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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Apr 1894, p. 4

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STHE EDiTnRISFRIENDS. ILAl F,§, use Heok's Sofaisa Shee Polish fer iLsei , ird Cluldren's fine Boots and Shees %tîe ti.e8t te preserve the leath er aud kecp lu .*àbIe. ( t vsilI ave s polish lite satin. For tale by Boct aud Stee dealere., vwht eauaiul PIowmÂNVILrLE APRIL 11, 1894 Tte total majority fer Prohibitinu thî-eughout the wtole P'rovince is 81,769, îh East Durham the majerity for is 1070 eud in West Durhanm 1271. Mr. Stratton cf Petertoro bas introduc- ed a bill intcte local Legislature provid ing ttoa!; Municipal Councils may borrowi rnoeuiy fer schoel purposes under the saine conditions as for ordinary purposes. We observe th t Hlo. S R. Blake, Q. C., sud Dr. John Hoskiué,Q. C., sud other promineut Toronto gentlemeni re- presontiug ttc Prigoners' Aid Association have petitioned Sir John Ttompson lu fav, r cf amended logis'atien dealiîug w itt youttful offenders. We gladly >i-ld 0cr editerial space this week te a ceveîly written essay hy Mr. Il. L. Simpson, local manager cf the Bell Telephone Ce. Ve ask for the essayist a careful perusal'cf bis opportun> article by ttc youug mon. Ladies who have gentlemen fr ends isho "use the weed" should get thein te road this admenitery donunciat on cf s filthy habit. Tetuperance people in Canada are not very well pleased with Sir John Thcmpson because ho gave thern ne encouragement wheu the large deputation waited ou him rececly ta Prohibition woud receive the considecrat ion of tte Dominion Goveru- ment. Friends of prohibition, or op- portunity is through ttc ballot box; lt us unïitedly st sud thon there is ne fear of th;e resul!;. Our ctizens read Mr. Will A. Canu's wel Writteu and iuteresting 1 tter witt gros!; pleasure sud satisfaction last week and several copies'cf Tirs STATESMAN wvere naïIed te his old sotool-in des sud others. We are always glad te give space &o letters frein fermer resideutscf West Durhan descriptive of their t rri ve or cf localities where they are teuîq, isrily or perwaeauty residiug. There is friction between -ttc Patrons ,4 -Industry in Xingstcu district aud the cýity whlesslc sud retail inerchauts. Ttc Patrons. are souIiug te Toronto for wbole- sale purchases. Ttc merchant declare if the Patrons persis!; lu this sort of work, they will accore lists cf tth e inbers ýf the socîety and refuse te purotase produce frorn tben heu tIey coîne utermarket. la order to protect thc local rotail trafic, the wholeoaaers 'rll refuse te soîl te ttc Patrons. Soun I pracLical farmers say the presecut Miss3 L Augali R Ahton. F M Brimiacombe Ricli Barrot!; J il Beiiwood J F Brooks Mrs il1 Bonar J S Bond Miss E Bailey Luke Buttery John Buckley Thos Biokie .J hl Brirnacombe Michael Burns W Il Broad d W Ceurtice W R Cletueus, mis J fi Cepeianda A S Ch-mous Go i J col Joi C(lwill Gee Downing Mrs A Hl Deuko Jeta Dîckson R D Davidacu Win Davis Mrs Oliver Edlgar Geo Fouud Jue Frajne Ro'bt Griffun Mrs C Gorvet Jas Glbert; Mrs A Griffun Mrs R G-auviil John Glover Mrs W Hall Jos Heard Riot 11i11 Mrs Go iarris Jas llaeicock R H Hanîley Mrs -H H-uey J T Hooper M Hutchinscu W llodge, jr Alf I]iggiubottain. karruw nîtout ýs aIaa sae; t) PD ý'" ' -i they cite ttc past -nter, sud about ttc Wni Jackson o-ly oleighing wo bave had bas becu ou H N joy, the roadàide, sud wbat au uncoinfortablo position a, person is oompelcd te ride iu Lewis Lauder wi!;h eue ronner dovru on the baik sidle; i R M Jeiiow wher.