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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Apr 1894, p. 7

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YO NG F0 ~it ail aroun;ll, said: -Very gooa, very good; 1 W N T -1 7T - ny Iboy, nrovidpd von are gou r mTHaEJ1JJJÀliL±J1 bniiest~ cntso kiolig orbrilsîîwood J;The Seven-B1aded Knife. or stinnîoe deer bot rinie of Chose tbings "Whew!s dJack as lie cyel witb take very mucla skri!.Ir is iletter ru be a. AN OLD T114E STORY. I E ~~~~~~~hunger andi 1ouging the hanâsome pocket- man of miny tiod thai of oua, a-id 1 pro. ît~~~~ r5fwaS~oie . jkuife whjeb bis uuele was just repla<c 1n imise you that every îîew tool of wîhi, Has ryvn bis poeket, - ain't rl et sreuiuk ? \9 o Lot-arn the oame and 13 oa uhne~jWent iverlthe IFalls. I like ta have one like ir, thogth? Quite a wit I care and skill 1 will get for yoi. The iollowinv copy of an old latter dated b t 'xdifference" And as he spoke the words of 'After t bat I' went to work le rningy Bula1. N. Y., Seprember 9, 127-nearly byit comparison, lha drew fron nis pocket lus Bomletbîges eieswitl.I1.-r- e .ît ero agu-gîves an acat fteenormous half o a Veqýel osalNiagrhaFait on much-abused, nicked, single-bladed kuif e, edta bore, drill, saw, fie and do haifsdsatrfavsa vrNaaaFso «î-which had heen a Christmas presant to hîn, dozani otiier thinga. 'sud wbeu the ime e ,nie thae ri of Scrember, 1827- Probably sae-Itît1 only a few moths ago, for fulfilliiîg the promi-se, my grandfazher, there arar but' few s'îrvivinlZ wîrnesses of Slok îHeadache and reieve ail -th e troubles inci- "1 sbonid say t here is quita a difrerance." who bad receutliy made a trip ta tne cîty, rnis u, and, as it describes an- ex- det to a bilions state of the system, such as respOude I Harry, with a sniff towards hande.'l me ourt hîs beautiffikuifa witb its pari i u which bas neyer sinca beenau S- T eb au o' Dilzin-e, Nansea. Drowsiness, tilatress after Jaek's kuife. Il Mayba whe n gou ga fbh complote set of rools." temp',t I b1 ave transcribad it. The latter 'etinilg. Pain iu the Sida, &c, While theirmon!st a-iia leRyoîîd, Jadc, you can "And I cn'donrbu btwbteisaf1ow siGTth C rsm fitarabe sccesFIasba hw ucr have snob a 15îîife as that yoursef." with mine 1" said Jack, looking rufnily at As a exhibition yestarday was ofanovel Ui f n sa G hemrkt You'd berter believe 1 will," was Jack's lis big one-bladad II toad staotber." a brùeadbserie uhmr p o sitiv e assura n c e. H a ry ca l id it ; "w ile y o u can d o a d -m n n teres t th a n a n y n s co ld h a v e a n ticip a ted M l i n f w m n t r u h u h ITedaIl,'-t ARERs irLE ivrtPiit Yes, said uncla Raymond, wbo hs.d thîngs wtb yours." wnen it was irst îuetioned, you will iloso oe hogotti are equaly valuable iu Constipation, cnrin& bauqnmety ruhbing the biade wirbhîs "And don'r forget, boys, thare is as douibtlass ha auxions ta Icare the partien- -n ndrvungisnoicmlaint, whulf silk hanâkarebief, aud apparenriy fnt mnaiid ifferaice ini men asthere is in k