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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Apr 1894, p. 5

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$1 Worth for 25 Cents. A telephone tir receives calis, but ýshe * TAKEdosen't pay them. THE For the n xt three menths aur prices Whoever saw a, more lovely month aof U EST wii be ]owered ta suit the timee. 25 March than the lait oee cents wilI huy a doliar's worth off d I The lega1 notice to creditors of the Jaite eason'sz goodo. Our customere admit1 Dr. Boyle appears in tho News. th8 f act. We siela special inou of Twieed Siti and Sprirg Overcoats at prices that1 We sh4l foel obliged if chuicà and surprise Our friende The quick salesscitne ssntîprmiy For sale by Stott Jury. Wo We liave something, new. Less ihan haif the price charged by 'Toronto Manif'acturers. No trouble to sliowgoods Cail and see them. Pilvate rooin for fittifng. STOT &JURY, Druggists & Opticians. GRAND TRUNK RAILW4'Y. 13OWMANVILLEV S AT(I.U 901NO EAST eoîzse WEST Exprees. 1027arnm Express...519 arn Paseen9ger..*. 2 45 p iw Express . ... 7 arin Passenger .... 7 07 p ni Passengzer . ...8 39 a mi Eýxpress ... 957 p mi Passenger....2 29 p mu IExpress... 83:2 p m Are You Going to MANITOBA, NORTH[ WEST or BRITISHI COLUMIBIA. Drop us a postal card. We will send You infirmation that will be of interest ta you. i ciitaurît excursions every Tuesdsy via North Bay. STOTT & JURY, the Druzgsts. BOWMÂN VILLEC, APRLIL 11, 1891 Local and Otberwise. No Spring Fair this year. Dr. Patter has mioved ta hie farm. This journal ie printed Tueeday after- Ouled and annealed steel Fence Wire at IDutan & Haar's. Mr. C. M. Cawker je now leaeee of the ,hop hé occupitis. The Cauncil shauld nor, unertakeex peneive improvemeuts this seamon. The young people of the Disciple ihurch heid a pleasant social the ather t ventng. Mre. W. F. Doll, Toronto, le viiting lier parents, Mr. and Mis. J. fliggin- botham, Milton. David W. Kinghorn, gai fitter, and 'wilie Hatton, atzed three years, were klled b)y Toronto Trolley cars Thursday. Bag raising, cheese maklug sud the production ut the flueit butter are grow- ïng mura cui more ta be esýutiale of Mr. J. S. :Patter, secmnan*s isiiouary, led the prayer meeting in the Presbytr- ïan church Thurîday, week and inaie an earnes, appeai ou bebalf of hie work., Dr. J. Liohin, Q. C., bas been ap- pointed ta take charge of the etitate nf Mary An Culahan of Torouto, an in- mate of the Asyium, valued at $10,000, The work turned out by Mr. A. Ken- rsedy of Toronto, the new shoemaker who le ccrrying ou business in Mr. Bunner's ehop, je vexy satisfactory. Citizene take your boots sud shoes ta him andd ee what a neat pieni of warkmauship you'll get. Osptain Sweeney, UL. S A., San Diego, Lal., aye: "Shiloh'm Catarrh Rendy is the firai meJic;n- 1 tareo ever faund that would do me Rnv 20nod." Price 50 cents. Sold hp Stott & Jury. If you want th1h b"t ewing machine made, cal nu Rioard. Cai ou F. C P.ptitick tht' barber,wtieu wanting ar,thjî g iliig inohu Anyaue a hn~sb,%rgiîî cen go-it by eî]ling ai 'Oin Do-casner's sud pur zhair ona of h- r aylish trmmed hate eNt 1L2.Mn. Doncaster. . topened outi ýt Cauch, Juhustoa & Ojr;,,,rman'a a very fine sssortment of trueell and Te postry Carpete direct froin