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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Apr 1894, p. 7

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______________________________________ I , _____________________________________________________________________ M, IRnmerlya well-çn wivn tes c cf Elslboîx , Va., sen. a Ibis t c-ii n ' V) yodus due, Ilxxiit xletg, rihe injury teav ixg we-iextrecc, xcv teg, Itm nthe kijes e t el ankle, beig a selid 5½"d, wliic.i be t' ge - te te ott, 5r p' ts cft lc îey. Aftettlryiixg vaxioce s eedie Ibox egritaking A'er1f f'91, e nid, Uc efri badil Éncl:ed tee f'-st 1,î'e expepriencexc g'-et rclief; t co seec odote effcted saeaph c c ra. tý ýprecd by Dr. J. C. .yer & (o., Loirell, Mae.s LAKE OF THE WOODS MINES. TIIE INTEBJIOR RBEPORT, AN INTERESTING SIJMMARY OF TH-E YEAR'S WORK. S rrve'vs, ins îlie Sirt, Accondin ment of tbý liament the sxrvov brai more ex toc mnoney appr iug pormitu in tue fildu oarly in tie ont te meaý sud a socor The totalr yeasr jethe the largest Thea combei prasautai, i 18,%04, as i The num' tobaasoith appoirtiug, immigratiei crease e? 1, gration, hoi the Atîsuti( wost of Tek, tina Nontb-v coupaeaiw year. Last ers from Gi, by 317 sud ty 119, meb steaders f r tarie thora, ere. The rr yesr's worlu o? entrieso Tise Riais flhsanvarles oi Rainya' Rver WiIi Unired Stt Raip f1,15 Great 'tihiiral Regiosi. 513, sud in1 This move It je certain that the Lake et the Woods tical wsy, w minerai district wlll raceive a groat deal cf Statos Whoe attention durîng the preeent yaar. This attention ha district hes been known as a mineral region lest five ye& for many yeams, but dovelopmaut, owîug te the free lai( varions causes, bas beau slow, the greatesi fit for ordina drawback having beau tho dispute hetween- reacbed, aud the faderaI and Ontario geverumouts as te west couVai the ownarship o? thbe lacis sud minoraIs. productiveo 0Owieg te the disputi capital was drîven ont continent wl aria the develepmeut ci the district was pro- The errean. voutai ci a tixco wbou con sldeneble intenast Unuted oStati bai beau takoîs in ixi. Wlian the dispute ho ex1-ectai waa finaîhy settlei, interostiun the district .Ces hacd largeby subsidai. sud prognese bas ac- The folIov codingly huais slow since. Work, lies- ment of thei over, bias beau goiog quietly on, sel sciai wbhicb have1 vs.uehie propanties are nuw un womkable cies o? thea shape. 189i2and 189 The rocent reports o? rieki disccvaries in the Reiuy Lake district bava drawa ?resh Numben of I attentionu to ibis negioo, cni duriug the Acreage of ho winiter thora bas been'qeite c rush into txhe Sae nuita coontry, and wben sprng f aimiy opens a Tienm rýgia-r bloomn je expeccexi. The Rsxny Lake theugli Banal discovnies are on the United States sido o? langer ihan the(o- dsy but by far ibhs groatar years siece poricju of tho mineraI hehi, iucluig the189 iEainly LaCýe, Raicy River sud Lake cf the Wooe isrits are in Canadientamitcry. The menth Moimeover, t ho only easy mede of accese te atccoh tha diticts on) eithen sida cf the bouudsmy ced Moisira 'iouigliCcde tenniîeny. Thara are uncrease ofL ýbnjîe i sd iio sottieunnte Vo peale e? the net mer ou tb,el UjnitaStte sida, aud the oinly c)f.pensons, miodeý cfnecis the couantry frein thai rornaiucg i sida is te, msup ouiei f miles tliroegb rpoto a dese iueforsi.destinai fer eut, Frese dVci ie LaCe!u( of the the,5fo i Wcoe cn h raubi i afew boumer by -12,614 fer 18! rsulwsy, an s .cns javigatiemon crs 1pn dîcate that nu ntn the laC sd Rxiny Rýwive-e frein tha oixc ho 1ace)v staWr0ces11în ît te greatly falei riay ai, Rat ý Poctee until thse ceuln- rcl n try isopniup by niayon the United t, Sîstes side, Rat Portage will romain the grtinrc beaiquentars for the distet on eiîber side m y cf the houcdary. Dovelopmeut con the TeE I United> States sida wilb tharefore cnntni- Deshiug vi buta to Rat Portaie, sud te the wbcle tor- the Deputy ritry on tise Canadisu aide. Redluction Inecesssny Iet we les bave bea ecîah]ishei et Rai Pont- idelra thei agoe, wiîicb wiib receiva the ores fromn the