worth of goods to be sacrificed at Borne of the Biggest Bargains ever offereci in Bowmanviile, Dry Goods, Glothing, Carpets, Boots and, Shoes, &c. (Condensed frein the Nw. Miss Annie ES-quair bas resumred charge Mr. A. Tourje occupied the Methodist j hrhpulpit on Sunday morninï2 week an d Rev. T. S. McKee, Pontypoo, in the MrEzra Hall attendtd the-spring stal- liýi show at Toronto. Ur. Edwin Benson bas secured a ait- ýation with Messrs. Sherin & Sons, dry gocda. Lakefield. MWr, R. T Hodgson, principal public school, spent Etater holidays at home in Guelph. Theives broke into Mrs. Wm.Ohapple's cellar one eveniuLy recently and carried off tIhir winter's aupply of pork. Rev. D. Prosser, Newmarket, pteached au the Christian church on Sundày. M.J. G. Honey bas aecured the ser- vices of Mr. Jas. T. Morrison of the dairy school, Guelph, te manufacture cheose. Mr. James Richards represntod Orono baýo bail team at the meeting of the Can adian Amateur Associatio)n at Toronto.- THE ruiare are cautioned asainat im- itations of Pain-Killor, and to be suspic- ions of pers -ns who recommend any other articla ;s JS AS Go;O; many of these they make a littie more profit opon, but which have no qualities i cowmon with the Pain-Killer. 25c. Bottle, New large wze.: Mro. A. Oolls'ille and family intend taking up their residence in Bowmanville. The folaowiing apent Easter in Toronto: -Mesrs. Frank Andrus,ll. A. Garwood, ffarry Houper, John Varcoe, James Mar- tin; Miss Annie BoWen,. MrS. J. A. Jeromne, Miss Addie Moulton, Mrs. J. G. Iloney, Miss Mag2ie Jerome, Miss Min-I Hall andMr Arthur Wilkinson, of the sixth lune. Dyspeps-l ituso3Dizness. eaRahe, Wheun you se ethis on the box__ You know they are good ý YAaIÇ' re Il 1 - ---------