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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Apr 1894, p. 3

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THEPAR . D Apil, BROTHER GARDNER ON 7ELH THE FÂRM. wean them. et two mnthe, run thern -DyHa7-seWhnTo a --through on grass, milk and slop, withlittle DyMsPse hnTuCuFo , 7mFeniyIfueedb oos grain unta new corn. Fatten and mark çt the Colored Mlau. ther beore oldweaher etsID.When the routine business of the last Thf~is aquetionthatwoud hadlymeeting of the Limekiln club hadbeen finish. ienter iute the thoughts of the average PI LS pulryiaadibracedohrnhe lu Fruit and Garden. ed Brother Gardner arose and said: "I bey a letter fromn de stait bo'd of do teswol ra hesbetwihcn npreparing to plant grape vines thehetboAraawiqrn'fitrnm tempt and derision. That the color of a- soilshould be ploweda epl n hor- opinyn, as ou obs rshun, dam cul' baird should in auywise influene its p )h ughly as possible.mabsmdeay roesinte ate ficay wuld punthe aceef i sem lui- The freshness of the produet in ripe fruits o yin orn els ieyas crnus, te say the least. But I arn netpre- ,dveealeeereIhedserJaue&aîinstrueb de secretary te reply to de pared ta deny or- affirrn the truthfulness of te a considerable extent. efe a ebsm.eaha fpore Sick Readacheand etv i ttoubles lue!. the assertion. N rnb o giutr ead u r etn a i offe.Tm detteablin saeefte ytm.scl s My attention was firet eailed te the fact eihe -1o ts lizziness, Nausea. Dr(wsiess, Distree after by beeer einonidraleprmgence onteîthu e part of its f ei- was wben de cul'd man didn't know dat4 heatingy aein luethefSidei&crWhileptheirmoce succesePaas bnenh e Sd hoin crîu 1 hdbauakdwhtbee ffel lowers than dees successfuilhorticulture. lbe had any constitushun, system, or health,BA kýremarRablf %e -ht r'-3ai uigSuob as fceet their ability te soar àbove the but Vo' can't fool hima no meI. C M P cosierd hebet ayrs ts epy asordinary lee el hrl obetrta Teny'ars ago if Sarnuel Shin bad bin told thtteqeto a eiel adeete take up this work. dt it was onhealthy te sleep in a clese recru,C te answer. CiDntinuing hesaid: [ HadaileyetCÂaaa' LV-rL Lira1.1LI Did you ever note the cler cf a baird Grape vines plan ted on heavy land ar with three dawgs under de bed an' a bar 1 o' Ilare elyetvalu Rali Constit ion uît a baigue tsegpouin ule aiways the first te be attacked by mildew Soapa grease in a 'ner, lhe would bey srniled andprvenin tbs niigernlaint. whl<ik hv monhesbi~îee of censider' and rot. The rote eau net penetrate te wid contempt. I a nyatrh a they aise correct ail disordare eftth e stomacli able tbought aud study, and, muni as I any ceusiderable deptb. The best soit is a lest bis lef t long an' had bis right knee stimulate the liver and regulate the bowels bt esyiImetamtta id eewl-riesnd om hr h pruug )lut e' shape dat he began te study £von if they only cured ht asyiIms di htlid ep eldand ad om hr h poeesng lak pumae ill lay the routa eau raach permanent moisture. de laws of healtb an' drive de dawgs eut greateet number of aggs ia a given length A garden 60 or 80 feet square, sacureîy das mrrebrcli'a ecbno .ele they weuld lia almeet pricelesg to these 8ervation bas beeu that parti-eolored yield an ahuandance of veqgetables for the Pu""ufo"ags" une e, n w Whio suigr frolm this