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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Apr 1894, p. 10

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muenttise Geverramauitconsista, la affect, ot a cemaittea efthtie Legilative >Assena- blg cisesen by tise people, anS tisa Gcvenn- niant muet Sa-ce tise support auS confi- Sanda cf a majorlty ofttiat raprescnativa boSs'. Tisas, n'hat le doue bs' a Govcra- muant caSer the raspeacible systera s teus-1 cegnised as deie by tise people. An ap- pointruent by tisa Govenaent le quite asis mucis an appelus nbytrc htie peoplea as an 1 appointmenît by a Ceunty Council n'euld ha,( on as an lections bg a direct vcte efthtise ciecters an tiesepcific appelabruenut. Trhe, diffeeace le, tisat an appeintruaust Ss'tisa1 Governsant le au appointient b.Jr tisapee--1 pie o e ia 'she Provinsce; n'bile citiser of( tise otiser ruades n'ouid bhanu appoinîsuanti by tbhe people cf onis' a sinsaih secieutio j tise Province. Sema thinuge araeisctanr donc bg a msunicipal section, anS éthser tinsig ara bttai' done is tise Province as 9. n'iole. The present questionte, te n'iicis1 dlace do tise appointruents la question Se- long ? (4) Again, caSer tise lective systeru la, regard le public officer,, it me focal by ex- perience that tise macs oethtis people de fiuc enus' cisooce. Tise csoice le ma,1 anS parliaps iseceusas-tig made, hi a fevv maruhers et cacis cf tise respective poli- tic-ai cmetiser parties n'bc suct lu crucce or otennisa for tisis purposa. Tise chicc of tisa aieclous le lîsîleS te,)enaeon otisen of lise canidates ca ciso-e. An ailau-,tom, w-ha Soecs rt te for oaa et rutýisron'dl asuay hie otfor ne liserct- geacit cnueuis 1 be l-1t. Ju 9cae ete saS not bs oapfc-Ie a isacnddt ror, tiseoffce ti 1'tdaerrui3ta hlseeenjs' chie. (H-ear, heur.) OFFýICES WHIC'H1 ARE IN QUESTION. (5) I1cudestat.S tisat tisa offlcini.s n'hose îippiatasent seicue propcse to n'ithdran' frens tia Proiivincial Gornimenî anîd ti'ansfer la soe foras te tise ceuntes ara s,ine on ail oethflu ollen'ing: Regismiars cf deede anS instruesa ffacting tise ti- tics ta lands, Cecatg Crains Attorneys, Sisaiffe, Loal Masters, Local Registrars of tiseRugis Court et Justmce, Dapcty Clenks cf tise Ccon'n, Couîsîy Cosut Clanke, 'Serroguta, ReglstrassI Clerks anS Bath- lsteoetDviion (Curte. As regards ail tisese efficens their dutiesi are net msunicipln. Tise lan's iitis n'iici tises'bave te do are Provincial lan'1, anS lu a taw n stances Dcaminion lan's, nct muicipal bs' lan's or regulallens; their dui- tias under tisese ln'ws ana cf prine li- portance te tisen'hele Prov'insce, uc te tise ceunIs' only; anduScaer tise présent egdstaustisa Governarunt id respeusibia ton tise effcie,,nt iscisarge of chose Suries Tisa article in tisa Patrons' piattors ambraces ceunis' efficais ganerals', not tisose efthtie Province oîsig. Dorinion of- fices, anS Domitnien local efices, muse have been lus tiseninS et lise Patrons, us tises' except" Ceunts' JuSpes, n'ho uare ap--1 pointaS bs' tisaDominion. A ngltisa IDoumiiicsofficen hicS igý,b is as nIl ha fîllheSbg local eectica as thest aow lustise gifI ut tise Provincial Govermmnt 'as-e pesbmaeterd, local inspactore cf n'eights anS measuras, local Inspecre c f n'heal anS ether Canuadian predudîs, local Inspec- tons et gas anS gais selars, lu-ai inspec- tors et petrolaus, locah efficeus et tise Excisaquar Court, and cthare. PRINCIPLE OF PRESENT SYSTEM. (6) Thse genaral ppnciple oan'whicS lise présnt systeas proceads te, tht iIlalefon tisa public InîcresîtishaI tiseGov'oraaîcal et tisa country, la eUier n'ords tisa people cf tise Province as a n'ise, ehouiî ha ne- spoucibhe, as tan ns praclicabla, tacrbise aS- mninistraiicaof justice in bisa îhcia Pro- vince, and tisaI fer hie purpese tisa chif offidare appointaS for tlie adminaistrations ot justice anuSties ecurty efttllas should ha appinteS bi tise genenai Gavarmnct or 'entrai athorilv nser-prcs. nlinglise people oethInacountry as a n'iole, andt sisouid becaSner lisir supervsison, ann' auis3ect le ismiseal Sy sncb Govrnînant. Tisa praposad cyslensiveould, et course, ra- iava tise Gevernmaut treru Iis nesptnsi- 'Iiits', as regarde ail officers wisom tisa ".,verarueut siseeld net appoint, anS over wisom tisas'nocid ha-ccnéaonori GOVERNMENT INSPEîCTIbN.( (7) Taite, as hearng on tish. bcctis'a malter et govanaiseutli inspadlien. very eone hue,, given an-c atteriieus, 1tis F ubjodl knon'e is e excein impomnance et:t:i 'uý 0f daeail kinS. Acrdsaphs' tise ýýii cilu .ceý S, n'thpaicakbleudaulaeun une am1;1 V riea i e ii ~~-eînus spau r inpcil f eityofiaa oinspia- anpcter ot tishers np oeu ieeî Tisera ara no oflicers l in ibservice et tac Province on t>f tise Doini,on whOe offices ana cf atone value in l er espec- tive depatrueuts thian tisse etî,îsictors. Tise Govrumeut, en tiseir repor, à -rects anytisinîg wroug, anSdisas nov tue power of enfoî-cîng attention by suspenision ion dismlissal. Tise effoct ofthIbs pcwc,anSof tihoe ai ilsuspesen or disiesal et u ocr fur geeti cause, is mccl valuabla. But"w hera Ilie e!Slocal apueôiitstrtr electiOii. the offieials are independent et tise GoerenantdeuSits offcers, anid are1 of necessîty responsible eaiy te these in lise ie.-al 'ity \vli appoint oc eledl thern. If tisa teniure îs for, a fixcd terra, tise offis- clal is pnactically secure for tisaI terni, isowever fauty lie may become, short pLr- lisps oly of fciouy. Tness hile misdon- Suct ia very gnoseý anS open, il may net e-ilstand lu tise way ut bis baviug a seconS terni, Offieiais cf every chues, anS isowever clioscu, need autisenilalive îu- spectien. REASONIS CI YEN for PROPOSED CPANCE. P ORMER PRACrICE. ý1) I have stated som c. f tise reasene whisidlithseeseemed to e hoifertheso ap- peinîments helng left as, hiserto nîtis the tlovennment of tise day isaviîg tis cn fidence ofthtie people. Wlbat arp lsi ra F,ý,îsosgivaui for risc propocsai ichange '! Oua, icasea givcnu le that lise local -ppoiult- ment or elactien et tbe TProvincial ofhiser8l te ha affecteS svs (it is lntixuaterd) former- !,y tise practice, aiS iflesiStisaI tise s n eu Ontario Geverumrerît took thse igal nmtise localily- 'fihchect"il, iii tact; blinI tisechanige would, Iherefoee amer-ha ra- atoring ths eter te île frai-r p- iieni. Bu hliera ls ne truth n la il ti,. license ispecter le the oly salarieS locai officiai wvho ans fornîv-ly appoiat -S by tise Counacil or electeS by the- ratepayers anS le now appointeS hy the" Goverurut-uit, and 1 de nt undestaud tisat it le uow prepos- aS in any important quartes- liat lha siscuid be oaaeofthiieetiise le ba ban- aller elected. luspectore et l iukes sane non' paiS oct cf a licence fuud hich lise M unicipal Ceunicils do îlot nise or coi- leci. Inspetors were fenîualy paid eut et fende maiseS by tise Municipal Ceuncils, and ti-y were at oeefinie elected by popular vote, anS again tisey were ap- pointed by the County Ceuedis. Tise change, whislh we imade in 1876, in tise mode et eppolntiag tiieru vae part et our temperauce legislat4vi, ;t'nS in tise interest ot tenaperunce, anuS weatd ne t ethsr-a base beau ruade or tiseugit e (. paue. Tise appointaient oet inspectons by voie cf tise asmunicipal eocters waT thlnk, irt eýnacted as long ugo ns -1855)îc',sanS 11 i. ch, 6,7,S. 5), anS 7,ý-îSeem luhais-e conjtinueSl' uill1858 (22 Vit., ch,9,,3. 