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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Apr 1894, p. 7

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I PRACTICAL leGs mlci, ythieir geodneses oea net enâ eIL ho once try theusý wili1 find s valuiable ho se uapy wus shat bei willing ,te de wtneut thleus ckleadl soermny lires thtlhere le hr 0ret beat. Cor pille cura il cr5, Lova Pstsroe very aqmail tetk.~Oeor teplemako arc etictly rgo c'oan O orebu'y Onirgeti ation u8eo ai t ,cnts; id every whoro, or sat by sais. i !lCl C.' 1w s. CANADIIAN STATESMAN, snnum in :advzanc3-c, horise $-L. on. A(vetlsn, raesuu oSby cl ùituteper inuparie Iýfjretinar centsl, poýr lio och snbsquOna al. L'ocale9, 10 cents par' linoe, M. A. JAMES , PEitfllhe3r M, ADBN pRWaisp, IOOOl.et5i 'akn nal its branches. nes'ý 'a notus iuounted ; Deposits d and Inteýreet paid on acut andupars i SvigaBankt binent. -,t (1 U m-ralT ,n demeüind, ltpE: and Caniada,9,a ise cl, siiveor and a " e3s (rea c ks eb n d an i ld, nmede e r, .reuttesur.on il part ritta, tha tjuitod ýtatEe eue e largo or em isms ou aP iprb o! Tsse-spcalyada taensb Uring;0" luUnib r 1the NerthWesb. boàue avatllabicO nce au tia aVymontF. ;r7tixlulars cal) ai thobank. ITT, GEO. 3MoGILL, 3otant, Manager. ETEItINÂRY SURGEU~. ~. ORONO, - ONT. -P~st Office Block. oy tble~raph e~ telephons reosîve hg. ~ttentloa. Messes. 1HONEX tMMUlaTRY have purh4% ýCennty of Dton amn for the best ir oce in this Courtry. lb le etrong, esiiy handiesi ansi ernenubl it wiil net bo injurefi by enew, hea, cold or wiiids. Ilb will turn !Herses, Cattie, Sheep, lgeDoge ai Poultry. lb isa niet work setheu-t barbe, Vniiiel neoin jure st -ock in any w,,ay. lb 15; muli reg or ans ilmore du1rable thjan eny 1er1 fenc. Fonce pu tiup and Farns and Townahip -lits for sale'. Appiy et CNRLnLsec -.P. RCI, iske P. O(., haviug bouight larke Towahip, le preeeit ut up tance. For the vrloeai ai worms of-ail kinds trmchilidren oradle -150- e MT S c;cE-imAA WORm ePG;ox FARM~G.dirt shauli ho firm ?ar-ud aý'il n A Cht on Sprling Butter,- Now thet the cows are camiug lui freeli egain there onglit te o cbtter produced ou the fernme that ,vould rival the June article in qnality. lu un nature de mucli for th:e dairy- man iluishapintg the quialiby et thne butter, but yet nmanI's ekili b'as, se mucLIC te de wth it that piorly.mnade e butter je net Worth (quaitativeiy or commiercîaily as mucli as well miannfactnred Uardi, but- ber; Now, te place srigbtter on at par whiltho the su er article, it teke,ýàs some thing more beidas, the imiparting of , siummner color. The ilIk fat mnust pri marily ho of gond cqnality ; it shculd Spring tros te pbysica 'liahoratory oet0a il-urturcd cow. lb ehoud ho rmemu- hered thaýt thereî are dffret rades of quality lu creeas aiw ,el! as ilu fiesh or eggs. Reely goos buter cannes ho made troustbe nmilk ylalded by "spring lper coWs. When the cowes are being tedý on boo strict a d ciet, of nitregenouýs food, as hay,tbe bu[Itter faýt in thecir mnilk is hllited in ýquanI- tsity. It Ibas licouthe writer's eprec that ik yieided in the spring 1,afeei robueIt, heal!thy cowI, gavecrasttws werkedly'snper il ueliby te ht hr thie e cnitions were the reverse. 