wcst to e h Uniitai States aide as well as our cwu, il fore ibis ceux r th;e protonS excitement heade tc the open- ian rigbts ha îug cf scy mîines le United States tannitcry where irtigat in this district. This sxssan1 No doubt a nu cher cf the reports necent nipanian righ ly puhlîahediun St, Paul and e-ber pepers s future gra. aisout the des ou'ories on the United Sitas concernai, bI sida are veny misleeding. X't have mea in usffect lis isow' thasa paps aboust minas boîcg un existence je tbis ceuni sdpaying big dividecis, etc. Thene are o? her Msj- noua cf the - dlaims" have reechai tIsai leuowledîeed1 staga cf develxspmeut hat they cen. ho grass f tue aba "mines." Practically iso iaeepmeut in the footh worýIk bas beau. done yet, so far as we have more valushl bison able te. leste. Iu ibis Lae ocf tue Iclose up thexe WVods district, in Canadien territx'ry, there iens o? thec aisf mines which bava beau womleisg for, t-c ho talelux yeartS, but usone have give'c such fabulons lnigbts whica rotuns as bas beau reportail frem ailegai ho resuily s( ixies ou thie Unitaed Siatos sis. Lt sais systaîn cfsur thatit the ahement o? inenons axaggoetion which ana is iisseparali,'e frein uning exeiteuaet, We with scienti bave con'xideiabla faltbî le this minerai tom- sceb-, asus riuory, and ve believo thai semae rich terri- eccese te the tcny axiets tuera, but it will do ne0 gond to ebsolete noce evrit acis se fer as tbey are knewo t(, iug, sud any exiat.maie t(i mee WVhile refemning te ibis subjeci. it may travelling pu ieweli te gîvo s warning te parties wtso paretîvely lut ma,-y coucuemplate geing into ibis temitory maie oflh i in the spriug. J bote lis nothing thome for cf coi-inîry te, poor mec. 'fhere ara ce large towns nom ]y ha ljmied. cilles wheore wor ea c h ai ; sud tIse une the presaur oral is ail quiartz, and raquires ceusider- irrigable coui able c',pitai witb whicb toe veu hcgin de- aminallsu veicpmeci. 'Pe censoisnothing teencoxar- devisa a suita cge s premisous rush to the districts. ht power teodi will raqoîne cocsîdeabla labon te deveiop sud subjeci the mies, but capital will ho firet needei Parliameut, t)enasure ievaîoprne. There are prcbeh- His Exceblen iy,ïts uiuielur'siumber o? mais availabla isow cue te do sucb meebanical. or oniiuamy laIsor vTHE AtA vvemk as wiIi hae raquired for scuse tixue. Âecoeniic ex ~ iupgCommercial. (-eov erule ie I NailsBoundary Co Nails.the maleiug Sir George: "Dradfully aunoyicg, je it principal mi- not, my lady? Tbey bave scratchei my Stikice sud' heorsa ai the lest momeut." tha coast, en My Lady: "Neils, Il suppose? Hcw came- iciamveeingc Tees cf the grooms. Wby, if l'a valuable proximate lxý heorsesi lîke ydu, Sir George, l'a have the nîcuths cf th * ti>lspadiai liCe firat-clasa railway terminai, ,~, soos.greaer part - -'a-- -thce ceesi fmi A Mere Trifle. of Bebm's cal Ll:"Ycî seam excitai, dear. What to Barner's hýas bs,-ppaei ',' 4S degiece 4C Maria: Il Poor Jadk -Murray ! 1 hava lis mcuctaiis' jusiý; rejectai hum. - vey iug it wi, Lily: " lOh, iouu't mini a litils thiug like sive rajufali. tIa.Wby, 1 roject himt evemy six moimîbe." c0sfing surfn __ -- - --cal enrvoy ir 'Mmes. A, il. Alzinga, ivife o? a well keewn. avsterly fron clryatehi the Women's Christian xneridien,î T epeman ceUnion in Kingstcn, N. Y.,ilast sesoe's ope ne'd1y, that corsets are worse then nom, fial wcîl sud tt tbey iwarl the seul. This would d4ata for t' ,geîn to locafdlte te n-tt, in thse îielgictir- 1-boucdearv mn Loci cf diapeamegx besriog ou i ssinm[îsdlsu, fi5euîoteaf1 se'tilers aSoien ii e rritoeasJxvx's lvais-Aska Beunuisry Stîrvas'. ng te the repont of the Dopant- oi Interior juat presectai te Pan- e poratuene cf the topographîcal muh lest year vereoe e some-wbal nsive ecala ihan usual, c large propniatien for the pierpoes a e- cier the cumber cf survey partiesý te ha increasai. Iu British Col- Sparty, whicb was set te wonk s espring, wes founi te hocju',uffici- t the deinsefon uew eurvays, id party bai te tacnoganizei. cumbor cf acres sunveyod last 0wboe o f Canada was 2,928,640, tnumber fer nine years peet. or cf fermea cf 160 acres each re- by lasi saaseu's eurvoy wcrk aoa against8,720 je t882. LAST YEAR'S SETTLERS. iber cf homesteai ou tries in Mani- îe Norîh-west lasi year je dis- ,, in view cf the faci, thet the on for the saison shows au in- 500 seuls. 