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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Apr 1894, p. 1

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) I TERMB:-81.50 Pia uM OUR TOWN AND OOUNTY FLIST: THEg WORLD ÂYBERWÂRDB. M. A JAMBS EDITOR AÂ2ULt PIPRX,¶OR, Niew sERTEs. BOWIIÂNVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDÂY, APRIL 18, 1894. VOLUME XL. NumBEP. 16' pinhIpui JOMNSTON & CRYDERMAN. uuuIl Direct Importers, have opened out an unusually large and choice stock of New Dress Goods, UNew Sateens, New Prints, New Çloths and Worsteds. New Ourtains, New Carpets and Linoleums.' And direct from Berlin a fine stock of the very Iatest styles in LADIES' JACKETS AND CAPES, elegantly designed, beautifully mado7 and very moderate in price. Also a lot of7 IADIES' WATERPROOF MANTIES' ahl New Goods, INS?--ECTION AND GOMPARISON INVITED, GOU OHA OHNSTON & OYDERMANY BOWMANYILLE. High Prices and Our enormous stock of seasonab!e styles is opened and ready. Sucli qualities and sucli low prices we have nover before been ableý te offer our customers. A tboroughly tc obnn qualit'y and elegance with low p-ices. Corne in and -ee the newest designs and most soi viceable styles of the season in Ladies, GentIe-ý men's and Cbildren's Boots and Shoes, Rubber Goods, Trunks, Bags, etc., the newettt ideaq, the bost goads made, the graatest variety and the fairest figures. Prices within the reach of ail and now ig the time to buy. Everybody is delighted with our display of Spring and Summer goods and you will ho. Cali and leacn what pleamare, satisfaction, and ecomomy there la in trading -with Sign--Big Boot drawn by two Horaes. Next Time Yo, u Ru Shoes Insist upnhavrng apair of the famous 1'01OIof Hono TltklE MAUXc REGOmTERID. n7e St yle, Fit, end al'o t7t 'e er- ing' Qualities are Superior toa vni Shoe made for thte Canadien mar- ket. Foster's S/toes embracethte Bet of Everything(. Xanufactitred lnj *A. T. 1oster& Ço., Uock Island, Que.* LLNDSA Y. Baled hay and straw ln being chipped Iromn Lindsay in large quantitie . . .. An act to revive the charter of the Lindsay, Bobcaygeon and Pontypool railway and fur the extension of the time fot the commencement and completion of the road, intmoduced into the house of com mons by Mr. C. Fairbairn, M. P., has been read. a secr)nd time.... ,Twelve tav - ere and thre ehop licenses have been applied for in Lindsay. Ail the arpli. cants now hold licenses . .. .Mr. John A. Barron, Q. C., will lecture at Babcaygeon Mothodist church on April 2....... .Tho True Blues of Paterboro, bave decided ta celebrate the coming 12th o! July, in Lindsay. Minard's Linimnict la the Best. The Page Coiled Spring._ SMOOTH FENCE that wilîl positive-11 hy stop amalI pîgs, chickens, s e. td bull, or a nunaway îeam. Oufly requirra ona pcst avery twa rodao or 3 for 100) fret. Eacb horizontal wira ih a Steel Spiral Spring stretched 50 ais ta prenant aaggiug,- but silîl ntalnes ia easticity. It is nt an expaimeut,as 18,000 milesi have bacu arecrd in the west duning she past 10 years, sud the finit put up are as gond as anar. Ordets s licitea sd parliculans given, or mai'edt n application, by A. W. FOLEY, Box 148, Bowmannilhe, Ot., oie dealer, wboleasleansd retail for Ccunly of Durhami snd East Whilby. Final calod ion epring, delivery vil] .rrive