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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Apr 1894, p. 7

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BREAKFAST-SUPPER. 13ya taragbknaw'edze o? the natura a17 h gvern theaprinso etl an furitian 'ndby acrfl appicto0 the inepro -rte wllsl Cte o0a. Mr. EpabsProvided Our breakfiast tables witb a deýllcately flavored beverare which may save Uic many heavy dacetorli'bis. It is by thi iudxetaus u1,3 se CI' ,uch articles of diet that a COliiuin my hbe gradually- huit UP until utrasgenonh t reist every tendAncy to dlies.H1ndýrede I O suhile maladies are fat garound us ready ta, attack wherev,3r there is a wek Point. We mae ecape macs' wîhPur"blaod aaid a Pràroosîs'naurish4e fram,"-"jr~îService iGavette." IAaeSimPîs with boiling water ar milkz 'o1 aly in Packets. by Graers. labnlled thus JA1IE EPS ~ C.,llmSoepathilc cIitts ltLOUden, EnZland, WVEDNESDAY, APRIL 18, 1894 Du. J. C C, 'ITELLt, EMBER 0F COLLEH,,F ,Opt'pIIySIC %nd Surgeons, otaria, Coroner, etc. Offix andi Residence. Enniskîllen. 74. B PISTIRSOLICITOR, ~.MPT '~ OM ttptalrS, Ring eStret, Bow',uan. ~il.fOllctOr the Octari Bank ki lta e enys IcanecI aethIe 1lewast ratai HIOUSEHOLD. The Apple '[reg. Sec the gra celfui applo Irec In tht' xprung, Burstieg buds nase unie me ,,,d Lhoughts brbng, of the happy nscning fucure Wben the troc wc watch ccd nurture Wl bc nobed te faitesi venilsre, Thon wil ete Ie ils bon ghs the ivelong morning, Menu-y birds, the troc, adornieg. And thein prcbuy nestiege varing, Tsittenî'ng lie eppie troc Nos ie surnsmet sec the appie trec rBendinglhas. Green leaves wavieg hcppily To ced fro. Dropped the dciuty fragnant floseers Froint heir emerad tieled l-ew2rs In their iccgrenb fcctheny slowere, Shoseers 0f enese. Thon it was the wece garni ttt!ed, Asa r.y fseneshine dcrted Thriigh lb, and nese ile impattefi, And iigrese. Pull is the applo Ince. flieceedtlcys oi Soeg cnd story Nomv sec greet ; Radient in ber weaitb ced giory, Autumn, swect. Brown aund goid have urned bbe moadow Dosen the glen steai iut ehadowF, And its offening the troc ibros At bhy feot. Drops a gi tse saitcd yeilose, App!esfàlling ripe ced meilose. Eachi moce tuv'hious than bis fellese, Suclu a tmcdi Fruilful apple roc. Stands the brave oid apple Ires. Brcown and haro. Icy Lm bs aeheblpieRsiy floeand Ihere. Strippcd ofaicl i hI5suimmer beccty, MORT. YOUNG, V. S. I Sîcrsto plead sesadly, mutely 0FFICE I H ES HM That I stop t look le puty; Non c Block. ehere himseli or assistant '[hou ejayans thaughl contes qnickly efudfrGým ia.m. t109 p.m. Nighi clis Soon glad sping agale sili fitly ktxeidece-direcrlY oPpositeDrlluîShed. aGqlotho. s ar !1,-hor telepinewiel recive prompt Ont aid epple trou. l7r -[erenoes Rltodes Seueders, le Iieutisekeeper. _APRGIIITECT. Plans cead Speciica. A Housecleaning Episode. I±li u l i r"parcd fer ovcry cis of building. Oece more stand lace te face seul the ie- > ce ctnengyno heating by steena vtbehuemcee.Eeyhueef ci d bot seter. acd te scciîcny arrangements. vtbehurlaig Eeyhoswf Gfne onsie Blackt, Whilby 13-îy dreade il, even if rion do pretend te belirve - - r-%that seo are jeet le aur I"elentent." ?. ? .Ii T~1cvis hen- is no getîing enounfi it, hecîli cend P '. ceanlinece demar:d ibis annuel cphoavel, gentlemen's Cothes Made to Order. 