-as, if thc ditcht s bad been bul!;-r H IlJ r vider, which cculd have been drue wiîîi 1 Jury Lne 17-i ULle imi- uuuumlp., çyqwoul ,, e alozg witbout any danger of sunOu5O!;, Gee E Maynard besides * h tit R aonld ILe better adaptcd R B Mitchel to carry off thc apring fresht. Mdrs A E Moore ______________W Motley Fammers lintis district whose b !itdîga ilMoutjey or~ chattels are uninsured stould tale J M Mo, rison timely varniug frein the deplorable mu-W Manniing fortune that befeli Mr. W. Brut ou ttc Mitchell homestead near Bradicys Sctool WMRvod lIeuse las!; week wîou tle lest thc savinga ccyod cf a lifetime in a few minutes ttc resuit John McKay of cblîdren playing witt in ýtches. Ttce John McKaY buildings vvre insured for $1500,hut hM. Miss cvaini- Brut bai ne insurauîcr, lbis $1500 plc haviug expired some nionthsaugo. potc. Riot Nichels A. W. Foley (Mapie Grove) Bowmauviloe Miss A Nichois P. O., who represeuts oeeof ttc boa!; fariner' companies lei Canada-The Wm Oke Dominion Muttiail'ire Insurance As ocia- W ROka tiou-vviii ho glsd te isiue a genuno Thos Oah ni ne "tiauket policy' a!;ttce lovreat rates sud thereby secure yen sgîtinst suct a miafor- Miss Aggia Pollock tune es came te Fariner Brunt. Jue Perriman John Piokard .Lîs Perkini TRY FA&RMING A -YEAE. W Il Perkin Sec bore, yen lads, youug men and Ccc liobtins other uuomployed mon wte are bang Wesley Robtins lng araàuni tcwn waiting for aeuîeîbing te Jno Rothi,.s Uumn up, why don'!; yen strike eut smong frr W Il Plouse te farmersasnd put ila a suamer ou a F Ruse fari There is ne doubt but that yen ceuli accu go!; luto te routine of farrn John Sauderccck life sud 1!; is far more honorable, msniy Geo A Steptens andinldependent than loafiog about towia. Miss M E Stevens IVe woro brought up on ttc farrn sud Johîn Siemon would net have bad 1!; otberwiae if wo Mîsï Shaw couli lun an agricultumai country lite Mis Jue Smnithi this 1!; la a gros!; satisfaction as well as Thos Short b convcrieucpto kuow all about farming. Wui Shaw Mr. McArthur vve are told bas hsd noar- S Snowdon, jr iy a hundred applications for Englist fa rn bauds. Surely then Cauiamis wto Thos Ted eau, work sud are willing toecaru an bon- A J Todgtam est living can go!; emplcymeut witb ttc Walter Todgtamn farmers. Try -kt sud sec. Btter work D Taylor en a fana than starvle la towu. ______________________ WuuVanNes!; larllngton Counne1J CI. I on Mra P Werry MDITR nSoeArasKutta.-I aetha!;in YOur S Wa.hington report of the Darliîngtou Council proceci- T A Wr ght iqa yoju tay te Coiîn&-l sdjourned to Wesley Walton Aprl 8!h. It sheuli have od Aiuil J il Weriry 28.lesse inake errretion. R. WxsNDTum, T. 0.AYoni tes Ashton LW.Atkiuson J% J Bragg sines Bradley X H Baskervi le C Betran tha% Bouathan U Bnrk Fred Brooks Ira P Bar,ý 1B Barclay e W Benunett Rd Barrot; ýeo H Bictîll thos Brituacombe Mias Lettie Canu DH Cottes Ira J Clarke Uis C Clarke Miss Ettie Cook c hu Dowson Riot Da îey LDeyman ohu L>sviseu T Il Everson Jas Feund F IlFalrweatter Ai Gully Facob Gaud WV H Gerrill, rohîti Gxilbank WV Gilbert E~ N Gould. A, Iillis Jlladdy Hl iloken MIi sL Iliggiubutham Mis M G flotha C llogarth J T H Ilancock EReubicn Harden A lliggiuhotham Mrs Dr [loneywell Wnî Joîl Li. ,Mra W iH Jackscan Roht Job W Jonnings 9. S W Moore John Manîring D Montgomnery Fred W Mitchell Mrs E Mason John Mitchell Jabez M oore Miss Allie Middleto') Je. F