24.Ts o cf 1358 previded fcrtis, poiî utrttise luepectone by tise MnciaoCe-lse ,towrîsis, cities, taws as nd îi-àcorated villages; anS thue reuaa3aed law until tise act (39 Vic., ch. 26, . ) passeS in 1876. Bots medes were touaS te work hadiy, anS tise change msade lu 1876 te appioilt- nient by tise U0vernment wae halleS sith satisfaction hy bots teiperauce men anS otisers who Seqired te cee tise liquorli cence laws baller autorced. Fromn tise lime tise change took place antil now no tain- pernue organization tisat 1 know et has i-ver by petitior, resolutien or cthî-rwise expresseS a Sesire te rtura te tise 015 systeru; anS no otiser ciase efthtie coin munily bas donc soeiliser. Ianta't, Ihv neyer knewil or heard acigetnp- ance man wiso diS net orSocs ntrgr apeointment by tise Geverumnt as a truprovernent, anS a great Improveniant, as compareS ,with. itser oethlie fermer asetiosd, wistaver hie opinion May ha as te otiser officiais. (Applause.) Othtietiser Provincial eficer, la rgar tan whcm as s csug-o unc-Sappoôi- ment or election is proposeS. net une was 1cmith ISu fhiersvftisïS1teans tise1 locl Povicia efices.It wcaldbeti. te sýisal ur yes wt iis. Acie n setul partanbp el' cni chnceot 1-,1 getig aeI e mna ,LI T FJDB. GOMi) -IIIMINT PA'1'ItONAGr - (G) Tise ideacof eiecting tise Jud1geýs PETIj sisockc most et our people ucw, aud il id Tlisa iCnservativeOpoionîgets important Le, bear tn mmnd thsat, n'eetise cage eloa penme wsrthe change ruade wiicis id now proposeaS, we eiý oteRfr:( h siseuld hae opcciiug bise deor fer ise lec- cate ts eon oeusetc h tien oet cur JuStes. It le true tisaI, lu tisa Province,, but Se net wait lbiibjtisrater- Patrons' pLattorma, Counly Judges are ex- nebthCosrai f cepteS fronstishe prepoced change. 'But tise IDominion. V/bile our olppenants pre- berrumerdtia sbn r-t end in Provincial polies teob.elte pat- to te rnebrdnhtwe ro ouLagns glving a Goeru-îs.i tee omucis vision was irt ruade lu tise ses ensi Statles of he ineicn Uionforth el.:iinofpoer, corne Relerrers wouiS laver Its et 1'- nseica Unen ti tsa ie-1oa e ang srthdrawu f rom tise Provincti-al ov- otisan fficars, Judges sre inet inclu'eS,' arisii-ent because lb appeans to tiser te lia Iyet the exception vms aft:ewarde swepta sourc c, eansst aIovnsmu away la mest oethlie States la whicis il raîher lisan a source et streng,ýls, Inas- liaS at iScbbéeau made. Tisa election o uha setlfied r ispone Judges appears te have been adepteS fisstmuiascvrifansreSapitd by Mississippi la 1812, anS than by Nn'w'ienavar au appielameal is maid-. I caa- York la 1846. Tise New. York constitutioun et key tt ltroaeplesontisa wichie a tisen adopteS provided ton tise elacîln lon wea hess lbt l isoftisepaslgewhisa ail Judge, ccuuty officers andi elerice e t t icu sch ifadvbt tage toisseptisI ia Court ; aud rny .ethlie otisar States t0lîl or, dauaetets pryl hav sice ollwedtheexapleof ewpowan.For Ibis purpese It le valuable, haaYocrk. oe ts xapeetNWnotwitiscîacdiug ils icadvanlages lu soe Yonk. otiser respects. HOW THED SYSI7EM WORKS ELSE- Tise prestige efthlie Dominion as ceaspar- WHERD. aS wltl tise Provinces is aiready quire (6) lien'tise proposeS systaru iorise la grant eflouigisfer thise siist cf tise Pro-- tise United States le tises stateS ain. i. vînca; anS as fise possessi' on et patronage Staues"Cestiutinaiî-tctey e tievives a ceran prestige, tise Prov'in-ce Ujnited States," publisised in 1882, p. 257:- s5sudnth hpie ftsIpct "At a generl electiwbihe vtr wietise local prestige cf tisa Dominion a generl clecica tie vote is- le lat urleuched. Tise Dominion Gaver- wihSred suitisahenumber etfipeope ahais mu in'apil onGvnon n e caltaS apen te vote fer, und ha Sunds ih, ieas lmse anSexerciceýs pwateap- lisarafore, more anS moea iticuit te Se- J' es;ca termine upea tise Sîtnescf candidtles, anS propiale our ralways anS cen, public te tissput ut lise aency cf pelicai n'ira huappîs lteshanSitaîof ul teIlsfrinds poilis nS eadra isemaletesasele - d lias n langer exclusive egc jti rn tien for lila anS cclIi ilpoii huas le voua, isd'eiton tisan tise Congrece t tseU'nîteS aya s- albeî'ca tn' eraI uoc timeaStates hue. Il les mnportanlte ùProvincial candidates fer the saine office. This iffi- ness Lawhlth ý.uiïtk lss culule"bsss isatyn'imet Ibishcanstietion last clutyiunt t met wofitis a st iteiige t ehing shouid ha Sene te lessen tise pres- soltin t tsebade t meicou ats-tige cf tisa Provincial Gev-rumeur, !lite Tise saisie nutisor lins tise toilewicig ni repnesettLivee ut Provincial .juisSiiction lacuts etofjaSpes lutihe UniteS States:- "se ls'inîcaoncf tîse bar, as expiasseS isy engrunizad bodies et ian-yens, hus baen ai- nis t uniorniy la laver cf a returni te lis scteu t ppoiîtment by ilis lixe"Lcu- tive as tie eple as a wisole, utm s letiug Ansaicafi political conditiens, are scarcely tise propen cuelodîannofethtie pois- an n'iseiy te select trous arsseg bhe bai-tise mient %Vho are hast qualifieS for judicial fuedions, anS tis eustiode neseýted te) lu entier teý secure nomination for Itidiciai offices are ottentimes la themeselves ce demcýralizlng tisat it Segnadassaeoffice lu pepuhar e.teem, aven If tise seection cf tise people ase n 'iole were as wise as tisaI which ,.uuiS be madieby lise chief executive efficercf tise.Stale, actîiu caSr a sanse cf hie reponsiility te tise people for miakiug a pea eeto. I nîay addscerna short exînacte frem Mr. Scaîanis nonl.u tisa Asarican systens et govanîsmeul (pp. 123 anS 165).---"liuSer eur pari.,y mucbinery anS preseut -systeru etf eletîg isces, tise JaSpe, Shni's cesalsanSdp ic feicers are ail 1tee, Sapendcîst for their neominationaunS lec- ticîs apea iioI-taxpayans . . . te acr good edficers, a taitsf ci admîliistation ut an' anS Justice,' or an afficaent police. . . . Among an educated anS readiug peo- pie, tise mccl et tise lectene n'thl acquine sufficient knowladge efthtie acts, history anti chas acter et a tew efthtie leading men of tise State, whese naines amy Se preseal-- aS for Govenuer, toeanabia tiserute vote iutaiiiganitly fer a propenrumanisotonat cf- Suc.' Tiesamne remank applias te isae-- action etfinembene et tise Pariian-ul assd Législature; but "thse multiplic-ationset eh-- active officers . . . ottan rendars il im- possible for ciectors, wise are censacrntis empicyed witis tieir ewna pivata affaire, le acquire suffIcient information cf tisa qualifications, chanaclare anS itres et mnmereus nominees for office, 10 mable lisem te iscriîinata pnopaly anS te voea iateiigenlly., On tise centrai-y, tise Gev- ariser anS State officcre are eiap loy -S sud paiS te dévote bisair whiole lima ýte tie pub- lic service; anS il is tise Gýeamno's dsty leo interrne isisefifnlurelation t.,ail, o tise State afficers la their seveal-dpant ATTITUDE OF CONSTIRVATIVE POLI-! TICIANS. Tise radant attitudaetfConcrvative poil- ticîsus on tisa subjact et tise lecaf Pro- vincial officiais wns net tiseir attitude n'heu tisay were lu ini