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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Apr 1894, p. 5

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mjkeni time."ï old by%;Dr 1gg1,istona8u ar.. antee. For a Lame Back cl Ch,t use F>IILOH'S BELLADONNA PLASTEk.250. HILOH 1>1ATRRH >, aveyouuatarrh2 is remnedyisguaran- (1eto Cureyou. Priebocte. Injectorfree. For gale by Stott & Jury. Wanit Truss? av omethino, new, Less than haif the price earedby Toronto Manu ifacturers. NZO tioub1)e to shiow goodsý Cali and see tbem. I vaer0oor for fitting'. STOTT & JURY) Druggiéts & Opticians. GRAND TNK RAILWAY. BO WMANV ILLE STÂTrON. EOINQaÂSr GOING WIEST Kxres ....127amB xrres6.519 am Pseer..2 45 p m f Express .... 6 07 a m k-assenger.... i7i6m1ip m kPassener -. ...8 39 a-m Express...957 p ma Passenger .... 2 29 p m IExpreass.... 832 P m Are You Going to iMANITlOBA, NORTH WEST or BRITISH COLUMBIA. Drop us A postal card. We will senld you V~Joratio~that will be of interest to yu 1,i Nor th rBey. STOTT &-,JUTJRY BOWMANVILLE, APRIL 4, 1894. Local and Otherwise.- Whlthy JPesbylery, meets et Whtby, .Apil 17, O iend sud sueealcd steel Feuce Win-a et DuaStan &_, Hcar's. Kingaton bas e population 'of 20,000 aud oveCr 30 doctera. Cbanelleri- uiwash atnd son, Edwamd-, -irlît sait sbourtly 'for Itaîy. Milliuiemy openingeaet Mrs. Doneesters tiext Sturday sud" foitewing week. The chamupion trotting dcg "Dec" waa eaten by a -pony et Les Angeles, Califor. BecuseAILFoo'sDay fell tbis year en Sunday it ýdoca- not follow that Mon- -day should h>ýa sbaiuk holiday. Ra-v. Neil MoPheron, M. A., has se, -epted e caît to Petroica; ordination ACoug ladly hbas een flued for msingasciucelied poshaga sîamp; there are timies; --hen it dees n-, pay te ae The Toîiouto Star which, by the way la. one of th La1Cst, enlerpriAing sud inter. e2ti', cf te city papota, sys Bewçau-. ville elaims-, te going ehead fastar than any other t5owu in Cnnada, We siucerely pily the chaIlr tuwnas ! At the oetn f the QuarLerlý Offici- ai Board cf Mîndenýi, Methoditt Mission, the mamlber, eýxpraed their appreciation of lime labors cf Rev. W. A. Bunoar, sud extencled s uniimiinotas invitation for hlm. te retîmn for the uex-L conference yean. Ca plai Sweenaey; U. S A., San Diego, Cal., 8ays:'"Silh Catarrbh Remnedy la lte tiret mrtaic'ue haiva aver foaiznd that 'wouid do me anv good. " Price 50 cents. Sold by Stoît & Jury. If yen want 1h.ý hast Fcwiug muachine Made, eall on Rue-kard. -Call on F. C Pethicki the barber, wheu wsuting alà,-thiî g il his linot Anyoue wa-hiog s b-trgaýi caun ge- il by culling aý Nir3 Do--casîetr'i sudýi pur ehasinz otvý of h, . n18la i~mdbt et $1.25. Mrs. Dxaîr Juat opened ont l",I (o' , bohuaben & IVd erman 's, s very finý-e srmntc 'çBpscel anîd Toegtsry t.zrpets dliret fromn Crosrley & Sotis ofl 11ii< x, England. IUnder no courd itouiun y cmeio t~udrap 1n. EC, n c& Cc 0cr new PilxadDe Goodsara tery choiüW Te wl l3aiuhtrd ÀÂ-btakte snk eep lin- s ane dees biîs mork îtm2orou,,nity, n n attew ha Il Tnîaýy bWikClc.ntiwlly Tac K. , O ï. o ndisareioisP.ofiîtinl M ~ * . 