M M cDowcli A B McLeod Colin MeMilîsu Hugh MoBride NJ. W H Nichîcis A Norton Mrs C %V Osborne Mms R Ormiisiton P. Go> )Proutt! R T Philp J otu Pasoe John Parker 8 R Parsond R. at Runcloe Mrs J C Roive A Rigg's F Rayuies Mrs Jota Rsiney S. Rer R Sanderson 8 H Short iJohn Spry Thos Stapleton W S quires J T Symeus J43 Simîpson Wil111e Smith John Sandercoc T. S Taylor S Thomupson Thes Trick \Ed Thomps tn V. L N Vaustone W. JoS Webber Wesiey Webber miss Maggic Wigb W l Williams Y. TdE TOBACCO HABIT. t ow rnany on the citer baud, eut cf perience would give wlth urgcucy the posite advice 'ihis habit 'a tastenect on our boys and yung me!n, ini thatmia- en idea whiich tihey chlerish, that sin 1 Ic[- tt-ey-m. -Ke I.. vics-c-,rueir c;-ýï it tg = tr ýý tj oilli-li, -irý Trie IIIIii. those Who have paid for TiHE STATESMAk for 1894,and we apologize to many in thé attached lisc whose rames should have appeared in our lis!; of prompt payiîig subseribers in February but were for some cause omitted VN e now publisali ail Who have paid to date. We Ilope wo have not loft off auy naines this tim,, . We expected to have had the pleasure of enteritigseveral other namnes on this list, soin, of persons Who have not appeared there for several years, but they have disap poited uq again. A few of these we ha'va docided to sue and' allow the courts to col'ect what we have failed to get after many appeals. Subsoribers must not blamie us, if after waiting for years for our rightful dues, we add to or clai nj the law's costs for collection. We require a large sumn of rnoney every weeki to mec!; the financial dernands of cur business, and the n>oney must he o t from our subscribers. We do not like to mako this public complaint again-.t our vihscribers, but realIy we c nnot help feeling annoyed when wo have to ask se many times for money owving to ug a ,d long past due. We should ha happily re- lieved from f lly one haif of :the worry and auxÎety that we endure, were our iearlv 2000 subscribers to psy thoîr sub- seriptions ptomptly. 'fhink of this fac!;, you de inquent ones, and m3ko a resolve followed by an earuest eflb)rt te treat us botter in future and you canuot 'realize how much more we shall osteem you. Folwing are the additional naines of prompt payiný4 subscribers: W L l.,d f1-ni Wa'oo- ,rviJv ~,uw ,,vwuv We hear cousiderable ncv-a-dayvs throuahIout the country aboutteprac sud tiniperance associatons, but I1av remarked even lu this tewn 0iat whil,11 nothing rtoc badl ca ri hosaid cf the -traffýi c c>f initoxcstiug liquors,- the di*sgustiug and dleme(rslizing habit cf chewi -,-,aid smok ing is net taken up at these meetings ý,as it abould h, and while I have cenversod with sorie cf our local tenpir. ne o on the street 1I Iav h een disgusted wih the fact that hoe is himacîlf an habitua! slave te the use cf tob cco. Theme is a vast amount cf money spent -annually in tchsccii wtich is wuse thaît wasted, aidi îvhich if spent in sonie good cause. suot as fnrnishing the ne essaries cf lifo fer the hordes cf starving people i, this hrigbt Cenda cf ours, weuld b - a bls- iug. 1 spBsk f rom etservaticn sud tîem what 1 have learned. There are fevw prev.alent aud accepted habits whicb aie more a!; war wîth se'f-iuterest than the use cf tobacce. The uuwholesome eflects cf tehacco on the tuman systemn is obvicus daily as yen walk along or streets, it croates an intense and ungev- eruabie appetite. Such an appetite arises as in the frequent use of acohol, or of