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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 May 1894, p. 1

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N s 11.50 Pua "Âutx, OUIR TOWN ÂAND OOUNTY TIRST. ITERWARDS. MÀ ÂJÂMES EDITOE AX» PEOPZSÎTOit, pean rmdAmict Granites and Marbles, in baAsom dsgnsa-d at, prices fs-om S1,5 t o$40 * Uder i-~peLfuiysolicited and ocavrul ecompletionI g'îîate~L Cal and inspeet i-y sokand EEWIIAT YOUJ ARE BUYINC. E.R. EOTjN\'SALL, Proprietor. or3es for sale or t50 rOuZ> it,1iLane Ii l j.«nea tract nonS>.Tho imusceaeýsî t R-.'CT gt emsOe ous. with (vesy cneledriving .>I.4 at- i hrlud ýbic, s1.a grat otIaeatc ,e ______ _ý_t., is at tho C'Cil- 055f st eu van-lie. ! edat taBusiness Cl- acfri, oprutnar pplè loe Toranto, Ont., end Stratiore. Ont. _______________ ______ -- t onabiyaCadaige rc, tie4n-u sLin~tpn ce' <~.r-~' - ~*-~~- tin tris aer . Stab& "cojricpa BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO, V STON &#<CRYDERMAN, IuuuII importers, have opened out ausually large and choice stvoc,-k of ew Dress Goods, U ew Sateens, New IPrints, lew Cloths and Worsteds. New Ourtains, New Carpets and Linoleums.1 ,und direct from Berlin a fine stock of' the very lateat styles in AD lES' JACKETS AND CAPES, elegantly designed, beautifully, made and -very moderato in price. Also a lot"of IDIES' WATERPROOF MANTLESI a-Il New Goods, ýSp'EGTI0N AND GOMPARISON INVITED, BOWMANVILLE. Prices and Times MUST cou normons sokofqionbosyles is epencd and -ca dy ties and suhlo -rices we have never befere 'been able r cusemer, A horoughlyÎI fir'st-class stock eembining Selegan)Ceith low'- prices. Coen, iand sec the newest d ist ocvic2ale Styles of' the season in Ladies', Gentie.. Gh~1rcns BotsandShoies, Rubbcr Goodsý, Trunks, Bags, westidea, th bet goods miade, the greatest vaiety and Linrs Prieýs wi Ihin the reach of ail and now is the )uy. EveýrybOdy iý dclighted withl our display of Springj tergoes i-i yu wllbec Cadi and learn what picasa re, iad eomey tereis in trading -with Sign--Big Bootdrwtb two He0rses. SSTYLE, DURABILITY, h iasi * e ing vw * ECONOMV. OHawhe spent e Skinne froser~Sbo was av e .- -.-1 *~~f ay~aestyles. à e I r a f .E AZÏn MAllE IIEGISTELD. fom t: andurasinwcrn ul ret ang itires and ,omf10 ort y nadc sn «n- inently *acla. your deaier for F0fOSý one bhc 0 TEWRS SHOL'S. S~Zee~t~r. tiOy c À ueed b( S~ . No.'9, CG lRK E. Mr, A. Shiarpe i8 building ans qddition V) bis resîdence,._.. r. T. W. Jacl<8on, Orono, bas lecaaed the Waldter Rùnwick fa.n..... Mr. S. Bowen, Orono, is sufer, ing withmoeahtroulale. Mi. m W . Jewelil i.s ettled on the Lnckhartfam, basm leased for a terrn of years... Mr. W. Chapple les having a RuýselI fence bulit on her farmi by F. ing,Orono ... Mr, Peter Staiker bias secured a young En- glishmian as foreman. "A wolf in shieep s lothing"-thla 8b- stitute offored by the "cutter" ms being j est as good a& Ayer's Sarsaparilla. If you don%~ want toe 'bitten, inast upoin having, Ayer'a Sarsaparitia, eveii f it is a littie dearecr, Depend on it, it will lie ch1eaper for you ini the end. CEDARDA LB. Mrs. F.ndlay, of PickerinR, is viEýiiing, Mis J. Harvey,.. .. Mrs. Annand visited in Neweastlo recenty. .. . Mis. Kain visit- ed fri ods ilu Bellevile... Cedar Dale bas another resident, to Mr, and