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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Apr 1894, p. 6

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"ÂAireng the snaiy Ltestimoniale whiclîi1 Fsesiiin regard te certain medliines prer- Iing cursceanslng tise bicefi, et.,"1 writes U;:5i1RT LltuSNOEcf 1flic James Smiths Wc',olen ?i4achnery Ce., PhldliiPa,l"noe imjprese me ,(more than my ow ase. Tweity years ego, et t1iseageoff 18 years, I had swellinge corneon my legs, wlich broke and becarne runngsrs urfriyphysicien coud dome lio goofi, and iti wae 1 feared -that fhe bones ~ ulbeaf'ceAtilasi, myg o 1fmother ,jured mse te try Ayer's Sarsprilla. I toek three botties, thse sores heeled, and 1 have net beeu Stroubled since. Only the scars rensain, and the memory cf the past, te xemind me cf the good Aysr's 8aroliparllla bas done me. 1 new Weigh twe hundred andi twenty pounds, and arnin tisebetocfhsalth. Iliave been on tie rcad for thse pat fweive yeere, have noficed Aysr's Sarseparifle advertisedlu ail parts of thea United States, endi always take pleas- ure ie telling wht geef itI didfofr me."' Fer thse cure off ail diseeses crigineting In Impure bîcefi, thse besf remedy lea AYER'S aisaparllia Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Maso. Cilres ohr ICu re you A Spring Fashion Hint. We noticg, sayg the Toronto Ladies Journal for March, ulsters are again se popu- lar favor. If yen wish to have a corfort. able, stylislh one mnake it ut> according to the niodel sho mi here. Ulsterm are betDer An Impro'ved Nest-Box. This impreved neet box wili clese aulte- matically when thse heu gets upon bher nest, and wili open in the saine manner wben theI fowl wisbes te leave, wbereby a sefting bsn may ho protected from annoyance frein other fowls or animnais proue te ennoy hens while hatcbing or laying. It consiste Off e box, A, havîng oeemen hait losed by e board, B, and provided wiîh a neest-b,%x, C, effixed te a pivoted bettoin-beard, D, vibrefieg on a wire rod or stnd, a, baving ifs bearings in the side ocf the box. The neet-bex le connected by meane of links, b, sbewn ln dotted liues, with two levers,, E, pivoted te the tuner. side off the bo-z, as Jsbown at e. A crs-piece, G, unites the ends off the levers, and is provided with wire rode, d, femming a grating, which frein the weightof the parts in front cf the pivots, c, f alsle evtng t he entrance te the box open. The greýte-rude enter beles in the strip, H, affixed te the board, B. Wben the bien gets upen the net in the nest-box bier wight caisses the long arme cf the levers te be ralsee (the parts being proper- tiened wvitb that ebjeot),, which briîîgs thse grate-rods up, thus ciesing the entrance, I, and excluding the other f owls or sncb ani- maIe as are hiable te give aunneynce te the seiting fewl. Wben thse fewi attempte te leave t he nest she will1 instinctively proceed toward the E ghted enfrence, and in se do- ing bier weigbt will be trensferred te tise bettein-heard, D, ln a part of the pivot, a, whilch will cause the, greting te faîl, and thus permit bier egrees. ,Tise lid off the box is binged for the purpose off renderiug the nerât-box conveniently accessible te any pereon wishing te gether the eggs. This device is mere curions than precticai. Sunlight for Butter. Ameug the modemn and " iiproved" ap- pliences for the dairy t bers bas been, ne prevision made fer the use of sunlight in caoering butter. Every farmer's %vifs wbe bas set miik lu shaliow pans in a dark'celar when it wes tee bot or tee coid te set it above ground knewvs tuai the cre&ai