Pives,' lars, and f0 gratifiy yonr cnnosty, I wilis they wh ouhveoroved ait , tbya correct ail disorder of t e stonacli oiin'blan oy ea aig.".d said Uncle R svrmond. "IA boy May gar -ndeavur to giva yeu the storyasmbinale Itbnstemes stei2 eyt thalivcerad rglt h o5 yon can ger lb lu the saine way I got mine, the ide& chat muuey cau taka dir place of detail as possible, vnifteouycrdif you chonse.", character and cui-re- ; bue iu shows hae The schooner Michigan, as yon bave al.vlei-tbrnstenls Wby, bow was that ?'I" asked bothb by os' nw th'ý différence between a sngle reudy learued from e a h ags aogetrcmot L- in concert. biadad kîuife sud oua wirh a set of bu' is,"' Lake Erie, and ton large iu fact ta enter «iWell, I don'b mind telling you. t "Wi,"siIJack, spaaking haif Vr the vaninas barbosurs ona laesubin Âc hoZey.iwoul ibisaimstrincla t ho was ou the p rinoipla that qnaiity is botter imself, sud as thougib bis mind wr.e fiy siuevhat decayed in lier uippar work,, the madhoponnheifarct IrIotll thisha. distretruk tino e, M.inase, 17nt 1 but fortuuately their gooducs oes flot end than quantity. Look there, Jack, yuurmaapuntaube. Iriyowa:tonh tnc tiewnr M.Fasr lie, and those who once try tliem wl u uf sams slrea ie ueut aaevubae ufad~ral of New York, that sac oidU thea itia ui vlualaluan a11. s that The boys looked perplexe i as tbougb Frank Brown may ha a one.bladed Imife if iswer the purposa of resting the fate of a rnîmelst ebywl lt ha willing ta do wi outytliM. 'I5yi5Mif,5'5USLf tiluey.ý2:-alilsik ea teydi ne udestndthirunleRa. iechose. dn' blivethreissamuh es-eltht y ccdet ayaprochto mond's ramark. tieeing their looks, ha pro. lu moue', after ail." u",arthe srtipendous cataract nf NiagaraPI NSD AEB r',caadad te axplain." Nor half so mach lu the way uf con- sud aiseofnIthe fate of animais that migbtWENr Jo e, adh,"bwa hswyriuîgt on's happiness," said Uiile ha eauebt lu the rapids nf these swift ie U& - E T O L S 7 SE la the banle of sa many l-ras that hans le wbare whan I was a boy. For a long rime I Raymvond, by way of a parring remark, rollirg waters, sud carsied over tbb Falls. wa maire our great boast. Our pilla cura it thought the mos,, desirabia rbing iu a puan-II as thare is 'n that cultîvatioui of mtîud The propnuetors of the large public bousses whie thers do not. ketknife was size, aud when I sa w a boy at sud heat, whichbrbnugs lîto play the higb. at ,he F.11s, o, both sides of the river, and CaurvrYeasyLtvre ta PL5aavre.a co ib ut agrthnmnIaaculties of the nature, snob as sympahyof st ze sud steamboats, made up s pursa doaP. They arTLm ictR i evet abe n do tl ait- 1h.fTREErof LIFE"miofBRITIS I DIA fiudoe heryasy t tles. Oua tolill aed envied bins sud di- netrest satisfiad until benevoience, faitb, courage, self-daiai sud Ita puirobase the schooner, awane thatte A _O np rpre u i hi entie action 1 badinsanme way tradad fnn that kuife. virtiue, eacb ni whicb s iadnluirsaif, ouilieharapail bv the cumoany c-, JhFtbofB___i picsaailwb ue teu. u val aSS eu5~ Than I waasabaidfora little w hile, unril giving empioymeut snd enjoyunnrwhn ienn Iud attraot; sud intunie calc- fiafr$1, Soideverywhera, or sentby mail. 