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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Apr 1894, p. 8

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STILL THE BARGAINS ARE GIVEN. Best iPrint s, net damaged, wüe 121 cents, now 8 cents. Dress Goods, more or less dainaged, from 5 cents a yard. Ilats, bave been a littie damp, were $2.03 te $2.50 110w 50 cts. IBAMU.X± The best oft aged wrzre soic s0 cbeau in Bu has been purei nowest and be We do not i regular spIiflg before buying. %JE tCo7tdenied h-cm the News. MIs. j. A. Gairduer je verY iii. MIro. Vansktver hise returne ]Part HoYpe, MraO. John Vics)u la consider proved lu healtli. Frauk S. Fairfield leaves Orer the let or May. The bar c hall club coneert in Vh hal ou AP-,il 20LIL. Mr. John Miller, son-, l"'s a a aek cf rlieurnatlIBU). Our crep of Spniung ires iý abuodaut and desttu0tiVýe- Mr. John L. Rowe was laid c nuraiug & sprained wist. The sadewitlke thnougicut the are luï a had stâte cf rePsir. EPworti Longue ViiaCal sn-on a (oganieaLeague. Mr, e Mr islehera aga' ploy of Mr. Wilm. Armeitroog. Plcased te se Mn. Chas. i towu, efter usisovero lînees. IMrs. F. L. Audrus hc decidc tire from business in Orono, Miniaters, Lawyers, TEaci( othere whose cccup'tiOfl gives b exorcise, Bi. uld ueo Carter's Lit Fille for teîpd lîver sud 1'1i onme ilas don@. Try thin. The varaidAiin front cf A.A waverooins bas been 'remvl. Mr. John Hall la niaking iMproveiflots o hs proiniseP. Mr. G. W. CeO, PottYPO(l cûe a e sideut cf cur Village- Mr. D. F. Walsh lias collecte, excepig $9 '91 rosi property ft Our Bpse Bail Voiin uMy play' stock, May 24th, for a purme cf Mr. J. 1B. Kanuada, pcO Mr. E. Piuder ias gene o Dr 107. D. T. Allin lunsInîOved up etar dweiiiugs in the Haary Mr. O,ým Walter has ros8un2Pe tion in McLugilii Carriag Oshawa. Mr. N. A. Jerome wiii col John McCoinb's brick dwelli North Ward. Ladies Aid, Cinis'tan Churcl MTIS. A A. Gainaby'e Wdoesý mo, iti mt. I Bay, Young mon, do yen -Vou eou buy a fuîl suit cf Twec -ail wol-at F. A, Coie'a 1< Mr. Jam(s Hallett, jr., hems drue buejunEq, cerner cf Sp, ColtEge St., Toronto. Mre. Bert Audros and Mrs. gisi aie in Toronio waitiug 0ci sister, Mr. David Bradley. FATAL RasVuar 0F DELÂY. geuerally follows lu Vihe pati D)on't ho recklesEl but pruden few doe cf Seott'aErnision ly follemifg expnsure te ol01 Bave you mauy painful daya ai nigits. The rcsidénce cf Mr., r West Of Vthe V)Ilage, wasabuni large portion cf its contEnt, week. Defeclive chimuoy cal Ssturday forenoonfi lre brai residoude cf Mr. D. T. Aiie little daugbton setting fine tVo1 upritairbedi'onif. Con-i.des'5' LooiC UEt..-DO Yeu fac despemdeutl Do pains rack ani ai hs nervo sud muscle, and beeu diaappointed in findiu1g Ladies' Coats at less than haif Prie. Cretonne for 5 and 8 cts. a yard. Gents' heavy 4-ply linen Collars, 10 ets. Gents' White Shirts at 25 ets. Up. Table Oilcloth 15 ets te 20 etq per yard-- best quality. MINISTER2 ANJ) ~liU±~fl.flib.' Croeley and Hluntorthe evanelitib will com nce a month'a evangelBtic servces ® in Belloviile on the 22nd inet. Mesrs. Moore and Whyte. two weIl- known evangplietfe are acooxphahling muai - good at Pot orborc. The Roman Catholiae huroh at Sudbry wa s burnt to the ro u d la e ,kF. "n. Ibut$15,000; inurane $7,000. Rev. Mr. Brne, f O4nnizigon, has been tranferred ta the T.