Ontaie; le net thcm attitude nen', as reg;arde any Domninion officiais, anSle tise reverse et a Consanvalive attitue. lintfat, netiig could ha more anti Consrvativa tisa iselr attitede non'. Some ufthtie reasons whIscl I have been msenlnini my ha sumamarised la tiss n'ay:-Tise prescat officiais are an apiigist anS efficient dace et men; it le non sup- poseS, anS tisera is ne grounid fer cep- pcslng, tisat eliset oftise proposeS changes Ieud giva us Stter men onre eff Piicient chiocae. Secis ot tiseru as recelve salaries necie isis.front isaPrevinc an po froru ,tise Cecnity.base c f tie ee e sy eftIhaîn isýo redoive tas, l paS etoe tisa ceunty fude lh,isau la paiSby tise Pro- vince. Wiscraepocisibla eeumi anS rapresentative Institutions exiet, tisa-re le ne objectioin on acknosviedgadl libers I or Sesnecratlc prnciipies, or on bosinss pria- ciples, te tise prasant moedaetfappointaient by ise entral acthornty Icitise Province instead efthtie ceunty in wlsici tise officiai pantorns hie duty. Tise lectien et judi- ciai or executive efficens by direct vote bas net beau tfouaS te work te tisa publie aS- svantage whene triaS. Electioni by tise pao- pie et neýpresnatIvas to tise Lgictiature, te th- Municipal Couincihe,, te echool Scande anSdlise lika stands on a difenrefît feeling, and S le nceary fer a ceantrys fneedom anYS hast halai-este. Il le, on tise- olisen hanS, luntise general interest tisat lise Govaîînîcnt efthtle country siseuhribc iesponcsie ns bar as pradticaiste for tisa adailaisîmatlon cf justice lu tisa iviole Province, for tisesecurity et titlle eeds liee-ie, an-S for tisa inspection sud super- viFien oethlie officiais egaeSluths Se pDarumenls ettise publicrv ice.1'i .aI lt-ast, ail on pradeceses isugisî; anS seo s-ve aise tiscugit-- T- aven appolintad by a Ceanty Councli or bY I1ruants. Ha e sraponsible for Ihie a -te anSdUr pepalar vota; not one. mare likaly tisan tise nire-1 uHlers aia a LEILAIN S TO MNIIALIageis et paî-ty cnvenuons te maaeg0 i D 'LEGILATIN -A TO UNICPAL I eecions'" Tndcr f0cr syste-scio fe COUNCILS. speulsibia goeanasent, lb is tish icuai (2) The preteace etftisa opposition le et- Govercior, in Council viso uacstise tP- tan put lu a gcîsarai feras, as if caSer my peiitnents, anS tish Cue ilibat e- Pneoicrsisip net oely had patronsage bteun spocicibhe Ion tisan te tisheope The System Not Created înîeagiy ivarted by tise Legislatue bran Prof. dryda, n'iseabok enIa, mfni- Municpal-'cnis, but as if etisar jeris- can Comumonn'ealtis bas heen mach,-I prai§Pd or Introduced by the diction had bean inspneperiy withdran n lu lie ViitadSLSata, speaks et tram tise Couiscils. TlistaI iso is vie se. tiss natiscd cf cheoug Juga present Ontario G-ov- 'Tie enly subject (othar tisan tise liquer as thnowng "thie p-ar arS dt- licaîsse un') aste n'iicis, se ftra se I recel- cale tunution inte tisa -uSa ,hani-se ettise erue t - ir O v r ladt, tise jenicdidtion cf tise luniiPmiimasses; that ie îe say, of tisa n'ire-puhhcys. rne t -Sr O ie Councils bais been dimînisisad is lus regard ---Pepulan elacoticisren'týisecsoc tc grnntsng bonaces lu nid cf suilsvaYs, (DrmInt tise haiseoet pol ilapart-ies, tisaIis xMow)vvattDeals with the for preaseling imunulactenses lu tise niure- -liiSaycof kssts etfn'ine-pîle . - . . L gsaio icipaliiy. Tise restrictionseila3aus'11 cases Tise rtishiaf il e srius . .....ssnua- L gsain o n te i- svnaru ade aItfise instancecofethtisarata- lupu affects." Moat cf tlise Sataeffciais payans, n'ho desired tlisearestrictis ecn ana non, lu nearly alh,,tisa Stat,,eslecled Question. tisir municipal rapresentativas, anS tisa by direct vole et tisheepe adeption ot sach restrictions liaSbise gen- Oua of thsa stantling icidents e thtie oral (tsoagit net ananImoas) approval et pepuhar ciactieus et Judgaýs an iser du- (From n speech by Sun Oliver Mna. tisa leuse, iaciudiîsg asambers of bots ciels iin the United S-tas ld tise cuseom polllal parties. Non bas tisera Ceeu sîny nîsicî tih' syste creantes cf-tsassing I isave nevr te say somretiîg regard- indication s!nc tisait tise people dacire lise every candidate ton an elc Ive ffce for Ing tisa tee Ssceru t eof ertinp isse former pow'er tftisa munnicipal bodtaies i a ertataIlsuai fer lie aleý,c-I ion tundtisIofiias.IhaveaIaleady ,pinta i oct biaI tise subject le ba raestraS. Onuthisc miser pnnîy; anti ne oen e unomailI ,_-;ci foray tifayoth ni-ýsI u, rd-of hauS, tisera have in ais tiase beau varcuusfice wn'iso tee cielsubînit ta ttissucr-i n fts nee f-n fls fi additions ltiste janiediction ot Municipal tisent. Sonsetlgsas candidlates tn ise'Il -I ciais are tisetgist te ha, tuelg, tise aS1 Counils ia otiser miatters. Siclau-y outisid une asisan1,Ir iod en teoption cf tiese alary syter lençtace- OFFIfCIIAILS ARE NOT PAID BY MUN1- ob15.,in the Party nomJiiiaio,-. ilt11r.ct cary fertise redaction ot aay - t tiseru - ICIPALITY. laction in Nen' York n aud uefcr tise i tise object mny h ccmisis y xc .1)udgasisip et tisa Ceuntet' CnuscsePleas i (3) Bat the prinipilal reason given for theise adait1t ieamediua t 050;anotis- Ig for pblcuses a largapercatt e prïoposeS [chýange is tisaI thae officiaîis in cm e lise uprmA Court asIeS "Ie-- the ffiiai'1rceitO avn'of tliat aI-- caismniialcuct, llesaS aapedtu1cf$00.Two îaiir theily eratvetiequestion te, wn'h ch thtis 'patiSt" isy tis cast mncialt. ie oladitad $7,5 nuS , rsecietno'e L tele l tisa pub j"lielnterc1t? aIclatisa Patreats' plattemas is tioseexý-ly. Anis-r ton)tise office etfCivillJustiae praseed:-"(7) A cysteru cf cvii service te- admiltad ;an ,expca oliaet 1:;-10.Th tisen(1) Tsanetprat-teeorstas cf neruInaca f erin tisatn'ilgiva ancis caeaty power'ar igar part etCtisesepauiue 'spaiS 1 lu appoint un ciact ail ccunrsy fltuals paiS tsi aaccase te Ta.sinany ,Il i. Mucis presaut Ontario Gvnue t bn'sin by tisaru, exýcept County Judgcs." But more is e bliavd or knennt iaelai xiseece ic-i regard te ae-ycut i ties tisa Provinscial efficers nasneS ana nel paiS cxpaaded tien tisa candidate-s adsuitt-ed, ioffices authtie 1a I isec - ePiemai,anS by tisa munictpality. Any oet liemi ivisebut hon' mucis sorti cunit 1h a kowna1 ln'ayc satone, anS hl eunanabsd nacive a salai-y are paiS tisaI salary by (Forum, Apnil, 18931. p. 149). I ici IOa rs regards lise Proviucinhefiil sinle- tise Province aîsS net sy bise ceunny. TIse te aveid aîsy isk et like cailnities ceas- aS, in pretanance teuia an yt as, by ccuuby payesimo saiacy to amy oethtie ofi- ing upen us lu Ibis Provýince,. tpuuc)ail former Govercimacts irepeli " f cae 'seons ilis proposeS toelccl. Tise 1 have xiii tisatit i eprpse ýeecepî aty IletebnoSaie isIie cont pylisstete Sisanif fer bcdi- Ceu'sty Judges troam tish popsS 1srî systans(it puying sema public effl i-nsiuy paeuîsty payebt teesMates j teLLi - I fan e teasseSeau tise praidticeevryisneas nasse Sen, but tise Province aise pashm-ae u oclMcasaantecepteS, tees, anSdbise aissouait paiS by tisa Pro- aind tisay are judiciai efficae as n'chWei ,as vali as in Ontario,- anSle stiIl, te aIis vluca axceeds cousideaily tiseumoul, tisa Ceunty Judges, anid may ïeal sith siderable extant, tisa pratice lu utiser paiS isy tise county. Tises, la 