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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Apr 1894, p. 12

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Verge of ciitegration; that becaýuse ro- racCatollsPresbyte-rians, ýVerh.- isti anid Angic-ans have cccl h selara s 'ytprn of ed1luçation that the rish m i s about tumbling icto decay? aea îngfo rnsefand speaking, t00, Iîb lie, tesentimnents of the Lîbuis ýof Caaafwouid tbu delighted to see ou:r 1Romani Catholic fellow-citizens s et toc PulIc Se Shool systemt in its intgýrity. Sen- tmtaythere is mucli to lie saliiin faivor of thle education of allasesof lbe Maesy' sbjects under acmnn roof ftdundJer similar coniditions. Atiy is- tinco, eitber in language or in creed, whicb! prevents the cmîalnof tur pepeis not free fretincorne eluenhrof diavntage but, te use lie worcls of reintCleveland, "Vie bav 10dea witb a l-ucndition, fnt a'theory,." We ktnow of these tilversities ofopnio, atheb trýue statesmen, instect of liciting tant mosities andi erousing latent prejudice, seeks te direct the uniteti enrgçies of al] forthe national weal. May 1 ask the bion. gentleman if lie believes the course lie is now. pursuing tends in tbat direction'. As proof to the conitrary f bave aiready citei the large increase in the nucober of SeeaeScbooüls, but Ibis is no-:ti only evidence ee t bad. In 186 elctlons were mdafronthe sacet Srituesfor use ini ail th, Public; cblsof cIbe Province. The fatica criy wlas raiseti bY friends of the hion. gnl mact that these" selections we-re prepar, lt the instýmance of ArchI~îshep Lynch, hat the(ir obecÉ was te preVent the pupi a tendrjlng ýthle Public Schools fromreaic thosa portiors outhlieSoiti, nrgr to -wb-iihtle bI-leloof PoetnscdC thýolias wasfotidentical, asud thus -ilco lille he Roman Catbiolicvote for pA ticel purpse.Imnseiýataly, under thi saciyof th, S riptureis. Slolhu weeforclly opened-; lycl lw was, pro- !ljaîetI, ant inmil ths ellscf afaat c ol h ffnigvouiewgls brtot 'einfectAJin of the, lion. ~clmnso nentsfrcles for Pu.i ecla ProtstatsIndcatti tht, no mattec Pre, Iba apliction b, 0atachriof lie cuosidered. Even the chariitable cnrb tions of theLeiiurwresrtie trom ia religions ctadpont, nd ;he pbti was asked te belleva tiat sfeigb inanlty n'as relievcd ù, not on Hccoltf A necessities. but because ot reEgîouspr clivities. Secret orgais"at ions wr eub- l1sheti ,%,itli the avowed purpo,-e of osica cizlngfrom ail employmenct, pivi", mon. icipel or political, the, olowrsoft1ie Romnan Clathollo Chîîrch. Al he itoe -ance jdare(ti te do under l'thelsof ,the landi, al thatthbcdgge Iarti 1lit- 1er frorn the publie platforîn, bals hbee etal cd donc, if flot witb tbeh prv of the lion. gentleman, at leucst jt,,islI in the interests of thoce who«consitutLet bis perty supporters. An i1golnig too far, then, wh,-n f1scy that the hon. gentleman bas caccithe frecli cpjrings cf public opinion imb vern table Wells of Marab, sud 0 tet lilas aroujsed prejudices which may not b,, el vcd turing tbe present generation '! The1ra le sýtII another lctretf this ilu-estlon ,wicll mus flt baorotnd thaLt is tha conistituitlonl ralaionsin wich ta scooisof Otrostit o the coosof Qulebec. IL is uiselea>s tois î:Is the fat It the Protestant schlc! of ueacar (ubject to Ili,,e Briil il North mericaact of 1867) enitircIl.ý aI h -tecyofthie Roman Cabholic n oi c? Ibat Poic.To acrbain etet tb Prte-stants tif Uuebec are hostaLges for thtf 4 proper retnetoftilthe Catblcctonoit of Otrl.Aithougb tIle Poe,însO Ontrl bvethe pow-!sriul o îcoi- barrassSeraeSbosadrsscl member that intouracaiith u cs The Ctbolics f Qebc ofltnpî bcnierthe eisece0fPotstn echolsciter s asouce f da 1 tot liceRomn Ctboic eliionor a ci e- mlenit ofProinialweinss.OnUneco- trary, bcy hav extendti to t"I' pl scnet, cofar as 1t know. , b b" ln C~thoics f Ontrio.Althougli. a;tta imne of Confeýtarain, thePrteeato Q)u"eec-w-re lt mor ore re ibre- gard t10 Ibir cbol tan the Itoina 5 thlo'in Otroytth'e La-t; eof pectabion towcr-ds ta.Soes-snv Uiay bee tatbb restatscioi- h- the Protestat thamselvj-s, aino sr Dp, o rchbi,-isbop,ý, orCadnlsknn quesion as10 ny mlalterafeig br ntradiainistration. They ic"thi rnPulcscb-Iools, 1HigliScolNra Sebools anti Universities, ail of wibre- cive aid from tbc Provincial 1bressory. '1711,v x tisaqualifications oftil w teaciher.3 and examine tbamr,teyp- scLribe thir lown text boojks Li(ani, (hI) tlcm hey regulate the course of td Ili secular as well as in religioons bîcs, tbey distribute tbe sbo rn ste 1-'sm mnoctepiat , tliey have uprai setin f the ouniof Pubi insltrue tin iha deputy head, pa1id onit "ofPrl- vhiclalfud. awrd He Poetn theiehoo llwandt bbcregultionýs of lte Eduication De),part-ment go, as,,~ col of e Brunswick or Nova Scotu i, whre ne Sepa)-rate Sobool system bas evur beau offiially ýrecognized. Now, wbîle no one woiti ativocata snicb a distinct line cfcleavage betwvcci flic w scboal systems of the Provine of Otno 1 tbink 1 can safely say that avcrybody Is preparedti 10ativocate at lEasl ,talag measure of that toleranca nir hc the Protestant scbools af Quebse,, have mindetI Mr. Meredithi that in 1878 ,lIa hi"' voteti against the-,ball ot, LIi10V.h thouglit, ha bcd volti for il. iî i153 h bcd ecquluacutiln tbe optional 1ballot, anti dit lnot aveli asi for