Mlrs. Wilson, a son1 ... Mir. E. Und*rWood of Cedar -bale workî bas gone to Bistoin bms~. to tstend thse f1citera of his brother _..Local ep, rtîmïen got a sdock When Fisheïy Inspeotor from Whbmwooped dowr on tLhe miarAhesg and made %captures,3 Troling isi the conly legitimnate wiy of cat'chin-g pike. . .,.nie Cedai Pale hotAi -wiIl Change banda May lat. Sonry to lote the. preaettpropnietorsi. They intend re7, tuîning to Neweaate. T. Watson, Coiborne, Ontario, wrttes:- "K. P. C, lias produced in me % wonder- ful chiang'-. almobt from the first, time of nsing. M idigestý)ionlaal gone, and imy ger.1rlih alth is imui hbetter than it bas been f i yar.K. D.ý C. bais wy batetand'unquifiud comimendaiou. 1 l-,eliave it to be ail its makers dlaim it to be-" Free saniples of thie wonider-work-- ýn remedy, mailed îo any K. ). . Ce, Ltd., -New Glasgow, N.S. tand&, tnd 127 State St., Boston, Mass. PageC Mr. 'Il Mis. Riltheri Ruthaxf Friends If Yo' Insist NBWOASTLB. Toro Visitera: Miss Newmnan, T oronto, etMi Mn. Rugis Gibaooua; Mr. àM. (C. Rose Cai Osbawa; Mn. Wm. Lee, wifa sud dFtught- 0e or. Goderici, ut his sistena' the it se bas L".. D-. Farncomb bac geonu (0 mue- Chui kk-t ... Mn. Wm. -ilutchinsoý n and b fauyof Bowmanviiba, halva mloved toLo tie G arin îfaim wliich ha blas asd . ... it Mr, Geo. Corthis leback attending to Mm office duties 'a-aini afteî h,ililnesa. .2 . Jan J. Tr inorlcariying a sick armi. ... iiC5l Mine hoat E-Fey, o! tic Windsor-,lias prou pnnciased e flue new carniage fromntie 6thi MaLauigill»inCo ... Tnz STTI*IMN ete wants o correspondent for -Nuwcatlie. Mn. ______________________ witl Deilby Blug the Coolest And iNo Most Enjoyable Smlokc Ever bac Producd. Bel FOR YOL TO NEGLECT You3i EYESIGUT W lENFoIl iose smllail a aou of rnoncy yout can baliÉveý your EYES per. TK . RICKARD, auid Opticien, 2, 1894. YB ONB-. :i as taken possession o!f ng St.. West, afttr bey- avod it .. . .Messrs. Ed. Iter 0oboine, Conrtice, tore... . Mr. H Rmni j tise rantedl front Mr. L.1 social Thutreday,.oeoingý ataffair thongi not xuts' Furnishingsaet F. be ; o ella cheap aun1 cvarltY. Se bis Dow LIEr Il-Ita affects 1affordîng relief aiïn. It soothea 1pitand gîvasl tirei. It i. em- und, and evary theni, or whena on in the dark If o, B;g 2 oz uize. lia car-load o! e8 S iturday... taves5 for St rat- road. .... .Mr. T. hiei new bouse ali Iteckel lias rtanly meetin2, S. ut affernoon. liampton Cloti- îeiuiîg kapt bus8y t îîight. Tho2e the young men ira iinlock %Il tise eBDwele tins curn- lilir complaintsi, veian INIMs. Jio. is beo, ,. .. Mra. cônralaescing,1... rMillho.nkwIlI ýar , Worden h115goiw 10 JolhnClark' bouse will Fscoon Moaefi Holland je doing )nk. ... iLnlu Powens, i8 visiting at MnrThma Ir.W. P. ProwerThown, this Vieinlity neccntly. kaFive cent Cigar, 1UaVing- the "Varity." KEIYDALL. Undenwood i3 homne !em a emie vïsited hanr friandl, ne Falles. . . . Mr. A. Smith, , lias bnght ont Mn. PR. C. 3.