about May 1. I1lhave 400 rada un- aold. Order at occaif yau wish ta use, the hast fence ou the market. Spring! -o- Milliimery show-rooms comi- plete wic.h many pleasing styleîs for the season. Stylish goods, together with close prices, make it the popular place to buy. Sailori;, '21 cents eacb. ilats reshaped. Miss Shaw, INext door to Post Office. BOUN4SALL'8 MARBLE AND GRANITE HlORZJ,41 SHAM A large., sto-k of Finished Monuments, Saroophagi, Tombs, fleadstones, etc., in the bcst vs ities of Euro-. pean and Amen,, an Granites and Marbles, in, 1.otansa-me esgns. a nd ae.nrics from nS45'to S-100 solicited and careful completion. JI and in-pect my stock and ,T YOU ARE BTJYING. 3OTNSALL, Proprietor. _____________etc.. sS t1Cn legs Toroi Ont., and Stratford, Ont. lion rus ps~'er. Shaw & l-l'i -- Orders respectfully guaranteed. Ca] SEE WHA] E.R. 1 F -"SALE Olt RENT.-Honseansd Sm'9,is fon sale on to rani, Bituate on Bcugog btreet north. The pramises conost af a Rgoed hanuse wtth evany con venienoe, dnining ehed. stable, etc. Tue garden contaIns a loto ~' isir'îtU imn curem L1 Grpjo FOR YOU TO- NEGLECT EYESIGB-ITý W lHEN FOR 2osraln amount-ofmoeyu can hae your EYES pr fctlully titted by T. N. RIOKARD, W-t ' malter, Jewellen, and 0Oticianý Nead'sBlletk PR 1 N 0 GooDslll r- ZIOX,. Miss Laurx Brlmacombe, Bowmau'ville, ind Mr. Frank Rundie, Courtire, speut unday weilh Mr. and Mrs. J. (-è Lang. à1aod, Claveré aie fsrm. That, fashionablo and neatly fitting suit 'arni by the young man "'who looked i(, rweet" at church Sundsy was huit ýpecially to fit his soldierly anatomy by K.A. Cdc, Hampton Clothing flouse. DailRitz, Propricter and Publiaher ,f the Hmmbut. , Out., Independenteays: '-wais %ufferiný from Dyspepsie and Liver Trouthles, 1 îoke few bottles of Shiloh'a ritealzer snd it cured me. 1 can heartily NLI W HA VKLY. M iss Maggie Oka isaet Taunton .... Mus. 'Waller Oka has bulIt an addition ta ber ouse aud Mr. .J.Holl. improved bis hause ...Mr. Joe Bell visitcd Cartwright re- enatly... . Mrs. Tho3. Vancsnip bad a srge qaliiltïiag last week, ... Mr. aud Mns. John WVitharid;ze visited friends horesIlut rock.... Mr. Clande Burke, Oâtaws, la uat of Mr Joseph VanCamp .... Mr. Levi VanCamp, our venerable reeve, has recoverad froim hie recent ilîness'and le &round again. MIany risc in the manri.lng wi*.h a head- hansd no inclination for breakfast. Tbi5 in due to torpidity of the liver aud aderanged condin (f the stoma-.h. To restora h-ea!thy actaon ta ihese O-gas, ncothing i5s o tffic iclous as an occasional loma of Aycr's Pilla. Eldsd Annviveraary Sunday May 27, MIonday 28th ý... Spelling match at Divis- ion thià w-eek- boys vs. girls. Boys werû viotYro)ns in the last.... Mr@. Editb Van'- ';est is very ili with inflammation .... An- )ther child of Mr. Chas. Branton. wss burie d on Friday at Zion-scarlet lever... *..Recent vislt(irs-Mr.. J. Short, Courtý ce; Mr. W, Doidge,Tyrone; Mr.Fletcher, Miesz D. Werry aud Mr. R. Luke,Kedron; ira Thampson. Newcastle .. .. Mr. Win. Everan. Ebenezer,preachel here ou Suu- day evcning. It la quite a treat to have vnng ervi'e. We buy oun)iLirs'Furnishings at F A. Ola's Ram pton;- haeselle cbapan i epaa cIran, nice varioty. See bis uew ABUTi v WO months ago I was riosnly ,'ld witb headace. I 1stanrkd taklng 'ï ffdock Blao)d Bitt ens., took twa