1i mean that lthere was net oniy 1more e'is creaus. bui t ,gave i, btter qulity ot butIter w heu churned; btter thiat was frirer.etgraIin end more ýaromrat!ci l vor than tfrom poor -al à- b,11 U PU l IA lê -, là -n ourss_- "ised - cow -e-.- --- - 1n Whule suli butter predu.-efinluspriug ii not pos.,sese the naturel glden hue Sm- I parred by grass, the artî;iebltuse et a higli-j gradeý commercial clor wil make op Ibis ieokl. -I say "erbietic s, fore spcestul butter mekr mut have on ertist's eye lu giving hie preduct e naboral clor by arti- Altegoo ork thatlias bee oue 11n the stetsediry 1reous antdthecur may hoSaly iitledansigd by unii-1 nkaiturel colCringof the butter. At bliere les m-ýore free miý 'lk luE ome ampies cet creaus thn thrs adas ýbtteýr colore ,va,ýry iin stregtblb l alays b 0 t olra emal tral btoi etbu1tteýr before using lb onre AIl demestic butter usai:ere do nt eppre- ciabo how importent te) their succese thi:s sujet etifcler ii lu btter is. I have s'ean butter teltiese i every other respect, and etoif i ra e etsed hy ek, ig cue- tom1er becaus1ze weoe-clrs.Learuhy~ uad teist a ritcin this linor yon muetpc as the eya ta please the palate. Give sprîug botter a btter c;hance hy a food tonie te the cow, a delicate e*rtshicial -hitre t e r u--,ena klful turnufutthea wrist to the ladie, and seo hew easy lb le te improve its quality. About Berrnes. For growiug barries et ail kinds select weil drained edil ou which somo bard crop wae produced last seasan, patate greud being beet. Sod graund may be usefi by plowing very, sisllow-two loches, if possible. Cut fiue ,Witb dise or spadiuig ierw buplew doeeply, tuning sod eutirely under. Cuver ieaiiy with well-rtted osanure and beFrrow until weil mized -vith, fine aud, meilow soi). Extra wrkli peprngth oil, fd mncli te gr(owet plats, ize nd (jaiity1 of fruit, You eano grow fiue barries with p0oar cu7,1!1itiain Long, traigýLit rws aroe easîly cuivated and kept treaý freinl weedelý. Soi) and location hae ema ke influ- ence on varsety anid qualiby. Therefore select wu!! tested kinde, sncb as do well lu yonr vicinibvy. Loave higb-priced nioveltiesto- the pro-, feesionel grower. Tbey are gen eràliy dis- appoiiiting. Nver by por plants. The hasýt ara cheapeet. The sp ce allowod far different pieute shouifi ba deterusined hy bthe varieties gro'wn, thb q>uality et soil nd the method The foliowing distancee givo hast resuits inmoebses eawberries sinlurowe bliree andsoe haitfooct apart andl about bwo foot in the rew. Biackberrics andi raspherries, lu roms sa-von feet apart, and -tiree feet lun the Carrants and goseberries, lu rews five te savon teet epeet and three ta five foot su the row. Grapes, eigibte to n feet epart oach way. lu setting, remember tiiet trous cd plant usay spring many gonorabions. If thon yen wonid have blealili, vigar and produc;tivenoeu n future eopyen muest g'uard the parent plant WeL i Set lb aro- froliy. Dig e' good bole and Spread every libIdo fibrene reojt eut in its naturel posi- tien. Finle moi-tý*,t ib bou o f(lb ýily .ud cart lCIhy pake arouinsiçch stlaii reot, Valuie every plant, saut by the penuy or nickel it ceet, but by the dîmes and dol- lars lb beulid pr'Aoe. More lees cames trouscarelasssabtingtban trosauy other cacs, BIac'c rasph)erios ýare seiwrooted, and shonîsi neo t mûaethen three or tour incises deep. The crown eft the sbrewberry shoid ha jugut aven) with the surface of the grouins, nieither toeeop urrteeGosheliow. Othe-, pla'nts grow doa1cper neturaiiy, and shoulsdi hasot eccOrdingly. 