ýMies Ilatuia Coinstock Toroto... .The Methiodiet s place daimi to hiave the in the Uînited Conutias, lwood isthe efficient organ. Pwortli Leegne lbas nnw a f over 50.... Miss Mary ecoeaing fnm a saveae 111 ramies E-llott ia ona o! tie vers for a side walk to tha Mrn, and Mrs. Daniel Coni. turel fromn Toronito, ... ay's six childien a-e downl PlIu,, Sm1kiug To- Genuline tUuless Tt Derby Cap Shaped 'ut Tag., COU1RTZCJ.1r nnDirasary Jonc 10 and Il Rev. J. sud Mrs. Liddy, d Mr. Balmer, îiamnpton; ý,ham and wife, T3 roua, vL. Pielpe naccntfly; Mr, E. Clemens, Tyrere, et iitlcdi'a Miuss aauBi Own, NIi. Jad.Cotios. -Mt Hanmony Divisions daliat- y avening- "Rcselved, That aster motive power than 0 pupila o! No. 4 aud No. 8 fbasa bail!on Sturdiay ne- ýory for the fermer.. ..The nezcr was unusually initer- ]ey mnornitn wben Rev * L. d into fuilI ou cincn - o! iom Illwera baptized a, ...Miss ,-Fie. Contict, bas viitiug ber alter at Cen- *U. C. Factony bagan op- ay wiffh Mi. Hall of Camp barge,. Ho comes ilgul1y aud ne donbt tisa. :clleneGc e nvioýus repu. ,esjoycd by tis (Co.,il kept rip. Spniin Suits wue made by 0 ahonll taibon, )Hasuip- >nst Five CentI Thec, Public. VOLUME XL. Nu>wjim1 ('LARRE VCtURUJI. The Onono Epwonth Leeigue visited Clarke Chuncli and ongeisized a Leagne. Thera was a large turnout of young folk a menibersbip of forty or more, witli tha following efficient stalffcf officer& wore staîted. President, à1r. W. J.Robinson, lât Vice- Pieu., Mn~ W. J. Haneock, 2nd' Vice-Pies., Miss% Jesie MoNeil, 3ndl Vice, Pros., Mis Tycîman, TreesurQr, Mn.'H. Walsh, Secrtry, Miess Barris, Wil meet Tliunsday evenina. CFT TIHF IEST.-The public are too in- telligent te purchaée a worthless article a second time, on tiec ontrary they want tie 1_aýst! Physiciana are vlntually un. animons is sayinz Seott's Emulelon le the beet fora of Cod Liver Oil. Vitn:Mr. J. McCoinel, Seagrave; Mn. and Mis. A. L. Pa-coe, Mýissges L. and Mîy Flgerti, Solina. Mr. W. LHumipageas quinsey .... TLe captaine of next contest iii the Division are Miss L. Pascoe and Misa E, Campbel.... Qtiarterly meeting iiaît Snnday et 10.30 a. mi. . - .Mi. H. Bradley je teaciing et Burketon whibe the toachen le sick... Mn. aud Mra. J. S. Ashton viqited friands ini Bowme*nville Tuiesday. Enghîsh, Scotch, Irish and Canadian Tweeds, Worsteda, Serges azàd Spdi-g Oveicoats-at very nice esurmet t F. A. Cl',Hampton. LESKA RD. Tiare %ïae a fainily gathÉriing et Mn. John Davay'e on ,Apil 20 iîn hC)or o o!the 8th brttdclay of Mis. J ohn Davay sen.,1 who waa the recipient o! a comifoitable platfonm rochiini chair. There we present beaides Mr. Psvey's own fauly Mi.ý and Mia. Guo Staples of Londoit, Misà. Johni Pierc,, Mn. and M .F. iM. McDowelI1, Toronto,; and Mr. sud Meis. Rich. Br,>wn, Kirby. Owing t e the vury feeble o! thse recipiant, thera i, as no excitemient oveir the occasion. Daniel Ritz, Proprietor and Publiahai o! the Hambung, Ont., Indapendent aya: "-1 was suffering froin Dyspepsie end Livri Troubles, 1 took a fuw bottlam of Shiloh'8 Vitabizen and it cured nme. Ien asrtily recommend it." mnations, baivlng tekan firét clasa honore su'd the fi8t year schol ri;p. Hampton boys get tiea evary tinta, , . .Tie chiild non o! tha mission bind g ave au enter taisent liera Snnday evening .... Q iar teîly services heaextuit idy,. The cheeme factory begAn ovenstiona tis week Mr. Price o! Guelph Diiry School wl esslmb Mn. F. Pair iu tnining cinilchoice gilt edged cheese tlis soason. (Will the Price lia aboya Pari ?