari,3d t crufirin the prusent ra'esI paid by al bhiminter muni.cipalities with the excoption cf Mauvers, ivbose assasis- inent was decreatai $40,000. Port Hope nagsseret was fixed et $1,300,000 Brighton villa go was incraatsad by $35,000; Campheliford hy $20,000; and Coîbomne hy $22,000. Thmough the x.tonens(If Roove Ferqueran, Millbrook will prIrbahly have $25,000 knocked off. Reeve Undex- wood, cf Clarke, pressed bis dlaimts for a reduction sud mcved tbat [ha report borie- consider.'d. which motion wai lost. Go Mitchell, Ree va cf Hamnltt n township, mude e galbent flght f r [Se reduction The assassient ie new put te the value cf $42 par acr.o. and ho strongiy urged e e- duction cf $5 për acre. The commitee wore, bowever, averse [o altering ocra towni5hip's assassint withoc[ uaaking a change ail round. Mr. Mitchell wilt appoal [o [he Ceuntios' C -uncit in Jino. The rcpert wiih ho proserntod at [ha Juna sessiont, when ne doubt a good deal cf discussion will take place upon it.-Seni- [mael Star., What part did Bowmanvillbansd Dam- lingLon play ia [bis gaina Ara [Sy'y -al right ?" Change Desired. IJEAR EiDITOit-WOUld it not ho a g')od tbing if we lied semai other nightit he week on wbicb [o boep [ho stores open iutead et Saturday ? It is a shaîno to think thqt the clerks are kept in the stores se hr1-e. As long as it contintues peop'e wilt kecp thoir shepping [111 Sat- urdsty niiht. 1 ain inclinai te thinik the services in tSe cterches ou Sunday would ha bette r sttended if theme sas a change mode. How wculd Friday nigbt de if wu must hbave a iilsbt and thon net khep open ai er th, n 9.30 or 10 o'ctock et in)EttIl REORMER. P'ARMERS, ATTENTION! The S3 ivester Mýaof'g. Ce., Lindsay, hava appointed John Pt mcy, hlacksmith, as [bir representative in, Bowmanville for the aa'e of tbeir jusiy popuier Famin Implementil. Intaung purchasera are invitod te iuspect and learn pricas cf tho Pol ish.1 Il DI IS, uBe o Hk'a Sofala Shoo Pol"h for Ladies,'sud Cildren's flne Boots and Sboea The il., "t ho preaervo the Icather and keep ir pliable. It wili beave a Pol"h Uke ust IL, or salle by Loo, au4 550oe dea'ers. Miuad'sLm ismts a the Beet. Uv ~ ch !J5W w ~j ~ Confidence 'in the merchant wit,, whom you deal is absolutely neces'sar3i to comfortable shopping. We appeal to you for that confidence. Our luy- ers in, the -diffèrent departmeints are -prudent; they have the advantage- of an open market to buy in;, they buy at the very closest prices possible; they buy from the- most reliable houses in the country. A.11 of which is used in giving our customers the very best value to be had anywhere in *~ A JJETTY -PACE is'the resuit of a bealthy physical condition. 'IlBcauty is but skin deep " yot it greatly depends on a clear complexion, free from wrinkles and hollow cheeks. llcaltb always brings wealth of bauty. A healthy state of the sys- tom cornes with Dr. Pierce's Favor- ite Prescription. It's a medicino prepared for womnan's ailments-it cures those derangements and weak- nesses -%hlich make woman's lifa miiserable. A woman whio neglects te take proper exorcise is pâtticularly proue' te excessive'congestion, debility and a sluggish circulation. This is the time we advise the IlPrescription." In aIl derangements, and displace- monts of the special organs which resuit in Ilsigns of inflammation," in