'Has a seth ith fui adWeaesn ~ ~ICIZ . ~~I saw a langer oue, when 1 wauîed to get the possession aud gratification of mare lation they wer tnt di'caived. bla"reeaskench Lite'efut ands, the otsi that ; sudsan kept on until 1 hacama the wealth uttely fails mn saisfy. "-[Nc w Ynrk For severai days provienus mnthe 00h u hreo hci aeapuss alssc prend owner of the iarzest kuifa in the Observer, stages cama crowded, as well as tha canal lucurilng wbole ueigbborood-su immense buuting --- boats, se muc san that it was difficuit ta ___-Car.__ _________ 1UERVOUS EBILITT k ifa, which was am nt ton eavy for mny On a Rand-Ca, ind s covyance bu the Falls; sd sucb 'THE CANADIAN STATESMAN PnO'k' " lubdak t eid A correspondent nifl'orest sud Stream wasthe nterast, that the decn ath "XHAl;U$TION, Ho, o 1 laghaJack 'Ihatremndsweit ,b p the Ornys RliiLroad in the Andesoinly toDpmentversationamong ail clauses. ____me of wbat father said about Mn. Brown a wondenfal piece of railway engieerng. On'Fiday nighb, the 7tb, waggnns filed -1I O F NERVE FORCE. ESTABLISHED ISU, buyugland. Ha firtoned a snal f ar-, Tha sharp ascent bagan at lioun, ovai- wirh country people rattled mlrongh dhis ____than bought a langer onue, theus anothar ad. terraces, through tunnels drillai in the sli cown ali nlm't, sud on Satunday uoning Sufferer5 imnm any trouble ni the geneative Orgaus ,e gt $paranuai vacohrie$5 onn ht nte doig ta, ad arok adovar bigssann n Buffalo' itsif seemed taolha moving lu a ful partîuuars fee nf a vitaltrlug alixin xmatdrtl he adjuiuiugs awthatyblsud ta 'ýd', montasowsudth b"adnpontns aplacntn. roundan buly f a iblieoudhoay iothehmlbiofBhitshdidi, Siibianin uadver uce. rthie un .5t. jnciuiu tat aothr O oc, ridesspnnngawtlmssherdtagan u t iat acto, sd eonnarthe natives as the IITrea nfi Lifa." This vitaliing Bubcnitiusaw'se ayaleat insoil~s>~ketit on buyir~g farin aiter tarai until hae chastus. At threa 'ic he eca rsct, 10 centzi per lins, upnoM3rei ti lCtîssr owued umore land blian any other man in thaîr destimnation,sanme tau thousauâ -feer "Oaccommodate those wbo couid net find e,7xrhas beenau ladd sed by Mm.Besant inuudiforuamly on, aud à cents pir lias saab sabsaquat in- the country, but sîdl haewas notaatisfied,"aoatelva itassnAt~ssls assage in carrittges, fiva steanthoats had ty yeass itliont oie failure to pemanently cure aveu the - wurtecahs. 'Iesel ofu theichsea.aeAto ins auaatr>, qiclly letion. Locala, 10 centsper fiue. "No ; lunr (do 1suppose I sluould bave tna inr bc u nn~n air aertîsad a ave hera n Satnndav Mora- ost vasesaiteiains o tbfr il vigtnr s cunavey),bna a M. A. JAMES, !?UblisaE)r beau wibli my pncketleuifa. If sanme ont bad raîdered douhly acceptable, the parry ng, sud great numbçrs chose tlua coflveY a5vrnoed age Las bereaiihedS.eii5Wias beguu. Itisaisan told me that lu another towu thena was a began makiug prepu ,Àrations Inn the dascent, suce. Tbey