'Boseby nebel? Yee, dean diany, yeu tnow 1I drecd i t, doe't yoe ? But li me tell you lIt TbV~va secret ; I amt goieg te cocnol the lioese- BE cleaeing ibis spring, and net Ici it control me. You iteose selaiI mean. Yeu kitose I>Li~TJ~rr ose maey tintes 1hahve negiectefi yoe for seecte, ced Ihen the I"neige cf terrer" over have cotnessecary, penitect ced humble, OFT4FICE :-Rear of Messrs. seth only a dlean bouse ta show Ion lece cf trength ced patience. Iii-ginbotham & Son1's Dru Yes, sec keose ri esenoeg, no Christian rgcae afferd le ibrose off lien antraned lie- cointe a veitable "Xcnthippe" for the sae Store, (down stairs), cf cleaclinees ee, but alas ! ambition tries le mate us comps the watt af twe ficys BO'WMANVILLE in cee; the nesuit is, see overseorit, ced lorget jilie haste and confusion ta watoh cen seords. But ibis yecrbeholfi arclonntction. G oeits lothing You sill net lie negleciefi a single day, for I have plefigefi myseif ta juet coneaont Cieaeed, lJyed. Pressefi ccd Reucîrefi by c day. I shall test eveny sîtennoon, ilioe r-r- ~ c ~r'i'~~~l1A 1rwIsel net gel seorrued or frettefi, ced ce a T 1-1- %É J ~ .' 12-i l A T9 safegeerd I wili teke a texi eachliday tei watt by. Ta day h have clse: IISeffi- Dyer antd Cicîbes leanen, oienti unIe the day is the cvii lienef." cces erraelcd te lie as ne anc elf àkctw Hors cames my helper, se au revour'. Liema Iront nese seen dene, The lonegoing le a quotatien Iront nty iCorneir King ced Ontaneioustel, diany ou eue April 1. Andi nase for hle Bosemanvillle sequel aI Ihat l ideal" lbousecieeieg day. I leugli eveny tinte 1h thiit Iofit, ced il ci- secys serves ce c tanie sehen I am about T,3 ' w recdly IonrIthe 1"imevitable." Thal is c goond starter-c goofi dose of laugb teetio, siters-sa I sili pees ou te the cequel cf that motejer, cnd if ilcuses you te icugli ai my oxpeeseé, alhboticter. Thinge neyer do move off quile as sec plan thent, especielly durng ibis dreadefi season. Expeetefi pepenheegene or lielp feu us, e, ced csec emight baller sient eut oxpecting diseppoielmueins, ced lIeni weeseil net lie thnowe cff aur guard seheni S~. H RNDE L D s. hey conte. But baci te ibis memorable -IAR-D. S. morning. h1xvil etiattempi te give Ilmy Graduate cftlite Royal College of D.etei sey," for h nover foihoweefiticeseitteu Surgeons, Ontario. lioe" ofaI ny other lieuseseife. I sl OFFCE PPOITEEXPES3OFFCEL oniy venturene la eythai h begmeiihthej OFFIE OPOSIE EPRES OFICZ atileand soit dosen. VITALIZ1ED AIR. Thai yecr h inended te lie thonoughnes 1ilseif, even ta havieg the floot moppaf it jl lturponlice ced wseio, Ior 0, canefel houes- ,-Zew Ta lor î sives, h suspectefi mothe ale bt their egg '[le uderiteefiseb ba bee drryeg a anunfi as a rosuli aI my incbiliy ta say1 thbe lpilorneg business in doccectionlwll n"she uiedl eilige i ýMccesn's Dry Go de Store fora n unier of years pivilege af stonhng Iljuet a lese ihinge " in bas1c Conmencerd business fer hbt efet lime said achie. neideeeo, King St,west. sebere ho me preparad So seul "Ibhis one thing I do," lu my le mate geets' ced boye* suite senca" the laiesi erIsatdfrtefrtfor(evn s-tyles, ced ci loseel piceg, For thase sb ienIsateifrib rtfor(eve 'ývsb te erder suite, he will carry a fuil lice cfrnty agefi mothen teatatendi te cny possible epiples in ai the eewest patternse. Give hlm calions), eccompnceod by a Hoilander, sel rrN ~ ing ced stout. h saifi: "Nôe, John, h J. . -w-aljN st yen te carry dasen ail the beddieg andi Feelonchle Teilor dlles you cee hlisenecd put tiernt onth. hloseruceille.Nov.1, ~lices ced sehip thent, andi then streep cnd _______________________1,__18921__map tie floo." Se lue decendefi tle flights aI stairs siti H AVE YOU bd aIrer locd, untih lie ceifi goofi natucofi- Mliwi yauiy "G ees yeu keep boarders, muent, yoe goe sochcl led tiege." At lest, sntiling1 bis content, lie saidi "Dot's cli Andi 1 6 followed aller te secsi lie uculerstood hliue ing ccd sehpping ;then scifi h ce I haudef ht uthe beaten:."Now, .John, I seant yoe te give everything e thereugi bcalicg, fer 1 et cfnald