0f the total immi- woven, srivieg in Canada, ai c pente, only 11,366 souis weni ae Supeior-that is, te 'A auiteba, -west anîd British Colunbe-as x'itb 1-2,614 iuring the previons iyear the nuieber cf bcoetesd- -est Bnitain saii Irelani fell off 1 fnm the continent cf Enrope ikingç a total fdlling cff cf bemne- -se Europe of 436. From On- Swas s decrease cf 731 bemeseos- rucet onceuraging feature of the k, hewever,wce the rapish incrso hbtaiuei by people frose tbe ites, the number je 1892 beiug 11893, 818. amonnt illustrates in a very prac- what tbinkiog mon in the United )bave given the subjeci thair have been poiciing oui in tre ea.-e, nsmoly, that the bruit cf si cf that coutry wbicb wae iamy femmiug purposes bas beeu n dibat uow the CanadianN )rtb. aie the ooly extensive tract e? leni on the North Amonican bhiok is open for free bemeeteai. in of landi 500 are froin ihe tes te Canada mey coneequentiy dte gnow. 5t'AP.ATIVE 5-rATEMENT. wicg is a comparative stato- ie bomesteai actnias sud sales beau maie ai the sevenal agen- depsrtmnent, during the years 33, mspectivoly: homestoad ontnios - -19840 143067 omesteads .-_ _774,400 650,720 go of...-..-..-_-..-.-6-2,828 46,873 ubor ?ofnosiesi octries, al- itler than fer hast yaar, iasetili ,those for auy of the preceing e1883, witb the exception of MONTHLY RETUENS. hhy nomme nmade te the de- r ire e ente et Halifax, Quebec ah show ibet while there was an 18,n29 airivals at ibesa ports, esse fon tiie year libe niumeber declering theur ii,teutjýon cf iii Canais was 1,645. The cf anrivats o? tI-is chass or poin s wost o? lake Sup- ,s tbrýn lest, yoem, tisatile to sey, De ce'dr y(Aar, s ppoeed te [92. Thswch ppa e - net oecly bas themirto Ian , prveat thaNort-weet ent oiff cf ite, but they are ahso larger prepon:tien cof the immi- s tracisaîlactic points iban fer. QUESTION 0F IRRIGATION, 'ith the question cf irrigation, ty-Miriisten suggosts that the tepe ebouhi eow ho taken te r aturai waters cf the Northi- tho pnoperty cf ihe crcwu, be- itty becoînes setxlei and nipar- iva hean ecquirai in the ragicu atien cen profitahly ho sppliai. îtiahîy je a proposition te xxholish ets in the North-wesxi in so fer raots ef land frcm the cmown ara bui, sithougbh lgishatien tc this w being mooted fer the fire tiîîîe trny, Ceusia will not ha the firet jety'e dominions te siopi the cor Australie bas elready ac- iby legiesition, as, bas tbo Cen- United States cf Amanica, that bills of the meuntaice water je ble than land. [he propucal te rosi elîowances jn certain per- country migbt et firet appear ie awey frose tha public soims à îhxey abready bave, but it will seeu that wbile the secinal .rvey sud the roai allcwacces laid oct are incoceistent tifi-' irrigation on au extensive iti tonal ,riphoi of obraiuiug l a hnds themeves wili ho au cessity for tbeir prcfitable work- y'eucb schema wil ecossenily ho eui sîl tho raquinemonie cf tîxe eblic. As a ucatter cf faci, cern- ltla use is eew,oe ocamwillbeh, rosi aibowances in the sectien * wbich irri - atien wili nocessani- d. Lt wouli ho impossible ai stage, or, indeei, until the unLry bas beau thomougbly ex- 1 opogrspbicaliy sunveyed, te able syetem cf rcais, but Vhs the convention for thbe snbmissioo by the commissioners cf their report expires in tlwo runabout juet nentionei cesi $72. Tiras- fcr a brengbamn would ha much more oesthy. -They are eseenticlhy s iuxuny. hnvaiiý chairs hava beau eqaippei witb tbem, ani tuere bas just been oriered j is il ambulance wt nuntctrdwal. [New York Sun. COUNTRY HIGHWAYS. Mrs. Heepece (soliiocuizig)- Ilt isi "lhen I resd cf Solo:uon's many wivos thai I begîn to ci ssid to have yeans fron ibe daxia of thejr frst meeting, un bu November, 1894. lu view, hcweven, o? the largoe mecci of office work sud cal- culatijus, necesany te renier avaihable the jnformation o-btained durng the progmescf tho scrvey, an extension cf urne bas beau granai the upon the pro- sontxaien othaîr final reporrt te the Isi Decamber, 1895. NOTEtS. Durng the year 2,936 lattera patent were jssued. 