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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Apr 1894, p. 9

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FEE SYSTEMI Hon. A. S. Hardy's Able Speech -Opposition Figures Shown to 'be Incorrect. In the debate oz tisetees systam thE ilDonll . It. Hdly tellwed tuy reirianking tsa sema etf tise statemauà-ts matie tux pre- wious speakers tu ttis sdebate woma et that chý.aracter -wimch, If flot crenetet, migis mih atiter-mlniïded mnntluthse ouse as- La tise country. Tise ameniment ofthtie hon, membar for !Metingfs was net et ail gormana te tie ulutject antan discussion, anti was virtual- Iy, a motion et want et coîmience-a catc. euaoinpertntted by tise es-ie ciaacter et tise mies etftisa Bouse, whicis ehiew an excursion into almeet aux fieldi on the but- gEýt debata. Advertiag te tise romaarks oe tise bon. masSer ton Teronto (Mn. Clarke) as te tise petitions Sîat bat Seani seat to tise Bouse on tise tee question, hae was surpnisedt tisSho batl net dascribedthtia contents more aceuratahy. 0f tise 40 er moe County Councils, oaiy lgiteen bau petltloned on tise sutjoot, tise otnars ne- mnainlag sallnt. 0f tise olgiteen, ton te- iati lan but a vagua to-xm Se glviag Cotin- cils tise power te appoint officiels, wlthout speitying particulers; wisene tiseytiti spu- cify t s net siagular that they fayot ap- polatmeat tuy tisemseives lasiectiofe eai tien Sy tise people; six were for tis e - duetlen et tisa scaleofe tees, Sut oaiy twe- Mitddilesex anti Ient-prayeorte'a ciscng- la tisa mode et payment troru tees te sel- umy. Tise tact. therefere, tiseS oucis an la- fialtestusah mînenty bas tisas definitely speken was epperiunely eveleoket by the hon. mamisen tor Toronto. Anti yet hon. uiemters efthtie Opposition weuo very de- groZs et making tise country hehiave tise tisey are vany muchin l earaast lu tise mai- tcr, as tbey have navet been ln earaest betoe on any question breugist Setona theu Bouse. TEED CRITICS IN RECEIPT 0F FERS. 15 we.s also rether singuier tisat tiselbon. meashers Whso were chiefiy concernet lu pressing tisa motion unatio discussion, an: wiso look-upea tees witi suscb ioly ber- rer, ara thianssalvas iu recipt et tees. Thei boa, memben for Norths Hastings (Mr. Wood) le a tee-paiS offiçen et tise Ottaw'a Goerument ; tisalheu. member for Toron- So (Mn. Clar-ke) bas ton soeaYears past Sean tise racipient et tees fres tise sai source, wile tise bon. mumber for Dun- tics is, in bis ewn profession, la receip- et tees, anti yet tisyax li seel tot imprass upen tise country tise enenmity efthtisafe tencea ettise Geverumeat la allowing rme efthain oficere te Se peRd by tees. efar as he, bat evor iscant, sait Mn.1. Hemrdy, tii bon. membars nefrret te isat neyer ceagis- teoange tiese etnuntiox'whici tisey tisesselves are peiti. He wes weling Se heax tise',hon. mesci ber ton Torouup aey th ise i tentiet peti- tloaing tisef'Otawa Govrumneat Se ehange Jts -sxstam 'la tisis respectIt weuiti, no 41taSt , suit tise Shemiff, Reg ,trrs, Couvnty Atterucys, ( ant i ualrîx jiOe- fiola]s te raeeio et1.iaitpay b ti i1s n- ý;aa01,eteing nation tisa ncee ',as ai preseat, e Of let n (tse t ef-en hs wisb transct sss ltse(Snp bolstatemeart.-1111 ie 01..Iteatc_ assj rie tcOpts tieni tiseoihtraie -nto ivisions 0et Toronjito (ýounjtîna it ne iwo),_V YsrLaiston, Siea iiisi-. (Bc anti Westt rttiiags),Buo cai.xel Mit. A. at'. WODJ's FIGURpES EXPCSED, Sr, thi figres cann e tfona, contun- ued ts peekat; they do net exiet, and] neyer diai axist; tiyae'efigmets et tise bon. gentleann's Rmgination. Eltisen ise bas beaýn u mleporteti in tise Speech, wiciî ho himieait esati, or else tise figuras te Se tounn Întise os-lginal reports bave ueR Seean rougiss betone hlm. Taklug 1891, Il tisaS was tisa Year mneant thtie boa. mes- ber tom Neth Hastings, tise everagaetftise aight registry divisions usetioetituxhlm 'cas 8,1.Whera, tisarotore, sh wec pos- sible ton hlm te goS an average et $5,842 tise speaker was et less te ltnew. If hae bcdsiti 1893 lha Wonltihave founathtis average aven less-82.610. ThemfSe, in seltiser etftisa yeans meatlonoti-1891 uer 1893-was It Possible tor tise bon, mousSer Se havetouiau averagoet 8 5,842 as top- rLseuLteti ty hlm. Tise boa, mealtuen for Norths Bastings bat spoeof et lgbt CountY Attornueys wiso receiveti ovat 83,000 c yeetr eci.Ha (the Conimissioner) coulai net ftut thesa tlgurea Tan 1891 tisere was enly eue Couity Attorney whise incese oxceetet $,000, Tisertwcs tisa Ceuaty Attorney fer York,. Tisa Attorney fer Wen-cwortis camne naxt wltis $2,990. Ia 1892 tisa Connty Attorneys tr Yeorkcuti Middtlesex were tisae nix eues wisoreccîveit moea ic$3,000, Be coulai l'or imagine whcre tisa boa. gantieunana eSte-met bis figures, anti bis speech on'ths msatter badthtrewn ne 1gb-con tisem. But et ail tiesetartting information on tisa Subjeet tise ineat weadertni was tisee chle- lation mate Sy tisa hou. meinhar for Non-ch Bastings as te tise seviaga te hie effectat SI tise adoption efthtie sYsteas new ativo- ctet. Ha coua net tiescribe iS etherwise than as a Perfect caricature ettig'mres. Be ceutti .net imagine wbat conula bava #- balance. on tisa wrong site, hae proposeti te pay tise salaries efthtie 43 Registrers Of tise Province. (Leugistor.) Tisen, as le Shisin a93 tise Siseniffs iRuCaas-l teceevet $71,000 la ail Ru salaries; andthie De-unty Crown Attornaeys l i'9-be bat Pot >tise figures tor '93--receivet $63,466, a Wof e $134,4G& This snm represantec tisa elenes ot 85 eflicers, 41 Sberifts anti 44 Vounty Attornexs. Ont oet tisestim, tise bion, gentleman propesedt e cave 8110,000. MIbS weuld leave e surplus ton tiese al- eilas et thezo 85 effIcens et $24,000, au Iverega et $282 e- year fer every Shinî 1 tati Connty Attorney. Tise total incoes )t tisa other olhIclas, Local Masters, Surno- Faie Court Claties anti ethens pait by ta-s oumented te.'