'iib al-pe ecsellyesould teve e a UPtu et tn o toelveluces. Tiietop Oetilthe Oddîori 0- etOa isnlc Aindi liU ta One. The story et the deai ostruggie t th littie columu et Englishn ilthaý,t LeBeg la's Mtabele wsrriors ssal wedu a' be told boa treqnentiy. Tle tloigare led lu the attack ", ctaaidn et the Ins3uku regimeu-t, be l e thoe tinpe. We were 600mueantyn thîrty-four ***Thocy rode iluto thetrk end liuke(l the irrsasi lu, , .a rg andc C in-t 11ÎenCe!d a eavy fàre upon us,- and(laur maln feu lest and thicik. X'Ve oeuda fre u l âiusanid kiiledl ail thýir hre.Thonritb ey teok Ite caver hbidtheir hor;ee' bde and iiansutlkegaWetried to- ruhbiu.Twice wetrieci bt feul- ad, Atter e tise ýthley i ne'-t fire 50 murwili aud we thoug-ht thieir ausmunition wis getting shocrt., Thoýn, junt as We were prop rin a rli ag"ain, they ail sbood up. They took oai their haiteami sang. We were o seauazod Lto 500 meu siniging in the face et deabli we kniew net wb abte odo. At lest we rnsled. '%ou "' Iite mon deudo't fight like mon but lîke dovils. Tbey shot ns until the laei castrisige,an mnosi of themoushot themselvos witli the.1 But those wbn lied nona lofti mot ce)vered ine_ thecir eyoe and diefi witisout a souinf. Cbuld1 cf a white man, your poopie know bowte' fight and how te duie, We llidalilthie î'hirty-tour. 'But they kille 11 us like grass." The-, Last Moûmenits of Oiver Gol- smith. Iu hie lest ilînees the -yrnptome3 ware e fluctuating, and the evidances et active disease se0 miteetiy decliinug, thet et oea Lime sanguine expectations et bis recovery were cubertainesi. But Goldsmith conîsi not sleop. Hie reeson seomefi clear; wisab ho saisi was aiwaye pertoctiy sensible; "-ho was ettises evon chortul;" but sleep basi ideserted him, hie appetite was gene, andsitli became obvions,,in theo state et wcaknese te viicbhlie lied beau reduced, thet weub eslpight in iseif ha fatal, lbtho eccprre te Dr.Torben tapuýt a very prognent rquestion 1te lhie Patient. er puis-e," hliesooi, " ï à is ugetrsrder thain ihundbe from the degree offever whiohi youi have, 1e your mincias zve?" "Nl is nt"wae GJoldsusib's snelaucholy anwor Tlese wcre the leemt words hie utresi. Thk2eci errivas,iiuddeniy anid nnexpecteiy, Ho li a ltbchensiend dcpis siep whichi se enixionisiy had heen lookesi for, et ii- n -guit onJSa.dy, the lid et April; bisr- piratien was eas'y ans inaturel, hie e kin warm and moiet, and thse favorable tura wes thoiglit te have cone. But et tour 'clouk lu the mnorning the apothe cary Maxwý,eil wee ca iedn lihste, andi fonnd Liai lu streug convulsions. These continui- cd' wvitbout intormiesion; hliaeauk repidly; ansi et a qfrte-r ba-fore five o'cleck oa tbe m-orn1ing oet Meudy, bbc 4h et April, 177, navpsng tison i l ive ,uise byu he ' ,1/baa ismal eceno t" oxclaimodPo, wc:tchiue ,the freebet fires the rear et the miii. "A-% hlack sky, rein drip-dripping, Wind groaýniug,, the water rushing every. wbrtlise ml-ml- el