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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Apr 1894, p. 4

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LIFE IN A LUMBER CAMP. S ofal aA WEST Duni-i-ÂM Box 's ý;î PEÂR EDIToR,-l Iam. pleased. to say ID -~1that TuE SrATESMÂN., arrivez here every .L. l Sh. Fn ay înorning, now, and it neemas as if 1 were paying a v it back at old Bownau- ville again as I read the M'ivts of Ellison &Co., th.ý West End House, and se on; (where is Treleven's big boot drtwn bjr two horses?) but 1 find in reading your papier 1 hat there are many changea in the use ooka SoalaShoePouh ~ past two years-many of the oid residents r'A lu ue Hcks Sfal Soe oleh orof Bownianville as well as. Fome of the Le qk i, erd Chindrea ae fine Boetis and Shoesa younger eues of mY acquaintance have1 «Ie fi est to preserve the leatber and keep it crosstfd the river. Speaking for myseif, sf1able. Itwill Mairae a poah llke satin, For Iannjyngood hiealth and arn at aileby Bot ud ~oe ealea. east tîirty pounadB heavier than when 1 ___________________________-carne here about two years ago. ,I have spent amost of that tiuie in the umiber ~~1~UhU ~IU,¾~,woods of Minneota, which supplies thousands (f mon wth work during the BOWMÂNVILmt, APRIL 18, 1894. early fàll aid winterseason Thelumber- man who is gettiltg out the logs col,m n- - ces to g t his crow in about the latter part THIE WESTERN BANK. of A ugust or the first of Septembor, and i he tîrne is spent in cntting and grsding We take more than ordinary interest ronds, on which te haul the legs during iu the affaira of tlie Western Bank of the winter, and which are rnn rp soixie COuiads bocause two of our leading citizeus ravine or as lovel a place as possible and W. F. Allen, Esq., aud Thos. Paterson, every tree and root are cut out of thý3 way. ï;,., are dir.ctors aud other monied The erth is levellod do wn as amooth as citizens arc lirge stock holdera. The NI r Porter used te keep King Sreot, twelfth animal report as publimhod in Bowmanvillo, and if ýhere is a grade of a another colurnu ta crtainly exceedingly foot Lu height it is lcvelled off so ns to oatiafactory to the shareholdersansd ail have no up grades to haul the great loads conceuned aud we congratulate the over in going to the ]anding place management on the apkundid showing. is genenally somes lake or rivez and from TIbe report épeaks for itself, whero they are drivon by water. About ________________the ni ddle of October they begin teou- SIR OIVER MOWA ANDlarge the crew outil they gt the camp SIR LIVE MOW AND full whieli range from fifty to eue hundred TEE NEW PARTIES. men gec- er3Iily sud then tho cutting bo- gins. l do net kuow if in your travols Seon after'the election of Mr. Me- yeu ever vi8ited a lumber camp, but Naugliton the Canadar Farrners' S, i n supposizig yeui have net 1I il i gve v ou an an editonial signed by Mr. A. Gifford, outine of one of N1 ssrs.Poweri& Dwyer'a5 Grand Trustee cf the Patrons cf Indus- Camps, but a yoar age, at a cost of up- try, undortook to doflne the position of ivards of 84,O0. We will stant finst ' ith the non- moiner in the Legilatuno, and the Cook camp which is of gyrotest siaid arnong ethor things: moment to the luinbor Jack; it La buiit on "Thene is no doubt great efforts will bc the bank of Suon- Bail L iko and is 80 f t. vut. forth by both parties to tic Mr. Mc- long by about 50 fot wide; the xalls are Naug4ton te one cr tho other of the made of legs fittened on tho inside; the chariot wherls. The Opposition will floor is of similan lugs fisttoned on t h-e likoly ho on hand with a ncely flxod up ides se as to fit tegether closely; the iotion of wut of confidence in the Gev. roof is