1 8hotld ssk M. A. Ja-mes3 for pricàx o1 tickets when thinking about golur te the Old Country or sending for friends. Thie Wüst End HouBe have just receiv ed some s plendid value iu factory cottor vwhich they selI et Se per yard by tht piece; 1-bis is as heavy as any lue cetto, you ever saw. steerage passengars whro buy their ocean tickets froin M. A. James,_ at the ]eadingsteamshipogency, Bowmanville, wili be supplicd with use of bedding and eatizug wuesils free.p The Weot End flouee have juat reeiv. c~d in a coriaign ment cf furniture crusit iug cf tables,,chairs, cabinets, and Bock ricks. Those parties weiting ft r tables can be supshi-d now. Mr. R. R. Elliott cf Milibrook, iih InEpeoto, cf the Independent Order of Foresters, Tuesday eveniug initia'ed seventeen new> members inte Port flore lodge. The Independent Orler is mak- ing rapid strides forward. Messrs. Fred. Parker and Frsnk Treb- ilcock while eut trying their eait boat Monday eveuing were upset by a guat cf wïnd and given a eold bath in Lke Ont- ario whicb they will flot soon -ferget. They were rescued by Mr. John Os- borne's hired insu snd taken lnto the bonse for a chaDge cf clothes and a warm- iag which they appreciated very highly. Poat Office Inspecter Spry paid a, visit te Liuds4y last week and teck occasion te oenunome cf the newmpapers addresed to differentprn, says the Watchmau. He was lcokiug for eoînethiu, and the resit cf bis sea-ch was fruitful lu I oe paparer afound a letter lu numnernusiý others hie fucd written mnessages, but beat (,f al lunoua epac(kage, neatly doue uip lu a new piper hie foand a pir cf cor- ae~. iuceoth ilauixpareis w DO c'oGe!y wetched sud the people had bet- ter purchase and use three ce3nt stamips, or trouble may be the reGult. The coixipiate novel lui the Apnil nuin ber cf LIPPINCOTT'S îs "The Flvîig Hal cycu," by Colonel Richard Henry Savage author cf, "My Officiai Wife." It deais with treaeure-hunt'ug and the rescue cf a po'itîcal prisener in Sonore, anid has three dasbing naval be3rces. with beroinea t,) match. -Cap'n Patti," by Lle W. Peattie,- touches - upon- the Salvation- Arniy. -Chief.J ustîce Abraham Fornan- dar talla ab-out -Hawaiian Traditions,"'ý H1. <0. Walab expleins an' intereating ex- perimant lu "Co-oerative Bousekeeping' uew- being made et Brooklina, Mass. The peefry- of the -nunbe 'r, -baide-a s-a tbcughtfui and beautiful Eaater hymu by M. S. Paden comes from Calle A. Bey. ward and Charles Calvlu Ziegler. THE EvoLUTIO of mediclnal agents isn gradualIy relegatiug the oid.time herba, pilles, draughas sud vegetabie extracts te the rear sud bri!cngiug into general uqe nd effective liqcid laxative, ~yu f Fïgs To get the true ramedy. eoe that it la msnufactured by tha Califor nis Fig Syrtup Co. only. For sale by all eading drugists. Pethick'a barber shep la the place te get agood ahave or bain cut., Caisomine and pnepared peints lun ait clora et fLustan & Hear's. Eveny day is barzaiu dey4t M. Mayer'd. New felt hals for 25e. aud 