cbottleo w s liaa hbave aow altogethes d aed . Ithink it in a grhn 1 mcdi- ciao. _I EYA _nN, Mâs:sey Station, Ont. KEYVDALL, Mr. Bradley, Port Granby, preached 'iii the Mehoaist church Suaday week. - Mr. C. Andrus of Orono is angaeed wbMr, John Hodge . ... Mr. Wm. Un- derwod as inihd assess!ing Clarke towvnship.... .Mr. Geo. McGtihey, black- timiith, is doing a gond trade sinca ha te- tururd.. - .Charles Thompiion and Robt, Snith are the new supeninteudaents of the Methodist an i Preshyterian Sabbath Schools, reapectively .. .. Mima Bella Un- dertwood visited in Toronto recently.. Rcev. A. Leslie preached a grad sermon in tha3 Preabyterian chucch Sunday week M._Ar. Comstock, Peterboro, visited is, brotbt-r Mc. 1). Comstock .. .. Mise JenStark of Newcaàtle, deceased, waï -Limiter of Mr. James Strk, Stsrkvilla, wud Mra. Wm. Cooper, 4îh lino, and was well known aud highly reapeted.... Mis3. B. Jamieion died Thuradtay weel several waeks' cf sufleriug. 8he wss uiuch eiteemned. It would he worth white for the* ladies ta bear in mimd that il they taka a gautit ceuzee of Ayer's Sarsaparillain the spring, they wilI have no trouble with 11prickly ha""bive@," "sties," "bouls," or "kblack brads," whon summar comas Prevaution ia better thn cure. UOUBT1OI8. Mr, EL. T. Courtice, Wiuona Oâborne aUd Miss Eva Osborne, Town, have beai czslliug on fionda here. .. . Rov. Caleb Psrker, Bowmmuville, preaotiad a very flue educational soar n here ou Suuday. Tha1ra was a gond collection and a hearty interest rhown in the cauie ... Mr. Anason Pickal has rautted bie f4rrm to Mr. R. Bctuetta of Ea--t Whitby sud will leave Ilu a few dsys for Mtauitoba ta cagage in busýiness. ... Mr. A]f. Wyboru is making üy.tenaive repeirs on the Carner 11 mck numîth rhop. . .. Mr. XV u. Montuoamery wii h book k-3eper for the D. U. . C. J ths easson...,Mn F.od W. Brocký, Wallingtau, Englauid, snrived hene Sun- daiy oni a niait ta bis parents and other fiandsj. Fred is looking splendid, the o'd C )ititrypsemuast)agrewit.h hb f,,dmirabiyv. Everyomne bmiehitn ahearty 'ielcomo for a few wecks bïck to the kAPL9GROVl9. $HA W'S .SCffOOL HO US&., Seeding bas bpgun .. .. Mc. sud Mrs. The joyans siriging cf the birds rrain d Samuail Cola visif.ed friands ab H'êmPton tle farmere th ct the buey seisoo bas corne asat waak . ... Roy. C. Parker pr.eached an again, aud now in the aarly bon -saofi Iie excellent educatio(,al sermon bere $uuday morning yen ajîl find thera buely in the ... Viitos-Mdiss Bertha Fac .well sud fields.... mc. w. Clamence has parch 4sad Mss Pearl MoGill, OaL.awa; Mr W. N. ,new areder.. .. Mn. and Mrs. W IL. Wintec, Haintouy; Mr. sud Mirs. 'Oea. ibarrie weracalîrd ta Port H.):e"Iat Stevens and family, Eniuskillen; Mn, Mobdsy ta attend the funaral of . i.A. McK. sud MrA. J. bu Penfouud, Courtice; Birrie sua unche cf Mr. Barri--' , wLbo Mca. Ira Pier ce New Haven; Misses Rose died ou Saturday. ... Miss Mabel Clem- White; R-sa Banker, Hattie Keasasd eues i. ick.... Mc. C. bMDona!d bai- Lula Alcott, town. mump . . . .Mr. <harles Affin cf fNew- castle visited hore la ey . . .. Mr. S lA RK VILL E Edwacd Dawson visited ab Mr. R. A. Mn. Ruseatt Bye sud mothen vistad Bnagg's lant Sunday.... Mn. C. Penfounid friands in this vicinty. . .. Mc. John Con- is breàkixîg a gay young black colt.... bun in now locaied in the subunhe of Mr. R. Fositen has improvel bis bouse Stackville ... Mr. Wrn ll&lloweli sold a oreatly by a coat af paint.