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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Apr 1894, p. 4

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Sofala Po i Sff1 L&IIS se HookL'esSofala 8ho0 Polish fon f & die s d Chldren's fine Boota end Shoos3 !ibe fineBt tW yreEenvo the leather and koep kt YliabIe. XIt wil leave a polUah lUe satin, Fr e by Bcot and Sho deaipr3. SPINROAND SUM MER TERNIS. B3ook keeping, SI)orthand, Tel1egraphy, Civil Service and Matrieulation Wo! k NIMIO &IHARRISON BUISNESS&SHORTHAND COLLECE, Corner Yonge aud Cofligo Streete, Experienced Speolal3ts in overy depirtmint. Six studonts plac.,d lu good aituattoa within ZOdays. Il candidates propared by us passed wfth honore at Iast examinatton of CHÂRTERED ISMENGOCIAPHIC ]REPORTERS Of O tari@. HIGREST RESULTS inu lU donartimnts Speciïalltates. Circulara sand Automatlc Pou eawmpta free. INMO k&IARUJSON, BOWMÂNVILLIE, APPUIL '25, 1894. Stnatford Beacom:. et ut am ena- aî,e bet4on off financially, on the aven- age, chan the farmers of any couunty in ontanxio. This; condition cf thinge is credited to the cheese making inidu.stry THIE INCONISTENT ORANKS, Temperauce people who worry the iife eut cf Sir Oliver Mewat, who hias always 1been in syrnpatlhy with them, ai-d who iî~uie ~ --r of tChe c9unty. Itxi meaidt ant thnougnout IN MEMORIAM. the conty cf Perth thero, is s cheese facteny te every.ix s. quare tuiiles." m'a The necent doath of Mme. Levi Vanl- liave hieard the saine thinge tated n Camp, at iehonlate nesideuce, "Sxiouy effeci by othen uterte. ure 'ý a Horst," Danringitox, wili ho lamented by poiniter for Weat Dunhsm .nfatrmeüre a larnge circle cf perse nal friends. a;îd le d.eemed wothy cf more tîan the utual During tie past few weeks thore have 'passexug notice. Htr death wims s end been secvenal inqoinies for lieuses te boy surpriae le a greât many leviug friands (or rent in Bowmanville sud somae pensons sud soquaintaucem, aud vas followed by Lave reýent:ly boght towu proporties. expresicus <if incero regrot snd eym- As3 Tis STATEsmAN bias fnequentiy point- pathy for tht' berdave5d nuïband sud cd eut, thero is not in this Dominion te childron, wieware iii presoýnt on this our knowledge a more desinable tewn in nicet sad occasio. Chamles- L froin iyhioli te sttie then Bewyia-.ville t is Omaia, Nob., Frâam.k B.. from Lindsay, & very lieatiy tewn, lie high moral char- Ont., Mns. FSL ,nie Dickie cf Oshawm, acter cf onr people is proverbial, on Mme Glana. Obenholtzer, of JFlkharr, led., a3choolIs are theo bet nsud con churches sud Mme. Nellie Hi. Worder cf Cleveland, equai to auy üchien tewn sund living, is ne-- Ohio, suho scre ail grant - d the privilexio 21arkably cioap. of &gain viewing lu lif6 the kind and af- ____________fecicuate mio se odean te thion. Be- fore lier deaili, anid wle euh llconî1clou s Ve (d o nt know tt Iovou ie etle ciildren al aseeiub'ed anouudii auy exception, but a coter e cf business bedside,, suhila tY>Eeldeat daugliten cfer- qun were, taikiug, ove tieo aucoese th at cd op a meeât fervent sud 'oquent pray- soreofaies allais tt'tieothen day sud or. A ite conclusion, al unîto i l in g- eurpnse wae expmeseod liaI se nauy pan- ing s numben cf favorite hyne ulhtloved ents allew tbieir youngcdaughers to parado e s el lunlife-a nineal alem sund to)uch- thte treets. Thon s% hslf-dczeïi or mono lu' occaion, aud never te be forýctten yetng irs fom ifoonto wety-iv by those wio witneed 1it. The déceas years ocfl ago wono ua-med as ucteabie eod sasa womau c; f tha nekleiiimpulses stnsot -wakrsIlad theèy lhesiî1 thoecen-of mmd sud hlist, &sud terever wminiïecr- eneute ou hein conduct tthey wcuid mu ed te sante suýd ceufit-oîtf xheýrs;t-hue_ future "Fe