93,939 letiers wene sent from or neceivai et the dapartmont, as againet 84,193 the yean belote. Sixtoan essees xof ranch lande ie Alberta bave appliai te punchese portions cf their leesebolis in accordauce wiih the dopant- ment offer cf Dccemhem, 1891. A lar nge easse of vîsixiers te the Rocky Mountains parle at Bauff wae obs ervable NEWS 0F ELECTRICITY. Tisa Psocess erFiiiin;z la "iilowiea" in Steel H. A. Boyce bas doscribai an interesting adaptation cf loctric weiî ot the filieg in e? "Iblowbeles" in steel. The placicg cf a plug cf steel into the hlowbobe se as to sacuo ase perfect a union beîwaen the plug sud the mss-s plan lonmerly praciiec- was cf tee founi te ha atteniai hy s goci ical cf uncerîainty. The nexi ides, wee to place ernali steeh scrsp or filings je the bole sud te mlt tl'em hv the abecinj cotr- nent- but the chilling afet cf the walls wes utee reat, soi the mtels woutd net weld. The difficulty was ai hast conquerai hy beasting the mess in an cil cm gas f um- sce sud thien utiliziog she e octric smc for meltiicg steel filinge introduced ie tee bels. In thie way ije'a few minuVes se perfect a union was establishai beuxween the puig sud the walls cf the oxis ticg mataI that no lineocf deuacacticu wae apparent wben the pieca wae planai iowu. TO TEST THE AIR OF M5ANHOLES. Many sarions explosicns bave been ic. putai ta the ignitation cf au elec trie spanle in manholes inta wbicb gas laakei. Ihisj proposai te reduce the risk cf suobi acci- dents by ccnsÈructing an instrument by whicb the percentageocf hydrogen pr-sent in the manhole ose easily ha moasurai Jwjîhout lifting the ceven. Fire-ismp and gas ndicators bava been maie by taking sivantage cf the higb rate cf diffusion of light gases tbrough porcus partitions, and a thin tube cf unglazai eartbenwane might ha mounteda aiheenocf a staff, sud be ceunectai witb a gaugo, the resdige beiug' iniicsted ou s uial hy means cf an aceroid movamant or by mercury in e thermomneter tube. 'The instrumensi could ho gradutai te show the percantagos and the limite of explosive mixtures. The adjuetrnont of tempanaturo aers coudhamaie by ueiug two similan tubes, one beicg renierai non- poreus. The tubes wouli ha connecei by a glass theruiomater tube and thie dispîsce- moisi e? a mercury index would messure the amount cf bydrogen. A 1-inch bola je the mac-bob cever, closed by s lecle.flap or scraw plug, would suffico for the test. THEEMORSE AND ELEOT&IO iocs Every on e kncws that a horsa is eassly kile by electricity, aud it ia popularly suppoeci iat the coment on antarng 'the body meats witb seina cuatomical pecutiar- ty or physîclogîcel Ilsusceptiilty" that makes the hersaeniera vuluerahie ibsu othier animale te the action cf snob a coment. The Lancexi bhis that thora is ne gond grexîni for thjsasesumpticu. The explia- nation lies lsawhera. The bec?, sud more particularly its oruet sud soie, is a goci in- sulaton, but tha shoe prasanîs tothe grouni a large rneîsihic ccntact, sud this contact is in counection withb rnallic conductons in tue shape cf nuils, whicb piorce the eîroug. est part cf the ineuhatiouî, sud sifori an easy eîectric patb into the body. The contctci wjh enrtb teforban improvai by the great superisscumbeet weight cf ihe animal, sud it msy of tan happais thst in pessiug ovor wat greuni, the exteruai sîsnîsce o? the hec? sud the wet fetîcl, especialiy je the case o? unînimmei herses, may become eufficiently wei te ferrn s geci surface cenductor, ccd se carry s coment dinctly frcm the eaneh te the upper part cf the body. Iu thie way the safety of the naturel "resistaisca" cf the bec? is noutra- lizei. A herse, toc, covers more greuni tben a man, sud rues grester riele fnom beiug in coutact witb points cf grouni futher spart, AN ELECTRIC WATCII STAND. The ehectric watcb stand, which je ucw heîcg frxely aiventisai boîhbohre andinj Europe, owas ius