CroeLiey & Sans o!f Halifax, Engiaud. muest go ou et turne puice, even at auy puice. ELLISON & Ca. 1 1 ( Mne. Thus. Moyseuie very ill. Mn. Richard Gould continues in teeble heclth. Safety Banrb Wine sud Stepies at Dusa & Hoar's. Mn.Gr. Downey in uight policeman at $l.50 par uîghît. Mn. S. JaIkrnan bas taken s chatr in a Poterboro 'barber sbap. George, the Batte*ir, bas heein righten- ing up nome old plul's lu towu. John Neil of Cartwright dicd lu Ton- auto Genaral Hospital Manch 219. M r. Trebilcock invites tenders for va!- uale brick residouces ou Onianria St. Wben yo u bave viitors lot us kuow Who they ana sud wbore they camte front. 1Agneq Knox (Mu s. Charlton B'ak), elocutionie', je guesi o! Mrs. Baird, Mon- treal. Ai lldeau, new, stelisi gaudi -nu flue damaged goode et ]M. Mayer's-cbespest ln ttoon. The Counicil tri 1 build a 3 fout aide- waik au Centre Si, fnom Mn. Glly's ta C-incession Sr. Mn. Sulas Haliett, Tborubury, sud Miss Sella Stanley, Barrie, weure guieête ofMn. Jas. Knigbt nec nmly. Rer. Dr. J. J. Haro, wite sud son of Ontario Ladies' Collage, woe recent guostseo! Rer. D. C. McDoweli. Me's Hats-the latest productioüs o! the bout ET-iglish makes-juit apeued at Couch,' Johustout & Crydenmau'e. Hon. D, C. Frase-ýr, M. P., Ottawa, will viýit Grafton sud addreus e public meeting soon on P. P. A. mt ters. Mr. Geu. Wilson, J. P.,, ditor o! the Part Hope Guida, tifa sud granduan, hava Lyane ta Deuver ta visit bis daugbter Mus. Henry Heîuley. Ml-s Millie Grigg les ateding Demuil Ladies Collage. Sho receired a nice ad- dresis fiom the S. W. Scbbath School teacîtaîs Suiduy woak. Mr. R. C. Clute, Q. C., Belleville, of Cute, Mclutoeh & MoCanu, wili hecume a permaustnersident of Tornto, hariug purchase 1 s $20,000 rnuidence. Our reeders in atiy part cf Canada sbould èsk M. A. James for pniceofo tiçkàe s hon thinking ah ut gaing' ta the Old Country on sending for friande. Mr. E. R. Bonneail'e new advt. ap- ppurd on aur front page. Hoelise some handeorne net desigue in granite monu- mente that ebould piosse anybody., Hie Hie picai till ho found sl ight sud for wonkmauehip noue botter eau be seau in thie Damiorion.* The West Fi tif Houe hbave recoived thi e tk Gants fine linon Handkorchiiefs Heri-Sîi'cbed. Rib -Casibruere FHaie Black. Wide Euibyride.ty. Tbey are geiting new thinge in ail the tinte. Celi et the West End Hanse fon the neteet sudbeet goda.: 1Mn. Eti Osborne telle us that ho lied su Maeus afien the seed grain that hea ed- ventied in ýTii STÂTESMAN that ho cauld have-sold g' est quantities mono thon lha badl. I pays ta urese eai grain fnom a d;ffaent cec.ian and soîl tram yaur otu, and ibis papen is the medium' tbnough whicb ta adrertiso ta reach fermons. TEE STATESMAN uffice leat! sïerions muuhap the ailier day by the givng.out o! the fine borne pater bailen used for the pet 12 years in cannection wtb the angine that drives aur big power newe- paper proe. The bailer in au badly dam- ugod that we have dacided ta buy a new oneansd have placed aur order for the cames wtbMessns. Leunard & Sons, itianutacturere af!oangines snd houonrs, Landau, Ont., tram whom the aid ane tas purclîeeed. Iu the meantime aur prece noaru affande a capital oppatnurty Tuesday afiennoone ta igarous young citizens who depine to doveiap muscle. Cati