50c. Ladies, if yeu have net alréady, dou't fait te try my choice family Iters. W. H. Osborne. Ladies wanting e new Dreas or a uew Coat or Cape for ster should ceil at Couch, Johnstou & Cryderman'dî. Gentlemaen who leave their orders for Clothing et Couch, Johuaton & Crydar- man'a can always lepend upon beiug perfectly suited. Fruit culture la more profitable te the fariner nuw than bis cîber'eropa. Browu Bs os. Co.,,the meet extensive nurnery bouse lu Cansda, bave a vscaucy iu Ibis s'etiot,. IWie thein t Tatonto, Ont., for tic r terme. 13 3m. Now is y0cr lime te gel cheap Photos in the istest style. Think of it,Cshin ets, fuit figureataI 1.95,and Mikado'sataI$1.10. Prices neyer befora heerd of. Cali eh the gallery, opposite Bennett'a Hotel %nd ses Our forcad sala, heginniug on the 31s1- of Mearch, wil lalst lbroughout the scason. Ellison & Ce. The irapa)îratlive need la te raise mouey from 1e toc, euce the islaualer cf pnicas.» Eltisont & Co. Peepie s'onld (eut where itey can gel-. hs.value o )r their monay, Ibis ex- pliswyMaynsrdIbe jeweller dtd snb , hgtrade bajt wek Cig '20-,w81 Ihe b,,ualeaýt hop lun town-tremendous rush. Msyuv "atd lawiuiu a retjue- stock for ;-)O. ou the dollar, bence 0 -een-aflrd~loaal erep ad acding à Oblîdren, vidima ef Crn fomvfr Safety Barb Wire and Staplea at Dustan '& Hoar's,'~ Splendid Vaiue in Fan! tes a', the West Jilnd Ilouse. Lord and Lady AberdEea wili likely visiÉ Belleville on May 24th. f he Americans heught $95,000 worth Caainwhiskey last year.. AÙ l ean, new, stylish goods-no fire damaged gocds et 11. Mayer's-cheapest lu Cown). The Donnier reBidence is te let at a very smail rent. Just the place for a dresmaker. Mr. Geo. M, Stewart representing Messrs. Miller & Richard, type foeinders, Toronto, gave us a eall last wegk. Men's IIats-the Iate7t productious cf the beat English makers-just opened at Couch, Johuston & Cryderman's. 1Bowmanvijle wasj representsd by Messrs. A. J. Loýkhtait sud Aif. Bennett etthe recent Base bail conclave et Toron- to. Mi s Aima Cryderman lef t lest week for P'ort Townsend,Washingtnn State, U. S., where she intends to resida) perman-1 ently.1 M'a ointted te say lest week howv prettily the town church,3s were decorat- ed wîith fiowrs and plants for Eastar Sunrday. f The ladies cf Bowmenvii'e sud West Durham are respect fully invited te cait et Mrs. Dirigman' 's new millinery store sud see the new etyles. No old stock-evary thing new and the most farihionrabla shapes ands'ades. Straw goda cleaned sud re shapad. Naxt door east cf the Grand Central!, Bowmanville. Attend tht, Morris furuiture sale Saitur- day. Ge' s good serviceable hat fro-'u M. Mayer for 50c. Mr. Ferrier McArthur, Toronto, spentt Snnday et home. The West End Bouse have juet ass orsi ed up their Ribbeu Case. Garden Bakes, fBoei, and apsd(ing;, LForks et Duatan & Hear's. Methodist chnrch seýrvices now b, girl a6 7 e'clock Sunday eveuinvs. The mcmr >ing bhcir wîll continue 10.30. Mr. -Norineu Rule, C ulcwobas beau viiting bis sonit, Mrs Buekier. >Ail day on Se-tuirday