1892, tise ag- langer suiss anS more iciprbauit -îuesîiona 1Provinsces and otisar counitries. I bave ý,net gregale umouat paiS te lise Siseitîs by tshe tîan beîeng tc tise jjséiiulion cf County beau able te chIalnaua exisauetiv hia*t et Province n'as $43015. Tise ag,i-egete Courts. Tisera ýis tisus gcaaler reascm on o fficere se pai lS aeenhcre, buit t1anaisc amouisî palS eut et couaty funde iR ie xcepîiag Local Masters tisas itrem acept- tsaytsIu ea aeSaa n, r- mucs mre isa hat hatecr, 63,00. ing Counly Jcdgas, anS if Lot-ai Ilastprs o rie p te tise prestOnt t:ise, 'ha ran- anc net te ha excepteS n'a haveaut once emalien ot Regicturs nS Senife e -y INCOMES 0F OFFICIALS. an i ndication etfn'iaî n'eald soan bc doue tacs in Nova iSctia, e' asni-ndn Tise chiif part o e ilcomas et ai tisa iitis Ceuîty Judgas. tiscugis Coeaty i anitebai, aSd icin ihga ba in officiais nansed ceuses, ust trous itiser Pro- Jufigea are excepteS ut tise stant. s; n ass.Ifel lý lits are paiS by tees, a'n,!laiieet pats et vinciiior municipal usc but Irùns lie ladîvidenlesvise treai tisne leliai- happais PAITTISM IN APPOINTMENTS. tise State tisa l-taisIraisaia.t! o te bava pntvabc businesseoet iein osuis te inacticut tise Registi-ain1s a ra paiiS bytees, ha perterased by thase ofiscials. Ail lis-il 7) Anotiser argument tom the p-roposeS anS tise Susanîffe panýtly isy face S lpartiy tisa County Council Scee te-n any cf thein, change is tisa if appointaseats n'era made ihy a ealary la addit iin tetees. axcapt tise Division Court Clenke .and by tlie Couusly Ceuinsile or bg ppehï:un-vola (2) Oua important advan,ýtage eIfthtisa ee Bailube, ise te prerude anîd furnuis ou-ic appoinîmeuts n'ouid ntct h ia senced 5by stam oer fsi aaii iaits lu tise court bises, anS la supply tisase partyilm, Bst tisatits a mnistaae. ît Ileûcmes cf officiase Saer-i ouise van'[g offices n'itis needad fuel unS lihtt(isii- quil ertaihiait tisera n'cuiibc Se sainuse anount etftisa business tlreru aante gnt, o icial etsac 46). s t lIa Dvison tai-ysm is one'i'tise appolutaucats are anuS, bisraore, on tis aaimeun cf work icipl at, ýec.466) Aste te pý lii nade Il le se lana-cry State cf lise Un- ianS responsiiiiy ton tise yaaî Ouiltise Court Clanke anS Bitiliful s, lScy ha e I_,Inl bn ui cfcn r lati I aay-yls ieProvince tkstise icl finS thiais- nacffices, anS le ise e bligea- -Il'as beu aiS tits areGeeameu.t la e lîniciieed businhentgaîseco- tien et tise -ouuity Couaneis te ausy o eiis enad htteGvrneti fdmnihdbsii :nl locu is te turnsi certain. beehe teI thosa nsakiucig an appointaient Sces net c oneider tcbaianciag advar.iage. sulîea u-r duuni seouaIlu eO0a yan.n'hlisam ertise dulies oet tisaoffice n'iii ha (3) Tisait viichinlaspile cf sucin coacide.r- Tise urecr iesDidolonet' î iout 50ayas nipentes-reSonrr. Tisat te a misie- atiens as tisst, ias leS te nh'îater pub-- te ise suppliaS by tise local osusscipaity presantation. Fituese and tisedut paîtiras- ic opinion preva41s agailasltistee c ýysteas n'lisln wiich tise Division Court is ueld. acatf tise Suies ba c ahn'ays Sean ini- bas arisen freru sonse of tlise !fliciiS bas-- Netonl denottheuncase cflis e~ Isistad upen oy tise Outario RalcîrruGev- ing incenies wnhsceas ta objecýtonrs e h Netmessl asdn assetheni eudltîcuotetvary I uscees-ra.1nuS e h an gerts ts a ciliemaernaS te ceme truns munici.ssi texa --rueta iesniicnito eeeyecsie n tb1re 1 i 1ýs11 atien, non freas any tend et wîhx-cuicisappelicuet. anS Il p arty cînsidan- arias n'icis nouiS be aicigned te tharu by tbrougis tise Coamsly Cancili or otlse'--ise aiu hveu jc l htcondition. lise Laguiabune if tise iacssmbanits nen e tise cccaty bas coatrol, but lise greater Il isas bean saiS tisatisae clenke anS bail- -ha palS by salaries, andS, ilte assumneS, tisa part et tise aîactcýre etftise ccunîy b-tva lIt ý naîd otîsentlîicial ,ppinteld bg tise ilarecice n'uld be scavaS fer puiciI uses. neyer aag business ut any efthtie offices Gov'-rnsient sa-ecaocntinsu,,]le ha active Bat thisl a mistaika. Th isa Sitereace do namaed, anS are uet aiena aroug ll.ose pc.iical -ýritizans, and haa-ud on rot- mt shsowri-hat n'ould ha saved for public pay uch ees Of hos whodo a es thisnfluence of tisirettfices; but ail îuses. Tise Gevermsantof Mi-. Saudlseid teoe scs, tte es. 0f tisdo etsa idepay tisat lies ceaie te my knon'hedge is the ne- Macdonald, anS tisa Go\vamînence n'hii'-is tisa ceuuty,,anS mnay n'io, tisougi b1-cy versa c f luis. We hava toussd tisaI, se a succeaded bis, havaeculte peceivad tisait resides latise counti, are not îee rî le, te give an office to an active friand ne suc-b neenît ccciii Se ceuieS upan. Tise tisane. If tisa elaction cugist te lha by thîtose - Sdpris'e us oetlbis services plitlealyý; mlter camae p uca(-c' 'Ifr. Yandield Mac- n'isepuy tise officiais, bîsese n'is pay tise anSdn'e ext-oct tisat nîsl frons aveny ap- d-Scanîde Governuasant, n'iIi speclal. rater- tees cýould malte tise appeintruent. 1f lise pcintment-ulO'ur espersîn 1ce- 1,,tisaI the- ap- -race tc ite tees ot! 1-I, it l ls electone gaucmnlhy maletehie choie, il is Pa0inteealameet învariubly rgars eposi- gent-s 1868,1,869 anS 18,7, an liau-h'cf i suas dsulîighm o ihtclprthasa yenrs îthe pooa fpyrgsalar- plain this n rost casas these n'ho do met lienesquhyn inl ,lý,a a pay n'iih hava, isy rany limes, gueuler t- sip. i caiy stmest naiaîifer I !Es instead Ocftees na ej-tdby tise n'aighintathe cisoica isan thes'e n'll bave SoucI sas' tisaitiserae ne excep,.,tions.Gveu a.(Apus) n'li do pay tise incomes ofthlie cfficiais Bat cf offc-iails n'so re oonlac, s panti MR. BLAKOS BLL,182 eiectod. (Appiausa.) amea, neîn'ilistandtssg tluaîn ciisccssema (4) V/heu Mn. PBiaka camlite pon'ewr ha (4) AgalaInitis net te Sa fergataîs tisit are active againsl us. Oua ,if hiehc!,i£fbncaghilua b,111 llasn'ih tie sbject nisatevar e-ils cieelS hbanSu dte reslt aîao-an patr aaus ie Gafeusoet -gistars' tees anS ion'ncnet lu tise Prevince froru tise cisange propo--cý_andinata la Norths Bruce 's iision y fuuSing btheesaSeistttnsal- aS, itn'eui1liehaimîpossiblîe te retraýe cen CourtCirk. \VcS-a e 'cicrdany- arias to tisu hae ,î'u 1,v qe i Reg- teps. Olliar inrets anSditicences woid one" on ltise road hoguorag "emn- istuars te pay e\ -ar n'caitaun pecula sprniup n'ilcli n'ulS gi-ce s11nPis aes hil iittalns isIofn ttothe onisniaxtiargoencit tise nen'agteuapant tramn ite ment n ha e alaa cIv atagte aexedd$2O9 ftis isI$0 vau20 imoîaaluu localwi, pulla 1nSte l' lu et exceijon. con[l inue ,le l clie oli. 110 1-l'an cet.; U11nfuS t a l ccr 4sO.10 dîiui easaStieica nluneti-t ari mu lirn-hernisl enuc anca. auneelîytts csru ri 12u rties. -doal'slsetiTsê1ts anS d cept-is. (p ACTF 18i' .piaua. et tise ofisce avlg ucrasd munl icpaîissui s as tiseadinsra eof wisiîc, thougis îtiseexpenssc iig ujsieqeaain gricultureanSarts, lu- cilles anS te wns aS isefilcece.0 ,ustiial farmej, tise maint'tnne cf sucis bill providad fo a cetagia ecuaete public inslutieus as tisa->asylums, tise be paiS cut cf tieir r-eceIpteb ,,,certain, Centrai rsotisa Péieetarttnisene 1-te- officias lot narued in rtise,0bihl'f c72,, hnfermatory, anS ispitals atOll chri-iLis, tise