ta sue bow it te dunesud take a tur wiith 3boys! TEE EvOLUTION out medictual agente le gradually neiegeziug the old-time barbe, pills, draughasssud vegotable axtracte ta the nean sud hinngiug juta genotal use p1easnt sud effective liquid laxative, Syrup of Fige To get the trua remedy sec that it je inenufectnned by the Ostifor nia Fig Syrup Ca. only. For sale hy al leadiug dnuggis te. Calsumine sud prepared peinte lui ah co)lore at Dustan & boar'e. Ervery day is hareain day at M. Mayer's. New fait baie for 25c. sud 50c. L'ailes, if yuu have nat alreedy, don't fait ta try my ohoice !amiiy teas. W. b, Osborne. Ladies wunting a net Drae unrsanew Cat;t on Cape for Easter shouid oeil et Couch, Johueton & Cryderman's. Geuiloîrse atho leare i'ceir ordure far Cotbing et Cuîucb, Jalinston & Cryderý man's cau alwaye depend upon heîug paerfecily ruited. Miss Miq Nichoasof Tarant o je riait- ing frieude in town sud vicuity. 1 Mn Fred. Siîh, traveller for W. J. Gage & Co., gave us a cati aset woek. It caste ouly $4 now ta juin the United Workmie-the boit of the fiaterual or- dors. M~rs eo. arreni sud Mr. John James, of Oshawa viaited et Lamne Villa lait week. We want a gaod correspondent , in every uunepreeued section lu West Durhbain. Erneet Mana,' the Whitby bigamist, was ecnteuced ai Siratford ta- two yeass in penitentiary. Mr. A Ea-stwood uf Toronto bas taken Mr. S. Jackwan'ïj place lu Mr. Chant- rati's barber ehop. Mr. Jos. Osborne of the Civic offices, Winnipeg, and editor of the papu'ar "<Western Wonkmau" gave us a cali re- ceni ly. Messrs. Williams & Hall biedc ca'i ne- ceni]y tram Mn. Maure, Landau, Eng,, and Prest. Telferd o! Pt. Sr. Chantes Stock yards, MNl)tres]. Mn.,-Chai'. Keithi wcs etected au the Cosnmittee of Management cf the Public Scbool section of the Provincial Educa- tion Association et T[arouta tait week. The West End House jsae aest af the fimies, See the new Black sud ijulored Veilings uew Laceta in Cream sund Fawn. Narnaw Jet Gimps, Cream Siik g'oves, just ln this week. A citizen remarked the otI e- day that noîtwithvtanding ihit Cobourg tawn i8- sues 17 liquor licenses their civic taxis wouid lte callected more promptly if tbey tad mi ne Bowmanvilie Portan. There may ho truth in the statemeut, ta", for we douhi if auy to-vu in Canada has a mare ufficient collecter then Mn. Parter. The rnih for dry gaudi et bal! price sud Icssa at Masaus big stores bus coa- tinued with uuabaied magnitude the paet week, peuple caming long distances sud hearing away immense Lundles. Thene are heape of splendid gaudi left yet sud a lot of it gue8 et saur owu prici s. Ccli acoan for the greattst bargains ever givon in a Bowmaaviibe store.> The Cathoîjo church "ascrowd ed with citizaus at the marniage (if Mr. D. Baya sud Miesa Crowley ou Tuesday week. Rev. Fsther Cati jus perform e- the sacred rite; the nuptial MESS sud a sermon fol- lowed. Mi.e Msggie Rays was briesa nisid sud Mr. Tirncthy Hays supported, hie brather throughs the trying Ordos]. The bride iooked chanmin g in a gown of piuk crepe, The Athl< tic Club of Bowmauville Hligh Sobool met Tneeday evening sud organizted the football sud hasobal teamei,ý for the caming t-easeu. The followiruz afficere were elocîedi: Houorary Presi- dlent-Rabert Baith, M. P.; Pres;Iden t- James