$98,M0, ad Out et thie sus 0-- hen< 0ù06d to mev. 190, 4 loavlng tise sum ef $8,000 te be dividet Division Courts, ln wlslch, until 1871, ameng thse 63 efficers wlse came und er this stamps were requirailt te h placeti upea clas.tise proceedinge. In 1873 It was tisengis Rt weuld he a popular meove tu, relieve lthe A CARICATURE OF FIGURES. preceetînga lu these courts trains-amps, ,Mr.Hard askd-th Houe Ifhe cutin an cet was suggested by a miember te rHrhlndy scd - nthsaHose afcacasretisai tet. Tise resuIt was tisat tise sale et ofrig uesce nsuiss ashe arnicartrelaw stamps laS once tell traim $91,000 lu 1873 eo trgure. 'o niteti tse tem w o e$63000 la 1875. Tise tees te tise publie sev- ~ tc sren a ue e h ust.They were enue by tiseoee meesure wcs -hus $,12,000 a greas imposture1 It was ahselutely dis- ayaads h an hn ih graceful thlat they sisouiti ho seionsîx ha extended until tisera sveîld bu' laid betere tise Bouse, cudt tis- they shoultisscl n ee olcei a ho heraltedt isougi tise newspaliems at a nti tise burcieesa et tiuin t E fromntishe pltormset tiste country as au offices wonhti faîl upon tisa revenues efthtie accurate presentment efthtie case. It was Province. Be bcd collected sceae figures lnfiuitely tilsreepectuiSe this Bouse tisat ati information traim sevenai efthtie StaSes sncb lgures sheulti Se laid before it. (<uon thtie Union as te tise methot fla whicis Miaisterial apisiause.) Il 7ncs more tbau 'ticy paiti their officers. Iu New York tise disrespeettul in tise lion. mendier fer, Norths Shist are paiti by tees,.cuti se are tise Bastings, ati more tisan tilagraetful te Couunty CJerlts, witis wbem deede are e- 1 i-i ose who sharati witis tbat bon. member coret, xept lu twe or tisrce Counties, tise respoasihility et binglug sncb igumea iher Sisy are paîti by seîatry. Iantise ,g betere etise Bouse. (eewdapîus. ity anti Cou)1nty etfNcw belt tise Siserit e- If t1isehiou. meuher were erealdthetise apalihy tees ac utie Rgsrris paîi e If Cemmissiener, hise.voul,! intiige lunssine saiary et $12000. Tise Clenke et Courts et If sttenig critîcism n1 hic action. ContRa- Oyer anti Terminer cuti et Genemal Ses- de uiaeh sait it was iiiteresting te secsous are paiti hy tees. Iu Connecticut tise idsUow easliy cuti qulcly tise hon.iniember Shinittjepalti a salary et $1,000 cuti tees. tor Noirtis 1Hastngsaniîd ciller niembiere Deede are regîstereti witi tise town (tI'l )r ofthtie Opposition coulti protese an accas- ,siip) elemlte, wiso are paiti by tees. Al le sou et virtue, as tisey bcd donc en tise tise Clenks oethtie Courts, witb eue excep- j.precent occasion. Wisy, it was ouly tise tien, are paîi by tees. Ia Peausylvauia hOtiser day tisaSt Mn. Whitney bcd ectualiy cli the~ oficers are paiti by tees. TIn Chie d teclaretilhis conviction tisetishe Attomuie3'- dectis are rigieteneti witi tise Ceunlty Ble- ýr Genenal wcs owering tise wiseie moral contiens, wiso are paiti by tees. Ta Indiena noi toueheis country! (Langister.) He cou id cli are paiti iy tees. Ta Ilinois tise Ceun- net untieratanti wisylhou, gentlemen lire- tics are claaailied, andtihie officets are ail )ftesslng suob. vintue sisoulti have put up as pai accondiug te a graduateti seele et tise moyen et Sile motion an boa. ruemtier tees, exccpt lu Cool- County, la whiis Clhi- )wiso bcd turing tise ast tew years mcciv- cage is situateti, wisera tise offlceers are o c may Sensnti e tehar latee frnspaiti by sclary. Inu Minnesote cal are paitij tise Dominiion Govrumet-(applase- hy tees. Ina MNicistgan ai are pai by tees, Iranti who wes even new lu reeeipt et tees, andtih-is case ef-cisc Clerk efthtie Supreisse They muet thin thtie people cure easily Court a pet dem clowace atiditionci is >r isedwinteti anti humhuggeti. As lie bcd paRd ur iîing tise session efthtie conrte.Tn Istateti, tise total incomes et 43 Regittars Massachsusetts tise Begistrame etc paiiîy fo t'n93 was $111,000, et 85 Sheiffe anti Coun- tees; Clenks et Courts get scieries, anti if ty Attorneys (tcltisg tise Attorneys for tise tees ameunSte more tîscu thir sel- '92) $135,000. ati otiser officiais $8,000, a ailes tiscy gat lhait tise excees, c'ccept Rn -total ot $344,000. Net inciuding Tooito, Dues Couny, wlsere tise Chemk gate ail tl wisere circumestences were et au altogetiser tise tees anti $500 atiditional. lftcis tees do e-exceptional cisenecter, wisere camaents et net equal tise ameunSet saiamy tise Uerke -_ business centrei, cuti otiser circumastaucca talte ail tise tacs anti the tiffes-once le centnibutedtat malte if eccupy au altogetis- matie ap by tise Treasurer. Tisese are cl e r exceptional position-net inchudfing To- tise States wl-ch respect te wblie hobcdl route, tise average efthtie Registrars et ebtainet