ie. incemies of [tiss odrs ecee anS varions etiser objecte cf mut ilcipal in- certain named saims ; aud th,,ise bh po-ueS teret; anS ton colonisation rca Se; nul te fer a itcrtier percentage te ha palS uiby Speak et a distribution la 18'ï4 anS sui- ltagistrars aise, la addition le t]isl ay- saquent years oet lisea million tdollars f3,- able hy thie te tise ceenlies undffer tise act 11,177) umougst flise principal mi-ipai- of 1872. tics ef the ±Province, in conne-rien witis V/e diS not introduce.,by 0cr 1bilh the syfisa setîlement efthtie municipal !ean funS tam cf salaries lustead otftee,,fr tise iindeblednets oe thier municipalities. camne reasone la substance as tlisese for If tise Province isad nel baS flise eaniy whici tise preceding Geverumieut li, aS! net invealiments anS tise timbar sales te as- latroduced it ; anS since their time wa sîct, no eau-h expendîtura coude.huve beau baS additional experlence etofLur cwn lanruade for lise public purpeses iuentiined support ofthtie viaw on wilis precediag without going lIe dadbI as oliser Provinces Gevernmeuts acteS, 'anS States have done, or unlees tisa Pro- OSGOODE HALL OFCTL. vince ihallmet tise expeuditure by la-c.a- _(O)Thee hd bfor ben ç [Diý ilc oftien. But, isaving regard te tise cnet anS t i ian uS aoe eue-p- fneo ise future, it is necessary la tisa ccii- tie wonking of lise salany cysenulae- mon inlereel fer lise Province le avail il- î,ard te, similan offices aI Os-,ede SIai1 self et fitting sources et additionaI Pro- Tisera, frei a date prr le Ceut aon.e, vinciai revenue, se as le aveid direct tax- tise officiais have been paiS h sar, and allen oethlie rata'oîa preperly et tisecouan- tise Teshavae ge laI tie pubiran-try in aid cf tise Provincial trcasury. hany. T i saharieien oarecmdra, Y le, anS vence, îowarcic tisisebjact vwe have sue- havenet isfatiserI bn ujeld eis ns cession Subies, licence tees, anSdlise par- unese tn a 1 kow.ceulage efthtie incemes et certain officiais 71 isas heen saiS filithse Oppeeltien iprese acides- our act of 1832. tisat tisa number cf officens anSdniiys Tise memPoers et the Young Mens Lib- ait~~~~~~~ ~ .seS all ueesrl age aal Clubs have donc eplendiS service for TisaIt 1cispute. Il le saiS Iliat isa nunahon be tiseir counîry la tise pas Tise Libsral lias Soubled siada 1871, anS tisat th salar clubs everywhane have donc ike service. les cf semaeoft tiern bave Iincreaced The Young Liserais anS olS Liserais threugh- increases fii salaries wene laucnsqunc et tise Province have vieS wilisorle an- of increased expenience anS E fiif ,lcnv in oIther'in the good work; anS on the5 con- tbese w-ho got tise increases. 11f tise iî'sm- tInred zeal anS energy et ail la tieseamue ber bas doubleS siace l1871, s uisdrcindpuels uuec rPo lias more than doubied. Tisus t ýisenube ine. Te Ïiîs prcsperity and tise well-be- of write issueS froru Hts irc 1 ufc in on f its people 1 have giadiy given tise 1872 for Queuns Bencis anS CemIonPa last twanly-one yaars utfasy lite, anS I was 891, whlle tish ie rlutfo il2 vw ashopé, witis yeun seip, te hacof service to 2,097.iah,, ic een inceac, non'th iy te hegood cause for oeeterinamore. (LouS offiial hasbee inr,,2,,] byapplause.) tlise incrense in tisa number et actonbut slili fanIser hy tisae isaviug bea aulu creasa in thie numbeyei dpatrcas ALAItIES OF OFFICIAIS, whicli ftisebusiness isas ecasined. It le sinca 1872 tisaI we hae aS Mtr a in Il l a somewisat strange cincidmne Chamubers, an Iarpect,,oftLasi iia. that tisa attack apen tise mode cf appoint- Master et Land Tilles, anuS ýlise ssrts nig public officiais anS tise salaries wisicis reporters tote sacourt. -r isc wei dnclisey neceiva was led hy a memben efthtie now by tise officiais atiOegoda Hal is House whe lias beau himsecf as Tise lni fan more tisan tieuble tise onlîen in pi-e wouhd sny, a "tee-ted officiai"oftftise 'U2?. Dominion Gevenamaut for severai years 1 have baS an exiamiiatîca suadeofrIsce back. Mn. A. F. Wood, M.P., wiso tueved C2omparative arueunt cf tees on ise eu oe tise want of confidence motion on this hanS, aSe lre a nSf ,(iinc_ientai a-question lise o e isîigit, isas drawu mon- penses Ou tise otiser banS. ,Lut Osjo0ode Hall ey freru tise Dominion treaeury for asany fruru 1885 te 1882, incýluisiveI ; anS wbat le years. Tise report et tise Auditor-Gen- tise resait ? Tisetes t Tise Laud Tilles et-ai shows tisat Mn. Wood reccived tise unficeIlalils eaaly y-eans uwere exception- tolesving suus ns valaatorfr th ie Dont- aily lar-ge, anS exceeded -!týise 2-xpenditiiirl-; ien Governnaent:-Fer tile Yeaa endiiig but, bakiag ts rgthe amoiIunlt (et lisJe î 0ltis, 1890, $f5895l(o; ton tise year end- salaries i l ah is ffce t I Ogoed Haull 111gJune 501h, 1891, $3,236 59; for tise year nisicisara anaiegeus le isos 7aner on-er.ding Jane îtth, 1892, $4274 5l; anS ton ideratien, anS lii, le oisaStisanise.-ai-flise year edig une 301h, 1893, $2,b45 si. anies aloue have 0iways Magr kcca I. W -macrs te be cenisîantly cruphoyed titees.In, 1872 tseSaIlaresaiunadlatishD, ninservice. Ilia 7883ha cisar.g- te 5,7,hsde ieepne wiii aedaS on 44 d !U;lu 191, fer l119 days; ln beorne by thes ofiiiseîewsrewlo1892, 1for 2-2"days; anSilu 1893tfonr16 iys ara paiS hy tees , wsie ise tee, ass Er-Byrelurinig otesejounnials o e eso lainaS froni tish camesejlS nîneunmted eof1892 it will ha seau lisat daning tisaI te $37,000 eniy. TIise amouaisa iumad f or y-ar tise.Prosincil Houce was la cession salaries Secs net inclSetie salaries et trcIaStise 1115 day cf Fehruary te the 141h tise acceanitant, tise iseceoftles or day cf Aprih, or a period in ail et 55 tiseir cianke, non tise salaries cf the shont- wsorkîug days. Mn. Wood muet, tiscretere, hanS reporters. A1dinii;tisese, the exees have beau, paiS by tise Dominion Govera- wouid ha by se mach graniater. Tise fl5,euras menltfon part ofet tiIse dunsng whtcis lie for tise pnecediug yeareshIow substaiiily was Srnwing hie ssscienal alownu--e as n tise ;ama resul ns lise figures for 1892. membar et the Legisiativa Assembly. Tise ameounte which ha bas, Srawa ara on tise SIJBSEQUISN,,T EXPERIMBENTi8. basis et $10 uer diaru for attuai service, (7) Tise preseut Govemumeut, by tise ais- $3 50 for living aliewanca, anS tise uctui tlionity et the Leg-isiature. ,made soe otis- ceet et naiiwny taras or transportm. Mn. an expaiments in tise saine drecctiou in E. F. Clarke, senior member fon Tenante, tise casaet certain jedicial officeîs in tise aiseý denouaced 'che tee systeruinthie muet counby towaes, wiso SaS tieretefere been vigenous terme. At page 231, sectioni D, paiS by tees, thene heiug tisesgis te ha ofthtie Auiditen-Geneanl's report for 1892-3 Otiser reasGns thian tisdefeeceuery for -,ve finS tlie fehicwing entries : c,îhcituting salarias ý ftees la those Services-63 Says St $10 per day-...$680 00 cases. lb ,'as net destýre, isewever, te giva Living ntsosvaace-79 tinys at $4 per salaries cxcacding wlIat weeld probuthiy day............. .......... ......1316 0 ba tisa indiie treru feec ; anuSise salarias l'aras .. ......... .................... 169 3 wene te ha 'fixaS ontia basis.XVe ruadle Pullmuans ......... .. .......... ... .... 