Ihene are mths ie saine af tient." Ai my seonde, poon.John turnefi red, go Q thon sehite, dropped the lieaer, ced stant. ~ ofi, scying "h'ni mooci efreifi ef mole 1 tan cIter hirm scying: Why, mollis seo't hurî yen, do conte beot, 1 illii pay "Ba k e h th scaueners yentmere than you ast." But eo, lie actefI fyn "achahe te seaenge ceasil lie cauid net gel ret of mny sight toc neeas Ie Ai- c thesysem. quicitîy, and oniy nepliedi No, ne, mole, % neys are in "Delay la hntoc qa', i1"Du ou eue le n trouble. Dedd's drngereus. Neg- noyeri ceasec ws et hosing bii, h set dosen Kidney'Pi//s glu/e Iected kidney nflcgduetriayaile ue f prm& trlif robesrsu m an nuneieg awey fraie passible moîhe? h "~~5,pgrcent la ad Beod, learnefi icten thai lie did coi uedenstand o0f IPKse is Dycpepsia, Liver uuy mtuueuimg, ccd thought 1 met thîe gent jr3t caused by Cemplaint, and c ilteicdsaeta c envn diserdered hid- the most dan- prevaient ced fatal Ihet season. Anylios 0neys. gerou.e cf al, I sees leli in tise lunch, but ihieking of my "Mlight as welI Brights Disease, txIeii"Nyrnid o i lte try te have ci Dia betes and agteeutilnctmaddeuIwl hea/tAy city Dropsy.'bagieoniunittcdilehwl ivitoutsewe- T e aove senfi the mari te hant np soenen notafreifi mit o u 8eer- Theabot 1 f mole," Se liccitetathe ettie h1seent, cnd 9,age, as good diseases cannot 0Obe esIlatn lmul ut e îmat he h x/t wee eanîieg bundies thet 1 forgot cil else, until, higgd ey ae s a reDeddsKdey harkt uimede," lion for lte firt tinte c/o gedthe are P/li ar uce." 1 noticofi thaI lie attîc lied grosen dent, Soid by ail dcaicrs or scnt by malien reccep acd- ,th ose loîles V" h fiew doseesteirs, c-'f price 50 conts. Per box or six for $2i. a k1 nosa a htaa fbd DrI. L. A. Smith & Co. Tcronto, eVitfr e oteil isa1tlii7ny fbd bockcaled Kduîy Taitding ropre2ceietintre gecenaulons. h 0-'e__________________________ lookefi up e4h dosen tic suneet, but there Is theserspunetlreip 'ote hbc d horlove or moncy. Cesounn-- Je îLepronieor e?'Theithunderreated and theightiuegfcslod Waîir-" Yos,, si." Cuîter-"ITate cnd I difi juet sehet yen seould have done, hiestek bcitccdagi bjt t jup o in" ood -isterm, in sucli an emergeucy, ct-en i Wcie-Xou'Il have ile waittae lith sebie, la grippe" lucd seore you te a eliadose, ccd Si.Titane ana tveether ondere cheed f Yci yoliught you bcd littestrngth- lug- yen",edi ccd h tugged, unlil cioiies,éaether< '[be anses mucli uneasinees in a Leseishton hetis ccd al the rest of tie heirloone, seere echoolý, the other day sehï1i~ the tes cher cid, undht sheiter. Then the raju feuiu nton- 1 thsteru em'npiasis: "I cc% tic person ettre, adced "t sce g," I tînoe hlm- whosec ~vhipcne~thon. 1 am ble, xi slf on the sofa acd-cricd ?-ee, no, I etit r 1)u!-,(z ,)noBO.. Will iiint peon îi'î -glenccd le wende ny open deait, aed cs 1 ,iefore h sl-coiitliouî'obliging me tf conînacled mf vaniquîeled self sei t th cna mee'Two bom -iand four girles o- mradanem h, e fex boucs belote, talted b ci aniwnegiasses, îhiciig of ny toxi, I lmhauied gain, sayieg: "Weil, il was a goed one, the cvii of ibis day le sure y cuffi 'lent." One "ecquel" is usually caesidered enouryb, but 1 thinkIt h sel add anoîher. I Scut thte only eue who amibes as c recuit of ib,sHellcuder's bbunder. h onaffordto cunile as h reccll i hail, cs il neyer cen eccer egain by any possible chance, fon n ty ci is 110w almosi as bire ce the cuphoard ef thefeunous "MNoiher Hubbard," ced my heant is made seero as I thinit thet uts contente are ne longer food for mothe, but je thA heoces cf ihe needy, thanits te tht leseon cent me bytIe unanafraifi of "mofs." If auy of my disions are carelessly ot aeýfishly hoarding up "heinhoome," on un- nececeary