ware the Henry Clay, Wm. absoluta cure for libronia, cases of FEMALE WEAKNESS, pcetkuîfe as large as a butcher's ciesvel, wlich wss mn bc sccouuplîsbed in s baud 'Penn, Pioneer, Niagara, and Cippewa, IRREGULARITIES, OySPEPSIA, CONSTIPAI-ION AND LIVER OOMPLAINTS. TA ~~D A D A. N ii'1..Idoî have wanted to go stratgbt saud car by the force nI gravity sinus. biug ail the steamboats onu Lake Eria, ex- JSnfpernog mnuand wmewntgcofdlbly i a ul atcirsmopiyn T K pl aasied suvelope by addreasiug, À fi DA fD A.N raditenorthat." The baud-car bad beau hruughm rip wth cap'r the Suiperior. 1" ý O F CA AD A. And," brnke lu Hanry, Ilbhsy say Mn.usothtriudwanbcnucmet The Chippawa, was, appointed ta mnw R .~ A T A B S N ,T rno aaa OrFu CANADA.0 13 uaishu lad n r rtoheri, a dîcovathe mentameto down the pirate schooner (as abse was tarne erni.f e ws f ensîe Cartlpalid up, SI,00O,OO.Uet, $0l,4 rau. na on wa aaigt le os thdtatein ganeilwasite is ee b an.hecd) - the Michigan, which service elbs pan.Wrzt h is ssfiiV This ank s prpsroto u egr otak r yaboutwa ba flin ate haoysntdefatenia hurried onsue hltai ion, sut as frnie I ook my passage ou this boat, ____________________________________ fi - ti-have, Ha pooh.poobed au the ides ni bis grnwiug laie, sanme eegrapb surawa-s psd wgorund te ws bauorackheockr, OLWYSETBIME, mate Bankiug, in al its branches. baving mn sbudy bard aut sobool. Whaf need fouud, sud the broken portions wena ied adaboutauro lb h bain teBRock oki 7'fcue o'yatTQA Farmer's no'tes discountsd ; Deposits wotld lha have Ion souuuch aducation, wben bogatlier. Tha einlucharveaofttîedesesut aotanmlMo h okboku auatudoya AissHana' SAL5iîT ho was goig te be rih ? He ýgesvassale datdnediswounakerbedreadey ald. Il w te WesCXlOItinDdSta ake the dradful Oe: receivad andi Intereat paid on accounbs hwsa gningaveto a r iclHaig esasdha bopAd thi ouda 1wrfaysad. T ' lungs. As Beu nas wa gofunuden way the j of $5 sud upwards in Savings Bank wud' aet an i iigb eohtg 'tdi i dtni ae.T e nae became intaresriug. The sun aarme schooi on keepiug books, or anything ni that ahruggad their aboulders. wtr IteEa- Learnr.Ilsrt. I'd lise mnta eas idi as Fraunk wiil I louked askancs st ny comspanions, but mn fili milldon,-fo D R A F T SWhai." hysndbylatsc.Prhby u were placid, thera heinc: scarcaie ufe ~y Is-nnl su Colectins mde i Eurpe "It's the sans misake," said uncle Ray. mysalit, tbsy wouid williugly bava seconded uon issrae u ewmlsatr iý~ moud with a quiet Banie. IIQuaatify can a proposition ta refuru by the rsgular train, musi1~p~i~n c o owddihardun, e\re 4 col Uuuîed States, and Canada, neyer takes bhe place ni qualiby. The in but wsrc ton prou I mn malea with bauds of uusi n badwea, W. J. JONES. wheo oks upon bis tins and oppurtuuimiss WiÏhduf a word we tank our scabnts llgun hi wydN l iarnt t'~i' ~ 9 \ - Agntasmes oscryOtt ar 0at~ ne i Isanpoys paad ;,igara. Our iiftie hoat towed the Žicbi.00 Aetamoeti lswith which liae aa e ot 'ar i' - oeafteemiysopn. rzZt ucasl - given tins, fIat u, getiug bag and of ut Oitrhese reveshadtg 'a a fn s Vae'aai, ofIa Buisbee4 'ý0 % aad ni is iellows,mires the saine mis-onu e scI ni is companions.ibycok osltumîemlsnifsFlhr ,$' QN'T.A.RI B.A.NK ales I dîd about the pocleerlnif." 