*rontocofer- ece and the Rev. John Webter, f Oak- wood, lias been changed to the Montreal conference. Rev, . Parker preached educational sermons at Ebenzer and Mapla Grove Sanday. Rev. L. Phelpe preached very accet- aby in the Methodit church Snday morn'ng on "Salvation thouh, Faith." Mr. Phep3 ie quite a favorite peacher here. rPwA&tZIr F M NDANS. .&..p ý. tkat wil l ford certain sud 0speeciy nraii oiteays eeacrn umic rr.tu ise, go at once ta auy drug store and geV Viohsat ssible value for thain mouey. -O D N HNG . 'w boya btti cfPolon~ Nrviline. Pal- Tiat iis one of the rossons wliy people go T u "rfon1eru eIlY £ou&N'e Nr;iino nover f ails Va nlieve to Tait & Co. for thoir photos. They are Send fan pricas and ctlge.idRreoin, e-oesStV nelasgite, cralmpe, headucie, nieurnatialu, making sons very pretty style os 510 dcga o1 'a arinoo orro, lulF@tlliigExceh0d otssv ailnt anasd xtarnai Pains J.Cal sundBese them .Picture frae iSf eedig psa caden c ar who wM iArid rme a plain an llitotrepresOittves wl *j nyo.dripti<n o I' mwe eyr- lnu&ncns cf edf- B.ud - wiil ruIl mn y'u.r dburptayn on ht.-. 1 loi omr.IatilisudFelf- OIAI to aries y sup poepak very ------- H MELAL ROOFIUC Ci cure, mliic, sftrbir 1on w*riand sd lposed v ý.y iipon b y 'qu9eks" and htrmnl-g foryerre favorable cf Ner iline, sud t- yBPur- Advertise stock sud stock aMimaiins1ED L META me ifew wcrks. Pleseasdou't enaunIesa u nlwsY - OIIAw ONTRI.need it. gesodee aerelyco9ufdMon Lad Derby PIug Smoking Tobacco is the 5c., ioc. and 20C. PlUgS YA TS!e Best Value, HA TSI ki £4LN 0 .l IN L v «L - V .JL ti JL.U ..L .&. 6. , - the goods stili ieft as it~ was held in reserve till the most dam-TiaSÂSMNlsbenruetdy 1. Dnt iss he hanc ofa lie tnte.Goos wee nver oldMiss Bunner te publiai thie ltter which 1. D on t i ss thbef c acoo rfeie.G o s we e n ye o dexplains ieef: owmanvlle bfore.To the Mîmbers of the Mlethodi t uvenile Mlission Batid, Bowmnanville,- DEAU BOYS AND GutRLS,-I hop@ you will pardon mue for being no slow te se- :E- : 1 W z t ,0 0 'C.knowledge ycur contributionsettl the poor !c litile Iridiau children on the Onoida Re. serve. I would like very maihta thank ,hased and is arriving daily., We will ho able to show ) ou the you aIl & parately but 1 koow you wil estgods rouralebythe time you read this adveritisenrient. excuse me as there are so many maor.a by whoee naines woea fot written in the tend to allow the sale of darnaged goods to interfete -ith otir books, no you msy ho aura I wiil not for- trade. It will be worth your while to see Our bran new stock get you. sud prsy that your teif-deniai m - and kinduese now may ho but the begin- Y. Prices will be lower than formerly as- we propose to selu for1 ning of verv useful lives. The pretty CASH only. scrap books you ment were divided as foi- «E Ioa: Oue sent by the beys was given te V'ELRY DIEPARTMENT in full running order mgain. Frank Nihola-, an orpiu boy il yera'- old; o,,e ta Eroe- Corneliu, a bright « Ilittie follow of 7 who la very fond of pic- IL M S N-,D yGooda nd Je l Hou se. turea, sani widl take good care of it., and M A SO , D y ew iryadd more as lie gete them; n teMarisa S Doxtator, the leader of or chidren'es choir bot who le verylIowv t p esent with inflammation of the luige; site le 12 1 eas ni The ther twa I gave ta tw<) littie] orpian girls av'ed 10, transd Charlotte A'KT I' ~ aTI la Sick.1ansd Lizzy Sciuyler. The pretty bookiets snd carda sent by Mise Mattie 1. 