fsurcy ho seen less glivntgahe spent lion m->sm useful life, honer rýt apnsd dlownKnvtrepeemh to sim beiug te dIo god te thers.Iliow "catchl the bo)ys" day af ton day. V', ui i acedd i cntaiysh aVe coiiifonled te ncomn d ,,la young kuew hlernsd i l liiheur o ofallicticu it lady, for alilfe pantner for a yong minsl a slscing couifont lu knov sic lias ai tlie iel--cs nefenned t,) would cenrtatily net leset recolved lie reward se boujntifuily rocoivo cDusidenstien. Suctm giri siioie aiupon thse se Inueud faithfxm. if ever mako gcood wîvos. bsoo i Oh mother, tiy goutte voice s leushed, _________________Tby suraiheat t rue le till, And en thy pale snd peacef nI face, 'de met wti a clear examipie tlie oller là etigdesttci'a cold chili. day of the bel4efite cf eadiug the papons Thy bande are clsspe-i upon tiy breac, aud eepng pste on uha is oin ou We have kissed thy loveiy bnow; in lie world. Twc farinons living wiý-thin I And lunourscihing lisants sue kuos, a mile aud 's haîf cf oaci cher lhsd hogs Xehv emte ou 1- Sogar cr f the crop ef 1894 at C. ,-o iftfrm-tIl a er'w % felt ýp'&y cffCooae in 0. Tod's Sir John Thtompe)on, wlie has nover doue snytbiug for tomperance, aud is at ne pains te conceal hie LAk cf sympathy with prohibitin. -Toronto Teiegrnm. Thero ia one attraction lu Bowmauviiie this Spring that is bringing people frnm long distances inte town. We nrefer te thc uniprecedentedly low pricos at whIichl sorne tewn irendciants ane selliug rmon-. rhandize ci vaicus kns A few days ago tho w,,ifeocf -aproinoent Patron cof Iudustny remsarked inon hlearng that she did nct initond te boy auy nmo-e thnefo.r lhon ousehoId thnr>icgh the Patrons because shie can do quite as well, taking evonythiing jute censidoinration, with hone cash in Bwavîl.Sho nover had feit satisfiod to send honr monoy te Toronto while ahe dependod cn town merchauts to take hon btter, oggs, and othen fanin preducts. Thon she nefered te the wa-ted heurs she lied speat attend- ing iedge meetings cf one kiud and ani- other aud woond op by saying, Thero e ne use fer farinera te tny tc ho thoir owu mendiante because a few had to attend te dhe boying sud distributing and they were not ging te spend thein timo fer die benefit of their neighboms without somne ccusideration; sud if they had to psy miidlýemieu amcnog theiuseivea, they ight btter deal witi tewn merchauts who kopt a fou assortinent of sucli things as shec wanted te boy whene shie could have thie advantage of making hon own selecti ii. Tlis wcman was on the iglit trRak sd gave expresaion te the principlo cf "Iïve aud lt ive that effects us ail ;se itizous of this country wlienein -we are more cor bsdependenout c mItothen. Our country readens ueed not soek te ch- tain dry goo)de,, clothing. beets sudi( shoos, etc., any chieapor than they can nàow b'îy themn in Bcwmiauivl e. A dcllar nover liad mono puchiasing power ihian jat new lu tbis tcwu If;tany duotl tit nead what or adventiessaython ia it their stores -L W'est 01bHus-e -L The La.te Rev. Geo. The Rev. George Puirkiz, a £- Il kuowni Congro,,ational mintster, do tte residenco cf his daiiAbter i l this own oni w.idlleeday, ini his 78th y3iar,tIe immedi- &te cause (f doath bing) pareýlysiï of the throat. Deceas d %waiborn ii Po I, Dûreet, Eng-Ial , i.d caine to CAi a îin 1814, ivlire for , uera3 ears h- eon g1aged in busineoFs. Ho eanhChitn life when ejuite a yc;ung man, sèr-d h-s ever ince hotul active iii Ch ris ian vwoz k. In 1856 ho3 entered the errploy oif the- MoL-treal Bible Soci ty, which 1) ition ho ably filled for levtni yeirsi. ln 1867 ho received a call to the pa9trte of h Cor-regutionai chiurch at Watei vil , P. Q.1 whierce ho bozired aihiU and isuccessf Ully for '2'> yearm, when