'ed these weapous in a miatteroîjfacit h acnrd sdattus pac e ih j 'i Chinlpewailandedlirpasngr inuinustodo Gaena Baleig Bsinss "That ia't tsiliug us, uncle Raymnnd," sud piaceï rIen between flair lest. * na ennhand pass eug ra eil on-~ " asli oia eWsllim'enan ha wr cu- 0 ~ suggasfed Jace, Ilhow you came f0 gemtIche "This car la usadbyt lpyiter," nue e. rmt l s ' Re .va-I S-gs nc epnmstsu n "P omuefdht, ai ud a-bnthhata e g ayfmaisud a hua ta lsuadthanpassegaso lelaei- C, DEPOSITS etory." isan'buncomnon for dasparadoas f0 tbrnw of ail des r p sTe ner ntheres i. eè ,e . cao'n sida.nk IVtmn adon lm oin e ha, si, iclsay î ifte rck gta urbe n 0& .,ý siendinferestailowed at curreut ratep 'No moud, " «as fast as I can. New you bes that buetmsaifota'vrâq:aoîck was the boum appointed ta ~ ~ ~ âo icaofwithdrawaluecessary. ÂlIidaposits rhe largest blade lu my leife is not more long ago" . wihsiho'a. Tamak -a' iiausb5 o desau, fan a fourmI as large as Jack's, yat it la Agatn I inolead au my / oî towiug han imnm Yalc'a Lanuding toa ~lnr E CAN G odadimat aEdunEm pienby large ongh ior ail muy usas, :TIers compsuiouus. Ifwas par. ~ î aia(u otbzrosaai ta nuse lu csrryung arouud a lot, nI merai lapa s v mut o rie rtirpd adms aardon on ws4,î Uiiadtsls Greebacls'souxbt ud ondE ugope , waa lntrusbed ta Captain RougI, fathep ,i. Uuted States and Cauada,also Gnld Silvernd ilu one'a pooket merely for fIe salies ni la-- at tiosyeemed taoexlibif det aptalu nu.fthlatis. Wtl a yawl cp -o~ - U iic*a e ak ogtadsl. igalangerkuise than an onue aise. Now and fireeoaraie's, nI atout bsarfs and-l COLLECTIONi btaagn ailC n Bonsisd --sarmus. tIe oi1 captain go. the Pr uty u3a,eâ ururrus uraes mpon ail partsuFso r tesatlieo aienmoe nuens minda. v ' jwimlujione quarrer of a mile nifIe first jPu Prtcssnsshoflld 100kt ôiLblonIeBxsS P t es Doe irion onîCanada. ~sainebody aise, tbey 1usd themsîves witb '- ,>11, almile onimbe tram- a týe ires ilanet 533, oxfo trect, London, the! Sf0spuriui ridhes far heyoiud fleur wanfs on usas, sud r' - -andwibhiu af s ydsne ap- ------------ Telegrapn Trans ten' it doesanothing but wear bIena ouf. TIers nd proah acd eipic ler as ueifshay ________________________________________ blS o age or smial, nso ail part et la juat about as machi reas glory in if as _al'whi a asenn î îýaniaU. This is a-Pucially advalt'gcOas f tIatre us lu iuggiug arouud bIs biggest fe- slldf0pl o herlv tMerta B dCo g fy us4 ,t so living is VIaniioba or tfIa &Lorfluvvasm, luatle achooforwban nus a fount as a tmalees the, funds availabia au oce aG btisoul htl eba el I a~~xlte preliminary symptumu thaîr owu safeîy. FIudaed, suai was t y O~bn nntiutrs cail at the bu.celuing wben a man will biasanch ashan- of n mountain sicLes. As fear offabudsIlveucrnd,. cd 0 ssrlaf bmaîfwib eambwhiefor sut-self my heant was that ou appnoaching usanrIe napida they --~ - .ccoutaut Mianager. ibsîaîweetue uin mîj n my nmouf ;,but if did cut fIa muw-lne belons they hld receir vU'-.