iniformation, but they werle suffi- -Ontario wcs $1,443.Tise average efthtie 42 cient to show ibat lis theUiteti Ste-ces, SCunaty Attorneys was $1,387, andthie ever- wiicis meves aiseati se napidîy on snob - ge et 63 legal eliceme was $1,6316. Tîsese- questions, payment bzy tees waa stîîî tise -_ averages, ceutiaucti Mr. Hardy, were net entier. (Bear, heur.) higis, They scrcely reacisedth ie salaries' y et pestmcsters la villages cuti amaîl THOSE WIIO BEXENSI5T MUST PAY. Stowas. Tbey are nothing ilate iey are Tisa question was emnienthy a business -popnlarhy auppoacdtu mpbe, or wiset Siey questions. What ccii he more desirabla or -appear te Se troun tise s-ctement et hon. juet tisen that an officiel wbe dues lîttie If gentlemen Opposite te tise effeet thet Sbey vîorlt sioulti raceive lttle pas', cutitise t" range traim $1,000 Se $6,000. Tise hon. meim- officiai who dues mueis woilt better pcy, iber for Norths Bastings bat arguet tforn cd nisattise m-afor wisom tise womlt Is unitox'mity lu paymeut. Wonldti tisabh donc sisouit pcy cuti net lise publi-c wio rigist ? It was preper te pay on a uuitorm lhave neolu-ceres-clu tise transacioen? Tise *priaciple, but surely lane business or pro- et.tement msade by hiou. nembema opposite f ession titi sncb a ule prevail as unstomm- tisa-ctisese officars do 110 wotk wcs net 5ly lu payment et salaries et offices-s doissa berne ont by tise tac-ce in auy ceuaty. d worlt et whici tise value dittaereti gr<-athy Tisete may be exeaptioSsal cases, wisare tise in la'ifferent loceities. Tisane is ne suchr-b egistrar se vers olti anti anable te attend e thingcesuitommity oft ncwcrtinlubusi-Se tise tutes et tise office personchiy, iu r-nasa or pretessional lIte. Oua ptof,'ssioeal wiilsie or a Sheni-lal compelledtu ie si- ama may ean $,000 or $1.9,t00, aise-her phoy chie rmen tu erfctorai clleworlt, but 1$1500 or $2,000, oeemran lu trade ot spec sncb a staSe oetnhiugs le vcny fat fromn ;tiultion la malting $15,000 or $20,0, cee-cnoher tisa mie. Tise habite eft tisse eficers e $500; ono hanlt manager is maltiug $1û,000, tisougisout tise Province absolutely con- -$15,0010 or $20,000, anorisrt$88W10os-$100 nl tradicizedthe tieatemant matie on -ciscfloot t cil ertiiuny walta of lite busines5s lidte- ettise Boose tisa-c they do net worlt per- sligeuce anti ahility will assa:-t itseht, anti scnaliy, anti every member opposite ltuow's a man wlîo lias acquirat prominenceaRn îf as Se bis own conuîy. A gooti tiai bat e tise comnmunity wiii stand higier unti tC- beau sait about eue office iseviug becus ,r celve a bigier remnueratien Sisan bis ltept vacant anti permittlug tise Depuy eneilisior. Sncbhelia been tise state -etf B egistcar te do tise worlt. Wlsy sisouldth ie tf teRra for aili ne, atdit waa an absaurd!tY depnîy net Pentorus tise duties ofthtie ef- te malatain otherwise. Mn. Balfour bat ficeenlu scb a case? Tise law expressly pintati ont theu absurdity et tise outrage tîovides tuai belitsonîtfer tiselimie be- ofe talting tees, trom couties wisiell do a ieg be tise,' ,egistrar de facto, do tisa worlt, -large ameunat sbusinessencileastiag theus pet tise-tacs anti bear tise respensilibity. eaway te hchp pay tise expenses et anotiser WheS grounti for comipleintis le sae, pro- ceunty. Soe mlustrations migisi he given vid th ie teputy is a fit anti prop-'r pet- et tiseAlgomna la eue Ycan egisteretison, aslise admittedyiy esantissrasa? Ho 664lusmumsît, ruce 3,367 istuenel, in tact, tise Begitrar by law. 1 Se ite eicrr? GTulryrgieet ADERS CF THE OPSIIN e - l.u~e Mr, Lnal6'Ž,Batdgi2div a, jsa j d eut it woltiSe eante a'-Ilet-tien 1as ttise downtcll tisSaalaî-c- i sgensce e ijutie. israwa, Gveumut Tlisaî l, ime cheer their dro-ill1 -havesauil) tise pepersuoas Uat:om ieig spirite ,anti malt',e mcmx. cacili lu hIc hues offi ce whcre $4luincîaa mais utun; ln tact, tisra were n-ota pi-opisets Iet la eue yeax' anti whe1, re tise expeeses ameeg tisem te tise yard tisan hae hati aven wvere 1,200. Tberc ara Place wi-'re an -heard oetila aux e-her place, anti yet ic titi ciltice must ha kepi for publie ses-vice, anti net lnow tisaS they wcre justiidtinl their lw-harotise choice muet ha mate betw cen 1puedictionsi. >c Be uigist do, a littie Speen- ftise sclarnd tihtsa ee sYstems, anti ex- hcfieg himalit' if hae chose. Beov as te tise cept under unneuac cimcnmstneces tise teeu memnber tes-ý West Kant, for instance? Bo-w SYstensi s correct. It Je uset iii Englanti, certain is lie about bis constituaucy? l'ise Luintise TTited States ant inl Canadcta, antid reports fom Duntias County wcmc isot se 1comas tiowa te lis, rom tise peet. Tise raassurng tfs- its brasant xepre'utativa rcOpositonbat net givea oneaInstance of as te, warrant beastiug; tise suemben fon t eenmity lu tise present adm'ins- East Nortuhthuerandwhile sscltiag oit - ien oethtie system. If tisa tacs wes- e tnficîst, was, i-cia sait, fiucieg na', ophion- -large tisay Couiti ha ct down, andtihie en-ce ; tise member for Muielokaa is sith- IMiniter et lttneation liau a bil har hant i out a constituency, anti, hue tise wandcn- -wharehy c tortiler redueciou stoulti bu ing Jew, canne-ctti a resting piac e; tise matie. (Bear, issar tmom ths Oppoaiion.