bedding cand clothes cesI1secs,1 aimait Itope s'eu sel sec yourseives nefleciefl le cesunfieeîerng a murron ce I did thet Apnil mornîeg, ced that the rescît seul b< more empty attcs, and lese sufferiug paonr Desserts of Nuts. The Ilfoem of chestnuis," leazeinute, or af auy eut makee a daiety dessert. Feu Ibis purpose the nul muticb shciied andf bienched,boiledtuill tonougblysafi un wcer, lhendrcieedand wcshed andmolibed tIliough c fine purce sieve. About e cupf ci of the fiaited chesieut meateseuil lie sufficient te use with a pint of oreent. Whip the creaa te a stif Ifrcîli, weeîen it seiih powdered sugar, ,ecieg about ihnee liecping table epoonfuis, cdding the flakefi chesteuts ieprinkithig-thene in liy degres). i on may use&a tablespeonrfutl cf Mgaasohino te fievou ttuis dessert, onreahileorange fhayon if yen prefer h te the liquor. Let the deesert lie thorougiuly chiiled before itileren d. Soee tintes a hlf-cupîci cf gretefi chocolate, sweeîened ced fiavonedi, j added te the foant. Theclen pip cf ihe beiled cliedieuts us contetimes pesced tluroogh the pures sieve, sliglutly eeiîed ccd cenvof in a mound, sur- roundefi by sehippefi creant acd gareislied by quenîcre of glace oranges. Koeping Fruit and Keats. Sene meais ccd most fruits iteep best et a te operatune clighiiy cliove the freezieg p i. The essentiel îhing le that fermenta- tien shah flot ite place ced c temperature soe degrees chove lreezieg will ordincnîly preveni it. Mut may lie itpt sweet je the hottest sesaîher by sealing jr le c glace jan ced placing the jet in a porous veesql of water. The constant eveponation of waten ibrougli the ponces ofthecoantaining vesel suffices te iteep the mut eat a temperatue lowenougli te prevent fermtentation. Trieci Receipts. <Green Pa, oup. -Bel cd unasli ungli tise coîceder 2 qis. cf poas, ced cdd J lb af butter cnd qi. of sveec ilu; thon stir ente a uitile ntihi,one tahiespoonlul cf.fleur, and add iltat the ciher ingredientes while they are beilicg, to thuciten il, A slice cf gond, coifi boiled hhem mmpente c fine fiavan, lduns.-Early in ibe ntonning mate e sponge of anc quart cf flour. As seeu as it riscs seell, beci into i2 ogre, 2 ichespoot. fuis cf lard, 2 tabiespoonfuls cf sugar.- Put it ta niseagain, theu svort lu eneugh fleur te maeea solit daugh; rail it ont ced et lite biscuits, oely a dx e mallen. Put two together, with butter belseee, ccl baite le a siaow ovon. Egg Turbot. -Oee dozen coid bard bell- cd eggs copped fine, one and a bal pinte cf creent guety seaeoned highly witli peppen sait, celeny sel 1, ced caIitile minced pcnsley. Mix weili the miecefi eggs the juice cf belf a lemon, stir thern jute the gravy cnd licie with craciter crumba strewn over the top. Serve hot. Ginger Seaps.-Beat tojýether ehbaill pounfi of butter ced balfpound f sl ugan, ccd then add a bal pint of molasses andi a hall tee-ccp cf ginger; mix seith one pounfi cnd a balfcf foeur, tneed il seeli, roll very tibm acd oeut insahilround chapes. Bake in c modercteiy bol oven. Sweet Wafers.-Beat 6 eggs; efif 2 axe. o'eited butter, 1 pI. cf foeur, li cupe of sagar, 1 cep cf sweet mutk. Secilie the wcl en irons are bol belfore yen begie ta use thent. Coikthie wefers uiuicitiy andi roi sehile liat. Orange Sy.rnp. -Squceeze the ju'ice tlirouge a steve ; ced te eveny piet cdd one ced a hall pounde of powdered sugar. Bail it clowly ccd simn as longeas cny scunt riscs, then take il off the fire,lcl it get colfi ccd bo lait for use. Be sure il les ehi conted, Il le ce excellent fiavorîng for cueterde ced sauces. Pan zcites.