-- watas ha oughf f0 ha to overinad lis H1 nrt trouble me lng, for ondens fmon their commander. And now t Wauif ' ~-s ni s suâden tha braaswe appruol fIsheiuteresfiug moments nof ~ ~ HGiIVREOMNE ston)acb wirb food ion whicîIs adniue o assn ite jae A appetirs nn digastic." ~\ill~, were balecu off, sud wiIfeaxutiu "Bt nup omîeiig s o yutigtr aapdigesecrtioonn-T."hglgmtndl n ot adaon fe sbathntvean Creidaiesratanofn theaee mIetlenifs," ntstfinJase, w oudbeauward, sppansntly les-ring Amaicati sud British ahanas were 11usd _________________________________ lonkiug araigîf at filsunucie durng ail tbila autheIapoint ni deparrurs wth Pao le, la-ingsa funlview nifthe rapmds bIe beans climbiug the musat as tIe vassal flan bwo incheg niff. The other markeet, -couversat ion, sud woudaing il if hld >1- ncuinsinfernal sone-amnd ni rIe approacl nofIe vessais. And approscîed tisa rapida. The loxes, etc, Enlie Prevoaf, 91 Rua de la Roquette, lad anytîing to do sitb tIe way lue lad beau n fly. nnw lf was fIat wer.ea.s uniug np sud don, but nobis- a full variety, hanse, muis sud dnnkey neafs Isad f npnlyexpesshisah tht h aDwn a manfi itbeva lureainA TuIo(USAND FECAPSiug was ,sean ni tiseisitar tihe schooner aud sausages iron eaah on ail tîrea combla- wisîd ta oelex ress anmelay a rale e , th e crushewaith Pvmon ieainu and expeeations wera iîîdalged, as fIs passafia',er. Twn ni tisagesewr Ie e.A sis place the cua5tomers wera pur- B'-o*'u. ~~nue baudn smoual al ufI te ioiaugided Iv luman ageucy, Sp.onuly living flîngs that paas d nlîer, aud chasing sud payiug blair monuy, anmiug "Yes I n cmiu tefIa," aidrud uiop te monabo adler îruîproacîed, head on, tic fint rapid'or dascent, fhay were takeni up unlunt. Major Frazer aud-going without aeaming ta thlul elir Raymond. "Now lare is anobier blade," tiunula of miduizhit darnusa, ond sharp sdapntl spugfu -ycus btîeos u uEgismuufl.5 uroblaenter isTe in fo att r ayun. "/'le cniudoe a Ilne, oihdcurves where the broewelfilyra-1 the Ismoafalilful nav igafor would bshaefte ofler for twn dollars. Respectiug tleuuaat tetion. tehe veryuihias brof W .,W . L 31 j i Ke EY prcofntheineeti randbge, poliabed wt tes rolenîecsaiîyral punsued, ha-ing au Amarican ensigu fling effigies, of wlicî there wera gaverai, the ou ea facin P ari.A fhIcee steak ilncse50 e fi unpartr niwfIsitkndithunititshcJacklglaonefhau a eâ GwitharIeckairain. darnuig neadîs, "fIat ilasvouf ptck ;I i tan The tarlesa night closed nlu mnunf s. fronu an boap riteand rIe itsI dh e nly nnue aaw waa G nen ia a-cet elunis.ancîoric bcost30lets.5 ORONO, - ONT, "lWby !" eclaimsd Jack, 'I fbougît aw lîga nofe alns.firat rapid ubhant, &til Iead on, maleîug a about sud kuocklng iis legs togetiser in fIe A choicescut aibors, donueay on mule steak ORON, - NT.enife was intauded f0 eut, sud nom bo eat "'e p ogîfrterutlva artnesoner"mu-plunga, siiping a sas, sud isiug frmn Ibn