33 40 tisae-panlmeut in tise caseoetSurregate Cube anS cartage------------------...15 03 Judges and local Masters, tisefcfti-e hliest classes(et officiais ix i, cbta..............12i~L service, anS tise resait Semenottated tisat 1 on pagâe 27, section D. cf tise AuçIues,-- ai-tionn'hiis iscyinset ucn s ssce ï sarnslatisa public laetareet tonrlise cificensi of tisa Provin ce. If 't is cerrupt anS dan-i geneus, as lise Oppositioýn ahle-s, te haie' public officiais pal isy tees, n'iat sisaîll n'a sas'ot tise pay ment cf meruhere cf lisei Outanie Lagisialuro bg tees troa tisa treucuny oethe LDruinion ? Tise dama judicature uct siresideS uS$0 tur counmuliug the tees of Surogate Judges fer a fixedaS aaium a, tot te exceed tisa iice 'iicb lise Judge isad Serived treas tees lu soea recediigt vear. TSe supposition n'as lisal, as the Province w-as iîscreasiug la population anSdn'caltis ci cry gean, Surs-opale tees n'eulin l like manuen increase e-cary gian, not ising subie -t tle sanme sert et vicissitads as tbe business et ether, courts. Tisae isave beau se-caaicommutations et thi2 chise. Iu thinteen et tissatisetises ne- c-iiSfeil shent atter tise commutation, unS ý lisean's a cemrspoudlAr n ics to tise r aent e fes clactd ailshni ofliseo feaS lsas exceead tis,ýa appragaýta cf euh-- ais, itih ae-cen Surrogate Judgee la 18-92 recel-ced more tisan tisa amouat et tees collecteS ta Ibair cecutie. CONCLUSION. (9) Tt n'aiein vian' et ail tisea acts tisut e' w-r o is e i-hoie et opinion tisat sal- aries celd net ha suissttuled n'itl aiva'n- li ge talishe Prevince ton tise existiîsg ce tes etf nerucîsraîlis iss tees. Tisau tiene naasoeagrounds ota ist opinion ae(rs' inliigent anS candiS parsoîs auissIadmit; nuIj 1hope that auls' nho mag bava bean iuucirad te a diffarecib opinion n'il l ake mbii ceacideatneletisa neaceusanS tacts n'iici bavaen'eigised çeÎthilus baera tises' Shrahs' commit thencalvas te a Siffet-aut viesv. I haie SiscusceS tise subjcct fcault- 1l- and uîneeedals, in the hope anSdiseliaf misatn'aesalclisatais'bcha t ena me gandiîsg tise sattar, n'ietlser thumt rasîuib ebail came Irons Relemmers anS olisars n'io baie taltan a differeul viciadopîing cure on tuntiser consiicratieuu, or froni ihab iffarent vlan' heiag accepteS as tise correct eue attar ail, er lis'soe ~compre- misaeistwn'eu itiemaul opinions, if suris tisane sheeld Se. (Applausa.) SOME PR1OVINCIAL EXPENDITU FIES. Oaa peint more. Our act of '1892 gave te tisa Prnce tise pancentaga te lia paiS oser anS abcî'e ssist Mr. Plaiýes act baS givan te thse coutîties. Tisa reusoî s l, tisaI lise Province page large camseavers' gear ton ebjacîs genasally paiS ton elseanisre iriis heorne'mcney, and fer oetha ais- jects et municipal inter-st ant inusrespect cf uriicis municipal hurdecis aie tisencby lessenod. Tises, hachaes camnsing ou tisa geverrimant et lise country, anS defraying ah aexpeusses n'iuuhîmuet ueu-eariis' fal un tisa Provincial axcbaquen, tisa Provinace palS, up le Decemban 11-t, 1892, in cash, for ain'ag nid, neaunîs'six msillion et dol- lars (or, moe exactis', $,813,667). Tisa umoaunt et tise Saetura investussnts and haut depesils undar lise SaisdSid 2,tl ac-- dontald Administration, us iuiscnu Sghie Treasumer in bis final finauciai elatimenî, n'as about îhree anS oe-bait millions (on, oea exactis', $355645). Tises, sinaMr. SacidmiMuaialde tisa, tisa axpandi- burecof tisa Province ou rain'uys aloua bas beens tw e millions et dollars mnieaIantise & ggmegata ansouat et theisa lscmente msade prier ta tise Scssion cf tisa Ratons Goe'cmment ta powern, anSdetftisa bank Se- pesits tiseu in hanS Bel large suis eoe oui capital anS revenue have aiea breen ampaded lu finising buildings previecels' bagua hic Mn. Santfiild Mardon.iltI's Gev- ern-ent, anS net cesepleted aItisae tise et hics dfatal anSesignatien. Aiealu scd- aS additions to tiseabuiildiulte frens tise te tinse sne S an n' in slhdiagsanS ethan pulic n' orlts. Tisa total xedis onpuli uildings a,-nS public n'e r re 18 in019, Icusv, Suas 88846:4, 'e tiss doule tse aouletiM. Sani,î-d tisrlca ssllic tuanailt ut1dol0ars, o ý,rd fbave ne),t as y*et ps4ti( he duties. 1l1 litteeni counties in ie roicet ta sixl- gi, e e's LtteIla1892 camIle wiiinLise prov,ýis- i,o r t the act. Ila tthe State cf Nwyorit it le es-timaitedtat oýne ettate out of eveýry 1, is hbe eduty. la tissProvInce, one Lut cf 5 pays daty. Tise State ot New Yorkt for tise year ending September 10, 1893, reeived ns revenue under its lan- lieritance act $3,071,687 ;tise State cf Penn- sylvania for thîe year endin)g November .,f, 1893, $1,124,46 ;nd the State of Mary- landj for Its last fiscal year $Î0,693. T1JBERCIJLOSISi AT THE AGRI- CIULTURIAL COLLEGE. An unsucce'asful attempt has recently been made hy tise Opposition lanVise Legisiature, aided by the 'Tory party press, te, dispar- age tise Miniâien cf Agriculture, Hon. Mr. Dryden, on accouait cf the appearance cf tuberculoisis la tise dairy herd at tise Agricultunal Cuilege. Regrettable as tise outbrcalt doubtiese le, it iîe te be deplored that a dcmestic incident cf this kind shicnid be dragged into the as-ena of poli- tics and made ,the basis uf au oaslaught upoeu Mr. Dryden and bis efficientiy ma- agd departmieat. But on the eve of a politicai cuntest, ne, incident about whicis popuilar discussion mnay be aroused seerus tco trîvai te be subvented te party enas. Matters that at otiser tîmes would excite ncý crîticier are tisen eeized upon and made te do service as party anununition for thse tinse being ; tla sus, with the case ln peint. Se wldespread le the mlsconception re- gardlng the dises-se, and seý grose, bas been the misrepreseatation indulged la with respect te tisis particular outbreak, iliat e briet revlew of the tacts are desirabie. It l epra nîot weli undcîstood that tuberculosls la catitie is identical with what is commoniy calied consumption in mnan. It le infectious li about the came degree andi probably equaiiy wide-spread. B.ovine consumpitien le weii-known by breeders la tisis coîîatry snd eisewhere wherever Somnestiç cattle are kept, and le by ne means a new Sisease or a recenit importation. Some persons have app ar- ently ecocfeunded it ivitis pleuro-pneumonia, the dîsease for w'hicis Canadian cattle are scheduied la Great Britain, but il le ai- tcgetiser different. In their discussion of the matter la thse lIeuse, Mr. Dryden's opponenite have en- deavored te malte thse foliu-wiag points%, baseS upon a stat&emeut supbied thein by the recenitly dismissed farm foremnan at thaecoilege: (1) That Lin Decemben l192 Mr. Dryden purchasel two diseased Guernsey cens lan(Great Britain, anS tisat, upen their arrivai, 'ie permiitteti thein te mingle witli thecae herd, la spite cf the faet thut ea he en warned t1hat they wene diseased. ()Thiat aftcr tisey baS been iso- lated under instructions from tise tePliege veterinarLin, Dr. li e ordered themn back mb tise stable among the other cattie. (3) Tisat iný-ufflient precatons wcre taken as re gards, the isolation of dis- ease'd animnais. (,4) Ta the disease epread fromn the importeS Guernsey cews ithrougis tise entire liard, enS that the Minister le tiserefore persenally responsibie for tise outbraak. (5) 'Tisatlhe aiiowed four caiv,ýs te be offered at the annunal sale of stock, knowing tiem te be iseased. Ia repiy te these charges, Mr. Dryden has stateS tisatit e diS net purohase these ceittie persoaaliy; they were bought thogsan agent la Great Britaîn togetis- er with otisers frem the college farm. Tisey were passeS îthrougïi quarantine witis a dlean bill cf heaiih, given by the Dom- iuden Government Inrspecüor, but haviug 1learned alter itheir arni,ai that they ap- peared, te hae unwell (altiseugis the causc of thelr i-health was net aven blutaS at), Mr. Dryden gave instructions that on their arrivai at tiseclege they shotîld be carefuliy watcised. 