- . . . Mr. J. M. hanse for an excellent fgure zeor-tly.... faons ansd Mn. J. D. Hoa wilt eerneot Miss Minnia Powers, Port Hope, buas large barn each thia enuamer. beau guest. ai Mca. Win. Ballagh......Mr. hdo'yutrCae'&LtlLir Àndraw Stark 'bas commu..ced graftiug PlWhy rre t yoitivane re Lit e ve this season. . . . rm. AmsonM&lullen bas Pilldac handccaoitheive cprura fiaic been viasitiug friandî at Solna .-. .. Moessrs dbc-mdscbed alh oneI.pal.duos b Lackhart and Ovrus have ramovad tu îodrdhvr uyoapl oa Dan ingtau. PRO ID !NG~.Canadla'ti Columbian Vlctors. Mn. Thon. Smale ax-neeve in stihi con The Wm. We1d Co., publiabars ai the fined at bomea with rilauxuatism .... Mn. FARmau's ADVOCATE, Landau, Ont., sud Dowson lsa lowly recý,veriuz. . ..Th, Winn1p- Man., bave juat favocad ns Paintan family an the B'ackbucu Home- with a copy ai an excaedingly hsndaome stead are stiîl in a b id condition but a-e sud lufe 1ke engnaviug, entitl-ýd "Cana-. improving- The uaighbocs ara exrauding da'a Clumbian Vîctors." It coutains ta t hem. rnuch neetcla assnictî. . .. Misa the pa:traîtscais Lrge gconp ai pure- td;'. Oab, rue, and M, secs A, Eliortlsud bned Ayceahice cattla that wun pbanomn- W. Allia wer uetal abata ho out for a anal honora at the World'a Fâir, Chea.go, few days .. . . Gad ta are Mc. Frank la-it aumrur. Camad'aniva stock bcee- Blackburn ou Sund&y .... ,Tbe youug ens sud daiîrymaen asp-'ially wili aopreci- womeu ara leagued rmgother sud are do- ste the commendabla ruierprise display- iug what thcy can ta relieva the poonr d by tha FARXER'à ADVOCATE lu thUM iêrouud h....... .The Mî Ida sud giving the public sucb a permnanent merm- Aunia, AllUn. Newcastle, visîited ai Mn. aut,) cf the siucces af su'%da lu thit Blaokburn'a neccntly. great priza ring. Ont of $2,035 00 lu RAM PTQJN. prizes, Canadien Ayrasbices wo'n8,86 HAMPTOS.00; Unirod States, $15000. Thae ttki Mca. H. T. Philips, Toronto, vis'ted portraj ad in tais bangravinz wera fnomn frieuds haca raceutly.. . .Mc. Wrn. Ma- the bor(ds 'f Mesure. R. Re-fond, St. Clung, Bowmanvillg, apat Suuday in our Ara', P. Q.; R. Robertson, llowick,, P. vilýe .... Judgiug ifroîn thea ppcaance Q ; Thomnas Guy. Oahawa, Oit.; W. M. of aonme froni this looality who daliisrad & J. C. Sud-bh, Faîild Plains. O tt.; D. haga ai; Burketou hast Fniday. theY muai Drummondl, Petite Cote, P. Q ; Thon. have gaI samaîbiug stranger tha-i ndga Irving, "Logan'a Farm' "Maýntreal, P. water. . Capt. R. H. Bunt catrîrrd tiat0Q ; Jeseph Yuill, Carleton Place, Ont.; Londau Mouday ... Mr. H. Elliott, jr., Win. eoat, jr , Meule, Ont, wil mae sanme improvements te bis re_____________ sideuce. ... Sprng aeadirg bis stalteLl iý1T e tilfcei rsel ag0 e earnest .... Ducring tha six seasreviv-al h pi Lcrto ran odsl conduoted by Rav. Jas. Lididy somne 75 aconou f ptpera. An artioleý on the pens». ava rofsaad . . M. Lowac fluse (f Lords is ai timaly lut test. HoidgeTacout, has .,rn v jitiugin theAmoug the long!er ppe aW .Ll' vihis%&...,Mr@. GC<. Merrlt bas ganle ta Pil opby aiof u,"deà1iuRcbefy rAunons, 111., ta iatfriand.., Tho lonig with tha moederm treaitmeeit. The prin- hsinrd lrsre aebeaunaroýgain. -cip:il scientiflc article ni the numnber li