ddies,and only ouniofIe crew fIat esap- cate 2jcents par pnuud, wbilcthe ordinary Office. --Post Office Block. tnue iswtî, tsred on ofthesmin; ha stick on a tone, anrisautiful style, sud in lber desceuf o-rer bIs adubhunf. TIens wera 30,000 peophlu curaenterun 10 cents, s0fat it afr ailit la Celsbytse4..b r elpio .ero .ve "Soins people maletahfe sans natales," aveu a do« on fIa frack, wouid fîrow us second lber iast wenui by fIe board, at the atteudauce, and yor mu.y judge nifIe ait- cisess, nof faste, thaf impels or compels Cuelste atteianu, rtlehn rlaïei, a uncl aymn,"is erneta suc- it h aly sansmoment affording floswlo lad unation ni affaira wîen I assure yor fIat I people fo buy flese vanietîca ai animal food ine liae attetion. asai id RaThyon "lu rarnce inue naboIsv ase nAl ak df-u1e-rer wituased a shipwreak a spaiman ni stopped at Forsyfl's about 4p. m., sud wss tbing-gettiug ruIh-sud hey uarrow it cuit eoenaug r alacouito belonsth one dsrutin fthacan f si usuttaobai ni acaceroraalmaNruai-s aeet dowu bua tîat; but my kils, you ases, menslewduw esdudusincwsaa uasa ni a wreck. Expectationu ni niwafer. If was fhe saine an fIe Amenican Ngi rs aht "~'~-'-,~-' ,,~, ~"IREF!.~e.~ ore lancrttug. erafor nsm nes sa wchdtha spa maesil andon i lcela. ba a e a n aaIsieet ia.Aniî ra ace.i Iiseia t 1TI-I'~ W~ MA liiNL~ irtia imief; ~ if ery Iauy ksa;..t.gîtwniiarnndoutlw tsudohbanesutSîs wun. rondisudpndrentd serheve adâfofu fta preayilad.Tlis j ti emeri ihade was, while JackSnneaswnuleI nave roaGra okbt r-eoro-Rt hseuybtsipit ndicel the rni niailliof jsfas mauy diferent bladas ss lie lad use- Ntuim ts Gmhav en tnrl ath prnoe t tdesn ftehpidaudfsthe hsîorntm-ne (lea Roquette, saif fIat le had beaut lsbaty u îpîif u iln imouciîreuoracompfsmatilsu aIcantauiatd ut sttantsddngfIoraidoyni Iecunan. elingbrs usat ra fia an stndfo olnifelalmeineud iseif n nuseu r- 'Ï .1dr aduluus, fui comlsmeî,aud wbeu onus siîed adpo tetry, bs-rs matfoi ti sm frciiS a M W ilaoudtyanr"Hinduaranes, tIe transiator leig onue On reaching tisaBrtiàl alore fhey wam fent-s15nyars. in respousa f0 a e- and ans prseered by th e msjority. QERMn4 WRM "xsety," sidUnci ayond."NowNumcolebi, who la agsd sixty-fivean sd wbo takien. FIe buffala was acs ean f0s555ver mràsf I fn a perauce of the Torouto Ladips' Journal, %t.OzENGES, Always I mutsfinish raîîiug yon îow -I goti fIe las aineady trausisted o-rrv it emnfelis u a n iil iew rds, esfâispîaysd,shawing "twofnnrwid", r iabie, Si ed peaat, rqininnos neromnceihits.esOua datry-th I sasa my Gororudeerton tidfomane& sa sd ~~ sItar leeaalsd reîowin g w rarmauy, itnirsuuadrefI hf ea e aif te other .snimala is not ni fat nu tie il, fIe on gntîs & cwnat caf5i OffSetS.ft'ee v _ kn î uutiuOnenîtav f0 tm oiy r - " rw , ~Most -pýpuliad th-h"it9hr .mgeL ni fW. Fethaston, organisit, Lono, wn ffe iehdtrmud ia-rer snd looked at 1countrymen. I Fbs Wbllad gassscould -sec ane aif mkes"o u fe odw umbmre e ii S 151fastwceL - - il __ h r 1 2_ uuuI F&

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