a alotfor t'-aSepa-' maLte Sebools, nor bring up thearumot abou nnfoimity wficb bu bcd' 1juaýttlle- etl. in 1890 bu bcd called fortbecmpl sory bloanti le was eetogIi c mat'a:i. On bbc question of th, oplo- baloMr. Rosa obscrvcd *thaýt lic kne-w of no caLses of flagrant co>rruptioni or initimfi- daýtion sncb as 10 malteilne 1sarr tha compîulsory ballot <or PuN ic SoboolAs; anichemajority of Publice colshv not cihssmnto change te, the iit u Iba b lon, gentlemen oppositp, smpyle- r-aigarhltrarily that the lime hus cm fo bc allot, woulti force.uponte Sepa,- raýLte Subls c c ;Onpuleory ballotwic thumai rtyof Public Sehools bava 001 adptatLI, and wicb the soppOitrl"u-(dof lb- Sepacate S-Tbools bavaeflot demrantl Wby confhinetbe compulsory ballot t,, Srp are Scboos? Why flot -ariy il i-bo Public atir HIigli Scliool Board "lein 'Or. Boss Lh-en cited thesbsatis p, 'FassImcdo by the Separaýte eoosi t; e' , at 27-ye'c-rsï their -te'-vebingp -Dif bu- lng doubluti anti m-ny other tmo'-ovemntsL Introduceti. Mr. lRoss then bald that the Separate Schools do flot needth ie ballot f0 foc ppeses of atimainislribion, -rscs n ga afdanýger tabise State in bis sohiti a can huidth lis-M chools, bina Ibuin leai-bers, compac,,t et tUe nucnoils, ccd, in tise gréea s cllect tlisein rates ant pas ' tbir ,tues ihuaItÉhora s htascu lise partie, sn'iwayia i- n'ibot tise ballost, antdnhal .-moe"have irom eue ita lu tise cîber anti exa-dm5 lhcs' te doI?'Tic quastion arose aliether hrn that orlier wbaî Ibal otis"'- is coni- -Separito Schoou supporters an-- untien anas science coulti nol aine n'iîoul the support tf larrorism, Di Mn. Meredithi Iron' aoffes'tifUit compach minonils'? f cap tinit 15 tr ,ucb ternoism? lb there n'as ans' lornor- oeeof the danugers 10 modiencivilisation. cism thena n'as sometbicsg terribby n'mong, f sas' lbdt tisis maîhot et a solict compact, t- andt leliminaee cterrenieni the clnase hy n'icli holliparties are aillica 10 limOn' sl exorcising il noui liane te b li iialtid. townaheir armas, s oeeftiflie grealest cr âfc, Meredthlli ailsait thal tlis alicI Be- exvilsa-a bave t0 conleun'lîic inParuea f, mena Cathoie va-e nas agaccsb bim, in meutarp governmanct, andtiagaiusI n'hich eloiseions tiecitieti li- lie halloanndtiebu hlparties shouiti unite, ucita againat w. n'sos intenseis' logidai thatliUc thougit the cons-mnnnems', for lIane is (Tanger r thle bellot n'as neceacary for bbc fepanala lu the comosunits'." I Sebeol Boardis. Who n'otidexorcise lhc Mr. Cîacs'saidtIhat if Mn.f-tocýs reati f erneniism but the lierarchs'? In lia case n'la-I precadticilis haen'oulti finI lIse -eu- it Ilnas tise hieranglisyr,'icbhatr lu lic tuncos neat dit flot mean'bcttMn. -Rose rtcaîavt ibl, ole cabolieat It nc harg- coppesedti tbss iti. ,,d thatthebcSuparale Sehool Boards avenu Hon. Mn. Fraser-Bepstia lieu las' roxy. untian caical coutrel. Weili, ci"ic'ai con- Mmr. Rose, cenîinuucg, sait 5a.In, Clcsncp rol migistlbu bat or gooti. Ma-us' Rgm cout readt Iis portion oh Mn. Mus-otlli Il Sebeol Boardis arc oficeret by lProt-stant speechi bp-anti bye. He abathle arboleofu i. clergy'mcn- is tUaI ciaical iutiiia-ioa? lb lu icteas, but coubti no se liaI bbc a l ifldatIhat finat leical contrai Is ina- sentences quoeuimca-ut other ibaca tises - uos te the scheole ? If if Is Iineuceu, appuaredti t. PUe speakear iiaia i t muet Ie eparatu 5db-soIs alomue, but teana- sougbl 10 sow' nas tsud boni, gen.tlenc-nn Itire Romdnan Catboif c syscem, muet lie tro- opposite bat ideulîflut theinselvc"s xib :I scrihot. Ilfn'as usalorai fon clergymen 1a tisa pelles'of The Mail neavepausr, anti ils assent Iliameelvas, acuthie eena oflthe contention lisat tUe amtrimeuls te the c Romn Catisolie Churchithougbl bises' scoel an'mate lis'the prasecat G(crn- aboýuitd exencsea a certain guarciisnslsip mccn'iwrae pposedto10tle pule icterest. 'hccisProtestant clergy'men (do nuse-txer- Haetiafit a-ns'lbous, gentleman epposite le -cisc, As fan as the speaker euit jaigc, Inane a single instance n'bene aunenslnents 'l Ibes'usualis' exorcise il bon the goti et the regcrding Saparale Scisuols onr-g.-ciding E szcisois, lu seeuring inareased crd ragalar Higli Sebools bat n'orbîeti !uia-us' cuer atallauanco, It tevolevatupon tic laion' as' Iban favonalis l i oe scioolesuitd gýentieman opposite 10 proveoIlict theru te tle public idteest, Mn. Rocs doficludc- uesans' in 'tinitiîon, Wiemu lie hallol et a speeof et ianls' wo bonis'ldy an n',as applieti 10 Parliamenlars' eleclions, loquent perenctien, unn'lslcb lie ura ti Siliere n'cru eýmployons of la-lir vio n are Ibait ful malsice miglit bu gîrca tu lise i-!Iterestati i luhe issue et those ele-tlinc nloin uthe Province, anti ciîet cm- -anti n'who ,?ti er werimen inîlaîeocss 10 pa ficiticIthe Gevermuent iuadbeen tbTpls.Pe ha-lut n'as gamen asscapro- ta1înaLet i'eatiesine îte-doothu-rtia -ine c eto hase erctclasses, anct IL Sg Ib tila-Ijustice le allasa c b c idi Iiaccriac n'itblieraditionas c'flice licants' clie1'ns. s'-e, ctLlmenates, cttiisais uîol l( recee n'byil soo'lti neut lie"a, e n lees Ieraarc men lin apsion fi- - ~ ~ ~ nI, iLbrirnc sprmt eIel in Pbto binohle alt a Io-in itmIah n'as ima uanîlcnu iI lieichL"->c sààurè, tia, 'lie cnts apscm hc~ aclirPn.eio istriosucs tlon, G. VW. Ross Dis- Boas weal ccc.Ina lie carl isliolrs'ofa cipfl nil 