invention, et al ove-ts inxreAtly, te a women. A venerable pro- fessor, well known in elactrical circles, was vont toe lumber more sounily than bis wife, who was. eervousiy amixions te know the urne et fnuquent periode threugbocî the long wîuternuighte. Each inVii, of course, it devolvai on the -professer te fini oui, Ha bore the jufliction with exempiary pati- ence, bui hegan te tbink bard wbeîhem thene wee nct somne btter way. Ha pras- entîy bail a tiny incandescent lamp maie, and this ho fixai Vo the waîch stand on the maniai pieca in sucb a way thet ls raye wouii faîl full on the wetcb ou the pres- sure cf s nob et the bei heai, soi the igbt was se hnjght tîxat thene was no dificetty le îelling the frne aven et that distance. hti jeneoilese tri eay ibat the pesh hutton -was put on the ledy's sideocf the bai, sud the professer sumbensi in peace This idea s jenccvlarzely utiizei, cnd ceai wa-cb- stands ana eew turued out, finisbed lu Thee Evolîstiesa ef tie Trail lue Bridie Paiu andi tse Wazdui-f ea.u Under the caption of"TeVascth Word,"Mr.Edward W. Perry is centrib- ingto the New Yerlk Observer a sories of .articles on roads and road-makiee. D Inbis first article Mr. Ferry says Pstbless wildernesses are mythe. Every habitable part of the earthi bas its road,. Across tbe bleale plains cf the frozen nertb, aoghepeas cf rugged mountains, over bodsdgrassy prairies, and threoeby the dieptbs of tropie jungles..sman bas for cen- tories had bis bîgbways. These were etsrt se.fintly nmarked that >the eye cf civibized man would have lecen onabie te discover these. With increased use they became more distinct, until at last m-ny were se wide and smeotb thetthe blinýd mighî safely fellow tbomn. Wb'ere mec bad heaste cf hurden their paesiog foot widened and wore smooth the trails, and bnîdie patbs wero made. That tbe packes might freely, pass, branches were loppod off hu re sud thora, then troos wore cut eway, rocks were removeiIand easier grades woro made je semne ascents, for wbeels bad corne leto use. Increase of traffle followed, as alweys happons when meaLns are improved or increased. Thon serfs woro made te work et stated seamons, te wîden and smooth trie common way yet more, that vehicles might tbe more oasîly roll aioeg, snd our present plan of Ilwork- ing tbe roeds " wae thus bore. Bot thai was in eges of darlenesesuad despotîsm,:whon s few favored mon robbed the mauy, separatoly weak, cf their fair share of property snd cf liberty. For man is consorvxive. To this hour, after centuries uucccnted cf opportunity and evoînîbon, ie lands whose people boasi of high ach;ovements, he us stili content to use iroads thai are je rougbness, in steop- ties.,;sud in muddiness what they were gonorations ago. Ho soems to believe-it canot ho said truly that hoe thinles-that coiniýued endurance cf iIs ho keows, is essier than would ho the mental oxertion of decidin,, wbat are the botter ways, and of screwing up bis- courage te the point of adopting those weys. For it requires couraige te change frein old and accustomod meiborîs. Leade lrs cf reforme are usually denounced s extremiets by ibeir fellow mon. To movo the 'nasses as fer as they sbonld go, their leadersý muet Lo fartber. But cen it ho gbowun that the most axtreme of reformers bas porsisted in blundere as wastefol, as costly, as absurb as those te which the con - setrvetive element ohsîiestely sdheres ?t 1 bave in mimd a bit cf road where sncb conso3rvais s eof ten sbcwe. Thoreanuen- giner carriod a wagon road bal a mile or more along one side cf a bigb spur cf a mouintalu, sud further bacle elcng its other sd.Au aven sud easy grade was thus aeecured, sud the bed cf the rosi is the soiid rock-, lewn smootb. But '.he distance arouni the point is ixwice as great as is that frein tbe spot where the ol trait parta from the new sud smootb roads,to go zîgaggîug five bundrei foot up ihat rougb and rocky spur sud dowe again, to the place wbero that auciont path joies sagaie the modern way. Sonti mes an arruere se fer forgets the tradit ions of bis fathers as te permît hie mules te go around by