lokead 1 Semoteme as, if Icniheer ilb cereeand supiSorry for Smn and saýrry, tua, for anoobe reoso -it w1-bads have gt ta the towu hal. Wa ail waý,ntcd ta go ta it, a dacy when wcecau't do mnch br. Aptiin en -uîrosthe monet-,spioy- cd hy Simonau t ltteus offthtfar -lis, go if yen MIiiV'"Souini sappefi eut tetily. He addMed Semetbing m e eturuesiPound andIPo er hlm,: "If those lcpeIa du' eec w beil t I w an t, lo t, 'e us go !', "Ho11(jis3trdthe mniii wený't Stand te frshtbutthe mmn atbnkltwilihher wben(bbcrein le over. ÏIf-if haýis-3werred- MidIgueeebleisfatengh-I'll stay bybsus Iens donow Wiî edo, as the milenot prepesed Pmi " I siredta do ail sorbeof rno "--------- "-- ho------, 1 14 wftsu nJ. ot lb'tand wtcbed tihe frashet, and i fiaily caono inside. thingýý-thab conàceýrt 't" a eked3imon. "No, I thounglityenosi tneesi me, "l'us sure you're real 1geoi, l'us dreasiful tirosi eut. a.worrvià' aotis uili. The reet et 'eus are ail gone,tbet's the way they- doa. 1 weu somnneue ta 'stay wi c Wheu my bey Jîus -"bbe old uman's taded eyes wero shining with tears. "Wlou my boy Jim died I was dreefifal djiseppainbed. I lied saie one, I'd blieught, who wouid sbety by mce. H'd 'a' hean wltb me thîis atternoon. Yen moka me tisink ef My Jitu,. Fiusdreaf nitirod. " "IVell novw, îr,"saisiPan), sooihiug]jy, "yusit riglit bore hy your desk ansi have e good rosi. l'il look ,t-ber lilege"1 The r)id mnan seabefi hissýeif l in 1 efle r- be-ttemefi, red- arme(!chiair, ani shut bis 1 cyoeý;erily. Ho ewes dlressed lu gryie- -1 wbibe Suit, ansi hie whistcers wore wisita, andý sinàking dewn ino the chaýir-lie ac littie man-lie iooked sametbing lîke a tiredItabby curling up iu the cargigte iu loft hlm and went onut oetdoora te leob teebasht sight ha gtting a&long. reilkesi up the szreaiyt a short distance saw' tho1 water feaiug, seliing, nec- rnishinig own thie vaile 'y turiously, Ib iooks roal scery," thoniglit Paul. astening hack toe bc iil iehosawlu i in thet tbe wabar wae toamingangii d eOne ret ofthie bidngnithon tare by sevago, white teebh liebb blu- wcro peirtingl, s .-"I -..,.,.' k~.s.s a ceeenitsmunoinfamnsedgl.ausn" t, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a MaItcneInl tTOÂ OLLOWAX'C STA-BL5SoiMSOST, NO DRT, NO tIEAT ÎIN THuEKITCaIEN. c'oiks a Faily Diner for Two Cents.. Thu IJNB OEINBRY PU ,LtdI, TO0ROGNTOI' jarring waters had rocked hlma te sleep,was old Simon Stover. -al-a-ver-mus culaýr fnr-hisyearsanc it bas been said that the mniller was s.meli. 4, Hired te do ail sreof' work," mur- mured Paul, liftinghot chair and nifler in hie surong airms, adcarrying his load out of the m ni Ii. Sttg s owntin a safe place poo ruho a orte mi'Llers books and by te miior' aid, an then w vas going "Js-Ji-" aidthe mledetaining "He thiniL t i15hýi; boy that died, thought'Pao)i. "1Jin, lot the o_1 li thing go 1 1 ca't spr obut I Cao.1 sparo it andi; I can put up abtr nl- caafodit-seo- sec 1 The iii jjj]Wao yjýiedingïeveýrYwliere to tho bomardentof he atesand with a soud lke hecrash f guiiseeverything soon b abut ait n bur Pan) waeu at home. Hiemoter onkfiup, aud thre ho stood 8soaked by ts e n, ne ac3 orn a bat tere,,tir7 ed a k but ho wa4 very happ- and triumphant O, mtherI've beeu up