Mn. J. B. Elliatbas netiinue i frnon .1.Sicrt, 1"t Bi's "Sinifiauc fai Crbon auo elcome back. iu the Unîiversie." ,Sir Maunt-tuant Duf aunumnanîzes the Lufe sud Lattera cDf A&tb- Business in ushing at Hlamptou Ciotb- Un Stmuiay," anc Professait Poole cou- ing House, F. A. Cola being kept buy tributes au enthusastia artiale on "Mr. 1front early dawu ta late at night. Thotae ai' eain aMdm Palm. stylieh suit% ha in giving the youug men Publiolied by E. R. Polton, 144 Eighth 1sa cbeap explalua it al, bSt., New Yack. Termes $5 par yesr; BN FIlLD.single numbers, 45 conte. Viiosan .su isL sky The Outlook, publisbed in New Yack, Kînstle; Mr. John sud Misa L. Potter, with Rev. Dr. Lyman Abbott as its edit- Enuiskilhao; Mc. sud IMis. J. Co>ruish, or-lu-chiai. inaintains iLa high place a Taunton; Mn. D. Boue aud Mise-s ia auag thougbtful woekly joucîmale. In Reyuoldo, Osawa; Mr. sud Mcrs. W. -T~h Week" it reports sud intarprets PasorSalns;Mr. Beckett, Columubus ul'.~~ hiatocy; its sigued articles are Mn WKnppaxeo a in i wi tan by emtineut sud popur witers; i rasidouce campleted this yrar weathen its cepatmanta are maumy as-d eîneiuly ipanmuîttiug. .. .-Rv. J. Liddy preauther edited; it bas something overy week for ci banc nezI Snnday afttruais)...-.For tha evecy mamber ai the beusehohd; it touch- sn Baud concert next Friday talent f,,,, os ife on ai aides;,'il is chanci ni, piro- si Kinsale, Bowmanvm, M_. Vernon, grersive, reaasb ),Brooklin, Ecinkîln bmsidos borne t.ii- M eut are ecapactai ta take part. NVa Englîsb, Scotch, Irish aud Canadiau prom-se a good pragrsm. Lady sud gent Tweeds, Worsteda, Serges sud Sp,'ng1 t250.; singla admission 15o.. .. Last Sat- Overeat-a vrry ucea asboctrnônt at P. s urdsy nigbt tha baud ser'oraded Mr. sud A. Cole'e, Hampton. Mir. J. Dyan snd ware cdially welcon- - ----- e d; sud to.thain surprise the table was &I roady for au emergency. Af tan beiug 6liued interushly witb roast chickao, pies, cakes trtc,, the baya raturned ta the hall y in good humeor fur pcactiaîng. cr lu complisuce witb a grnerally ex- preskard wtsh the brass baud willIgiveana- othar grand concert Friday avenîug April 20 whea they wilha assistaI by talent - în-.rn Bowuîauvilansd local talent. Be- ae gins at 8 o'clock proniptîn. Admission an 15 cents; îacynl gent 25c. V TYRONEM. Pastor McCulloch Puff.ered from a nev-i yena cela on Sabbath. . .. Intense earrest- .... -addeass ta a linrge congregýtion Sabbath e vening. .....At the rogular snnaI meet-B O IP N aîig ai teachers sud ufficers ou Mouds y Bringa SnfoWJ andGipoemeta 'g evauiug almoat all the ohd staff ware r-tc e rco nor sd moemnt hna celectrd aith Ihm exception ai Mr. P teteare-onlejomntwe 'y Warry assistant pupeintandent in Mr. ighItly used. The many, who l-ve o t- W. B-rîî'a pîa. A rdsolution of yra ter than otît ers and enjoy 1f e more, witfï patby ilu naa'î n tam theacanton-el tbcough lanu exponditure, by mnore pnomptly faile, haalîh ai Mca, J. T. Welch fticu aiapting the inorld's beat producta ta cthe Sabbath SchoV )1 nwbîch sa bas beau the needs of physical being, will attlant a wocthy tes bar for rnany yearns, was the value ta bealth of the puce liquid unnmoByadop!etd. Lt was lo de. laxative principira embraced ln the m aucept ully BUL)5u,.,Uu"t) Il ellereu.

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