G.Iillan; Secretry--A. N. Mitnhell;. Treasure-M. W. P'asce., Fiothall Captain-El. Rundie; BaýsebsjI Captain-F. Burden; Committee of Man- aLeement-C. Sieman, F. P&rken, H. Mo- Mutry. RErv. W. A. NizwcomiBn, Thomastan, Maine, wrîîee: S ufforing fromn indigestion wheu in Nova Seotia a year azo, a pack- oive of K. 1). C. was given me. I cheer f uily acknowledge that the effeot uf the, r8medy in curîng the trouble w ie very marked sud prompt, as well ,as laatingý. A Spring Pointer. Wo with ta ampasize the fact that oun stock is new, well bought sud thoroughly nelieble. Custamere o! ten tell us il'at aur goods atways mmr out exrtctly as represented. No botter value anywherc. CoucirI, JOIINSTON & CRYDERMAN,. When yon waut Note Paper snd Euveiopee Give us a trial. You witl be eurprised et the pnices. GRAND CENTRAL, AIl kinde of Tinware, EvetruugbIing, snd nepairing at Duatan & loar s. Buy youn bats from a batte,-, your furuishings froin a regular dealer-M,' Mayer. .> New Suitings, new Worateds, new Trouserinre, juet received at Couch, J ohueiton & Cryderman's., Watch for particulare of the Grand Sscned Music Concert ta ho held in iowu ou the evouiug o! May. 24th. Do't for- get the date. TiiE STATESMAN sud WEEmýLY GLoBE will be given ta uew subscrihera tilt Jeu. 1, 1895, for anty $1.00. Seîîd order ta M. A. James. Ladies, Vou may stiti get the LAIiES' JOURNAL for 15 cents extra *ith STATES- SIAN. 'The Marcb number je alune worth Livety Times In Bowmanville. Thora bas bý,eau much contruvensy aven thie question Whene la the cheapeet place ta bnUy dry oe lothinig, bat', esc. Y but 11h2 verdict h b hotu uauîmouelyacd- cIordeLd ta J. J. Matou, Bowmanville, it a most practicai sud cauvindiug mariner by the public. if our country readers co h ave seen the hundrede of bundios thi tleft Maous' stores th& lest week thywould wondeir where cll the money came from taW bu' t tho, becauaoevoery- thîog is cash during this g'oat clecrng- out-atten the fine baie But the man muet have an adamantine heant who could rouiet spendiug muuey when ho enu get vtwo dallant' wcrth of gondsedamnaged only b îy e lîttle aet 1cr eveny 'dol an. Wa dropped in yeaterday to see if Magon had anything mure loftisd, fouuid that the shives have pi"en Btreigteued up sud tt legs put in their p'ams snd uncesmure ho sh.p looks mwchmare attractive thon atter the fire. Mn. Mason sys the heist goods wore reerved tilI the transi was toid. Now everything ia gaing sud wil continue tb go, it canuot heip but go et thie low puices et which it is uffered. Meunvera, peuple, Cant wrigh t people, Wbhitby ,peuple have beard o! the great bengainsata Masous' sud bave been afttr someofo! hemn. It ciii pay env persan ta comne 100 miles ta Bowmauvi]lls just uaw whn wants ta get Sprng Clctbiug for a fe-mity. Thes is no idle bosting-the g,,ouda are cctuRlly going at bal! pnice sud muany thinge for much legs. Wauild the people continue ta fiock in cnawds ta Mussons' day aften day fan weeks if they were not saving mouey hy their pur- chasse ? J uer remember that there wauut a ven $20,000 worth (f stock in a well- eqluipped doubl&' atone. Even with the aninay a! clenki uow emplayed it witl takçe msuny weeks to dean ht off and su as ta ho able ta supply EsIl classee o! customors uewv SprinLy goode are heing opared tut daity sud the new goods are heiug sotd ai low prices ta commt ud cash buyons. Don't delay inaking an eanly visit ta Masans' if yen wculd rave money. 