leDne as yeliow on sncb riik as on ibat fnily ex- peeed te the lîgisi. The direct raye ef the sue wouid in seme cases partialiy meit the creain and give if an oid and unpleasent flavor, but ligisi wiil impreve ifs coler ai- met as mucis as it will thai off eeai grewth. Ou this snbjcct, Pret. Uenry E.a Alwemd, iu Hoard's Daiyman. eaye: Divide any lotoff miik frein stabled cewe and put_ -Man y herses arie kept in ainio1 os! mnt,'n phiysical dîst7reosfer thie watt wae alonc. Otji fse suonailiti s ruin o wn 1 i' flesb. A miedîum feed cf cats ancena god bcd, tie anima1l kept dean; 114Wl ne fWn te do za great deatl cf werk end net lose rnîîcb fesb-sorne evgain und',erýi t. A herse enjeys a rubbing as a man dees bis bath. It thrives ou it. Farm Notes. Don't go S!ceurît V fer the 1miais whe îets bis gats swing on one hinge. Filled cheese are as great an abomiinationa and ourse te legitirnate dairyn asS eleomargarine. ~ yu si In these days off losecmieite, neli gent labor is tbe only ind t ihat eau be nmade higbly profitable. While the sleds are lu uise pint eeId overbaul the w 'gens, tep bxs aail. Any leose beits and other iron wcrk t hat is faulty get t!he smith te fi-, et once Nea'àt vehicles are an indication off good sense aýnd thrift. '1Little cheeses and cbeesas that are mol- low cf skin and mild off flavor sni weil. Alrnest any farnily with a arnail herd off cows rnay acquire a local reriutetien for sncb a product that will caîl for more tban tbey cen produce and et prices that pey fer better than tbe best butter. The low price off cats is due te thie fact that they cen be goeaesily grewn. 'l iey are sewn in the West epeia1yonfali- plowed land, or after cern wvitheut any spring plowing. If the seasen is fatroraiîle tbis easily pre)duiceF a 'goodiCrep. But wbee we conider watth, oats take fror tise soul, it is found t hat this easily-grc-'we crcp te very nearly the meest epus 1 hat the fermner cao sow. Oat roots ffil the sou înuch more thorDugbly than dlees a1y ot'el: spriifg Lirain, net excepting ,heainT, cet leaf is net brcad, and ift if were the plant is net one off the kind toesx trat frei. the air the nitregeneu s eleeuswi th wbicb' tbe grain is filled. %We do net Wen1der, therefore, that rnany Esenfarmers are droppingeateont cf the rotation. If itisnot cenveîîient for thern te buy wbat cats tbley feed, tbey cen growenui for home use. But for most kinds offstock aixture off oul meal wîth grounfi cern furnislies the oat ration inuaamt.cb chee-per foirn than iii cen bie got in the eat grain.le I The complaint thet t reain bas abit- ter teste, and that buttertrmade f roîi if i'. peer flavoed, may perbeîpe be due te the feed. In tbin-seeded clovr er feldethiere is eften a-good deal of ragweedl witb the clover, and when beth are m i ie bey the cew caanot seperate thein as she wîll wben eatîng ai pasture. Thereebhoold 'beno kind ef vegetables stored in or near aren wbere mnilk is set for crearn. These wbîch d nef give off a streug oder may, whee ti r bacteria have worked in the creemn, be quite as e'ffensive as eny. To rnest VeoIe there is neo alor from potatees unlecs sýoîne cf thern are rettîeg, but a bunshel cýftrce in a cellar lias been knewn te do ,er more damage to creain and butter tiien the wrh of tbe tubers. Anether importent peitt is net te keep creain long before cueîgit. Beceuse if takes longer te get a cburniuig in winter is one chief cause off poor ýiirter butter. Stir tbe creain once a daY and Keeping crearn cold dees net prevn a teria from tlîrivieg in it if theaisroud ine it is impure, but witbewelveilae THE BUPtRU"LAIi