sudàMonidey wa were crowded with buyet s who were as- -tonifihed et. otr low, priea. To- hold f'he crowds prices will ha eut stil il er Ellison & Co,. Mr. Henry Thompsco, pump Menu facturer, Whitby, sud bret'îer (,f Mrs. W. B. Coucb, Bowmanviîle, died sudden- ]y Saturdly morning. Re was a moem- ber cf the A. O. U. W., a robuit hesltby man, genial and ap,-ke cof ln highssî terms by ail wbo knew hlm. The nawly elected officers cf Triniity Y. P. S. C. E. are : President, W. S. MeKowan; lat Vîce-Presi-., M4iss Mebel Tsït; 2?nd Vice.ret , Mnr T , AF n jaider; 3rd Vice Premt., Misshltt Tit 4th Vice-Preat., MiýssNM. Climie; Sac'"Y, j Mss hitlpaL.Alexander.; Treasi, , Miseà The Gaz1ette iun aIengthy report cf theil bachelors' bal at Wbîtby mentiouli the folwn sprasent: From Brookil- MisaM ot MisLena sud Miss Edua Mooce; FoBwavleMuipo (s4 Mr. D. Ormiston'd), Mr. Chas. Blair, Miss Beitb, Mr. J. J. Keyeýs sud Wben you want Note Paper and Envolopes- Give us a trial. You will be surprised at the prices. - GRAND CENTRAL. 1 Ad ver-tise-stock anid stock animais in ,THE STÂrESMAN-it pays'. AIl kinde cf Tiuware, Evetroughin,-g, sud repaiin ut a Dustan & Ufo.a Buy your bats from. s hatter, yonî furnishinga frein a regulan dualer-Mt Mayer. New Suitinge, uew Wb)erateds, niets Trousarni, jual raceived et Coucbl, Jobuston & Crydermau's. fiheumatiata ol-iginates lu the inorhid conditions Of lie blod. Bood's Sea. panille curas nbuumaîiam. Gat(iloly Hood 's. Watch fer, parliculars cf the Grand 3scred MuEic Concert te ho beld in town ou thFe -eveuinff cf May. 241h. Don'tifor. get the~ date. TnE STATES.MAN aud WEEKLY GLOBE wthi ha given-te new subacnihers 1111 Jeui. 1, 1895. fer ouly $1.00. Sand order te MT. A. Jamnes. Ladies, yen may stili get the LA)IESý' JOURNAL for 15 cents extra with STATES- hAN. The Match number le alone worth all that la asked for the yesr's numbers. No lady sbould buy a Dresqa baforaocase ng the lovely stock cf new Dresa Gooda ut Coucb, Johnston & Crydemman'a. Over two huudred places of new Printa' and Sateena elagaut deaigus sud fuet- clora et Couch, Johuabcu & Crydetmau'a. Ladires wisbing their bair trimmed or icged shouid caîl ou F. C. Petbick who) bas fit led up s very neat berber ahop op.- calite John Lyle'a new store. Meynard the Jeweller enau el yen 'atchasl, cocks sud jeweltery chea pa than any one elselu town, Why ? Becauso Lh stock was bougit et 50a. u the $, We are crowded wltlx new stck frova 3llar to gannat, Ellisonl & Ce. Prices'touch bottom; Ibis lime nmore -mpletaiy then t-t'on hefore. Eio»& Co. Tic nocessities of the tles suake 't ,lear tiat prîcos mue3t ha low. Elliscun & Ceý, The main obj ccl8 je sel. Everytbirgj nenupt yield lj thit neCassiîy. Ordted sits ay, lt ha oeethird 18ÈS 50 cnts xll ny adollars worth (f ci el s. Tis i no talle, but trt t dosa. S A vertisemen FSrasl done, smnaît pnice Big Re.jicing 'in Town. The pi3t week zImas hen oeue of greatÉ rejoitol3g amicng heads of families sud indeed every meinner of mnany famrrilles.