dist-essiujý eemplî,iltairds, witb the exception of those possees- largest, farnily, and an orchard of one-baîf cats lu de farnily, an' dey was all asleep in IHv eyBdC uh Lere, and those who once try thm wilrudawortonlf hienidtenpumgecene crrddiieulopfatepauocltiatdanery, wruderWatin ge u wi frteatly her godesaoe ne en nxtfn rdereuirtiifaorwhtehhos wll iv plnt offrit orthesanenhedaceau'whn1IbitedaIde aw oftr defeingfrm L nofou g thselitl pla alialeing mnywas ha osesin mehealth lhe leoked at, me in de geHetave Leont lesti through Illness, tle ilnt ha willlng ta de itbeut tier. psesu uh white, or purely wbite One er twe acres of wel selected and astoishment, Ten yars ago if Giveadam L Ae hrae dWÎ Cnu Pin but atte ait sicit head plumage, range iewest in the scale. I have well cultivated fruits will go far toward Joues had fouud a $2 bihlu de read lie t ais obervd hatblak lwI baet spplying the ordinary household xess would bey bought a waterrnîllyon an' swaî- ,eTebrta h larger per cent ofl chiekens frorn eggs set, A little land devntad te such purpesaaI lered baîf de seeds an' gnawed dlean down [SW"'ZU.EQIE audof moe igoeusnatre I rn reeteways maltes an appreciable addition te the te de bark. Den lbe wouîd bey heaved lu a l thebane ef se many Ilîvs that liera lewhere say, though, that it geas againet my grain cash incarne, and wiil repay the labor need- dozen barves bapples, six plume, a quart of we maka 0cr grent boast. 0cr pilla cura l te admit this, bacanse ou general principles d ta procure ItL charries, tbrea hananas, an' a few pears. while others de net.1 ilk akcordfwsThylmn CARTERS LITTLE LViEtPILLSalare Very enial I dieandliraet darnettascoloraed loull sis.hevTheyed aauumeat an ay aytetk.One or two pilla mains invariably bave h:ack legs, which means Grps n uratsmyne aqut a a wud th byeise avcura a dosa. Tliey ara strictly vagtahlea nudde a blush-white skin, bath of svhich are de-. rftbl rp a taberrias, but they hae would bey filled IL wid a cocoanut, a disb auatue uy tTAsHLOAX5ET>L5MIT flot gripe or purge, but by fliir gentiacto tsibeer.Ilve a liioenowîa pay wall, and are quite as certain, beside of ice crearn, an' abouta quart of lemouade. 7 NEI T0XSO ?.ST ?m ILO IOJ - plas al b ua hei.T val e 2 ents , , ,., net requirtuf seornucb labor in se short a Ha wouid have gene te hed as peart as yo' n va for $1. Sold avarywliare, or sent liy mail. and yel..ow skia every time, But if eggs seaSen. Than they eau be grown on land please, and had hae woke upetmdih CAETEB MEDICI11Z 00., llîw York. I crthailewoudsect s e blackor atlegs highly menu red, and when onceeSab- wid de feelin' dat wolvas was bitin' hirn an' ', i1 u1 ýi11 lasdrtpîraedol." teeane ished, will endure for many yeare. alephants walkiu' on bim hae wouid bey - proitale e pantonl geri claimed dait it wae el n account of bis wif cousidaration of those wbo keap puultry but these sbould ha plantad in good soiu wantiu' a uew p'r o' ehees. e ',,e fo ege heba ti gntemnand be welI taken cars cf, and the semae is " k rmebe'ge'bytbcbi1o THE ANADAN SATES AN right or wrong is not for me te Say. 1 ruesnt fruit trees and vines, and it ie far Waydown. Bebean' seain' hie pickaninnies .41 ~4;~< give yeu bis words juet as they fere givan ettar witb these te bave oniy a few good a.playin' iu the yard among stops, boues, w<O ~8TALI~IED ~te me, and yen muet drasi your ewn con- standard sorts whose manite are weli kuoucbaaeakdshlts ibiae hiek- 4r le'ê4 ______IID 85 clusione. It ie suraly a very interesting than a collection of numerous varieties enleathars, oldboots,botties, canse n sicb. ,> 1 eranue l avnc. tlaris t.i heme and those in a position te do se wbese naines are iikely te ha forgotten by ler ~ ~ Suliscrptienselw>.y.