-One phd cof sweet mut, ltwe uclilespoonfuls cf butter, leur eggs, iwe- ihirde of a cupfuh of foeur, ced sali te the teste. Tire butter must ho mehtei, ced lte eggs beeten s'parately. Mlx theilegrcdients tboroughly. Butter a smail lrying pan, ced pour in cee-hall cuplul oI the liciter, move the pan aroîînd 80 Iluet the liciter seul cover il, ced place itever the fine until brosen; Ilien remave frornthIle lieacaddithe pencke seul rjsc. Sponge Puddiug.-Two ounces of fl)ur, ieo ouces of sugar, one pint cf milt; bel cil together, then dd two ounces of butter, ccd six eggs becien sepanctely. Suir ahi togeiher weil ccd haire le a pudding dli (set in c peu of boltseater) for ce heur. Sauce for Aliove.-One egg, butter the size cf ce eggoce ced cee-hall cupluls ci sugar, beet cil cogethen unîl very lighi then efifoeecupf al oh hoiliiegseater, ced fcx on seithvacille or orange. Candied Peels. I have nmade ccndued lemon ced orange 1 Ani Exploded Theory. 1 Mcrlow-Gcei icavens ! sehet's nou,-e in youc r icîhbny ÛfIJ IVINKEYS TALK An Observer T'1hinks Gorillas and Chimpanzees Have a Languaga. fExpeîrielicecs sicPro"esor la thes Wiltdm 0 Afrîca. Soeteties ge, utfsililiea remembened, Mn. R.L. Garner seonu te Afnica for the purpose cf abserviag the habits of thegr illie cd chimpanxee, lHc bcd an iune rettel cage conettuctedi, shich. icapicced in the ceetre aI an immenise jungle, and ber' lie pessefid ds' cher day cnd eighi cf tom nigit tuds'ieg ubese croabunes. Imn c recontiIssue of Harpen's Weekiy,M l- Cernir re.eunts soai ita experines un -tic African scilds. He scys :-It is venî difficuit te determice siti execinese lias menLy species cf epes there may be, feu cthene e sgneu variation cmng tiese ani- Smals ; but h cm in doubt as la whetier cm i1enitses are justified le mckiuug nese speciet ef thent, because front eue extremae typa te t uleocher aintosi every gradation betseeen *is oceupiefi, ced bence tic dfflolty of *dncwing the Une ctiehlî te say 1"bers onc begine ced the other enfl." I 1do coiteose hase muci the vocal pro- duots cf île gorille tney rary ; but sehîli atic chhntpaexee I finfi c great variely oi Y vocal type. '[le souuîda utlered by my rohimpeerce, Moes, ced my Kulu Kambe, 1Aacon. difler lenaintosi cvery point ; seule * unes made by Eliseeli, tie femele Kulu Kambe, sebo fijef in Liverpool, trnongis' nesemlbed Aaron'e,'alîbougi îley dufered *Sbgtlty. Ie tic lormer case 1 regard the différence as se gneet as ta cenelînteto e distinct icegueges, seule in the latter case tley coeld ncal lie egandefi as more tien closely allied i dabecte. WVitb regard te the arboreal habits cf tbe gorHil, Iubit they are somesebatntlsundet- eîocod. Ho je a groofi lber, ced evident- iy sp,,,eefis maclu of lis tinte le trocs ; but Iront an excmnteioe cf bile foot, t us evîi- oumi thatit scsdeshgnedfl or itreetrial habi ts. THEiS RA5PtNG iPOW'ER aI is foot is mudli lese than tisai af tie obimepee, ced netau t cil toa ieoaparcd un Ibis respect seul bise osn hand ; anti cl men slont h have coceultefi upen Ibis point agres stIh une ticitlhey speedntocl of their lives on tle grouefi. Dunueng tle lime tiai I kepi a yoneg gorille in the bush seibl me Ih lid aise a clmmpý,neexe ; ccd it wscsthe daiiy habit oh tic, limmpaexee te cui about un buse, selule the gorille rareiy ever ascenedf anc. One peouluan ihiegI have ob8erved isl that je drnnug, sitbeut beieg teugit la do so, tie gorille tates a oup a-id places the rit belseesu hie ips je the samee tan- ner ce tan does, wserece tic chimpanxee aiseeys pute boue lips m ticth vessec ifj pos- sible. A favorite peetime siil my s'oeng gorille secs turning somersaulte; ccd eveny day, ci intervels of ce haout or se, le soulfi stand up feranementn, thon put his heafi on île greunfi, turc over lite a boy, tise ep an hie faet, ced lookit a me as il te scy. "'lie't thet pretly cleven ?" 