the eÏew rosi; but a ebJablero iu the saddle-nover ! And the Iuiani:is, wbo hear on their backs or tboir hed bordons whicb tbey wibl markeet je th Aiyeghteen miles awey,soom te nover dreaxei that it woulibe essier for tbem, sud -ut-e, te go) arouni the rockv point than ut je4 te clamiber over its brokeui heigbt. Oýý ie cf orîbheru braie tan think cf only oee cause for foiiowieg se difici'lt, todieus and cosîby s wey, when easy sud inexpen. sive )ioe j at heni-ani that cause is ideon- ti aI inii fsture with that cne whicb beais millions cf people in the Unîited States to coiniiue, year after year, genoratice after geneýretion, to use as publie higbways the mnuddiy, rougb lace wbich are in place cf .no close, smooth eed bard roads îbey mey easily* have if they will ; and that cause is conse'rvatism. As population grew sud trafflo increased in seme coutries, rosis were improve un- tii, wbere vvise feretbought was combiued witb great gerning powers, public high.- ways reacbed, centuries age, a îîearnese to perfection nover since surrased, perbape nover since equallei. Growth cf îilitary sud civil power hrcught nieed cf smootb and easy rosils er which couriers cculdý travel swiftly, ermies înarch rapidly,e and thc e3poibe cf conquest ha moved quickly te eecttpe pnssihte pursuers, te add te the power cf theL cenquarors, sud morase the wealth, conîfort and heauty cf their central etrceg. holdsý-tbe home neste wbeîîce tbose rapa- cious birds of prey swoopect iown on their victime. Sncb were the groat roade cf Memphis, of Babylon and cf the Roman empire. Sncb was the evolutincf that wonderfulni bieb wsy system builb by that wise sud cour- ageous nation cf truc Americane who feur enturioesuad more ago bai roasewbicb bave nover sinon beon equaliai je extant sncb ie worlemansbip by any otîxere je the western world, aud bave beau surpassed by few roads cf modemn days. YetîOur own nesi cf perfect bigbwaye us uncoxe)parasbly gratar than wes ibeirs. The aggregata cf the distances ovar wbicb we have te move the producte cf- oui forces, oun minas,our fannîs sud our factories, greîal y exceeis that cf the-distances travel- lad by those encient races; the qusxîtiîy of ar products is vasxlly more than the total cf the products of theiz empires coî,ld have had." j women voters., çflîkiren c ry forc tce r Ys C asto r ïa. HEALTH. Spongirug Out a Headaclie. Iu case cf on erdi'ea'y nerveus beadache freim wbich women solièr se machi,sasys an faerbority, remeve the dress waîst, kn~ot the bain upon the boa-l, eut cf the way, sud, -hile leanîng ovar the basin, elaco a spocce qeakai in bot water, as bot as can ha borne, on the back cf the noe. -Repeast thîs maey rimes, alec aoplying the sposxge ho. hîcd tbe eas, sud ii tue assertion ef the writar je net eanistaken ona, iu mauy cases the streiued muscles and norves that have causai sn mucb miseny wili ha îelt te relax and soothe them'xeives ont deicieusly, sud very frequeuîly the pain promptly van- isbas iu cousequeuco. Evory woman kccws the aching face and necle geuerally brought homne frein a bar-' day's shopping, snd frein a long round cf callesud afterixoon teas. Sho regards wixib intense dissatisfaction the beavylines drawn areuud-ber eyes snd mouîh by the long sîraîn on the facial muscles, and when she muet carry that. weru countanance te seoma diceer party or evening's amusement, it robe bier cf ahl the pleasure to ho badinj il. Ceamaties ae n et the cure, or hro'nides, on the macy eerve sedatîves teo eha ba t the drng sbop. Haro again the sponge aud bot waten are siviseeî y the writor quoed, bathing the face je wsxier as hot aseuebh borne. Apply the sprsnge over sud aver egain te the temples, ibroat and bah led the oars, where most cf the nerves sud muscles cf the heai centre, sud thon bathe the face in aatar runnieg cli frein the faucet. Celer sud smootbcese cf outline rotuiru te the face, an astouiehing fresbcess sud cemfort resuits, sud, if followei by a uap of ton minutes, aIl trace cf fatigue van- ishes. A Cinder in the Eye. Nine pensons ont cf every tee with a cinder or sny foreign substance