î) inember for East Algousa dues uer even It wes net tise iret-imie tise Goveranenlt peep over tise fone ofaetis riding, andthis bat aaneuaced thie, Mr. Hardy rejoinet. member for East Simecos tuas iledti tes Tis eaffect eft -hse reduethons was te e- ciy et refuge, or talten hanefit et clau-gy, tutu c large Portion oethtisa eesSetu iseacu t esr membare et tise Oppositisu are maaleîpality or tise Province as tise case scaliag test but fanding nons. Wbct tise1 migisi ha. speaker sew before hii, instecti et pro- pisets, was a row et extilet voicanees, THE SALARY SYSTE-à. wisose tops wcme net ligisteti hy a single Ifthtie scîary sysîcus wera adoptei, grecS sparlt, anti which aftr next elicdoîs aiti TixPe se wofficieels 'lad ongoloo eesruddi vri ra the ovene.TeaOficais rwouid hava him (Langister cnt cheers.) sons woult bave tu aeProvitiedtu-ake cas-e et tise tees, te coiiect ftlema, nutot ses tisaS tise fullmeasure o e i"were se- jcureti Tise case efthtie gas anti w-e(ihseO NT E anti inca sures inspectera, cit-'d sy Wtt. CielRnd, were admnirable exampi's. Au ut- dîtional expense et $200,000 hanles years bcdl heen inflicteti on tise country hy lise change. Tise propsi sxstcm wouîd addt The Departmental and te tisa patronage efthtie Goveremenit. If was a nmarcePretext te say tisaS h-chat'-ss O tsd Sevc so th aux dasire te cholisis patronage;It W'oltd O tieS rvcso h atttu, tisa patronage lcs-gciy. Thea Op - o a T-55<I4 position, tee were heitariug le tiseir pol- o a o en e t m 'cY. Wbat à il t tey cesira5 Te have tise Mvunicipal Conneie or tise peophe appoint ______ tise Officiais ? Thay wera eqnivocaxhug,t nearly cvery case tise tees bd aieat Oicrslekanimpe-asutsei- tise Goverument was tise loser. Tisasama entment eRkdeiou, ý nth e had appnedin he ase f te SrroateMotel Scisools, examinctions, Scisool et Juciges, wbosea ees iuce commutation Pmaecieal Siece, lihramy, etc., -ounecteti have tallen off, lu tisa office oeth-cis v iitIse Drprtinent et Etincetiosi :- Master ot Titleas teleieuey was $1,500, 8Ï Proteatants, witb salarias aggne- 6 wisieh tise(,iy oeT toonto Set te melte gatin--------------8 53 t goot. 16 CaSuelles, witis salaries aggs-- Tise bille efthtie boss. merisers for Nortis gatmng---------------------------.....813,870 Pertis anti Canleton wcre movas in lise JOHN MILLAR, sae direction. Tbey propose t uz reduce Dcputy Minister, tise tees payable te crtaie officers, tint CROWNL.NS DEPA11'IMENT. 2 tise resait wenlt bea tisSwiîe a ernelen fiesat his uts rw et ameon was pait inluas tees tieseacaiems f Ofcrsaeteksi h rpnLns1 tisase officens would continue te be paRti, Departuenîz: andt tey wonuld tistae xtent oceome a Tuide Services burdea upen tisa revennes etftise Province. 2 Protestants, wilb salarias cgg--' As an illustration efthtie way lu wbicis a gating --------------------------.. 17,00 C redutilon ia tees affacetithse public ev- 5 Catholies, - witis scieries aggre- enu. is aited thse cage et tise Ceuaty anid# - tine .................5."0-- -Outside Service 29 Protestants, wl-ch salaries aggra- gating....... ........ ......._.. ...1,2 5 Cathisc, witb salaries aggre- gcîtiug ...... .................. .... ,8E (SvneaProtestants anti 4 Cathisl iu aition ana pait for tisenuber c dacyq ubey wýorlt, but wbo are ue censtaul ly amployeti.) ÀTJBREY WHITE, Assistant Commissiener, PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT. Officers andiclenlts"lueutconect with Publie-,Wenlts Departmneat Depas-tmontal anti outside services 20 Protestants, witb salaries aggne- gctinig4 ...... ........ .............. $16,11 S Catielles, wvitb salaries aggre- gating, .....................6,7( Seemotary. ORtiljees anidcicîrk iia tise Tmeasnry DE peu tmnentr, inclaiiîng auidit, license anti c ministnatleu et justice ccnts. anti Reï istrar-Generei'e branches, anti Prevlncig Boas-toet Bealthss 28 Protestants, wltis salaries' aggra- gating .,....... ......... ......... $11 6 Catholies, witi sasciries eggre- gctlng ....... ...... ................8.81 D. E.CAESN Assistant Trasuren, SECRETARY AND REGISTRAI'S DlI PARTMENT. Officers eut chenke la tise Secratarx an Itegistrar's Dapartmeut, lnclntiiag asylum anti prisons, lnurance, Division Coamt5 negistmEly office Inspectons cuti gaine, lai enforcemneut branchses 8l Protestants, witb salarias sggne- gcting ........ ............ ........1s5,70 6 Catsohies, wltis salaries aggra- gcting ....... ...... ................ 5,22 G. E. LUJMSDENT, Assistant Provincial Secnetary. DEPARTMEINT CF AGRICULTURE. Officans antid lankaet tise Deparimeut o Agriculture,cuti et tise Ontario Agnieni Surah Collere anti E'perinicntcl Fans 32 Protestante,,; wlti salaries aggre- gating .............. ............ ... $34,55 8 Catisolies, wiSis salaries aggre- ,gcting--------------------------... 5,9 (In addition te these tisane are il Pro tastant anti 6 Catiseile employecescuti set vanta iu counection witb tise AgricuiSura Collega,) -C. C'.JAMES, Depnty ?einist#ret Agriculture, PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS. Officers anti osk f thtie Public Institu tiens, net inciudjig attendants anti car vante, thay tuetng appolateti hy tisa Super intendants wltbeut raferance te the Gev aramonS Toronto Acyium for tise Insane:- 17 Protestants, wîtb salaries aggre- gacting---------------------------..... 10,751 4 -Cathoîles, wltl sasciries aggta- gatisg ... ...... .... ............... ,62i Hamilton Asylups fer tise Insane. 