111011 SCIIOOL NOTES. The Literauy Saciefty bJld au open u eeti,, an Wednesday eveuing when tLe Assemhly rcom wss filled with High Sacbi ai pupile and visitons. Program was as ft'tlowsq :-Selection, Orchestra; Luls- yv suid chorus, Union G!ee Club; Sala sud ' -zîcone, Jas. Goýrd; Solection, Orch. e ati; Chorus, Gii le' Giee Club; Reading, H. Rundle; Instrumeial duet, Misies Til'ey sud Nonrtheute; A very fine Solo, Mies Zelis Brinmacombe; Curule Reading, E. McCullocb; The chorus "A Jolly Guod Il, rty Laugh" by -the Baye' Glee Club was much Dppreeiated as was sala thein iaui2hiug eucore-theony sud practice go (,elltogethon. The orchestra ver>' gen..- ously respanded ta the eagér encore afier eacb seleotion sud clos;ed the progrant by plýayiug GCod Save the Qucen, afien wbioh tha lange audience dispersed well pieased. Bowmsnviiie Iligli Sebool boae hava beaui again distinigu&hing th&uselvee iii 1prof etsion&l circLes. _)fn. W. J. Bray lia gradna4tod fruru Trir.iîy Medicaillae Toreto, honrer takziug the degnree M,ý.D, C. M. Mr. W. A. White pass.edl Lîh ire fsiyear's examini on taking as hîgh stand amoug the Fîrsu Claie boucan mon, haviug uwade aven 75 par cent. Mn. W. 1I. Syer anotber itudLiit of ibis school SUOccea.fully paseed bÏis firet yecr'sa rdeal tskýliug houars in no' brauchies. Your aid1 echool mates conguatulate yeu, boys. Uer. Gea, Purkia le quite ill. Mn.' Jeu. Stepheus is vscny slck. Cet a goud senviceshie hat from- M. Mayer for 50c. ,Mn. Jno. B'e'tkiey, C. E., is home tram the Pacifie C cait. G'ardon Bakes, ,mHei, sud epading Funke et Dustan & Hoar's. Mn. E. L Fortt o! the Ontario Bank iýs eway inepecting other branches. S Corneil, insurance agent, Lindsay, dropped decd in hie8 gardon Setunday. The f iva-itost eamer "<Gardeu City "will not heavaaitabie fo)r excursions ibis seau- ou Mnr. T. H. Eve-,'en, Ohswo's hustliug hardware mndianbt,t, wa% ia tatruMou- day. Jodge Kthum, Puni Hope, tatI mbt ai ca'tîle guard lu the dark eustaining in- 'Mn. W. R. Cimiiie do' -tinue3 very tow, sud oly meuiheis of bis tcmily are al- ios'ed ta se Lii. Misrt. C. Uauoock bas retuned front NewmaîIJet where she spaut tho winter wlîh ber sou Mn. W. Bunuey. Steerege paesseugere wbr) boy their oceanl tickets tram M. A. James, at the lectdung steamchip seoncy, Bawmnuville, H I-KOUSE TO RENT. -A eemi-detsched ILbrick hanse on Chunci streel lai aly ocpied hy Capi. Crattord, Terme moderato. Apply 10, A. Yom'iz, on T. BINGaim. Bow- manylla,45-If. QEED PEAS.-We lie a qunutity o! kJCanadien Beauty Seed Pos, a net tille Pan* large, bigit. clean colon sud gives 25 pen cent. botter retunna tItan ailier field vaiaties- ovyet MS buýels per acre fon pasitwo voane. IlempIas maLy ha speaaithe post office Hamp- toin, Tyrone. Spla. Blaclistock and Enuiekil- Ion. R. and -î- VOL wiLL, Neastle. 11-2w'* TO -BUILDERS. Tedesaparat;ý on lump. tilI ha rooired b'y liauuor eed liii noonon TRURSDAY, A PRIIQW, for-lie Oredtion of e Brick Blockt lu VIeOO oaaf !Bowm ianvilie. Plari n îd Spadi loýations can ha senu on and ETIOT 45±iiwla relura,,,s ,. sC.. .,it,.a .PRIýNG C--LEANING& WALL K&PER, WINDOW SHADES, CIJRTAIN POLES PICTURE MOULDINO("S, CROKINOLE BOARDS, only, $3 In. great varictý. at "BIG 20." W. T. ALLEN, aleales enînsied ta him et oua pr cent. Cen beast "DY anecia n uths caunty or de lhila ae1.1otug J. A. KELLY, Windsor Rotai, Newcasîie. 