1 coïding to mernt snd scked greatly ta td froinD Inm1 lnA~ Ma'x ltAt~l ward brightening up the trces, which 1 Presented ÂUnder New Con Adtio s.muet tell you abüut. Ou Dec. 22, Gos- -al r-----o- -tus Ninham creered op his mustangs and abiy in- .etarted for the apruce forent about 12 , about Our forced sale of Dry Goods and Clothing will begiîn milegsaway. Shouldering bis axe lie on Saturday, Mai ch 31. Tfhe main feature to inter est the matrcbed into the apruce farcis, but Mr. je twn wil b th re arkblylow scae o prcesat hi1 and Mre. Sproce could net spae asy of hotw ublie wil ethe rmral o cl fpie twi hir large fartily; and Gustui wouid net a lgit et- even Our newest goods will be ofl'ered. Oniy half price raturn with ont somesthing for ald Sauta lg will be askedfo any goods held since l~ season. t ottepresan s o,hle kidnapped two of the prstitlitta traes in the ias be2n Forced salies, like "forced marches" rucan to 'get therec" family and that evening a pretty little in quick est timte. Positifely, on mnary lots of goods the wax taper was fastened on oach little ofwork piexiibeeti w. Tebrandi aud a bondi of pretty fligs onuthe pric lyvll e eu intwo.Theprices otal kinds of Ready- top'ncst br.,nch ihici tooched the cuit- vilg aeCohn îlbe eut the lowest. iug sud Vhe trats wera set up at ssci sida Villge iade lothng wll f tho sitar, The girls made tiséue paper Money-the one thing nieedful-must be had f romi the chaina to drape twica aroud the churci. :ae chu-ch 3Ii aexiipov htteodrlale cail be fr(om the ceiling. Two flage were fasNten- scoc. Tis ale illproe tht te od 'toe d i thecenre f' ach m jodow and a ,nn in-~ touched in a test- case of bargains-givillg pure and simple., a ei uke o ogbtwen hs D eBis tak-en saute as cash. wildwsbearing aripture texte in tinssi Eivell ini To cmlt h aknectestr ilb l3do rca lettere sud fiiage; and in oaci witudow compoteViemaring et,, ie tor wil b clzed Friaywas a largo bouquet of evergrtis be- Marci 3th. iind the pulpit was a large rad banner 4 )~d ~ ~bsaring the 3ompimsnts of the Less aon, in PowisÂLiviLIEMa 2t, 1894. ye olden ityle. And at the foot of each Marri 2atd tree stood Mr. sud Mre. Sauta Clans but, aud - holding ail Vhe hasvy presant o. Qoito a ttle Livcr Mr. Willie Davey vow residiug at NE'W SHO0EMAKER. number of white peopla wera pesent froin liouss. Hastings, receiveol a eulogistie resolution tho surrouudivg consry sud thooght our from a ur Methodiet Stiuday Sciooi, ex Haviug îeuted the-ehoea shop formarly eutertainumeut a decided success sud Viat pressing their appreciation cf hs services occupiad by the laVte Mr. Bonner, I hete aur churci wae deeoratedbQsutifuiJy. .Tucke'a~ whie a member cf thie schli. te announce that 1 amn