1is flie final impor-lanace lu ha-vuo tibe founticltions n'elllaid. -ebi iI eusses lus Depart- 1 he 1 , 1igîýous atrnospnerc n'as ilot xbat it m nt "iioid b; ýht th n'cwre cr3ss-c-airets, me t -; ccen'ulc, emules, a-ut othur icheuccimena, - îniici umade fer'tisinalugrcliocsl cutithe -reslaonîsiblits' fon sncb a cIao etfaffaire lu tise Legislaluon oulicestimalaesOf las' nith the hon, gentlemen uppcisitc. Fer teEuainDprinn h O.G - ear vers' aueutimenh 10 tUa 9'ibiiac ald bbcRossucaî epatuefvai tic s on.deo Sea c Sebel acta n'as concirr ncc uls . osrnc'eitevron lm ît lhmtbep ev 1itenîiî fceling tisanis hyes-bb onS of h le dtpa1unsnl ganezalîs'. c, suretri accen wt libe mIes-este eft1h" HL saut ,connîns. Bol aI la-st soe spii-it scmct 1ta-lia nu pssession of îc-c"n, amud Ies' TIse estima-les for educalienel purpoSs reaciet out for every atinauîa.getUes'1usas' lic cocveniencls' groupeti unatr tour ceuitlcgae, tespilu lue importaucce oftrant- boa-ta:-(l) Gi-eues t l ieulnarYS' 5di005; qlullîs' cutigoot-n'iii te the countsry. lun'(-) gracIe tu sucoutarys sdisols ; (s;> rasI 188ý6 Phe Mail, lîsoun sîceug anpno orle- ctaite trainiig oetIeohers ;(4) granulafor lc ctn ute au active camipigistetleIcohoical cucation, efebohfanicis nas te pronsole religions TUe argmts for elumeslany eteccion are -trfliascti ti f repuatilu the 011cr- tivitied pcincpaIis cnoasg toi-ccclasses et ,bCes ohTbeMaili,lise bon. geuc-lreuiuiop- ccloos-Poic choole, -lîpamata fahoole s pefecly ead toaccpt nd puer 5chûlsi. Piera c, lu addiition, a i,c,Iilu 1816, a fan-moths oefona lise smal lginulefor iitiegarecns ant ngil elacIion cof Ibat ycar, Plie Mail niat pub- sehools, anti for pupilis ii the lig-buet c lii aticles, from aviie liehanoult aise torm oh Publicecuti naparame ciools n'lo - tiefolln'ingextrda:-pass hle lcviuc-cxaosimatious. On cant 1 ittiecnietihieItorcnn C- ls îta itis anauount approprialtd ton cIeu('lunch as 'a uns cagressiva anti ra- Pabuiecui epateSîndlei tcSdt - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o p-coshelscsiim, ,o ba hass ehaven-cgcaLceadtance isuc ai Auul23-"Pie tentacles of the culi rsellrs ic nentpuicePoc arehui li' tse uuaial caîle unaîîSobeicos in 189)3n'es $22,816444, a-ndtlii, f-cItby te E111dcsl cn t lermal]i" I arnouct to SeparcaeSclools $18,491 0ii. Tuu- lis inus hoesle scpustianti bucllesacti onar 1_1315 h limaemenus' yvolet lis'thb bancmy 2acte,-antiu n"bio[l -leuht Legiclative Asccmhily, n'iie uhe Romanl bbc mueot uciQuun i tbc mocî 1e-seive Caîhlie populauion tif tise Province lis -instiutuion eh uts kunt ion bic face cf tisaabouit eoe ecaXtis carths." AcîcougU imie amoul amgen bon uemenl-_ --"Th Ple cbuu-cb le sec.i;ing l an'.eu0a i n e00as large as eu aoult *~~~~ buii iuaIa itiali bol , aFirec cons- desine, sculi, inng regardti letise unrease iauisiîy.' of h teppuuainie Legiela-toný anenst * cobri-"Tbe avendarfuil falcnnditp ha sait teluebc comisin us dus',lu181 ant cbecvaese of the thnb-aaianle aucnut patis' na y othemntfor a-c acî ic olenira culi->t.Le'luou t10 lie clecuncntarp etucatlinn'a 15,Tis cioci, 'issabaîlebotiuais aaa a unnsciis îeee.eb na 81i iniionsu, rceJean Ballsrý e a las-mit ainuuuuît 1 $911,onancWccaeoh 62 chi ccuplior filUe soL f a su wpus-ceclu isclathneus'yedn-5, leis: g oeo es bna opi iug I acs-caselu ise iativaato poar sioas on IepaIc me-Catian natLiismu 1Iseaccoisa as ,ýti $,U50 ln 1871,thuis grant anitbiruc gis he supromiisucà f iaj s cîsreeset u olsîn itiifnon'reacises $15,000.1 Bs-iiitj4u Sftitius."Fnýor lUe reporteef heacinapectere 1 cm Odtlier 18 Ina ur bumble jtgmstled bu beliene lmahat oicones' votet by lise lic ltime bas dnn ofr a gnrlupiigLegnelalume mu lucone gratetuls' receinet ef hli Briishirace in iîleDomnimaton ,sne r moue ceonomicalls' expeatict. lu apite t;0 dacigenous anti tegrinilg a syscem tif of alin'e Oavenonuecor fie setîlers i's governimeub' (raes-rý Ling 1 lte i ltinef tifebcnorîhumna disbricts lititisen'a-y tifai- tlieclun5'in Qoclic). waa dcuti oaaiol, roate, liseys' sîcl b{ýtrieir 6-Refcrring b tisaheameri- sutten many ofuthIbinconvenienaces indetie meute c ecta l bb Sutnh e Sciois acte 10 pionacer liie. Bp meanas oetIhe avants ise Mail said-'îf it bu,- tWliatl giron lis'cieGovernnîeniltheba unens of have Pu-tsîts 10 Ldo illi tlise questioni? txto for etocatioui lave beeiu greatls thaohnousai,' er is thaL tise pon'er, hlgnllest, ccd sciseols aie lisoîn esalhi-tic nccnlasjusl suneeeitiina auorîcc;a _ a-r er vas ctle Rfiluyis'lver District Bciisivn for iseaplua Calholuc parents unoter beachets oh recoguizut abiiity, a-nd -cntCatsele eiltreui toavu is euh' nait- --Uis pear ' o be o 10ebu sccesstol lune-- ina IlIhance 10 imupir Protestanct liber- lablielcinga cPubli chofeIsoeni lime eshores ies,- .