8-2moo. RM ORSALE. -& firet olase tara% L'af 125 acres or 145 acres shlneied lu the township ofUEssiWhliy lot coulots15 and i6 on the Base Line, about li miles fnom Ouha- -wa station, 2 mules from. Whiby sud 160 rodia tromnthe school hanse. Large roomy buildines, mvAn ban95xW6fi, plants' of fruit, sali ay loaru, stogotiern ncof lie bailgrain farmà au tho Late Shore. Noillsor sionea, About 10 acres of waod. 75 acres lu pasture sud Trephs seeded. Termsessy, Finel plowIng doue% IFor funtier panticulars apply ýto A. ANNmia Oshawa. 37-tf, Creditors' Notice. In tht matter of the Estate, of Joseph D. Trelecen, late of the township of Darfiîbq. ton, in the Gaunty of Dur'ham, Farier, Deceased. 1 1 Notice le lceneby giron pursunt ta Ciapter, 110 R. S. 0. 1887, thai ail persrins haviniz liums againsl the asiate of JOSE PH D. TREI4EV-EN1, laie af lie townahip of Dariiugîoe, lIn lie, Caunîty afDurhamu, Sarmer, deceased, whIo diod on or about the 101h day of Februany,19, are roquestal to doliven an eend hy poil pro- oeld on an bofore thee Orsi day of Mfay uex:8 ta the ndersigned, solicitor for Williamn F. Al)enofthi towe of Bowmanvilie,Genttemsn, Adml.nisînston a! tic pnoperty of the said de- ceaied, a sutemeal lu writîng outaiuing full partteulens ot ýh ,ir dems aud ot tienature of the secunlties (if enY) hld by ihem. againsi the iasiate of the Baildudceaeed. And notice is iereby furtien givan liai et or the said ffret day o! May nexi the s.dd Admiolsîrasor will preoed ta diatnîbute the s8ts aofite eaid ostato iliereaf arong ha panties eutlîuad thereto having regard auly ta euci dlaims s lhey sh>ilihave notice o! s aboya reqoined.aud the said Adminlsîrator wîll nat hli hble, tan tie auseis or any pari ihaieof 00 distilbuiad, ta any Persan on persous et those dlaima tliey siill eut have receirod. notua ai ihe tîmeo0f snoi dietribuion. WILLIAM F. ALLEN, D. BURKE SIMPSON. Botrusuville Solidilor for Adminîsînator. AdminIuînata-, Bowmanlle, Mauch, 16. 18911. 12-i V TUE DOMNION Mkitual Fxre lmsurance Association Issues s genuine "'Bisuleet" P.aicy te farmera RATES : lei Close 55 cente par $100' 2nd 7.5 ~"100 Term, 4 yeaýe 3rd ' 90 10 Most of West Durham's prominont farmicn are insnred In I. R. J. DOYLE, Ecîq., JESSE TRULL, Eoll Manager, &Pres.!dent, Owen Sound. Bowmau..vlleo. WiU eall ou racclpt o! post card, Agent for West Durham., A. W. FOLEY. Box 118, Bowmauvillo, Ouit A - OUR SHEET METSIOI R_edtedà cents: v mail 6 rns. Cata, fruai ancesocusmenai te iukhnero-ai Prina Ellieun & Co.1 Tar ,D. C. efier lis a uppet, if you moul am'ep Wail. 50 >conite, 'urll ho7 a.dla torro IÇD ,im the jvAtUy çihae K chlldron Cry for tcr'Qp#. sud (,ne a! the boteat i.n3sip of the: Caa ielinos. gsecond chir 0' otorag, rerthtg ounýd, $a-i. Theo ,tlmp u ir rauviîieanuri aihli e fcaIDÈTRO7iT,MIO- - " ~fl'st& olesArciulni. anningArcaa Toron .ThG lote r on ton een ot nea- anily acceptad. ORFOR SRIE.. c eu -1 ýfl 1 ý 1 ý l', 1 1 7 CnnîEIIN.