1e seeuld soune-times nepeat ibis adoxen onmore tintes, and seecmod ta know uatlile eonid lia ne- seanded. for bis, idiot. His face seeme.d utteniy incapable cf acylhing rasembh-*ng c 8ýela, 1esesaboul îhc test soea, scen ced stloiccil crecture I ever case,caud cati- ing tbeýt I cont f do cppeened te creuse je hlit a spiri cf tutti. I lad te tcep lit cofM inefi, iceuse the instant lic sec relees- cd lie wouid break fron thîe buelu, andi cf cannes I1etrmny boy seouid punsue hum, ced sehen h3e scsoverlaiton lae oulinivcnicly seau te fight. 'Tbis gave me ce opportun- ily aI etedying hie mode ai aitackint, c h lie dispiaed uch stili. 1He soulfi turc seillhbie aide te thýe foc that lie was goîeg te cîtacit, ced vithout facieg le that di. necon seenîfirall bis cye l u sci a tanner thet leenîfi dsec bis cetagouisi, ccd et tua seinte tinte conceal bis intention. Hie soulfi thon strute fron thîe alde, ced tseaiiy licckseatd, aed sehen h halid greepefi tic objeet of hie aitack wsoulfi insiaeîiy liring the other cnt siti c long sweep ced sînike it. He seenetetadcpeed moesupon bbc blose ilic upon the gresp. Ie eveny case tiat I neccil le tept oue art ced anc beg un teserve until leelied seizefi bis cdv ersany. llevieg caught lit andi given hlmi a lose, lie geuercily proceedefi to use bis teeti. 'WhVen tle chhmpanxes attacits lie ucuclhy approacies lis enemny directis', andi strites seili beili lenfs, oeeslightly ie afivanca cf thieother. Moses secs a goofi spcciunuij sehite etedy Ibis ehanacteristio, beccuse le seouid cet suffer any anc te lcy bande on me, or even te chose uey boy ta hondi me fmod. And on every occasion sehen cey oe eouid shakoe bauds seul me lie seoulfi pro. test andi offer lictile. Anoilien vers' important lent 1 observcd secs liaxinlunet one single instance of et- teck wi-Jci I sitneseedby thoycung gorille difi ho utten Ibe îlightest Souend,sehile in ncnyeveny otase the ohimpeexces socont- penýc houlimasseutiwsith ioud ecreents. h doa cot Say tial gonilas navet beau uder breasts cand HOWL AÂ eDYELL sehen tbey attacit, but I bave neyer Seu anytîing te indicete tiat îhey do, sehiic, on tle contrary, everything I bave ebienvofi tends te coetrovenl, this theony. As te tic gorille tirowieg stanes or sticks et bis eemy, I de net beieve lis sien focs snob a 111i-g. With regard 1,ta lie huifije epoe t hl unthe native lea. e edh tho exlnd lat eha bd ceeu tiis yeueg1 goilecd le tbougbitiera miust lic ce adn( ueclose ci hband, cnd that seule he dii o her the bumttleue (sebuci ha seugit slck, and he assured me that it would die, and esked me if 1 dracli tobacco, which is 1the native expression for smoking. Wheî I replied in the affirmative, tee informed me thai tobacco srmoke was absoiuteiy fatal ta a gorille, cnd manyother natives confirm this statement. Shortly efier this my patient bagan te vomnit, and'ý showed sQme fsymptorne of gastrie poieonieg. Hie sighing cndnoaning wsre realiy ton 'bing. At five o'clock he appeerl5 nconscius, andbnfore asiex was dead. Duuing these lest heurs h is conduci vese ey huaik ithet hie deeîb affeoîed me deeply. And nheing ahane with hum tei the drery bush ai 1the lune of bis demige gave the cocue e rtaiuch cof sadnecs whîch impressed me witlu a deeper cselcf thte reeliiy. Ihabd taten six portraits of hlm, noce of which le wnrth rer-oduueieg. Crn the day cf bis arrivai aI my honte lu the bush 1Ihbcd hie cage rplaced on the ground a few feet away froin r oy own. My boy laid seine Dancaines acd *sugar-cne in front of it, le orden' that rMoses (my chimpcnzee) might go ccd faite citue, cnd lu doing se diecoven the gorille. () e îmmcdtatelS gave me an alarm. H1e wasnoî deterred in tak'ng the' banana, thowever,hut seuzed it anul retreated. While he was cating jr, I toot the gorille front the cage ccd set hue on the ground le front cf it. 1 thon potted hlm cend gave him some food. Alter the lapse of e few mue- futes 1 reîurned to my cage, and Moses pro- *ceoded ta investigate the tew arrivai. Il le difficuît te descrtbe bis conducc. 