ceveced with inch lumbor and over ernrnlut, eenbodying ehe idea of the sp- this a lair of tar papor; and inside Tomn ' oinent of ail officialz by the munici- Savage roigna with as much dignity ns the pality, and Mr. MeNaughton wll be ex- best cookLuhe e knw Bect pected te support it. But the people of lieuse, Bo'wratývil1o Tho lurnher Jack North Bruce did not lect h in for is fed well aud yen can bet thcy take it auch purpose, but te intreduce a bill hîi ont in wonk. In rear of cook camp is the zof, modlled on the linos iudicated in wane-hou-e whoroe erythîng needful in our plat-erm, and te, press that bill te a the cooking lino can ho fouud. Next division, net te withdcaw it at auy lead- cornes the main sleeping camp with an e's beheat, rs was doue iii the last accommodation for eîghty mn-ail in ep.e emon." noom with twe ro sa of bunks don-n either And again: "Rie is net there t) intro- id' Noxt ini ron- La the Teamateca' sleop- ducce or support factions opp asition fer iug camp, they have thein off to theus- party puqJoes, but te initisto aud sup- slves se as net to disturb the reat of the port auch logiala ion as is Lu the interesta cnew in getting eut early te care for titeir of the people erly. In fact it weuld be herses. Ncxt ii the Office or Wangun well te ignore ail que&tious iitroduced where (you vonson oa.n buy bis snoes, fer the purpose of oecuring party ad- sntrf or hia yacket> thia is the way t, e vanta,ýg. leaving the pârties % ight thoe Swede taýks. Evorything nec ssi3,ry for * axeu thrns!ve."wearing apparel aise t bacco and 1 ta Mc Gffod alo deia.ed .~ a iner-thinga n- t nccessary at ail are kopt.T Mr Cffor als docitreI iner-hovelaâ foc the herses a e, built on the viaw that Patrons were ot Et e to g meusprinciple as the other campa and support .ato ofdnc oin,ýr have room for about soventy hermes witl à. Lýckie Wilson, Grand Trustee. aaîd it a largo feed room. Thero is alse a black- n-as net thse intention of thQ Patrons te smith'shop roe de repair and ne ok defeat thse Geverrament, or to indulge Lui for tise cceru, aud îast is a largeoper Efactieus oppoit ion te thse party iu power etied te store the aleds durnug the jsummier There is no doubt that thse posit on cf the time. Thse aleda uaed are very hesvy; Patrons n-as defined lu a simlar way duc.rc- unr aaetegt etln u iugthecoueat su tht muy ibesîsare heàvily irened The rockers are of voted for Mr MeNaughton upcn the un- ha d n-ced sud about oîght inehes aquare derstanding that hoe wou'd gii e a general sud give the runnora a width cf six foot. support te the Geverrirnont, aud would The bunks are about elevon fot long sud nt coppose it except tor the furtherance a foot square sud are genenally made of Çf Legisiative m, saures which the Pst- white oak so as toe tand the h avy loads roa fvocod la preof of this it aeiy be that are put ou thern; the weighr, of oue stakd that at the nomination p'<"""ffings of tlîoae loda is about 4,500 pounds. in Port Elgin M. cNL'augl."'i wa The roada as I aaid before are g aded ne asked: êSuppoing penadveutuno a motien level as possible, and n-heu thero i, should cerne up in the lieuse decainug aufficient:n- wte haul theo hust]ing begirk non-confidence Ln the prosort Govern- -thnee o'clock in the morning finda everyi ment, kuowing their p'st record as yen thing astir. Ti,.e Bmon is aîl cleaned ei do, -weuld you voe agaiit the Geveru- th" road fer the width cf seven feot by, ment Y' And lho roplied, "Se far a% 1 s'a w pleugh fer the prirpose leavingm aIl infoinmcd iu regard te Parlis- bank - f sunou either side, snd thon tý( lnleuttany tules, t depeuda altogether upon water tank is startod sud mun over thi 01e way thiat the reoe utien n-as pcesed, nosd forth