ý aIl because of the wonderf ut heaio gzoos to ha bought at Masons', The stock iii their two biz stores, amounting in ail t o abcut $20,000, wes very little damagedcj by fire, ilte water did the principal deni age and when the gooda are dried't, mc ii of them is as good as ever. Ncw the ioy consiste lu the fact that theee goods are-p being aold cff as rapidly as the army of cierks can serve the anxious crowds who i d&iiyv flock to these stores, et haJf price, andrnany things for less than baîf price. For instance meu's bats that were solâ etc 82 are now bein g sold off et50oc each and the buyeç gets bis choice cf the lot. Lovely carpets that wore 85 cents forLi45 cents, as good as ever.- Everything ese in proportion. People Df West Durham neyer had such an opportunity before to Feec frem suoh an immense variety of high c'ass dry gods et such loir price3. This ip a cash sale and our advice is to lose ne time in visitiug the stores. S) great wa the rush cf buyers Saturday that the doors werà lockgd. Pecqp] climbed in through windowe over boxesi and waited tilt they could get served New Millinery Store. rmda{ka nd ewee sakes-;--ird, *5,Rý lBeith& Co's Jubîýlee Ohief. Hackneys, umder 3 years, 14t, $40, R. Beith & Oo's I3anqiun, aireàJubilea Chief ; 2nd, $30, R. BLith & Oo's Lord Rosebery, aire Jubilee Ohief. Sweepstakes, Prince cf Wya!es' Erize, given by the*" Agriculture and Arts A8.seciation for best aackney, any age, R. Beith & Co's Otawa, 840,- making 8185 in prizeý forHake. Mr. B. Bnittelu bas ret irrel f'rom Marshalltown, la. The Mettioiat Magazinecof Tii o2to baýd a rî guler issue lest-yleer'cf ,406 copies a nmonth. The town cof Cobourg hbas sa eut, en liquor lic ~aa the reveniue cf which to thae tojwu is $eI2,3 "5 57, while lu Port tope there are(t-n'y eleven Ilquor ticenses, 'fur wliii totwu gets a ravenue cf $2,664- 00-$25.3 mre iLLanOCùboung gets for the seventeen. IHymna 3New aul Oid"is e capitat col- lection cf 100 poputar saerosngs with mualu suited te Sabbath S.ixcols, prayer sud social mieetings;ý price only 10 cents. Seu fo ibs bokyou wIl be deiigbcMi withit. e-ming JI. ReveillCo.,>'140- Y(uuge St.. Teronto, are the pabliehers. C11,uAIr DÂBIN RÀTE.---WO eau seit cabin passage ou the new fast Dominion Lina, 13teamer "Labrador" saiting frein Port laud direct for Liverpool ou May 1, cnly twc paa8enuers in a-rocm, for only $45 for apear deck berths sud $50 for bridlge dckl benîha, These apecially lcw raiesi are only fur thia trip. This is the festeat sud eiu cf the boat Lteamaithipa cf the Canadien lices3. Second cabin $0 stearatgu, aver3týhiug found, $4 hs rates do not include r.xitway fares. A teacher ilu a higlih ehool wauitcd te showîo he îvûirsthebed affects cof -,lsmretIe siroking, se he performed sul ex-potinrnt ou a est. Theoioin-h po-I -wes taieai frosu asi cigarette, aud a drop cf it put ou1 s cât's tongune. lu au instant the poor liLte creaturs, whined as if iu pain, suid bagau t-i rush. madiy arouud the schd,?ý as tbough i-t was in great agcony. But le clid sAut suifer vary long, for-wouli yen believé it ?