18 Protestants, witis salaries egg-e- gating..... ..... ..................12,14( 3 Cathelies, with salarias agg-- getiag........ .. ... ................ 2,101 London Asylam tonrlise Insane;. 25 Protestants, with salaries aggte- gctiag........... .,.......... .......315 1 Catholic, wiSi sgslary cggmegatlng 74( KCingston Asylus ton tise Insane: 15 Protestants, wl-ch salaries aggre- -gating......... .. . .... ...-......,8 2 Catisoies, wlti saslarios aggro- gating........ .. ..... .... .... -..... 1,15( OnihiaAsyulafer Idiots. 15rtstne wiSis salaries aggre- gtg........ .... _.. ...........$ - 151 3 Citsli, Lti1 alarles aggro- ConraiPtiossIncutingGuardsl gatin-----------------------2,177 Antimw Merar Ostari Retrma-tory for Feieal- nid Refuge for. Girls. 6 Protestants, witii salaries aggre- gatlag,........ ...... ............. $ 3,850 4 ýCatisolie, witb scierýies aggro-. gatiug----------------------2,25C Ontario Retermetory for Beys, Pecetan- giisenle 12 Protestante, w 3tslaries aggre- gating .............. ........ ........ $ 7,7« 5 Cetiselles, wRtii salaries aggre- getiug ...».... .................. .... 8950 Ontario Institution ton tise Etiacation et tisa Deat cuti Duni, Belleville . 23 Protestants, witb salaries agnae- gatiug............. . ...... .........14775 4ý Ccubelïcs, witis salaries aggra- geting .......... ................. 2250 Ontario Institution tor tise Etîmeatlon et tisa Bliand,Brantfordi : 21 Protestante, witb scieries aggs-e- gatfig--------------------------.....-82,099 3 Catholdes, wlti salaries aggre- gatlnt,-.----...-...--....-...-......-975 M1imico Insane Asylurn . 1l Protestants, witb salaries cggre- gctiug ....... .......... .... ....... $ 5,282 3 Catsoles, wuth scieries aggre- getiug ........ ...... ..... ......... 2850 J. T. MANýN, Seoretary Public Institutions Brancis. LEGISsATIVO ASSEMBLY. 22 Proetants, witis salarias cggta- gctiug ...... ........ .... ......... 18,410 8 Cetsolics, wlti sasciries aggre- gating----------------------------....4450 CHARLES CLARKE, Clark oft1T{onee. Sheriffs,-4t Protestante; 3 Catholice, Clenke etfP ace cutiCounty Attornaes 43 Protesý3tnte; -4 Cethoice. Local Masters lu Ciancery-38 Protes-' tants; 1 -asRe Clarlts et Court-41 ProiesqtAaus; 3qCe- 64 Pretestants, witil salaries aggre- geting ......... ..... ... ..........$ 9,589 15 Catsehlce, witb salaries aggme- gating ........ .... ...............1, 62i D. SPENCïE,. SESSIONLAL MESSENGERS. 27 Pretestants, wltis salaries eggro- gating .........- .......... .........$ 1,935 i5 Catsolies, witis salaries cggra- geting........ ............ .. ....... 1,16 SI P. O'BR.IEN. 'otal population et Ontario, 1891.- 2,11t,321 Of tisis number tisere as-a 1,71.q43 Protestants; 358,300 Cetholies; 24,- 0.7.1e pefe oal.....,1,e Cathelice are aboutone-sixtis et the population. Total nube fe appoietees In ln- aide anti outazide service .... One-sixtis et tis number weuld be Total number et Catisolic ap- pointee-s............ ......... Total inumbler et appeintees lu thse lusie sevic ............ ...... Oncsixh t tisnumiser woulti be Total number et_,CCatholie appoint- ments, in lusidiýe service ......... Total numbei)r et appointees la the Protestant Offlcerz, Catisolle Offleers, Dûpartmenu. Clerks andi Jfm- Clerlus and Blm- ployes, gloye. -u aiPE eSERVlICEs! rip '"11 ...... . .. ......ant .. ....e.. ......paît il w t aies 2 wit salari r nt iggregatiig $'ù af ICI ee11tang1$2.25 AdminstraIon e Jusice a Osgode auilýl----8""e8o37 . Dep. .r. me.... ...Ed84 87,530 16 13antMo7e rcsolet...................4 n7,3 6 1,7 Iiiw Lde eparîm..........n.t- ... .. 3"760 55,5 Infside service.>... .............. ........... ......7,0 6S 5850 Onteitie erviDe........................... 201 16,157 8 ' 6,705 Pruic Works earî .......28031,51768,8100 Teresntyan eta' Departmentwt rnce-- -----2 3,546" ,1 brce .. ..anti ... .....t...r' ..D__p..t31e5,7t8 ,t2 Depalrtiment et Agriculture aud A ritulturalcol-32355 5,0 lege.............. ................... 3,5 ,0 Legisîctive Assemhly....................... 22 18,410 8 < 4,450 Sessional writers ........................ 64 9,589 l5 1,625 SetuosImeseges..................27 1,935 !à"1,5 OUTSIDE SERVICE, $372,522 $59,786 Public Institutionki, ineluding asylums andi prisons. 2068Il 12q,777 39 1 2,750 Livision Court Clerks a Appolnted bv tise Goverumnent ....... ......... 154 12 Appojuteti by the judges ..................... 144 7 Divisio ,n ,Court Ballitfs:-- Appointed hy tise Gevernment................ 164 27 Appointed biy the judg-s--------------------..126 14 Slîeriftl .... ............... ... 41 3 Cerks efthie Peace ced County Attorneys ......... 43 4 Local Masters je Chencery ..............38 1 Clerkssof Court .... ................413 Registrars et Surregate Court:.......... ....... 29Il3 itegistrars et deeis ........................... 5ý 9 Licenee inspectera........ .................. 83 14 Seventecu ±ssotestants anti tour Catholics connect- ed witis Crown Lands Departinent pai for tise nuniber etftinys tbey wevrK anti wio are net constantly omployeti.... ............... 17 4 Thity-one roes ancuisix Cathohle emplogees aud servants connecLed witi tise Agrieultu- rai College.............. ........ ......... 31 6 - 1,181-14 Total.................................. 