sud bsck nutil t La a bied end fer n-bat reason it was brought about glace ice and thon the read is resdy t( P'rovidod that the Mon-at Guvennnient haul on. The road is k -pt iced this -a3 brought iu a measuno that n-as net in un- wsy ah n-Lu or sud that accounits fer th( ison n-th our platforni, thon, cetainiy, very large loads cf lozs they haul nLtl if the veoeof want f confidence came eue toarn cof hî.rses. it is q .ite oieïmci fi-cm that mneasure 1 asoinLu dty bouîîd te fer eue t arn cf herses te haul sovon asu support tise Oppositions Lu t, eight thousand foot cf pine legs at or Mn. Mcofanght-on bas gîven votes load sud I have a phôograph cf a 1ýaè against the (joerument, aiad the chief tbat 1 Iîelped te put ou utiysoîf, cf twlv4 motion upon n-hidh iehoepposed thý Gev- thousaad feet, a2 d haoled th, e miles iý crniment n-as net iu fotheravce cf aniy the lau ýing (Should l-ke te sec t En. legi~iation, or upen satuessure. h n-as Friend James, I might continue wn-n hi an ausendmeut te supply s pieceocf p %re foc soine time in relatiug cf tise drivirq paty tactics, legitimate eueugh from a cf these legs Lu thse Spring , Il the n-t psrty stsudpeînt, but just such a mtica from Swan Lake dunu Swan River Lut as 'Mc Gifferd said Mr. McNaugliton the Miasissippi. sud stili en te Minne- pol bring about a clamity as great te the n-lbs te ireep abreast ef cornent oven Province cf Ontario as thte inýtroduction the worid over sbould subacnibe foc t cf a Cousenvatîve Goverument was te thse Revievr cf Reviewvs. rJ'omiriniouflfifteen years ago. Derngernt cf tho liver, with co ThIE STATESHÂ Mnd WEExix GLOEn stipaior, injures the complexioin, mndu n-Ll be given te n w subscribera tilt Jan. piniples, sallcw said. Remove tise cau 1, 1895, for only $1,00. Seud order to by usLug Carter's Litte Liver Pilla. t. M A. Jamoi. a doSe. Try them. Mr- . T-heTwelfth iAnnual MV.eetng 0F TE SAREIOLDRSOF- THE WESTERN BA"NK"0FOCANADA,~ .OSHAWAý, 0ON,ýTARIO,- HELD AT TUIE HEAD O0FFICE 0F TEIE BAýNK, ON WEDNESDAY, THE IITH DAY 0F APRIL, 1894. T H FOLOWlNG SHAREHOLD)ERS WVERE PRESENT:-JoiN ;COWAN, T 11E FOL F. AlLEN, EsQ,, Dit. McINTeau, J. A. GsexESQ., W. F Cen-AN, Esq., T. Hl. MoMLAN, EsQ. T-hos. PAERo , EQ, C. W. SCOTTi, EsQ., Jeux McLAcUuxLI, EsQ., Tues 1MenîsE, Tues, LAvis, EsQ., Tueos. MILLLAZ, ESQ., R. S. IHALIN, ESQ, R. FesTEn, E8Q., GEO0. PORTER~, EsQ , ANO D LieR, ESQ., The Presideut, MR JoiiN CowÂst,occuied thse chair,sud MRs. T. Il. MQMLLAN actod as Secnetary te tise meeting. REPORT.- The Directora beg te subilit tIhe Twqeifth Annual Report foc tise yoar eiidiug 28th February, 1894. The oscuinga cf the Batik have been up te thse average. Tise net protits for the year have amouuted te $35 878 04, being at tise rate cf 9j per cent. upon tise average paid up capital, whicb,added te the balance $1,044,48, at cr, dit cf Profit aud Loss, carried forn-snd from the proviens yesr, suicunt's te $36,99-2 52. Frein this sura tn-e hîsf yearly dis'idenda cf 3ý '/ cacis have been paid, sud an addition cf $6,500 made te the Reat, whîch non- stands at $92, 500, or about tweuty- five per ccett. cf thse p. id up capital cf the Bank, leaviiîg $4,596.26, whicb bas beon carried focn-and te profit sud bass acceunt. No serions fesses bave occnrred dnning thse year. Ali the Agencica cf the Banks have receutly been iitspected sud fouisd iu a satisfactory condition. JOHIN COW&.N, Oshaw-a, April lits, 1891. PRESIDENT. j STATEMENT 0F ASSETS AND LIABILITIES -0F- The Westziern .Bank of Canada, ON ýÇTUE 28th DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1894. STATEMENT 0F PROFITS FOR THE YEAR ENDING FEBRUARY, 28, 1894. Balance at credit cf Profit Ai'rLIED AS FOLLOWS : sud Losa acconot, on 28 Te psy Dividend No. 22.... Feb. 1893............ 