ta aill sorts ot wok ai dlugged Simon Stover out of the maiiiwhc a just been ruined by the t reshe t. 1 1Wbet, what, Paul? The miii gens and Simn lest zba much, andi yen your place an.d 1O, hold ou, mother ! Simon seys ha lies been wanting a new miii a long time, end ha je going to build eue with ail the ira- provements and goingtu gîve me a fine chance, ho says-forlIarn like hie Jitn, he says-end as ha has sampled thse family, lie')) giyos4father a chance-a good ee- hurrah, hurrah for the boy hired te do al sorts of work 1" She did net hurrah, but was she net a happy m.other?-rN.Y. Ob- Mr. Wrkhadd-"My dear, I have lest m ry situationi, and let aýthappnsthat I ha8veni't a d7ollar eaheaJ. \We irusu go te the poor-hiouise for dne. Mrs. W-"Sureiy sema of the grolere Will trust us '" Mr. W.(ady- No, 1 have ne' credit anywliere. 1 alWays paid c?.s." The exEmrseEganie frequentiy oses bbe dlamaond po en ibliwMh he treaty oet Paris waes ignesi, Tnispeu wva3sneesi y t'le tourteau l euipatentiaries wbio eguod [tise famous documený t. lbweag qlil ,h S-v,,,scere, arl ai l ci i'rsers!nce on cing oaut Mvereet, eue,, wccass'if ln hi.wscrcuaseer ,1,possbi dlit emdOrlywrhlvn àer 1 oé. , .C5CO$O bak f heIlTeeofLie,of British IndiEb va Guzs usgslxr icldvtlizn w7i curighma, GatrrhandLng Trobles. Muy suferers givon up by physiciens tirity years ego who hEd recourse te this elixir ar now iving. Ithgives pure richblbood, restoros. Wated i iesues eud l f beilevedetto be the only 'ermesseîît cure c w for Cousiuni ptio, Il 17rr7 1nhl1 ail1LU g touble, as ais Ds Padde Ivc re. sre Bee, Toronto," said Tod, she passed hie ýplate the fourtli timoc. "Ij'm soxry there je no mrec, but we only had h cif a chcken onthtal"euwrd thýe bostese, kindlyý. "HuLmih," grumibled Teddy. "Idou' ce why yen udo't kili a Yho3e11:iGkeuý lwheu you're abcout l." A 1Baton igirl spoke et a 1tilit-rope par. Farmer's Wife and t.he Bees. Tile li ttIe attention je given te 'bees ,3and te houy ncessery to snpp'ly a dÎemau'd whIichý would quickly respond te a bo)tter distribution of the bees and a lerger. yield ot the honey crop. -A littie tudy cf the subject wonld enable the farmers' wivee and dauglitors te have a few stands of bees -with profitable results fromn comparatively littie intelligent labor. A littie practicel knowledge of the habits of thýe bee goes further tlieu a good deal of t ime spent in a hapliezard way. Have afewstands otbecs with the inivestueut et the poulbry yard and the profite with the pleasure cembined with these pursuits will prove gratifying to any onewho loves nature and lier indus- trioosl ittle pets. The now conditions of society eni al the industriel pursuits, have wreugblt Fsucl radical changes lu methods of living ;mnd earning unr daily breai that those onggoîn the agricultural porsuits I musb neceýseari!y diversify their crops as fer as posible te meet tho demande of domnestic b akïer, and ail other morcliaute are settled with at tbeeud etoftheyear,the raw material of the farm scercely balances accounts these times. i draiahts nt air causea by I)oor ventiiati ýL -r i-. -L -L' -L ÎLI 1 - UÀ 1-4 à,a cradle and the 1 &ý Ouuted in diaý;onds and- gold.

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