-Aliitliher, sebools, liSe the oh Jaumes' Ba-s. Pise s ciools wavea d- Pîl chliols, s-ceaire ftalc ait, tiseIan' tînadat lest pi-an lis' en10,000 ciiildrens, g has - lenlie iabI, fres from aus' ftata aýnti, alisongis tise atteuutanîcu n'as no aýs ipeiesor iten-herenace, te pccueu is e egnian as!n lie setleti districtrs, 1 arn inuis tlibae hilduenagainet BOtuhli- setisflut fi-arn lie reporseof tli l'uecturs sîitutlucius' ymca-ns ofal ati-Býriùslchdom- tibt lUe pupils arc cleatilîs'atina'naiug un pilations tif hisîory." hein dodtu - eýS. Nenenîhuer 15-"Tue icale oethIle Celtio)lieSHOLAPTENDANCE. vcte ha-s fer pears heeîscc. ehftbcmoilu3 i-milIa-ing a-ct dl theesne lime euseh TPe pnenaeoh pupîls curolicti in pro- Ihomua I a-ngerns nultemei-liscu"portioni 10 lise popsulation ouiteecounrey hLea-torst of Terab ad Povfcii pl- uniesligrt2uil'ying itenici of lIse inter- tics.'est Iakeîu 0tjy ,il classeslicit fi e edcaîlois Neebn22 Tise Mail ocîutetIdàý a long of blair elltnen. Ilu tis respect Ontarco anrticle, rfnia t he alluget eein iats a- hlie IProvinces of he iiDouccuclo ags.iuc-: Suarae cîeuîs us îoîow _anti neamîs' enens' Stale oh the Union, bowa "Themoyeent l fiieus tie omlyS' fasu tiasaaurpasses Ontario "Ph moamesslavelipena-p, iu bmneina ils eal fer elemantars' etucaeion. LaI hucom -aolauneraI as h wan o n Or ri-meI crs na avapinacavs' ice aparat imeicos m _ie a hon' comlsarisena ers i bwepingawayflic 1- te Scoo nt ohi flier n'bole populations Ontatio cîtogaîls"s, a ionsunic-r!meu a taImust c lesneble icauln'sbo 9,Q, P-- for Ilshe purpose o et alt i mb psn'e.r anar n'isole yeur, consecqunlîs e-heif cf the 11c cu xvboaselutti fe aenîroaled ti it lsum expaýnatiaton ltena cs'alas-les me . M a, aill-Do pyou nonusiate Phe banc pr>oticît vers' unsatiefaclonys' recits,1 Maci ? ndcntele-sf the dbiItircn a-I seisol, no "Mn. Mrctith-D-eaMn. Mille nîpuitie ia-Item bain seaiens lie .Gonernamaul on Pllia (ilotei? f1isave laitdrns'pla-lhonm li- tic Etucalion Duparîrenl nes' bu, muaI foethe itizenas of Londons, a-dut ponhaee eceinet bul a vins' imperbeel eto- t iat I auna pre-pa cd le sta-ndion bah - .-.-.cahion. PUe scondt nefleîtion ila Ilia Il la saidthIal I propose t ca avas'n'twui t avis wo tienotes hinaceifto10stuts' ticau theSu Sparale Sebools oh bis Province. 1 ancrage ohfi tapa s i he yearn, liat is, tiens'liaI, andthîe man avisema-is- hat les Iluc one-Iiri etobbchn'ioie time, ca chiarge u inte hace of uns' atitrcs la lb" 001in vrns'grea tdanges-oet suttening leebors, lunîcieli I aouiti malutein lisern ithern antul or plisicai tisahihits brou" and increase iliair fficienes', is an unjua cthie ailée oever-pressureofo oui- sebool 55'5- sut unfaeinunan. (('heurs.)" Pime Dlus' m. Enen atmittiug tUa-t exa-minaliona Free Press, Lendon, Decumban 22, 18,.arc uxacliug sad borne hssonas somelimus MrI. PRues pointeti ont tisaI Mm. Mareli-b unreasouablo, ogu tia-pe eluts, six bonne bai adhï t1bUe ppoýrbunits' ef renouiat.ingataIscbooi, anti tn'e ape off, for lisat isÉ TUe 1-bil, but hat declined lte coimnt( iiun at if amounts 10. is flot vers' taxifig. self oeena-v or bise othuer. YcI, hinj:,-e PROGRESS IN ADVAINCED SUBJEOTS. ofths bau ullosanees, a-culof Ith fa-t isa i ene rebas bouc a grctitping unessi i Ibi7 papen bat anar sunce spport,,i so1 blu mmaer tof pupile stutving tise a-trancE onîlîmern eppesitu, tc'n'Ut(ow5-ct eibjeeLsaicn thi"Public Scimol cotise, E sert thcs' nes-e rne- skimsg 1a0 tr ir>up e- aielh au listons', -cognapas'a-u i ineusm ]iglousufeeliig 0-11J 'ce ucls'tiapsta luPcklius 1he statueties conta-met l;i Ii ai-t tua--i f cari'lis' lthicin B-an Cathiucf-muai report oethie Inspectons as sli-i1il icu--ctisna.Henooli Dole again forn c Reentqucatia a ia-IbU" dtlîusc a speechidtauvre-etini ebmuarsluO ipof the pupils oethlie Pimuc,-U1Sisli o t Mn. bcMerediths In Londoln. The 1o.guti-Province arec cisiteichîs' bugl7" I mac bat spoltenaas hoîboans:-"bstUrafil buy n"eelen or - tean 1als ato. lau The courmetif u0y fo'- Ima Pîublc n, Sohools ba en eyucli simp!,liiiSa Clîbunikbs ls erçr. l'opfilsa l tî-t-ry siioeitwifth'flic ane f1îuman CE knolctgeeboltia aitn u ii tsePnbi- o lic Seflol.An l8u0mussono "urniuncmd conaiet"toffit efbj-sdal ,F tticli u] n'r ogacry onn hecs f ?4 tmte t-b aa aMcof$10 i. lTIa, coure of minconiseof ts emslacy uljet andti Iîre otiodrayi-ingt licirces bE utonf n ttlî-s)ols et aUcl uf $4-0É .i 'flcH cget fb ti aor~ ini atrongly in aoi lcio ous i stucy for elmnr chos ni y apl 1liieti course aI ui aaoacus-of embnaoisg ;a tew chW"ea rel tiglTtla1 tocs flotfolinw ualccu Meloro aulýrunomiy i otn-utinta un colm tiat dc lvaa"iPhi eol puipil soî n pli~u aeci eeE, bt hl siat s iaIaicul-p utige cfblisu ci-a- eun i a a isiticna lic( tapai" fotsngssutle tc-ai tai t 1 icodiacOrs fth e ýa, anti nulmati tbobjcot f Spociklacnyc bŽ 'n fa "bic t\» Stmoth ramp Ynu-PU,-Smsel-S curncuum f tee rinpc m t--i' 'iih 1oc v ii tto ovelo!psil lm aclk 'hiîca pr ioicet :-(I) lie Counts'Motel Scbahoi c uareer for -'the purposa ohfliseir own .ain-- r -- 44,-2b-4-,70----e--m-e a pelten, anti(G) tise Provincial £disoob 0f tenancae shoudtheelves bear the ceai lu tachera trainet Iin Normal qchoosi'-qu 'etiagogy. Iu regard bo bots of h ese lf tIbis lest. Fccmculy s agreat parI oh tl 28 le 3,08. Or Higli Scimools biava ons- oir positioni educationals' is almost ,cx- sýum non' paîid y bsecth tae pna o d eturing Ilthessaieperioti fruon10Pteù,l!2; ýeplioncb. I kun' .,,of ne other Pronoica lus' Coonîly Ccuncils, auj, c eib t h teachurs fï,rm 239 le 522, ai tise hùpupils )r f laIe, excepî Genusa s, gythat oas laid musat bics-tichne oh I,,s xmîîcien, hnem 7,961810 2.,83. Iu1871 w" bat but one on'n the noie that ne -lcier sisali enter ch is tîsoogil Ibal iossecis'iterusl- JNormal Scbeo, ol.nn'ýe bave tn'o ; lu 1971 ipon te utties oh bis6,,pnoteAion n'utloub et arc noltUe nocdmlthe0 rliaI nu at no Counly