'They were accord- ingly isî,lateti by Dr. RetS. Mr. Dryden -ias emphatlealiy Sent'eS that,,he orriered tile eihack luto thse stableîs as li stated; tee1d. u tsaffu d- î rttb nyl- stnes amelng tise aiains sa'ug!)te rea ne trcof tise.iseae whteveLr wsap- parent te the n--ake Ld eye, anSjathoug1aý r expîr wth,,iseaidci fpweflmc- so1' deciared ictot be tiseir beieftat tise germ was present ii la teogns, tise tact waLs netciayesthsed Nu was it lrnuwa (,te ieepruatsrte whetiser tise diseusýe wu!id culyd- velep la tise anima.ýl, even if tisgrîn Sti exiet. In order te ascertin tisis, and tu prove tise reiiabiilty cf tie tstit a thought Sesirable, on tise earns soci- talion of tise Board of HeaItis anS Dr. Red, tisat tise aine remalning atnlmaim sisould he retained te be eprmetdup- on stili furtiser. Tisese animais were kept la perfect isolation, away fronstisejther animais allogetiser. Af 1er tise fuit resutts of tise expeiments have been setanc it le tise intention efthts erre ntot pablisis a bulletin on tise sabjet', tisas in somte mensure turning tise mistounue te geod accouat, by endeavoring te obtain turtiser lîght apon tise nature and treati- mieut of tise disease. As te tise caives offered for sale, tise tacts in this connecteon are tisat, tiese ale being ondered in September, four calvea wisose dams had iately given tise reactien were incluSeS lanlise catalogue by'Professesl Dean. These caives isad pet been tested ut tise time cf tise sale, uer were tiselr dams testeS utl some monthS afler tise birtis of tise caives. and botis tiey ami, tiseir dams were, te ail appearances, per'- fectly isealtisy. But theugis ne apparent danger existed, tise.Ministers view was tisaI nu isi wisatever shouid be taken. Mr. Dryiden frankly admittet inlatise leuse tisat te incluSe tisese caives lanlte catalogue was a mistake. but hae furtiser slated tisat lie was unawane et tise tact until tise sale isad actaally commencal. The Miaister canet reasonahiy be ex- pected te keep tracît et ever-y individlual cew and caif lu tise college isards, anS tise tact tisat lie saw tiseir namnes latise. cata- logue was ne indication te hlm thiat tey were oul et cews thaI isad reacted, as lie haS ne knowiadge ofthtie particalar cowa whicis had been tested. Tisese are detaila wiicli ie woaid uaturaiiy laete ies subordinates atter generai dîirectionis for tiseir guidance isad been givea, as, was3 doue lu tisis case. Directly he iearned, hewever, tisat an errer liaS been -ommti-- ted, ise did tise enly thing tisaI ceuld h doue te rectify it-he uotifled tise pur. cisaserS nette, remeve tise animais. Te tisis they censented, and tisas tise possîbil- ity of haras being çieae te anybedy was ne- inoved. Mr-. Dryden isas given hie word thiat th*9 mnistake was net a wiitul one. Tis sisouldà suilice, especlly whea it le cousiened tisat tise charges against hlmz are2 base4 apen an tunaccurate sta9temieut, mSobye, dismiseed empioYee et tise 'faIi,-! !la view et tise tacts ab(,eesaeit 'lQ d[ificuit te see upo)ýn wisat greunids tise Op-. position isas demauddiau iavsigt mb tiste matter, uiesit be purely for poIiiitil effect. -Mr. Dryden lias beeît for miany yeuare past, and le stihi, knowu througisout tish vne as 0of t tis recel saccesetul stock breede'rs anlltoc importers ; lie is alc kon s a ma ot thse atnost ile"grity and isoner, aad ,ne ight-tiinking person wiil malutai1n for one m-10 mient that it was hie intention te, blet diseased animiais upon tise farmers et týhÎâ Province. What ifference -uoild tise sale et four calves possibiy mak lte te Ni. Dry.- dea or le hie departmneut one way or tise otiser ? Tiscre le really uotising te investi- gate, aniese tise object ha 10 inquine as to tise venacity efthlie Ministers statementS. A bulletin just iaaued by tise Cuorneli Agrîcultural Experimrent Station, gives tise follewlug reasene wtsy tise tuberfcuIn test le net always reliabie ;-(1) Ts teru- perature somnetîmes ises in a nonýi-tuber- cubaus cow afler tise use Oi thtise ercal- i (apparantiy tadicatingthtie pen o f tise disesse). (2) Tubercuhin cauere reaction. lu aven tiese lighbteet cases oif tuLberc-uloS, lu whicli tise victime wonld sus-vive for years and mîgist recov-,er." lit view (ef ibis Mr. Drydens Sesire te malte tise tst con- cluite appcars lie be perfectly war-rant- as murs cannot ha realizedfi ram tees n'len Ganerai'e repent n'lh be touaS a cep' a lises'go te tise public as wn'iaatieg go te icîter addnesed ta tise Finance ýDepant- tise cificer iscaf, boaa-cen honast and ruent, prelesîing ngainst Mn. Clankes lionorable tise eticer is. lb n-as unîder tise change ot a pion dieni auS living ailon'- judicature act et 1881 that eux expeniasent aride for Septeusber 41h anS '27Sh, eustise n'as ruade.grouad tisait Mn. Clairke lait Toronto laite waes is mgadec.tsa41b, anS arrivaS bau-k LOUAL ASTisIIS. Ieariy on tise meýruing efthtie 25tis, nuS liera- Tisat au-t auîhisecd tise commutattion toftoit-, shoulS not hava, chargeS tor thser tise tees payable te Local Masters anS Sage. Tisa Acditor-Ganeral, .,ccurdiiigly, Depury Clerks oethtie Crewn fuir a fixeS ordaned a réaduction cf $28 lu Mr. Clenhîe's annuai suas, nol exccediag tisa average account. -Mn. V/itlney, tisaeummsan ton incouse tres fae fer tise pracedirîg fl-ce Duadas, bas aise Srawna pônbise Demn-1 îecanc. Under tis act, hetn'eem 1881 anSd in r reacuny fan selicitone fae'cf svar- 1519, eight of tise Local Masters i-can suc- ius umeunîs during tise lasItan' gyeans. cacsiî'eli' commruteS iil, îsthees fuaded, Tise iuconsiseacy cf tise Opposition lu anSdut fixadScalars' paiS te tise officer; unS cecslautly ciftiug ground upon almst lus evary cace the tees t eii off, anS tim.ra avers' question tisat luis ceme before lisei iras lees ta bise Province.leuse durnîg bise met tanyaars bas ceea SURR1OGATE JUDG-ES. exposaS mreatisaonce. lunliseir oeni cases tises' décline' te uractise a nul et anS in tis slie is borne oct by tisa isrds-- nana la chiarge cftise Sa diry caUlli, n'S 1, J, H. McGiihivray, la change cof lh% cala in tise dairy stables aIt ise Esperi-ý miental Fans, Guelphs Oalo 'TisaI I bave rend ture Seclarnaton cf IMr. J. E. Steîaey, fernsanhy tarta oreunan aut tis O:taiüi Agrîcuiturail College, as pubishe'd la Tise Empira. Tiese ame is n'iolly an-- Ina ue nsoeaparticulau-s aad ina,(ccurate li otisenti, I exprasslg ceulmadiu-t tisat part of hie 5llitemenb wicisal ax tisaI Iir. Dry-- dan gava -me lustrodtions te pe