1,044 48 To psy Divîdend Ne. 23... Net Profits cf tise \ear...... 35878 ü4 Csnied te Roat Account.. 'Balance at credit cf Profit asîd Loas account...,.. 836,922 52 LIAIJILITIES. Capital Account ........... $370,377 54t Rest Account........... .. 92,500 00) Notes iu circuisati' m .........248,955 (JO Deposits, wthi Lteeat ..1,155,819 6 Divideud No. 22, (uncalleà for)................... 10 0 Dividend No, '23 ...........12928 89 Specie .................. Legals................' Notes..udChoques cf otiser Banks .............. Due-froin ether Banks in Canada...... Due from otiser Bn ain Foreign Countnies .. Due frorn London Agents. . Ontario Goverumout Doben- turcs............... Dominion Goverarnent De- btntures............ Municipal Dobontures.. Depesit' with Doininion Govex amont te secune Circulation ......... $12,K28 89 6,500 wJ 4,596 26 $36,,922 52 24,876 50 9,054 88 LI ~I IN T t~Y& L'IbL4~ uUu~or.~ FOR GENTLEMEN, We have just openedt up a fulli une of E.VanAllen's celebrated Neglegee Shirts with Ties to match in Colors and Plain Black. Prices $1.00, $1.25 and $150O. Also the new style of Regatta Shirts, with which you should Iwear a white collar, to be in it. AT L«AST The Tans have arrived. We bave the best Russia Leather Tan Boots, Blutchard style, in the country, and only ask $3 per pair. Did. you ever pay $4.,50 for the same Boots? AND A'LWAYS you will flnd it to your advantage to deal at the West End House for the best Dry Goods, 2oots and' Shoes, and Groceries, in this part of 2247 1 tecu ty 10,696 95 54,736 64 25,246 58 188,571 11 16,435 34, -4ssets Lmediately avail- abb............. 682,329 50 riis Dicoutd uret. .1, 173,262 89 At crodit of Profit ard Los& Pant Due, Bisasecurod ..... 23,283 72 acoot................ 4,9 6Ofc Safes sud Furniture. . 6,311 73 S.,8 17 4$1,885,187 84 Oshan-a, Feb. 28th, 1894. T. H. MoMlLLAN, Cashier Mev. d by the Pr ident, sud ae4de by tise \ice-Preaidetst, that tise Report as read be adop)ted, prnted snd ciciated larnongst tise Slîareislders.-Carcied. Mn. McLaughlin, aecended by Mr. Miller, moved, That tise thanka cof the Shaneholders are due sud anc hiereby tendered te the Presîdent, Vîce-Prosîdeut sud Directera cf tIse Bank for thermanuer lun which they have couducted the affaira of the Bank durng the past year.-Carriod. Mr. Patorson, aecouded by Mn. Festen, mnoved, Tisat the thanks cf tise Shane- hoiders ho given te tise CashLor sud otiser officera cf the Bansk foc thoir att ention te tise intenests cf tise Bank.-Carried. Mr, Lick, secouded by Mc. Morris, mlovcd, ThAt this meceting de non- proceed te eleet by ballet sevon Directons te fît tise places cf those retiring, aud that M essrs. C. W. Scott aud John McLaughiin bco arutinjeors for said election, sud that tise poil romain open foc eue heur te receive thie vote& cf tise Shaceholderaf, but tliat should five minutes elapse at any timo n-thont s voe havîug becu taken tise poili shah hoe declaced cli sed,and that thse Scrntîueers hof paid $4 each for their services. -Carried. The" Senîtineens reportwd the felion-ing %Aven Rentlt-rnuas hiaving nec ived tise unanimeus vote of the Shaceholdons, vi3. :-.John Cowau, Esq., R. S Hambîin, Esq., Wr. F. Con-an, Esq., Dr- Mtcl' tesb, NW. F. Allen, Esq., Thos. Paterson, Esq., sud J. A. Gibsen, Esq., n-ho n-ero duiy dcclsred elected Directors foc the ensuing year. A vote ot thanka was thon tend ced te the Cisairman for his able ccnduct in the Chair, sud tise meeting tison adjounud, At a subsequent meeeting cf tise non- Board, John Con-an, Eaq., n-as nuanimeus- iy eiected Preaidene, sud R S. Hamnliui, Easq., Vice-PrEýsident. A MODEL STURE Probabiy ne business ostablisîineut ia more n-idely kuon-n