aoaiSbo$,fon'we necill ralning. LIiuglacti bas ils ainus' Asoîber lecture cf- 'thlc scis-me n'bicb bave 59 ;lin 187ï1 aebane So ol of Peta- If popil-teaciser s, n'homnas', lu a ertain seolîccut olpase unuobicat ctal i cce -sgog' oîr n'aharo oîae: lu1811wn'a bd n îstE, lie sa.idtle bu specicly lis'prparati teachers to a gra aathIe guandiaus iart '-cisois for mechanics, ?non' n'a haive 9', cln suicr lhisoifu1l pr-otessi!onal of Ibein ownupo Thlu.PisIs lume cas, c hacities bbc Shool of Siece Tu171 w.y oties; ani,cl'hoýugh chenu is mochle ,,sas' ina Ian',inc meticice -,ant1inisarts. Ini 1 I4-l h at ne proDerls'-organlzti acles - ni baver -ofýet Ib1cgiisi sssîm, stiîî, cîcar [teparenal exainltons n'ene ccdct sîltes, non' n'uhanc 69, sll"ied anual-- cc-tu Llois' oh ail Ie ativaulae, r et lis'meni engsgcd in oIson cailings, sois'is ,4 caiîa u171nubtoi rtrouron ,ant I 1 hliera lbaî mucis eh Ibenu peong cnt îuexperieuacei, oticecc 151Medhanica' Institntes. non'n' M1ê20, f Ie posuris'of our achoole turing tisa i,,,,0 mucli alsorbet l incînrownnprofession- witb 145 reading ceorna. ccct Jifrensoceis tinsg to is Cuny i 'eltb ypaîhize fulhy n'ctisothern Uni vers' hantî thara bas bean growth .,odai vcol.prfsiri. Tc e eora I entped and tienelopimant, Tisbecal' f tise ie Pra icsifcbole Ptag11reasupnmptlles ,_th', oa mination papassCf,ý--methý l,,1ý,i n rs'oetiicae ven ega mu liy theiibaait of tise raI1e- excepl CicuGemaya- ne-t Is' l-n' sînius, rena1cisloducjssipase Dong lUe lad 22 ypuare about, ý cars10 ia veslootet, Atimugl bb ne îa sn in cl! patc , crgymn an t Ilicg-ncrationss tif shoob hltrnhv di-eI-c-lirqu" l lits'tel scLiIbn the efsilt mreo ias ulta we- sIen a aas mate hlie spcial in- Plie granti of MeccaclcsInstitutes ant-I lic anti tbc Hlgb ScisisaitaIneulcate. Rom qm 1 every ad1vancad uh! iofth curse th!lera i bas bencu a lacige incre a- in !ýh" number of pupils. Even-in tiiue fîtîýl f-rm wi ( f the deparfmenýt ase sati10 rgard itlî seine iicfrn-,ta-,tbsban2 r. syears, stogiIir aebe iace from the Public Sobo. btueit ig I ,i icool, in the semaperot bou 0,00ppls a vyear, wbo, bcdtba, mantl- il ",,!be Pub-' lic School, wouiti bave enl'rattheif tI forn. Il is PcrtiauIlaly rtfig 0ntc tbe lincrease. iteettaecn h a 1jcct of Caaia isoy- ubeticb Iras first mie opusrUfrcisaa to Higli Scbools-by t he auain , &5 In 1886 Ibis sbetwstle yc.1 pipils ; in 1,1t-I iva a nEvliOS t la imp)ossible1 eîmtete fet bc the stutiy oft ts beoy fou w oi try wîll haive uionIafcitstf hs are 10 bu tbe ftr iiesat ir ot Canada. fblce hl ul ftn wontierful po-,di lime AmoIL, epbi b is shown in bobn aniasmatn the largefoig pouainwclbs tiriftedtobthe l-ra»obuI'ic focs al art o the worlti cse'gng10ibeefrt ai ithe PblcSeooLs o f te ni-'i tau guncI-talsiboei q ceobrsttsmn faut, oeyhn-cu -sat everythin5 of "tfatio i-7lmlo at vr coud on eavn sbo a ie l that Ie Amencais npuic, if.o np in 1bbc cama 'vay bcsîtt oSthous s, fb Gmnt; n, ljIe i qtda w ILen bumict c LcrteI u1 tima Ir h i S o e'ddnckWilldm ntj,,-, ui l",1 bIs isconsý; olat jacs "is tt of a vubool SîtÏ-,j fiwiboaiyite German Epir rns hasait1,, ha Oaati tory dow 10ils Ltuph, bfoui Sda cery) avnor_îib. 1 tapît I taclîmettto bis ivelent or ï:,cras bis aim ciinaft tt -j p chUirader ot theg-slae rs 0f pb pý1in - ion _'s dally pr, cntti tia uiSl r lscpu- pose o ltnlînn i ndaîI h coulntry 10 ýwhuc u eons of Briiali hictor ccpe gccodr plaýe in beeroo ccncuuh 1 i aj incenitivOlut0, i., o ppi 1 bise îîll up le theu mer!ccryan ba b o oi the sebool wil ','caiv'. agr rn n of 5,0w6,979 pupil eroleiine ob Ofsa Englari anti WTa!,,s il9, cly 90'L,070jpu,- Pils e WrO ct'clnl"i fr ainion un]i cli th e specidiu dubeb , Englis,, hisfrcly baiuig oeacf Itashet.I sbut ,- çm'c te gay, hlsowcrar, thta ri ifra- ý:î;iln Bitisb bi'ctory ýsrqictibliec useti in ecery sbolfrom the ea-onuj- standard npwai;j1co ýthdLt olcl f 15eý knowledge obtaL i,,etil, inIis conultry 1,- ,be use of a text-bo,;iin BJritil islor e n laicet iniiEnglari hythe useOfrear sper-ialiy preparati antiij ar upe mentary tb the idnr c"o etr A few rnonbhs lago whc-n 1eEtcai Departîmuct clvtcniae n tranca 10 the 1Uýlgb Scbooocfrom n e- aimatiincluDri p'eh li.lsuoryRd otiert greater slteltl i-co'lih ie 1e stutiy of Canad(J ýIia îsiter,1u-v cr.n caiseti hy thlc'u ' O poiion11prEs aniJlu historie charge ds yi, asbnlt againetthIle Gove ment. ILl may bu112thatI in Its suai b c foe a ian tenti ment the Edu, at:oý1in acmntwntoo 1cr lu the firstintdab aleCnacc history compu ÀÈy. l mayha tgt te aI tc o thriStins, sncb s th Unitedi States anc amny b bd1 dcci çtii ieti 1 1,ni U l, s wehav ln Canada, nas 4 nut.Ilnsy u ua 10 enmbodyiyi lt$ ellalos Itiut partment ascoý ie i e tu(ïywicip- supposas gr"aIer jttalnaenr t to(nro country Ihanis ci, omjiet 1 Ina epa mient of Educaltionef E nglanti antiaIs was too gredt a -sît i for Ibis gentrion to take. Buct wbait anýe may bave bnIli, motives vï7icli Lgm cne theba tepacîmu,-,1 certain il la thalt 1a nepreions p idot lui the blstory of (Cantla bac thero eeiet iscucliaattent ion pail 10 the hlslon-y tifi' Sw n country, ils rflallons be the, tlý-ish Empire anti tEllr iton ilit s dt t 1 ec-cupîy, if il L 1Vice o itself, in the futJure1 of chie onign1 The objeo if -1aIrigthe ppifrorn the exiiniei:n !On r1itielih iutor Y vwcs t g ivillthe 51-tcani bbc