catarrhal disoharges from the lining membranes, and in distressing irregulariies-_this medicine is guar- anteed to benefit or cure, or the money is returned. We want te raisa larve surma of money quickly. Ellisen & Ce. STATESMAN, Ltdies Journal ard Pramium Book $1.30. Profite will bave te wait for m re pro- perous tim2e$. Ellion &Ce. We will make savaga reductionis. Edlison &Ce. Wbh'n th'e need is fo sell, we have ne regard for1 ricea. Ellison & Ce. Men's Suits and Children's Seita will bo offared at half price, if noesoary. Elilson & Ce. None better, nove cieaper than my stock of grocories, fruits, spicý3s, etc. W. H. Osborne. See the eendid aseortnent of New Dres Goods and Dress Trimming at the Waest End flouse. LADES-Ask for llook's Sofala Polish for fina boots and shoes. LUse ne other anid you will ha sstisfled wirh the rasuit. For sale by M. Treleven, D. Davis, Jao. McMurtry, aud T. C. Mason. Manu. factured by A. J. Heook, Bowtnanville. Minard'a Linimnent for Rbeuînat.iam. Fire! Fire ! Fire !!! .5.1 accou.its due M. A. EDS~Aa. suIcceSSOr ~eSS.. EnSALL. m ust. hapaid at once te, save .s>ts. Office in Minaa Block. 7-tf AAT A doas flot prevent OUR taking a p ýrfûet plot- a. 0ur Emnbmsffld Mikado and Cabinet Panais aro t -e latest and handsomnest thin.Grini advanced photography. N.t aeoessýaryto0ea- gag e attings ia adi a .e at th-3 GaIery oppo- it3 BI NNELTT'S 110W. F J. CARLESS, P11oTOGRÂPHERM. The Pediar PATENT STEEL VHINCLE WILL LAST A LIFE TIME. Fire PIODI, Ug Dnnf ofi and Water Proof. Ani A 1 Metal Roof as cbeap as a WOODEN SHINGLE. Stead for priosa and catalogua. By sendiog a posai card, one of our rep)resieatatives will calu on yen. P'rULAR METAL ROOFINC 01.9 OSHAWA, ONTARIO. COTTONADES-Best 1 in the country for 25c. valuel SHIRTINGS-Bes't value any- where for 142c. LACE CURTAINS and Cii-- tain Nett, ait prices. HANDKERCHIEFS- Fancy and Plain, Linon and, Cotton. MEN>S HATS-A s plendid assodbme t. MEN'S SHIRTS Collai-s and Cui. MEN'S TIES-The Iargest and best assortment, in town; Fee our 25c. 1111e. LADIES' Spuing eoats and Capes. BOOTS and SHOES. Ladiles' Fine and Coarse. Gent's Fine and Co'arse. Chiidren's Fine and Coarse. GROCERIES of ail kinds. GARDEN andFIELD SEEDS of ail kinds. llighest price for ail kinds of produce. JOHN McMURTRY, Long Waist, correct Shape., Best. Eaterial, Combined with the best ftîling ini the world, makes the Featherbone j Corset " unequalled. Having bought out' the la ge Grocery and 'Provision Business of Mr. John' Lyle in Murdoch's Old Stand we are in a better position than ever to serve the public, as this is the largest store and finest stock in the town, the stock being mostly new. Our en- deavor will be to keep up the high reputation of both^ houses and cordially'invite ail former custom- ers to continue with us---we shall be glad to see you --- and as, many new ones as wilI favor us with their pàatronage. We are open and ready for business to-dayé Young Co.,U Ysc~rom1î Busannactra, Bu wuasivi'hie. Murdoch's Old Stand. F, ý-9È: 1 Fi -L DRY GQODSa DRESS GOODS, DREISS TRIMMING-S, DRESS LININGS, DRESS STAYS, l'i'!INTIS-A1I kinds.' CORSETS- Crompton's anud Featherbone. GLOVES-'Ladies' Kid Cash- maie and Silk. HOSIERY - Cotton, Wool, Cashmere, ail 1res, grand as- sortment.-

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