-iu just four miinuftsÉlie lîule creature atretebed eut; ou the fi xjr and died. iMn, Chas. TLd witb buj characteristic teste and enterpriîe bas remodelled with ertsti efectth~frnt cf ': B Conilf ctivii- ery store sud put in p'are gtass on both asides witb besutiful colored fan lighîa sud crowns. It bas greatly improved the appearanceca f-bis block and tha work is - mý,,st creditable to Mess-s. GaIiy sud Humber, the erchitects,who executed it, New plate glass fronts have aiso een ptaced in the ahopa of Mrs. Diugman, milliner; Mis McTavish, milliner; Mn. W. P. Prower, furniture dealer; Messrs. Mlasoni & Dal", ba-resa makens; Mr. W, hrrabarbe3r, sud thuj adj'oining store iiu Borsey'g block, all cf which helps to improve the genenal appeelrance cf King Tha cleto f portraits of noted peop!e ïi :i uew feature lu the Apr I num- brr uf DEJMoRZEBsr FAMILY MAGAZINE, It îs )ïmpoisible te specify ail the brilliant attrtcii-)ja cf thia nuiubçr. "£ha Santa Pabatrc Floral Festival" la exquigiceiy llwsti ated; "The, Stury cf a Lest Latter", rivas lots cf information abcuý tha Jnlited States p asl servie;many uoted people tel!i lu flelps lu Many Cereers" chat aided theni moBt toward succeas. The froutispiece ia a bliarming balf -taue, 'The Auge! cf the Rasurmectiou" after s aintingz by Cari Guttnerz, sud there lnaun il penici-pictura, Lilies and Beliotrope. 17bere are, besides, ever 500 illustrations, DFEMOR)]EST'S ln really au ideil family -agazine, sud is pubtished for only $2 a sar, by W. Jeuuiugs, D'emoreat, 15 East 14th Street, New lork. w . T D na y 14 EOWMANVILLE MARKETS» Cerreeteai brJ. Meliurtry, everr Tuenday FLOUE, Vl100 Ibn.........$1 50 le $2 00 WirrÂT, FaU, e bush..0 00 1, O062 " Ruselan, 0......00,,0 60 0iGoe 00 0 ý5 il Colorado ....0 00 ,O57 Wbîte Fife, t........00n 0 62 Red I?,- 00,, 065~ BARiLEY, V bushl, No, 1.... O0 0 Il 042 n a2x'. ü000,, 03,M ,, , >2.... 0 00,il 030; tTorowad 0 0O3C OÂrshî.........35,, 04 L, mmcd....... 0 3 R,.............00 il 0 40 Buck'wbcal3V huàn ...... 00 0 O40 PrAs, llckeye, t' bush... O0 f),9 O 65 aimummy .. Il O6 au~ Goi, ' ..0, 0 55 cBine, 0 i, aO65~ Burraj, ha st tabl2,e, il., 0 , 0151 Eooa, e doz ...........00O K.P .Pi i'the hast axative or cbitd- Pain frow Indigestion, dyspepas, sud to heart' eatinu, ta relieved tit once by ts.kin g en'aloff arter'a Little Liver Pilla af ter dianen. Don't forgtt 'us M y '. Notices o ir th S, 5ceut.; larrlages. 50 cents; Deatâlm. 50 cents, eh Inrertionl -buts IiE Ê,, CUIAItGIr.when the uerai jrQidsare rinted Sa i MtS oUce MA RP ED. SLUTE-DEMILL-Ât the Methodist parivn- a2zP, Prxno,. MAbert, March 22, by Rev. J. 0. Wji mOtt. Wm. J. Slute, Dirling ton, and Mifss DIED. PATTERSON-At Milwaukee, WIg , March 18 Alva Patterson. son of Dr. B, Pettenson, forai- enly of Bowmanviîîa NoycE-In Lr akard, March 22, Sarah Noyce, aged 63yefifrs, 5 mouChs, A-S. TIU4E, 5M. D., C. M, IEMBER OF COLLEGE 0F PHYSICIANS 1 M and Surgeonsne xtario. Office, 1Ki:ng St. Viret 60cr wë.ss of Ontario Ftank, Residence, ChutehS Si.-8uh door-tast of Mothodist (Jbuncb Boe~anvie. -37 (IO LIEPUP.