puilgian or zest in ils sl l is psil ob boat oui, pupils 'illexnnlisast antiid teelaosUiprîetmon-rta elthr. hae oputhoti tifIbe oxain suljet il l in I e c Idyof i try x truc spi,-it of tal lon r1 icos bo their itis ia wsplaioýns whii[u- mincIe lu the gnteirts--z'. wlichliil: rp- coîtis. The chut nay geý llat toc îmsl hy reaaing ant edtlin; lie ugl o gel il from lbth gqhcr lii, lic cannoml il frem the eaie f hope. teeeit n lii not >leialay yeacs tlI wa ca sy 10 Ihe teacliens n Culs rio, " Wa marvl-econ ienoe Ii -,ln -î e oni willcout anu mnain'anltil h echool chiltiren eOtno RaiIbe lbis- tory of Great Bbsnfor lie putioe o ebn,-,rblng 15e sit ILoo ber l'tttlos ege'ld tfrcn "etsttuio,,ani o anc suppos-i t e i nosl active witlsin the struclion of tbc higliezscboois of Ger- freeIIbrarL!ias in hala-t Ion.yeL1 e s aga lirait eot Puiet-Scboa31lhIf-,Imagina- many, witb cenconragcng rasuitl. In 18S5 wortlcy 0fisnuhice tj eicsras inîo tics0, artn-"usmry, andtihIs'-rcasoiicsg poîr- bbc final sîtempt was matie innOntarioto b93 ia 188310 tu n 49.Ti uulere ers candtiolseiation can ail lie quickiscuacti ide eicsilar instructcon for tlimnas- roiumes issuetqiin 3s21,: ,9anii andti -tin"ulabtdtote b o l-a'it of any luestif our 1-igh S chais, andthrci-ucy"d'Xi 1893 1,415,867, ail inicicase , niaiyi per ecids capacity as ocuccrriculunm onago the Sebeol Of Padagogy, Witb a tus- cent, I am asising tonia, ttioni rant sîts ftU rcpuruese out dctccation tincî facuity tif its own, n'as Ibis Yaan fer .ehinc"snliu cl aini- i e to tierclop poeeî anti concenotratioin et propcrly organizeti, New'-Yorks Stale, ly that their ativanlages migil ha etecti- ti-cugibl, lb-n as a neccosary coroiiary the 'iu.hin th, lest Ibrea Or four et to the resitients ut srnall townslatie ut- tiNt ludtion ofet ncgy Iltis nealtness. yeae, bas eltablisle a i Albany a lying villages.,cati 1 do su wilb t Iie -rEat- liten haveas puili an expert lis the four Normal Scbool, on a hasia similanro the ur Icicasure ieceuse I obl s-ne hat the simple noies oh as-nhmatic than give him a Ontario Soflool of Petiagogy, fo- the pur- tectiency towards the perusl of a Iiigler snsatrlu tif ail, posa oïfliuln7g the masters of Grammar clasa of literaînne la in tha aacuJndcnbFor TEACHE RS ANU THEIT Trl.AlNlilG. anti HigliSbos I ann aware that in instance, in 18i6 60 non ent.o the vol- certaýrinte Sebool et Pedagogy unies circuangb mae"ef ur Me Thie toachIrg staff ofLii'- Uclvince Of le nul regar ldt ilprielrfvr n etbnc'Ifttua nifo blrre ,a Ocrlo on fua ers ,41, h iumiser of I bave y,',-1r,, cL-2tan intelligent educator, ficio liatL yuar (83 u- 3p'cnt. tomleaempnyci lein l.icû,actithe num- cither in Ibis lcouftry on ebroai, Who duecs of the volums aissueti aas fctio I d-' hic e maie 12,70, Intisei SI acyars îlot consitierits .estahimnserm as one of tribute tIIs change vE"y lrci ise inn- fec-it techea bve ncnasu ~abothIle most ipntuisu-ps ahici we bava provati leste for auorùst c etin alit 2,00.ani mietE -brsisiv- iiceastihytaiscu cducalionally lu th, 1lesttbwccîy n'a bave been aa sl tivare broogli abtcl 30. ise ffet nbic-s te auply- ycare. Wimen w,,retacî thal n1-11 Y oeds' the lileratura courseoilu ouLii -b , o li- , 1f U1550 em e ecconima eancheri or Pbi Siel passes anti (oliegiatea ntttss h iuat laeeslb fom3 Of oh12-tiesa ï)lrgaC- through the Higb i-Scîsol, Ibal cneny ma- for- the bear IIteratusccftelcga ttc lati1h" vcobimc t t hise ndusl- I Iiculansl cule our unrinensities laya the cither lunlitory, in potry inbies s cocu wbih gru reurandsI reo'tb 10 toundtitln cf futu re ctivance ýimt in our cr us the, magazines, i4 ortnlygo csaîooa lie t 10 la-r' a- 'unesîcon fou Rigi l chools; that thousacis ýot yuung ing. anti I kisîcocf neoute syb hI b ps-uscal ousisratin. Hvîj_-:iugeat 1men antiwd sefrombbth îmi anti romn a young man ,-an continFUa bs eucio theicîicoceses eilicf i-e ei oiathIe homes ohfornoniinge - ani or usy aiter lha learea ýthe Ptîblic Seoolorven nty ut clii seacherIOn n'o ii ltAraly citizens, comeunar1-aUScmeli-Indcc the Higli Scbo, than1)yje:o:ing1a1eu as:osetUIcic co"riosuu nt fra-es, ît le net ipsile t vrStimaleacibcr ta a McaislsiuLe r a týree fuimalisisut b"mae tacer outi is afe"t n'hich sp(irI iun f Ibeir libnaryr. gie ohthoci loant trin mi haer or ru, toaching pen'î-cimespfro tuny SCEIOOL OFPR'CTC'L SIECE c lt-f saL-rciic n oi-tetjn nieprecatiueeews oant The Sebool of IPracl.ical, -nc-ba bollis tnu"i"to- brt înrngwhllsIbsui sati lLiime proecl sb nbibkusI-growcn t of tIse Sccl cfTuhnioy a en-u'ohlim tenrîe ts ic bs hinOc eiges aqi t ni eancicult dis- tablisheti in 1871. Up ti1 816lice n'omi f erccet luf rm e jciccscilon ici pint chngeth tulesof btý-,cbcr auccoas- these cbooiIras limiiet, o b suiyc ît~~~~~ ~~~ i1apsc1,yw'e, etems5-hu. fhp laoathe sesileovar clvi. anti mechanicail eg eigail î adcalsburerehth -' ~giigplacs isI huScioo c Pdaog nil lc mo"e snob Instruction un petciat al l et cisol ite Ibîl n e,- mî pers bc lcsiyreltette be rovncil nivensi- cal chcmislrp as ncnaesayaO-o c 'isiîap tIýici -i le 1 'icbas' lîs î ly.Bpuaiin, iilacpunrILp poal-gratincte t, the slrong demandefrc soeaceul lay~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~i pi'ia ocebsgvs 'yb l"aho ewi cnaubs 7'hil lterai-y provisiocn for rmuchanict;, ogne rii humno nsisymsîb -l -tilt-iîlrmeoh