opium, from a de-cided change iu the nature cf the disease 1!; discloses the un- fortunate ch-ugo in the physical systom by tebacco a change cf which every chew- or and srnoker h;,s a uost humiliating wit- noss within himseîf. An habitual smok- er or ctewer feels the streug4 insatiable appetite, wbicli a day's a4 tineunce le acf- ficieut te assure biin cf, arîd t-i canne!; lieîp but realize the t3 rannical friend and base deceiver, that tieltas admitted into bis hou sehold cf appetites. The delicate human erganisi cannet withstaud thiis change witteut slteriug the toue cf th>e Bystein, cndangeriug its health aud mar- ring its productive pewers. We may feel surpri-od that se vigereus an sgont, aud eue sea aien te nourisliment d oes net do more mischief than it seemingly moiîns te do, but à isl reduced hy the fact ttat ttc mischief is obvions, aud when cf an oh- scn e character is hid don ratter than evercrne. Neonian or boy oaa afford te reduce, hy this (or suy otter foui habit, bis physical system; ho canne!; afford t'> puffl'sway lis brains in this stupid un- msnly wsy. 1 once heard a dentis!; cf gcod repute sud cf good financial stand- ing remsrk that hoe cenld net unders'and hcw the mon and beys cf this period could afford te amoke aud waste their tinte, which is precicus, lu tlîis b-aneful %nd filthy habit. If a man wisbes -o knew where lie is ini physical reseurces and te haîîdle his physical pcwers with ecenemy and wisdorn hý must; net confuse the prcblem hy this habit. A decided reduction cf plessuro in a long life iii sure te fcllow frein this habit. The habit is comparativ ',ly easy te establish, wlîich re- calîs the turne te me in my boytood days when seized with an uncontrellable do- sire te try the sc-,thing influence cf my fatter's pipe. 1 hsd my wisles gratified wtich resulted in a feeling cf inausea sud merry-go-rouuds whct, was bard for- my thon untntored bante comrprehend, but taviug rocovered freinnîy stipor, wbic;I was forgotten in a few days. oha wonld do tut 1 mus!; try it again vo being canght in the act ty my father whj uaturally thougtt it w»s the first timie. hoe came te the conclusion hgc would nip the desire in tbe hud; thiuking hi o wul sieken nie, rny fatter filied the pipe wl!;l the strouges!; tobacco ho cculd find and gave nie the a teruative cf accepting the pipe and smoking it te the bottoin, or ef a good sound thrashing; il is needless te say I sccepted ttc former, sud seating mysoîf in an arin chair I paile-1 away<foi dear life, while ever aud anon 1 could seE my fatt r's profile peering into îîîy f ac( with a disapp -inted look. The pipe o tebacce boîug flîîished 1 lsuded it bacl with a self-satîsfied air feeling that I bai doue a f eat werthy of a Napolecu. M, father, woe1Imuast coufess was a mai, c houer, gave up the contes!;, but net with out exscting a promise frein me tlîat wou'd nover smoke again, aud alsa lectur îug me ou the evil effects cf the perniciou habit. Vbihs 1 listened, I mnst coufes his werds did net have muclu weîght froi the fic!; fliant îy mind naturally fellowec uny fattor for guidance, <wbîch is a leý sou for those wto are a!; the heads cf fanT ilies sud are respeusible before Cod fo nevery evil influence wbich is brougl daily hefore the eyes of these who natui ally suppose that vhatever their fathE deoes is rnanly) sud 1 considered that: c<îld not ho very had or hoe would net ir dulge iu tobacce himself. I have juý made this personal reminiscence te shc how easily