1,61024 -i - One-sixth ef this number weuld be 221 Total nnnsiier of Cathelie ap- polatees il u etaite service ..........148 Total amount et salaries paid lu lucide service.......... .......... $418,003 One sixiseft tiis ansount would be 69,M7 Total ameunt et salaries pali te Catiselie appeintees In lucide ser- vice ............... .............. 6,0 <Nearly ail tise entsite service, excePt- leg thet oethtesopublic institutione above gisen Casl paît by tees or fox' the numnber Charges Regarding Ro-l man Catholies Refuted -A Jl ew Specimens. (Fromn a sppeech b y Sir Oliver Mewat.) 1 cm te speak this evcning- on seeie ot tise subecs scý . ,'1h are et present luterest lu Provincial ,!poliSecs. lu what I mcy say I sîseulti be glati te essist Retormers e.-d un prejud îcei 'pConsrvatives, as 'Veili c Patrons ai othernle orming a rlght jndgment con s ,of etthese subjeets , se far as euenen do 0,tis Inl an heur or t.o et speak'1trr hom new elements have en-i tered luto t political field in addition te thede wmirlhwibwe succcssfully ticcit ati t5"" geea ectofettl.,e pcst. 1But1 thtises nw ementdsth refrpalrty ~o5sl probbly hve an eyvicýtery -at our enrvtv opets bv aio ar ' slis gis nutrb'.s> ROMAN CATHOJSIC$. n>,-,A tiSa hAiuna <*4' -î-l>ii, taStv flan, ratS 0<1 r ~-~ R ~ puls siseaitinet be subjeet te examica ien cin tisesubjeet et Baglis istenv; austili was ie ha teais-c erclîx. Tise m-gulation iscving been misuntierateeti in anotiser ne- epeet, il las ,aterwards rascunteti, antid net new lu ferce. INSPECTION OF ROMAN CATITOLIC INSTITUTISONS, Aaotiscr stony circule-ced is tisat wisile Protestant institutions antan tise Provin- cal Govermmat araeopen for inspectionJ caut Goverumrert negulation, Romans Ca- tisolie instituione, simruli cineumetasse- est, it is sait, anc net se; tise tact heueg qaite etherwise. By lcw acutinl practice ail tise insthtutiens eterredti t, Protestant anti Roman Catiseile, are clte subjeet te inspection anti Governena e aîatien. OTHER COMPLAINTS. Iu otisen respects tisa Retorm. Goveru- ment are bicînet Sy tise P. P. As fer net tioingtisinge wisicis untar tise consti- tution tisa Provincial Legishature bas neo power te do. -Tise ew are bat speelmeus et tisermis- takes whis cischenpright membens et the socieix are let inRt, anti et tise misepre- settons wisich others are makhsîg te miscati. Tise tise voult fi lime Se nepeet cati refuie cil tise stonries whlcis have corne te mxy kuowicdgei anti il Is extrerneix im- probable tisat anythuag like ail have rear.h RELTIOSOF PROTESTANTSAN - j Ilus thatitIlP1P. A. s Ind ue t- ron tInusryaoy aleNeiihe o tfrisl ecen eraiiztios m Ue iii n noion 1i s ithat they ay ser L e ih wotS enogli, t1a1defeat some ff1fore crudidtcs l e iereb)y te defeat the R or aryA U the Reform Qeverninent of the rove~.TheOpposition thiuk that, the oetc ý bing rmoved whlch bas bitherto 1-,eptL1t,1m out of office, there is a hance fo r there, in the uncertain con- dition wlbthe new Bouse may present. 111 this T hpein the public lnter'est that they ma, be isappointed. (Ftear, hear) Both the 1P. P A.'s aed the Patrons ap- Epear te b-e- extensive organizaittees, and to have mcny ruebers. 0f fthe twe bod- les, 1 am imost surprised. et the existence ef the P. P. A.'S IN PROVINýCIAL POLITICS, for the Opposition worked their cries at two generalee-tos and workoed themn in vain. We weîie able on both occasions te sctisfy the Ret ormers of the Province and sncb Co'nservatives also as txere net unwilling te be, satistied, that the pre- tence et there hcvlng been pro-Romish leanings In our legislation cend eur admin- istration of affairs was without tounda- tion. But we have now the sarne charges maei again, and others, eiqually withunt partiele ef truth. APPOINTIMENTS TO ROMAN CA- THOLICS. Thus it bas been said that a-lmest ail tappeintmients are given te Roman Catho- lies; thet the offices and public Iep,%rt- mente overliew with tbem; and I arn telc that this statement is beieg repcateci, thougli we have demenstrated Its groulnd- lessucss by publishleg an exact offiiai ace ceunit et the nuuxner et Roman r alol and Protestants respectively in every de- partment and public institution te which the appolntments arceruade by the Govern- ruent. Noercrer Rn ae2y deteil eft rifleac- count bas been shown-, andi, whlle prob- ably al intelligent persens whe are will- lrg te be couvinceci have been ceuvinceci by the publication, there are still many P. P. A.'s who regard the disproyed story as, <Gospel truth. The document shewed thaït ln number ot appeintrnentsi the Roman Catholies bcd less than xlght be deemed their shr' aeeordiug te tueir pro- portion et the population, and tiiet thc aggregate salaries et the Roman Ctol aVpoietes arý e vcry cousidcrably lees the that proportion. ECCLESIASTICAL DICTATION. Protestants are told aIse ot ecclesiastical dîctation la the precnring ot laws as to which ne ecclesiastie had ever even cein- mnunicated witbi us. BALLOT FRSEPARLATE SOOOLS. Protesat are told that Roîtîcu Ca- tholics ai-e prevented trom voting by bal- lot fersehoo1 trust ees at the iîistauc,, e t hie R e m eiý n C c_ cl c h ie r a r c h y ; w h l t h tatIs 1ht h-RmnCatblolic laly ar ro ckig orth- bllt nci Otieie i ne the sits1g-t goucift to tin tetthe g.rea t m j ri ty e>ft th in c o n t y ý-t 'a-et the ballet i-n the clection oft s eooltr ps- tees; and very prejbebly they are