1He approached slowiy and cacîiousiy, walked round the gorille a coupfle of tim-es, itceping hic face dtrecîly îowards hlm. At length Site seopped by bis side,approiched to with- in a fow luches, stood ou îiptoe, and gave ONE vERRIFIC YELL. The gorille coîuinued te eat bis food with ouit'howing the slighest cancere, acd whcn Moes screamed itbis eer ho did colt even finch, or turc bis eyee. Af terwards Moses frequentiy endeavored ta make fiende wlth thegorille, but the latter neyer showod tho siigheeî inclination te ho on anyttting more than peaceable terns. There was ltardiy cny article of foodi that one of thern was fond cf that the other would et ci ail, tiserefore they had ne occasion to querrol over that, and the gorille actefi as though he beid ihe -chimp- acyee contempi. 1 do net thinitlie ontertained the sentiment, but bis conduet inidicaiefi sucli. At intervals ho would fret, and utter a kled af cry cxactly lite a hunten being, cecompecied by a ind af e deep sighing. This peculier saunfi and sigh were made ail the more impressive by the exprescion upon bis face-ihe acly case le which I ever discovered emotien depicîed upon bis couetecance ; but »ane couid sccrcely lie mîstaiton as ta what it meant. I have long bclieved that the chimpanzee lseontîtled to the place nexita man je the scle nI nature, and ail of my observations le Africa tend te confirai thai opinion. The ohimrpeazee very sociable, whlle the gorille je extrsmeiy sel£sh. The fermer le) easiiy domesticetefi ; the latter cen schdem if ever be reconoilefi te human socicty. The gorille doos cot quickiy edapi t irceif te new coedit.ocs, car intîtate the actions cf mec, whie tbe olîinpenzee dce se quite reedily. Too Fast. An engineer ou anc cf the festest trains bctweec tîew Yorkt andi Chicago had a nanrow escape one night. 1He haf received. instructions te pees a certain station et 2.15,, so as taeitecp cicar of a freighi-trein, which tas tc rue on a siding et that point. The instructions lied beau communicated by the conductor, but ball made little im-. pressions upon the enigineer beceuse bis traie was bohiud tinte, and it did cot seent pos- sible te rach the station ât the urne mndi. calefi. Il The freight-trein will bave ta wait for us soet ime," bh id eeid te the conduotor, It wes a still, coifi cight. Tihe road-bed was ine-fine enfler, and the engine with dlean fines wes et ire beet. The engineer, icvig. onated by the bnacing air, and dsrivîcg pleasure from the perfection witb wbich the ntechaeism secs operating, begen te thicit thet lhe might pes the station ou tinte allter ail. 1e spunredion the engine,ced the lestl tIme wes rapidly made Up. Býy a triok of mental aberration the engineer hcd droruped five minutes front hie instructions, Witb hie watch le hie hanfi he secs ai mitýg te pase the station et 2. 10 insteafi of 2,15. The conductor lied notjced the, extraor- dinary speed et which the train was re- ning. -JTack le in a hurry to-night," he sali et first. Then aller frequentiy con- suhring bis watch ne exciaintef, "The ergiceer must lie crexy." Tee nervous te remalu le the var, lie went eut on the pictfornt aed necognizefi a smaii e elion as the train whiried by it. It1 wcs 2.09, ced the station wberethe freiglit train wee te lieàide-tracked was very neer. He signallefi te tbe engiceer te stop the train. There secs noet a moment te spene. The air-braites ected sberply, and the train wsc brought te a fu stop on the odge cf the station. There seas the freigbt train on the main treoit, acd about ta e e switcheof ff to thie siding. ie a moment imone the ex- press train would have deshef intmi hed on, ced a depiorable accident would have follcwed. "-I thonglet I secs ta ass tbe lneighl traie et 2. 