ANDl TRE TIGrEIÏ,.1 ,)JYALTY G P IE ent aoPalace Te Un Tulnîed bte ýa H11- 's Vt1Land, who ce ,muicatels witb Queen Vicori every day in the year. U er M4ajesty le fond cf 'noit thing Stch, aoethers sbertbreed. NoT(w, for serne ~easonY or other,sàhor,,bre id nntbe made in England as it sbouild be. But a few years agu ber Majesty discevered1 at Perth anu old rornan who ceuld maire i a0en else, even in Scotland, denld miake it. Since which time thie saine aged" darne bh'a every daiy Ibaked with ber ewn hands 'a cake off sborntbýrcad, packed it herseif end. dispatcti- cdj iteher sovereigu. ,HerM\ajestyrnîkes lit-ae or neo difierence witb bier dinner menu diurîng Lent. Queen Victoria spent her honcyrnoon je Lent, wbile the Prince of Wales nd his sîster, Princes Louise, were botb marrîed je Lent. fHer NMajýsty lias fisb put upen the table at ail meals en Fri- days for tiiese wbe with te partake cf it, as she neyer dictates te auyoue about bis or bier religiens cinetems; but eue sacred ha'bit in the royal heuseheld is daiiy morri- prayer, whicb 15 rigofously insisted upon. A PATitICIAAN OLD BARONET. Sir Uarry Verney, the second oldeet ber- cnet in England, who ilied a few days ago at the ripe nid age of 93, retired frein treo army as far back as 1827. Sir Harry will b le ruch rissed ini Buckinghamshire, and the more e on ecceunt et the very-regret- alîle ircutences wbich have enbîttered hiH deciining years, and have necessarily ob- scured the social prospects cf bis eldest son auid successer, wh te ucnw 55 years off affe and tbe father cf two grown-np dauglîters. The late baronet, wne suceeeded te his fa-. thrsbrancl new title in 1826, wîîs, as Cap- tain Calvert, cf the Grenaliers, serne tîrne private secretary te tbe«.reat Duke off Wel- lington. Re cbtamned permission by roiyal sigii manual te change bis naine te Verney in 1827, since, theugis entireiy unrelated te that fernily, be had thea sueceeded te their preperty. A certain Miss Nichelsen married the son and beir presumptive of Lord Ftrmanagh; by this husband, wbe preleceased bis father, she bad a daughter, Mary ,Verney, who was created Bareness Farmanagh in 1782. Uer ledysbîp's mother marrîed secondly Rich- ard Calvert, the far.away kinsman ef a Lon- don orewer, called Felix Caivert, immortel. ized uudeîanoternae by Thackeray. Lady Farmauagb lef t ber estetes te ber hait-sister oy the latter marriage, Catherine Calvert, wbo ii ber turu bequeathed thein tethe late Sir Harry, then Captai n Calvert, wbo was a grand8on ef tbe aferesaid Felix, the brewer, anad proprietor of -Foker's entire" e well knewn brand cf Britisb porter. Sir Harry Verney wes net tbe eldesa barenet, fer Rtv. SrJ. W. Hayes isncwiiu bis 95ffh year,,baving been hemn Aug. 12, 1799. THtE cLD RED PALACE AT KEW. The quaiiit eld red Palace ef Kew, in thA subarb8 cf Lendon, wbîch looks like the rnoney box wich always stoed en the nu irsery mantei-sh.If and inte wbicb cents went and neyer came eut, is doonsed ither we be turned inte a supplcrnentary museuin or te cerne dewn altogether.. It bas niet heen eculpied for nearly a bendred ybars aind bas iie furniture in it. Being a royal paaeit bas a staff off servants, tbe chief cf hia'h is the hn,,selkae,' rwl, h,.s a .1 LX TURE CHAMTELEO,ýl and', several oI and KiDg street flrit bave been d(oing qluite a trade lun t iý ' ttla reptiles. Very few people however, Iave as yet hed the coutrage te appear on the st ,1ree wear ing a chiarnieleeni, se that the fad is ltklely te be ehort-li-ved even in Toronto, whiere scîiefy folks will undergo a good de(al fer the sa91e off beinglun the fashiori. A writer in an Ainerîcn paper thus amune- inigly tells the story off how they diseppeELr. ed frei'n the city in whlicb be lived, andl it sblould prove al wamaning te ail. " At o turn," the, writer says, "the city was ai witb therni.