î payable et raol~ fwudd elt rv the correcness)o the time thîey bear their firet'fruit. Puhication. Advart!8ine ratas nnleisbyliy a incorrectnesof this gentleman's observa- Get aIl garden tools and impiemente in à-? raet, 10 centl par lina, neneelariaf ir s -e en, and 5 eufs par linq acel subseaei te- tions.-[The Fanciers' Revîew. izoed shape, se that wlien the working g,.,tl rbeîtion. Loeale, 10 cents par lina. season arrives ne time will ha lest. If yen àý V N. A.JAMES Putdsherhave ne eprayer, and expect te gal perfect - Clean Food and Drink for PouîtrY. friyneyh iapitd net are sure te ha on baud uwith rotaud The devica shown herewith, from a sketch mildew ail together, tbay will leave yen a"'-4 STKJ I by W.Denaîl, will enable a poultry keep- arnaIl part. XVby net prepere taeroeZd o 0F C N D .these enemias, if you are in the business ofl- 0 (spîll pal! ua, S1,eOeo.Ret, rowing fruit aven te a iimited extent? y i , PERSONAL POINTERS. This Bank ie prepared te do Legiti- T .1 i mate Bauking in al its branches. 1 ha Shah of Persiele exceedmnghlosuper Farers ots isonned Dpoit .2~ stitieus. Hie always carnies with him wlîen 9 received and Interest pid on accouts -Z ~'ha trayais e circia of ember, wbich le said iý b 11re0 cf 85 and upwvards in Savings Bank te bave fallen from heaven lu Mobammed's Departmnent. RUUraOLT, time, and whicb randers the waarer invul- à nereble ; a casket et geid whicb malteS hini e1 T r toe scure- cleenlinese in the foed and invisible et will,and a tar,which is peùqt tutý Istuct' and Collections made tu Europe drink h supp tiesefis lews. The slattd to ma e c n prator i stantiy confes the"ir UJnited ,tatas, and canada, arrangement is pleced upon oe aide of the crime. IOU»MtTDRRICOEJO SN" JON S, fowi bouse, a portion ef the front being De. Seward Webb,presidant of the Wag- Wheu I heanad oher de gate an' spolte of CEUALRE.DER1EVEIAIC TIME Agent hgetpemtodsu drnteh arPlace Car Company, bas the largeet hygiane Brudder Bebea get maS and would- ,e \lANRHU TSM¶U'L L.iiC placed close hehind the shats, long treuglis private park lu the United Slate3, if net in n't ps-y ua de berrowed moaey I liad cuma F t IE ~ "M N H LP S E ONTA.IObeing used for the food, te permrit ahi the the worhd. Na owu about 200,000 acres of aenter, au' I shouldn't bey get ilte dis day ~ ONeTAReIetOtone TBAncoNdKpaewild land in the Adirondack ragien, &f hed I net threatened hum wid a liicîn. ~oltineste o aGeera Bakig Bsiess ch made long euough te provide accu- which lha bas enclosed 100,000 acres wîtb a Ha,ý thoughît t herdened de chili, an' ha rematiile odoageuy. Bnkn: uins modations for ail the fowls which are kept wire lance. The Docter'e modeet cottage looked upon me as an old cranltcnl' ps- l e î__ ..F,..,,us i200 feet long hy 80 feet wide, and is sur- "Up taofive or six y'ars ego ne uldps Th T R fà f R TIU DIEPOSITS rounded hy a apacieus varandab. <'ou