tiscougisout Wa Durhamstitan thse justiy popuilan re Gooda atone cf Msessrs. Concis, J. Iiuston &- Cryderma!t. It is penhaps equaliy well ki.own that tbey are by far thse largest impertera cf higi cias gooda Lu tise coun-, try. It is penhapa equa ly n-cii kuenis tisat they carry sncb a fine stock of Dresa Gooda, Carpots sud Curtaiîsa as Laequail- cd enly by some cf tise city stores; sud as they are ihi a position te boy on v s good terma as auy retail isos, iso eue can seou cheaper. They are noted forIikeeping theý nnest, beat sud usost cehiable gooda; sud n-hile they have tilwa,, s carried s flue stock, n-e believe i, La geurslly cenrýceded tisat thc.y have neyer thon-n sucis aau perb stock as tisey are dcing tis ascasenl. Iu Dreas Goodsansd Trimmiags, Lan-cl Delaines; iii Pnints sud Sateena; tu Gioves and lleiseny; in Carpets sud Cor. tai s; Lu Clothsansd Tweeds; iu Mauties sud bMantic Ciotisa; Lu Men'sHlis; iui Linons sud ail kinds of Stapie Goda1, tisey are shen-ing sucis s stock as canuot fail te please the mest fastidieus sud aýt pnicea n-ici s t siit the moat economi- cal buyers. Fne oidercd Cietising La ýe cf their specialtoes Lu thsernake-np cf n-hich oniy tise beat iniaterals are uaed sud enly firat-ciasa n-orkrnuemployed e e may say tisat this firm depeud selely for tisir succeas upon the useita atsd val-. ue cf their geeda, cernbiued with their n-oh knowu, straigbtfonn-and sethoci cf d oing busine a They have sevr at auy tîmo gene into any pize or gift enter- pize. They helieve tisir busLuecs iLa te boy sud sel1 Dry Goods te tise prosecu- tien cf n-hich tisey devote their beat eon- rgies ad give tieir utornrs tie !ben- fit cf sncb a theneugis kun-wltdge of t1ieir business as can ha gaiued oniy by ,s long experieudfi. 3Take K. D. C. Pilla n-heu a là xýat i Y" required. IT SHARP?.XS the appetite, ixuproves digestion, sud restores health sud vigor; ail tise organs of tise body are rouseil to heathy action by Doctor 'Pierce'B Golden Medical Discovery. More tban al, tise liver-and that's tise key to tise whole systexu. You have pure blood or poisonous blocil, .ust as your lver ehooses. Tise PiOIL controls tise healtis, tise liver controls thse blood, tise IlDiacovery" controls tise liver. You eau escape jeast about haîf thse iqs tisat flesh La hein te, by being ready for tiser. Drace tise s yatem up witis this medicine, wicih prevents as well as cures. Foc ait diseases caused by a disordered lver or impure hlood-dyspepsia, bilîons- nîsa, tise most tubborn skia, arëlp and serofubons affections, tise I"Dis- eovery " a tise only remedy so cer- tain and effective that t <'an, be guarantsed. If it doesn't benefit or cure, you have your money baek. Yen psy ouly for thse good yen et. Catarrhi is cuei by using Dr. Sage's Reniedy. JUST IN-One Car Load (80 barrels) of SUGAR. Special prices per barrel lots. HIGHEST price paid for ail kinds of Pro duce. JOHN McMURTRY. Upon having Featherbone Corsets. Refuse ail sutbstitu.tes. Seo they are sfamped thmis: )P' PATENTED SEPT. 3rd, 1884. No. 20110. NONE ARE GENiJINE UNLESS S0 8TAMPEO., YOUNG & CO'S ,NEW STOo Having bou-ght out the laga Urocery and Provision Business of Mr. John Lyle in Murdoch's Old Stand we are in a better position than ever to serve the public, as this is the largest store andi finest stock in the town, the stock being mostly new. Our en- deavor will be to keep up the high reputation of both houses and cordially invite ail former custom- ers to continue with uis---we shall be glad to see you--and as mapv new ones as will favor us with their patronage. We are open and ready for business to-day! Y oung & Co., VICTRIsA BULi5 Murdoch's Old Stand. p 1 - 1

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