-2fluecn es 7 unont'hs 1E[ OSE8~ FOR SALE.-Thýree brick niLbuei ou Liberty si, for isale or rernt, M . Rl. Ciiçvker, box 189, Bowtiïnville, 3C1 1? ,OR S.A-LE OR1 TO RENT.-Iu the. ,L' Village ofNewcwastleone sund ibree-quarter acres cf i,,ud et tha north eno~f IDillGrounds Âpiply to GEORGE CUavîs. Newcaeule. 14-4w* H OUISE TO RENT CEAP. -That LLvery coinvenîceut dwelllng on ICli St., fotmeu>' occup!ed by Mn. Bunner. Good gendê-n, splend id cller weod shed. etc. APPIY te Jos. Ji, FERY, Merchant Tai.on. .1 4w TZ1 OUSE 17O RENT, -A seml-detached XLJX brick bouse on Chureh saneet laI aly occupied-by Cap,. Crawfod,- Terme moderato. Apply te A. YouNiE, or T. BINeHAM. Bow. menylie,45-tf. ,(EA EPAUCT1ONlERINGJames .JA. Kelly, -of Nea-castie' -le prepared to de alleales entnnsted te hlm et oua par cent Cen beat auy auctioneer ta tuis counîy or do the sale fon noting. J. A. KELLY, Windsor Rote], Newcaste.e 2ne lOUSE TO fIENT. -Conifortabie -I1. rame Dwelling flouse, clght roomeo, wiLh fine garden cf large and sali fruit, 38 acre land, bard sud acf i water. aituate ou Odel etreet, Bcwmnanville, Apply te MRs. W. V.NANCÂP, Blackstcck. 12-3w* Rj ED PEAS.-We have e qcantity cf KJCanadien Beauty Seed Pes, a new white pea, large, hright. dean celer sud givea 25 par cent, botter rosurna than othar field vaieies- over 20 bushels per acre for past two veste. Samples may be seen et the posi office Ilamp- ton, Tyrone, Sollus, Ilackstock sud dunigkil- Ion. R. sud A. COL WILL, Newcastle. 14- 2W~ T'ESIRABLE PRO PERTY FOR E-FSALE -Tenders wlll ho receivad ne) te the lIth. day of April for the ptirchase ci'itJi, t perce] cf laind sud promises. siluste sud being ta town of Bewmsnnsiîa, contslicig * acre ef lad bigown lLt No 20 * lu block it0, front- lnd Oeniario St. Thora are twe brick dwal- lnge on -the premise' oeabeiugtsois the oiSon eue. The formier hesix toomq,witb kiichn and woodahed sttact ied. The higuest non sny tender notnecessartîyaccfpted. Ten- ders te ha sent te. sud funther information given jmr P. TaEBILCOCxc or T. C, JEWELL, Bowmanville, Match 17, 1891. 12-3w S OK WANTED.-Mlr.W. IR. R. Cawker le inîhe market te buy ste ne on fat l3oef, MileS Ccws, ycuug sud fat Calvea, Pîga, -LamubIlsud Ponltny, Addrees W. R. R. CAW. xEn, box- 189, Bowmsnville, or et his resideuce lot 9, con. 1, nonth 0f Celedoulan Mills,, 3-tf FOR SALE.-A final alsa taris F oRMaacres or 145 acres sltuated lu thE townsbip ef Est Whitby let con, lots 15 snd 16 on the Base Lino, abolit 1? miles frota Osia. ws6 station. 2 miles froin Whiby sud (10 nodE from t-ha chool bouse, Lange roomy buildings main ban9àx36 fi, pleney of fruit, soi] lsF1 losm, ahtogether eue of h haest grain fartai muCie Lake Shone. No his or atones, About 0arsof wood. 75 acres lu pastura sud frei Ig e ed T e m e ea y . F ireh p lo w ln g dou e Oshawa.,37-tf. Te',ndos. seapraIs or lump. wIll bs redoi-a AiPIb 19, for the etaction of a Brick BOeLk lu CACe Tlaocf Bl3exaville. Plans(sud PecifiicLons cen h euon sud sfter StraLiStait. ttiec ffcaecf thaie TeOnte Tc- cwaior auy tendeýr not aaa N 0 liE WALL PAPER, .CUNDOw SUADES PICTUTRE MOULTDiNçGç UEu fN OLE BOARDS, cnly $2 'n refit Variet: at BI 2 W. T. ALN Cr editors' Notice. luý ïhe me Uer cf the Estate cf. ,Joaeph D, ton, ini the Gounty of Diti-ham, a er Deceased. Notice la heraby given punsueut Lea pLes.6ç 110i R. S. O. 1887, thai aIl perarlus h,?viug l4na egeia" t he estate cf JOSJiPrlD. TRELXVpÈ-, late cf the tewnabip f Darlington . 