Su-.spectedle ha ba a stornach. Ha sorter rUc ý lu a lue klan lepartment an(l on Prince Biarnarck's birthday pre-sents w-ere ,inm gýined 'lis food dropped down eomnewbar, Ileraisa a sketch of the fruit aud leevea etf c>-I J interent aliewed atournent rates Ne Rolling Meadow Land. liaeuti aapinron ftaeeteb aneithar knaw uer cared whar. De teTe tLt'o ntaimi. h ot " ee et wttlidrawal neceaary. Al apsis Rohigth madwosdtomtrin heo St ada.Amugthn wreLebcbe de astekepdecait uion'f dthten brkolwici av leûtar afhtaa pesture land, as acon as the freet leaves the portrait of the Prince, gaverai cases of the e mucb difference wid whet. Oua day uurg EX JAN E- ground in the spnîg, is otten doue by prac- cestliest 1hn iehîfadznbvsiafund Brudder ýArtichoke Johnson lyi' N R G nd seltt ud )rats îssued von Europe tical fermera. Ie lction of frost diten ef Kneipp bread, a table cover in the Ger- eut baclt of my cabin. Ha wss just de turltedtltatas and Canada, aiseGoldStivereand tbrows mny atones, te the surface, and iman cubeura, a long pipe, 2,000 Camareen siekeet man I ebber saw, au' ha claimed Set EXHAUSTIONo V iilad8tal sGreer-backsbouizliîand aold., when the grenuS becomeasa ttied these cigare, made in Bibundi ; paintings, peeme, ha hadheen bit bye rattiasualte. Itdidn't COLLECTIONSimpedimante are thug left in a position te and six cheet of tes. talte m oefnSiu ba s d a- Uand MS O F NERVE FORCE. Pr ty en a urret.raesupa il cause serions" iujury te the cuttiug appara- Ouaet the sincerest mourners et the ten. lHe had caban turnips, ceions, toma- Suffarers from. any troublae o the ganarative organe eau get etpetBniaeaincra nttera t seu ts f herewngmihie.Uppaartrae t tuetsPrnclstraz ws istoscbbge, udcocubrstru y ui ericlaa îa e vtatznreuxitxtacedfrm h DuI)onuoflCanade. lhable te beava by action of front the sur-' o au h atf haia oîwdgarden tilt Se bîllyons colin was puhlhn u root and b&rk ofaplant founid nly inthe hills ofBritielndta, do Nr. hefitfu nialfllw s part. 1 lifted haim up an' hootedhuaut sd knowu te the natives as the IlTreaet Lite."ý This vtlzn thehease romthepalce e te curc, eelixir bas beau made sud useS by Mrs.Besant teIndîafornaarly faceah ssers i oil iaren1sflthrunevn- sytle ftahas oo h aae etacucinto de roadllan' explained de lawe of hbaath îbirty yaars without oue Isilura te permancnly cure aven the Telgi'ph ranfe~ tmotiy reneaîy breu ut et the soil, snd thenca te the railway station, proceed- te him,but it was a bull y'ar bale' hae wouhd werst cases, Thisaéliitr Inii is sssw te titis country)l, quickly Made for large or smalssuts ou ail part or sud thesa the nller pressas Sown aînootb,, ingwii.b the meurners te Eisenstadt, whers cpt ysaemns estoes ail tha tunetieus te their tull viger, sud aven whera au Canada.Thisis teespecially adysîigaoua ttanet oniy inuuing a hetter eud more heethy the nerniains war ner.Fra mey 5acs y tteetsdvancedaealas beaureaehedanw litais bague. It is aise a pernee- living ta Viaitoba or the Xai's'tfinera. o emlss Yes, I arn glaS te sey, de cuhîipol helt ueto lrnecaa tFMSL EKES itinaites ths end..available -at on1ce auttl grawth, but leveling the fletd for the measthe Sog ceuld not ha inducad te leava the Pof dis ltentry curvmfor rapid progreasSo- IRGLRTEDSEsI. of IA TION AKNO RCMPSN plana'et pagma. ecenomical gteigofofe.Falgae nSh a