ah th-e mure against it fr the present ce Protestants wcnt te force it ou tbýem tromn a Protestant and anti-Catholie standî'oiiit. The protessaci objeet ef doiug se lb te enable the Roman Uatbolic laity te resist the wishes oft ieir elergy as te sehoQI trustees; and yet crother P. P. A. state- meut is, that, la elcetions te the LegisiIa- tive Assembly, where they have the bal- lot, Roman Catholie votera. notwitbstand1- iug the bellot, give, what is calleI s solid voie for wiiatevet candidates the c1etgy fayot. ENGLISIFIHISTORIr. Protestants are further told that a r cent depertmeutcl reguletien (atterwerý(ds recinded) as te Eeglish bistory, bcd fer It:r object te prevenTt youiig Canadians frein acquiring a o.kuowledge et the part whleh the RmnCathol cIîhurcb bcll played inlaEng-lisbhletory; while the tact is, that sncb an obijeet was net thought T.hOie rglt was mnerely that pu- ilneat !l bliex ee tu e b alous anci wateh- fi for terlgo hlv.Bti,! i Is net e f , od t hin t erayt elie %'tvery- tthing wich maY be saýid itagainst Roman, -Catholles. 'rhere is nemnrt. and there la on the cootrary great dehiierit, la believ- iug what le eut true against theru. Our durty is te prove ail thlugs, ced te holci test that onlY whichi is true and good. 'As Protestants we de net pre- tenid te vindicate the Roman Catholie cburch la respect et anything which bis- tory may have recorded ef it, or in respect t fcuy efits theelogicel doctr~ines, But Roman ('athelies are liere; tbey censtitote nec-ly one-sixth of our population la On- tanie, and nearly iive-twclftts of the popun- lation et Canada. Amongst the Roman Catholecs wlîom we knew, mesS et us eau testify, Protestants tbou5-h ive are, that many are good hushands and wlves, gooci sons and daugisters, gooci tathers cnd mothers, gooci masters andi servants, good citizens, aed benevolent andi buman ln ebaracter and cenduct. (Elear, hear.) To thoughttul men andi Wemen who are net P. -P. A. s It onght te be obvions,, that Pro- testants will net luduce Rmni Catholics te become Protestants, or malte tbem better otherwise, hy persecUting tbem, or by retusiug them eînploymeut or business, or by excludiug tbem trem Municipal Couneils and the Legisîcture. On thi en- trary »sncb a course le cale nia-ed te ruake themn more than ever anti-Protestant, cuti te bled them more ciosely than ever te their clergy, sehe synîpathize with tîemn, and muet more or lees suifer with tiîem. It le surely obvions that te excite the cul- ncsitY et Roman Cathelics le net the wey te lîberalize thens. Recsonirg thadees net unnecessarily antagonize may do acinething with tbem, and kindees8 mcy dtu so<s-eting. Let us reason with themn, then, as we -,vili or eau. Let ns be kideti and consi deta i n oeux'becrineg owarads tnem. Let themn see that we recognia'e their rights, whctever these mcy be. Don't let us proclcim te tbem that, by rao ,of their continuing in the faith in whlciî tlicy have been brought up wa, hate them, or7 are reatiy te believe everything bcd et tbem, and, lu a word, wlll have rnotbing , î do0 with them that we enu help. In a Pro- vinice la which aver tlve-sl'cths efthte population are Protestants, sud have ae earnest, devateti and exemplas-y clecgy, danger te Protestantism trom Roman Ce- tholica or the Roman ýCathole clergy, 1 bave ne hesitatien lu saying, la simply- eut ef the question. (Applanse.) WVhen et- tacked as a body they may unite as a body te resist the' attack, as every cther clac la the commnity would do. (Hear, hear.) PATRONS AND PARTY MOTIONS. Soon atter thse election oft-Mx'. -MNangis- ton, The Patron Suniîn ans editorial sigueti by Mr. A. Gittord, Grand Ttustee, unuier-t teck te define hie position lathe Legisia 1 turc, andi saiti, among ether thing;-t -There le ne donbt greaýt efforts will ber put forth by botb parties te tieý Mr. Me- Naughtou te one or the othax' et the char- lot wbh els. The Opposition will probally b<. on baud with a nicely fixeti up mo- tion et wcnt et confidence in the Go-s cru- it cnt, cmbedyin.g the ldea of the appoiet-1 ment et cil officiels by the municipality, 1 and Mr. MeNcughton will be expectedti t support it. But tbe people et Norths Bruîcee did net, elect hlm for aux sneh purpose. but te introduce a bill bîmsect, sodelledt on the hunes indiceted lu our plettorm, and, te press that bill te a division, net te wlthdraw t et auy leaders behest, as wesv douc in the lest session."e Ând agein : "Be is net there te introtince or supportg factions opposition for party purposes, buta te initiate and suipport snch legisiation cset is in the interets ofthtie people ouiy. Ia fact, it would be well te ignoýre all ques- C tions introduced for tbe purpose et secur- ing a party edvant>âge, leevlng the parties te tlght tisose mong themselve-s." Mr. Gifford aise deelaret Inl an Interview C that Patrons wero net electedti t supportP wcut ef confidence motions. 