un the oye, wiil instantly hegin teo mb the oye wiîb eue baud wbilo buuting for their iîandker- chie? wiîb the ether. Thoy may, sud soe- trnes do, romove the offeudiig cinder, but more fraqueurly tbay rmb titi the oye ho- comas iuflsmed, biexfi a hacikerobief arouni the hesi soi go te bei, This is cll wroug. The btter way je fnot te rub the oye wixib a cinder in it ai ehl, but rub ihe other oye as vigorously as yen like, A few years aine 1 wcs ridicg on an oneineocf a fast express. The onginoor, an oâd ssehcolmate cf mina, tbrew open the front Window, soi I caught a cinier thaxi gave me the most oxcrnciatiug pain. 1 hogan to mub my oye with botb bande. I"Lot or oye aloeoasd rmb tho other oye," (ibis froe the augiîîaer). I thoeght hie was chaffing me ced worked the harder, 111 know you docters thinle yen know it ail, but if yen wilblot that oye clone sud mub the other eue the cînder wiii heoeut lu twe minutes," persistai the onginoar. I hegan te rab the other oye, sud soon I faitthie cieder iown coar the sucer cauthus, ccd maie reaiy te take it eut. "Lot it clone and keep at the well oye," shoti the doc- teron pnerrom.1 dii se for a minute longer, sud beokiug je a emali glaiss he gave me, I founi the offeoder on my choale. Siecet thon I bava triadi ix mauy timos sud bavei aivisai many others, sud have nover keown it to falain e ainstance (unees it wsease sharp as a piece cf steel, or sometbing ibat cnt unto the baIl saii roquirei ce operaticu te remove it). Wby itiis se Ide ucknow; but that it le se 1 do kuow, sud ihat oe msy ha savai much sufforiog if oeewili let the iujîîred oye ýensd rab the wol oye. Try it.-[Tba ediaiSummary, The Virtues of' Buttermilk. Coucemnîng the inedical valua cf botter-' mille, the Medicat Aiviser sys uhat it je of se much worîh that it has gainai a distinct place ijeIl matons moes," sud is largeiy preecribai by the hast physicians for the cheet and long aimeute ced lu meet forme of kidccy troubles. Au exclusive butter- mille îlot bas seernai te hring about a cura for Brigbt'e ussase. A preper aud constant use of it will great!y rexîxco sud semetimes cure, the crevicg f Dr alcebolic liquers with whîcb maey persous are afflicrai. The cravicg may ho satisieloiand the eysem henefltai and strengthened insteai cf weakeneei. Butterniik alone wili ofteu romeiy acldity cf the stomacb. The Uixtic acixi needai in îuany cases je suppliai by it mucb more thban by acy o'cher drink or foo 'i. h le s siite alieviste the oppression about the beart that se maoy li people_ suffer frein, andi h shouli ho cocstauîly iruele hy them. It je aIse te s cartaie ex- tant a stimulant fon the antiro eystam ; just wbat the agai neei. As Others See Us. Acrose the bouder thora bas juet beau coucludai s plahiscute, je which wemen iodle part, whicb cugbt te dispose cf the charge that wemaen votons fdock like sbeep sud casi their ballots biiniby as prejudico or fashion or association impele them. This was the vote, in the Province of Octaneo, on the questiion whetbem the Lagislature cf o? thai province ehouli enaci a probjbitcry liquor law. The generai impression e? course would ho that the woman wouid vote in a body for prohibition, with the ides that prohibition meane îemperscce. On the coctrary, the wornen cf Ontario ebowed ibenisebvos almosi as cousorvat.'ixlupe- portion te ibeir numbere as the mo. The gros t majenîty cf both sexes votai for pro.- hixbition; but, takicg the city of Toronto for mibt thé cireât wisdom -1 he the The Long an4 Short ()f A is that S. DAVIS and SONS' Cigars have no (quai postal Item. Gas de Smith-" What did you do with that le.ter that was on my table?7" Coiored Vtlet-"II tuck it to de pos'.offlsg sah, and put it in de boe.' "Did you net see that the re was no ad. dress on the env'elope '" IlI ssw dar was no writin' on de 'velope, but 1 'lowed yer did dat ar on pu'pose, s0 I co uldn't tell who yer was writin' to. I's an eddicated niggah, I is." Blackmail. Calter: Il I've found that there dotg thab y'r wife is advertisix' five shillings reward fer." Gentleman "Yeu have, eh ?t" Calter: Il Ves, an if