--Er). C. .) Mr. James Cryduimnan dtelived çlsoe very fine fruit treas for Greharn Bros ba3t we ek. 1 Say, Y>oung mon, do yon know tiat von can buiy a funll suit e! T weý d onrSeria -a'] woo1-at F. A, Cola'e fur only $ vigitons:MIS3 Foley and Mn. W. Frank, Maplo Groea; Mn. F. Paikr1er, Bowmanvilla. . - Mr. Richardeon, Bush- any, jatenils being a resideut hre. .ý.. Rer. J. Liddy, Hamnpton, preacied au excellantecrmon heaeApril22.,I- tcrekting meetings are being held by tha League. On tise 2th imet. s veîy inter- asting addneas on tha life o! St. Paul was giren by President Bl. J, Wonry; onthtie 27th ait excellent paper on thec hfe o! Masiomt wus giron by Misa bMapgie Rogers and e capital addrees on the Mo)ý l'cul religion liy Mn. J. Young., Song anîrVicGe nut Friday evoning, .. .A groat trust is axpocted on Satnîdsy avening naît, wbau political addrosses will bo de- liveréd in StevnaH all by Hon. Joseph MriM. P'. Wiuipeg, and lài. Davis, M. P. P., o! Northi York, snd otheg. .. . Wae ara pleaaed to announce that 1F. Rogers, Esq.i , o! ths village bas been ap- pointed a conmusicner in tic Higi Court o! Justice for Ontanio. Ladiles, yon can bny cottîns, shirtinga, toweliings, printq, etc., et F., A. Colu'a as ciuap as they are sold lu Toronto. .1 .SJILA I',S SCEJOOL HOUSB. Farinaisarceaerly pntting li r ... Mn. Tfios. Bragg, ]nr., bias broken a flua an o!foie.. I. arîy Dennia bias corne back bringing a wi!a and lias hired with IrM.e. Rickad.. .. Mius Mael Cobbludick bsretunsed lc-me front To- .. âi. W. .7. Clemericu vialitecI lrleandt3 et Kirby iecuntIy.,. Ar. ansdj Mrs, Job Cobliledick snd daugliter Pearl îpqut Snnday week at lhen !athoî', MnI. Jonathan Clemunce, Kir-by. . . . Mn. Wal- ter an-d MiLues Ada and 1Bertjo filkrd epent Sunday weec t Nawcacitlo, . . I WVm. Ga.borno spesit Sundsy wek eýt Cutice. . .. Mn. Wosley 3JoweIl takea e ride on bis bicycle o. . .. .MNr. Wmp. Barriqea dagiter, Mebol, bias recoveredt from iber sucent ilînees. Captain Sweaneày, U. S A, Gan-,Diago, CaL, saja: "Siiloi'a CatanniR1 "emedylsm tic fia8t edIi-ine I hava aven fonnd that -wuld d o me en-y gonrd." PscP.; cen pts-.1 SedbyStt&Juy 1 thiy cmeonunced quarrebIinz and tighting wvi th m8elvea, and interfeiing and - abnsing evuîy (n3 tiey maet. They d ki)mei, ai some sy plat Ils, sud h9bd a rio'ous tume geneî.&Ily. Dr. Rae, wio bas beau iii f in tha pat WC ekc, ia egein alebto attenid to bwsiraes, A.UTtJMNL SHOW IN MARCE. Iii an Aýustralien paper of ] Meci1, 19-ereail an aecount of thea "Autulmu hw ithe Royal Agicultural and Hon- ticultural Socioty in progrms to-day on tie old grounds-agricultuiral and deiry prodluce, wool, blcodstock, fruit, flowers, v-egetaible8, etc." Tho re- port state that in dairy produce, as ivaSý tcoc buexpected fronitic recent moreauc in thec number o)f butteýr and cicese fact- oýrieS, tiare w-S a great wealth o! Compet- ition; in ehecese tiere was especially gîet rivatlry. Tho pavilion iwas ve-ýry fei svwect andl gay with, flowers in pots and biuutwhilc tic foliagce Plant-', ihiech weîe vcny taastefully arrangei ddedto tic beauty of the acen!e, Veuâeta s, fruits, sud choice sampbes o! colonial manutsctur(- c wenulso present in proftus- ion, and1( tbe c wabth o! ex'cellent uexibitS thene set out to viuw f- ormed su àcet-a' tra-cti in t' mjjore thian comipensate f >r tic prcÀo disin.' ie hugrainiasca tootire was mucbi to in1erPsthob in- telligent agi oultutist aud te interesit tie basa -ve l-informed visitur. Tic eneat littlie bundies of rust-preef whcatsWere Espeeoitlly attractive, wbiîce ti1c baLga ire whiclb thec1niarkutabl e-clsweo ho'wn gave e vidlenca o!",tic eellneoti AUiltti's Sounds straUigely te Udoc.