11r. J. Leekien Wilson, Grand Trustee, said that It wasc: net the intention gt the Patrc>na to defsat tise Geveraimeut, or te ladulge lu tactioJs Opposition te tise Party in powver, Tisaeela uo douht tha tithe position et the Patrons wc' s delined le a eirniar way durîug the coutest, ced tisat mnany Luis- ercasveted for Mr. meN,,augiston upon tise untierstandieg that lie wouid s-lt-e a gener- al support te the Goverlimeat, and wsoulti net oppose Rt except for the ftrSb'ranre et legisiatîve mecenres wbicb tise Pet- Ts-s avonedi. Ie proof e,'tisis Rt 'nay he statedti lat et tise uoîination oceeduings lu Port Elgin Mr. ]\tcNcuc-bhton w as nsk- cd:--"Supposing percdveutue a imotioni sbeuldco crne np, Rn the Bouse declae-îng uni-Coulideuce la tise present (deveriu- ment, kuowieg tiseir pat record, as yen do, wonld you vote againet Sthe Govesu- usent?" 1Ant ihe repiieti:-So far ce t am informet i n regard te pariiameîstary miles, It depeute atogthe upon tise wey Shat resolutinvcepeseiani t on wbnz _ sou It was begt bu.Provicîed Slscý tiseMewt Gvermen broughit îsp esretisaS wais lst les nison witb eut piattrsethon, ,e-ti1l1à, if tise voesou weut etIconidence came trom tisaS eeas. une 1I;'c n l dtY bontiteasupport the Opposition -linit." Tise moto r wiih IMr. _McN.auniston votecd on Tluesday was uer in ïorthsciauce et eey legîsîction or upoes a îeeaure. It wae an ame.admýat te sýUPPIY c piece et Pure panty tacties, legitimate eeough frei a party etautipoint, but juet suc h c meotien as Mir. Qittorti sait Mx'. McN-,asiistou woulti net support. tt was the "uicely fsxed uip motion of waut et confidence" w-hicis The SUn itcpti It mixetinp lise ques- tion et cppoiutrseets witb the quiestion ef tees;, whlchis l net mention cd lu the Pat- ren's plerferm. Let Liberals take warnieg, cuti let them bc ou their guard, cuti isy'spurning taise r omises pros cnt a repetitiosi et the cal- amity et 1878, when the National Polev Pvas inauguratei, anti with 15 a Conserva- tise Uovcnrnee, with al tict -chat imn- ples. TisaStishe National Polit-y bas et been a biessing te the fermier, tihe _Patros et Indnstîy everywherc declane- tiser the Ceesservative Gecerumeut bas net been a hleeslng te tise country gocesitiovt r say- Rng. Iu tise light ef hast --kperienct, , çouldi it net becw-cil te panse, lest a, proper anil useful erganization like tise Patrons ef In- dusîry sisonlditi sdverteuthr brluig about a ealamity as great te tise Province et On- tarie as the, introduction et a Ceuses-va- tive Governimeet was te tiseIDomninfît. teen yeuange ? A Dispassionate Review of the Agitation for the Local Election of Gov- ernment Officiais. (Prom a speech by Sir Oliver Mowat.> (1) It la sometimes asceti wly, oa tise bedy et eleetors are quahifiedtiate ebosa m-embers et P'arliarmeut, tbey are net equally qualificdti t eleet the Regiettra anti other 'Provincial local officers cîso ? Anti lle question is semnetirnes tbougbt te ha eunlueive. But it la net se. The case et sharesoltiers lu a baîslting compay, or othex' large joint stock compcny, il- lustrates tise dleec.The shareisolders choose the drctranti tisey l eta tueý direct"-netÎle tonetiefier j f tise "omny. No eue questionls tisaSý ter ftettis'l pnes;-kit lefor1tisamc ontisaSt isesytlul uivrahy ept- cd. e ndex tbes'eoollaw, tis eopeale ehoetischeel trustee-s, tise trustee3 choose tise teacheýrs. iJsîtier tisenmunicipal law, tise people choose tise usembcers et Ceunecil, but tise Council choos-' the mun- ic-ipal Treesurer anti Clark, tise asseseors, chlectors andt other officers. Tsrare strongcr reasoas lu tise case et the Provincial officiais tsail suthoSe cases Risicis I bave mentioneti; for an eh- ectoî's chelce lu votieg for a usesber et the Legialatrime îepentis, net umerely or prhncipallY 011 wbat ie may knîew et tise integçlty anti business abliriy oethtie re- spective candidates, but, aise, anti iargely, on the poitica and ti-her parties5 te wbiui tisey respectively behong,end tise protesqeti principles anti iistory et cacis Party. Tise merits or tiemerits of parties are tise taily or wcekly subjeet ot discussion iintise newspapers Ibrougisont tise Province. 'lue subjeet le intercsting tea&il wiso readtihe publie journals, wisether tisey aire ehecters etr net, atdisRas Rnterestingiu o tiser (cou- stitueucies as in tise elector's 0ovi cou- stltueîcy. Wlserever lie gos tiese mat ters are taîlteti'about, andti iey arceto cois- tinuct i Rtcrest and et continueti import- ane e rom eue clection tea nîstiser, Tise discussion eft tiem is a'polltical etiLcatien as te tise voting tor members efthtie Legis- I turc. But tRie electors have no su-b ati- atages iunjsîdgingý as te tise companative personal ealîlain t addtsfor sncb acioftice as Couiuty Attorney or Lo- cal Master, or aux efthtie otiser offices now entier discussion. Tise two cases, will, theretoýre, on csitieration, ho seen te be entirely dittereut. WOULD IT BU A BENIEICIAL ORAINGE ? (2> Wien nny geverument or legisIatîve change le proposeti or consideretitheetiret anti meet important question te he weigs- ed Is ç%,hther tise chang~ e i ilely te he a bcneficicl change. In the present maSter wits those of our neigisiors or net. Sev-_ terl et our instituions anti mcny of Our laws, are ila atvance et thîcîrs, anti as ne- -antis these we ehoulti ha retrognaiing, and net advancîag, were wO te atiopt theirs la place et ont own GOVERNMENT REPRESENTS THE1- PEOIPLE. Do net let us forgeS that tise Provincial Goverameni nepresente tise îeopzle--the peple efthtie whole Prevince-quste, ce ineis as tise electors or municipal Coun- iers of e. county represent -chat connty. 6APPsieU8@L) Undezr reeona1lble sovera. - ---- ï 1-

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