10 1" exciaimetec dazofi engin- ecr ce the conductor rn up to hlm with a '0WTO CUlIL ALL SKIN IdUtE,.SEe"' Siespiy appiy "SV17xNx'S Or'evMsN." No intem'nal medicîne requhned. Cotes teiler, coxenta, itolh, ai ecnp'ione on ithe face, ha' fis, nase, -,%~, les vuîg uhe skie dlean, sehire cnd hm'uàuhy. Ite greai lied' hug ccd ourativce p"w ',4 are pocite' d by ne otises tosued, . Asb îzyrur d-', ', 'ýt L - s A .Oi-uxîvev lzuS~, Sn -k T0 bâcco 15 mrnf, most uni iveri5al Iuxury; the frâQrânr ûrOr3OfM o 5T IFF, PLUÛ CUl i5tart.5 people 10 pipe--îrnohinýt everi tho.5e who neyer u.sed tobacco before. J. B, PACE TOBACCO C0.. RIOIIM ON, VA and MON TREAL, CAN. BRISTOLS SUG4R,-CO4TED VEETÂB LE Umrs ors Soroula Skhi~isosr9 DEzAB fixs-I was covered wlth pimples and S'mall1 boile and alter obtaininig no relief front a doctor tried different reenedies wltheut unxe cess until one Sunduy 1 was given 1 of a bçtdi cf Burdock Blood Bitters, by the use cf wiiieVf the cores were sent fiug in about ccwck time. t mede up ny cndneverto be tou B.B B. iu the bouse, and I enu big'aly reccem- Fedi oal RED. CARTER, Hanes', B. CL I can acswer for the trutb cf the above. M. 0. CHRISTIAN, Ilaney, B. Q. ~Eectrie Vehieles. luis said thet ail the more serious probleme cf applyieg an electric mater ta ordinqry vehicles have been solved, aed that an elece trio parcels van which bans been goieg about the strcets of London is net a toy, like former electrjo carniages, but a practical succese. It ie said ta look like an erdinary two-horse van without shafts, il is worked by accum- uletors which wiil drive it fer fl5tv miles withontt a recharge, acd il cccanitao, the speed of ten iniles an hour. The te3r eg ig easy, and the ceet is said ta o hla f t- tiof a horse van of the saine sxc and power. If ail this be truc, aYast diminution iu the number of horses in the streclis at ail large cities may bie expected betore very long. The London Spectetor ie enthusiasio ai the prospect, and says :-"Not enly will lace. motion aud transport be cheaper (we sýhal1 have iix~pgnycab-fares\, but the blockin i the streets will begraatly dccreased. The herses take up no leus or even more reom tha'n the vehileg they draw. For a driving tour, thore wiii ha nothing like an ei-ectric trap, for it xvilnover bc laid up hy c bcdi stable. Lety, if the' demand for bancs3 is greatiy reduced, riding, the healthiest of ail exer- cies, willl once more bce possible fur the 'working gentleman."' The Revenge of' Timie. The ro'oocr in the yard of a ceunir' restkuraný ealicd an olcl lien acide, -Yon want te leok eut, " Fe eaid kindly; "the proprietor toid nie cosiomer yesterdevr lie Nvuurd give lîîm a sprîug chioken, aàne he's laying watt for you.' Vi i, " site sighed, resignedly, I prc*ý sume I have ne right to e ct. V've cyîn g for hlm a geod mnany years. " "I don'l lieli eve ibet circus -people are hall s giidy as the average penson ihiets," "Cenicin'y cee. Whe eill yeut fiafi a :Éu&e cf i nidq thoiapes poow.i i oey an orrtl re anc. I ttuld li than t euw& jca, o teiWîoea gne itcghe t -rope echiDite h --J-T àler4ýý- 1 1 ýA 4p - ýý, i' - - - - , - 1 une 0 f his old tlicoriez-exploded 1 by î,,. 01(i one. 1 tolà lilm.tilat niy pe was 1 Ïýé tight -ýýpe walker 1"

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