-u paî ttao!th Nortbcorn 1tmî-sj-J1crc-, but ivbuil wà bave aM1Me1r C oranioe have 'winter and vic- versat. The Býichanan Cs.s-. Equel to, the Rsneto-uit[ep basa froni KidcleyDiau- rd. t L;imsul f and bsFin Dod'ý Kidnay Pilla Cuaredl CBTAApnil 30- i Stryo! Shierman Buchanan, living nearIâsam iugton, je wortiy o! notice. HIlajSI ha, mac almoat helesi>boate!a-Cd and-s wnck iwiti kidney dc le is igetv or- gani e wru owe h sdb as ai b)ecomtictg a burduntIt ilnioi aud Ihia fiinds. Natur.lly 1ta lest ail 1hopas oi nec"ory, but a hsippy tiongitsggte Doddl'a K--idsst'y Pille, and theso cured hlm. D Iodd's wes the fret kidncy roimcdy ilu pub forn aver offeied the Pub- ic. Iso -wonderful aucce jii curiog al forme kdaaIuy discase, ulas led t tisain- troduction of is~rmschaap sud worth- boss imittiene. Prciaserd, For tIciüî ownI faîy, g*ould In-S*-ýet osi 3tt!Ung Dodd'a lKîdn(my PlUs. S.iS,11 ï large boxs;puc. iUy cents or a -X bI etLo ?.5,To lbe cf aI deaers ILS, MABBLE AND GRANITE WfORKS,k:S HlAA SHAM PiIXTB LINE CLARKRE. Viaitors: Mr. R. Cooper at home; Mr. Thos. Waddell vfiiing frienda; Mr. S, Dewell, Bathafiy, at Mr. John DeweIl's; Mr. Thos. McComb at Mr. F. Morgan's . ... Edward Mor!on's littia daughter tMarqy ha3 bean dangerously ill. i Alore case3 o!faick headtcie,bilo-,sneas, constipation, can Le cured in bs tie, witi lees medicine, and fori eai mney, by uaing Caîtcr'a Little Liver PiPP, then by anjy other means. 08-UA WA. Thle boy onator did not draw many to hean bis distinguiabed father, Bread le n( 13c alaaf aIl over town oniy a grocer's dodge to advertise hie store. Mn. J. S, Larke bau8 been te Chicago. The Medcalf church Young Peoiilo'a social at Mr. W. Manning'm, son th- weal of town, Tburaday night wPz a pleasant affair vsnd aci!enjojed it tborougbtly, MnI. andi Mie. Manning andi Mis. Gilen, aaeisted by Mr. John James and daugliter' Elia had the arrangements very comýploes.. The geni;l and p ,pular paster, Rev. Oý W. Watch p-ecided and an àixtunetiag piograrn was randered. The violin play- iug by Mr. Walter Mannling wth orîzan accompanimiei t 1,y Missaiinng waii mnch appreciated and so was the Devon- sbire cri-arn and apple pie enppbied by Mia. Mannixig. Mr. Henry Tinîl is now maîager for Mýasgachnsatîat Bent-fi: Lite Aesociation of Boilton for MNI-iit iba, and N. W. T. witlx headqtiarte ra nt Winstipeg. Aitlhur Burithani, ton of Judge Btern- haut, Whitby, wh-fle on the lake e3ting gulIa on Friday was saccidentally shot ln the3 left tiigh, re,,eiving a very ualy An alactric railwiy is to lie built at once to inn down Shincoe St. tu the station andl next setasnn on to thse lakýe; it will carry bo)ti pasengües and freilght. A bonus o!of only m O> eto ha pai 1 by the town Thi nad is to buo laid on onu side o! the straut aîter thse centre of the tovn is ptseel. TheaNMcLaungbfin Cannagwe (Jo.,notwith- s5taniding thle ahlnoat universa6l delp-eesioni it trade, have îîtcre(a3e d dumand for thei caýrriýtges and' are running to thein full3st csp icity in thue endeivor to fi1I ordera promptly. Frda .4 (,ixM n l Mr. 1,arj

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