th"- habit is acquired. All plesanres are net open te us, 1 who cheoses tohacco as bis ater diinu indulgence leaves behind hlmn the mne delicate appreciatîcu cf food sud tl more varied tnd wtolesonie gratificatic cf iruits which are theý make cp cf hoal ty appetite. The sanie might1 said of iquor, iu securiug their ov pleasure they take away the power cf ors, f or their virtues, their errors for their excehlencies. The expense in my estima- tn is ani important and unccmpensated bu)rdente any young man. Theeia iayig that a wiso econony is a universal codiio f success. The f nnds which a yeung man spends ini this habit aie quito -sufficent, if without wealtt, te reduce co)nsiderably bis chances in business. While this forin cf expenditure wii often an1ticip)ate for him very desirable outlays for physical and intellectual impreve- ment Ile will ofteu make his choice ho- t %eeni this unfavora ble associa 1 Aon and ai truly va1nabie attachment te ho won, -,hlich will be a blessiug te lus life i, stead cfa ci.ra, te his existence. Mon with liarrow means have gross enough tendon- ciecs te deprive their f amily cf hread soen- er than go without their filthy tebacce, sud consarno in smeke the resources cf the3 entire honsehold. I believo althongah Samu youuig in kuowledge that if ever an a u g e l f h o p e a n d p r e s p e rity sh a l d e s - « the ira!; things te te driven a way w-f_ be tobacco which deadens the incentives cf Ide and wastes is rosources 1 do net envy any eue their ploasuros, but 1 arn .so ry fer yc)iîuýg nmen cf my cwn calibre, and mou w1wl shculd kncw botter, that canne!; sec the nuproductiveuoss cf these SO )called pleasuros, which do nothing but stunt the intellectual and physical growth ,)f their manhoud I. LASCELLES SIMP'SON. Bowmanvihle, April 6, 1894. A SENSIBLE HINT. EDITRrexSTrÀmSMN,-The directers cf the Agricultural Seciety are scon te solicit special prizos froim your citizeus for the Fail Fair. 1 would snggest hefere calling ou towu business men the dîrector4 them- selves head the list with substautial subcriticsand thon solicit those persous who have fer maîiy year received large sums as prizes freni the Society. When these persons set liberal example, I feel positive yeur tewnsmen will net ho, wanting in generesity. PEevîDEzecz. ECONOMY THE WATGHWORD EDITOR STATESMAN,-The present de- pressed condition cf trade and contemp- erary scarcity cf emiplcyment fer the Lwefrking classes in this' tewn should lead the Town Ceuncil te hesitate before mnak- ing special grauts te the Mechanica In- stîtute, the patrons beîng chiefly well-to- doe citizens who can well afford te psy fer their ewn reading matter, and should net require werking people te lbelp psy for it. Rigid eceneny_ this year, gentlemen, if yen please. VoZKINe MAN. DBESS GOODS, DIIESS TI1IMMINGS, DRESS LININGS, DRESS STAYS, C~ORSET- Crompton's and Featherbone. MEN'S, HATS-A splendid assortment. MEN'S SHIRTS Collars and Cuff-. MNEN'S TIES-The Iargest and best assortment in town; tee our 25c. line. LADIES' Spring Coats and Capes. GLOVES-Ladies' Kid Cash-BOT aniHES mei e and Sîlk. I OT ndSOS HOSIERY - Cottonî, Wool, Cashmere, ail prices, grand as- sortment. COTTONADES-Best in the country for 9-5c. va] ne1 Ladies' Fine and Coarse. Gent's'Fine and Coarse. Children's Fine and Coarse. SHIRTINGS-Best valtie any-I w....v.