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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Apr 1894, p. 6

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ef Throt o Lungs. OP u I ONTARLO M~RIUI1LTURAL ANU VfIFEMN lAL Uiffla Sngo"gsoiene nte blond, etc.' ý," w tS, ~ixxur H a]'e , o! he amtes Smiths ctWinolea LM aclC, 1 . preves d M mrethn m rwsae.wty yers agot c the age i es I ielli sor elon 1mC.legs, 1 iich aben do en n, and ithea eMar thrtthe boas% Veigh t my good nia d 1NC jmoaca SmMU ArsapaIlla.I tok ie foboi a t t es, the orý,ileshcled, ofth U id iae., d.tou ld sinc ie O iy the ýrniie Iý,fJ te euirey oitepatt Ayer'a Sar . arîla las onLe e. I now Lo~ng 1ed gave't inà e'ght out of tei cnutdoveýr (j eleven ont of elelb cd in 19.Til Bee t waa tcstad iprovince in3,,, j 779 bushals !-of'ri EXPEIMENS IN AGRCULTURE CONýDUCTED BY THEFA - Alla Arlýicla rC. A. 5Zav.itz, BU S. A-,eprmetis uis the follos!ingLte r :A sth ebr nif the Ontario Agricultuaand Exp er imen ou ystam 'nio-of rtieexperimenta in Arclrefor îa 'nmbeýr ofyerpast, ia haýve otie nevery vlal eut therirýom-, i have prepare1 ad an astacie for1 the public pre-'se i odetat thesýereut mnay bcm aw oagrear numberlof the farmers of the province. Th-is WOr wa ntre pon its3 presenit plan i n the spring f 1886witis wIve experimenters, wh eevdgraina mand iertiiizerFs, carried out the neceesaryintuios andreported the reanî'ts eit tise eand of the season. For thie firat two or three years the experiments were confined aintost cntirely to tise ex, students of the Agrîcuitural Cllage, but as mn other farmars expresaed e deusire toý oi in the wvork the invitation was -ex- teddto t hcm aiso, and miateriai -was cent to those vwhu applie ionconditifonhtey wonid lbe careini to fiwthe niecesary min- structions ard report the resits nf tisir tests ai ter b-arveat. Thýe work ha seadily increased sinice h omnepnand dur- in the pit tfisîe yeaîs th!e Association bhas beeon unabie to su"pply the mteriai to the1 fuli namber ni appliicsnts, owin1g to the de- mand baing so Ïreat. .In 189ý1 there were 2,'642 piotsi, in 1892 there w7ere 5,.00 )pintas, and in 1893 upwards ni 7,000pinta were used for thesa no-pertive tests oVaýr Ontario. Repûot no ucf iland vinu- able experiments weîreceiedauing the past year irom every cny i ntýa rio. Over eight hundred aetetofqfam crops bave been tstdasti xermn Station, Gu11eiph, during 1tise past five years. Teeconsised i neal'ail the CanaIdien sorts and aboj'ýut fouCr 1hundîed nc-w variet ies wbihctc were im.-porteda ince 1886frirndiffar- Cnit partn G hsope A i ica,Austraif, GîOwinig Lucarnàeam a crop for Fod.- Teetingsi leadiing varieties i ode Testýing fiee adngvarieties nof Tur- Tcsting fiveeieadling vaitisniMn Tetigfie edigvarietias af Car- Teetling fiv~ eadn v oetef SprinDg Tegting fiv e Ading varieties of PBar- cd 12. an Ma iorws other c'a wiili rad provi Teýsting six leading varuiatias ni Oats. esigfourlainvaiteoPas ter,ýiai for No. 1 axpariyenit la beng idcd Iby expresýs, anid for each ni thse sl by maýil. Ail fertilizer auad seeda Le sent in gond time toi sprîing seading, ded thse applications ara receivad et nyl% date. The supply ni materiai ,lii-ted, thosa