1nu Cife CuntY f Duham,, Fermer, doceased, whcs did on or about hea 10h day cf Februry, 84 are reqused 0to dliver or sMcd by P08t Pse-' IPaid on or befor~e tic final day f bMey nexti Io thle underaigued. solicitor for William j, Àllanof hie town cf B owmanvflle Ge.tîi-,%n Administrator of the pnoporty cfthe sttld de-" ceasod, e sttement In wiiing containîag faRe Patîcuane cf.h elrcaimsasudocfthiena(ure cs 'tie secunities (if any> ield by hein agaio2-1Ve, astate of thc saf d deceased. And notice xs iereby frTirivenis a ter tie said firt day cf MA y unexI tel, said Administrator will prcoad te dsrb~ the assete cf the eaid esCae therc«'amenK the parties entitld (borate haviug regardj only te uch cdaims as they shall bave notice» týa abova required,and te aaid Adiiîaor éx net be habla for hie asseis or ay 1parit e, w se diblributed, te sny persn or pensons f, whose daims hey hail net bave receiveÈ notice et the Uime cf Sncb dietnibtienl SWILiAm iP'ALLEN, D.* BtYRIZE SIMPSON. Bowmanvîlîa, Solicitor for Adminisiretor.Amnsntx BowmuviîeMarch. 16, 1394, 12-1 e TUE UOIVUN10N Issuesa sgenaiU fine"Pciyt ý-np LÂTES Ln3t imr -2nd mixscote per 4rea 2rd " 75) MOSL cf West Durharn prmineut ame are iusured lu Il. R. J. DOYLSC, Eeq,., JES.SE TRULI, Egj1 Mýanager, 'rsdu- Owen Sund. Bewmanvill'c Wil Cali Ou raceipt f POSt dard. Agent for Watt Dunrhani, A, W. FOLEY. Box 148, THE MMO& BARRISON B Sins and Sborthand Col1eg,>, Yon2ge & Coliege Srea -Toronto, Canada, Led tl supasd iition n ac mi md Raue aScents; 1bY mi6 cns aa lozzna frea. AVN JSCHU K.ff( . 2Plt urecrncoutîateD0îA'~I, .-.~MAre A Sprirg Poïnter. Wewish t mieta hefact tàat cur' stock is3 new, ivell bought and thoroughly reliable. CuEtomers of ten te'N us tJ'at eut good always turn out exactly as rcprsened.No better value euywbere. CoucH, JOWNSTON & CRYDERMAN. Look Here. If yoci want to spend a piessant eve%- ingý come to the residene cf Mr. Jas. MutlLean, Silver St,on Tuesday April 10, wheie a social will be 1hiAuder iheW auspices c40 f the Ladies' &id of the ,Mtnitchurch. Program wiIt comn- imence at 8 o'clQck, after wbioh refraish mnents will be strved. Admission 15û. Spring Stallion Show. The eighth'Provincial Spring Stallion .Show in, Toronto lat week was a grand SUCCeMs The entry Est was ttelarge8t the show bas ever had. Tne horses frein this town appaar lu the prize list and ae as fows: Thoro'.breds, Young& Perey's Trick, ilackineyo, 4 years and over, 1st, $50, R.BLfit & Co., Bowmanville, Oitawa, 1 - a-auuum Ili any p---- -- - - i -- Zâ C L E A NI, 1 M 1-P» @

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