inepi diyvst e ides fe y'v aer nd mttr e gene, S- IEUifAn iT Ensd wMan wnîtIngCOSTIPAnTaly IONlANDt IcîEprtiCulari u S.iyt othr particulars ca11 au the lia.k. sown wheat aud rye fields are cf tan benefit- ha tomb. an'efnanddis tua ouday wjhl go ahead jeet plain ealfullnvaiepe liy add-esssla E.L. F01l'y. GiiOMGILL,le ob9pli eidevlpbyarsilg .ccauitaut. Manager,. S olnwiiîssudh oete Mn. T. E. Eihis, the new Liberel chiaf as lest as white folks. Tata deflte- _______________saute__ emadaatatthafilSlesthedtecfierlwdi, iieest hayongmenwh tlead aaadnigerindeltftrlan'tleantn - or snon alter, as the action et the rDlier, i n wiART Ae fEheyongmA wo Ttre lTordnigenitdokntyan i le nd crushing lumps sud mallowing the surf ace the British Parliament in 1886. Tboughbübttie et medicina in de road dosha pull .iW5 a iatss uffictîn,. males a good seed baS sd covera a large the son et a Welh ten an t frmer, hae is aseot de cork an' imbibe de contents? Net proportion et the dloyen seed. g u Oxford man, sud distinguishad hinisaîf nch 1 Ha useS te do se, but be'e beard coniderahly duning bis carear et New Col- about hygiene. He jest puate dat bottle in lege. Ha to te politins firet et ail as bspenkettiham t pwdadotrn Child Government. sot. Was il fnom direct disotedieuca, was Profitabe hlog aising. pivata secretary te Mn. Brunnen, anS this 4;i(d3 eut whether it'e otwn rba post ha continueS te f11l during hie first medicina. We dean' slaep wid our feet Ouaet the handeat tacts of a motben's it froni caelassneso, or ignorance, un was it The firet point te hacltapt in view in hog yeans iu the flouse of Commneu. Ha is a outer der winder ne mu',. Ye dean' seak ile is the geveruiment eftlhan childran. Thet realiy the recuit of an accident? Escb oe raising se te grow vthe trame. ,The second fluant speaker in Walsh, anS extremahly ou r bead in 10e water te cure chilblaius. We w a at cidm iS pnaet enoftese cha for anifl'as moe etioare iste put on fideli. Semae fermera tny te de pepular in Wales, and bas alnaady doua dean":sleep ou a feather baS wid twoank- î u ahsat of many ef us ; but te malte ourmet Tocuraaustsinninl both ateonce instead, et eue et a tirmandeuSgreat services te hiscocuntryman in conuec- ats ober us in sommer te kaep consurnehun goverument coincident with proper develop- when il wss puraly accidentaI, and punish fail in conseeuence. The next important tien witb Welsh tithes, Walsh land, Welsh eway, an' wa bas Siscovered saven or aiglit ment, te rastrein sud net d'2stroy ahi in-. a ucli, neyer corrects the Isuit, but maltes question is wbeu the pig should ha farrowed educatuon, anS the .Welsh Cburc.-[Chi- aers et green coun et a meal arn plenty 'nuiff ividuality; te punish ouly when the eut a chilS sullen, sud aven dalant. To scold a aeas tee hadlded meet ecoeomicelly. cage Post. 1te keepade liver je gond onder. We am gittin' neits it* te aSsise at just the moment child for something, when it ltnew ne bat- This invelves the cousidaration et tempera- Lord Mount-Stephen attendeS the levecalaong alligt an'l'arnin'suntliin'new ebery w.entheainmindsfar e ia atat te appde,- taf, t ilenteabnd awkco .ld u m es V]~TE.tLNARY SUUi~O~i. tura, sud propan tood. Tetnperstune an* balS a welt ago et St. James' Palace by day, au' five y'ans hence we wiii hoaeble te pniate telso o hi ed egie