ý'They were nestling IN IîIASCttLtNE FOCKElT-S, fetiered t inycheînes,andgiventhsfreedom of the bouse ; te.day5 except for a few won- derfuily heeltby eues, tbe,(y are eiher dead or bave diseppeered, for tbey Cen alwaya get away frein wherever thsy are put ini so dexterous a feshien that if a cricket were a arnmeleon it would tur green with envy. The fate off the lest cherneleens is barassinEg careful bousewives, for tbey fea that i tbey sheuld have died like rats in a hîdden hlel, the Ir tiny careses rnay emit the odeut iu the amlu f wLe îlpeople cou- plein. There, se fbey sey, the howises are funll off thein, and 008 is always tikIely te splesb inte the soup tureen frei the ceiling. '] bey lash their tiny talle in wraf h wlten driven frein the suigar jar, and if yeni ehoîsld find a dozen off thein squirminig eut off the bed wbenu 'en mm do wn the s;heets, that îu a very small malter. In some fI amilieg, wheme the chemeleen crexe regeci for a week or so,the sinaîl reptiles b ave vauiqbed, leaving their skius behlnd thern, the fluait tb;)inimgnable, juet Ilike lace, and shed as cieanly as eue draws off a ltid glove., Soine people declare thait (theirinivastonfi like that off the English ,sparro~w5 ; hving once gotÏ HIERE TIIEY WILL STAX and tae possession off the bouses like ecck- roaches ; then lu street cars aid drug stoe we willfisnd-advertieed noxisummier ý «A meliable chanseleon exterineiater.' The charnelecu stomies thaf are fioating around towu it woud taesthe faculty offava Dean Swift te recite, and a crocedile te swehilow. One inan fells cfa frieud whou wasery short. sighted, who came ,te inueir. iUcwasvery fend cf pickles,,and whieu the cuicumbera cerne bis way tbey begen Ite dîseppear rapid- ly. The farnily chameleen was et large on the dinnex- table, and wlien it hopýped nup on the edge ef bis plate ie' toek if, in the, .,cistiness cf bis eyesigbt, for bis lest pickle, and was about te gulp if down, but fortin aî.ely it moîved, aud he was gevedl frein au awfful fats. ' Carlo Carried it. Uarry was a nice uitile boy, and lehabad e great yellcw mstiff nîany sixes tee large fer hîni, but if was a Love-M-ýe- Love- My - Dog coinination,- and bis ind parents kepi the rmastiff et e sacrifice. Uarr!y was tee, lezy te do anythiug except play foot. bell, and ge fisbing. One day hie meother sent hirn te the butcher's shop for tibrec pounde cf beef. Il Must I carry aIl thet home ç",wineiL Harry. Il Let Carie help yeu carry it," ý'aid iUs parent with keensarcasin. - lie je alimosi as lazy and good-for-nothing as you aýre." Lns Kreai.esi cvui lu mic or temlperate, mcilouîc cugreguu Lurce. riiee may ne t~o Oeri~sVi Yar frment the ewis et xnîght an,1 return to I Wor Uer Ya-rs their hid'ng-p)lece bafoeLe t he Mus. TSO o'rIGS rhes reesis Tise osts should ha2frequenuîly task c icepîn wsthtoet tise imps et DoWer Chests CoF OldenDy. iveingiu hoicinre u ocforbviouis reasans, alter tbeabiCRý J;"gar'-Ifmaipex l I ometed on. thie apparenit disrespect t iie- othen-sgigte ree obrui, w1uL em( UiZ is royal dignity, and then gloomiîy avPeisnietilartd-tthe -dog-ecmigvrs scned an a aMUeh -later period one- vI hî - 1 halw ~b1d~but ýýthe MNTs1 n te c te m isa saitt'-haekept hie hiat on in~de-wrcdib"ucrei', n i 77,~ , .,- , -- M-MWM - - -ý - - ý ý, -5 - , -- E r-T- ý-M

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