f- ualfiatins equsit fr Hgu ehol ecta anti minore, the acnnmtiloa hecio ani elfmapec; haltu Si00 nuni; ntili gmflcaga ic ine bpetia- the Sebool of Science nasgral ,3-s nc-m, o feqenly Ie caîo 0 cgrptie~gryas ,1hpebe ,,rit itnatewn'lll et ant sudsequipnkeul priieti as uî hicainai e nai 1tortire 10 a v[iaarcL,n'a vi!haro 'iba , iimimaur oetfilocitalote epraetcli nyo: a cm shicisti ntitieacetiwisnevr i ias bc ninnslyanilua lway a eti-plat ecourse inpatclsiecanie-- pocila i nn'ruete t nitm lesoe toni usraî t s b Ils aicluiy oîogy. aide isîl-patios anins ejo ltorilsj-. Laîcr ase"ilioe a unub ce fr lie HGH CHOOS T copanywll Prf.IGll ril1 il roucs is grltgof hil Ille, tc igl Scolstebis nalet, uL183 cmaofthelageI chol aniota-1ceis im aas0 tuociur hae lies re5i-cceIl. iyihealuge h nunlicicoh'1-1gb Snoolelis oerat011c2, n'a a' cnc citatat i lise faclis bb raebahet to tIu ise daIe oh Coligiabe ln,'liî1cLIa. qucscaetly ialargeti. Plie i- boui- il'e , iu ,,is ln'ctie beeunýP lpmanl tofT Jif P uncofer oh puils eaciltinlu he cbIrsroct l188arecnpctui Itnsi torbraiicneasillg as it lein c-si bolsruroen a trille over 1 par ucent 11890 anti formaliyepetIn19.lit- auoOsIli greau az-'i) j '-Il rvnc"-s tfleoîr ouatobtIeP-nuc lai ceet etthe boiltlicg cutýi, equipm nt', Z'n etC tha omc lo i s w'-11s n ie'1 ili u icUnlt îa li theF same ciace of L2uiug the titibuildýing nn' uil"tfor iuîuc-iîmg repuhudi >. Ouiy i;; puro'L r ccfbo col Lii" peceulae la.88, zantiin P-us- chemiclry ctndccnnelog, na-.ý_s $1, Icîal cx; u uec-c th ercunagal entcy, ctoatio, iacno el 's1.provisions matiu hn eerlci ducto 16"; in 'l lrunen'clc779; incilscîiuetaN uatmn4 nn il oeaswerc [ aili non' compare cnoal liIebest 91; icn n ent Ssi, lC(onnecticutl 58. 1,clc(lulisee Lý l an pea, atisubstan- institutions onbbt cotientlNo' n c Niîithtxmtii thIe 1-eatincrease ilu tijc!i ipsemc bv een mteto '2'. Canada, atai lieclui-iliet - île numbeioiIchr s Ibthebeacîing foic[ec ce -funtl on21 par cenl., oftifeliGilil University, !a there surbaml I-ui e-t thaProvinc fil tl i islecinae, aad, ini jxpenstiitrfotes' salarias s 5S onsien fer theu cocaioýn o agnccî,cc-îc hiae eset Ibe 1' casiioli of Ocsîario is lu- paîdt I Itbc pupils' fees, Pn eu s'oce tcts anti mec-banies, anti in no sýciacti tenron tLo sas'cof bhe thdn Prov'incscaor thea ao,,onIy Il jrercent. et the teachcrs' salar-- thc Unitd qtles, untess il lie lie loIn at( -iîig luaSîtesos f the Uclori, as wxviii iesni nas pziinJbis shiqas'. luthe curse Scool of Tecbuologp, i-, ther,ýa aehosu-- sýean franc icehelwing coisparisole tof oh study purcueti lis'11gb fchools there perler to that non' ustlhisiet lu Toronto. hue uumbenr of pipils ailohIedta e acb appucre buelicltgerai pretereuce for the Ts oreo tl nit~ccbncu tenîhan:sîtiis'of mdem anange ornuaratn'ilceclu-icai ant i mnlng usmeoin with Ju Il e Puloviîa-e of Ontarisolise average- the classica. J,1- - sacOrly 5 pur ceau. full courses in architecture, ancllicial anti E1um111- 0f pLcpilîs nilotteti taeuaclotuacîsenof lime pup,' iu non'aIte a Greois course, as appliec baistry. lsbbcth ppinîment 0f !z i7n lu ebac, 10; lu Noana Scotia, 41; agaical Ic ped cenît.îaing theasanecourse Prof. Colemsan the Depantnmîof :îliner_ liaNan Bmcneuiit,41;Ii Maille, 18, ina In 1RG i ;os' 40uper ceut. talle Latin, asaog,2eainyatiAcigbalco Ion-, 1: l Maecesustîs,76;lu en'agacet91 ~or ccl lasinLain besamne gceably strecgîheneti, catiaiticough nI as lod, 2.year luin1187!>8 pur cent. of tise pupiils yul as ctmplete as 1 n'ouîti tdeiecre, nai-er- EXPENDITiRF,. etutilet I recb cutne nne sîtiieti (lanisthelîse the nonw o ue museiilt ultii-natelr 1 lePotsec ntnobsba clin 1802 thmepercentage ut pupiliestudytcsg grn hfi îaoIriel b lp Th, rovnceof ntaro hs ben ostFrenchanamtiGermac auas 45 anti 12 pas-cent- rsu otent aI bc minealreourtees tif eha g1,i1se1Icin ils contributions for ail cduca- nespoctinoiy. Aýs eviclucce uf time incmecs"c fth ierivi h iîslp urposes, andti îartcc-slarnyIsuslime ieffîcienîy of thae cheols il inny lia statcsd Tcoocîrs'. dtont h iicciipnitb n'hicb it bas cuainîciatidtîsat in 18167 56, or ecîs' 1 per cent, ohfi ha iisadtinlueeeucîoa itelij Pulc coo stem. I cm niol able tb pupila matnicuilÀed ti mbthe University ;Iscilitias of bbc country' bas licen apo- i t ibat li, aicnies of teacliers are as in 1892 471 usehiclated,. or about 2 lien ciattt isla vicit fmom ine incicaset i alen - lcc"l s b 1 utduaire, andîl pa they cent, tance of studchite. In 152tUe nuinibr of coînam- ftvnabp niîîî tUeavrage sali- lbt la gmtitying to notice that mari sîndeuls in attentiance n' as eigbteeni. li aispait iniatis eotisenProvinces ati tise yoincg men aci n' omc alIendthlie High 1893 tleatatentiance suas 113 , e vamp gîcli- atcicalg Staltes o7Isle Uicaon. Our sch'hl Sc iecols for the ponisose of acciulirc.1,g a fyin.g lncréase tn sncb au shonLQ parot. ber sss as icbc ilt,,lu haas consfrnîsbîe l-pniiýror etuccîlon fi icts own scee.AI- Twentp-six couias tsf!