ho, n suýl-i ed the charge, and spent h-is eann years In retiroirent a- the hono fMr Robert Freelarid, hie a he, ee Hoe was a %te-uflc'k temiperanceuBkr and in pA<iti(s was a Reforme-. us wife died about tcon yearea it, FitW-leaes one son, Mr, John Pu, k'., C- nÀi l' P. Q., audonue danght r, wi hl whon hi rosied. The lae Mn.Lli. ,wif,(,f1 the Rev. A LeA]ie, M. A., Cian,, cas 1 another daughte'r. The funeral took pisce <n Si '-' and was cniucted hy Rey. W. s Piitchard, B. A. The cor eec jr,,c i ed from tfie family rosideucet,l3eech veue to Trinity Couigregai i Jchichiwhereu a Buitable service was heýld. Af ner thoe choir sang the hj'mn "i Whe i cor"141 area bowed m ifh wo," A.v. R. A. h (Dsib)refadthe 90:h Pasiralç nd 1 ýr V. T£he choir Sal g 1Ihat 1)ealu if ul anýthei11, "Swe,-t is Ille sleelp whcn Crs'asdie and the pastor spoko bu fly on 'lho W,.rdi Lot me die, the deatlh of 0io ngieu u let my iast eud bo lile h-u.23 : 10. Tho romainsi wero witêrwards viewvd by the greater portion (if thei audience. The pail-bearerswere NMesr3. J. McCil,-lan, Fon, Jas. A exsuder aiid R Alleni. A Spring Pointe1r. Wo wi hl to empasfz3ý the fact 'M '-ur stock is irew, we)l buight an.d hrohl reliablo. Cust>uuirs cou entoil us4î'At Or go)od8 always ton] otiex'e ly as reprotenled. No botter value anywh, , lere. GCUCH, JOHNSTON &CYDMN A GOOD JOB lu Painting, Graining, Maibiing, PaponHegr g (Jalciminiug, etc. "..r.titeed te givo perfect saiehcti, in in every respect. Pricee t'-ie V1,RVt 1-ST consistexu with fir.t cl.nswokabp and materai. Tlioau SHR. Unfourded R mor. The rumruo diat Jeme% 2IM m-i, hca niage maker, wàs Son s t ae Bomavii i uitru., lie -, i stil ho foudat theolcd stand, NIorrýs'Cari- age Works, noady sud wiliiog to re î your caînrigo, nike lnew ces, t iiUd( fit Up oariaLoe tops sud do allaseqc carnage work als heretofore a, pict o suit the tinws. fie is t!hankfui lt,, id" cEotomers for 1 ast f ý or, sudih-pes te feceivo a fair S'1ire (f thieir paroag future M. A. James la agonlt for theflowo populan sàteamohip lincii-Allani, MAian-_ý StaODno, AMeriCLn'(forme ic h inani), Anchon. and Hîamburg Amu ricaýn1 Packet Co. Al inrformatiun aboutrae aud siiings cau bho had on appliecation exý the STÂTE83MAN office, Bosl imaville, personally or by letton. Thi~s in the propor maiinor of kahown;lg appreciation (cf a mnstrwifo,a der-, ing c as,% cf portons usuaiïlly toc) lt0 . peciated. A faw in the coogrqegaLon cý, f learojur thât their e8teemed p.a, ý es W. G. Wellace, vrith Mrm. W-Vsllieoin- tends taking a trip to Europoe,t at iýir resfderico. 15 Madiaocu avenue, a id pro. The Tans have arrived. We have the best Russia Leather Tan Boots, Blutchard style, ini the country, and only ask $8 per pair, Did you ever pay $4.50 f-or the same Boots? -EVRYD JILiAY AND ALWAYS you will flnd it to your advautage to deal at the West End House for the best Dry Goods, .3oots and Shoes, and Groceries, in this part of the country.ï JUST IN--0ne Car Load (80 barrels) of SUGAR. Special prices per barrot lots. HIGHEST price paid for ail kinds of Produce. JOHN McMURITRY. Corset-s arce now recogrnzed to bc the Standard Corset of Canada. Satisfaction guarranteed or money refunded. i, ASK YOUR DRY GOODS DEALER FOR THEM. Nouebiien, noue cheapor tlîan'my stock of goems fruits, spices, etc. W. Hi. Obhorno. Nosi il yeur dine 10 gtt a harei cf Sagar r hoqp- A. ar load josi in at tle WeHt Eund ieuse. There i8 i o s use in going barelieaded when you cau met a gi c 1 tylieh hat for 50ý%. from 'M. Ma3en.9 Meu'e ilatA-the lateal productions cf lie bet Eogiah maena-j a .tend at Coucb, Johuiston &-,rydemmau'e. Ov2r itwc hunidred piè ces cf new Printii and Sateente legant desigus sud fast coo-s ai CoxI, Johuston & Cryderman 