-- ,.. iui, i GROCELIIES of ail kinds. LACE CLTRTAINS and Cur- tain Nett, al prices. GARDEN anidFIELD SEEDS IIANDKEIICHIEFS- Fanc of aligespc aid frai ins and Plan, Linen and Cotton. jproduce. JOHN McMURTRY, modern Featherbone Corsets niust not be confoun.ded with. tlose which)' vere xmad.e five or six years ago. yTh.e Featb.erbonO Corset of to-dy ~is as far removed fromn the OUI. style, as black is £rom wh.ite. "~ BUY A PAIR AN-O YOU WILL BE PLEASED.' YO" 04UNG &CO'S Having bought out the> , l.a GTrocery and Provision Business of Mr. John byle in Murdoch's Old Stand we are in a better position thanever to serve the public.. as this is the largest store and finest stock in the town, the stock being most ly new. Our en- deavor will be to keep up the high reputation of both houses and cordially invite ail former custom- ers to continue with lis--- we shall be glad to see you---and as many new ones as will favor us with their patronage. We are open and ready for business to-dayk. LADmnekfer Iook'ts Sot ais Polilh for tii' e botm sud shees. Use ne other For sale by M. Treleven, D Davis, Jue. Y u~ MoMurt.ry, sud T. G. Marion. Manu. factned by A. J. Hlock, Bownanville. ' VimSi 3;Y PY 4ek M urdc Kiuîard'ii Limimet f or Rheumatisi». 11,3 yie. c)h's OId Stand. b.j iv 00 Av ff, p- Confidence in the mierchant with whom you deal is absolutel:y necessary to-comfortable shopping. Wve appeal to you for that confidence. Our luy- ers in the diffèrent'departmnents are prudent; they have the advantage of an open market to buy in; they buy at the very closest prices possible; they buy from the most reliable houses in the country, AU.l of which is used ini giving our customers the very best value to be had anywhere in y Dis guised-all of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets--with a sugar-ceating whioh srodotbeir coneentrated vege- table extracts. You do net get the taste. This moufle more than corn- foi-t. The offensive taste of ilîs, or of bitter pilli% is ap!; te upset diges- tion. Tlieyre tiuy, hence easily eiwlowedI. They're easy iu action, anDf after using them yen feel weU instead cf Bîlious and Constipated ;. your. Sick Headache, Dizziness, and Indigestion are gene. Good nature belongs te an active liver; irritability te a morbid livrer. Taire Piedsan t Pellets that yen xnay cultivate good nature, happiness, and hlealth. Ttey're the cheapest pill yen eau y, becanse guctranteed to givre satisfaction, or your money is returned. A sQuAnr, offer of 1 $500 lu geld le nmade by the preprieors of D r. Sage's Catarrh Rernedy, fer any case of Catarrh in the lHead, ne matter how bad or cf how long standing, which thoy canne!; cure. Use K. D. C. foîr iudiscretii ns of die,. Pottick'sbarber stop s the place te go!; s good shave or bair eut;. We want te raise large aurns cf rnonoy quickly. Ellison & Ce. SMIrTESMÂN, Ladieis Journal sud Premiurn Bock $1.30. Pmouts wil have te wait for more pros. perous tms ElliF on & Co. We will make savage reductions. Eillion & Ca). Wten thc need is te seli, we have ne r1regard for prices. Ellison & Ce. blen'a Suites ad Cildren's Snits wiiI p e offered a!; haIt price, if neccsssry. Ellison & Co. Noue b.';>ior, noue cheaper than my stock cf groceries, fruits, spicap, etc. ' W. H. Oatorne. e1Soëe s tc niid ae ortinent cf New -Drosia Goot.s sud Dîcas Trimming a!; the - ,est End Ileuse. Siobi's Cure is sold n s guarsutee. It cures Incipient Cousompti n. J!; te gthe test Cough Cure. Ooly one cent a gdole; 25 ete., 50 cts. and ?1.00 per hottie. SSold by Ste!;! & Jumyý SPRII DRYi GOODSQ 1894Î 71

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