(ýUaî'pîÀ.N ta Jan. 1, 1895, for $1. Mr. .Jas. A. Lawrie attended the fun3r- al of bis Aunt, Mis. Gavin Lawrie in Vau-han, lest Wednesday. Mr. Joi. Pativektude, a genial getie- man fron 150 Mile House, B. o., m'as guest of R. 1-. Turuer, Esq , aver Sun- day, and lbf for Calhfornia Monday murninig. Ju8t r ivdtIbJsweek et the West rnoiHcue Èmetingnice in cooîed ýf inge. Ciesa Slk Gloves nome new Cresm snd Fawn laces. Narrow Jet Gimp Black, CalI and nece them. DziWitt T-1mage Stuart the boy brator will appeair in the Bchoal-roorn of the Methoditit churlit, Bowmanviie, next Wednesday eveiiing, Aprîl 18, under the League sus pîeî. He le anly 9 yearea od but Bey. Dr. Fraser tsys 'hoc je indeed woÎ2derful îe sau ciocutioniet." The Hlamilton Spectator Bays: "The large asemblaze was fairly astounded at the yourig orat, r% succe8s in delivering Rev. Dr. Ta:rina,.z's brilant oritian, Belshaz- zir s Ni.Lht Feast." Admissjio 15c. New Millinery Store. Th8 ladlies o ýf owmarnville sud W est DurhsmaRe res pect, fully inv ited ta cati at Mrs. Ditg.rnau's new millinery store and sece the new ptylçs No aid stock-every thfng new and the moit fashionabie sihape.; and shades. Straw gaods clesr.ed and re Phaped. Next door eaet <f the Grand Central, Bawrnanville. Noticesgof IitRibeU 5cents; Marriages, 50 cents; itestts, 50cents, eae It nsertion -but FicE 0F CHARGE, wlaen tbe fanerai cards are esipted ait tiis ocm ce MARRIED. ARmSTRONZG-FALT5 Atihle parqanage. Mar. 21, by Rov. W. R. Young, Richard Armstrong and Mies Suean Falls, both of the township or Manvers. CRAwiroRD )WiLsoN-In Orono, April 4. by Rev J A. MeKeen. B. A. .Mr.Blske Crawford, of Bourmanville. and Miss Lena, daugtter of Mr; Josephi F. Wilson, Clarke, DIED. KEîuî-In Dlow manville, April 8, Franny, youngest daughter of Wni. and Ann Kerr, aged 20 years.1 MoDGsox-în Mariposa, March 30, Robert Hodgsun, a,<ed 88 Yeare, 7 montie. IloiD E-In Toron fo, April 6, BerthaEiiz abet h daughter or Je a. J. Hoidge, in hier 14th yea r, Interred in Bowman ville cemetery., BARRKER-At Newport, Isle of Wight, Eeg. ,land, ou Mae, ist, Maria Stone, widow of the ]aie Rev. Cephas Barker, fortmerly Edit or of the Observez Bowmanvilie Ont. A; S. TELLEY, M. »:, C. Ml, MEMBER 0F COLLE'GE OF PHYSIOIANS Firstidoor west ar Ontario Bank, Resid once, Church St.-8rh door east of Methodîst Church, Bowmanyille. 37 Fire ! Fire ! Fire!! AUl accounts due M. A. EDSALL. SUCOCeusor to S. S. EDSALL, ni t lie paila a once to save casti',Omfce ta Mllln&'î Black. 7-tf COLLIE PUPS. 2 fine unesn 7 months old. ApplY ai STATESMAN Office, ]11-1f_ F"OR. SALE OR TO RENT-In the _VVillage ofNZewcastleone and three-qusrter acres of land at tie north end ut DriliGraunde Apply ta GEORGE CURTis, Newcastle. 14-4w* H OUSE TO RENT CaEAP. -T-liat very convenient dwelling on KIne St.. formecîy occupied by Mir. Bunner. Goed garden, oplendid cellar wood shed, etc. App Ir to Jàs. JEi FERy, Merchant Tai jor. 11-4 W T HRESHIING M CIIEforsie.- Wate, oui Englue in good repair for sale. Fer particulars eprily ta M. Dowsoiq, lot 35, con 4. Clarke, Orono P. O. 1-tf -5 îsageaon the u iew fart Dominion Liino IStoamer "Lphnsrdar" sailiiug from-, Port- land dlirct for Liverpo)ol on Me1-y 1, an!y twa peesnrensir a rGooi, for o)nly $5 for spar dctk berthesud "',50 foer l%îid dock be-rthe, Thefso ipecially lrw -atee

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