wbo appiy fiast will ha ýt i obtaining the desircd nutfit. It it a wall foi eech applicant to make a dc oboica for icar tise lirs cou id not ticîlar variÎeties nced not ha m ention- ail tise kinds to hbe istîibutcd are wisihbava donc axccptionally wal tise trial plots et tie Experimnt oxn, aniwihwil h pt p n sets din1g to the aboya list. Eacbi person sanda iii aniapplication shnnuid he ai to m7eion Ihisecisosen exparîmtent, Office, Tons i ndCounty, and iU ppiietin oilsforNo 1 exparirment, express9 officaebodbc- ment ionad asý Tisosa bowih urtisar inforato cOUra a circulai for 1894ý by apyn sientcout by tbe Experiniienital L1 Brol Ws' Improved Short071 egave t rhe tavraayi(1 each year accordinq to thbe report epimtsin 189i, fitten i tnt.orin 1i93lTis vaity ureedin yield very iligbitiy hc the avarage oi two yere'tri!ai pper!Imenttato y tbe peaîce's lauLong bit, wich bas no't distibntd fr Tneseco-operaiv Tbe -Herisýon Beardefi and tbh BieSeiSpring VWhaats ton]k àin tbe moutonni grainamoni jetieýs gr own on 1twenty-niine diffen in 1893.ITe Herion Bearddw? cd ironi Frncai the spring of1 bias be gtrow"n -one trial gronr Experimient Station for fiee yaxr eevaim-u with zwolnty.nne other7 ever-y one ni whicb it has surpasse average yoed of grainPmerara wieigbit er masned uaeL. Ste'il wbich wae mprtdfrom kota lias heen noe.nithosa ire4st of tise sxtythreevarieticatested during 1892 and 1893. Amnng th barbutes tuesd dnig thepast th fil tisecopeaexprm t, toMnanwd tbe lRed Fern wera hnie yeass a t ti>senExpe ticnutise Ontario Common 6(,i ý-row4 was supase y an averaige of par acre by tbe Mandecisuri 6-ro an, aveageni1.4 bsesper ia Od' 6-rowad, whie ti ativemtss for 1892 hwassaurpa sverage nf 10 bushels pmuer alret nd.8buehis per acore bhy Mandaceuri hadad is jt ir grainPerreminutbe statin test c enmu artesif ieemycars aM d co-onaerative test ni six verietic d)astorla la Dr. sauel pltcber's prescription fer IrAnfuts I nd cbildreOIL onain nith pium, Morphïne nMar Dtlher rcoi sbtac.iLta aharmiesFa 5sbsýtitute IL l Plasat. ts uarateela hlry yarS5 use by Nillio f ilOthers. Castorla destroys WoDrms aurd allayo feverishnesae Castorla prevents vomýitinzg GouzCures, mures Dlarrhoea and Wind Colle.castoiaelieves ,teethlng troubles, cures Constipation ttnd fIvllency. Catrm.assimilates t1he food, rgltstestcomac-l *,ndibo wels, gvlghealthy and natfraýl sleep. Cazs- &oria laà the hidzn' aîà"ceartheMthrsFrQ4 &en. Itothrs hav-,e îpaei odmc t gýond affec;t uo lcrcude Dis. G. cO. OSczoon teisto!- their üchlden, nnd nan Caeti(i" lu. destîying topi loved onas, hy forcngpiam, mophne mmotinesrp MAN Tieuiu !h t p ema tus grve's"g Thse centaur ,con Castou to Iýrbhý ý iaannlcsperC tnu knowa tonýýia La C. A. Anc ay, TT Muruny Staeot, Ncw "ffi âuèii -l i Tise Amiat erlal is- a medium siahade nihon -;woo l ' e aserge ra.thber ioosaiy wovan5 it aakesùup intoe adrees not ovetihemvy Soma of tisasurges ar xccdingly hcavy ýïweE ao as.vrm, no-w ts mac mte àl is put initoakr. i- i - Ta sign i ofthis admnirabule bsns d re-ns is simple ascilen a.Foýr this very reason it commende itali to tise sies- wmnor aioiteccor anii thrw rA m

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