erusln n wtad fcat tar lagel jue te eonoy e teS. te Dlteet orl oubabîl f br Mjesy.talte keer ef oureelvas an' parbeps giv' de yat net retard originality: in other words, erigineiity anS retards bts confidence, a ORONO, ONT. buecli et hogs that baSbaua gaining on1 Lord Mount-Stepbsu was aIse among the white man sum. p'intens te boot. te malte tliem tbenglttul, uuseifish, lovaatigwîhwlhamnpriuseyn Offc&-Pî.st OfFi ,sPBlocka.),n average oeahundrad sud fitty peunde peens ententeinad by the-Marquis et Salis- . an, ay e u g reu as wlti ebdiet e b nsv y. Ed spiseclymoûre nievous, Ced b1 tie,.,p o teephneraýelv i, -arwaek whule the temparature was laver- buny, as the leader et the Ceuservative Eeymte a udi h ilT nbaoesmah n orc Ccl ey et4r.p o tlalinsreele n~able, bringing me filty cents pan bu8eaifor party in the Uppar flouse, et the opeuing Cutting an Ironwood. Eer:oterbs uiai aa il osncana o isynptbyvesanS aeetact dn ssatât,întson. study anS tboroughly undaretand harsaît,unrtadigoteotasraaesnte neicern, dropped in colS weathan te lhirty- et Pariamaut. 'Lieutenant Snhwatka,in deciing aom otletivnalyeude nai e a eits proper growth as sushina is te certain aiglit pounds par bsetforgion wina bote Sir Matthaw Begbie, ChiaI Justice et ef the treas near Sowora,sys thet the ahing et their rnothar's disposition anS flowers. twlv ens1 a bese frcen wîl heBitish Columbia. is saiS te bha Siyin. Haiionwood loks varv muccli le a flue var- ta ts, l knoing slf thn e -eu n-. Soe individuels do inhenit a adIleu dis- F OR the nernoval et seconds wana as large again as the firets. sattlad on Pitcairn isiand meny yeasrs ago. I ivea-,yen a place et steak net langer tethajeini tepl;, but wa ought t auggeanduS"Becas' ou o't go." werrns cf ail kinds The finat fermer in naply said : "My hoge The cornrnnity comprises 128 peopla. yontr lwo fengens."' improve upen sucb pontions et their gamas FfreruebtIdren or aSis, ana lia firet itter, Thair methen droppad IMsfloy's errand le te engage tweo ol Sta-" 'That's wbat." as ara net correct te neal lita. The mothan Fer satanai yaars past Pistn on Hinsch. use MR 8 M T ws thanibetonaelia was eue yaar ol." Tia teachars te educata the childnan on tiie Bittýer-" I shouldn't tiinktbtht was wl-o tatas Ibis intarest in han childran wilt basgvntegrc'iuustherc CEReeAM'JWORII lhapige froni a weti-Savaloed mether island. Hae sys the community Lis in ia anoýugli" finS tiens devaboping, anS abstiîgfon eeste London hospitele. This year ho LOýZE 'CES. .&was wil ouagnow those trornian nndavatoped popre odto u a aety Sa- h o' uwaotta.Ievil waya without muni effort ou ber part. b as not only toltewed lita precadanaut Nreve. asaiasa 1a iaaes, esititît tLteu oe I helieve te hoa a act woraiy et atten- adoptaS a naw terni cf geanunent, Covar etwis;h somatimas aller V've beau Ouaeofthle saencet s uccecaftul contnel jis dulStaaon.Hctena ___ tcs ac.9i , y~ ion, econorically considanad. Basedupon which hapresidesasep-sident. cbew oni f al n hu rsot-tW tepwrfer e odIý1ushad!rhil ast seà%on £,0,ar oà, esy- a anena --o -ua te1 W- a îj ntn s Cdienmîat bfae 11erel-aua eda d'. v' counei t Six Men. L seeu,.oritiu ce1 as ta us. discriminate between, the reid b&uses of au My experienm, 1 hold that the best plan is sisted bY a

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