yer don't give me ten bob l'Il taka it te 'or." How to get a"Sunlight" pictura. Send 25 ý'Sunlitzht" Soap wrappers (wrapper bearing the w,-rds "Why Doos a Woinan Lok Oid Sooer Than a Nlan") tri LFEE R ios , Ltd , 43 Scott St,, Toronto, and yon wîll recetve, by post -s pretry picture, f ree frorn advertîsing and watt. worth framing. This is an easy way te decorate your homle. The soap is the best in the market, and it will only cost le. postage to îlend in the wrappers, if yonu bave the ends open. Write yonr address careful.1y. He told his w ife, discouraged, he'd As soon ho shot as rot,, Thon went, as if to provo it, And got, straightway, bal shot. . Vor Over i"îÎ'tv Years MuS. INSLOW S 800THING SvRUt ha& beeu, used by millions of mothers for their chidren white teething. If diBturb- ed at nigh-, and brokesa of yeur rest by a rsick child sflhffring and crying with pain of Cutting Te-th eend ait ouce aud get a bottie cf I"Mrs Winslow'a Soothing Sy'rup" for GOudren ioething. It will relieve the poor littie suffe3rer immediate- ]y. Depend upon t, mothera.there is no imistake about it. It oursi Diarrhoei, regulates the Stomach and 'B'owels, cures WVind Colic, softens the Gm and re- duncas Infiiemmation, and ivi'A tonco and eoe,ýrgy to the wh oe ytem "rs Winslow's boothlxeg Syrup" for elde teething is pleasant to the tatste suisi he prescription of one of the oldeat asud best female physiciens and nurses in the Unïit- ad Stîtes. Price twenty-tive cents a bottie. Sold by ail druggists througheut fils world.- Be sure toe sk for "Mus. WINSLOW'S S,,OTIIING ,SYRtUP"22 17 Inquîring Child-«'Faether, there's a lot in this bock about Otheilo. W0ho was Othello '" Father-" Othelle! Vlhy, biess me, my boy, do you mean to tell me yon go to Sunday school and don't kiiow a simple tbîng like that! 1'm aslîar. ad of yen 1 A LL MEN Young, old or midle aged, who find thont selves nervons, wealr and oxbausted, who are broken down from excoss or overwork resolting in meany of the followilig sym- ptoms : M4ental depression, premnatte old age, loss of vitality, loss cf memr.ry, had dreams, dimness of sigbt, palpitation of the heert, emissios, lack of energy, pain in the kidneys, beadaches, pimples on the face and body, itching or pecuhiar consa. tomn about the scrotum, wasting of the organe, dizziness, specks hefore the eyes twitchieg of tho muscles, eyolids and ellse- where, bashfnlness, doposits in the u-ino, loss of wil power, tenderess of the scalp and spine, weak and flabby muscles, do- sire to sleep, failure te bo rested by sleop, constipation, dulîness of bcarfing, less of voîco, desire for solitude, excitability of temper, sunlken eyes, surrounrled with LEADE-N\TcIRCLES, oily looking skie, etc., are ail symptoma of nervous dchîîîty thet lead te insanity uinlesa curect. Tbe spring or vital force having lest its.tension every fonction wsnes in cenequee. Those who throngb abuse committed in ignor. rance, may ha permanently cured. Send your eddress and 10 cents ie steîeps for hook on diseases pectiliar te xo-ae, sent sealod. Axldress M. V. LUBON, 24 Mac- doneell Ave., Torouto Ont., Canada. 36-'y "lHow beautifully Mrs. Bankhill express. ed borsaîf in lier edèress before tie club. Were the thoughts lier vary owe, do yon thiuk 't» Mrs. Catcly-"'Oh, dear, yes 1 Skie paid ten dollars for tbem, sha told me.' PILES !>PILES! JTCIIING PILES. SYMPToms-Mdiature; intense itchlng and stingieg; most at uight; worsa by scrstchig. If allowod --oec -nItirxuli tum- ors form, which often bleed and nîcerate, becoming very -sere. SWAYNE'S OINT- MENT stous the itchieg sud biaaddîug, heale ulcaration, and in most cases removes the tumors. At druggists, or by mail, for 50 cents. Dr. Swayne & Scn, Phijadel- ::SayDai b "Well ?- "Masse ye are ta biug that worm te han insteai cf ganding ovam te thai bnewu heu with iV 1-;nsudee says if yen do't she'l teach yen bew the term Ilhem- pockei' eiginatai," The Celorado Legisîsinre bas passai the bill fcr a bouse te heusa registration, cf veters, and 27 woen bave been appointai

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