*bbc Povîo,,ro antiase cmmtioosasecooI l lOtses are 'îioîîgb Higin cbol are luilanils ce- diistricts cndtlwu Provinices oI tbe LUinn su ans' countrp. Iu Iba icel ten pears n"' tabicied for (tUe cipur0o f realiaion arae p Ilnetci bbcleccollol cati cou- lianv-expantietiounitalant sidcshnpupîle fon lime laruied professions, sncb tnihute amena t inem 69 stuýltLics -'Idur are sdolpurpos ti,lreemet$3 -is tise appi'eceijio cftlmecr course etf from bbce Unitet taas, du bbcle rnainder 111,ti liitbbcexpuenS pur poi s dtuî- slutipnon' ihat tbcusautis lock 10 Iherni Iron tisa CIls tv.oonto. ta;!nlycl texecasire. hon tise melai trainsing which tIliacf- Apart from the zatialîUs wn'icb nit ,TheL avers se ceet for eiccîm doca- tond, Plie sous of werising men, ohf fcroc- accrue te bbc coucaîs' mornbbc',Li- in ioiiin thiseUnitedi SîcteF, aco tiugte ers, anti of licemercanîtile classcs, n'bo of siillet n'orltmern i 111,tieparltliuceît losI oefeth leCisee n of Etiuca- 1have Donel ojat Ianto fil Ibemacrc cgiac.nnaani r-ilctre,lietvrsl itien, n'1.s$17 22 Pan pupi:il, inlime Provnce for the orthi iicn utseOf Ilum-cciins of amplopmeiatafforcetybp he boro $16; s"), ati inl asacuctt 22 G9. fewen Ilion 1-j60 1 ï bcHglho ofr ilmas'leieImipossible 1byanýy ta-ieuc1lfie Undar floui, systont0f trînnng laders cibion n'blcb apjpea -rs l peai ve IL la is grbipnalzntcebse iseî bbc IIirlu Sý1c isl hart1'itbin tha lastI tdn wienc0enloex ýr b ia eaeti protssieis l heaal csoslane eit p- enr orshe bligeI hoassumeiba im- ls witbonl qucation an ilvatl1gele :,i- alcy wisbtlimeulic "Sebools, flis iarisprofessional course for tbliechdcera of Ilhe vercifs'ti cptIon oh ti- ei,,a aýs ail urbe.,n tisnots the acconlosnsOdallOdson Provinee, wicin'as hormem-lY htenu lu tisa muci as possible, SýIilletiarhiece nti Separale Scoous is ample andtihie einip- Puulilc anti Normai Senùouis. Tiese upenuor englucears are in ceonstant ledaant. Tise meut cil lIaI couit lic desineti. P i e cttaimefts5of High Scbool masters qoali- vast raiiway enlerpÈises of tis Dcailu Boartis of Truste-es. !ith cemnucutiablu fy Ibemu parîlculanîs' neilifor limawork arc calling for sallîcimclcis. Tm liimna ýhil, bava iccreasedtheîleh"ima staff cf instruction in tie non-proesablonal sob- developmcnt tif eaiccîiciîy oesa u" Incisa 10jIcacimers lu 1867 te 662 ',eachers jocle, and ti l slihandtoluovermate bthe ati- fildfor honlientulus et our pose The in 1,:.2, lhUn ed ucicsg the nuasem-oh pu- vauIttges n'hicb Young men anti wemen, minerai nesources efthlie ceutrparcnai- plis per leicimer hrom 91te à6. onjes in buiug lioualut imb competilionig tlb"idtas haut of the 'lai ', rie Tlis increase in lie number of Searata n'iib eacb uther ait a leating High Sobool growtb of eur large ailles anti tne vsst Scbool pupila in îadvanced cobjacte n'as Ita receinc instructions from Univrsits' oxpendilicres on watern'vorlts anicau- mosl caliehaclory. For inetance, lu 1867 lia graduatea, niacyof thîern spacialisîs h, svsterns ccli for the n'eU tiat hytrca- nonnisr stotilngcugrcpmp nas 8,866, andti heir duparlmauts. irere ne e un.- lic anti safitars' efigincer. T7isaIlise kîh - in182 26,999'; in grammar, 5,688 in 1867, cudti alt as a Province the tasis of prorIditiuaet laher cequiret for tLaesa o, sa a tu 1 ;2 273inl ariîbnaetic, 10,559 in 1867, aa s'sbem of training equsls' efficient hy ison hbc uppliat aithiiî uro ew Pox nc eullt lu 89,36 31; in Britiishigtory, 1,41$ mJ ncs of Normal Scisuols liehe cI l e iancutilis'the jutîctous opntiur fIna in l1867. ianti tun1892, 6,713 ; ln Cacain is- coiuntry' oult lia greacl,' increaseti anti money alprpralet y lis bsLeas latme tors'y,171itc 18s7, anti 11,493 lu 1892, Phare wilboul anys ubstanlialctraclis' n'a-Pa featoce ofehtie eucaztioii sy tocf wm1106popils îaltiug phpeioiogy anti ef compensatcisn ; but fî-om ia organun- Ibis country nhccb houi nl bu ,over- bapnnain 18112. ccînyicdîln aUicb we hvenon' cac- looitetl I have greatcofenl-ntu, Pi tning ofthles"teaccers lias aiso lishcidlieîneen acil parts- ol our scisea1in si - h Lgsaueii c1îu t ipoet. Lest pear-tn'o n're boîtiers spslern n'aare chiele ouse ea-,neosaddition- lu eaiircgliseheScol uo te cntnuelIe if iislcaecertifica lac, 93of secoîsticîas ai eccclte tbe Province aur Higli Scisoole lirerdashowy 10 tis Sbolohlcîaet cotfc e,193 oft iirti-ciass carîîlîccsfor werk wn'bî iciinlieLUtitai Scates, inrecodlls tl e an'on ofconf-- 15 it euns' oanised 18 îemporary iEnzîcuti cutiGeîmoany I le oue in ase, acs thebbattn efo- l at 0 1luoeh Ibe Prolevince showsve bxclanttaAl cactiicata. Nomai Simeos aI ic ux"nsutif I lie insruction alichIs il atorta l ai., s bu I- 189 nî i 9 Sý-aate Scbool teachahrs Id.Tise Prov!nce tO T _1oraS c oiï,ltd halit crtilsu g'-ýantctid s'tis tipa-l,- Ihas rceaclis'feionet i or exampla, acUcialet mccl; un1802211hait depa-rtmeuînal cen- Is ,cw osînca the Higýis cooanti acti-GNEALUMIPY litircles. amies of hIle Prersca forrtie nion-pro- Siuîce 1lilthe sus ,f $2329 'sspemit LbIINN F TEACHERS. fsosiIacc f ntaies ibbctheEducallon Dprmetfrail cdu- Il n'il hobohacret froc-sthe e5timacle sctonal purpoces. 0Lt tue soin11-iiî,22ý9,410 Oua ohlis nnogratifyiug featore, anti that ave banc lmîatiine icrease for theo aetl ublic atin,!, teSs olandii tise ~ ~ ~~t toIbpflS 0lh ucur renaclte lest tIbrea pearsi,:ii ile grant te Iligh $0917 neuw1 nc Sholt;ais n- afouc-bo sysîemu, is tise ha-c imaI prac- Scimools. fI bic lUe -ous' n'iI eau ita aninna pn utIelOucg0 nicl' vey sielion oaruis'uti,--yh.i ais'surate aupple"t cachons, tccbuice.l eticatýiuant'i bb mals s i aî a Inalue,ýt, teacr. lhono is ne bUe inceasatiliherait, ',f tha.Iapap.

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