prepsred te do ail Perhaps you would like te know ahat Toed-i morning he resideuce cf Mn. kinds cf crdered work in maki anid re- kind cf a progrit we had, se I wil expensive N. A. Jeromie, hie stable with ail itî con. pairing boots sud shoce in Vie beat of give yoo the tubles of the recitations sud ents, borse, r;gs, hares, etc., large style. A good fit guarantced. Fine re- souge. Up aud ho a JIoro; Neverbegin; i, is e- ar ofhiehouehld urntur m wer- airnga secilty Acall aolicited. The Story f au Apple; This Canadà of hîs ho. par fheli or u ed.. Theuiure sdwea- i iig s 1a y A. KENNEDY. ours; The Man who roefrin, otlriTg; oigiape iwtesablred.i ayTe r y.c Bowmanville, Feb. 713th, 1894. The old ccîtuee dock; The sexton Balla d ail taxes. rgutd tesalj siytiy ciose the suow; A buoch of goilden tax. Dyspepsla causes Dizzinesa, Hcadach keys; A Christmnas greetiniz; My Dol Y, ilat B'aclc- Coustipatiýln, 'V'î ablo Appetite, Risiang was sung by a little ail four yers old $2. and Souriog of Fuod, Palpitation of the adfcy oy 1db ~ fsx fReart, ]Jîtrss after Eptinç,. Burdock 1 bellex-e MENARD'S LINIMENT wjll Kindergarten souga by ail the childreu; Dycd iitli Blood Bitteîs are guisnteed ta cure cure every case (J Diplitheria. Iu the eliadow of His wilss, Wonderful ryton. Dyspepsia, if f aiti yuýed acco -ding Riverdale. Mrs. Reuben Baker. Stony of Love, and Opan the Door for îrt e tieVodirection.4 yblock. Rcunt Vistorj!: Mr.--Gao. Bigham, I believe MINARD'S LINIMENT wiîî baCidre n, ore wi he wats thier i hie poyi- Toronto; Mr. ilorscheil Shoulte, Mr. proe growth of bair, sud addrosses by the native choir sud eo Works, Jas. HalleVt, jr., Toroio Mias Jenie Stailey, P. E. I. Mr$. Chas. Andorran. othera. But the mo2ît enjoyable part for Adams, Mrs. Jno. Foster aud Misaq Ethel the little anas was the distriboting cf Vhe cupy Mtr. Foster, Bowmauvilie; Mr@. Cr1 Vr beliave MINARD'S LINIMàENT presonts. Thay wane wiid witli deliglit, g in the Stoney CrEok; Mn John Hallatt, tod Vheat houaehûld remeidy ou eanth. over the pretty serap albums, Fia they bridge; Mr. John Reuwick, Newcastle; 011 City, Ont. Matthias Foiey. had nover seasnys like thomn with suoh ~is mneete at Mise Lote Dewel, 6ùh lUne; Mr. Arthur nico envers. They nond a huadred ils?* ____________- ___________________________ville who sent ttiemn and fouud the place ko htThe Nef Case. on the xap wiere you live. Those who (dnor VeiaeTheHaito o1or rePzz.e bot'h ) Pediar did noV get bocks coosoLî thenîselves tiat d orSere Ta Hruitonoetrs ae Pzzld aout"*'~'the rmitteos, caps sud other thînga Vo o u $8 thits Remaîkabie Coire-They cculd à .ke hn ai aejs sgn n bogtte noV cura this case cf Kidney wPATENTe ethi al)k oarye w a oodraera ýadîna sud Diseasie, bat Dadd'a Kidney PA INT ST EL VIIILL5-ered theni. And want me te write youi Pilla have doue iso. WILL LAST A LIFE TIME. aih a Happy New Year, froin the hegin- Win. .)r-injg ight thrughi to the end: and 1 do nm torsCk- ML0,Aî 1-h otr fwith ail my lisait; sud priay that (lx-d's thi thiciiVl ity araeaio wing gi est interat in abisngmyrsuo M MAIJ- remankable cure repiredfroin Port colueyr preident, sud every inicwber -Scceeborne. Ilarvey H. Nef, cf