'e. Wliy sol you psy ligh piis for dantaged g' eda , vhen AMMayer j coin hats sud fumrnishi;nga in' new goode fer lees Meuey ? THE STATEKMA1Ç and WEEKL- Gca wlll be given te uew aubsnonibene til Îan 1, 189.5, fer only $1.00. Send erder iv M. A. Jamneý. The West Eudflieuse ah,>w a greLi oag f spirg heel ehoos fer childreu lu Tans sud black-all pricos sud izes. Yen aeheuld seosthein. Anycue widhiug a bangain can qet b by cliing ai Mme. Dotncaster's sand pur. chasinLy eue cf hen stylish tnîmamed bats at 1$1.25. Mre. Doncaster. Ladies wiehiago their bain trixmoed on singed shuuld cail on F. C. Pethick who lias fitled uip a very neat barber eahop op. pesito John Lyle's uew store. Our readenai in any part cf Canada shouid ssk M. A. Jamei for pnice cf tickets whon thiukiug abN ut goinv te the Old Country or sendiug fer fiendo. Juet openod cont at Couch, Johneton & Crydtrnman's avery fine assetuient of Bruseeil sud Topestry C-irpetm direct frein Cromalev & Sons cf Halifax, .Englaud. MaynsDrd the jeweller cau solu you - watchep, clockasud jswelleny cheaple thau any ene elso lu tewn, Why ? Bocause tue stock wae bougbt ai 50c. ou tie $ Tlie West Ena fouse are ahowing whât la pnobably the fluest range cf Tani Bootis and sihoes in al sizeasf rom sueseu oes te big pýpàs' that wa ever shosun lu Bosu. man81villeL. CalU sud Fe a tiei. A c'- C,k thot doeR net keep limie l8 ne good ini a bouse. Y,,u ahould tnke i6tot Richard aud haveo h put ln order. Ho doos his e wonk horcuhly, ne mater what, il may be, Watch, Clock or Jowvellry re- paire. 'Nosu lb"or tirno ete gel cio%.p Photos lu the lateBt etyl<-. Ti'nk cf it,Cabinets, fouj figure at $1.95.aud Mikadc's at $1.10. Pi-ices nevt r beforo heard of. Call ai the gallery, opposBite Bennoitt'sIliotel sud 500 Soyons] mou lu Bow-mauviJl3le aia1 ly had fils sud nigiTw cmen sud cxde are getting fits tho saine way. Teofl quinemeuta cf tise timeSansd trlima ils funeýral suilluýko place f<'r ein L-1".- ~ -" u. salis te tic favoring brosses. teo use a galienai chirci on usdya2.0mdothgeesi<adhain lisuticat i emlie, i, the fman whle oin (lg o'cieck.-OZovi1ieDayMecu April preoperties, Dr. 8Sag(e's eatannh Rem- Shii'a sCure is sacldon a guarale. te gel mire tien a laro living eout cf te l ti e-dy pel.fcct-yanodperrianoutIl -,cure,. - Il CuresLincipieul cnsum-pti'm. Lt je ground. We ksefw %seensi farinons in MrR.Basnotý re3turuedthBsnavlele b-st (Jeugi Cure. Only eue esut a - West Durbam suhe 7:1 iii ers. he e n Wednegday l.kngnieîlssurs'K. D. C quickiy nlit-viàï %ud ct;res 3dOe ets,-50 es. sud qI.00 per hottie.VITRAB-rwx, vies nhealstiaI~' fr lid. leu ;gjF,,Idgto Soid by Sio.-tt & Jury. twavle ~u1I - Mlurdeloch's Old S OuIed san mea1,d1 teelFnce Wire Vat Dustan & Hea's. The Aberdeen Chocolae-latetiu-- tr temn ai (J. Tod'e. If you waul the bbt seiiing machine mnadto, cal en Rickand. Pethiick't3 barber sbop i l th place te got a gu(ocd ahave or hair eut. Calsomino suLd pnepaýredpaiints lu al c ilors at Du i-rn & Hoa 7s. Ol en F. C. Pethlick the 1barber,wliou wanting snyting in hie lino. For fo' n Shops cf oveny discrip tien go to thne NVot Eud lieluse. AUl kinds cf Tin-ware, Evetroughing, sudr; repslriug at Diistian & Eoa's. Laiecs, if you have net, alneady, do'l f ail te try uiy choice faiiy bas. W. H. O)shrnu-. You can depend upon getiing stylo sud quaiity. Fit less tha-î wiulesalo prices now at M. Mayer's. LA ST YOUNG & C O'S FOR GENTLEMEN, We have just opened up a fulllue of17E3TVanAllen's celebrated Neglegee Shirts with Ties to match in Colors and Plain Black. Prices $1.00, qý1.25 and $150. Also the new style'of Regatta Shirts, with which you should wear a white collar, to be. in it. AT

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