Lt lise cîthe tisa liaS Seeauliolaled backLtti tise dainy stahbles. Mr. Dryden gave se raiui n-- structions, ien diS ho gi-cve at-uy lîssîrue-- lions n'latseea regandtssg theseprIa- ian caIlle, anS I fSaîly dSang tint 1 cr tliSMn. ,Storey tetarîvisa, or tisaI Mn- DrySais bail rdamed tisa tnimais bau-k til tise stable. Il n'ai net Mn. Dryden a prac- lice ti assume tisa Subies et stock ferae- nîna on lu baite th n'woîk çoff my isads. To, tua hast et my Oliet amiSdiruembrance tise isola tedcialtlien'er-e ne-car reterne ivo tise daury sîtbes aller ibay bau beau mis- lareS as direcced isy Dr. ReaS7. I stabe posilively tisaI tisag icana eyer see- lurned le lhe stables aite tanilnasbilaved tiîey n'aeeaffecteS n'iitharcalis.Dan-- ung tise summar cf 1893 ne animale suspect- eS eftutbercuiceis n'ana pasîcred n'v.itisthe Saing isard. Tn' ccn's suspecteS et il n'ere pasîcred isy tisemecilves ilu a p1,o te-a o-ff baSinS tisa SnLiry 'agg6L,ýn c aunS n'ereuselahio ', u cmIte dofntaCt 'th lie eingati a ut tish disyetbis.j sa an a nritisa cattiamanlarisa anden ]Prof. Da, ASit n's e ir M. St,)eegeduty (, teIecdS1hicit11 ,visît lise stock staSies tan tisiscsreei Salies, cm aI nny lima nequs i then- n'sbis tauîcasuaily. Wiat a ken'about tise stock coaSdrilain thase, ctahies cold onhy hava Sean tisreegi beanraay. Be saS use pensonal kan'icedga, anS hii, statament le ln mng opinion iargeig ruade ýupiupan tisa isasîs etflseareay evideace, on cscin venteS, J. H. 7,MCGILLIVRAX. As te tise metioscdaor Isolation, Iis mat. tan n'as ldb lu tise bauds et the %s'atorinary expert, n'îli aS cisarge cf lise experiirients and, 'as panfectig conupaîcut te ud t un tise malter, Is hie statement Dr,. Ret Seya la this regard :- <1 I, J. Hugo ReaS, s'cterinany surgeon, pro- fesser ot veterinas-y science ut tis e Ontario Agricellaural Collage anS Experirnintal Farru, etate: (l) TisaI I regard Mr. Stomey's statamaîsl, publiehed la The Empire- ef iMarcis 22, as te iselatiGn, le habcary mis- leaSing, asetise animai materrneS te 'as placeS lna nseparale building (callaS tise ruanere shsed, but perecfdly corufonîablea> altacised lu tise main building, amiS separ- ated fnru il by a doublaen'ahl cenanng In'e thlcknessee et tan paperçN'Ithafam air epace batna, n'hicis Idcisidoired, anu sîill coîssider, te ha perfect isolation. As tote sediseasa eiginnting nwi t th tn'e importeS animais, hie sage : (2) -1 Se ual ceneidar that tisa Slsease' originaleS ut tise tanna niti thismperta- tien efthtie Guarasey catlle, fer tise reasoi tisait animale elaugistened la April shon'aui au- advanced stage et tubarcelar Sevulep- ruent, whlch rouiS ucýt ha-ca been attaini isad thay recel-ced tise lafedlion Ires tise caIlle importaS laIe la Dcearuber-, ns tuber-- celsiode le aiY sien'of et Sevalprcat, anS especialiys' se nder gocti sanitamg ar- rangements, sccias pravailedlan tis case ; isence I have no eietatlon la ssylng tisaI tise iseasa existeS la tisa dairy heni2 Sera lhislportatîouj. Il siseeld ais e Se mmred tiat tuber- culosis lias net beanuanknownn a i i5el, -l lege la tisa past auy more tisan lanîthe majcmlty et otiser large isards. Tise question lim ea5aceS, Whg n'ene netthlie n'hle cf tise susPecteS atnirriale shaagistered n'ien tisa diseuse n'as boand te exiet. as b eau donc un ise ceafe tise Ottan'a Experimentai Fansa liard, n'hich n'as silmasly affecteS, oenly tisat tise dîcease -ias ila a asucismoe jadvaaed anS infections stage? Mn. Drydenlisas al- eady dtataS tise raasoac:-Oie rettIsr" im- porteS Guerusege iaiving beau elatughî2ed anS feud to be affectaS iviitu ,isercsl-- osie, n'iie ctscr anisais ssoe'e -Imp- toms cf il, il n'as cue amSuîis e recemmandatien et tise Poiciiboand cf Healtis, te Ce i l tisa i es tiec tisaI soe csprmts hihShrud n'!tis Dr. 'Kocb'; np* ,amin,4ensu Sjýing-%ig 'te iseaise. A sceese eS, '99 uet týIss gve tiserec/eaepee SJJCCESSION DIJIIES. (From Budget Speech of Rosa . illarcourt,) Our receiptLS unde'r thse succession dauties acit duriiag Last year e-,zceeded cur expec-ta- t -1 . t wl b emmerdtisait theact camentefo'rýce July 1,9, and that the du tie S cungudritbecam1e due and payable &t 'thle d-ihf tise deceased, or w'thiin eighteen mnth therate. A period et elgiteen months isaxing elapseed silice the ac't came lie oforce, we may now expeet àegular and cntinuous receipts. 1 Senturedto remark iast year that àt wculd be ifound that cur experience, would se- semble that of other couritries in regard to succession dutties, that Gar act would work fairly, tisait il would net be vexatious, iÈhat it wouid prove as Utie hurdensome as aay sube titute which couid be deviaed. Au experience of nearly twe years flly Coli- lis-ms this belief. 1 wouid remniad hon. members tisat our receipts under tiiis act are by the express ternis ef the act itself alloucated to tiue support of our hospitais and îsyiuns. Inla lsJ Xe spent by way of grants tu hospajais and ucnarities U6-4,81)6. We need flot be surprised if withia a few years uer receipts koy way of succession duties wili balance our granits te hoispitais and charities. 0ur act, it wiil be borne la mind, exemipts -ail essýates whteh do nlot excecd- 1,Oa Near relatives, sucis as fa- tiser, mother, ciltdren, husband, wif e, etc., pay ne duties wisatever except when tue istate exceeds $îtleO0., Ail property giveni or bequeatised for religionus, charitable cr educationai phrposes is aise exempt. Simi- lar laws i other-coureïs-England, New York State, Pernsylvanla and Maryland, for example-appîy te and affect thoîusands cf estates whicis, under our law, are alto- gether exemîpt. Sînce the passage of our act evc-ry Province in tise Dominion ha.5 passed a law siîniiar te ItLTise States cf 0h-1o, iVaine and California passed similar iaws la 1893i. Calîfornia takes 5 per ceat. ut the value cf ali estates over $500 lu value and devotes tise proceeds te its achool fund. In Minnesota a constitution- ai amiendraeit authcrizing tise taxation et luheritances is te be subiitted ýte the peo- pie next ye ar. We exempt 981 estates eut of every 1,000, judgang freim the resuits la 1893, and thse scale, cf duties whieh we in ecd case exact is very moderate. Our receipts la 1893, amoon.ting te, as I have said, $45,507, were pald by 27 estates, tefi et whicis were tise estates ef persons re- sident la the County cf York. Two es- tites, une in Ottama 2and une ini Torunto, takenii together, paied duty te the amount cf $29227, wh'ichis l more than une-half uf cur total receipts for the year. Tisese twe were estates of unnrrled men, whiose preperty paesed te colaterai and net neai relatives cf the cleceased, sucli as wlte or 27 was any duty paid by Uhe very near relatives cf the deceasced, such as wlte or chidren, and this was an estate lu To- rente ý,aiuad over tise $100,000 limît. Tise Surrogate Court clents in the Province have sent me full returne for 1893 et 1Lis etates foi, \wh7'ch prebates or letters >f admin7dstratioa er issuedi. Altogethet theyreprt 457estaesanut- failties Qny8 rI eut e vey52_1 e hal te py sccesionduty. TwenLty eftee 88 bloned t th Conty f Vrkan'd d 'r J ý 1-1 -L -L

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