the latter of he Mission Band. of negleot. own, had an aggnavated forru cf kidnoy 1 amn very gratcf ully youi z alVy taka discase, c.insoquent on au sîtack a .of Ba FE imd.ite-itl pVhsd ever. Physiciaus couid netteseler .No-i-:krinM.hoc, 1OucîdE, I.I iic unee kidnay dîsorder, but Mr. Nef Southwold, P. O nd leepis has regaincd bis heaiVh aiter taking five boxes of o! Dodd'a Kidney Pille. Dodd's ---- rry Rowa, wa% Vhe tirat kidney remedy lu pili borin Now ie Vour ime Vo geV eieap Photos rial with a ever offred Vie public. Its wouderf ol i elu ts tl.Tik fiaie s, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ fl Modm ues ncro i om fkd ifigure at $1.95.aud Mikado'a at,91.10. asod it. disease, bas lad ta the introduction cf Prices nover before heard of. Cal t the re eut in the numienas eieap and worthleessimitations. galiary, opposite Benuett'ià Hetel sud ce ifroin hie Purcissers, ff r thein ewu ssfety, Fiouid lpapera in an nsist on gettiog Dodd'a Kidney i>m ire Prut iIn Poof andie bic damage. Sold in large boxes; price, fifty cents or (UILItîfh al ,l bue ud'six boxeis f-ar $2 50. To ha bal uf al ae Po f id tea nswsy have you rsmdyPhotos! PhoVtAAi e Ro of as cheap, ~ ~ An Ae1 I as SEASONABLE GOODiQ FOR THE HOIJSEHOLD>. 0th Camphor, Asi nurc protection agaiiîmt ut. Inseet Powder, Dcstroys ail kinds of InsectLfe Liquid Ammonia, For ail Cicansing Pmpss irbolic Deodorizer Fo Priyigand Antisept *l, For urifîngSinks, Drains, etc., etc. CHE MISTS and DRUGGISTS, Bo.limaivile. Lies, yoëau boy cottone, ehirtinge, No lady should boy a Drese belone e -r -Kir QT1Tc T NIT P1-T PP.VrTT IlNfl Ic-iaemiod lactpeaisse"!. Vrr,,lue mg Seae eBa 5 et-b ldrg Yewlâ eo lto&a heta, SiCnt- o at Couch, Joineton & Cryderman's. le; sld lu bottisa 5 et-V I rg \ewl mk aa e rd ieian 4. Min-arddm-csaGeO-Vos5 the 17I:,.' y Rias(cor. TmTaronnt iansd cont-y dosions overywhore. Elrn&C.MnîdsL'inn h -~-retrr 2me 3 1 1 EIATS THAT ARE RATS Elats the latest and best, RTats, made of Fur or Wool, Rats for Men, Youths and Boys, Elats for 50c. or more, liats, in Feit and Straw, Rats to suit them ali M. Mayer keeps the largest vars iety of Rats in this County and ini price he can't be beat A fine sel- ection in Gent's Furnishings a1ways on hand. S'PRIN 0F Ï1894. HAMPTON GLOTHINC HOUSE TO THE FRONT With a large and well assorted stock of new and tasty Spriig Goodini ENGLISII, IRISHl, SCOTCH and CANADIAN TWEEDS, WORSTEDS, SERGES, and SPRING OVERCOATINGS, Fullline of GENTS FURNISHINOS always in stock. OOTTONADES, SHIRTINGS, TOWELINGS, TICKINGS, PRINTS, GREY COTTONS, etc. Ail WOOL SERGE SUIT to order ..................... $ 8 00 Ml WOOL TWEED SUIT te order ......................8 OA- READY-MADE COTTONADE PANTS .................... 75 Fine Ordered Clothing a spec ialty. Fits P. certainty, These Goods have been purchased in the best markets for SPOT CASH and everything - will bit sold at right prîces. ln oui, eýpecia1 'ine we bave bult up a large trade on the honest principal of ("C'ood. Goods at Moderato PricesX) Cail and inspect betore purchasing. CU EGGS taken saine as Cash. FRANK A. COLI]. ý Furniture Poli sh,

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